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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 1, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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always make it a blast. >> mollie: it's been great. fabulous work. a lot of folks are wanting a power ball to be part of the excitement. >> mike: you got to be in it to win it. what would you do if you were to win, mollie? i think i would put my kids through college and donate a lot to charity and fun things to do. >> mollie: a lot of inspiring ideas, college funds are a good one. i'm sure some will be spent on the kids, for sure. thank you for joining us, this special edition of fox news live, we loved having you. "outnumbered" is next. >> mike: back at 6:00 for a special report.
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>> they're already slap happy. happy new year and welcome to special edition of "outnumbered," i'm julie banderas. joining me today is dr. nesheiwat and host of kennedy saves the world podcast, saving the world, kennedy, tech policy director kara frederick and retired nypd inspector and attorney and founder of opes, paul mauro joins us now. new questions surrounding president biden's political future, it appears american voters and democrats are losing faith in our commander-in-chief and there are concerns about his age and mental acuity for months. house republicans ares about r building a corruption case at the same time. the president's son hunter is
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facing several federal charges in two states. worst of all, president biden's poll numbers, they are worst than any president in the last decade. president biden's approval rating is just 39% in the month of december, lower than donald trump or barack obama during the same point in their races for reelection, making matters worse latest fox news polling shows president biden trailing former president trump by four points in a hypothetical 2024 match up and president biden just isn't inspiring hope into americans everyday. 68% of voters say they are dissatisfied with the direction our country is heading in and 78% believe the economy to be only fair or poor shape. now it appears president biden cannot ignore this bad news any
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longer. recent report claims the has grown frustrated and upset his unacceptable poll numbers have not come around in recent months. yeah, okay, he doesn't like when polls are against him, when polls are in his favor, he loves him. his polls are in the tank, does this guy wake up, smell the coffee and say it is time to pull out or steam forward with his esteemed colleague vp kamala harris. >> he smells coffee, i love two lips. he is the problem, not the polling mechanism or poll numbers. these are not out liars go from nbc news to "wall street journal," monmouth has him dropping. we could have great economic news. i hope people are prosperous in
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2024, unfortunately he will not in terms of mental acuity and his age and competence, that will not rebound and they will never be honest with themselves. he has no ability to reflect on himself and his flaws and there is no one around who will do the same thing. >> when you look at his mental acuity and his vice president is a heartbeat from president, that is scary, that is a weapon, a bomb. she has accomplished nothing, not found root cause of immigration trouble, they have nothing there. where does he go? i can't believe he would run with her, i guess he has nobody else. >> paul: he has no choice, having her there is a human shield for him. everyone says if we don't get him, we might get her and that
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is unthinkable. you have 40% of the country thats this is working well. people vote what they see and feel whachl do they feel? they are feeling inflation, no matter what they say temperature is like saying you have a severed limb and it is going to grow back. they have printed money around the clock so year, the stimy was a disaster, the student loans, people see migrants coming over the border and cities going to pot and these are just things people see and feel and it is to get voters when this is impacting you and your family. i don't believe numbers we are seeing, in their heart of hearts more than 39% will say forget it pal and go the other way. >> they are afraid to go against
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biden because they think trump is the option. >> paul: and afraid being called out by the pollster. will i be looked at as bad, they will say what the pollsters want to hear, don't buy it. >> biden is proud because the economy has grown. if you hit rock bottom, only one way up. look at mortgage prices, the american dream is flat. look at inflation and wages that can't make up for the wage increase because of prices. it is unaffordable to be an american these days and the biden administration does not see that. >> kara: they are impefruous to external criticism vm thinking back, i'm a geriatric millennial. pie in the sky nebulous
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conception who you want to be in the office. now we know these are adversely affecting our lives. people feel it at the pump, grocery store. "wall street journal" poll that might be unacceptable to joe biden, half of americans are directly impacted by biden's agenda in a poor way. these are voters. when i wake up, you don't think voting will change everyday life, now that is the case and i hope they pull the lever the other way at this point. >> they are suffering with minority vote and look at immigration cries, it has tripled, 250,000 illegal immigrants in december alone, this is insane and this 6000-person caravan heading this way. they are asking biden to let
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them in. >> dr. nesheiwat: he reversed everything don't did. he instituted remain in mexico, title 42, the wall. biden day one stopped building of the wall, removed remain in mexico and removed title 42. this look at big picture and americans are feeling the struggle. i think biden has a lot on his plates, he is under stress and what does stress do to people with dementia? it exacerbates it. i am not saying he has dementia. but it is found people with high stress levels have problems with memory, challenges with decision-making, changes in mood, we see all that, especially with what he is dealing with trying to run a campaign, investigation with his son and brother, impeachment
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inquiry, overseas with ukraine, russia, israeli and hamas situation. polls are tanking down to jimmy carter levels. we have not seen kamala, she does not want to end up -- >> she is posing with her gas stove. >> that is right, i forgot. >> kennedy: she is still making that beef wellington, she screwed it up like the immigration crisis. >> the immigration issue is something she plans to pick up in final year of office, no, that is not optics. >> paul: she is going on reproductive rights tour of some variety, whatever that means. she is convincing people not to have children. >> why wasn't she with mayorkas and blinken? >> that is bizarre, and poor optics, too.
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coming up, republican race for white house is heating up as 2024 primary season is set to begin in just a couple of weeks. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> thank you for joining us. how is your gatorade? race for the white house is on. on the republican side, entering a pivotal moment for the party's 2024 primary season set to begin this month. it is here. some of the gop biggest names making final preparation before iowa caucus on january 15th. recent polling suggest not everyone named donald trump has a long way to go. a fox business poll of iowa voters shows former president with over 50% lead in hawkeye state, leading next closest
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opponent ron desantis by staggering 34%, insurmountable? probability. look at national poll, 70% of primary voters throwing support behind the former president. desantis came ins at 12%, nikki haley 9%. biotech entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy has seen national standing fall to just 5% support. interesting, julie because vivek has said he is not a plan b person, don't count him out and there is going to be an iowa surprise. >> right and he is not talking about the pregnancy pill, different plan b. i would like a plan c. the candidate numbers don't cut it. question of chris christie and ron desantis. what point do you call it?
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in fact chris christie just had an ad saying, i'm still in there. they are hurting their own party, taking votes away from nikki haley's. vivek is up there taking points from ron, what happened to ron? i thought he had promise at the beginning and fell flat. >> kennedy: something happened and "new york times" reporters and others from politico and the hill doings desantis post-mortem, is it too early to dissect what has gone wrong? is there still momentum or shifted to january 15th? >> kara: i think you wait, it will inject vitality if he can perform well. i know second place is first loser, he put all eggless in the iowa basket. if he performs,
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there is life left, if he doesn't, he's done. january 15th will be the cutoff for ron desantis. iowa january 15th is ron desantis, then post-mortem, but if he is alive and gets near trump, he can keep going. >> kennedy: which candidate has done the best silver medal campaigning behind trump? >> paul: i think you got to say haley because of new hampshire numbers. new hampshire purple state, trump did not carry it last time, they are very independent. haley has that ace in the hole, the third will be in her state south carolina. >> thanks to clyburn. >> paul: listen, it is trump's to lose. we are seeing in media that is
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adverse aerial to trump, what is working against him is drama. they want to go to a candidate they feel comfortable with. that is misconception, a lot of republican primary voters are reacting to drama and saying this is selective and colorado n nonsense should not stand, it is splitting the country and i'm going for him. and they are points joe rogan has made and bill mayher, it is still his to lose and it will be donald trump likely left standing. >> what happens if he is indicted? >> dr. siegel: he can be president from jail, if he has to. despite all the threats and charges, republicans are still rallying around donald trump. even if they stoop so low because they have no other choice, no other nominee besides
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biden, they are taking action and look at nooib raid in mar-a-lago and trying to kick him off the colorado ballot. i think it comes down, yes, two weeks, the iowa caucus, first event where voters have the opportunity to express preference for a presidential candidate and that might give them momentum or influence subsequent primary and mold trajectory of their campaign. let's see what that shows. >> kennedy: presidential politics, not executive branch, department of justice versus supreme court. keep politics weird. thank you. coming up, blue state exodus, which states americans are fleeing and which red states are they flocking to? we'll tell you in a moment.
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>> welcome bato this special edition of "outnumbered," record number of americans are ditching democrat led cities and flocking to red states with texas seeing biggest population gain followed by north carolina. in idaho 65% of new arrivals are republicans fleeing liberal cities like seattle, portland and san francisco and at risk of
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losing if trend to population los doesn't change. the leader in drops was new york. no surprise, why would you want to come here? 101,000 residents left the state blaming out of control crime, taxes and cost of living and that is brink of what this city is heading toward. illegal immigrants being bussed here, last week 14 buses were taken in here and mayor adams has turned this into a sanctuary city and asked the government to stop. bring them 8:30 to noon, genius, right during rush hour. democratic mayors are screwing it up. >> kennedy: we had crime. look at statistics and certain crimes have dropped, before the pandemic, compare where we are
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now, it is astronomical and feels like the early '90s. you have a homeless crisis and you have incredibly high taxings, it is all those elements into giant disgusting, stinking blob and inviting people to leave because they hear stories about places like idaho and florida and arizona and nevada and different parts of the country where people can afford houses and kids can go to school without threat of being shut down. there are many reasons to leave high tax, high crime places. >> the crime issue is serious, why would any family with children want to move to new york city? everybody fled. tourists are coming after the holiday. hotels are filled with illegal
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immigrants and criminals coming, including terrorists coming to new york city. thank you very much. >> paul: we will find out like in the carter years when the cubans emptied mr cities, venezuelans and rest of the world are doing the same thing and tourists that are still coming will not go back with a report of what new york city looks like. full metabollic failure. judges are nuts, prosecutors are nuts, the police can't do their job. states across the country get a pass because they are removed from the cities, a lot of what blue cities are dealing with come from the state hourses,
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illinois and chicago, they have the safety act, disastrous, same in new york, albany has been utter disaster, we can't get rid of them. they call you racist or trans phobic, whatever the flavor of the day is and people are paying more to live less securely, the city never looked worse and i've been here my whole life. >> and i love new york city. >> it is getting tough to love. it is. i still love it, especially during the holiday. it is taxing on tax-paying americans, why would they want to live here? >> if i were to move to texas, idaho, number one reason would be crime. i have patients come from with fractures, lacerations, they are beaten unconscious because of crime in the city.
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they are not held accountable and put in jail or getting mental therapy they need and it is taking a toll on the city. we need change. it is nice mayor adams is standing up against having more illegal immigrants. elderly citizens are being displaced because of illegal immigrants. when will he get police the power they need to tamp down the crime and clean up the city the way julie banderas did back in the day. >> i don't think he is, it is not palatable. i live in the d.c. area, by research, 27 of 30 cities with highest murder rates are run by democrat mayors, there is the proof and the pudding, i don't think mayor adams am be
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deviation from the norm established. >> coming up, student loan borrowers missed their first payment, even after the pandemic pause. they don't seem worried about it, at least while this president is in the white house. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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♪ >> hi. welcome back to a special edition of "outnumbered." i'll speak softly and quietly.
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i know it was a big night last night. one turn to turn in college assignments late, student loan payments people are doing that. 40% of borrowers missed their first payment, nine million people. return of the loan payment has been a logistical nightmare riddled with surprise bills, long waits and government conflicting information. they are planning to pay them off, they are figuring out when to do it, right? >> so what, if i don't pay my student loan, what are you going to do? ruin my credit so i can't buy the house i wasn't going to be able to buy anyway? >> i have paid $120,000 and still owe $76, how is this
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possible? >> hi, i'd like to get a $250,000 student loan to get a job to theys $50,000 a year. we can help with that. >> >> kennedy: you chose to go to overpriced private schools, i shouldn't be on the hook for that. should you blame gen-zers for worrying when president biden said he will stop at nothing to forgive student debt. >> i went to the supreme court to eliminate student debt. guess what, supreme court ruled against me, i still got 136 million people debt relieved. >> kennedy: so this issue is not just about poor students who took out loans for two and three
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hundred dollars, it is about americans who did not go to college and are now on the hook for this. >> kara: if you're a plumber or went to trade school, apprentice maybe and work with your hands, the price tag was too heavy, now you pay for fancy gender study degree? i went to public school and had to go to combat zone to pay off my student loans, but same time, incentives are all wrong and we know college really, talk about root cause, colleges and universities are part of the problem. they know loans are underwritten by the government and keep jacking up the prices so that is something to target. universities need tough love. >> kennedy: return on investment, no accountability there. if you know that the government
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is funding education of everyone going to school, why would you lower fees or cut size of the administration? >> take a step back and look at who benefits and what you end up with is educational -- government educational complex. what is going on, government is in a position to control this stuff, they control cash flow to colleges and student loans, people can go out and get six year degrees and hate america 101 and can't get jobs and biden can come in and save the day and forgive student loans and buy votes from them and manage to coerce curriculum in the schools and it really is just another way for the government to get their fingers into education, control it, have it go the way they want and by doing that, what do they coerce? our young people. they are creating these
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anamatrons coming out of college that think and vote how they want. only way to combat it, put sunlight on it and look at whether return on investment is there. people in law, they don't want ivy leaguers, they are entitled, they are lazy. >> and since october 7, ivy league college presidents, why want your kid to go there and be subjected to that level of hate. if you are a jewish family, your child is unprotected. >> and your child is ignorant. parents are not raising smart kids. that is the problem, kids are entitled and don't think they have to pay their bills. they had no intent on paying from the beginning and president is giving a false message, don't worry about it, i will take care
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of it. why pay their loan? i will tell my kids, i'm not cleaning your room. i end up cleaning their room, why would they? >> kennedy: when you are on the hook for that money, what did you think was going to happen. >> dr. nesheiwat: they are oblivious, comes down to lack of literacy and accountability. 60% of debt is held by doctors, lawyerless and you want a truck driver or plumber or hair stylist to pay your student loan? you knew what you were doing. i want to see a revival of trade jobs and i think we need to hold universities accountable. pay up front and four years later, maybe get a degree worth something. backward. >> i feel bad for medical
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students, medical field is so hard to get into because it is so expensive. >> kennedy: thanks, obamacare. we'll be back with more "outnumbered" in a moment. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back, time for in case you missed it. a survey finds one third of americans sleep in separate beds to save their marriage temperature is called a sleep divorce. cameron diaz wants separate living quarters, as well. >> we should normalize like separate bedrooms. >> i have my house, you have yours, family house in the middle, i sleep in my room, you sleep in your room, fine. >> now her sentiment was before
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she got married, now she says they sleep in the same bedroom. she used to say only when they have relations. >> i hope she stops her break from acting, i love her, funny, great actress and maybe she meant that before she met her husband. now they are family and she's walked that back. if you have three houses, that must be wonderful, most people don't and for most people sleep divorce mean divorce. >> i sleep with a seven year old, my son, and i enjoy it, i rather sleep with a seven year old than a grown-up. my thought. >> paul: and marbling in cameron diaz no possible joke i could make that wouldn't get me in trouble. this is first world problem. i live in an apartment, i would be sleeping in the bathtub.
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>> dr. nesheiwat: sleep is a critical component, you have to ensure mutual love, respect and consideration, do what is best for you. your partner may snore too much or have too much broccoli for dinner. what did you google this year? top searches of 2023 and war in israel was most searched news story. the most searched person was damar hamlin. and barbie topped movie searches and riz is word of the year, i have to look that up. pertaining to someone's ability to attract another person through style, charm or attractiveness frafrom charisma.
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is that what geriatric millennials use? i never heard riz until just now? >> "wall street journal" is doing research on it. i like it. got the riz. in olden days in my time, we called this sequay, bring that back. >> i don't understand any words, you have teenage daughters. >> kennedy: no, they speak in pig latin around me on purpose and use words i don't know. one time i left the house in a gucci sweater. she is like, you are flexing, no, i'm not. >> are you flexing right now? >> paul: i'm well past my sell-by date. talk to the hand. who let the dogs out. >> that was never cool, paul.
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>> talk to the hand, if i had somebody say that to me. goodbye felicia. >> i like the lingo, helps us connect to children. when should you take down holiday decorations? is everyone seems to have their own answer to this annual question. experts offer choices. first, new year's day, january 6. no to that. any time before february or whenever your tree says it is time to go. i say sometime in april. that is my go. i decorate my tree with every holiday, valentine's decorations, st. patrick's day and easter. >> 12 days of christmas ends january 5 or 6, most people remove on that date.
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visit baby jesus on the 5th or 6th, keep it up as long as you feel if it makes you happy. >> what do you give a tree to keep it alive? i ask every year, some people say ginger ale. >> christmas tree grow. christmas tree viagra. >> liquid form. i'm amazed there is a class of experts on this topic. no wonder we can't pay back our student loans. when do you take them down? >> kara: you can't take them down if you never put them up. >> wait until you have kids. i love christmas lights. the delivery app uber eats,
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craving report. most interesting request was more yum sauce than a person should eat while sitting, medium fries most requested and cottage cheese and mustard, condensed milk and butter with -- >> did they survey pregnant people? >> when i was pregnant with my daughter, i had everything bagel, half peanut butter and strawberry jam and the other half salmon and cream cheese. with capers. >> have you heard of combirl dinner? like anything like tin tuna or nuts and salami, this sounds like girl dinner. that reminds me of college
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dinner, i ate out of a can and ramen noodles. >> strong mayonnaise lobby in this nation and it needs to be crushed. >> >> anti-mayonnaise people are strong. what about avocado mayo? >> chipotle sauce. i think of pregnancy or vitamin or mineral deficiency. >> vitamin d. >> does uber eats deliver alcohol? >> they do. >> you have the wrong delivery app. >> i think it is -- >> telling this crowd. >> i don't know, i don't drink. >> that will do it for us, happy
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new year. we will be right back. near "outnumbered" in a moment. at america's best, you can get two pairs of glasses and a free eye exam starting at just $79.95. and they don't even have to be identical! one pair can be practical and sturdy, while the other pair is super stylish and wildly good-looking. (♪) skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> last but not least, happy new year. it's finally 2024. people all across the globe have made their new year's resolution, so we asked the couch, what are your resolutions and intentions for the year ahead? i'm going to start with you. you do have a few. >> usually i don't have any come of it this year it is to spend more time with friends and family and to get more exercise. and i want to book a vacation
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this year. >> you get plenty of that. because your kids are little older. she travels the world. i want to come back as you. >> come with me this year. >> we've been talking about this. that's actually do it. to actually go on vacation with adults. and maybe get some sleep. >> get the misa traveling >> any resolutions? >> no, i do believe in resolutions. what people do is they put them off through december and that's what you really get into trouble. when you're like, "i'll start eating better january 1st. maybe i'll try dry january." >> a lot of people thinking that this afternoon! >> i understand that. but you should have it all year round. if you're going to have resolutions come up with them on your phone. make sure that it is your so you can look down and see what you're supposed to do all your lung. >> you would like an
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inspectional speaker. >> hallelujah! >> paul, any resolutions from you? >> considering the state of new york city, my resolution for 2024 is to see 2025, and not beat myself up too much when all my other resolutions fail, because they inevitably do. i have a lot of the same resolutions as you. will go south by tomorrow. >> that's why i don't settle. you? >> my husband is a much better than me in the kitchen. i was like, it's getting embarrassing now in my family recognizes it. that's a problem. so i'm going to learn how to cook. i don't know. >> like ratatouille. "anyone can cook!" >> i say own it. set the bar low and that way, if you start to make a meal every once in a while, they'll be like, "oh, my god, she can cook!" that's it. happy new year, everybody. and for you at home, thanks for everyone watching the special edition has "outnumbered." happy new year. >> a m


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