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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 2, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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anonymity and they attack each other all the time and contribute to the anxiety and depression among our teens and the loneliness we see among all ages. the pandemic worsened this and you end up detached from people. people should try what i did over new year's eve. take a phone and don't bring it to the table. look people in the eye again. reconnect in person. again, you could have social media and you could have iphone use but it has to be something where it is regulated by the family and by individual members. your children are going to do what you do. so if they see you on the iphone all day long they will be. i think social media is a cancer on our mental health right now. >> bret: it is an important conversation and we appreciate it. >> great to sigh, bret, thank you. happy new year. >> dana: 2024, the trump campaign getting ready to fire back and challenge the removal of his name from the primary
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ballots in maine and colorado during his actions during the january 6th capitol hill riot. i'm dana perino. bill is off today. good morning, bret. >> bret: i'm bret baier. the decisions in both states not only threatening the frontrunner for the republican presidential nomination but where these cases could be eventually heading. the u.s. supreme court as you see there. karl rove said last hour the rulings go against our very system of government. >> it's anti-democratic and looks like a stretch and it is a stretch. maybe one of the stories we'll find out after november is that this was a clever plot by the trump campaign to sucker left wingers into opposing him being on the ballot knowing it would engender greater support for him and their efforts to remove him would be overridden by the u.s. supreme court. which i fully anticipate.
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>> bret: fox team coverage. jonathan turley standing by with the big legal picture. rich edson live in d.c. with the details. >> good morning, bret. we expect to soon hear from former president trump's attorneys about keeping him off the ballot. they'll ask the supreme court to overturn the colorado supreme court's decision to keep trump off the ballot there and appeal a similar decision from maine's secretary of state in state court. supporters of those decisions say trump clearly attempted to subvert the will of the voters, participated in an insurrection and disqualified himself from the presidency under the 14th amendment. >> this becomes a test for the originalist and texturalists on the supreme court. all justices left to right call themselves that. >> trump has been indicted on charges related to january 6th in efforts to overturn the election but never charged
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specifically with insurrection. others argue it means the former president can still run. >> not the way the constitution was intended to operate and effectively opponents to former president trump trying to achieve in the courtroom what they haven't been able to achieve at the ballot box. threat american people decide this at the polling places rick not through litigation. >> bill barr who served in the trump administration said i am firmly opposed to his candidacy. but i also believe that the efforts to knock him off the ballot are legal i untenable. politically counterproductive and ominously destructive of our political order. the former president's legal team could file its challenges as soon as today. bret. >> bret: rich, thanks. >> dana: let's bring in fox news contributor jonathan turley law professor and constitutional expert. you have been writing
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extensively about all this. i want to play you something from "the new york times" reporter. he says they are concerned. >> they believe generally speaking he and his advisors will have success at the supreme court. but a court he appointed three of the justices to the supreme court and gave the conservatives a super majority. he is concerned they will look as if they're trying not to rule in his favor and might rule against him. >> dana: if people have been off on the holiday, do you expect the supreme court to act and act fairly quickly? and do you think that trump campaign is right to have this concern? >> well, the greatest concern i think for the trump campaign is that you have the ultimate incrementalist and institutionalist in john roberts. this comes a little over 20 years since bush versus gore. only one of the justices from that decision remains on the court, that is justice thomas.
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a number of the justices, however, participated in that challenge for one of the parties. and so the memory of that is still lingering. it was deeply divisive for the court. it was embodied when ruth bader ginsberg ended her opinion with i respectfully dissent and removed the word rerespectfully. it was divisive for the court. roberts would like the cup to move from their lips. i don't think there is an alternative here particularly with maine coming in. now, there are some argument that can be made. it was a very clever way that colorado structured this decision. if they run out the clock at the supreme court trump's name will remain by default and colorado can avoid review. i hope they won't do that. i hope they will put an end to
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this theory that is deeply destructive to our democratic process. >> bret: good morning. you have democrats speaking out in opposition of the ballot bans. you have some prominent democrats including angus king, independent from maine. the decision should rest with the people. golden, congressman from maine. until he is found guilty of a crime of insurrection he should be allowed on the ballot. newsom saying everything else is a political distraction that we defeat candidates at the polls. and the california secretary of state i must be better than trump. they are getting very vocal and yet there are some inside the party that say this is the way to take down the former president. >> bret, i think that's one of the most important things that we can start this new year with. this is going to be a toxic year
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politically. despite our differences we have more in common. these democrats show that they have greater feel to the constitution than to their own party. and i think we need to recognize that. colorado and maine are the outliers. it has been rejected in state after state. the challenges took every 3-point shot in every state looking for people like bellows. he said right after 9/11 it was an insurrection organized by the president. so they had her at hello and they knew that. we need to keep in mind that so many democrats said we aren't going to do this. so i think that what we're looking for the supreme court is not just finality but hopefully unanimity. they can show despite their own division that they remain united by our democratic values. this theory is wrong. it is wrong historically and
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texturally. it is dead wrong. i hope the court will put this to bed. >> dana: we are only on the second day of the year but it is an issue picking up steam and not going to end anytime soon. we'll keep in touch. a surge of asylum seekers pouring over the southern border. border state governor, sanctuary city mayors and federal government fighting over who is responsible for taking care of these migrants and american taxpayers footing the bill as the crisis at the border escalates every day. fox business's madison alworth is live from new york city. >> we're at a reticketing center. migrants that have been in housing. the line wraps around the block. folks that have had housing, kicked out, given notices by new york city and here reapplying. when it comes to government, local government, state, federal, they are all arguing over who is responsible for the care of these folks. reality is the cost comes down
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on the taxpayer. governor eric adams has been talking incessantly about governor abbott and how he has been sending migrants to new york city, like these complaining that it's unfair to the treatment of these folks. the reality in new york, they are doing the same thing. new york city itself is offering fully paid flights for migrants if they will leave the big apple. over 19,000 migrants have taken the city up on the offer. the top destinations are illinois, elsewhere in new york and back to texas. hundreds are also choosing california where hand-outs continue to be added to the taxpayer bill. as of yesterday, california has extended free healthcare to migrants between the ages of 26 and 49. it will cover over 700,000 migrants and those additional people will cost the state 2.6 billion each year. this cost being added to a state already running a deficit of $68 billion. back here in new york city we
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still see thousands of migrants arrive daily even though new york has an executive order that limits the amount of migrants that can get into new york city. they are being dropped in new jersey and given train tickets to make their way here. >> dana: thank you for following that for us. quite a line indeed. we're following a deadly crash at one of the busiest airports in japan. at least five people have died. a plane engulfed in flames. how did this happen? plus this. >> bret: a group of bikers attacking a famous actor in the middle of hollywood boulevard. >> dana: two weeks to the iowa caucuses. are there enough undecided voters to pull off an upset? >> desantis needs a des moines miracle to keep his campaign alive. haley wants to overperform in
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iowa to set herself up for victory in new hampshire. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> bret: a passenger plane and coast guard aircraft collided on the runway causing a major fire at tokyo's airport. the passenger plane is engulfed in flames. 379 passengers and crew on board had 90 seconds to evacuate. thankfully the passenger plane evacuated safely. five japanese coast guard members were killed in the crash. the airport is closed while the cause of the crash is under investigation. >> dana: also in japan rescue crews are desperately searching for survivors after several earthquakes hit the main island's west coast yesterday. 48 people confirmed dead.
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the strongest tremor that hit the island was over seven points. they issued tsunami warnings in response to the quakes. >> like i said, there is nothing difficult about this case. he could be home. he could be home in time for christmas. he could be home today if the u.s. government wanted him to. >> bret: that was the wife of navy lieutenant ridge alkonis. sadly, her calls were not answered as the lieutenant spent christmas behind bars on u.s. soil. in 2021 he was driving in japan when he became unconscious due to acute mountain sickness leading to a crash that killed two people. he was then transferred to a federal prison in los angeles last month after spending more than a year in a japanese prison. congressman mike waltz of florida scolding the biden administration for not
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prioritizing his freedom. >> he was in japanese prison. they are a great ally but he was denied legal counsel, an interpreter. he was held in solitaire confinement. he was treated in the worst of ways. the fact that he is now being held in a u.s. prison because of a japanese conviction on an accident and after how he was treated is unconscionable to me. i am calling on president biden and calling on the department of justice, release him today. >> dana: fox news alert here. police in rochester are holding a news conference on a deadly crash considered possible domestic terrorism. let's listen if here. >> different locations throughout the county areas. thus far our information has shown he was alone when making these purchases. on jan one about 12:52 a.m.
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he was operating the carries bound on west ridge road. two police officers were on traffic post and stopping traffic forallow for pedestrians to cross. avery sped up, crossed into the on coming lane of traffic and was intentionally driving toward the pedestrian crossing. at about the same time, a ride share vehicle containing two passengers in the back seat was pulling out of the theater parking lot and was struck by avery's expedition. this created the chain of events that followed leading to the death of the two rear seat passengers of the ride share vehicle and the injuries of at least nine pedestrians. that number has changed since yesterday as more people have come forward to report their injuries. yesterday a search warrant was executed on the hotel room
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rented by michael avery. no suicide note was recovered during the search of the hotel room. additional search warrant was executed on his personal vehicle recovered at the airport parking garage. investigators are combing through evidence recovered from his vehicle. nothing thus far has been recovered that provides insight into why this occurred. although the motive behind the crime remains unknown, the conversations we've had with his family so far leads us to believe that avery may have been suffering from possible undiagnosed mental health issues. at this time we have not been able to identify if there was anyone else involved in the crime or that it was part of a larger plot. additionally we have not uncovered any information leading us to believe the actions of michael avery on new year's eve were motivated by any form of political or social biases. it must be noted this is an ongoing investigation.
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additional information may be developed. we'll share his photo today and ask that anyone with additional information about this tragedy or about the suspect's motivation please contact the rpd major crimes unit at 428-7157. also an email on the written release when it put it out. major crimes city of mayor evans will say a few words. >> let me reiterate my thanks to our law enforcement partners and the rochester police department. >> dana: that's your update from rochester, new york. what the law enforcement is saying is that they don't think it was domestic terrorism. they have no reason to believe that at this point. apparently the suspect who has now succumbed to the injuries explained in the blast that he created has died, bret. and there is a lot of questions
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still to be answered, including one about his mental health. his family says they think he suffered from bipolar disorder. >> bret: 35-year-old michael avery that suspect. no indication, according to the police chief there, there was any motive yet, no note. they are still talking to the family. >> dana: we'll keep you updated on that in rochester rick new york. tough way for them to start the new year. >> poll numbers are scary because we're leading by so much. don't sit home. i think we'll take it easy and watch television and watch the results. no, because crazy things can happen. >> are you ready to work hard over these next two weeks so we win the iowa caucus? >> i'm asking a small group of us. a lot who couldn't be here today. tell them what we talked about today. bring 100 of them to the iowa caucus. >> dana: less than two weeks from the iowa caucus.
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iowa voters could change the landscape for the gop narrowing in on a presidential candidate to challenge president biden. what's impacting their vote. we have iowa voters. ladies first. your choice is president trump. your main issue, top issue is the border. you are self-employed. tell me about your decision to stick with trump. >> he had the border slowed down. we weren't having all the problems we're having now. as a brother with drug problems, the drug flowing across the border really concern me. crime and terrorism. i just think we're shortly going to find out we should have had it closed long ago. >> dana: and tim, you are from dave en port, retired, leaning
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desantis. your top issue is military strength. has that crystallized? yes, north korea is making threats against the u.s. i see that as one of the top three issues. >> dana: your other two? >> pardon me? >> dana: your other two issues are? >> the border, of course, and the economy. >> dana: why does desantis catch your attention? >> variety of reasons. i think he has a strong record as a florida governor. he is a three-term congressman so he has experience in washington and on the other hand he is not owned by washington. the way he handled covid in florida was keeping schools open, businesses open, a variety
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of reasons there. reduce government spending. it lines up with what i think is important with the economy and where he stands on the border. again, i'm all for immigration as long as it's legal and controlled. >> dana: you want a process. dennis, you are in storm lake, iowa in farm management and real estate. the economy is your top issue. the issues that you guys mentioned are the ones that we can see over and over again in the polls. economy is usually number one, the border, and, of course, military strength or the position of the country. when you think about the economy, you want somebody like nikki haley in office as president. why? >> well, i'm looking for somebody who has the executive experience as a governor. she qualifies on that account. she has the international experience through u.n.
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ambassador. she has worked at the administration level. i think these are things that qualify her above the others. i look at how they enter a room and it is one of the things we benefit from in iowa is the ability to be in a room with all these people if we choose to. and i believe that nikki has the strongest presence when she enters a room and deals with a room. >> dana: dennis, how is this caucus period compared to others in the past? are people more engaged, less engaged, about the same? >> well, i think people are very engaged. whether they are more engaged than 2016. it was highly engaged. i do believe that this is one of the strongest engagements of the population in iowa. so turnout, as your lead-in with president trump indicated, will people stay home?
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that is the great unknown. >> dana: let me give one last question to holly about that. on the organization front president trump reportedly said he would leave nothing to chance this time around. he lost narrowly to ted cruz in 2016. this time he has had good organization. have you noticed that, too? >> oh, yes. i'm in madison county and there has been a really strong organization here. i'm rural, so -- but i've talked with some of my neighbors who are farmers. jeff king being one, and there is just a lot of enthusiasm this time. we won't sit on our hands. >> dana: i hope he enjoyed the
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shout-out from his neighbor. thank you so much dennis, tim and holly. >> thank you for having me. >> the first thing he put forward was an immigration law. he believed our system was broken and that it had been broken for decades and wanted to take that seriously. >> bret: the white house press secretary says biden takes the border crisis seriously but critics point to soaring numbers and spiraling out of control at the border. a new government report with extremism in the u.s. military. did they find what they were looking for? we'll break down the results next.
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>> bret: big announcement right now. fox news is hosting a town hall with former president donald trump. it is scheduled for january 10th in des moines, iowa, start time
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9:00 p.m. eastern. martha maccallum and i will moderate that. we hope to see you there. i tell you, dana, it's just five days ahead of the iowa caucuses and that is a big deal as he is obviously trying to reach out to iowa voters and answer some tough questions not only from us but also from voters in the crowd. >> dana: one of the things i mentioned with that panel we just had. we reportedly the trump campaign and president trump himself have long said i won't lose iowa this time around. he barely lost to ted cruz in 2016. so their organization has been quite impressive. desantis and haley are in double digits. far behind president trump. as those voters we just talked to said they believe that there could still be some surprises. the last five days going into the election or caucuses will be super important. no time like the present to have this town hall that you and martha are going to do. >> bret: we'll bounce around iowa as well all that week and
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hope to have some more announcements and big shows to come. talking to voters like you just did to hear what is driving their choices. as you no he the caucuses are different. you get together in firehouses and different places and come together and make your voice heard. fascinating the final days. >> dana: we'll check in with janice dean for the forecast. take your overcoat. >> bret: authorities intercepting a record 300,000 migrants at the southern border just last month. here is just to give you an idea of how many people that actually is. that is enough people to fill the rose bowl stadium three times over. now the known gotaways since october would fill up that stadium, a little over 80,000 people and you need 27 rose bowl stadiums to fit all the 2 1/2 million migrants encountered this fiscal year. to give you something that
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reminds you of the football game last night and puts the perspective of the number of people. chris clem, retired yuma sector border patrol chief joins us now. chris, those numbers are staggering. we talk about it all the time. it is hard to get your head around how many that is. >> yeah. happy new year, bret and dana. i know you are there. it is just unimaginable in any other time of our lives, right? this has really become the norm for president biden's border. this is hard to really wrap your head around it like you mentioned. when you compare it to a stadium and how many times it would take to fill that just on the number of people that we've apprehended at our border. it has become infiltration. you see those numbers. this reporting has been going on so great by you all and just to see that this hasn't slowed
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down. the efforts that they are taking to facilitate more is incredible. this rests solely on the president of the united states and his administration. we know they sent some people down to mexico. it was really just more of the same. talking about humanitarian facilitating -- nothing about security. nothing about holding people accountable and shutting this down. that's the frustrating part for us here at the border states. >> bret: obviously the border states, border cities dealing with that influx every day. obviously other cities around the country feeling it. expressing that. the terror threat is something that is raised as well. if you look at the terror threat at the border. ice deported 139 suspected terrorists in 2023. previous high was 2019 with 58. so 139 to 58. since october one, 83,500 known
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gotaways. they saw them, they know they got away into the country somehow. those are also staggering numbers but dangerous numbers. >> you are absolutely right and why i focus most of my messaging about we need to secure the border. we don't want to discount we need to figure out some of the immigration processes and get better to keep up with today's time but we have to be able to minimize the threats coming across and secure the border and goes back to the question about the vetting of these people. it is not just a mexico, central america, this is a global problem. they are coming from where we don't have relationships with. not just border patrol who have been doing this job with their hands tied behind their back but sending ice agents and officers down there to assist border patrol. i'm amazed we're able to move that many people this last year.
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ice has been doing their job helping the front lines to process. just before we get off this gotaway number, you were talking about the known terrorists we caught. what about the known gang members, smugglers, people bringing fentanyl. those are all part of the gotaway mix too and it should concern every one of us. >> bret: chris clem, we appreciate your time today. happy new year. >> happy new year. >> dana: here is a question. can electric vehicles go the distance? fox business puts e.v.s to the test as democrats push americans to open their wallets for the so-called sustainable driving option. >> comes up with a milestone playoff victory. >> dana: that was an overtime thriller. the college football playoff semifinals did not disappoint setting up a national title showdown between the two best teams in the country. jim gray is here with his highlights and some predictions.
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> dana: this happened over the weekend. beverly hills 90210 actor attacked by bikers while driving
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his daughter down hollywood boulevard. watch here. incredible. four people on mini bikes surrounded his car and when he stepped out, the four bikers began to punch and kick them. the actor took to instagram to tell fans he and his 10-year-old daughter were unharmed. he called out the hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement. the white house tries to say crime is down and they look at statistics. one, these things are happening all over the country. you see them and they happen to people that might be famous. you have a viral moment. people are seeing this over and over again. >> bret: this the happened in 90027. >> dana: only you and hemmer would look that up. i admire it and will allow it. >> bret: i have to fill bill's
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role. >> michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff victory? >> bret: the college football national game set. michigan taking down alabama crimson tide 27-20 in the overtime rose bowl thriller. michigan takes on second ranked washington. who beat texas in the sugar bowl last night. jim gray, host of the let's go podcast with a well-known former mic michigan wolverine. two amazing games that came down to the wire. >> happy new year. that was just fantastic, wasn't it? it is everything that everybody wants and hopes for. it was a very much diminished bowl season. these are really the only three games that matter.
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we saw two last night and bret, it was so much fun. it came down to the wire. i'm sure the folks in texas and alabama are hurting this morning. if you were in michigan and washington or just a fan, just the action and the excitement and overtime and the way the whole thing played out with texas having a chance there at the end. some terrible mismanagement by washington to be in that position. you know, it's what we all hope for in sports if you are just watching the game. that's what you want to see. we got it. >> bret: you know, it's amazing if you look at the harbaughs, jim advances to the college football national championship with this win and john harbaugh sunday with a win and the number one afc seed for his baltimore ravens. quite a coaching family. >> it is unbelievable. john harbaugh since the ravens have earned the buy, they will
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be off on monday for that week so i'm sure he will give his players off and go see his brother play for the national championship with the harbaugh family in houston. it is really quite a moment. they coached against each other, bret in the super bowl and john came away with the victory and jim coaching the 49ers. now it is an opportunity for brother john to see possibly his brother jim win a national championship. >> bret: i mentioned your podcast, let's go. jim harbaugh says on the qb saying has tom brady potential. this is the greatest quarterback in university of michigan college football history. a long way to go to get to brady got to. in college career there has been nobody at michigan better than j.j. we talk about it. he is that guy. talking about the michigan
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wolverine's quarterback. how does brady feel? >> i haven't discussed it with him. there is a long way between being in a national championship game and winning seven super bowls. what he is doing in college is the equivalent. tom split time when he was in college not always the number one quarterback. perhaps for his michigan career that's an accurate statement but a big, big leap otherwise. >> bret: that's right. jim, thanks a lot. we appreciate it. fun to watch that game. >> happy new year to you both. good to be with you. ♪ ♪ on the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ >> dana: democrats pushing drivers to go electric. can their green machines go the distance before running out of batteries? let's check in with fox business jeff block trying to go from
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chicago to new york city. how is it going? >> i was here to visit my daughters for christmas and someone thought i should rent a tesla and drive back to the east coast instead of flying. we'll document it here. we have cameras all over this vehicle. it's 1200 miles, is that right that we'll be going? 800 miles, sorry. and we'll see how we do charging along the way. i tend to be kind of positive on electric vehicles. but i tell you, last night when i got into this, i must say it took me 20 minutes to figure out how long or how i could get it started before i got going. it's a learning curve, no question. >> dana: >> dana: it's an 800 mile journey that might feel like 1200. how many times will you have to charge? >> it's funny. they give you a plan on the screen on the teslas and tell
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you how far you need to go and looks like we'll have about four or five recharges along the way. we're about to get on the express way in chicago. dan, can you see the sears tower up there? if we come around the corner. there you go, downtown chicago looms and new york will be soon. >> dana: it's a great idea. you have a good producer there. drive safely and let us know how it goes when you are done. happy new year. >> 104. >> bret: a dangerous force taking shape in the red sea. how iran's navy and houthi rebels are becoming more of a threat. that's next. is the runaway interest rates on credit cards and car loans. credit cards can be 22% near 30% if you're late. car and truck loans- 10 to 15%. call newday. pay off your high rate
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the surge of illegal immigrants at the southern border awaits. the white house doesn't really care about that. america is on fire about it. we'll get into it. and the trump team gearing up to fight two states disqualifying him from their ballots. wisconsin senator ron johnson, raymond arroyo, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bret: iran's navy stepping out of the shadows becoming more of a force to be reckoned with perhaps. growing capabilities come while houthi rebels keep up their attacks on ships in the red sea. jennifer griffin live at the pentagon. the latest on this. good morning, jennifer. >> all eyes on the red sea. the pentagon reopens after the new year holiday. sent come there was no break. dramatic escalation in attacks from houthi fires have caused shippers to reroute ships and stop using the red sea bound to
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add to consumer prices. the latest development involves iran sending a navy frig yacht with cruise missiles. they have been acquiring cruise missiles with ranges of over of hundred miles and reconnaissance helicopters. navy helicopters were in a fire fight with houthi gunmen on board four small vessels attempting to hijack a denmark owned shipping container. the u.s. navy responded to the distress call and when the houthis fired on the attack helicopters, the crews sank three vessels killing an estimated ten houthi fighters. u.s. attack helicopters launched from the u.s.s. eisenhower and gravely. the first time the u.s. has killed houthis in the red sea since november. they postponed operations for 48 hours there.
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the german shipping company announced its vessels will avoid transiting through the red sea and go around the cape of good hope until january 9th before reassessing. the u.s. continues to come under attack in iraq and syria with seven new attacks on u.s. forces since friday bringing the total to about 115 attacks since october. january 3rd marks the fourth anniversary of the u.s. assassination of the guard core commander soleimani. proxy groups have vowed to mark the day with more attacks on u.s. forces. >> bret: that is one to watch. thank you. >> dana: all that is happening overseas. in iowa we were just two weeks away from today when iowans will vote in the first in the nation caucus for the 2024 election for the republican primary. vivek ramaswamy is in iowa. he did the full grassley twice. that's visiting all 99 iowa
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counties. he has got a ton of energy and he has met a lot of folks. he seems to like getting to know the people. he is still in single digits heading into the last week. >> bret: you talk about somebody who is hustling. vivek ramaswamy has ten events every day according to his schedule. this is another one of those. we'll see how it pans out. he says there will be a surprise. we'll see. we have the iowa town hall with the former president who holds a big lead. january 10th is going to be the town hall martha maccallum and i will moderate. i think it will be fascinating to not only hear from the former president of the issues iowans care about but answers about the moments he is facing. >> dana: exciting to announce that here. 9:00 p.m. next wednesday. i'll see you on "the five" and talk to bret on special report. here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox


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