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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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>> i was named by the international association of toe professionals a top judge. pic i feel so honored. here is my picture. >> congratulations. >> we are back and better than ever with a great show. tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> i have something to promote. we taped it this morning. check it out. set 20 minutes of politics. >> super cool set of twins. one was born in 2023 inp wonew jersey. >> one was born in 2023 and one was born in new jersey.or >> different years, they areank identical. g us. thank you for joining us tonig
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tonight. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight -- >> it is not worthy of harvard. it is not what harvard's on you. you don't get special treatment. >> jesse: harvard's first black female president fire to. >> you are fired! get out of here! >> jesse: marjorie taylor greene swatted eight times for prime time debut tonight. >> one person assured of victory kind of undermines their whole idea of democracy, don't you think? >> jesse: a former spook claims the cia will finagle the next election. plus... ♪ ♪ harvard university always held the title of most elite ivy league school. sorry, yale. harvard university was the first college ever established in the american colonies way back in
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1636 when joe biden was just a young lad. taking the name of an english clergyman who donated his library in a state for the greater good of the country. and harvard always put america first. during the american revolution, harvard move their students off campus and provided housing to the continental army. there are thousands of soldiers used cambridge as a fort during the siege of boston. and throughout its almost 400 year history, the best and the brightest harvard mines educated america's most prominent leaders. men like john adams, teddy and franklin roosevelt, john f. kennedy who famously said, "to be a harvard man is in enviable distinction." the legacy of the harvard man is a little duller appear at the palling on its sword. today, claudine became the shortest serving harvard
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president and 14th centuries. she was caught plagiarizing half of her academic scholarship, the gravest in academia. 50 instances of academic fraud and counting whereas cnn calls it, sloppy attribution. >> we should know that claudine has not been accused of stealing anyone's ideas in any of her writings. she has been accused of sort of more like copping other people's writings without attributions. so it's been more sloppy attribution then stealing anyone's ideas. >> jesse: cnn redefined shoplifting without shopping without money and sloppy attribution. i'm going to ask cnn for a better way to describe me not helping around the house. investing in on household activities? we never would have known the harvard president was an intellectual phony if she had not drawn attention to herself with a congressional hearing where she said, "you are allowed
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to kill the -- at harvard." because of th do my cancer is tt calling for the of -- >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes and this is why you should resign. >> jesse: this week and harvard newspaper, the crimson road this spirit of harvard's presidency is no mere empty honor. she has failed here at the harvard corporation must find a leader who can do better, but harvard today can afford to lose its honor. they did that when they replaced scholars with radical activists, but what it can't afford to lose its money. and harvard lost $1 billion in donations during claudine gay's turmoil. a headphone to host a few classes with a $50 billion endowment losing $1 billion in a single month is how you get sacked fast. but gay says if she was right,
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she would still have the job. "it has been distressing dealt past with confronting hate and upholding scholarly rigor to bedrock values that are fundamental to who i am. and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus." gay is saying, you don't care about plagiarism, anti-semitism or losing $1 billion. you are just a racist. gay knows exactly how you feel walking through her campuslkingh while students call for their murder ball. >> and reverend al says .the resignation is an attack on all black women. >> quote, president gay's resignation is about more than a person or a single incident. >> this is an attack on every black woman in this country is put a crack in the glass ceiling. it's an assaul put on the health, strength and future of diversity, equity
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stand inclusion at a time when corporate america is trying to back out of billionat a tims of dollars in commitments. >> head didn't put a crack in the glass ceiling. >> she is someone else has had to do it and took credit for it 50 times. what i was took really worried about is a shakedown. >> monies disappearing after george floyd, corporate america was shamed into sappeariaftecommitting gazillios of dollars towards diversity, equity and inclusiono. that meant cash for sharpton and patronage for his crewat. >> the corporate america has found out quickly that the diversitrporate amy, equity andn game is not only a hand grenade of lawsuits, but it's an unproductive waste of time and incredibly devicnproducte oe corporate culture. america believes in diversity, but not at the expensebut of achievement at the eand profitability. >> so harper did the right thing firing gay signals to the country that merit trumps identity. >> we're learnin untrg that the diversity, equity and inclusion
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agenda is just a trojan horswe a to hire more lives. >> it has nothing to doe mora l with diversity at all. >> they're just using. diversity is cover to discriminatsing dive againsth straight white males so they can pack institutionsite ma with wild eyed d.i, radicals who are and everybodwild rady es isn't allowed to challenge. ye the cia hase ha been doing ts for years. we'll have more on that later ar onin the show. >> but why do you think all of a sudden the agency is gunning for trump, catholics and parents and whose recruitment effort ts look like a miami nightclub? >> even the cia'efforts top core allies, google, facebook, blackrock, they're all slashing jobs. >> even disney saying they're content creators are out of control. >> creators lost sight of what o their number one objective needed to be. entertain and if you can infuse it with positive messages, have a good impact on the worldwith d fantastic. but that should not be the objective. when i cam
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e back, what i really when tried to do is to return to our roots, whichi is remember, we have to entertain first. >> it's not about messagess whi >> the diy experiments started>> to blow up the lab that it was built in, and we all remember what starts in a lab. it doesn't stawe ay in the lab. >> sage steele is a former espn host. so sagformer espn hoe, a black y successful, incredibly high upii in corporate echelons in your industry. >> when you see another black woman accused of fraud, guilty of fraud, perhaps anti-semitism, and then terminated, . >> do you feel an allegiancen to her like al sharpton doest bs just because of race? almost every time al sharptonlms speakst , i get angry because al sharpton pretends that he know s what every single persone of color in this country thinksh ,believes how they should live, how they should act, how they should vote. ey howi just wish he would go ad
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>> maybe 50 years ago. right now, he is the wrong person to be speaking for anything. remember martin luther king? mr. sharpton, i think you do ann judge me by the content of my character, not the color of my ent of yskin. and what what happened with claudine gay? there are some character th issues, which is why she waser w forced to step down. there are so many thingshiche sn that disappointing to me, jesse, about this story. and i think just from today's news. better late than never, i guess. right? today's r late tkiarismo the plagiarism instead of what happened with elise stefanik is disturbin i of whg in its ow. >> but when you look through the entire letter that harvard n sent to its community, eventually towards the endt to, they mentioned, okay, she was taking responsibility for some mistakes, but what did they do that stood out to meake. the most? they denounced the racis tist attacks that were apparently coming claudine gay's way, as they should anys appa racist attacks should be denounced. they did that so clearly and swiftly in that letter. >> what about claudine gay hersel thef when she was
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being asked how many times by at least stefanik, is ite st wrong? do you denounce anefanik iy anti-semitic comments, any about the of jews students on your campus? and she couldn't even answere cr that. >> clearly, she refused cle to answer itarly. so to me, i don't haveme that much sympathy. >> and no, i don't feel like i need to stand up for her because of the color of her becauseskin, because her charar to me is so much so mu more concerninchg and she and harvard as a whole has let america down, because i think we all had harvard here. >> i have a very good friend, a family frienthink we d whose son just graduated from harvard a year ago, and he is livid. and by the way, california pretty liberal. he ihe is ars livid that the sci that he sent his son to, that his son dreamt of, the school that he dreamt of his son going to, what he got versus what he thought got t, what theyge did to indoctrinate his son. smart kid. didn't let it happen. smar
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they caught him gay. all of harvard has let america down. >> it's not just harvard. >>e majorhese mhes institutions that symbolized greatnesajstitutios in american. >> look at disney. you heard what bob iger said. disney has let a lot of peopledy down, not just shareholders, but all the viewer h lots, all e children across this great land. do you believe that disneychilds is now leaving the woke stuff in the dust? i don't know that it's they might say they're trying, but i think it's so ingrained there. >> you know, i actualls soy i ws thinking about this today. >> quick story, jesse, because thinkingk story,, this is probably ten or 12 years ago, at one point, we received card s to put in the little past that we get in and out securityc about and on and off campus. >> and it was about the hispanic initiativ e and how by the end of that calendar year, they wanted to have a certain number of more was in every position across the company. >> what happened on the production side, pro on the show side, with that, all of a sudden, white men who duside anda suddenwere in positp
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on sports and are on these shows where all of a sudden pushed aside fans elsewhere in the company or out replacedyr by all hispanic men. w the thing is, we all know wee want it diverse. i believe the vastal majorityat of people want that.. but when you fire some because of the color of their skin, brin to bring in hispanic people who in this case actually weren't fr skilled and ready for the job, like the intent might be good, but whatthlike t that did was id created more of a divide. >> it fired people who were deservinre of a g, who were ther on their skill set, not the color of their ski l sen. r of t and then you didn't set up those hispanic people to succeed. sohe something that i think years s ago maybe began with good intent hasucce gone south.uth. and to me, that's heartbreaking. so disney, harvard, bud light, anheuser-busch, you can look at any company. they say one thing. one and what they're actually doing is dividing us more. and i believe it comes downand
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to leadership. >> and if any of these leaders, bob iger, any of them, claudined gay, the board at harvard, has that they you know the what, wh to have tough conversations hah speak the trut and actually lead with diversity of thought and stop hiring people becausedl of this. >> maybe we can get back. but i believe fo. canr institutu like harvard, it might be too late, at least forutions l the t several years. >> just ask anheuser-busch. well, if keitht seve olbermann got pushed out for a hispanic goh, ish -- i support, searc why did you mentio tn his nameen to me? i know what you're doing because, you know, he's the one person i'll go offge one pe >> i had no idea you had a a history. i'll have to learn about thaterm another time. >> same one. great to see you againe,. >> happy new year. so which politician madest the most money trading stocks last year? and up next, marjorie taylor greene.
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thermo x. our newest, most powerful fat incinerator ever. >> absolutely free. >> after a lackluster 2022luster 23 was a hot year for stocks. o the s&p 500 was up 24%. so how does your portfolio look that it's not looking as goolood as members of congress because politicians crushef congred thet last year. meanr performance smokedr. and i mean smoked. professional money managers who do this all day for a living. >> let's take a look back at 2023 best performing stock pickers in congress. >> thanks to stock market congressional expert and tracker unusual whales coming in at number one,l whales democrat congressman brianhe was higgins from new york. >> he was up a whoppingp two hundred and 39% and he's
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going out on top. he's leaving congress oin february. smart sitting in at number two, republican congressman mark green from tennessee, who is up 22% this year. democrat senator blumenthal also on the list of lawmakersmas who destroyed the market this year. who d the ma he was up 68%. >> what about the wolf of washington, nancy pelosi? she came in at 41 points above the s&p 500 this year. well done, nancy. >> i mean, pauly next is the man who really believes biden talked to of business clients about the weather the whole time cli. n goldma dan goldman was up 53% this year. boy, danny and then we had republican congressman dan crenshaw, who beat the market by 13 points. overall, democrats outperformed republicans by about 13 pointsby . >> our lawmakers made over a billion dollars in financial transactions thi overs year.a l
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a lot of them investing in companies that they had ey had i on.mation >> ladies and gentlemen, this is what corruption looks like. and that is why congress still r hasn't passed a ban on insider stock trading. >> republicans are being targeted with bogus 911 callsls designed to have them shotd by the cops. >> it's called swatting, where haters call emergency hotlines to report fake violent crimes like kidnappinrs call g or actie shootings at a specific address. >> so swat teamsshootings at a r with guns drawn. this can be deadly for that going back to an hour. i want to walk the walk this way way right here. come here to me. r hand >> keep your hands up and yoursp hands up.
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walk this way. y! walk. >> some americans who were swatted died of heart attacks. otherswere s were fatally shot two days after christmas. >> florida senator rick scott was swatted. a911 call claimed rick scott'sth house was the scene of a discovered love affair, turned e kidnapping, turned extortion r attempt. >> oh, and there was a bomnedb. >> it seems like it's people have supported israel. trump supporters, people like me up for reelection that they're going after because they they want something bad to happen. they wang af t to have a deadly t incident. >> rick scott was one of several republicano s swattedublica over the holidays. >> marjorie taylor greene, the republicanns congresswomanhe from georgia, was victimized. >> a caller claime d her house was the scene of a murder suicide in progress. >> mtg, as she's called, is well-armed and with law
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enforcement showing up to an urgent call like that. >> the congresswomanll or the police could misread the situation and it could turn olicmisread deadly in an instan. >> luckily, since marjorie taylor greene has been swatted at least eight times, police stood down. >> but she might be the most swatted politician in america. >> police have shown up to her house responding to various false 911 calls. one claiming that her bodyva riousparts in her bathtub. which is why i don't take bubble baths. they give the wrong impression. these callers are difficulte co to apprehend because they use proxielorslts to spoof their locations and disguise their identities. >>to spoof their and if they ar, swatting isn't even against federal la, swattiw. and a lot of the time, the callers are minors. it's very to prosecute because it hasn't been legislated. ed. so let's talk with a legislator who knows a little thing or two about swatting. marjorie taylor. greene congresswoman swatt, whae
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like when cop show up thinking there's an active shootessran at situation in your living room? l it's actually terrifying, jesse. ngthe first time it happened to me, it was right after i introduced a bil, itl to stop the transgender surgeries on children and to stop pubertyy blockers being given to children because kids need g to grow up before they make those kind of decisionup s. activ and it was a trans activist that started these calls on me. and you can seisstartee video i home where i had to go to the door in the middlehere i of thea where the swat team had showed up. they had guns in hand. n hand they had been told that i had murdered someone and i was ready to either commit suicide and that i was willing to shoot police officers when they came to my house. sit's extremely serious, jesse. it's so serious that noto me only it has happened to me eight times, it's also happened to my family memberss but al. both of my daughters were swatted over christmas, along with dozens of other
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congressmen, women senators and state government officials a as well. and jesse, i have to tell you, i've been very frustratesd. i've expected the fbi to be able to track these people dow n . i've expected the department of justice to be able to go afte peoplen. r these people. and now it has risen to suchnow a level where not only have bee i been swatted eight times, the speaker of the house hasn been swatted. senators have been swatted. and i've startedeaker of to ask, is this an attack on our government as well as an attackt on the polichis e? and is the biden administration capable of handlinolice?g what s happening with attempted assassinations on government official happenis? because we know the biden administration is not capable of stopping the evasioials?n ate southern border, which has surely brought terrorists into our country. theborder, it's hard because tn indict some russia. no one's ever heard bed of halfy around the world, but they can't. some find someone is making cal. a prank call. by the way, we just ran that report, marjorie, , we
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about these congressional stock traders. >> we found out you did not meet the s&p we 500, which i guess guess maybe you're proud of, but maybe not so happy about. well, you know, jesse, i'm glad you brought that up, because i actually>> weli'm asked my tem about that today, why my name was on the list. becaus we i don't even own any stocks. and i have met all of 2023. as a matter of fact, we have a m to report everything, includinag children who are dependents of ours. and i think what was reportedd a was actually related to my son's account that that my his father and i had set up for him years ago. set so are unusual whales as a a trading company looking for customers? they're not always accurate in their reporting. but thank you fo accurater bringings that that up and letting me address that. >> all right. well, maybe your son will have >> jes year ansed we'll havee ys a chat with whales. >> marjorie taylor greene, c on jesseappearingyear watters frontline. >> this is your debut. i don't know why you've been "jesng from me this whole time 't . it's good to have you on. i haven't been hiding. you have to bring you back.
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and spasms. there absorbs quickly for relief. so get back it there works works for fast muscle relief. there are works works. >> try their works and get back at it. the centraral intelligence agenl has been interfering in our elections for yearigs. 1964, 1968, 2016, 2020, just to name a few. . >> and in 2024 biden's going to need all the help he ca need n get. black hispanic youth support evaporating, and he's losing to trump in every battleground. but he can still pull it off when the media asks him hard hitting questions like this this. >> like the biggest one right now, biden's new year's resolution and his stay alive for another year. >> and we know how hard it is to keep our resolutions..
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>> i would have expected a presidential new year'sidenti resolution to focus on us, o e american people, or maybeal evenfocu win reelection. but maybe biden knows something we don't. maybe he thinks it's in the bag. maybe it is in the bagbin kn we. a former cia analyst says wes in can expect the intelligenc tean agencies who've been turbocharged by diversity, equity and inclusionexpect t to reemerge this year and subvert the republican nominee .su >> they push their their. employees to be more concerned about diversity and inclusion issues and even in brennan's case, to be politically active. >> this push, along with some general societal issues, led to the outburst of activism in 2016 and then later on as president trump. my guess is that the thetrump, proverbial deep state within mei
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the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably, presumably a republican candidateintellig will again be seen as a threat. >> some ago the deepai state wee in order to kneecap republican presidential e candidates who threaten their corporate and ideological agenda. >> that' threats what cia has reallyat been about, using inclusivey as as an excuse to hire to h and hithitmen women to do the dirty work. remember, you're not allowed to ask recruits about their aspolitics, but if you hire deaf type recruits, you're goingt to assume what their politics are without having to ask. >> also, remember, the cia doese the bidding for corporatmbere america. >> and if a republican candidate threatens corporat ica.eica's america's agenda by controlling the border or starting trade wars with china challenging the green new deals , they'llth be dealt with by the cia, especially a ciae stacked
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with liberal recruits who think they're saving democracy. withbut they're only saving a cc bottom line. have you seeracies onlyn the ci recruitment videos recently? >> i alwaycis struggled with the idea that i might not be able to discuss my personal life at work. imagine my surprise when i was taking my oath at cia and i noticed a rainbow on then director brennan's lanyard, which i later learned was designed by angle, one of the many employee resource groups here at the agencgned by >> back cia analyst jon gentry. join s me now. so, john, describe now how the agency uses d i for subterfuge. >> well, it's using it's using the cia policies, particularly that the implemented by president obama in 2011 and again, again accelerated pres in the and in the biden years to hire people who, you as you say, are are more likel l
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to be to be interested in the kinds of policies that you were talking about. what they've done also policie e a make a conscious effort to change the organizational culture of of the cia. john brennan was mentionedthe in the in the video you just th just showed he he he said explicitly in his book that he h intended to change the organizational culturee int >> so what you've got is aso wh fundamental change from what i experienced, which was which exl an apolitica organizational culture to one in which partisan political talk is common within the organization and activism is is is, is either expected or is not, not, not discouraged the way it used to be. >> so we saw the recent: interference with russia, so, wecollusion in 2016, and weo the laptop fiasco in 2020. we saw the the labwe leak cover up in 2020.
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what do you expectco to sene in 2024 with the stakes even higher? l, well, there are two general things that i think will happen the leadership will not actively engage the agencies. and in partisan activity, but there will be two groups who will be ane wid will be engd from an information operations standpoint. the first is what what intelligence people call the formers, the former intelligence people. so in the trump years, these were john brennan and jim clapper and so on. so these people will be active in in talking in ways that are derogatory to people that they tf what theyy wio say will be will be accurate. some of that will be misrepresentations. >> some it will be just justdisn dishonest, almost certainly. and they will do also is misrepresent what the what the intelligencse agenciest
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are supposed to do, which is which is to be wholly, wholly apolitical. the second the second group is the the current employees. >> g they can't go on television like the farmers can, but they can leaktele lik. and in 2016, 17 and so on, period, they leaked extensively and they engaged in what the what the intelligence world calls disinformation. that'se intellce purposeful, pul use of inaccurate information to to to to hurt, hurt opponents and help and help friends. so opp my my expectation, based ma what has happened in recenty years and indeed before that, is that we will see more leakingybat for people who are who are supporters of the agenda. >> and we will see the emergence of a new group e of formers people who have not damaged their reputations the way john brennan, jim clapper, mike hayden and a
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number of others others have. >> so we'll see.know tha >> i think you should be looking out for this. i believe the american is moree americ clear eyed about what to expect from thesemore rig people and nt to just believe everything they hear the first time. everythk you for your service and thanks for bringing this to our attention. >> we really respect and appreciate it. >> a big hollywood star gets a beatdown just located a digital u.s. government. morgan silver dollars, the most sought after coins in american history. bulletin. 9:45 a.m. new york national collectors net releases 3235 of the last surviving united states minted morgan silver dollars still in existence. each coin is 102 to 145 years old. but condition is important. and all the u.s. government morgan silver dollars in this release are guaranteed to be in brilliant, uncirculated,
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you get back into shape fast. absolutely free. that's our air n. >> two, 321321. the new york times wants you ton think that crime's all in your head. >> the good old second amendment and the boys in blue. >> they're just relics of white supremace boys iy. >> therapeutic drugs will take the edge off when you're riding the subway nexwhite sueutic drts mental patient. >> columnist paul krugma dann said your imagination and since krugman doesn't take public transportation and likely skips the crime section of his own paper, he's probably unaware that two teenage girls were stabbed smack dab in the centerb of grand central station right here in midtown. the two sisters were laid up in the hospita at the l, getting
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stitched up on christmas while paul was saying it wasgettin jut a dream. >> maybe nine no to one of tv'sm .star i in. >> ziering was just method acting when he tangled with a bn biker gang in hollywood, california. hey, what is zero and got away unscathed but has a message for california politicians says this situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism. great words on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behavior. >> we must address the underlying issues that lead to such disruptive behaviorets r and ensure that our streets are safe for everybody. safeso now i'm going to have to send in a copy of my cor. ook, get it togethe
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available for preorder now. >> the associated press is the backbone of america's legacy media. >> newspaperbackbone of ams locl and radio stations left a lot of their reportingv, straight from the ap. >> the associated press calls elections their trusted. >>pier at but the associated ps being bribed for it wouldn't call it a bribe. >> but the ap takes in millions of dollars in grants fromm left-wing foundations. >> don't you see? it's not a bribe-win. >> it's just a donation. radical left-wing foundations donated millions to the associated press and the associatedfoundati press agreedp up their climate change coverageto pum. they said, now we're goingw, w all in on climate changeimate ch and hired 20 new reporters justd to focus on global warming. >> and do you think that global warming coverage is going to be balanced?
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it's not wholly true. is one way.libera >> liberal money is literally getting global warming storiesrs planted on the front page of america's papers. planon here's a taste of what the ap has reported since doey got climate donationse ap. climate change is hurting people in all regions. >> how did humans get to the brink of crashing climate and offshore? wind farms don't kill whales just ignore the whale graveyard on the beach right next to the turbine construction sites? >> stories like this go outs as on the wires, as we say in the news industry and ever wy news organization radio, tv and press scoops them up, puts them straight out because w they're lazy and it's unquestioned. if the ap says it's true, it's true. the ap claims to be straight news. >> they say they're unbiased. newsthey just happen to gobble p a gargantuan sum of money from anti oil groups that support population control and even
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take foreign donations. i wonder if the donations from denmark are influencing ap'scove coverage of the danish built windmills off the jersey coast . the ap claims it's clean, but a coasthe apvp at the company adma press release that, quote, funder is weren't just being generous. they had their own goals g ge to achieve. this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, and the ap isn't the only one. the new york times npr. they take bribes. >> i mean grants from liberal foundations to a half a billion boxes go into local news across the country. is the news for sale? >> kind of sounds like it. sou michael shellenbergends r is a substack columnist. >> is it for sale? columike? >> yeah, fortunately it is good to be with you>>, >> it's disappointing. associated press used to have a good reputation in journalis.m ,but now we've seen millions of dollars that it's taken to basically dm.o propaganda
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on behalf of these very powerful foundations. some of which have direct investments in things like those whale killing wind farms that you just described. >> i mean, they did a story just a few days that i have to say you have to call it disinformation, because the waoy they wrote it seemed deliberately misleading, saying like, well, you can't directly find wind industry birds killing whales. i mean, that's it's yeah, very hard to do. but we can track these very high decibel activities by the wind industry and we can track the direct correlation between wind industry activityit and whale deaths. so i'm sorry to say associated press is really soldwhale out. it's become basically a propaganda platform rather than a place of journalism. >> we're also seeing a lot of these local papers not being profitable like they used to be. so they're just convertingitabli nonprofits so they can receive donations from left-wing foundations and they just become guns for hire. >> in that cas e. yeah, it's really it's,
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you know, 30% of the public tell the pollsters that they trust the news media. so that's why they're losing. it's a vicious cycle. they're losingdia. is why readb nobody trusts them and they take money from biasedecnobodyta interests and then do biased stories and then they lose more public trust. it iesit's a downward spiral, i think, for associated press and a lot of these news media outleta downs. ts. >> i just want to clear upi wa jesse watters. prime time is not taking any grant monento y from anybody.noa >> we're not soliciting it. we're entertainingkiey fro offe, but we're not soliciting it and would not change our coverage whatsoevetertainir >> mike, thank you so much. everybody go check out shellenberger substack. it's great.lenber >>ge a fortune teller joinsller us next. e fami >> vicks vapor stick providesly soothing non-medicated vicksfora vapors easy to apply for the whole family. dig deep of outtake and, try
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>> we've booked a fortune teller now, as you know, tarotjs card readings couldn't see the future. >> and sometimes people don't some what they sees e th. >> do you guys see europe? and is it always sometimesh these governments deceit is being deceitful. >> you are so negative. i the lapd does not want to beme like this. fill m up.e up. take your games, your horrible cards, ashtray. i don't want to take up three more. >> i've always feared fortune tellers. we couldtellere teti be temptin. but at a dinner party, i wasen a given a delightful reading, and when i asked her about trump, she said there'd, be awey grave injustice this fall. >> and we may not even have an e election. a therefore, we needed a second opinion. paula roberts is the english psychic who is on set to giveg i us a reading right now. >> i would like paula foghr
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you to give me a reading on presidenta re trump.. >> just the one card, one card, one card. let's just one little card. >> we like that one. >> 0000. what is that? i mean, i do recognize that i'm like fox tv. . >> i have a sense of loss. a sense of loss. a se loss.but is very specific.i >> nc.o more. it's a sense of loss. it's as if he may be thinking hs more about what he's lost and not still taking full advantage of what he still hasa . >> that's a great interpretation for a lott , buti can't make it up. let's see. presi >> president joe biden, what will his year look like? s >> let's look at joe biden. j lots and lots and lots and lots of money. >> lots coming from china.m
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oh, you're watching. i didn't say from where. m lots of money. >> a lot of money is very interesting okay. for whatever is his normal, it's way above norma. >> that's why when i say lots, socause i deal with everybod iy of every possible income so that that that's. comer a >> all right. i'm going to put you in touch with james comer after this. pleat. his reading >> please tell us what jesse watters year will look like, like something more to hav tell you about that. >> but it's an interesting aspect of the young dynamic.of very, very, very bright person. r you said,somet you well, but somebody. quick right. sharbop when this is young, it means it doesn't mean immature,m but we saw that amountl of energy, not immature. >> you're saying? immatur >> no, no, no. are you sure mine wasn't s a money card? ney
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i do not change what i see.thin but actually, actually, two of the things three other things came up. you when i was contemplating coming heru. when ie, and i'm just goingm ju to throw them out. sti actually neutral ones first. i got greece, australia baby, another baby. >> that's what i. that's what i came up with. emma, go watch this reason. australia. >> okay. i don't know whether they mean anything to you. >>stralia. i thought you were talking>> no, about hair. >> greece. no, no, no, no, no. i wouldn't no,ldn' be so rude.. it's okay. pleatld bll us wha america should be looking for in 24. 024? great happiness. yes, happiness. jus i mean, that's just full of joy. ,happiness, contentment. i mean, it. it's. it's actually this funny actuala of putting it. >> it's just because the money
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card is a big, big, big, big, happy, big, big, happy get big . >> it's a big,r fo big happy a year for america. yes, it's a big happ, y forbi jesse watters. prime time. it's a big year for you, paula. than fork you for joining us. >> thank you so much for asking me. i do appreciate. we're going to take thisy easure bank, shall we? >> oh, absolutely. people dhi o. >> here's a gorgeous vacation photo of gigi waters g. ittle look at this little treat. she is now crawling. trea sht.e is almost doing a threeg point stance. >> in fact, she is. and this little delicious creature on me a plane ride back from florida, and then she spit up on me. it's quite a ride. i love her. that's all for tonight plane. pn >> dvr, jesse watters, primetime. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is my


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