tv Outnumbered FOX News January 2, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> harris: happy new year, this is harris faulkner. this is "outnumbered." dagen mcdowell is here and kennedy is here and fox news contributor tammy bruce and former pennsylvania congressman and 32nd undersecretary of the army patrick murphy gets a punch in the arm. thank you for your service. the president's rough start to 2022. 2024, where am i going? >> both really. >> harris: the president is set to return to the white house in 2024 after a week-long vacation in st. croix.
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it may be a new year, seems like joe biden is suffering from the same problem at the polls. poll showing president biden trailing former president trump 39-37 in hypothetical general election match up. perhaps more concerning issue for our commander-in-chief is what is happening in another pol. it appears he is losing support from key demographic groups. biden now trails trump by five points. he slid all the way down and the opposition has more. trump also has a four-point lead over biden with younger voters under the age of 35 and poll shows president biden support among black voters standing at 63%, down 24 points compared to 2020. the white house does not seem concerned. here is press secretary karine
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jean-pierre. >> in 2020, the president was able to bring together the large coastalition we've ever seen, democrats have ever seen. we want to continue that. what we've done for the black community and latino community. black community, unemployment is now under 6% because of bidenomics. >> harris: i got a touch there of kamala harris. just a touch. >> wow, they are in a race for the special lady in the white house. she is not speaking the english language. not looking at the facts we are privy to. this is a shocking privilege of coalition of the base. when you have a president who is under water with hispanic voters
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and you have block voters leaving the president, considered to be stalwart leaders he could rely upon. she spews propaganda bidenomics statistics that mean nothing because they are leaving. they are hurting. the coalition no longer exists. i don't know how they think it will get better if they ignore facts and people who make up groups they need to win reelection. >> harris: tammy, you left the democratic party, do you think this is a sign you will get stay at homes in the democratic party? >> tammy: number regarding hispanics collapsed for biden, went up a little for president trump. those people are looking at third-party candidate or will not vote at all. looking at robert f kennedy or
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cornel west. this is where the dynamic harms biden. trump has been doing -- not doing the debates, he will start to be directly appealing. he's had general excellent hispanic support in the past, that will continue to increase and base collapsing is interesting. base was collected based on rage and anger and fear. now we have the economy in fox news poll, young people saying interestingly because they are not dumb, it is economy and foreign situation, the wars. everybody is noticing this, even whether or not you are on tiktok, notice something happened to your life directly. you have to let go of luxury of voting based on emotional framework and that has failed.
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>> harris: dagen. >> dagen: this is not new this has been a trend with latino voter, with black voters, with young voters. we can sit here for how many days to list off the problems. >> harris: you are special, take the weekend. >> dagen: he continues to cave into the far left of his apartment on a few issues, on immigration and student loans. 60% of americans and even people under age of 40 or 45 do not have four-year college degrees. roughly 88% of people in this country do not have student loan debts. he keeps giving money away to small left wing 12% of this nation and quite frankly it chaps backside of everybody who
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didn't go to college or paid their own way and it keeps showing up. he fears far left wing and can't stand up and say i'm not going to do this temperature is wrong and he keeps bragging about it. right before christmas and stifle, he was bragging about defying the supreme court and relieving 136 million student loan debtses. only 40 million have student loan debt and he's forgiven additional 132 million on top of the handout with the student loan moratorium. >> harris: how many people don't actually have student loans, that percentage is jarring, that mild-man erred patrick murphy raised his hand. >> patrick: i'm still paying my
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student loans. >> harris: you are 12% on the left that will get cash. patrick murphy you will make a million dollars more on average. >> harris: are you feeling that? >> patrick: that is what i'm feeling, polls are too early. >> harris: that doesn't change the many millions poof people who don't have college debt who will help you pay yours because of biden. >> patrick: 2024 is a presidential year, polls won't matter. number one issue people care about is pocketbook issues. numbers right now historic high in dow tied to people's 401(k) retirement. looking at oil prices going down, inflation going down. that is all positive and so we are ready to spike football and
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say game over? no. i tell you, win l wind at joe biden's back talking about the economy. >> harris: we have 44 weeks left until november 8, 308 days. you are asking the president to take whatever positives there are and message them to the american people and convince them what they are having is wrong. i give you the last word. >> kennedy: if people are not feeling it, it is not correlated to how they will vote. there is not enough time. the president doesn't have the spine to fire janet yellen and powell. it is manifesting in higher interest rates, people can't start businesses, can't buy new homes despite bad college
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choices garnering hundreds of thousandings in student debt. >> patrick: i agree, white, black or brown, doesn't matter. pocketbook issues matter. i funded 60 businesses and people are being entrepreneurial. >> harris: so you are in the 12% that will get your debt paid, but you funded 60 businesses. he will get this this time. >> federal government owes you some student loan forgiveness because you served this country and that is something we have to refocus on and look upon when we talk about cities being -- >> harris: lead with that next time. coming up, we're awaiting donald trump's legal team to file challenges to ballot decisions in maine and colorado and could
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come as early as today. even key obama strategist is warning democrats back off that fight. stay close. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at ♪ believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... for under than 11 thousand!
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axelrod, some are now warning that trying to remove donald trump may not be a good decision. >> he's only gained since he started getting indicted. these are battery packs and this is big for him. supreme court will deal with it fairly quickly and i expect they will leave him on the ballot. i have strong reservations about this, it would rip the country apart ifly were prevented from running. if you are going to beat donald trump, do it at the poll. >> harris: ways to make donald trump a bigger candidate, try to take him off the ballot. that is listed nine of 10 times on my list. >> patrick: this is 100%, i
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agree with ax. to put him off the ballot is wrong. we are a nation of laws, not of men. i disagree with what president trump did or didn't do, but he was not convicted of a crime. let them have a day in court, then we can talk about colorado and maine and other states. until that moment, kicking them off the ballot, unamerican and wrong. that is why he's going to be able to gain ground in this election. >> harris: my reading and understanding of all inindictments, january 6 is not among those he faces with the call for insurrection as 14th amendment reads. that is what democrats are trying to use against him.
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>> tammy: they are using em emotion. you have an elected bureaucrat carrying rhetoric, 91 indictments, he is hitler, evil, destroying dependence, take him off the ballot. oh, no. because of course, everything they are responding to, the push of this leads to this action and then they think, what they thought was the american people, we don't want him, he is a bad man and americans said we know what you are doing, we see you, we understand you and we need this country to get back on her feet. they are at a point like the dach ditch effort, they realize they fail and americans don't like what they have been seeing. when you have a standard that is set, it led people to this,
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democrats operating emotionally from 2020 on and this is what it leads to, why the party is in trouble, they have nothing and thank goodness people are saying, can't do this, go to the supreme court. the damage is significant, it will be like chaos, no one will trust it again. this is danger to democracy. >> harris: senator ron johnson is in wisconsin, he said this about the trump ballot ban. >> these secretaries of state, these individuals and courts doing it and pushing these measures pushing him off the ballot, they are not getting criticized other than hand ringing of operatives who think this is not helpful in general election. by and large, they do this with
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impunity and pressuring main-stream media because they are advocates for the left. >> harris: dagen. >> dagen: some bureaucrats, in particular secretary of state in maine has not been treated for the derangement syndrome and i'm joking, just to be clear, has delusional syndrome seeing herself as single supreme court justice who can decide what section three stands for. in terms of the supreme court, it better be non-nought ruling, it better be 9-0. if any of the justices vote to remove trump from the ballot, they do not deserve that bench,
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they do not deserve to adjudicate traffic violations or sit on a park bench if they go the wrong way on this. >> harris: kennedy, i guess that leads me to point of politics in the court, it would be undeniable. >> kennedy: we have seen surprising 9-0 decisions from them, they are protective about keeping nine justices on the supreme court and that is the right number. we get in trouble in this country. patrick is right, and anyone who read the constitution, respects rule of law realizes that cannot be a mechanism enemies use against you and your party. someone has not achieved due process or been through a court of law and been tried in
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criminal court and convicted, it is subjective threshold and the threshold is, i don't like this person and you don't get to make up your own mind or use your own facts and conclusions you have come to vote the way you want to and this is dangerous in this country. if they had done this to joe biden, i would be sick to my stomach and not stand for it. >> harris: there would be people in the streets, though. it is not just apothy, some people are rooting for this. last word. >> patrick: last word is the fact this is american rule of law. and if he is convicted, that is different analysis for u.s. supreme court to make the decision on. that is following the
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constitution and rule of law. let's follow american principles. >> harris: why won't democrats do that, though. they started the party, two states today, trump will push against that. we'll follow every moment. california will now offer illegal border crossers free health insurance, yeah, taxpayers will pay for it. you're welcome. i hear it all the time. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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were encountered last month, the ones we saw, the highest number ever reported. now gavin newsom giving them incentive to move to the golden state. universal health will have medical bills for 700,000 at 3.1 billion a year as the state faces 68 billion budget deficit. good afternoon newsom said in california we believe everyone deserveless access to quality, affordable healthcare coverage regardless of income status.
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bit of pandering there, not even pie in the sky. he knows they have the budget deficit and california according to reportings in 2022, 1 trillion in unfunded liability, which are pension they will be owing to through state work arers unfunded liability and bring this to the dynamic. they never mentioned unfundraisered liability. >> dagen: this is not a california issue, what gavin newsom is doing in terms of ensuring illegal migrants, it will turn into a national issue. and a financial one that will continue to swamp the federal budget and two years ago, california had a $100 billion budget surplus because
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california has gotten aid time and time again from the federal government. california got 3 billion for train to nowhere. >> dagen: more than that. >> dagen: recently 3.1 million for the high speed train that has never been built and secondly, they have always screwed the wealthy in california to fill the budget gap. the wealthy have been leaving california going to other states, so much so they lost a congressional seat there and medicaid is supposed to be for poor, not medical, medicaid funded by the federal government during covid. who will foot the bill for this policy that will be picked up by other left wing states?
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>> tammy: it is 3.1 billion for those individuals, this is new incentive not just for people who want to live great lives, it is people coming over with serious health issues and problems and this is additional aspect that will go into the further billions. >> harris: this covers up other things california is doing defi deficiently. if you go to the er any given saturday of any cities in california, just take a look around and judge for yourself. is care as great as it could be if they were not overrun completely? you can make the decision on your own, peek in. i went college in california and
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lived there, it has always been crowded and now you want to make it free on the healthcare dime. are we giving free healthcare to veterans like yourself who are not blessed and living on america's streets, do we take care of them first? >> patrick: my brother a veteran lived in california and just moved to florida temperature is national security issue when you talk about the budget. california 3.1 billion added to their state debt. new york 4000 migrants come each week and new york city just spent 4.6 million to fly migrants outside of the united states. chicago, philadelphia, other cities, this is the point, that is why we have immigration and need immigration reform.
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this is not something to kick down the road. you have senator murphy and langford coming together to work on this and except for christmas day. >> tammy: that is what americans see going on in washington and doesn't fix anything. this is a petree dish in california, it will be national. >> kennedy: san francisco is collapsing and that is happening in the entire state of california. you can't have a welfare state expanding and have open immigration, math does not support it, california will collapse and pivot to the federal government for a bailout, which they do not deserve. drive past a federal building and you will see rows and rows of tents with american flags on
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them for the veterans. shame on gavin newsom. >> tammy: he knows who he is condemning and it is californians. names of 170 people tied to sex offender jeffrey epstein will be revealed today and big names are reportedly on that list. i wonder who? . to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis.
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report from abc claims his name is mentioned 50 times. the former president is not expected to be implicated in criminal activity. eric. they have been mentioned previously, now bill clinton, donald trump and prince andrew names could come out. identity of 170 people will be revealed. one accused epstein of kecks trafficking underage girls. among them business associates, socialites and others. bill clinton is mentioned dozens of times. he had been called john doe 36,
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no evidence of illegal conduct by mr. clinton. you see him shaking hands with epstein and sometimes girlfriend ghislaine maxwell back in 1993. the court filings will be released as part of the civil lawsuit from virginia gufrey. she said she was sex trafficked after she met gisele bundchen working at the spa at mar-a-lago. lawsuit against prince andrew that was settled two years ago. flight logs name mr. clinton and former president trump before he took office as passengers who flew on epstein's private jets among other political names, but no indication they did anything wrong.
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epstein was found dead in his jail cell back in 2019. authorities say he committed suicide, he faced sex trafficking charges. gisele bundchen is serving 20 years in prison for trafficking young girls. we expect the files any moment. >> harris: you'll pop up and cover it for us. thank you very much. well, back in the news again. claudine gay, president of harvard university. there are 50 plagiarism claims against her, she is stealing work and putting quotes around people, she is just added quotes to other people's work from scholars. there she is again. with those new allegations and now students, some honor students on the campus of
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harvard, imagine how much work you have to put in to get to harvard and now a special list of smart kids, they want her out. those accusations are too much for them. she has taken criticism for not protecting students of jewish faith on campus. patrick. >> patrick: i used to teach at west point, it is heartbreaking to see university of pennsylvania chair resigned. you saw at harvard student newspaper asked for a resignation. i think the president's days are numbered, maybe make it through the year, new leadership at harvard because people saw what happened and you can't look the other way when there is antisemitism happening on college campuses is not a place for young americans to go to. >> harris: you can't forget the
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look claudine gay had. comments about whether or not it is free speech calling for someone's genocide because of faith or race, all that confusion around answering that question, all of that is why we know her. when you dig deeper, you wonder why does she have a job even irrespective of that. >> tammy: she is a product of the system, not the indicator. she is result of the asks that believed in that and divest from israel and jew hatred in general, dei dynamic, she is a symptom of it and it is unfortunate now it is her face in the front and it is bigger than her, you have to deal with her more than what she has become and she probably this is why she's resisting, she realizes i'm just the front
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here, it is this entire system, why go through this when everyone patted me on the back and put me in this position. >> harris: it is more devious, she wants to be paid on the way out the door. >> she has president obama on her side. there are others like bill ackman who went to harvard and donated 26 million, he is calling for investigation of the harvard corporation saying the investigation into her only took a month and it was foregone conclusion. a lot of people don't know what is academic plagiarism? when you see some of those passages side by side she lifted from other academics, it is pretty clear she was stealing their words while they were
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doing the work. >> harris: can you put quote wills around it and make it mine? >> dagen: way she handled it, the answer is no, read the harvard crimeson piece written by undergraduate student who is on honor council. claudine gay is getting off easy and calls for gay's resignation, it reads omitting quotation marks are not citing sources and constitutes plagiarism, first violation is a permanent mark on a student's record and would be probation. her case, what is striking about the allegations of plagiarism, routine and pervasive. an old joke, how do you know someone went to harvard?
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they tell you. now the reaction by people, they were like, i went to harvard, growing reaction is like, really, they -- ouch. sorry. >> tammy: all the degrees ruined the brand. >> harris: punk rock group green day just changed their lyrics to go after donald trump and his supporters. can we hum it. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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>> new poll shows -- does it spell daster for democrats in november or can biden pull it off? eagle pass, texas hemorrhaging money for illegal immigrants, the fire chief will join us. confrontation between u.s. and iran in the high seas inevitable? we'll break it down. how did two planeings collide at the tokyo airport? i'm john roberts, join us at the top of the hour for "america
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reports." >> welcome back and happy new year. green day just reworked lyrics to one hit to take a shot at former president trump on dick clark's rocking eve with hundreds of americans watching. ♪ >> patrick ever the rebel. i would be shocked if billy joe armstrong was like, i love donald trump so much, i think i have a man crush. he can -- >> harris: that was really good, you need to call them. >> patrick: that was mtv days bringing it back up.
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i used to rock out to green day. rough, though. rock and roll is about voicing d dissent. >> it was music that coalesced during antivietnam movement. >> patrick: totally, that song pumps me up when i hear it. this is america, believe the constitution, believe in the first amendment and freedom of speech. >> harris: why not protest the guy in the white house right now? everybody feeling the economy? i don't know, green day, they came around about the time i was getting out of college. i like the bravado, why not go against what is not working. >> billy joe was a libertarian,
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he is probably left leaning. they are a tax bracket and not loving biden, either. >> dagen: my man proves they are not punk, never were, lack b backstreet boys more punk than green day. maga rally more diverse crowd than green day concert. green day concert whiter than white, might chew on the microphone a bit. >> if we are fan girling i will take tim armstrong over billy joe armstrong any day. >> tammy: i never thought i would see a band raging for the machine, that is what they do when they talk smack about the maga, about regular people being crushed, keep on raging for the machine. keep on. dick clark's --
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>> how many people watch something >> hundreds. >> really punk. >> i was his bartender on new year's eve. >> you look good, one pant leg up. >> it's a thing. there is more "outnumbered" in just a moment, stay with us. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money,
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♪♪ >> last but not least, australian executive secret method for evaluating job candidates is sparking a lot of debate on social media, called the coffee cup test. it involves taking a potential hire to an office kitchen for a cup of coffee at the start of the interview. and if that candidate does not offer to return to the kitchen to clean their own empty cup of coffee after the interview, they are less likely to get the job.
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i read through the entire article, there is not less likely, some are not talked to again. in fact you can't even get the job. should the kitchen clean be the test? >> no, this is passive aggressive, and this is not a sign that this is the place you shouldn't work, actually, this is manipulation and can we name the company, where it is? >> you can do whatever you want. >> no, this is bizarre. i would think the person pulling this maneuver would also have other ticks and problems that the interviewee would pick up on. >> oh, interesting. tammy. >> taking it back is one thing. but expecting them to do some cleaning, i also find very strange. plus, you are in an environment like a kitchen, so it kind of invites you to do that, maybe they are looking for the issue of whether or not you feel entitled or someone will have at that take care of you. >> one of the people they interviewed who does this said that only 10% of the time do
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people not offer to take the cup back to the kitchen. so, obviously there are a lot of really generous people out there. kennedy, would you offer to take the cup back to the kitchen? >> australian. if you really want to see whether or not someone is a good fit for the team and you are in australia, hey, mate, let's go surf a little bit, hang ten, good waves, over at bonbai, and if someone will surf in the middle of the day that's the person you hire. >> i didn't know what you said but i'm with you. >> i think it's all about being a good leader, a teammate, selfless heart. in the army we let our soldiers eat before we did and people want to see how you are when no one is looking. >> you are in favor of the washing cup. >> washing it was a little weird. >> one of my first jobs was an australian company, and one of the first things was the fridge for the beer for the office. >> when you can't watch
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