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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 3, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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claudine gay resigned after all that fierce pack backlash after her antisemitism after dozens of alleges of plagiarizing other people's work. she says she is the victim. this is "outnumbered," we'll do victim busting. i'm harris faulkner, here is my co-host emily compagno, and dagen mcdowell and cat-4 and former biden campaign surrogate kevin walling. calls for claudine gay to resign began after her shocking testimony last month when she failed to say calls for genocide of jews on campus would violate the school's conduct policy. calling for genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct?
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>> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context, the answer is yes and you should resign. >> harris: despite all the condemnation, claudine gay waited a full month before resigning and did not apologize and said it has been distressing to have doubt cast of my commitment to confronting hate, two bedrock values fundamental to who i am and frightening to be attacked by racialan mus. she should talk to the people on campus who are jewish. some were quick to blame conservatives for her residence ig nagsz. this is politico, harvard president associated press said
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harvard president resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges. plagiarism. conservative see claudine gay resignation as victory. gay's defenders blaming racism. >> there is open war on black progress, black history. claudine gay, the president of harvard university up until she resigned is the latest casualty of that. >> there is racial component because those presidents were not subject to the same kind of assessment or criticism and not dismissed as diversity hires. >> claudine gay is under attack, black person, the first black american to let harvard added to their thirst to dethrone her and
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this, i don't have to say they are racist, you can see the attacks when people like vivek ramaswamy say okay, this is a problem about diversity and hiring. >> harris: so when they were hunting jewish faith students on campus and students were fearful and toward the beginning of the israel-hamas savage war october 7, what they had done to trigger the war. that was going on claudine gay's campus, those were the victims. now people say she's the victim and she's saying it. >> what is black progress about being antisemitic. what is progress about refusing to defend that vulnerable community that is frightened to death on your campus. there was article today that
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discussed the fact she towed the line on testimony of this is actionable and protected under our campus policy or first amendment, reality is rest of americans saw her as smugly dismissive and refusing to defend those that need defending and need acknowledging they are actually being attacked physically and emotionally and the world condemned them and she had nothing to say for it. the fact tom elliot pointed out in her resignation letter, zero reference to apology, 17 references to i, 11 to me and one to myself. she sees herself a victim and center of the universe. it is incumbent on harvard to right this wrong. she was a blight on their
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reputation, her leadership was dragging them down. they can take this moment and say, not again, not anymore and instill a president that will push back on the ridiculously racist and antisemitic views they call racist because it is anything but. >> harris: you can't get beyond the point of what emily is saying tlchl is flip of a switch that has gone on in our society and seeing victims, it started with crime and soft on crime policies and giving criminals more of a break than victims and misidentifying who the victims are in all of this. why do we keep doing that? >> kevin: good question. what we've seen in the wake of october 7 is rise of antisemitism. you have 73% of jewish students on college campuses that have said they witnessed antisemitism in this last academic year and
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three college presidents, easiest question is to condemn genocide and intifada. >> harris: why won't they do it? >> they did it and there are repercussions that are just and we have to wipe antisemitism off the face of the earth employees >> harris: to read a blanket statement and not said anything about the students who foor for their lives. in that time, maybe just a simple apology, i'm sorry you felt frightened. >> kevin: failure, 100% and it wasn't acknowledged in the letter. >> harris: maybe there was money attached, i spoke with tammy bruce, there is a reason she did
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not get fired. i thought she would take the money. tammy said we will never know. corporations negotiate to make sure the right thick gets said on your exit. >> she is still under cloak of protection and harvard will never say this was a mistake. to say her leadership is what we need when it is anything, but. >> kevin: she has tenure, too. >> kara: it is really lack of accountability and enumeration of i, me, she doesn't seem contrite, she's saying i'm being attacked, i'm the victim. it remains to harvard to see are they going to choose one form of dei czar and exchange for another dei?
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what will they do going forward? that is tale of what they learned. >> harris: cnn appeared to defend claudine gay's plagiarism scandal. >> claudine gay had to issue multiple corrections. claudine gay has not been accused of stealing anyone's idea in her writings, she's been accused of more like copying other people's writings without attribution. more sloppy attribution than stealing ideas. >> dagen: quote coleman hughes. claudine gay has no one to blame but herself, she chose easy path of plagiarism 50 times over writing original pros, it is serious fraud plain and simple. this is a useful litmus test, anyone blaming gay's resignation right wingers or racism is nuts
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and can safely be ignored for the rest of time. coleman hughes does not speak like that. antisemitism has been boiling over for at least a decade because of diversity, equity and inclusion when higher education institutions focus on amorph is, cut in half over a decade. claudine gay would still have a job if not for the plagiarism scandal, which the harvard corporation, the board overlooked and denied to "new york post" and shut it down by sicking a lawyer and law firm on the "new york post" over and over trying to bury it. hat tip to free beacon who kept
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digging and uncovered this. the antisemitism that tarnishes her tenure at harvard cannot and should not be minimized. there is the oppressor category because they are not on pyramid of adversity and it treats them as if they are always racist and treats them with they actually are treated as oppressors, discriminated against and sidelined in name of propping up other people. it must end starting with harvard. get rid of the dei group and fire pritzger. >> harris: coming up, president
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biden told reporters, we got to do something. he wants to do something about the number of people crossing the border. no one is talking to each other. stay close. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> 300,000 migrants encountered in december, highest ever month reported, queued rupel last december in 2020. president biden was asked about the crisis. listen. >> [indiscernible] -- >> presid- >> president biden: give me the money i need to protect the border. >> emily: biden administration is asking supreme court to allow federal government to cut the razor wire set up by texans trying to deter the migrants. you cannot make this up. talk about the implications we're facing. >> kara: look at what states
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have to contend with. we are seeing those from the terror watch list crossing and the cartels, human trafficking, child trafficking and drug trafficking with the cartels. there is report venezuela is sending convicted and now texas and border states have to fight with the federal government. it has implication for national security, i've talked about this. it is geopolitical issue. we look weak at the border and not projecting power. everyone knows we are weak, everyone knows our borders are open and are acting in accordance with that. >> emily: harris, there is fox news alert, talking about what kara is saying, there is influx of illegal migrants that appear
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as unaccompanied minors and they will be able to disappear into the fabric of this kocountry. how does our president not see? >> harris: he was tanning his face so the two sides would match. guinea, south africa, the word has spread across the planet. easiest way to get in is if you are unaccompanied minor. what does that mp? we don't know who we are letting in. falsified passport as bill melugin was explaining yesterday is different than a fake id you pick up along the way. some countries, we know they will have fake id's and drop in the grass when they cross.
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altered passport, passport books needs a different vetting process dochl they have man or woman power to do that? do they have time to do that? do you think it is getting done? per the millions who float, some of which we can't clock whether they have fake passport or not. they get into this country, it is different being in your late teens or being 30. john who is down at the border echoing those words, we really don't know. this is a lot. >> emily: talk about that from the frame of texans. what are we up against?
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texas is protecting the border, what happens with government fails or tax dollars are not going to protection thchl is texas saying if government won't protect our citizens, we will. don't they have that right? >> dagen: something karine jean-pierre said before christmas talking about the texas law to arrest and deport migrants. she said this is what we see from particular republicans trying to dehumanize a group of people coming here or trying to migrate here. they are putting them in harm's way. joe biden and his cohort, including karine jean-pierre, have done more to dehumanize people by laying the foundation for human traffickers to profit
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off human suffering and misery and stood by while children drown and women were gang raped for almost three years and done nothing and said nothing. and now you have border encounters at record high last month and secretary mayorkas today when asked on another network, i think he brought up climate change. to use the word dehumanize, swallow it, bury it, i don't want to hear it. this is on them, they want to make sure there are no republican president never elected again fchl they can flip texas with illegal migrants, it all over for any president other than democrat. >> pick your poison. >> kevin: it is a heartbreaking situation and has been for decades. last time we saw meaningful immigration reform was when
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reagan was president. i want the secretary to pass president biden supplemental package that would hire 1300 more border agents. i'm hopeful james langgood, chris murphy can pass something as serious people in senate that will reform asylum laws because people are taking advantage of that situation. the president calling congress to pass that bill is critically important and hope to get adjudication. >> why not take executive action? >> the president's powers are limited. title 42 did stem the tide, why not do some things? understand congress for 50 years has not been able to get that right. hold your breath on that. >> kevin: i'm hopeful with
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senate action. >> legislation aside, if the president would acknowledge it. coming up why democratic allies are pushing president biden to go off script, even if it leads to embarrassing fumbles. that is next. when you stay at a vrbo you always get the whole home because is it really a vacation home if you have to share a house with a host? ♪ only with vrbo [ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex.
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go up. biden needs to tell people what he thinks, it is effective when he does that. it is really? take a look. >> made in america. two great artist represents hip hop ll j cool jay and joan shingang, um, shanga. scientists go out and find cures and answers to drug problems, to drugless with use of drugs for health problems god save the queen, man. ♪ ♪ >> emily: kevin, i'm an advocate for being yourself, this is one xepg.
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you cannot get behind that advice, can you? >> remember the rift with obama and then vice president about the king's speech. he likes to talk off the cuff. i'm a biden guy, i'm a loyal guy, i like him off script. let biden be biden. >> emily: flip that script and let him hang hichlz figuratively speaking. there is a gaffe or breach of national security, show us what he wants to talk about, it is totally out to lunch. >> dagen: desperation is the world's worst clone? can you smell it? i can. which biden do they want him to be? whisper biden or yelling angry biden? >> harris: and cussing.
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calling names. >> dagen: not the messaging, it is policies and actions of this commander and calamity. do we have a picture of that sunburned face? that is what he's done to the american people, except where the sun doesn't shine. >> emily: it is a better look. his policies have destroyed america. his press secretary is touting his accomplishments. watch. this president has done more in three years than any president has done in two terms. talk about finishing the job, he will work on the economy, lower prescription drugs and let's not forget climate change. he's done more on clachl change
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than any other president. he has taken more action than any other president in two terms and did that in three years. >> harris: problem with that word salad and she had said what some accomplishments were, they don't take into account wrongdoing happening. you have inflation cooking at high level and you bring it down, it does not mean prices come down or stabilize. inflation still exists and was existing above 3 and 4%. they are still going up and people feel the same way and wages cannot keep up. we go into tax season between now and april, there is panic setting in with people in the
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country. there is a lot going on he doesn't acknowledge. when you told ups to watch this p presidency did that include reading notes identity loud rather than preaching how they should feel. >> emily: policies matter, so do words and listening. after 13 servicemembers lost their lives and he said he had no regret, after it was proved he did not follow recommendations. just be yourself, be yourself, you will lose. >> kara: look at some of the parents of the tlaep 13 lost. biden brings it back to himself,
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when he's visiting with parents, my son died in iraq, which is not true. no, how about empathel for me, not for you. you don't want him being authentic if that is what it means for joe biden. >> emily: see how it plays out. new report revealings lawmakers made money on stocks last year, now you can track their trades and make money too just like them. s lawmakers made money on stocks last year, now you can track their trades and make money too just like them. s lawmakers made money on stocks last year, now you can track their trades and make money too just like them. s lawmakers made money on stocks last year, now you can track their trades and make money too just like them.
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tablet or computer to send your monthly gift, you're sending your love to the rescue. - your gift makes winter fun possible for everyone. - thank you for giving. - thank you for helping kids get to be kids this winter. - [alec] please call or go online right now. if operators are busy, please hold patiently or go to right away to give. big or small, your gift helps us all. ♪ ♪ >> dagen: the key to beating the
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stock market could be looking to lawmakers on capitol hill? politicians who were the top stock traders in 2023, now an app can copy their trades. aishah hasnie live with the details. >> i just downloaded the app, auto pilot and the creator told me, if you can't beat them, join them, you can mimic trades lawmakers are making. they are taken on average of two we weeks, when they sell you, sutwo weeks later. when they buy, you buy. you can track nancy pelosi's
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investments. her husband has made millions and her portfolio is up year to date. top earners in congress, republicans on this list too. this app is created to raise awareness about why this is a problem. there is bipartisan support to ban stock trading because of people getting rich. progr progressive ro khanna said he was disappointed nancy pelosi didn't bring it up and he thinks president biden should weigh in. >> i think the president sh should -- in 2024.
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>> republican chip roy who supports stock trading ban told me there is absolutely direct conflict here and he will speak to speaker johnson about putting this up for a vote this year. >> you go into committees and vote og regulation involving mergers, big discussions. i will sit down with mike, we need to address it. >> he says it is long overdue, last time they did anything about it was 2012, and they could not trade on information not made public. i just report the new and i pick up on a lot of stuff that might help. we'll see what happens. >> dagen: thank you for that. i talked to sean duffy, former
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member of congress. >> who had to leave congress to make money. >> dagen: other reasons, too. >> harris: careful, i'll bet you made a little. >> dagen: 6 p.m., fox business. average member of congress does not have access to any information that is nonpublic. they only have access to information that the average person would have access to. different for people in leadership who are leaders of committees, why hold individuals, take away ability to trade stocks when average citizen can do that. >> kevin: this might be few areas of bipartisan agreement, making money while in congress. to sean's point, these are far more informed americans on the
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issue seeing what businesses are coming up and issues are breaking. saw during covid, members investing in fo pharmaceuticals. there are calls that would ban certain trading on that kind of information. >> dagen: sean is saying average member of congress does not have access to information that my dad does. so why would you deny them the right to trade stocks? insider trading is illegal, then prosecute it. >> kara: i will disagree for a minute here, information is collated by staffers, people working together and being paid to do this and collating for representatives and i generally think when you go into congress you're there as a public servant and emphasis on serve.
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looking for material success, harken back to be a citizen representative, have another job, serve for a bit, legislate and pull out and do your real job after that. you are there to serve. >> dagen: you don't -- say you ban all stock trading. so the alternate, when you own a share of stock, you are investor in an american company. >> harris: maybe. >> dagen: that is what it is, loan uncle sam money, that is what you want. flip side to investing in an american company would be the argument or allegation of preferential treatment. what we need is full blown transparency and tracking spouse's investments. nancy pelosi's husband got rich using his information and that
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is yet to be accounted for. preserve optics of the space. i don't want to learn that is why they eased up on xyz. it has to be fair. >> harris: and transparency with the staff, could be any company at that point. i would want to know in this entire scenario how we get to term limits if there is benefit for them being able to do what they want and make money and all that. transparency and a cap, i don't like bans, but caps, expectations about how much they reach and maybe it coincides with a term limit. letting people sit for 60 years, not a fan, i think you can consider it. >> dagen: as a journalist, i've
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never owned individual stocks, always owned mutual funds, but to deny a congressman's right to own stocks, you are denying good people who serve the right other citizens have and people won't serve. coming up, usa boxing slammed for new trangender policy that allows biological men to compete against biological women. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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world, usa boxing will allow men to compete against women. transgender men must strictly monitor their hormone levels. now title winners are pointing out hypocrisy. former ivf bantom weight says this is wrong on so many levels, i will never agree to this, bad enough having trans women in track, field, powerlifting, it is different for them to be breaking our skulls in combat sports where the aim is to hurt you, not just break a record. >> kara: has anyone competed against i man or been punched in the face. i played soccer and we would
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scrimmage 15-year-old boys and got creamed and demolished. i'm a pip-squeak, i'm a little girl, if i had to do that, i would not have lasted a minute. it will get worse. >> harris: is there a push behind the scenes to get women's sports to go back to title nine? is there something wrong with the way we are? >> emily: there is something wrong with those pushing the policy and there is obvious biological difference. this sport, in sports like swimming or no contact, it is heartbreaking enough to watch a biological male destroy a female in the same moment destroy her dreams and opportunities. when physical contact is
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involved, potential could be fatal. one punch killings, we think they are rare, they are so prevalent there is legislation specifically for sentencing for killings. i have never heard one incident where a one-pufrp killer was a female. you are going to put a biological male where they could one punch to the face women and swallow that uranium guise of equality? it is frightening. every spouse, parent or child of mma fighter, i fear for your angst and abject fear of introducing biological males, this is sickening. >> harris: when i talk to friends that are lgbtq, how did the t get to rule the rest?
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>> kevin: everyone should have the right to compete, but it should be fair. i want to see separate leagues for trans athletes competing, they can have fairness, that is not the case we are seeing in sports. >> harris: consider riley gaines going up against lia thomas. he was ranked low on the men's side and number one on women's size, it is undeniable the advantage in a women's sportses. >> dagen: or payton nba mcnabb who was hit in the face with a ball by biological man.
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headline written by amber harding, usa boxing to allow men who have their junk cut off to beat up women. nothing they do will change chromosomes and genetics, xx is women and women have right to compete against other women, full stop. >> harris: last quick word. >> kevin: it is about fairness, i want a fair fight, if that involves a separate league, that is direction. >> harris: who oversees that? >> emily: that is part of the issue, some say we are demonizing the trans community, anything but. their safety and opportunities. >> harris: more "outnumbered" in
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>> last but not least, this week i have an incredible episode of the fox true crime podcast which is my utmost honor to host here. you all remember the movie "the silence of the lambs," dagen and i went to see it in the theater, the 30th anniversary downtown. incredible iconic movie and behind jodie foster's character, is the fbi who blazed records at the fbi with her positions and not only advise on the movie and behind the scenes, she was an incredible fbi agent and go into depth of one of her most incredible stories, her solved case that brought closure and justice to a family. thank you for joining us today. you can watch the podcast anywhere you watch podcasts or listen to, and here is "america reports".


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