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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 4, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PST

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criminality, we are seeing a fentanyl increase. but, look, here's the human rights trafficking that's going on. of the national security violation the health violations, these are crisis at our border and meanwhile they are trying to act as if they are doing a victory lap because they have got a little bit of a lull on the border at the moment. j the fact they said that how out of touch they are. mayorkas says is he in his office all the time before and after these hearings looking for solutions. the solution is simple. edge force the darn law and we're not in this situation. congressman mills, got to leave it there. we appreciate your time. i hate to make a joke about this. metlife. met lives only sees a disaster on sundays thanks to my giants and the jets. the border is a freaking disaster all the time and has been the last three years. appreciate your time. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ >> ainsley: we begin this morning with a fox news alert. the long awaited jeffrey epstein
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court documents are now unsealed and several prominent figures are referenced. >> brian: includes former president bill clinton as well as celebrities and business leaders. >> lawrence: many of the people named, including clinton, have not been accused of wrongdoing but the documents are answering some questions about epstein's web of associates and famous friends. >> steve: brooke singman joins us now with the sorted details. brook? >> good morning, guys. a federal judge releasing nearly 200 names previously redacted from hundreds of court documents filed in a since settled defamation lawsuit brought by one of epstein's accusers against ghislaine maxwell. former president bill clinton one of the biggest names. the documents reveal personal relationship with epstein including four trips epstein took on epstein's plane in the early 2,000s. in the deposition one victim was also asked did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton she answered quoted that one time
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clinton likes them young, referring to girls. clinton appears over 70 times in the first release of documents. another deposition another epstein maxwell told her that she and clinton flew in a helicopter to ensteenel's private island. he has previously said he has never visited epsteinens homes and had no knowledge of his crimes. disgraced prince andrew also was mentioned in detail in these documents. according to maxwell the prince made a trip to epstein's compound as well. another revelation made by magician david copperfield who performed magic tricks for epstein and several victims dinner epstein's apartment in 2016. again, the people named in these documents are not accuse you had of crimes. many, like former president trump, have been cleared of wrongdoing. guys? >> steve: it is a crazy story. brook, i understand not all the names have been released of the alleged victims because some -- all these names, for the most
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part that we know of, have appeared in other court documents. so the judge said, you know, it's out there so you can have it. apparently a couple where the victims have never sued anybody. have never been brought up. so the judge is keeping their i.d.s secret. >> exactly. we are expecting more documents to be released, steve. really, we back in 2019 reported a lot of these names. we had received when epstein was first indicted or i guess it was the second time he was indicted in 2019 these flight logs. a lot of names that came out yesterday were names that we at fox news have already reported dating back to 2019. not much of a surprise. we will see what's to come in the rest of those documents. >> ainsley: you know, when you fly on a plane, your name is listed. it's the manifest. >> steve: yep. >> ainsley: bill clinton's name, according to these documents, he had two dozen flight logs on this private plane that blonds to jeffrey epstein. one of the accusers the joanna lady in her deposition she is
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the one who said clinton likes them young, referring to the women. another accuser virginia guff giuffre, said to ghislaine that bill clinton did fly to that private island little saint james. >> lawrence: deep buried in the documents john doe 36. i found this astonishing. jeffrey epstein -- this is a question from the prosecution. jeffrey epstein never told you that knowingly he had sexual contact with underaged girls, correct? of course the defense automatically objects right here. the judge allows the witness to answer and this is what she said. when i asked him if the accusations were true, after i spoke with the police, he said yes. but these women lied about their age. so there was an admission from epstein that he was sleeping with and marketing under aged girls. but he claims that they lied about their age. >> brian: give credit to marsha blackburn. she has been relentless on this.
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she brought it out. big mystery why is dick durbin standing on the way. obviously is he not on anybody's manifest. why were you standing in the way all this time and denying that you were actually doing it. senator marsha blackburn said this is the beginning. she is not going to stop until all the names are out. other thing to to keep in mind, too. if you looked at allen derby wits last night r.f.k. last week. listen, number one it wasn't me and i could have misidentified him that's alan dershowitz saying that to sean. >> ainsley: he represented jeffrey epstein. >> brian brian i had business with him. did represent him. i do represent tough defendants. other thing to add on r.f.k. jr. my name was on it. he took my family fossil hunting. everyone who cease name on the man's fest okay, guilty. this guy was doing other things. the other thing see about jeffrey epstein, he was giving to a lot of good causes. so in a lot of people's mind they thought this guy is a good guy. is he really rich but he gives to a lot of foundations that
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could have got them on the plane. >> steve: to that point, brian. his brother, mark epstein spoke to the "new york post" a couple of days ago. he said and we don't have the background and it would be great if jeffrey epstein were alive so weekend ask him this question. mark epstein the brother jeffrey told him once, quote, if i said what i know about both candidates running in 2016, meaning hillary and donald trump, they would have to cancel the election. he did not elaborate what that meant; however, ainsley, you mentioned that joanna woman, one of the alleged victims earlier who said that clinton likes them young, she said she was once flying on epstein's plane and they made an unplanned stop in atlantic city because jeffrey said great, we're going to call up trump. so then they went to visit trump at the ceerch, exactly. >> ainsley: didn't she say she wasn't sure which casino it was. didn't know that but knew it was trump. going back to the brother he said and brian, this is your
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point. my brother use to have conferences on the island with noted mathematicians and scientists so now they are going to get smeared because they participated in one of these scientific panels. the reason mark spoke to the "new york post" is because he believes his brother was murdered after his arrest in 2019. and he did not commit suicide. >> ainsley: 60 g.o.p. members went down to the border yet. including the speaker, mike johnson. thought doj is saying they are suing the state of texas because what texas is doing, they are saying, anyone who comes across the border illegally can be arrested by our police officers, up to six months in jail and/or $2,000 fine for the first time offenders. if you are a second time offender you are going to jail according to texas law for 20 years. police have to transport them to the port of entry down in mexico after they serve their sentence and they could face a felony charge for refusing to return to mexico if they don't go. >> lawrence: the thing i found
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fascinating that the department. i just finished going through the entire document here. >> steve: senate bill 4. he is not only the department of justice, they are not only going after greg abbott in the state of texas. they are going after the texas department of public safety and director mcgraw as well. no one is doubting that the federal government has supremacy. >> ainsley: what is the problem with it. why is the federal government say they are going to arrest people doing illegally. >> steve: upside counsel world. >> lawrence: they have discretion no. one is disputing. texas is saying you are just not doing it. this is the part i found fascinating. it is dhs authority, they have the power and the duty to control the border. okay. then why are they not doing it? then they also go down. >> steve: joe biden. >> lawrence: then they go to the u.s. border patrol who is nonexistent right now and texas departdepartment of public safee the ones that are doing it. they say the u.s. border patrol has a primary responsibility for
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interdicting persons attempting to enter the country illegally. they are nowhere to be found. they will want to do their job. they are just thought being allowed to you do it, brian. >> brian: governor abbott spoke to sean last night before we get to that soundbite. just what governor abbott has said is you are not doing your job, federal government. i'm not going to sit here and let my state get overrun. have you cost my $11 billion with this lone star unit i had to put together because you won't do your job. that sounds very familiar with what they're saying in a lot of blue states and lot of blue cities now. the federal government is doing two things. they are suing to make sure that the states don't enforce their border. and they are suing to make sure texas doesn't use barbed wire to fill up the gaps in the fences that they won't finish. and meanwhile, the bigger story is governor abbott is being vilified because he is saying this can't be just texas' and arizona's problem. it's gonna be america's problem because this was dumped in our lap. he is spending buffs to d.c.,
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chicago, most of all, new york. he was vilified by all those three city mayors. here's what he said back to mayor adams. >> it's so important to send a very clear, loud message to the governor of texas who is just really aggressively attempting to destabilize our cities and i think this action is extremely appropriate. >> what we have found is the hypocrisy of the mayor of new york, of the mayor of chicago, of the mayor of denver and california. they say oh, we wants to be a sanctuary city. we want to provide all these free benefits to migrants but then they start complaining when texas starts dropping them off into their states or into their communities. >> this is a responsibility, a cause by the joe biden administration. and these democrat mayors, they need to wake up to the reality that their communities are going to continue to face challenges, including more buses and planes unless and until joe biden starts to enforcing the immigration laws of the united
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states. >> steve: of course he chooses not to. here's the thing. i was watching bill melugin's story last night from down with the delegation. during the coddle, congressional delegation. he was speaking to yesterday when the congressman were down there if biden wanted to turn off the spigot, they could. the problem and one of the sheriffs down there, a fellow by the name of the sheriff in maverick county, which includes eagle pass he said the problem with senate bill 4, which is what the doj is suing texas over, says they don't have the staff to actually enforce it. he said it's taking manpower from the security that we're supposed to doing in the county. we'll don't want to do it. and it's going to be impossible. the reason is, think about it. if you are the sheriff, or you
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are the local police department. they now have authority under senate bill 4 to arrest migrants. but their job really is to protect the people of their counties and their cities and they can't if they're over there processing people to get deported. so it's all about priorities. and protecting the people of texas think also lied and said that texas is doing deportations. what the city, put new prison for 10 years or 20 years with the option of going across the border. essentially giving the illegal migrants an option. detain you or drop you right back at the port of entry and can you go across. >> brian: why is it okay for these planes to go drop off in the middle of the night west chester or in pennsylvania but not okay for the governor of texas put them on buses on their own behest and go to a city that they choose. i love that new jersey, steve,
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is getting these buses now stopped in new jersey fight between blue states and blue cities. >> steve: "new york post." new jersey used to say a garden state. and now it's guarding states. guarding the points of entry. >> imspeechment hearing for al hand driveway mayorkas set for next wednesday january 10th. the hearing is called havoc on the heartland how mayorkas failed leadership-how his failed leadership has impacted the state. >> brian: catchy title. i'm sure mayorkas did not write it. >> ainsley: coming up. chaos. you have to see this video. chaos in the courtroom. >> shouting]
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shouting [bleep] >> ainsley: happened in las vegas. the judge attacked. the judge was attacked after sentencing that person. >> lawrence: looks like a defensive end. a missing teen found after being manipulated by cyber kidnappers, the virtual scam who is most at risk, that's next. >> ainsley: that is crazy, those of us here in the northeast are bracing for a blast. we know a lot of you have already gotten snow. but the first nor'easter in 2024 in the northeast, could bring significant snow for the first time in 700 days. details coming up straight ahead on "fox & friends" for this very busy thursday. ♪
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>> ainsley: we are back with your headlines, starting with a developing story out of san san antonio. police arresting a father and a son in connection with the deaths of pregnant teenager savannah soto and her boyfriend matthew your raft. authorities believe the 19-year-old carried out the killing and the dad helped conceal the bodies which were found inside a car days after
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the killings. officials say the crime appears to be drug-related. a growing number of hospitals are requiring patients and healthcare workers to mask up because of this rise in covid and the flu and rsv that include health networks in new york city, california, illinois and massachusetts. and new york city mask mandates are back in effect in all of the 11 city's public hospitals. the cdc says that covid hospitalizations are up almost 17% from the past week. and one 13-year-old is making history as the first person to beat the original version of tetris on nintendo. [gasping] oh my god. oh my god. so great. is he only 1 years old. his name is willis gibson. the first person to ever beat the game which came out 40 years ago. the previous title was held by
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artificial intelligence. the ceo of the classic tetris world championship released a statement congratulating the teenager for his accomplishment and those are your headlines. brian, greatest game ever. have you ever played it. >> brian: i have not played it. i just asked keith and kara about it and they said, i have played it. so i'm the only one who doesn't know how sneacial moment was but i will fake it. >> frogger and tetris ms. pacman, nintendo. donkey kong, you didn't play any of those when you were little? >> brian: asteroids? >> ainsley: that's one of them. >> brian: i had stuff to do. i had friends. thank you very much, ainsley. a missing foreign chinese student found unharmed after being manipulated and controlled in what authorities say was a cyber kidnapping scheme to extort thousands of dollars from his family. listen. >> cyber kidnappers will target young foreign exchange students and they will lead them to believe that their family is in danger in china.
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they will tell them if they don't do exactly what they say, then their family will be harmed we were able to communicated with the family to get them to trust us so they would cease contact with the kidnappers and stop sending money. >> brian: that family in china. so here with reaction. and to unwind this for all of us is tech policy director and the heritage -- from the heritage foundation kara frederick. good to see you again. this is so elaborate yet bizarre. how did he end up in a tent and isolating himself without any heat and just his phone to save what he thought was his parents' lives. >> my short answer is technology. these extortion schemes have existed since two and a half decades the fbi has said they is have been warning the public since 2017, yet, technology helps contact the parents overseas. it helps them get in touch with the actual victim, the boy in this case, the 17-year-old. and they said they checked in with him through email, through
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facetime. we don't know exactly what happened. they had to convince the boy that his parents were in danger. >> brian: in china. >> the boy himself in utah and the parents in china that the boy was in danger. there is a manipulation of both parties enabled by technology and my assessment is it's only going to get worse. >> brian: the host family thinks he disappeared because he was told to go isolate yourself and he did on a mountain. the family in china says of course my -- looks like my son disappeared. i got to write this check. i got to send this money out or my son dies. the son goes and does this because he thinks his parents are going to be killed. >> um-huh, exactly. >> brian: how did this whole thing unwind? >> authorities, they track the kid. they won't say exactly how. they said bank records and whatnot and other means and other surveillance. they tracked the kid. they found out that he was missing. the host family initially said we didn't know anything was off at all here. eventually got to him and then they unwound the chains of custody technically and found
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that this extortion scheme occurred. >> brian: people at home saying could i be victim of this exchange student or not. you got to limit your cyber footprint. >> oh, yeah. >> brian: what else would you recommend? >> this is the biggest thing. you talk to your kids and have a password. so, say yes, i can confirm that i'm not really in danger. say something like orange means i'm not in danger. so if the rise of ai enables scams. your voice is cloned we know you are not in danger our password among the family. and also keep your kids off social media. attackers are able to do this because they can piece together open source information. try to limit that as much as possible. have very stringent privacy settings if you can. frankly don't let your kids get on social media until i would recommend 18 at least. >> brian: it is dangerous. people take advantage of you. the kid ends up okay. he was fine. freezing no, heat sources. able to face time and prove to the cyber kidnappers that he is isolated. >> reportedly.
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>> brian: thanks so much, kara, i appreciate it. you are a tech policy adviser at the heritage foundation but this is something sadly you say is not ending. >> going to get worse before it gets better, too. >> brian: appreciate it. coming up on something i hope is better. january 21st. right after we head over to new hampshire for the primaries. i will be live on stage streamed fox nation ted i can't understand booker t. and all my books in a big fight on the war against history. will facts. fun, entertaining and patriotic. go to brian for tickets and watch on fox nation. still ahead on this show law and disorder. [beep] hey, hey hey, whoa. [scuffle] scuffle. [[bleep] >> brian: unbelievable. the shocking moment a las vegas judge is attacked by a criminal after being sentenced. the details of that case straight ahead. plus, bracing for a blast.
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♪ >> lawrence: we're back with the shocking video from a las vegas courtroom yesterday. a convicted felon due back in court this morning after attacking a clark county judge yesterday in the middle of sentencing. the three-time felon flinging himself over the bench, taking counsel the judge just moments after she denied his probation request. >> i think it's time that he gets a taste of something else because i just can't let that history in accordance with the laws of the state of [bleep] >> hey, whoa, whoa. hey. [shouting]
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>> lawrence: in court for sentencing after pleading guilty back in november to a charge of attempted battery. but the judge felt he should be back behind bars due to his lengthy rap sheet. within the past decade he has been convicted of three felony charges, a misdemeanor charge of battery. a misdemeanor charge of destruction of property. a court spokesperson saying, quote: we commend the heroic acts of her staff, law enforcement, all the others who subdued the defendant. the court remains committed to a safe and secure courtroom and courthouse, i'm sorry, and courtrooms. we are reviewing all of our protocols and do whatever is necessary to protect the judiciary. the public and our employees. court officials say the judge was hurt and a u.s. marshal was hospitalized. he is reportedly in stable condition. now, redden is now facing several new charges including battery on a protected person, guys. insane. >> steve: it is insane. and they have got the bailiffs. they have the protective people
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over to the side where if somebody here in the chair was going to run around the side, they could stop him. but whoever thought -- i mean, the guy literally is flying at her. he jumps over the bench and tackles her right there. i also read this morning las vegas paper that apparently the both of them, the judge and one of the protective agents ended up going to the hospital. unclear if they have been released yet. the judge just had minor injuries. there is a picture where she is holding her head. it looks like she hi hit her head against the wall. the courtroom marshall had a bleeding gash on his head and dislocated shoulder. this guy was in court because he allegedly attack ad person with a baseball bat last year when he was arrested. now facing charges of battery on a protected person. she made obvious she was going to send him to prison. she said. >> steve: denied probation. >> ainsley: he stood up and said i'm a person had never tries to stop doing the right thing how
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hard it is. i'm not a rebellious person. >> brian: look at this. that is what life on the streets is like today. basically crime and no punishment. hopefully this guy pays a steep price because i fear showing this vehicle other criminals with nothing to lose say i will gave a shot and at least i will go out viral. >> lawrence: what's interesting about it is before the judge notified him of this. she essentially told him i think you need something firm. >> yeah. for a change. >> a different change in scenery and app. apparently that's the part that made him outraged. i think it's a growing move. maybe you don't have people attacking judges but they definitely don't have respect for law enforcement. >> brian: can we also play a move where the bailiff goes a little bit closer to the bench prior to sentencing? >> lawrence: that is the way they are in the movies. >> steve: the guy is literally one second. is he standing right behind her. >> ainsley: this is according to abc. the judge made it clear she intended to put him behind bars. the court marshall moved to handcuff him and redden started
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yelling expletives and charged forward amid screams from people who had been sitting with redden in the courtroom audience. >> and you have got to think that if you are the judge, next time you say the same thing to somebody else is that guy going to jump at me? >> we got to thank that clerk though. because, if that clerk steve the guy right there. >> lawrence: he saw it happening. he goes straight in to protect the judge. >> i think is he an agent. i think is he a protective guy. the bailiff. quick thinking. >> ainsley: could you imagine do that if i would face plant right into the judge's desk. the guy went over like that. >> when you bore to go jail, do you stuff. >> ainsley: i guess. so. >> brian: i'm pretty sure ainsley you will never be in that position. i cannot see you up on assault charges. >> ainsley: no. i don't even own a baseball bat. >> brian: you don't even walk against traffic, i don't think. we will have to find out. now to a fox weather alert. next weekend along the i-59
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border and northeast record snow drought could be coming to an end. >> ainsley: the i 95 border. corridor. >> brian: i look at it as a border. >> ainsley: the first nor'easter of 2024 could bring measurable snow to several cities including here in new york. >> steve: adam klotz is here with a preview of the weekend as we run to the border. >> adam: good morning, guys. kind of an interesting set-up. all those cities around 700 days give or take since we have sean seen a decent snowfall. maybe not all of them get in on this action. there certainly is a big weather system we are tracking going to be moving across the country. only question is is it going to be too warm along the i 95 corridor for this to really be a snow maker. you see across the southeast, perhaps some very heavy flood threat. by saturday you are getting into the southeast. and running up into new england late on saturday evening and through the day on sunday, ultimately becoming more of a snow system. now, as it makes that
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transition, there will be areas that deal with ice. ice, obviously very dangerous for driving. we can also take down power lines and be an issue with power outages. ice is going to be very likely there across portions of the appalachian mountains and then you head further to the north and this is where we start to track this becoming a real snow maker. some of those areas in pink, that's going to be a decent amount of snow. i'm going to really highlight new york city here and give you just an idea of what we are looking at currently. maybe somewhere 1 to 3 inches. again, this is still several days out and something we are going to be watching very closely. knows are your weather headlines now though i'm tossing back inside to all of you. >> steve: got to keep an eye on it. that's why you are going to be very busy. thank you, sir. we check in with janice dean as she made it to the top of the highest mountain in northeast united states. one of the coldest spots on earth. >> ainsley: janice made it to mount washington observatory where a dedicated team. they actually are up there working 24/2022 better
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understand the earth's weather and the climate. >> brian: she joins us now along with the observatory's director of weather operations jay brock low. take it away, janice. january january thank you so much. they fed us breakfast this morning and dinner last night. we slept in bunks. jay, thank you so much for the hospital tattle, it's great. >> thanks for coming up. >> janice: this is artifact we have right here for weather geeks like myself the 138 storm was a big deal, especially on long island. this is an actual ledge from her that date. >> yeah. this is from 1938. specifically new hampshire. the storm hit in on september 21st. but, yeah, can you see the hourly wind temperatures, the hourly wind averages for direction and also wind speed. >> janice: it's scary that this -- i don't want to stand here and i'm afraid of spilling something. but do you have actual ledgers like this in the building? >> yeah. so, most of our record is actually kept here in the building except for some of our
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bigger records like 1932, 31 miles per hour dartmouth. most of all of our stuff is in this back room here. we are looking to get it somewhere else in a more protected area. >> janice: i'm honored to look at it. here at the weather observation center, what would you say is the most popular feature that tourists like to see? >> association, people love our cat nimbus. >> janice: your cat? >> nimbus is arguably much more popular than we are. >> janice: i met the cat. very well behaved. loves koser things. also loves treats and mis. >> yeah. we call him chief mouser. that's his official role. >> janice: awesome. charlie by the way just came out from doing observations. we will have to talk to charlie in the next hour going right up to the summit which we did yesterday. we will be showing you all of that on "fox & friends." i went up there as well. it was pretty awesome. thank you for letting me do this bucket list, "fox & friends."
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>> steve: that's awesome. speaking of records, i'm looking. warm you are, they recorded the world record wind speed of 231 miles per hour in april of 1934. it is cold and it is windy and you're there. >> janice: the worst weather in the world right here. >> steve: congratulations. >> brian: best way to avoid wind burn, what do you use? >> steve: vaseline. >> brian: get petroleum jelly. i know it takes a lot of guts to put your hand in there unless you are the first one in. after a while sometimes you look and say i don't think so. if you are the first, and you put it on your face. >> steve: that's why it comes in the tube now you just squeeze it out. >> brian: really? >> steve: it comes in a tube. >> mine has nothing but fingerprints. ainsley: what is better aqua for or vaseline version? >> brian: i don't know write us. what you use for protection. >> ainsley: i think it's all the
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same. >> brian: bill clinton, al gore, prince andrew make up a few of the 200 names unsealed in the epstein document dump. that story is next. >> steve: plus, the left has a new target for health issues. >> legacy of slavery. the legacy of jim crow. >> steve: okay. our next guest is fighting against the push for politics in medicine. we will hear about that. >> ainsley: golden rescue. dramatic video shows the coast guard retrieving leo the golden retriever. he usually retrieves. they are retrieving him that story is next. ♪ amazing how slow a day like this can pass ♪ find a way to wash away ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪ the first time you connected your godaddy website
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>> steve: a fox news alert. the long awaited jeffrey epstein court documents have now been unsealed revealing some of the world's top business and political leaders including former president bill clinton's name on the list in a deposition epstein's physician did ever talk to you about bill clinton shea replied she said one time that clinton likes them young, referring to girls. clinton likes them young, she said.
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columnist dave marcus has been covering the case since the very beginning and joins us now. good morning, dave. thanks for coming on. >> good morning. >> ainsley: the judge has unsealed all the documents the demingss from the accusers, what happens now? is all of this -- bill clinton not convicted, this is a civil trial dogs this mean these individuals could be back in court or is it over now and the judge just wants us to see this as a public? >> i think it's very unlikely that you will see these big names in court. but, listen, these documents made what already looked like a cozy relationship between jeffrey epstein and bill clinton look even cozier. if jeff epstein had been offering frequent flier miles on his private jets, clinton would have a platinum membership. and none of these people, whether they committed a crime or not, none of these people get points for not sleeping with underaged girls. that's not something that speaks to your credit. the question here is what were all of these powerful people doing in this very sorted world.
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i covered ghislaine maxwell's trial federal court. i was in the courthouse. it is a deeply troubling world that this man created for himself. i have real questions as to what all these people were doing that environment. >> steve: yeah. to that point, dave, it's curious how jeffrey epstein, a high school dropout amass a fortunate of 600 million bucks. became friends in the rich, famous, academics, scientists, the hoi pohoi. how did he make his money? that's the curious part. >> is he a very strange character this is a very small thing stood out to me. one of the witnesses who said about 16 or 17 at the time.
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she came from a poor neighborhood. he would give her $100 bills. she couldn't break them in her neighborhood. she had to find a piece in west palm beach. that spoke to the power dynamic. ghislaine maxwell is not in prison primarily for having touched anyone. she is in prison for having enabled all of this. crimes or no, i think there are a lot of very powerful people in this country who looked the other way and helped to enable. this and i think those people need to do some soul searching. >> it will be interesting to see if anybody on the list actually puts out a statement after this has come out. david, thank you very much. for your reporting and joining us on this thursday. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: you bet. >> hand it over to brian for more. >> brian: here is the latest breaking news while you were talking this was breaking a judge in los angeles now ruling the fentanyl poisoning lawsuit against sensnapchat can move fo. able to gain access to the drug to the use of the social media
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platform. three years ago, parents who lost children to fentanyl poisoning joined to us share their tragic stories. >> i reached tout a dealer through snapchat who sold him what he believed to be a legitimate prescription pill. >> she had reached out to a drug dealer in snapchat in search of oxycodone and my wife found my daughter dead in her bed the next morning. >> he reached out to a drug dealer on snapchat and what they do is they make them look exactly like a pharmaceutical grade objection he codone or percocet or xanax and when in reality is a counterfeit opioid. >> brian: amazing similar stories. the judge also overruled 12 objections made by snapchat. hey, the fda looking into possible side effects of the popular weight loss drug ozempic in a report released earlier this week. investigating reports of alopecia hair loss condition. aspiration that's when people inhale objects into their airway
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during surgery and suicidal ideation. those side effects are being studied in people using ozempic. wegovy, mounjaro and zep pound. those are the weight loss drugs and the price you pay. coast guard using helicopter to rescue golden retriever. falling off 300-foot high cliff. coast guard wrapping the dog in a blanket airlifting to safety. they took him to the vet to be treated go fund me campaign to pay the vet bill it. has now exceeded a goal of $10,000. the dog looks great. >> lawrence: that's a nice story, brian: systemic racism to blame for issues in the black community. >> legacy of slavery.
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legacy of jim scro. racism impacts the health of our community. individuals are only responsible for about 20% of what makes them healthy. the other 80% of thesis systemic factors. >> one study now blames residential racism never heard of it for diabetes, high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease in black communities. our next guest calls the claim racist itself and is arguing against pushing politics inside the medical field. california am anesthesiologist dr. marilyn singleton joins us now. thank you so much for joining the program. you said something to fox digital that i just thought really gets to the bottom of this. you said while we have a legacy of slavery, we also have a legacy of strength and resilience. after all, escaping from slavery required creativity and perseverance. what did you mean by that? >> >> well, i meant it's interesting listening to this speaker on msnbc where she talks
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about the legacy of jim crow, the legacy of slavery. and it's like choose your legacy. choose the positive legacy. and encourage black people to be positive and to use that past to their advantage rather than making black people into victims. we are not children. we are strong people. and we have to play to those strengths. and to sit there and blame systemic neighborhood racism when you look at the study, some of the factors they use are totally bogus. it makes it clear that there is a political agenda. and as a physician who reads studies and hopes to get good science out of studies, it's disgusting to have somebody just pull out the political parts and not talk about real problems. smoking, eating fried foods, and
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it's interesting that the study was done in the south and whether you are black or white, people in the south tend to eat more fried foods food. >> lawrence: we eat good in the south and we put a lot of seasoning. many of my doctors tell me that's not good, doctor. i'm sure you would say the same thing. but how do we get to the root of the issues within our community when it comes to diet and different health decisions? i think some of it is also linked to poverty as well. not getting the quality diet because of your economic circumstances, right? >> well, it's very interesting you mention that because if someone is poor and they qualify to get food stamps, it's interesting, they have done studies looking at what people buy with the food stamps. and a lot of folks buy processed foods, you know, the kraft macaroni and cheese and things like that. there has to be some education. when i worked at my church's food bank, one of the things we
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did was when people came to collect the food, we also had a nutritionist there who would give recipes of what you can do with the food. something healthy, rather than, you know, trying it up into rice cakes, wrapped in bacon and grease. >> lawrence: doc, it's all about moderation as they always tell me. but what you are talking about is doing the work. that's education. and it seems like people want to blame racism instead of going in the community and educating the population about certain decisions we can make. doc, thank you so much for joining the program this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> lawrence: i hope y'all come back. >> indeed. >> lawrence: still ahead. last president standing on mit after harvard and penn presidents resign after the wake of their disastrous testimony on capitol hill.
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