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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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like that. the four-day work week will probably be a thing. it absolutely will be a thing. i don't know when, it came out after testing that productivity did not dip temperature is being tested in the united states you, as well. it is industry and leader specific. you can't shove five days of work into four days without systems and it has to be advantageous to that specific industry. >> ainsley: it is funny to watch the clips. we watched the girl crying about working 9-5. bare minimum monday. this girl talking about taking breaks and overextending yourself for minimum pay. we worry about them, but do they have it figured out? maybe we did it wrong.
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they say 38% of gen-zers would rather have a middle of the road life. >> steve: dolly parton got it right. >> ainsley: working 9-5. >> what we see on tiktok does not represent all gen-zers. there are young people that will work hard and bust it and get after it. the second phenomena, this generation has watched their parents and grandparents work all the time, work after hours and they are saying, i don't want that life, i think that is the result there. >> steve: did you say you have three gen-zers in your house? >> steve: are you doing dry january? >> i am actually.
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>> steve: god bless you. >> ainsley: thanks, ken. >> steve: third hour of "fox and friends" starts now. third and final hour of "fox and friends" this tuesday with fox news alert. stunning video shows japan airline flight after a deadly collision midair with coast guard plane at the airport in tokyo. >> ainsley: a spokesperson says five members of the armed forces are dead, everyone on the commercial flight made it out alive. >> griff: unbelievable. greg palkot joins us live. what can you tell us? >> greg: this is a remarkable story. near disaster at a busy airport related to another disaster, i'll tell you about.
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packed air raidbus blame taxiing at the airport involved in a collision with a japanese coast guard plane apparently just landing at the airport. the crash followed and amazingly all passengers and crew members got off safely, mostly down safety shoot wills that are really slides where you exit the plane. the crash triggered an explosion onboard the passenger plane and the fire engulfed the plane. everybody was off the plane when the explosion and fire happened. not so lucky the coast guard plane. i believe the pilot survived, but the five-person crew did not. this is disrupting flights and travelers.
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this accident happened in part due to another natural disaster that happened in japan. an earthquake that left 48 dead, many homeless, many thought still trapped. there are fears of tsunami waves, but those have tamped down. the major takeaway from this plane, all of us doing traveling, listen to those safety announcements. all passengers did, when they said get to the shoots and take off your high heeled shoes, they will rip the slide, everybody got off the plane and a minute after, explosion and fire. they could have all been dead. amazing story. >> steve: amazing the pilots were able to keep the plane going presumably straight, even
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though the plane was on fire. the explosion, all the video looks like it is the fuselage on fire and yet it is the wings that have the fuel tanks. did they rupture? >> greg: that is apparently what happened. we don't have all details. a fuel tank set on fire exploded literally setting the entire plane on fire. one last time, all people were off the plane. eyewitness report 've smoke in the cabin, the fire had begun, but hadn't engulfed the plane. >> ainsley: remarkable. >> griff: unbelievable. tokyo international airport is a major hub, particularly for travel in that part of the
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world. it will be closed for the foreseeable future right now. >> greg: one of two major airports that serve tokyo. big disruption while they try to figure out if everything is tamped down before they get that airport working again. >> ainsley: these are live pictures, you see the planes, we were interviewing kurt a few minutes ago, he said go on flighty, an app, you can read about this plane and see how many flights it has taken this morning already. they are ahead of us over there. >> steve: thank you for joining from our european newsroom. given the fact they were momentings away from touching down. you have to figure nobody was
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asleep, everybody was awake. everybody has a fon. you have to think in the next hour or two, social media videos, tiktok or whatever the social media pipe is, we'll start to see images from inside the plane. he was talking how the fuselage was smokey. >> griff: and must have been hot. >> steve: and the plane is on fire, yeah. >> greg: big part of this story will be national heroes for japan, these pilots were to land them and all parjs survive. >> steve: every wob of them. >> ainsley: incredible. god was with them. i'm sorry for the passengers in the other plane. this one was a commercial airline. >> steve: they were taking aid
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to the tsunami earthquake vehicles. we will bring news as we get it. developing story at home. expecting a major jeffrey epstein document dump revealing peep whole have ties to the sexual predator. >> ainsley: and former president bill clinton is reportedly one of the names on that list. >> steve: peter doocy is live with a preview of this coming attraction. >> peter: john doe 46 is the former president. 150 plus john or jane does affiliated with jeffrey epstein, friends, recruiters and victims, this is happening after new york judge -- unsealing is expected
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this week and could start by today. many mention of bill clinton are e-mails of lawyers for virginia guthrie. acc accusing ghislaine maxwell of -- bill clinton did fly onboard epstein's plane to far away foreign destinations, but no proof he ever visited little saint james. guthrie made no allegation of clinton of wrongdoing. maxwell said clinton had never been to little saint james. no reason to think mr. clinton is charged with anything improper, but this is not a list
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anybody wants to be on. there are people that were later convicted of human trafficking. back to you. >> steve: do we know yet whether there is any legal exposure for anybody on the list? >> peter: it sounds like a lot of folks are just people epstein did business with. the names will come out in a couple days. >> griff: former president john doe 36. >> peter: that we know of. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: turning to headlines starting with this story. >> griff: fbi and police in rochester new york investigating deadly crash as possible case of terrorism. two killed and five hurt when suv hit a vehicle leaving the parking lot of an entertainment
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video. gas canisters were found inside and around the suv. large group of pro-palestinian protesters seen surrounding jfk airport yesterday, getting in the way of travelers. 26 people were arrested. the group aulsz also tried to block people at laguardia airport. a lucky ticket was purchased at this grocery store just outside detroit. first time someone hit on new year's day since 1992. 12, 21, 42, 44, 49, with red powerball of 1, are the numbers. winner can get series of payments over 29 years or one-time lump sum of $425
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million. that wouldn't be too bad. >> ainsley: it wouldn't and blue team, michigan won last night, whoever lives there and won the powerball. >> steve: fantastic games last night. huskies making a play to secure the win over texas. you saw that there. in the rose bowl, ending in overtime thriller. michigan strike first in the extra period and wolverinez defense strikes strong. >> michigan makes a stand and comes up with mile stone playoff victory. >> griff: michigan beats alabama 27-20 and will face washington in national championship game next be monday in houston.
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>> steve: pair of undefeated teams. number one michigan against number two washington. will come down to quarterbacks and mascots. >> ainsley: last time michigan won tom brady was playing on the team. he was posted yesterday, really excited. i had forgotten he played for michigan. >> griff: he was excited and so was barstool founder, who won a million dollar bet. >> ainsley: i was on the mitch mcconnell mitch /* -- michigan campus, everything is beautiful,
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what a sports school. >> steve: comes down to quarterbacks and mascots, who can explain what is going on? this is cheez-it. >> ainsley: ched z. nonedible mascot. >> steve: he put that up because of what happened to the pop tart. >> griff: he is throwing shade, the pop tart happened first, the pop tart toasted itself and the team that won ate him ched z held up a sign, nonedible mascot, throwing shade at the mascot. >> ainsley: cute.
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>> griff: he was throwing cheez-its. >> the pop tart is named strawberry. ched-z is -- >> griff: i'm just reporting as we are told it exists. >> steve: to the marketing companies, pop tarts acheez-its the marketing is great. >> griff: kellogg owns both of those. >> steve: congratulations. coming up, hundreds of migrants dropped off in new jersey because the mayor said they couldn't drop migrants off in new york city without alerting people. jeff van drew on how his home state must handle the crisis. >> ainsley: paradise losts, president biden returning from
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st. croix with rough news, a poll shows him losing ground with hispanic and young voters. they are telling him, mr. president, you suck. i hate that work, that is what they said earlier. it was funny. our panel of voterings from that democratic block will weigh in next. gen-c crystals pop and fizz democratic block will weigh in next. from that democratic block will weigh in next. from that democratic block will weigh in next. from that democratic block will weigh in next. s from that democratic block will weigh in next. ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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>> ainsley: president biden returning home to some very rough news today. brand new poll shows him losing serious ground among once reliably democratic voting blocks. former president trump leading him even with margin of error by five points among hispanic voters and those under 35. ca campus -- joining us, great to see both of you. monette, you are hispanic, conservative, why is trump doing better than biden among
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hispanics and younger voters? >> i think it has to do not with trump, but conservatives in general, their message is resonating with us. biden's policies for hispanics and most democrats, it has worked in the past. we are feeling it at the grocery store and gas station. last election, tax policy did not affect myself and young voters the way they did this last election. we are going to vote based on that and conservative message is resonating with traditional hispanic families. >> ainsley: suffolk university poll, last election biden was doing better than donald trump. why the flip? >> the answer lies within the
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pocketbooks. hispanics are entrepreneurs and hispanics are struggling to stay afloat. leftist policies have hurt young americans. financial insecurity is among highest it has been with young hispanics and young hispanics will flock behind a candidate that can support and champion working class families, reduce inflation and pave the way for opportunities here in the united states and not dez crate american way of life. >> ainsley: hispanic voters, 34 to 39%. in 2020 biden had 65% of the hispanic vote, he lost half that group whachl do you think about the border? how does that affect hispanics at the holl polls?
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>> it is at the front. we want immigration reform and we want safety. my dad came to this country, he wanted opportunity and right to start a business and have a career and quality education, again, being safe. this issue, all candidates need to focus on. >> ainsley: it is tough, we look at images and see kids and of course you have a heart for them, your families did it the right way. when i talk to my friends, they are annoyed and upset. some had to wait for five years and make money before they could bring their families over. how do you feel about this topic? >> illegal immigration is under all-time high under president biden and that is huge insult to american citizens.
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illegal immigrants are treated better than legal immigrants and american citizens. they are receiving reduced or free housing and college students like myself have to struggle to afford going to american universities or limit educational opportunities because of it. this is part of the agenda to buy votes. >> ainsley: and they are here illegally, it is totally different and you have to work double the hours to pay for them to do it for free. >> right. >> so nice talking to y'all, i appreciate it. >> we have a fox news alert. commercial plane catches on fire in tokyo, japan and all the passengers onboard survived.
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there is going to be a press conference, it is happening now, we'll bring you new information. first bus operators getting creative. now they are just leaving them close by the city in new jersey to catch a train to manhattan. garden state congressman jeff van drew has thoughts on this and he is next. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. been offered a beauty campaign when i was in my twenties or my thirties
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i get on my medication through singlecare. before i submit any prescriptions, i always check singlecare first! just go to, search for your prescription and show the coupon to your pharmacist. millions of people on medicare, just like me, use singlecare every month, and you can too! visit and start saving today. >> griff: fox news alert. firefighters battling a commercial fire. the photo shows the wreckage of the plane that collided with a coast guard plane in tokyo.
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we just learned in a press conference happening now that the pilot of that plane survived, but is badly hurt. all passengers on the passenger flight made it out alive. this is brand new cell phone video showing what the passengers were seeing, a smoke-filled cabin with flames on the outside of the plane. officials have shut down the airport to continue to investigate. we may get more images. all the passengers are okay at this hour. steve, over to you. >> steve: orange glow through the window is terrifying. holy cow. switching gears. blue city crackdown on migrant buses not working as they are being dropped off in illinois
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and suburb says outside new york city to use mass transit to get to manhattan. our next guest is demanding answers, republican jeff van drew joins us now. good morning. >> steve: they found a loophole, people behind the buses. the mayor said coordinate with us if you bring people in. we don't have to, we will drop them in jeff van drew's state of new jersey. >> jeff: everybody is concerned about this, americans are tired of illegal immigration. i say to people watching right now, every state in the union should be concerned about it. number two, don't declare yourself a sanctuary city or state and say this is okay. unfortunately, new york city did
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that and governor of the state of new jersey, phil murphy said we were a sanctuary state, meaning you will not cooperate with ice to get them back to the country much oregon, you will give them help as far as domicile and residency and transportation. we don't need to do this. there is a piece of legislation that will tighten up the border. the answer is not more money into helping people get processed, the answer is to tighten up the border. i'm worried for new jersey. a number of them did go into new jersey, we can't find out how many. and secondly, only a few months ago a plan got leaked from h homeland security. they were putting up to 60,000
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in a town of 35,000 people. it is unbelievable. this is just the wrong thing to do, bad for the country and bad for new jersey and new york. >> steve: reason they are dropping them off in new jersey and a bus load 60 miles shy of chicago dumped there at a gas station in illinois. the reason they are not going into new york, the mayor said you got to coordinate with us and they started dropping them off in new jersey and migrants get on trains and come to new york. to your point, they don't have to come into new york city where i'm at right now, in our state, we both live in new jersey. i was talking to somebody yesterday about this, you do not need a social security number, card, to get a drivers license,
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so why not stay in new jersey? >> absolutely, we have policies in new jersey due to this governor and democratic majority that are unkind to working people and citizens upon new jersey and are kind to those that would break the law. of course buses are trying to get around new regulation and new enforcement that new york city was going to have because they are used to breaking the law. it is against the law to bring people into the united states of america. if you break the law once, why not break it a second time thchl is a real worry, stop this. button up the border, we have done legislation that would finish building the wall temperature does work. would not allow processing of these illegals, wouldn't allow catch and release, send them back to the country of origin, have stay in mexico policy and
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number of other, hire enforcement at the border in the form of border patrol. we can do this. this is not complicated. this is easy to do. it is not rocket science, it is enforcing and obeying the laws of united states of america. >> steve: joe biden could turn off the flow with a pen and paper in 10 seconds, but chooses not to. thank you for joining us and happy new year. >> happy new year right back to you. >> steve: all right, 24 before top of the hour, fox news alert. small earthquake rattled southern maryland in d.c. metroarea, janice dean has the latest and joe biden sounding confident in his new year's message. >> president biden: we're in a better position to lead the world and we're coming back and it is about time. >> steve: better position? do the numbers match messaging?
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strategic wealth messaging ceo mark teper breaks it down coming up with griff, next. what the? good morning hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
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home of the xfinity 10g network. >> ainsley: we are back with a fox weather alert.
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small earthquake rattling maryland and southern d.c. area last night. hundreds felt that quake that hit near rockville, maryland, just northwest of washington. no injuries or major damage reported, check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. we might have snow in the forecast? >> janice: yes, ma'am, that is the exciting part if you like snow. it is really cold and going to get colder. 29 right now. if there were precipitation right now, it would be snow. we are setting up for a pattern that is conducive for snow along the i-95 corridor. we have not had measurable snow for 680 days. you see the west coasts getting active and that energy will travel across the country setting us up for snow for the
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northeast and heavy snow for central u.s., southwest and rain for the south. here is the bottom line here, area of low pressure developing on friday moving up east coast likely for south. travel disruptions and confidence is increasing for impactful snow for the i-95 corridor with one inch plus. some computer models are showing upward of six inches of snowfall, especially west of the i-95 corridor. many ways to track this. headline is some areas that have not seen snow are about to get some. why show you mount washington? that is happening wednesday, thursday and friday, temperatures in the teens, feeling like below zero. today i am headed to mount
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washington to report live on thursday and we'll shoot a package about that historical mountain top and i will stay overnight and pack winter gear and put it all on social media for you to enjoy with me at mount washington. have you been there before? >> griff: i haven't, i'm jealous. pack warm clothes and hot chak lat. people are saying, dust off that sled and get it ready. >> janice: i will do everything i can to deliver this year. grafk thank you. bon voyage. president biden touting america's comeback in a new year's message. watch. >> president biden: my hope is everybody has a healthy, happy and safe new year. beyond that, i hope they understand that we're in a better position to lead the world and we're coming back and it is about time.
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>> griff: biden campaign claims with joe in the white house, everyday is a good day for the middle clas because president biden is looking out for the working people like the ones he grew up with in scranton. mark tepperis with us >> i was stunned that e-mail blast went out and the new year's eve message. is bidenomics really working for the middle class? >> mark: no, no, no he talks about bottom up and middle out, it is not working. take a look at inflation. >> griff: gas prices first, we'll get to inflation. gas prices, you feel that right away, all of us fill our car up, here tell me about this chart.
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>> mark: it is gas prices and groceries, essentials, it affects lower income families and gas prices are well above where they were during the trump era. >> griff: this is what hurts at the pump. but yet under trump it stayed in this area. would voters be correct thinking, i would rather have that consistency rather than running into this or is this simply what president biden says it wasn't us, it was the pandemic is everything else. >> mark: prices are up 19%, wages up only 14%, consumer and middle class is getting skreskrequeezed right now.
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so people are spending on credit cards, credit card debt over trillion dollars and multiple job holders is at an all-time high. no eight year old kid wants to grow up and work two or three jobs to put food on the table. >> griff: the inflation chart, change in consumer price index is called inflation. as you point out, prices up, wages only up 14%. the math has to work. >> mark: correct, look at savings, total amount of savings today compared to pre-pandemic levels and adjust for inflation, bottom 80% have less in savings than they did pre-pandemic. bottom 80%, almost all of america.
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only who have more is the top 20%. >> griff: you have a flat line under trump. this mount washington, the middle class americans that use credit cards to pay rent, car note, electrical bill at 25% interest rate is what credit cards are. people that hurt here may not be back to the level. >> mark: correct. without a doubt. when inflation is this high, inflation is coming down, prices are not coming down. that is what this administration continues to tell. prices are not coming down. they are inflating at a slower price. this is a huge concern. this is why people work multiple jobs and rack up credit cards and why housing is so unaffordable. you put all this together and middle america is not excited
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about president biden. >> griff: in our fox news poll, only 14% of americans felt bidenomics made their life economically better. thank you. go, browns, cleveland browns fan. retailers losing big bubs this holiday season, people try to pass off used products or stolen goods for returns. live report on how the scam works. check in with dana perino for what is coming up. >> dana: good to see you, happy new year. i love that segment, super interesting. election year is here, so is karl rove, get you caught up on the latest. three voters from iowa and why they say this race is far from hover. plus, there is a list of jeffrey epstein's list to be released. jim gray will catch me up on college football championship.
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we'll see you at 9:00. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. [coughs] when caroline has a cough, she takes robitussin. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪
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thank you very much for the live report from illinois. all right. we have a couple of additional headlines here. beverly hills, 90210 and sharknado star ian ziering is speaking out after being assaulted by a group of bikers in l.a. this shocking video from tmz shows that attack the actor taking to instagram yesterday, writing, quote, the situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behavior. the response from the authorities seems insufficient. no kidding. thankfully, the actor says both he and his daughter, who was in the car witnessing all this. they made it out okay and
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finally, the michigan wolverines taking down alabama in last night's college football playoff semifinal game , much to the satisfaction of one of their most vocal alums, who says he had seven figures riding on the outcome. finally, a big ten team had the best sticks it to the big bad bully. now we're going to houston. we ain't done this about the national title. yeah, i'm a milli richer. i don't care. this is about the natty. all right, dave portnoy winning $1 million on michigan. the barstool found says that he will be at monday's championship game with the wolverines. take on washington with a million bucks in his pocket. i wonder who he's going to take. maybe. look for him on the front row. i know you can buy good seats with that, griff. thank you for all your work. you've been awesome. thanks for having me. it's been great to be with you with the best morning show in america. there you go. see you tomorrow. a good day. thank you, friends, and happy new year. but tragedy on the tarmac in tokyo. a plane collides witpa


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