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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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today's throw back. >> 8,000 feet moving at a speed of 17 miles per hour. we are near our terminal velocity at this point in time we should be on the ground. >> bret: 20 years ago today nasa operators broke out in celebration as they learned that an exploration rover known as spirit landed on mars. >> the rover launched june 10th, 2003. study the chemical physical composition of the planet's surface and search for any signs of possible life there. they didn't find any, and the search continues. tomorrow on "special report," top house republicans uniting around former president trump. we will give you the list. also tee up the iowa caucuses. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" startle now. ♪ ♪ >> pete: i'm pete hegseth in for laura ingraham. and this is a special edition of
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the ingraham angle. breaking news just moments ago. the jeffrey epstein documents have been unsealed. we should know soon the names of the high profile people associated with the accused sex criminal. we're going through all of the pages, over 1,000 of them at this point right now and we'll bring you the details as soon as we can. so, don't go anywhere. as soon as we have those names, you will know about it. but, first, start with this. if i could guess what joe biden's new year's resolution is, i bet it's to make it easier for illegals to cross our border. and then stay here. and his move late tonight, tonight proves that we would be right. the doj is now suing the state of texas for making illegal immigration a state crime. starting in march, texas law enforcement officials would have been able to arrest and jail illegals and the judges could deport them out of texas to
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their home country. but that's unconstitutional according to the biden regime. texas cannot run its own immigration system they say. and late yesterday, the doj asked the supreme court to let border patrol cut through and remove razor wire that the state of texas had put up to deter illegals. but kjp says that's not what it actually does. >> governor abbott's razor wire does not prevent -- it does not prevent non-c non-citizens from unlawfully crossing. that's not what it does. if anything, it puts at risk -- it puts the lives of the border patrol at risk. it puts them in danger. >> pete: as an infantry man who has employed quite a bit of razor wire in my life it definitely prevents and sin tended to prevent. and when you put it in, wear gloves, that's helpful. so then why did border patrol agent ran brandon judd say this
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to laura last night? >> there is not a border patrol agent out there that wants to cut this razor wire. none of us want to do that. >> pete: of course, makes sense. joining us now is missouri senator eric schmitt. senator, what is the biden administration doing here? >> well, they are an open borders administration. you kind of have to take them at their word now. they came in on day one, the first thing they did was to reverse all the successful policies that they had under president trump. right? we had a secure border. we had remain in mexico. which made mexico the waiting room for all these asylum claims. nine out of 10 asylum claims are bogus. the biden administration releases these folks into the interior of the united states, never to be seen again. some people are getting court dates seven, eight years down the rude. title 42, which was a very effect tifd mechanism of turning people away, they got rid of that, too. so this comes down to values, right? we believe in america we believe in the sovereignty of our own border. we believe in american exceptionalism.
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we believe in the rule of law. they don't believe in those things. the people running the biden white house right now are unapologetically open borders. that's what they believe. they don't think they view themselves as global citizens. not really as americans. this is now the consequence. this is 400,000 people came across last month alone. that's the size of pittsburgh, st. louis, kansas city, each month if you add it all up, 8.5 million people since joe biden has been president. that's like the 17th largest state in the union. it's total lawlessness. it's a disaster. and they are not really interested in it. they are paying attention to it now because of the polling. this is what they want. this is what we have got. >> pete: senator, democrats are showing us what they want. in fact, one of your colleagues, senator chuck schumer is making fun of the house trip -- house over60 house republicans been to the border today and says he is more worried about something else. listen to chuck schumer. >> the rest of the house very nice you go to the border.
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but the way to get something done is work as we are in the senate on a bipartisan solution to the border crisis, which will then unlock money for ukraine, israel, the indo-pacific and humanitarian aid for the people in gaza. >> pete: so they are worried about ukraine. i mean, they could care less that texas is trying to secure its border. ukraine is the border they really care about. >> that's exactly right. and i -- search not guilty united states senate. all roads lead to ukraine on all of this stuff. i mean, chuck schumer is now talking about omnibus bill on a continuing resolution that has to have ukraine money in it. they are obsessed with it. they lecture us all the time about the importance and the sovereignty of other country's borders but they don't care at all about the sovereignty of our own border. and it's a mess. again, this is a different value proposition between republicans and democrats, republicans want to secure the border. the house moved forward hr 2. that is serious and the senate
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is playing said democrats are playing footsy with this all for the stated goal of just releasing the money for ukraine. so i think we ought to be very cautious in these negotiations because they are not serious. the democrats are not serious about securing the border. they believe in open borders. that's what they have got. and they are not going to change course even if there is some, you know, tweak to the law. if you have an executive branch not interested in executing the law, we are at where we are at. and that's not going to change. >> pete: real quick, senator. would you be willing to shut down the government to secure the border for real? >> yeah, look. this is a serious issue. i don't think that we should be going along here with these continuing resolutions, which is what they are talking about if we don't secure our own border. so i have been very clear about this, which, by the way, highlights why we need to have individual appropriation bills. this omnibus stuff. the american people are tired of it. i have advocated for this. these debates should be separate. you know, israel should be separate from ukraine. this border stuff. we can isolate these issues. and actually deal with it.
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and the american people then can hold us to account as opposed to this, you know, come up at the stroke of midnight with something people haven't read and say you either support this or you want to shut down the government. we have to have a secure border. >> pete: no way to run a country. senator, thank you very much for your time. well, it's easy to see why people are clamoring to come to the united states here illegally. they know they can easily walk across the border. no razor wire. without dealing with all of the red tape, if you try do it legally. and then they are told to show up at some court in a few years or seven or eight years and in the meantime enjoy their time in america. in the meantime, these illegals get lots of free stuff. go to denver. free to rent. free rent for illegals who have a job the city is paying their first month. those still looking for work? could get up to three months of free rent.
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on your dime. chicago and new york free hotel rooms which you know about, some come with meals. cash strapped california just started giving illegals free healthcare and in minnesota, some illegals can even go to college for free after they all get their new government issued drfrs driver's license. joining me now is mike huckabee. former governor of hearing and chris bedford executive editor of the common sense society. governor, none of that deters people from crossing illegally. so what is the point? >> well, the point is joe biden wants an open border. he thinks he is importing democrat voters for the future. but, here's the outrage. we got about 35,000 veterans who are homeless in america right now, have no place to go. they are not getting free rent. they are not getting hotel rooms with meals. there are 650,000 homeless people in the country. we just let 7 million in and we're providing everything, including a college education
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for them. you know, it makes me kind of think that this year for vacation, i will not go anywhere. i will go to the southern border, walk across and say i would like a hotel room, like some healthcare, give me some meals, i will just vacation here in the u.s. and let uncle joe pay for it because he seems to really love this idea of slipping across the southern border, no questions asked. sure does, chris, to show the expectation and maybe you certainly call it the lack of gratitude, here's the "new york times" on december 1st, some of these folks that are getting these meals are saying it's just not good enough for us. here's the quote: new york city is paying tens of thousands of dollars a month for meals that are supposed to go to feed migrants but instead never eaten and thrown away according to internal documents. so, chris, not only are we paying for meals but wasting mealser that not eating because they are not good enough, even though they are free for the people who came here illegally.
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>> yeah, and that's the story that's been going out in new york city for all year now there you have been some discussing and awful pictures that come out the way the hotels are treated. the way the staff are treated. people don't even want to go in there to the places where people are being housed a lot of the times for the amount of debris left over from alcohol and drugs and the discarded food that's left to rot. this is putting a real strap on cities. new york city is in crisis right now. washington, d.c. was about to run out of the emergency funding that the mayor requested to try to deal with this. massachusetts this christmas, just passed another $250 million just to try to keep up with some of the housing. at a time we're dealing with drug addiction and people on the streets who need those services. they are being diverted instead of to illegal immigrants. >> pete: i had a family friend of ours worked really hard over the last four, five, six years
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to prove she was worthy of american citizenship to get her green card. we had to get a congressman involved. it was arduous. she wondered whether she was going to stay or have to go all the while here legally but wondering and, yet, if you come to the border illegally the process is easy. here is a piece of paper, come back in five years. it's undoing our legal system, too. why would you try to do it legally insult to the people to come here legally. thank god we are a nation that welcomes people from all over. but we don't welcome them to come illegally. we welcome them to take the proper steps so that we know who they're, why they have come, what they are going to do when they get here. do they have a criminal record or communicable disease. then, if they don't, hey, come and join us in the american experiment. work hard, you will be successful. that's what this country is about when you have open borders and illegal immigration you defy all those people who for the
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existence of this country have come here looking for a better life we want that. what we don't isn't what we have now under joe biden. i hope voters will go to the polls and say none of this again. we are not going to keep doing this. chris, you were ahead of the common sense society. let's say wins and runs on deporting people who have made false asylum claims is that common sense? does it make sense? can we reverse some of this? >> i there it will be politically difficult take political courage but worthwhile while to do for protection of our states and protection of our citizens. milton freidman say you can't open borders in the generous welfare system that the states have for this people in the country who need it. yyou need to choose one or the other. republican candidate ought to have the courage to choose americans certainly putting
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americans first. governor mike huckabee and chris, thank you very much. so who are some of the high profile people tied to accused sex offender jeffrey epstein? we have the breaking details we are working on it right now to get it to you. plus, after claudine gay's resignation, the dei monster affecting american institutions has been wounded which has their radical left lashing out. ned ryun and dr. lee react after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ charlotte! charl! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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♪ >> pete: anyone who watches "the ingraham angle" knows this: the rot on american college campuses runs really deep. from blatant anti-semitism to anti-conservative mobs, these formerly and important point formerly elite institutions are crumbling under the weight of their own wokeism. and with the fall of disgraced plagiarist and dei poster child claw keen gay from her role as president of harvard, the left feels exposed and now cornered they are lashing out. >> there is this sort of open war on black progress. they are just trying to take out any woman or person of color who lead elite universities. >> an attack on diversity that's
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why claudine gay was under attack. the fact that she is a black woman only added to their thirst to dethrone her. i don't have to say that they're racist because you can hear and see the racism. >> pete: even the associated press joining in the a.p. claiming the new conservative weapon against academia is exposing plagiarism, not making it up. exposing it. joining me now ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority and dr. tape i can't lee, former dei director at deanne zoo college and director of the collision for empowered education ned, thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. >> it's clear the left no responsibility for the death of actual academia. where does harvard go from here. can this dei unwind itself? will it. >> it's going to be hard, pete.
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i think they have been committed to this. committed to this for decades. harvard stopped being an academic of higher learning more indoctrination center in which they are trying to conform students to rigid dogmas instead of free thought and free inquiry. they are committed to this. obviously this whole situation the fact of the matter is they might have removed claudine gay as president. she is still member of the faculty, still making as of today her $900,000 salary as former president of harvard. they are determined, it appears, to continue down this path. and the shame of it is that dei, this poisonous alphabet soup dei, crt, bds crammed down the skulls being exposed for the hollow, false god that it is. yet, they continue to double down on it because think have based their entire approach to the world, the entire approach how they view everything oppressed vs. oppressor.
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lens judge everything right or wrong is all based on this. this is an entire world view belief system, pete, that they're not going to leave behind and they are going to fight tooth and nail to continue to defend it even though it's been shown to be hollow and lacking in complete and total merit. >> pete: lee is, that your take? you heard what one msnbc pundit said an open war on black progress, the firing of claudine gay. is it that? or is it finally exposing the depths of dei and how destructive it's become inside our universities? >> you know, as ryan just mentioned, this is -- we're seeing the fruits of labor of this toxic critical social justice ideology and how committed the idealogues are to preserving it and advancing it. what happened with claudine gay has nothing to do with race or gender identity check boxes. but what you see these
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mainstream pundits doing now is attempting to convince all of us that that's what this is about. it's simply not true. this is about educational leadership and fitness to lead. and as we saw in the congressional hearings magill, gay, kornbluth, they all demonstrated ineptitude to lead during these times and to address anti-semitism on their campuses they all should have resigned the day after if they had any kind of moral courage or conscience. that's what they would have done with the cover-up that took place harvard corporation and gay and trying to tell us, you know, what we were seeing isn't plagiarism, when we see whole paragraphs lifted from scholars' work it's just ridiculous and shows deep commitment they are willing to distort reality. objective truth doesn't matter. their reality exposing it by any means necessary. >> ned, to lee's point. some in the media this is not
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plagiarism. this is how they are defending her lifting these entire pass sanction. watch? i have not seen any evidence that claudine gay was guilty of true plagiarism, this is part of a well or committees straight misleading smear of claudine gay and of harvard universitying. >> pete: randal kennedy a harvard professor. not true plagiarism, just copying. >> harvard's standards, pete. these are harvard standards with regard to what plagiarism is or isn't. according to those standards she is guilty of at least 50 violations of plagiarism. the amazing part to me in this whole situation is that some people have lost anti-semitism, they cannot call plagiarism plagiarism.
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they instead call it racism. they even gotten the points, the basis of this is apparently meritocracy is some form of racism and white supremacy because claudine gay at the heart of all of this is a deeply mediocre person put in that position not because of merit but because she checked a box. harvard was exposed on that. i think that's another embarrassment for harvard that they don't want to fully engage with is that they're completely enelm bare i wassed. they checked the box. they bought into this system of dei exposed guy because claudine gay is clearly not up to what it took to be the president of harvard and lacked any moral authority or clarity calling out anti-semitism quite frankly because at the heart of it really quick, pete, dei is racism and quite frankly is anti-semitic because any time you view the world through the race of lens, by the very definition you are a racist
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anti-racist gets to be racist because they're racist against the right person. i think i have that right. dr. lee, real quick, last word, can dei be ripped out of institutions like this in your experience, real quick? >> you know, that's a tough one. we are seeing how deeply committed individuals are to this toxic ideology. willing to redefine racism, redefine anti-semitism, redefine plagiarism. and almost anything to fit their toxic world view many of us are waking up and saying enough is enough. we need changes in the leadership. not just the leadership but we need more oversight into what is being taught in classrooms by faculty members because if it's this toxic ideology and that's it with no viewpoint diversity we are in trouble as a society and as higher education learning. >> pete: if you can't say what a woman is, then how could you describe what plagiarism is or anti-semitism is.
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ned and dr. lee, thank you very much for your time. great insight. all right. >> donald trump's latest move could change the course of the election. we have all the details about what he just asked the supreme court to do. charlie hurt and monica crowley react. plus, who is on the epstein list? we're working it. we have the breaking details soon. next. ♪
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♪ will pete the documents have dropped, we are payable toly getting some of the high profile names connected to the late accused sex criminal jeffrey epstein. >> there were hundreds and hundreds of pages coming in. we have only gone through the
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first part of it. the names of jeffrey epstein's friends and people who dealt with him, unmask you had hundreds of pages just released. 943 to be exact. we are coming through some of them. some of it right here. more than 170 people expected to be identified. business associates, politicians, celebrities. among them as has been reported former president bill clinton. he is seen here shaking hands with epstein and ghislaine maxwell sometimes girlfriend serving time in prison. that back in 1993. one document describes mr. clinton as, quote: a key person who could provide information about his close relationship with the defendant and mr. epstein to disprove ms. maxwell's claims. we don't know what those claims are another document is a motion in which ghislaine maxwell cited asked if she recalls the purpose of a trip to thailand with jeffrey epstein and the former president. no answer on that. joanna soleberg one of many women who accused jeffrey epstein of abuse in this page, this is page 10. i'm going to read it to you
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right now on this document it says, well, it says quote. joanna testified jeffrey told her, quote: clinton likes them young, referring to girls, page 41. that's right there on page 10. and another document ghislaine was asked if mr. clinton had meals on epstein's caribbean island where authorities said they had sex parties with young girls. epstein said -- i mean ghislaine said the allegation was 100 percent false. and epstein at another point emailed her saying that they should discuss some issues. we don't know what they're, quote: the strongest at the clinton dinner. i have seen the flight logs. the reports of those flight logs. they do show that the former president did fly on some of epstein's planes along with four secret service agents. they went to europe and other locations in the states. but there is no evidence, i want to point that out, that the former president ever went to epstein's island and his office has long denied that you know, the island down in the caribbean where authorities said that epstein held those sex parties
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with underaged girls. this a lot of this all came up because the lawyers for virginia gustav infantry who you see right there they wanted clinton to testify. the former president said he had no information about any illegal activity about epstein so he never testified in ms. do you free's case. giuffre's case. talking about the manhattan estate over on 70th street. virginia sued him. that was settled. sued the prince, so we are going through more mentions of prince andrew. we expect other big names to be mentioned. no mention, pete yet of the former president clinton. he socialized for many years with epstein. they are both new yorkers. logs do show those same plane logs show the former president did fly on epstein plane's to palm beach and washington, d.c. once he did it with wife marla and tiffany when she was 7
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months old and a thane. mr. trump said he cut him off. 2019 he said he didn't care for him and hadn't spoken to him in 15 years. the reports say former president kicked epstein out of mar-a-lago because he tried to hit on a teenage daughter of a club member. all of that before epstein faced charges. no indications that any of these names are guilty of any type of wrongdoing. they basically are celebrities, business associates, employees and others but, getting a lot more detailed information, pete, perhaps from some of the behind closed doors going on in epstein's mansion as we continue to go through some of these pages but, man, you don't want to know what was going on in there really. all right, pete. >> pete: no, eric, thank you. do bring us more as you get it. >> i know you are poring through it, over 1,000 pages. thank you. >> will do. >> pete: joining me now is
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charlie hurt opinion editor and monica crowley former treasury secretary and host of the monica crowley podcast. you just heard what i just heard. eric mentioned a lot of people. clinton likes them young what i'm seeing in there a quote that said he didn't take the bait at one dinner that was there. just your reaction as it unfolds it. took a long timing to get these names. >> it sure has, pete. i guess, right off the top. sadly, it's not -- it's probably not news to anyone that bill clinton liked them young. this has been sort of an open secret for a long time, which is kind of disturbing in and of itself. you know, it's kind of amazing to stop and think about this how a guy like this who had so much money it's always been unclear exactly where epstein's money came from. but it doesn't really matter in the realm of politics and
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celebrity in america. and in terms of if you have the money you can get access to anyone you want and basically do whatever you want. and then the really shocking part of it is that for decades after that it appears this is what it looks like, can you conceal your misdeeds even in the justice department, even through, you know, protect your misdeeds from justice if you have got that kind of money. and the fact that, you know, within minutes of these -- of this information going live, the website crashed is a testament to how many people wanted to know what happened and wanted to know what's in these documents. >> pete: monica, kind of same question. why was it so hard? charlie mentions it and he is right. but, i mean, if there is certain political persuasions that always seem so difficult and there's a lot of transportation trappings andprocedures portion.
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other way it has to be exposed all the time. in this case we are finally getting something. again, it seems like the way it always plays out. >> yeah, no, i think that's true. i think the epstein case is a very complicated one. and we should all be very careful when we're talking about this. you know, people are treating this document trove, pete, and charlie, as if it's epstein's black book, which it's clearly not. these are documents that are important, but they are related to one specific case with regard to jeffrey epstein. >> look, i think a lot of people take a look at major, major figures who were in jeffrey epstein's orbit. and it includes bill clinton, obviously. again, not news here. but also people like bill gates. a lot of globalists, bankers, or heads of banks. the names that have been circulating around this man now for years. we saw the conviction on a whole series of very horrendous,
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outrageous crimes with regard to jeffrey epstein. the american people have a lot of questions here. they have a lot of questions about -- these top leaders, were they or were they not engaged in what jeffrey epstein was doing here? in terms of trafficking and soliciting prostitutes and underaged girls. it may not be the case at all. i mean, did he -- jeffrey epstein did have some legitimate business. he had at least three planes, two of which were used for legit business purposes. one was tricked out with a bed and come to be known as the lolita express. so i think we have to be very careful about painting everybody whose names we see associated with jeffrey epstein with the same brush. but, by the same tone, the american people deserve answers on this. and they deserve transparency. >> pete: yeah, there's a lot of information, a lot more pages to go to. might take until "fox & friends" tomorrow morning to get a real scope and sense of all of this.
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move on real quick. charlie, more breaking news tonight. trump's legal team asks the supreme court to overturn colorado's ruling that kicked him off the primary ballot. this could have major impact on states across the country. more than a dozen are trying to disqualify him. your reaction to this most recent development. >> just extraordinary to watch democrats. they have tried everything in their -- you know, in their quiver to try to stop donald trump. they have tried doing this through electoral politics, they can't do it. they have tried doing it through the legislative process. you know, barack obama used the executive branch to spy on donald trump when he ran for office in 2016. spied on donald trump's campaign, which was extraordinary. he left time bombs nut executive branch so that after he left office, the department of justice was still spying on the trump campaign and the trump team in extraordinary ways. this guy is the most investigative man -- investigated man in politics.
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probably ever. they have never gotten anything on him. they are willing -- they will stop at nothing and now they want to try to involve the supreme court and the state courts and try to stop him that way because they are so terrified that if allowed to be on a ballot, the american people will vote for him again. i think this is damaging to the, you know, all branches of government. it's damaging to our politics. it's damaging to our country. >> pete: we got to goal real quick, monica, does the supreme court block this in the end in your sense? >> i think that they do, pete. it's so clearly, flakedly partisan. anti-democratic. anti-american. and unconstitutional. i think they are going to overturn. this and that decision then will apply across the board to all 50 states. so the left went be able to try this in any other state. >> pete: we just vote for the candidates that we want to vote
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for. got it. charlie and monica, thank you very much. appreciate your time. all right, men fighting women? my next guest says a new u.s. boxing decision could have fatal consequences. ufc star colby covington is here. that's next. ♪ biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works.
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>> do it. >> what are you doing? >> did you see? did you see? i punched her in the face like you taught me. >> they taught him to hit girls. >> no, no, no. >> we thought your daughter was a boy. press press how prescient that scene was because now it's becoming a reality. u.s.a. boxing which oversees the sport is giving okay for biological males to compete in the female category. i want to say this clearly. this is boxing. this is a highly physical contact sport where people get punched in the face. and now we're allowing men to fight women. as long as they identify as female get surgery, do hormone testing, amongst on or about things. joining me now is ufc fighter colby covington. a man i would never want to fight, but colby, your thoughts on these rules, men and women in the same ring, what happens?
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it's dispick cackle. biological men should not be allowed to compete in women sports. don't matter what their pronouns are they are still biological men. when they dig up their bones in 200 years they won't leave pronouns they will leave xx and xy chromosomes. box something a sport that could have fatal consequences to let women go against men is completely irresponsible, unethical, and dangerous. this must be a p.r. stunt from the u.s.a. boxing team because anyone sincerely suggesting this is a good idea needs to seek serious professional help immediately. >> pete: colby, i believe and agree with everything you just said. won't it end when the first match happens? and someone does get hurt? don't they understand the potential outcome here? >> to be honest, i don't know what sanctioning body or boxing
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commission is going to approve this this is disgusting. this is reckless behavior to put a man in there against a woman is just -- this is endamages jerg someone's life. one of our american daughters' lives. this is not a good idea. they should not be entertaining. this this is crossing the line and fight back against this wokeism. >> colby, here is what one female boxer she is 25-0 about this policy, watch. >> women's boxing was just allowed into the olympics in 2012 it hasn't been very long and now we have this other wall to break down with transgenders being allowed to fight women. it's not right. it's going to crush the dreams of so many little girls and so many women in the sport who work so hard. >> pete: i presume you agree. they joust got in and now we are letting men into their sport?
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>> you know, yeah. it's disgusting. i feel bad for all the ladies out there that have to deal with this. i mean, there is a reason there is no women coming to the men's sports. i mean, men have stronger bone density. they are just bigger jaw structures. they have testosterone flowing through their bodies. this is reckless behavior. the fact that they are entertaining this is crossing the line. people need to stand up because once they take this, it's just what's next, you know? then they come to our school systems. they keep indoctrinating our kids. we got make sure we got to take a stand and don't let them cross this line. no men in women's sports. >> pete: they are already doing that you speak truth, colby. i say this. you took time to train laura ingraham and i know after the kind of training you gave her that you will not step into the ring with her i would not either. that's just smart. >> that's just smart. laura is a dangerous woman. she can defend herself and if i had to put my money on it, i'm
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pretty sure she would beat up some men in men's sports. don't mess with laura ingraham. she is the queen. >> pete: that's probably true. she is, indeed. you are the king, colby, thank you for being with us tonight. all right, biden loses a major cultural backer while disney launches "star wars" into a diversity and equity galaxy. is it too far, far away for the audience? raymond arroyo has details in "seen and unseen." that's coming up next. ♪ grandma, it snowed. can i go play outside?
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>> it's time for our seen and unseen segment where we expose the cultural stories of the day. for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. biden has just returned from vacation, where he spent 37% of last year. >> welcome at the white house claims he's working on those vacations, but look at his last public event. last week, while in st. croix, he did this hard-hitting interview with ryan seacrest, and he still needs prompting
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from the first lady. >> what sort of holiday foods have you been joining over the last few days? >> i edan everything in front of me. pastaia, which i love, a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan. all italian foods, basically. >> and ice cream. >> and ice cream. chocolate chip ice cream. >> what's wrong with his face? some things wrong with his eyes. that something you ask in a memory care unit. when you still need notes for the preplanned interview with ryan seacrest, it may be time to announce their retirement. i might point out, this was not only preplanned, but pretaped. look at the streets around ryan seacrest in that shot. there are no people in times square. they edited this thing. his mental acuity is falling faster than that crystal ball in times square. this is a disaster. >> pete: so he had notes, and it was pretaped, which means it was edited and it was still that bad. tells you everything you need to
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know. >> this is why he's down 30 points of hispanics and 34 points with african americans, or vice versa. the scary thing about this, p pete, biden has no understudy. kamala harris is a 57% disapproval rating, the highest of any vp ever. and he or she is today explaining what organized labor means, to organized labor. the word of the day is apparently "collective." >> collective bargaining is about not leaving that one worker out there by himself or herself. we will organize around the collective to use the power of the collective to have an equal voice in a negotiation. >> pete, all that collectivity got her that endorsement from charlamagne tha god revoked today. he said he would not be endorsing her or president biden. he regrets that he endorsed them before. >> i love it when she lands on a
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word and she's like, "collective means everybody. collective." signature. >> pete: before we go, disney is about to relaunch their "star wars" franchise into a diversity and equity universe. >> the first woman and the first person of color to direct a "star wars" film. the force is strong with this one. >> i am very thrilled about the project. we are in 2024 now, and i think it's about time that we had a woman come forward to shape this story in a galaxy far, far away. >> this director may have been living in a galaxy far, far away for the last 15 years. women have been leading the "star wars" franchise literally since the beginning. the last trilogy was all about rey, the female lead. the rogue one movie, the protagonist was a female. the latest miniseries, ahsoka,
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female lead. the first editor of "star wars," it woman, and women have directed many of the series in between. >> it's true, and the brown groundbreaking thing to do would be to have a male lead in the next movie. i'm not sure they'll embrace that idea. >> make men uncomfortable. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. [applause] it is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, "i am here," and recognize that. it should make you uncomfortable, because you need to change your attitude. >> you know, pete, disney should have learned the lesson, you don't how to program your audience. they should have learned that with the "star wars" expensive hotel that went out of business. now they're trying to ruin the franchise, too. >> pete: you are totally right. jesse watters takes it from h here. >> jesse: welcom


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