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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 3, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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people, we love migrants and alr trans. but we really don't like thereal rest of you people in the country. in anyone who disagrees with ue hate, oh, my god. if you have a longoh, sign, ths the best. haveu ev you ever been skiing? >> yes. >> laura: are you a good skier? m i'm better in the lodge in my y large game is on point but i will ski. >> laura: sam says i'm not allowed to ski anymore because last time i was in this studio, i had my leg up with packs of ice on it. an ice machine and you can hear it humming in the background.gru i decided to annoy my staff. i decided to go skiing again and you see my kids and kate my olda assistant. we didn't have the ski instructor but he barged into the picture. good to see you. that is it for us tonight here on "the ingraham angle."
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>> todd: harvard tries to move on from the controversy, students and donors are done and want someone to turn the campus around. you are watch ing "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus has the day off. claudine gay is out as president, her time at harvard is not over yet. >> that is rights, claudine gay may not be harvard's president, but she is not going anywhere. she will stay on payroll as a faculty member, a role expected to land her $800,000 per year. gay saying we need to heal from this period of tension and division and to emerge stronger. i had hoped with all my heart to lead that journey in partnership with you. i return to faculty and pledge to continue working alongside
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you to build the community we all deserve. gay's departure comes after weeks of growing plagiarism accusation and her response to antisemitism on campus. just six months after taking on that role, marking the shortest presidency in u.s. history. elise stefanik said it is still too long. >> it is unacceptable it took harvard a month to demand resignation of claudine gay. i believe presidents sit atop institutions that have rotted out and have institutionalized antisemitism. >> allen garber will be interim president until they decide on someone as president. >> brooke: not everybody is happy to see claudine gay go. >> why are elite colleges making it uncomfortable for women
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leaders to step down and be replaced by white men. >> plagiarism accusations, claudine gay had to issue multiple corrections. claudine gay has not been accused of stealing anyone's ideas, she is accused of more like copying other people's writings without attribution. >> brooke: the search for a new president will include engagement and consultation from the entire harvard university. >> todd: it will take longer than the last one did when they rubber stamped this person without research. people see the shakeup at harvard that the dei agenda does not work. >> america believes in diversity, not at expense of profitability. harvard did the right thing by firing claudine gay.
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diversity, equity and inclusion is just to hire libs, nothing to do with diversity at all. they are discriminating against straight white males. hr is not allowed to challenge these -- >> todd: a harvard student who is a jewish leader on campus has been on the show and very vocal about claudine gay needing to leave. make sure you stick around and hear what he has to say. u.s. central command confirms rebels fired missiles into the red sea overnight, no damage reported. a senior hamas leader was killed during a strike in lebanon on tuesday. houthis calling it a cowardly crime committed by israel. there have been 118 attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria,
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five happening since the start of the new year. the un security council will meet today to discuss the ongoing attacks in the red sea. to the border crisis, president biden back from vacation and back to blaming republicans for his own policy failures. [indiscernible] >> president biden: got to give me money i need to protect the border. >> todd: a congressman visiting the border today, he's here next. >> i'm martha maccallum, i will co-host america in 2024.
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>> todd: remember the machete wielding man arrested outside the capitol last week? he is an illegal migrant from venezuela. he was shotted with a brick in his pocket, when police approached him, he was armed with a machete and butcher knife. he is charged can possession of a prohibitive weapon. he illegally crossed border into texas and released by border agents due to capacity. he is in ice custody and facing removal proceedings. president biden is blaming the border crisis on congress. [indiscernible] -- >> president biden: i can't do anything about it -- give me the
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money i need to protect the border. >> todd: you have the money, enforce the laws. biden administration planning to reopen four border ports originally closed. this includes eagle pass, texas, california, lukeville, arizona and galas, arizona. cbp encountered 300,000 migrantings in december alone bringing the number to 575,000. live before a visit to eagle pass later today, the congressman joins me. i heard mainstream media radio station you listen to i'm sure, celebrating that news and celebrating somehow lower numbers of migrants are coming across the border thanks to
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mexico's efforts. it seemed like a bizarre world of untruth to me. while you are there, are you celebrating anything that you are seeing? >> i tell you this, we are only celebrating heroic and courageous work of border patrol. they are not given resources. the president has ignored the crisis. you have reportd and we've seen record number of encounters last month, 785,000 and 2.5 million in the last year. it it is utter chaos and the president continues to ignore the national and humanitarian crisis at the southern border. 60 colleagues and i are at eagle pass pass today joining the speaker to ask important questions. what must we do to secure the border and how can we help these men and women who are providing for national security at the
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border? the president is ignoring what is a true national security crisis. >> todd: i almost drove off the road when i heard this report temperature is like alternative reality and not correct and it also is having impact in your district here in the state of new york. what are people in your district telling you about how the border crisis is impacting them right now? >> because of the president's failure to act, and keep in mind, he has -- to ensure for our safety. because of those policies, every state and community is a border community and because of sanctuary policies put in place, prohibit law enforcement from working with federal law enforcement to address illegal immigration, you now have the city of new york, mayor adams
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talking out of both sides of his mouth complaining that all of a sudden there are tens upon thousands of individual immigrants coming to the city and he's bussing them to communities across new york, as well. individuals bussed to liberty new york in the catskill region of new york state forcing executives in upstate to declare states of emergency to prohibit this from occurring. this doesn't, beyond national security crisis that we face, this just is not the way to treat human souls and not the way to protect this country within our communities. >> todd: it does underscore your comments, the fight within the democratic party. eric adams is playing both sides of the aisle, i get that. they are fighting the administration, going back to
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alternative reality, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre is lashing out at republicans over this. listen. >> the bussing of migrants and putting them on flights, it is shameful that is occurring. if the governor wants to deal with this issue, talk to senators in his state. we have been in touch with mayors and governors in northern part of the country on dealing with the issue on the ground and provided resources to them and will continue to have conversations. congress needs to acts, the president took this seriously day one. >> todd: so much wrong with that whole sound bite, take it where you want. it is absurd to think, mayor adams begged the president to acts, members of congress said declare a state of emergency and the president chose not to act. keep in mind, republican majority and house adopted
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strongest security bill in generations our legislation would help us to vet individuals at the border by streamlining asylum seeking adjudication, we have given him resources. they choose not to act and are threatening the safety of this country. it is absolutely absurd and the president can act. get to the table, negotiate and bring forward house bill to secure the border. >> todd: economy is number one issue going into 2024 election. we are in 2024 year. this point, border, is a strong one a at this point and that is not good for our country. important for republicans to drive the point home, if you want change, change your leaders. mark molinara, thank you. and charlamagne the god will talk about joe concha.
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for the first time in 50 years, america is about to land on the moon and a private company is leading the effort. we'll ask a retired astronaut what this means for the future of space travel. don't go combrm. ♪ e was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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canaveral and expected to land on the moon next month. jose hernandez joins me now. this is cool. i love this stuff. this is great. but why go back to the moon after all these years? >> good morning, todd. remember it has been over 50 years when man last stepped foot on the moon. in those days, our technology was not as developed. so reasons we went were purely political to be first there. go forward 50 years and technology has developed. this is first commercial lunar lander that will study the environment, local environment of the moon in preparation for nasa artemis program, sending humans back to the surface of the moon and probably establish a lunar base.
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our end game is to send humans to mars, good 15 or 20 years from now. >> todd: that will be wild, i can't believe in our lifetime we could see humans go there. we will try to study the surface of the moon. what are we hoping to learn? >> to study thermal properties and hydrogen abundance of the lunar lift to extract fuel in terms of hydrogen we can extract from that and study the magnetic field and radiation environment. everything needed to know to establish long duration lunar base is what we're going to do. the probe will have over 20 experiments, five nasa directed experiments and others are private experiments people are doing. it is exciting we'll learn so much as administrator bill nelson eluded, we will learn a lot from the mission. >> todd: the missions are funded
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through private-public partnership. is that the future of everything we do in space? >> i believe so, todd. i believe we're coming to the point where it is commercial viable for companies to get into the space business and frankly every dollar, private industry invest in space exploration, it is a dollar less you and i as a taxpayer has to pay so nasa does the job. i'm ecstatic about this public-private partnership ability to explore space, lunar surface and go to mars and beyond. >> todd: touch on the beyond. what are you watching for? what should american people be watching for that will come next when it comes to space? >> i think we have to work on advance propulsion systems that
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will get us to our destination quicker than chemical propulsion systems have right now. we have a lot of research in the works for that propulsion system that will cut a travel from nine months to two to three monthses, those are things we have to look at. our next site beyond mars go not to land, but to explore them, saturn, jupiter and pluto before we go beyond our own solar system. >> awesome stuff, jose hernandez, thank you, it is great to think about the heaven and think about stuff bigger than us and our capacity to explore it. look forward to see what comes next. thanks. >> todd: to weather on earth, east palestine coast objection get hit with the worst winter storm we have seen in years. it could be a mess from texas to
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new england, fox weather meteorologist is tracking everything you need to know. i got out the tobogan for the little ones, will i use it on saturday? >> adam: there is a chance, we are on the border line. it is on the western half of the counter and sweeping the country. it is not just east coast that could see snow, this is total snowfall and you can tell the west is going to get it. that energy moves to eastern half of the quran. southeast, this is a big rain event. it makes that move saturday evening and up the coast and seeing cold air being pulled into portions of new england, mid-atlantic and snow. this is really fine line where you are going to see snow and going to see rain. currently, you are seeing snow
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in d.c., philadelphia, new york up toward boston and not looking like a huge amount of snow. we are five days away and there is time to shift north and south and you could be talking about a lot more snow. get this, this is the final graphic, it has been nearly 700 days for all major cities since we have seen one inch of snow, this is first legitimate chance at it in two years, we'll be watching closely next few days. >> todd: i am moderatate, not me, the weather, get the sleds ready. all ey eyes on the iowa caucus, republican candidate are pounding the pavements and dropping big bucks in final days. our voter panel on deck to react.
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[dice dreams game] when i grow up, i want to be just like my mom. eva longoria. she's really famous and rich, because she steals money from her friends. she's taking money from my dad. she wants to destroy him. ah... it's dice dreams. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> todd: it is an all-out campaign blitz in iowa, 12 days before the state caucuses. new report revealing top candidates combined spent $105
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million on ads in iowa. here to react, texas mom of seven, tina, and georgia mom of two, holly. they both join me now. thanks for being here. here is what voters list as top issues. economy, border, guns, voting rights, climate change low at 7%. what issues on the let or not are important to you and your family? >> absolutely number one is the economy. listen, i've got seven children. the current bad property of bidenomics is affecting us. my children are roommates in apartments so they can afford to live on their own. >> todd: 24% of fifth graders are proficient in reading, boy,
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schools and school choice and being able to learn and not worry about safety seem to be pretty important issue to me, what about you? >> educational freedom is at the top of the list for most parents right, left and center. we need to prepare our children for what is to come and currently there are so many things we would like to see take place, protecting parental rights, the fact of the matter remains ultimate leverage we can give parents in this education cries we are facing is access to educational freedom temperature cripples unions, gives parents power and ensure children have access to quality education in this country. educational freedom and empowering parents to access quality education is top priority for parents like myself and others.
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>> todd: taking all issues as a whole, what is the experience we're having right now? 2023 was a bad year for their family. when you look at the numbers, the biden years were not very good if you go by the numbers and the trump years were pretty good. holly, which republican candidate, trump or the others, do you trust to bring back those good years when you have to vote in a primary coming up? >> you know, it is encouraging to hear all of our candidates bringing educational freedom and school choice to the forefront of their campaigns. that is encouraging and i would encourage them to continue to pursue reaching parental pace by educational freedom. we have to have someone in leadership from the top down that are going to support, endorse and advocate for
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educational freedom for parents. i like what i am seeing and hearing on the campaign trail temperature is encouraging to see. the fact of the matter, these thingless should have been put in place like yesterday. i hope whoever is elected and makes the general ticket, they will make this top priority for parents. we have data and stats to support number one crossover vote is parents who want access to educational freedom temperature is fantastic strategy for the republican party and conservatives and number one crossover vote for the left. all parents want is access to quality education, return that we get when we invest in educational freedom is fantastic, wonderful. >> todd: real political consider, you could be a press secretary, not giving me specific candidate, impressive,
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white house should take notice if they want to replace karine jean-pierre. >> todd: tina, how would you like to change our country from where it is now in the beginning of 2024? >> it is hard to say, we have this effect going on we don't actually, we have so much playing who is on the ballot. i can tell you, for me, never biden, anyone, but biden. bidenomics is killing us and it is really crushing and removing access to the american dream for our children and for our families. >> yesterday was nikki haley fan club. today we have political considers, they underscore what different people are feeling and tina and holly, you nailed it, we need change and something different. biden administration could deliver change. they have had three years and so far, nothing. best of luck, check back as the
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year progresses. iowa, they play basketball there. one lady in particular crushing it is really good, clark leading her team to victory last night with this insane buzzer beater. watch. >> everyone in america knows who it is going to. >> anticipation here. davis timelining down. are they going to get the ball up in time? clark for the win! oh! >> todd: we knew who the ball was going to, she still made it with hand in her face. clark secured the win. hawkeyes best team in the league and country holding 14-1 record, winning 11 in a row, pretty good. democrat bob menendez hit with new bribery charges and it
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involves qatar. latest accusation against gold bar bob. and claudine gay stepping down as harvard president, a harvard student will tell us if he is satisfied or if this is too little too late. (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before taking drastic measures, talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo. (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight coming back anymore. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency.
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>> todd: bob menendez back in the spotlight for helping the qatari government with gifts. >> cheryl: gold bars, cash and gifts from three businessmen in exchange for qatari officials. he praised the qatari government trying to get through a deal. he pled not guilty and stepped down as chairman of the committee, fellow democrats are calling for es ocalas /*
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expulsion. john fetterman said accused of being a foreign agent, how much more before we expel senator menendez? charged with acting as foreign agent to benefit egypt and charged with bribery on fraud and extortion before the new details coming out yesterday. his lawyers say this is desperation and the government does not have proofs to back up old or new allegations against menendez. one piece of evidence is text from davis saying, how about one of these, referring to two watches ranging from $10,000 to $24,000. there are new charges, but the original indictment allege from 2018 to 2022, he and his wife
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engaged in corrupt relationship with three businessmen. still in the post, not being expelled, some say enough is enough for senator menendez. >> todd: and fetterman has been on this since the start, giving menendez no quarter for this, that is dem-on-dem action. and claudine gay announced she would resign from her post, one of three presidents that testified on capitol hill and faced criticism for giving -- she writes, it is with a heavy heart and deep love for harvard i write to share i will be stepping down as president. this is not a decision i came to easily temperature it is distressing to have doubt cast on me for upholding scholarly
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rigor that are fundamental to who i am and frightening to be subjected by personal attackings. harvard university second year grad school and with a student organization joins me now. she says it was frustrating to being subjected to threats. where is her concern for jewish students who were subjected to threats on her watch. >> i feel remorse and feel sorry she was subjected to attacks, now maybe she will know what it foelt like when we are subjected to personal attacks. this lack of contrition and lack of personal responsibility saying that i am sorry for causing all of this fchl she didn't want to be ousted, don't
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plag plagiarize, on one hand, i feel sorry, i'm sorry it ended this way thchl is upsetting conclusion, bull only realistic inn collusion. we need real moral and ethical leadership and she failed to rise to the occasion and never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. >> todd: what about the board, should there be consequences that rushed through her nomination and didn't necessarily research what they should have if they were doing due diligence? >> that is really important question. bret stevens asked how someone who only published 11 journals get the position to begin with. there need to be greater
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transparency. when they first raised awareness about plagiarism, they denied it and they engaged in an extensive cover-up giving her approval and voted for her originally and kept her in office for so long. there needs to be accountability why she was allowed to stay for so long and we need to make sure whoever the next president is not claudine gay 2.0, but can champion jewish students, as well. >> tom: >> todd: what comes next for harvard so jewish students can feel safe on campus again the way all students should feel at all times when going to elite institutions? >> right.
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that is the million dollar question, what comes next. there needs to be clear and immediate disciplinary action for all students engaged in antisemitism in same way there would be and has been in the past, clear and immediate disciplinary action with students engaged in any type of hatred and bigotry. as much as i was saying this was a jewish victory. this is not something only jews should be happy about. this affects all people who stand up against hatred and bigotry. we got to make sure harvard become institution it sought for itself. free exchange of ideas and intellectual diversity is championed, not racial identity over worth. i think that is has been lost, not just yourn claudine gay
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leadership, in the united states. we got to get away from this ideology of dei, binary system of oppressor versus oppressed and really valuing their worth from academic, social and intellectual lens. tension and real animosity existing on harvard campus and across universities in the united states is really tangible and really, really dire. she has fostered this unhealthy environment and it is time there is real palpable change. >> todd: this has been a painful time for so many, we just hope this news coming out of harvard yesterday is one catalyst for change so that our country changes. this is beyond harvard at this point. thank you for your time and for the fight. did you see this bizarre story? jimmy kimmel has a new beef
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with aaron rodgers and it started after rodgers said this. this have something to do with the epstein list that came out. >> a lot of people, including jimmy kimmel is hoping that list does not go out. >> todd: we will get your reaction and welcome back, brian. >> brian: great job holding down the fortalone whachl is happening in next 11 minutes, claudine gay is going away, resigning following plagiarism accusations following her response to antisemitism on campus. mediterr media is coming to her defense and gold bar bob faces additional allegations, new countries he is convicted of
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accepting gifts from. joe biden request to tear down razor wire in texas as if that is the problem. congressman jim jordan will be in eagle pass, texas today with colleagues having a press conference, before he does that, he will be with us. barstool zone ceo's million dollar bet on michigan and who won and how he will put on the championship game and who he will be supporting. he says unless these presidents are fired, i will not hire people from harvard. i ask you to get up, get dressed, stay within yourself and watch as music gets louder and take a wide shot. animation rolls in and we take a shot.
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watch it happen.
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>> this have something to do with the epstein list coming out? >> supposed to be coming out soon. >> i've been waiting in my wine cellar for the list. >> a lot of people waiting, including jimmy kimmel. >> todd: scorched earth on jimmy kimmel, insinuating he will be linked to the names of jeffrey epstein. jimmy kimmel, dear expletive, i have not had contact with epstein nor will you find my name on any list other than phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can't distinguish from reality. you put my family in danger.
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keep it up and we will debate the facts in court. joe concha joins me now. this is not where i expected the epstein list discussion to go this morning. here we are. what is this all about? >> joe: did not have this on my bingo card, as well, todd. height of hypocrisy, that jimmy kimmel slanders and attacks people is offended when it happens to him. kimmel was relentless in attacks on rodgers. kimmel even accused rodgers of putting people's lives in danger by not being vaccinated. aaron is a karen is the fact of the matter, only thing not getting vaccinated is letting
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them think you a vaccinated whe you are not. he was referring to aaron rodgers. >> todd: main takeaway, i will get into the weeds here, go through the language. nor will you find my name on "list." there is a list, no question about the list other than phony nonsense that wackos like yourself can't distinguish with reality. pay attention to that, that seems like maybe there is more to this than we know. before we let you go -- >> joe: maybe rodgers was just making a joke. >> todd: you are a comedian, take the joke. another thing, charlamagne the god regretting his support for
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biden and harris in 2020. he said, i learned my lesson from doing that, once they got in the white house, kind of disappeared. that is a problem for biden ticket. charlamagne has a really big audience. >> joe: 8 million peep and he will she has disappeared and it is not just charlamagne the god regretting supporting the biden and harris ticket, young voters are fleeing in droves. not like they are all going to donald trump, looks like trump right now. a lot of folks may just stay home or support a third party candidate in protest. that is not good for biden, he won by the slimmest margin, if people stay home, joe biden will be the first one term president
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since jimmy carter. >> todd: he is not wrong, where is kamala harris? she's had three years and received so many different tasks, yet done none of them and only time you see them doing anything is word salad. charlamagne is on to something you are right as to what it means. do you expect any policy surprise from the administration to win back black voters in next 11 months >> joe: no, they are risk adverse and playing not to lose. >> todd: questionable strategy, you play not to lose when you have the lead, they do not have the lead when it comes to trump and haley and maybe even


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