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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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up. and then as you exhale, stand right up. yeah. take it all the way down. so you are exhaling. you are driving the belly button and then standing right up. so we are trying to move through that wall and then if you want to level it up even more. try the knee-high. >> you are also working your core. >> i view it. >> and the last one that i want to bring you guys through is more of a mental fitness exercise and this is great. we learn this from -- >> we are out of time. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thanks for being here. thanks, everybody. happy new year. ♪ ♪
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>> new york city ushers in 2024 with a devastating condition. at least nine people heard including nypd officers after a driver rammed his suv into a group of people celebrating the new year near madison square garden. police say that man was a suspect trying to get away from officers when he hit a food truck and several police cruisers. hello and welcome to fox news live. mike emanuel. >> the chaos happening just blocks from times square after the ball drop. police say the suspect got into an argument with someone. and he got into his car and sped off. we are live in -- alexis mcadams is live. >> it only happened just a matter of hours ago. the driver is in custody in charges -- and charges are pending. we just got off the phone with them. take a look at your screen. police say this started with an argument between the driver and another person in midtown manhattan. when officers went over there,
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one guy hopped in his car and took off, even driving up to the busy sidewalk. probably a family member. this happened an hour and a half after the ball dropped. the aftermath continued -- nypd says the driver of the black mercedes drove the wrong way about 1:30 this morning. the 44-year-old the suspect had at least five pedestrians and injured three officers. we are getting that total, nine people heard. 839-year-old woman was pinned under a food cart but she is expected to be okay. the cop cars lined up and police cars as those officers tried to stop. and the roads were pretty blocked off. all near the offices here. they were trying to go up the empty sidewalks, marking home, from a night out when this crash happened. investigators have not released to his driver's name or what charges he is facing. investigators tell us that
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people injured are expected to be okay thankfully, molly. >> absolutely. what a horrifying a scary situation. i appreciate you reporting on it. a major escalation in the middle east. the military destroying three boats that ambushed a container vessel in the red sea. the houthi's were behind that attack. michael waltz exported the u.s. response but says it is time to go after iran directly. >> this is an attack on the whole world because 20% of global trade passes through that sea. sometimes you have to escalate to ds late. but this administration is so afraid of escalation that eventually one of these missiles are going to get through. it is going to sing one of the ships. yvonne looks yvonne looks like the tough guy around the middle east and the united states once again under joe biden looks feckless and weak. >> molly: trey yingst is in tel aviv, israel. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning. this happened yesterday morning according to central command. u.s. navy helicopters responded to a distress call from a container ship in the red sea that was being attacked by four small boats. we understand that those american helicopters arrived and they were fired upon before returning fire and sinking three out of the four pencils. 10 rebels were killed according to the houthi's. major escalation in the red sea does come after it was an active new years in the middle east just after the clock struck midnight. hamas fired a barrage of rockets towards tel aviv. hours before that, protests erupted as demonstrators called on david pernao, the head of israel's intelligence agency to cut a deal to release the remaining hostages inside gaza. it is they 87 of the war between israel and hamas and there is no diplomatic solution in sight. >> this is the new-year eve and everyone is supposed to be
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happy. but we are not happy. we cannot be happy. because our beloved summer under the ground, at the gaza strip. and. and we want them home today. >> the calls of the video jochem as hamas told regional media they won't release the hostages until all the fighting ends but fierce battles are ongoing. specifically around the city of how eunice. it comes as the after the israelis say they will withdraw some reserves in a move they say it will propel the country to a point where. israel new -- launch new airstrikes in central gaza and officials say that a hamas company commander who participated in the oct october 7th massacre was killed during the recent operations. the remains and fighting inside gaza does come after those at the entire region is looking the other events including the red sea. there is real concern that the houthi's, tried to expand the conflict. firing on israel more often and of course, those u.s. vessels
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that are patrolling the area. >> molly: trey yingst, thank y you. >> from the river to the seam —-dash. >> mike: that was the scene in new york city. thousands of demonstrators disrupting new year's eve celebrations. they also chanted in support of the iranian aggression in the red sea. one demonstrators side of a red smoke bomb inside a macy's and protests were no surprise to the nypd who were on heightened alert for disruptions. join me now is the spokesperson for the israeli government. welcome. thank you. >> hi, the league. thanks for having me on again. >> mike: what is the latest on the ground operation from your perspective? >> so our mission is continuing. it is the new year around the world but in israel, it feels like october 8787 days since
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hamas plowed through our borders, killing children in front of their parents, beheading to raping and realizing. and we have two new year's resolutions. one, to destroy hamas. their military capabilities and their government and two, to bring home every last hostage. none of us are free until all of us are free. >> any progress on bringing home more of those hostages, sir? >> what we have learned from the past is that nothing but pressure works on hamas. what -- when we had that november back in november, we had to bring hamas down to their knees before they begged us for a bit of respect for a timeout and then we were able. so now we are pushing forward as you know there's continues fighting in the north, in the center, and in the south of gaza and we are going after every one of those perpetrators, every one
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of those that perpetrated the october 7th massacre to ensure that, you know, this year and years to come will be peaceful and more secure for israeli children and gazan children. >> mike: prime minister netanyahu says israel must control gaza's border with egypt and saying "philadelphia corredor or the sudden stoppage points of gaza must be in our hands and must be shunned. it is clear that any other arrangement would not insure the demilitarization that we seek." would you further explain why that is so critical? >> yeah, i mean, the day after hamas -- and the publisher had made it clear. we're going to need to demilitarized and theoretical's and hamas will have to be be built in a vein where they raised their children to live life more than they love that. the philadelphia corredor and that border with egypt, has been problematic in the sense that they have been bringing in a lot
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of the heavy commissioning and a lot of the weapons, the tunnels smuggling, et cetera and if we don't have security control over gaza, over our side of the border over there to and that would just mean that the future, in the, there could be more radicalized factions than could threaten our country and we can't allow that to happen. so yeah, i mean, we are saying that we are happy to give civilian control some kind of new leadership. but we need to control security and is for the time being, at least until we know that israeli children can sleep at night knowing that monsters won't come and take them to tunnels in g gaza. >> mike: i want to play a comment from john kirby and i want you to react. >> we would believe that every occupation of gaza is the right thing to do for the israelis or for the people of gassama --
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gaza and the president has been clear. what we do support is some sort of post-conflict governance in gaza that meets the aspirations of the palestinian people and we believe that a reformed and revamped palestinian authority is probably the best way to get at that. >> we are nearly out of time, but i want to get your reaction to that. >> we know who the palestinian authority are. we know the palestinian authority teaches their children to hate israelis and to want to kill israelis. we know that it is run by their person who ran his phd thesis on denial of the holocaust who still to this day has not condemned the october 7th massacre. and still to this day believes that much of the -- what happened on october 7th did not actually happen. so we stand shoulder to shoulder with the american administration on all of the key components, that we need to destroy hamas and we need to free every last hostage and we will go forward until we achieve both of those
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goals. >> mike: grateful for your time. wishing you the best, sir. >> thank you. happy new year. >> mike: marli? >> molly: it is not only trump supporters who are angry over maine and colorado's decision to disqualify the former president from the ballot. some democrats are now calling out the decision. the embattled president of harvard is facing new calls to step down and causing a split at the editorial board at the university. student newspaper. and as we go to break, we wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. ♪ ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions,
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severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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♪ ♪ >> mike: will come back to a special edition of "fox news live." some airline passengers ran into a nearby going back in time. tthe air japan like to go from tokyo on january 1st 2024, local time. but because it flew over the international day line and the pacific ocean, landed in los angeles when it was still december 31st 2023. >> molly: john fetterman opening
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up about his mental health struggles but he says he was afraid if he asked for help but it could have helped his -- ended his political career. >> it is like i can hold myself together until the election. but that was october 25th and the election was i think november 8th. after the election, that is when things actually accelerated and got worse. and at that point, i was not able to leave bad. >> do you think that is social media may have made your depression worse at the time? >> oh, yeah. anybody. it is an excellent. absolutely. i would just warn everyone that social media, i never noticed anyone believe that their mental health has been supported by spending any kind of time on social media. >> molly: federman suffered depression which he says it got worse as he recovered from a 2022 stroke. he checked himself into a mental health facility and was discharged the following month.
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>> mike: more fallout out of the toast after the president of one of the country's most schools. the student newspaper is a split. at least two members break he kept saying it is time for her to. alexandria hoff live with more. good morning. >> reporter: two things happening at once and for harvard's president. claudine gay was already fighting of allegations of plagiarism when she and the presidents were hit with a fierce followed after providing disastrous testimony on capitol hill. at that point, gay had only been on the job for 5 months while the president resigned from her position. gay did not. unable to answer questions about and thus -- anti-semitism on campus, it did amplify concerns that had been raised over lack of attribution found in some of gay's academic work. within gay's peer-reviewed journal articles and her
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dissertation, there were over 2,000 documented incidents of alleged plagiarism. this weekend, the harvard crimson, the university newspaper, revealed that it is indeed split on gay's future. the editorial board at large stood by the president in an op-ed writing, "we still have faith in our president as a scholar because we regard her plagiarism as limited and unintentional because we recognize that it stopped at in interim president would bring chaos instead of needed stability." yesterday, a dissent came from two of the paper's opinion writers. they wrote, "harvard's presidency is no mere empty honor. it is a deeply challenging managerial job with the deeply challenging duties cannot reach of which is navigating a national outcry in each of these respects, gay has failed." another up and came yesterday from an anonymous student member of the harvard honor council accusing the school of holding the person to a very different standard than students who have been accused of plagiarism.
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mike? >> mike: alexandria hoff, thanks very much. >> molly: do you agree with some of the republicans, even christian kirk -- chris christie, who argue that taking him off the ballot or at least trying to extort a trip a? >> of course. look, if there was any validity about keeping track of the ballad, it is the 48 other states trying to do the same thing. i think this is very politically motivated. trump should be on the ballot. >> molly: that is new hampshire's republican governor who endorsed nikki haley for the gop presidential nomination. he is among the latest to scold efforts to remove donald trump from the state primary ballots and it is not just republicans. a growing number of prominent democrats say banning trump is unconstitutional and will backfire. so what are the implications of the ninth americans the right to vote for a leading candidate in the race?
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the host of -- joins me to talk about this. it is fascinating because there's been a lot of, to complete this coming from both sides of the aisle. the wall street journal editorial says this. this week's huge in-kind contribution to the throne. -- donald trump's reelection campaign is from the secretary of state. implying what we have seen when he has been charged with crimes. his poll numbers only go up. your thoughts? >> happy new year, molly. this only helps him obviously. democrats are playing with fire here. i think he is the easy one to beat and they keep doing things to help him get the nomination and they are playing with fire because i think whoever the republican is is going to win the presidency and the general election, if things continue down the paths a are with the economy. democrats think he is going to lose. and they are making a huge, huge gamble. it is going to backfire in their face. the legal reasoning here is
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complete non-valid. it is just they are making this up as they go along. the supreme court is never going to stand by this. all they are doing is just helping them get the nomination. it is almost like you can say he is the fact of nominee and this is something crazy happens and democrats can thank themselves for this. 21 of the really interesting things about maine is they split their electoral college votes. so this would actually send him back electoral vote. it could have a real consequent in the election. even there on the ground, in representatives say, i voted to impeach donald trump for his role in the january 6th insurrection. i cannot believe he should be reelected. however, we are a nation of laws. therefore, until he is actually found guilty of the crime of instruction, he should be allowed on the ballot. your thoughts about this really isn't democrats coming to the fence on this issue. >> i would not be surprised if the special counsel, is jack
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smith, decides to at those charges against donald trump. as we continue down this path. but democrats sound like absolute hypocrites because they keep screaming about democracies in danger and then they take the leading republican nominee off the ballot and they deny millions of people the right to vote for him, as they scream, hair on fire, the republic is struggling. and road trip is going to destroy it and they are doing those things. i don't think this will survive in court for the general election. i think the supreme court is going to laugh at this entire thing and say, the 14th amendment specifically does not mention the president for a reason and it was in the original draft. they took it out of the intention was to not include the president. this will not survive the general election. it will -- democrats, once again, it is the take away the choice from the voters. take away the choice from you and i. people don't like this. democrats don't like this. nobody likes to be denied the right to make a choice.
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nobody likes this. >> molly: all right, it is a new year. here's president tripped on t that. i'm sorry, president biden on that issue. >> reporter: mr. president, what is your new year's resolution, sir? >> molly: he says, we will be back next year. are not sure what he meant by that. you know, it does it mean he really likes where they were on vacation or is it about the election? your thoughts on kind of that very short little statement on his way as his vacation is wrapping? >> i have to wonder, is the biggest say st. croix, is that worth more than mar-a-lago? i'm just curious because i think mar-a-lago was valued $9 million. i think this house is worth something like $40 million. also the guy who owns it, big media guide, you know what i mean? biden is shown how completely out of touch he is.
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is he really even run for reelection? last time i checked, there's not a lot of electoral votes in st. croix. he is not even pretending to hit the campaign trail. for joe biden doing a prerecorded interview with ryan seacrest, just sounded so robotic last night and you know, likely nobody was really paying attention to it. but this is going to be a year for democrats to have to ask this honest question. do they really want joe biden to be their nominee? because as bad as he is right there is only going to get worse and if he has to debate from the general election stage, it is not going to go well for him. that is why i think so many democrats are turning around and saying, we got to do something. that is why people like they will ask rod are saying, this guy can't win. you got all these other obama people saying, joe biden can't win. they are stuck because of carla harris. they know that he is a disaster in the making.
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>> molly: or we are off to the races. thank you. rich zeoli, happy new year. >> happy new year, molly. thank you. >> mike: more bad news for president biden. brandon hamber is coming in this morning on the number of illegal immigrants coming over. plus, powerful earthquake off the coast of japan, triggering a tsunami alerts. we are alive with a look at the destruction.
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[dice dreams game] yes. ready? everywhere you look beautiful people. oh my gosh! eva. eva, love the dress. -thank you. -what do you think? mommy's going to steal the show, right? she steals everything especially money. she steals my friends. she steals from everyone. it's dice dreams. i don't steal, you know. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. ♪ ♪ >> molly: new year, a new threat out of north korea. dictator kim jong-un telling the -- telling the country's military commanders to be ready to destroy the u.s. and south korea if they choose military confrontation. that is according to the state
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media. kim saying, "our army should deliver a deadly blow by mobilizing all of the toughest means and potentialities without moment's hesitation." kim jong-un also says he is no longer interested in reunification with south korea. pyongyang has announced plans to launch more spy satellites. analysts expect more weapons tests ahead of the u.s. presidential election. >> mike: massive waves causing a weekend of coastal flooding in southern california. this is what it looked like yesterday in san diego. some of the waves topping 30 feet. weather forced officials to shut down beaches. the copy served triggered by a series of violent storms in the pacific. >> molly: back-to-back earthquakes strike in japan. the strong quakes trapping people underground and prompting
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tsunami alerts. fox weather's nicole brennan has more. >> good morning. terrifying start to the new year across central japan. rescue operations underway after dozens of homes were said to be destroyed in the earthquake. let's get into some brand-new video we got here, heartbreaking images. some officials telling us they worry that more strong quakes could follow in the coming days. tsunami warnings were issued but that threat has diminished not only for japan but also for parts of russia. you are looking at the plume of smoke to the left there. such a wild scene as those homes collapsed to the ground. air travel and power, of course, all now being affected. this happened near -- in the country's coastal area. the prime minister says they are still working to get more information out. unfortunately, fear remains
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among those in that region, molly. >> molly: nerve-racking. nicole valdes thank you. mike? troubling numbers at the southern border or at a new record highs. border patrol sources told fox news, there were 300,000 new encounters last month. since october 1st, agents have the reported 149 suspected terrorists. that is more than double the previous high. the number of known gotaways topping 83,000. let's bring in sheriff mark daniels from arizona. good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> mike: let me get your reaction to the number. migrant encounters during the month of december. your thoughts? >> well, make, if you look at this from a business model, you look at president biden's business model. open up the border. he has done a very -- the
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numbers show it every month. those are returned for what he is trying to do on this open border. and we are seeing the tragedies every day. we're seeing death of the migrants, which nobody talks about. we are seeing the fentanyl at record numbers. the terrorists coming to our country. and that you see the economic impact that we are seeing. it is just not -- no matter what you look at, there is not a box you're going to check. >> mike: let's show the border neighbors. fiscal year 2023, 2.47 million southern border encounters. and ice conducted 142,580 deportations. former president trump's first year at the border, fiscal year 19, 851,508 encounters and ice deported 267,258 people. what about that contrast, shariff?
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>> that is why your border patrol agents are so frustrated. they have been set aside an administrative staff. think about something that is important. president biden, vice president harris, or secretary mayorkas have never called this a crisis. just the opposite. they said this border is effectively secure. it goes back to the feel-good script that they put out there to the american people. what we are seeing the tragedies, we are seeing what is actually going on, the reality of this border. 2024 has to be a change. if we don't see a change, elections have consequences, this is no better time to see that then now when it comes to elections and people getting in touch with that. >> mike: then there's this headline from fox. iranian national with terror ties caught crossing u.s. northern border illegally. what about those national security concerns? >> mike, we are seeing it every day. you look at the numbers. they are almost double from what
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we have seen in the past. it is not going to get there. that is what we know. think about what we don't know when it comes to, gotaway numbers. people come to the country. 1.5 million under this administration. people getting in the country because they can't run the law enforcement and be arrested or apprehended. so these are scary numbers. and what i would remind eve everyone, my american colleagues out there offense, is the fact that let's never forget 9/11. we are living in a global unrest right now. we need to secure our country's borders, although reporters and then leave them open right now as -- is leaving america vulnerable. >> sheriff mark dannels, thank you so much for your time and that men and women on the front lines there and this new year, happy new year. >> thanks. happy new year. >> molly: federale crisis taking a heavy toll on one kentucky town. what is driving the dramatic
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spike in overdoses. democrats had a busy year declaring war on appliances. vice president harris getting burned for posing with a gas stove after her administration tried to ban them up and you will not believe the long list, what is coming up, next. ♪ ♪
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(snoring) if you struggle with cpap... you should check out inspire. honey? inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at ♪ ♪ >> mike: america may have a new favorite sports mascot or at least the tastiest. after winning the first ever pop star -- pop tarts bowl, they got to eat the first ever edible mascot. it emerge from a need for a giant toaster going viral before anyone could come close to finishing the whole thing. posting this, "leave no pro
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problems." and good for those guys. >> molly: i think all mascots should be available. everything should be food seemed. i went to virginia tech. gobble gobble. i don't know if you have to do it live on the field. >> mike: like a pizza sponsor, or it may be in filly, they do a giant cheesesteak bowl. >> molly: there you go. dive into some chowder. it is going to be are some. this is a whole new world. let's do it. the biden administration is quietly rolling out some new environmental regulations targeting more popular home commercial appliances. this time, refrigerators and freezers. federal officials say it will help curb carbon emissions. fox business contributor and senior analyst joins me to talk about this. this is pretty interesting because initially it seemed like they were going after the kitchen. now it is the whole house. we got a gas stoves was our
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first. now we have close washers and refrigerators. proposed rules for dishwashers. premises in september. -- furnace is in september. your thoughts on the rollout of these new regulations? >> i think you have to be aware of the rise of the green energy industrial complex because you are coming after every aspect of your life, molly. you know, i hope everybody can get a big toaster to make one of those. pop-tarts. not only what you can eat, how you can cook it, how you can get it and it is a real danger because when we look at these regulations, they are going to have little impact on the environment, helping things out at making things better, but they will have a major impact on the way you live and your ability to make money and the economy. >> molly: the energy secretary argues that this is a testament to the administration's
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commitment to lowering utility costs. but this senior fellow at the competitive enterprises institute said consumers are perfectly capable of making these kinds -- decisions on their own. but these standards -- but these standards do is forced that choice on everyone. is this about choice? or should it be? >> it should be about twice. government historically horrible when they try to dictate how things should be made, whether it be refrigerators, or ice cream makers or cars, it is always a disaster. when we talk about forcing people into more efficient refrigerators and furnaces, what that means, it is going to make the cost of housing more expensive. people are not going to be able to afford these things so they will either have less efficient or they will go without. they are trying to force
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everybody to buy electric cars. but they don't think of the long-term impact on the environment. a lot of these electric cars are ending up in junk heaps with toxic batteries that have no way to be recycled. so i don't think they think these things too but that is the government thing. >> molly: what does this mean for manufacturers? >> i think what it does, it makes it harder for them to produce goods cheaply and to be honest with you, they will put out a worse product. let manufacturers do what they do best to build products, doing it more efficiently. they are already on the road to make it more efficient products. work with the industry, don't work against them. but that is what this administration continues to do. >> molly: kamala harris, the vice president, got roasted, burn, bake, when she put out her holiday message, once again get in front of what appears to be a gas stove. this coming in the wake of the attempted regulations to cramp
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-- clamp down on the gas stoves. is it hypocrisy? or is this just, i mean, trolling at this point? >> it is absolute hypocrisy. and you can look at it. look at the biggest green energy global movement in the world, the c.o.p. to all these world leaders flying in their private jets, to save the planet and it definitely is more about controlling the small people, given the power to the elite, you know, and making it more difficult for not only making a living but just transform yourself or keep your house warm. it is' absolute ludicrousness and it is about control. it is not about saving the environment. >> molly: phil flynn, thank you so much for joining us on this first day of the new year. happy new year to you. >> happy new year, molly.
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>> mike: turn to the fentanyl crisis. it is the number one cause of death for young adults in the u.s. and it is hitting one kentucky community critically hard. douglas kennedy reports from bath county. >> reporter: this is a small county. everybody knows everyone here. you are basically watching your friends and your neighbors die here. >> correct, and that makes the situation worse. >> reporter: this is the corner of bath county. for decades, it was famous for its natural springs. gave bath its name but now it is known for fentanyl deaths. according to preliminary numbers from the cdc, bath has more overdose deaths per capita than any place in the country. make it ground zero for the national fentanyl crisis and 2022. and not much better in 2023. every few days can you get another overdose.
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>> and people are devastated here. every time we lose someone, it is someone that we care about. book overrunning the funeral parlor, the director and taxing the county ems system. >> what is going on? >> i don't know. >> sometimes we have three and four overdoses in a day, sometimes two at a time, taking both of our ambulances out to do one call or something. >> reporter: not to mention the small town police force. there is so much fentanyl here, really difficult to keep track of. almost impossible to stop. >> it is. it is very difficult to stop. it affects our small town community. you think you would only hear about it in a big city but not. >> reporter: fentanyl also ravaging small communities in rural west virginia, arizona, california, and all across the country, making fentanyl the number one cause of death for
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young adults, exactly why this man is calling for initial reckoning. >> it is affecting everyone in the united states, from the poorest of the report to the riches of the riches. >> reporter: jim brown is with families against fentanyl. he says most of it comes from other countries like mexico and china. he wants it declared a weapon of mass in -- mass instr destructi. >> because it is killing people at the same rate that nuclear explosion or plutonium would do. >> reporter: for now, the winds says bath county just needs resources. so you guys need protective gear. you need more ambulance personnel. you need more police personnel. >> yes, because this is very overwhelming for this committee to have to deal with this crisis. >> reporter: he says small communities are often neglected by state and federal government. douglas kennedy, fox news.
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>> molly: the suspect in the murder of rapper tupac shakur could be accused of plotting another assassination from behind bars. the chilling details. plus, how would you like to start the year with a cool $800 million in your pocket? your next chance at winning the powerball, coming up. ♪ ♪ (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey.
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6:53 am
♪ ♪ >> molly: former "american idol" judge paula abdul is suing the show's producer for sexual assault. she claims he attacked her when she was a judge. he denies the allegations. abdul since she waited until now to assume because she was afraid she would be fired in retaliation. >> mike: nnew developments in te tupac shakur marykate. they say the rapper's delight murder suspect was plotting to harm witnesses planning to testify against him in trial. david murray?
6:54 am
>> reporter: prosecutors say davis is a potential threat to not only witnesses but also the community. and also points to an october 9th phone call between davis and his son discussing an authorization to kill. that call prompted authorities to relocate a witness for their safety. davis, who has pleaded not guilty is accused of orchestrating the murder of hip hop icon tupac in 1996. prosecutors now say davis confessed over and over again to the murder and referred to him as the shock collar. davis says he was given immunity back in 2018 by the fbi and los angeles police department. davis' lawyers are asking for him to be released on bail. his attorneys say their 16-year-old client is not getting proper medicare -- 60-year-old client is not getting proper medical attention. a judge will hear davis' request for bail park?
6:55 am
>> mike: danamarie mcnicholl, thanks very much. and new year's eve stunner in the national football league. the arizona cardinals are upset. arizona has been out of contention for weeks. the loss means the dallas cowboys control their own destiny. dallas, quench the nfc east and host at least one postseason game if they beat the washington commanders in dc next week. >> molly: another on retirement for tom brady secretly in the works. the seven-time super bowl champion revealing yesterday that he actually wanted to return to the game. here is what he wrote on instagram. the only downside that 2023 was when i was about to retire in may and my friends threw me a surprise retirement party.
6:56 am
he is joking. he is doing it again. >> mike: tom brady has been blessed with great health and tremendous success and so i think when you have been that successful, it is hard to walk away. music, hey, i could get a couple more super bowl rings. >> molly: a little avocado ice cream and you can go all the way. you never know. he has all that energy. got to use it somehow. >> mike: and those patriots have not been the same since he left town, molly. >> molly: i know. i know. we will see what happens. >> mike: there you go. new year, knew you. coming up to how to make 2020 for your best year yet and the simple ways to stick to a new year's diet. ♪ ♪
6:57 am
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6:59 am
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7:00 am
♪ ♪ >> molly: new year, same


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