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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 4, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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apparently that's what his father is telling the associated press. >> dana: f.b.i. is on the scene and told they have let the local officials there take the lead, of course. they're there in a supporting role. you might hear from the f.b.i. as well on this. 40 miles from des moines. people getting back to work, getting back to school and not a good way to start the year. hopefully the police will have more information that is positive coming up in just a few minutes. >> bill: it was the most scared i've been in my entire life, end quote. i'm certain that's the case. big high school, 1700, 1800 kids. >> dana: that was the whole school district. not just that school. >> bill: well north of des moines. we're hoping for the best right now as the press conference gets underway. >> dana: harris faulkner is next with "the faulkner focus." here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news.
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school shooting in iowa. we're told to prepare for police to give an update. their very first moments away. if you look at the left side of your screen, you can see the microphone bank there. you see officials gathering. as soon as they walk up to those micks i'll go there right away and take it life. this is perry high school in perry, iowa. police have confirmed reports of an active shooter at that high school. just so you know the location, it's about 25 miles northwest of the capital of iowa, des moines. today is the first day back at school following the school district's winter break. no confirmed casualties yet. you may hear otherwise. we want to wait and get that firmed up. perhaps momentarily from the officials that you see in the distance there on your screen. as always with breaking news, the situation is in flux. we want to try to get that
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confirmation if anybody has been killed or hurt directly from the officers. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." now as we await that we have the opportunity to bring in our fox news correspondent who has been on the story from the beginning as we first learned of it, mike tobin. mike. >> we are reporting on the potential of another mass shooting at a school 30 minutes to the north west of des moines, iowa. we're 11 days away from the iowa caucuses. there are some reports that one person has been killed, multiple injured. there is also social media traffic to the effect that the gunman is dead. none of that is confirmed. that's why we're waiting for the first official word as the iowa department of criminal investigation is taking over this story. we already have some dramatic stories coming out of perry high school. some coming from zander shelly
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who texted their father to report the shooting. at 7:45 a.m. shots first rang out inside of the perry high school. zander ran for cover in one of the classrooms and attempting to flee he was grazed by bullets a couple of times. reports from the associated press. what we know from the scene, dozens of emergency vehicles are outside of the high school. it is a school district with 1785 students. we don't know exactly how many people attend this particular high school. but we know it was the first day back in school. quite possibly the shooter was waiting for the first day of school. not confirm. we have to wait until we get the official word from the officials who are investigating. we know that the f.b.i. out of the omaha and des moines offices is part of the investigation. iowa department of criminal
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investigation has taken over. the perry police department has confirmed really just through someone answering the phones that there has been a shooting at the high school. the sheriff's department are investigating the potential of another mass shooting. sad to say we're back here again. the situation is very fluid. a lot of traffic on social media and trying to get as much concrete information as we can to you. >> harris: before we say we're back here again. we aren't sure where we are yet. they haven't confirmed many details and we're awaiting police to do just that coming up at this first update and live news conference. mike tobin, thank you very much. i want to bring in paul mauro, retired new york police department inspector. he and i often will be together on these occasions unfortunately. you know, paul, i was just saying to mike tobin we really don't know much. a lot of times it will be all
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over social media with people giving details. right now it is very much an emotional reaction without a lot of facts. >> that's right, harris, what we the end to do is map over the current situation. things that we've had in the past. as they say in the military like the last war. you want to make sure that you are taking the facts as they come. the police responding here, the first responders such as uniform cops will have the ticket on this thing. f.b.i. will be advisory role. it sounds like they already have things good, thinking in terms of giving a press briefing. there are apparently f.b.i. assets at the scene which tends to take longer. so it sounds like it is at least right now pretty organized and they are trying to figure out what they have. they may know a lot more than we do obviously. i suspect we'll get at the 11:00 a briefing that, i think, could be a little more substantive
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that we may have seen in some others. >> harris: you as officers and you have been a lieder in law enforcement in the past, you as officers always know more than what you tell the public. part of it may just be because you can't share it, family members don't know. people who need to know haven't been told. the perry high school, by the way, is part of the 1,785 student perry community school district. and again, you heard mike tobin saying it was the first day back in school for students following the holiday break. the proximity in time to that, what does that say to you about, you know, when things like this happen? again, being that general fighting the last war. >> so, you know, as mike alluded to, since it's the first day back it argues that whoever perpetrated this was -- had a plan, knew that the kids would be back in school today, etc. i would caution we don't jump
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right to the idea it's a student. we've seen in the past that yes, it was a student and i would argue that's probably more likely than not here but we don't know that and instances in the past it wasn't a student, maybe a former student. we don't know that. obviously whoever did this knew that the kids would be in school today. the first day back and unfortunately that person had inside knowledge. >> harris: some reports here that shots were first reported at 8:20 a.m. local time in perry, iowa. witnesses at the scene reported seeing students crying as they were reuniting with their parents near the entrance of perry high school. they were dismissed and evacuated at nearby perry elementary school and perry middle school. buildings were cleared by 8:35 a.m. so that's a really tight window. we don't have an idea of the ground of this but i gave you that number, the school district has about 1,785 students in it.
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that's at least three buildings they had to clear. the high school, the elementary school, middle school as is being reported in what i'm reading. >> yeah. sounds like there were protocols in place. that is good news. unfortunately these days, police at all levels have to consider something like this. we've seen operations in response that haven't gone perfectly like uvalde, etc. >> harris: we'll pull away and you will stand by for when this is over. let's watch the dallas county sheriff now. >> this morning at approximately 7:37 a.m. we had a radio activation at the high school which indicated an active shooter situation. our officer first arrived within seven minutes of that activation. located multiple gunshot victims. we're still unclear exactly how
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many are injured or what the extent of those are. we're working on that right now. there is no further danger to the public. the community is safe. we're just now working backwards trying to figure out everything that happened and make notifications. there will be another update later on today. it's still very early. this happened at approximately 7:37 this morning. school didn't start yet luckily. there were very few students and faculty in the building, which i think contributed to a good outcome in that sense. but we'll have more information later on this afternoon. we won't be releasing any more information in the meantime. please be patient with us so that we can talk with these victims and their families and try to figure out what happened. we won't be answering any questions right now, either. we'll let you know later on this afternoon what time we'll meet
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back with you again. we hope to provide more detail then. >> just to be clear you don't have a number of people injured. >> we're still working on that. >> have you identified the shooter? >> yes. >> what is their current status? are they alive? >> we'll get to that later on this afternoon. >> can you confirm it was a student at the school? >> i can't confirm that right now. >> can you confirm any deaths? >> is there a reunification for students and families now? >> it has already been established and most of those -- i think all the kids have been reunited already. we're good in that area. >> any faculty members hurt? >> can't answer that question yet. >> have you made any arrests? >> can't answer that question yet, either. no further questions at this time. >> want to make sure? >> we'll let you know. >> iowa department of public safety will push out a message
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as far as location and time of the next press conference. if you go to the iowa department of public safety website it will be posted there probably shortly after noon. >> any surveillance video available? >> there is nothing more that we'll be able to answer right now. thank you. >> harris: that was very brief but we got some good information there. i do want to bring paul mauro back and let's go through the facts together with our audience. so just really quickly that was the dallas county, iowa sheriff and he said no further danger to the public. then we learned after he said they probably were not going to take questions, not probably, he was not going to take questions, but to the credit of the reporters on the ground and to the sheriff, when the questions popped up and he realized well, some of these may be for the public should be answered, he even said to one of the reporters that's a good
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question. so when he was asked have you identified shooter, we've identified the chart. does that go together with no further danger to the public? we don't know. when it was asked if you apprehended or arrested, it was unclear. 7:37 a.m. local time in iowa, a very serious radio activation happened. paul mauro, fill us in on what that would have been. >> so obviously a lot of 911 calls must have gone out. these days everyone has a cell phone. they knew they had a serious situation because you get multiple call. if you get one call it can be a hoax or swatting incident. my gut tells me they were getting multiple calls from students that and faculty that were there. according to the sheriff there weren't that many but it was enough for the local cops to say okay, what looks to be a genuine
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situation and again, hopefully they have protocols in place. it looks like this thing was interdicted pretty quickly and as you and i were supposing before the press conference, it did look like the situation had stabilized and we are getting that feeling and it looks like that's been born out. he said no current danger to the public. that's an important fact for us. >> harris: he said clearly when they first arrived on the scene there were multiple gunshot victims and he has not given a number to that. apparently at some later time today there will be an opportunity to gather more information and an opening fully from what i understood for questions. but that sheriff, to his credit and you know that they are just buried right now with this investigation, did go ahead and take questions and that was very helpful. one more important thing that he said upon being asked about a reunification center he said to
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his knowledge everybody has been reunited. those people who went to pick up their kids. multiple gunshot victims. we don't know how many. no further danger to the public and they've identified the shooter. thank you for being with me. we are, during "the faulkner focus" and here on fox news continue to follow this and we'll get you updated immediately as soon as we learn when they will give the next update and what that will look like. we'll move. it is getting too loud apparently for the white house to ignore. the house speaker is warning the biden border crisis is far past its breaking point. lawmakers witnessing illegal immigrants crossing into the country, flowing in as they visited eagle pass, texas, some of us, myself included, have been saying this for two years. house speaker johnson leading the largest border delegation to date. more than 60 all republicans getting an up close look at the
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border crisis. johnson and his fellow republicans tore into the biden administration. >> under president biden america has laid out a welcome mat to illegal immigrants, smugglers and cartels. he is responsible for the grave threat to our national security. >> the american people are sick of the policies that they've seen. >> now is the time to make sure america is safe and we do that by taking a down payment on border security in 2024. last month, record month, 300,000 illegal migrants come into the country. the pace of the biden administration in his term as president will reach 12 million when they are done. >> the policies of mayorkas are being used by the cartels to exploit the american people and make billions of dollars. accountability is coming, i promise. >> harris: well, there it is. house republicans vowing accountability for homeland
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secretary mayorkas. they plan to hold their first impeachment hearing now. that date has been set. and they're looking into impeaching him by next week. mayorkas and the white house have dismissed this tidal wave of criticism. >> doing this intentionally and that you are a liar, your reaction. >> i don't have time for words like that. we are focused here on solutions. >> do you have confidence in the secretary? >> what the house republicans are doing with the impeachment inquiry is baseless. we believe that it's a political stunlt. >> we have house republicans blocking the president's effort to do something. that's what they are doing. they're playing political games. >> harris: can you believe she says that with a straight face? in "focus" congressman andy biggs, republican of arizona and co-chair of the border security caucus. yes, he was there yesterday with that very large group of
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republicans. we'll get to him in a moment. let's beginning with bill melugin in eagle pass, texas. bill. >> harris, good morning to you. when those republicans were here in eagle pass yesterday they said they got a briefing from border patrol and told the cartel across the river from us is making $32 million per week just here in the eagle pass area based off their human smuggling going on along the southern border. look at the video the team shot in arizona late yesterday afternoon. this is that lukeville area we've been reporting from the last few weeks. more men from all around the world crossing illegally. large numbers of men from africa, countries likely bera, bally, senegal, guinea. others crossing later in the day a mixture of family units. women from ecuador, brazil. we also encountered a man from guinea on the other side of the border wall just begging border patrol to please let him into the u.s. he also for some reason had a
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new york state i.d. card in his hand. take a listen to this exchange. >> please, please, please, my brother, please let me in. please. i will help you. >> you see it there. that's the new york state i.d. card he is holding in his hand. we don't know much about it if it is his or somebody else's, real or fake, how and why he has it. all we know is that man did later successfully cross illegally into the lukeville area. our border patrol contacts telling us that. he was one of several men waiting near a breach in the border wall. the cut in the beam there hoping to be able to go through that open breach. back out here live look, republicans are talking for a long time about the threat of impeaching secretary mayorkas. next week, as you mentioned earlier in your show, they will have the first impeachment inquiry hearing set for january 10th and the first step
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towards a potential mark-up and eventually maybe a house floor vote in terms of finally impeaching secretary mayorkas. we'll see how it all plays out. send it back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. startling to hear that man beg to be let in and he just came on in on his own illegally. you wonder how many times a minute that is happening. thank you. in "focus" now republican congressman andy biggs of arizona. co-chair of the border security caucus, member with of the house judiciary and oversight committees. congressman biggs was with a large group of republicans at the border. i know you went previously on another delegation. what can you tell me about what is happening there and why the president now has his eyes on all of you? >> well what's happening on the border it's worse than it has ever been. as you know more than 300,000 encounters that month but
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doesn't include the known gotaways and gotaways. over the last two days i took a separate group the day before to get a separate view what i call a non-sanitize eats, non-biden administration review. it is so bad and the people we talked to. we talked to health administrators, we talked to first responders, we talked to the local ranchers and business people, and we talked to the texas border czar. we were there and i will tell you that it continues to get worse and we are actually facilitating this -- this administration is facilitating the logistic arms of transporting people from the cartels importing into the united states. exporting to the united states. we're facilitating that and we actually met with the inspector general for the dhs last night
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and more than 75%, his audit showed, more than 75% of these people, harris, of the 8 million or so that have come in under joe biden, we have no idea where they are. three totally unaccountable to any u.s. authority. >> harris: that's a huge number. what you are saying is they come into the -- i'm in new york, you know it's a sanctuary city here. as they come in and they try to get to other places, you are saying as they fan out, even once they have come illegally we have no idea where they are. and so that gotaway number may be those we didn't identify but they are all getting away. >> yeah, that's right. >> harris: at least 75% of them. >> yeah, 75%. most of the people that come in, we have to take them on their word because there is no way to vet them. >> harris: if they come here and commit a crime against this nation by entering illegally why in the world would we take them
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at their word, those who choose not to go through the checkpoints? >> i'm with you 100%. this administration won't do even for instance dna testing of people under the age of 14, why? just think of the human trafficking and child trafficking we've seen. think of the special benefits that we give to these family units. we have concocted, made up family units coming in and we won't do the dna to see if you're related to them and release them. instead of stopping them at the border, harris, or turning them away, this administration is saying we'll not only facilitate their entry, we'll facilitate the distribution throughout the united states and not keep track of them. >> harris: i'm sure you are seeing the numbers, eye-popping numbers of how much money the cartels are making by the day, by the individual. we are now just almost like the
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agents for the cartels. >> that's right. you are exactly right. that's what i mean when i stay logistical arm. when i was in lukeville two weeks ago we saw people just like bill was showing you in his report. he was with me. you asked them where are you going? we would ask as many people as we could where are you going? they would pull out a laminated -- a laminated card with phone numbers and addresses throughout the country. this is well organized. this is not happenstance. this is by design. >> harris: yeah. president biden's justice department is suing the state of texas over its new border security law. the bill would allow state authorities to arrest certain illegal immigrants and potentially give state judges the power to deport them. the lawsuit comes the very same week the doj filed for the u.s. supreme court to intervene over the state's use of razor wire to
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keep the people illegally from flowing into texas. former acting ice director tom hoe man with in? >> bill: in the end texas will lose the law sight. it is a same. the federal government are not doing anything to secure the border. >> harris: just rapid fire. first of all he said there he thinks texas will lose the lawsuit. do you think that? >> i think they have a chance to win. it is an uphill climb but the point he made is the legal point. has the federal government vacated the field in this area? they vacated it a long time ago and gives them an opportunity to use article four, section four protection for the state. >> harris: okay. of course it would. nobody is really talking about that very much, though. when you say vacating their responsibility. you and i have seen this for years now. it is not breaking news. all right. i said rapid fire. let's get to this next thing.
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is mayorkas just a figurehead? how do you really get to the heart of this? do you impeach the guy whose face is on the border crisis or can you go deeper? >> you have to start with mayorkas. he is not just a figurehead. these policies he is concocted. he has enforced these policies and he is refusing to actually enforce the laws of title eight which would give us some relief along the border. i think he has abdicated his responsibility and should be impeached. >> harris: i can hear the level of frustration in your voice. we talk enough. i recognize this. this is a critical point. i hope we get it right for america. thank you, sir. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: former president donald trump fighting to keep his name on colorado's ballot. the u.s. supreme court could jump in. he made an appeal. they could get involved at his request via that appeal.
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plus republican attacks getting personal in the final weeks before voting starts in primary season. >> ron desantis is lying. every commercial he is running in iowa it's a lie. he is lying because he is losing. >> she hasn't been able to handle basic questions that people are asking. she hasn't been able to defend her record as governor of south carolina. >> harris: and the campaign dollars are flying on ads to win votes. kellyanne conway in "focus" next. ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪
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see with 18.6%. and a very close nikki haley in third and then everybody else. which are just two people. vivek and christie. "time" magazine with this headline. nikki haley at center of costlyest ad war in iowa caucus history just to come in second. one source that tracks spending shows republicans have shelled out more than $1 hundred million in iowa in 2023. nikki haley is leading rivals in ad buys in the first two weeks of january and the attacks are getting personal. >> let's start with ron desantis. literally there is not one commercial that fellow has put on tv that has been truthful. not one about me. not one. >> in south carolina, haley brought in a lot of chinese companies when she was governor. we aren't doing that in florida. >> if these fellows have to lie to win, they don't deserve to
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win. if they are going to lie about me, i will tell the truth about them. >> donald trump is running for his issues, nikki haley is running for her donor's issues, i'm runng d your family's issues and for the future of this country. >> i think president trump was the right president at the right time. i agree with a lot of his policies. but rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. >> harris: kellyanne conway fox news contributor. former counselor to president donald trump. good to have you. so all that money to come in second, which is what one analyst was saying. is that what the game is now? you just want to come in second or maybe be the vp pick? that's a lot of money. >> i don't think she is doing herself any favors to be the vp pick at the current moment. a distant second, not a close
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race. iowa caucuses have been decided in the past by 14 points, narrow margins. this is a contest maybe for 2028, maybe for vp and bragging rights or think trump isn't going to last forwhatever reason. he is. the non-trump contingency is not a majority. if trump is 52% in the average all the non-trump together is less than that. two people have benefited from the 105 million of ads in iowa. donald trump the frontrunner and the people who get paid 20% to run those ads. they are convincing these candidates that it is worth their time and money and precious political currency to continue the run the ads. i think it's political mal practice. >> harris: how important is iowa at this point? we have seen others, ted cruz, mike huckabee others running for the white house who won iowa but didn't go on. how does it play into the scheme
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of things politically these days? >> it matters and it should matter. president obama and vice president biden carried iowa twice with over 50% of the vote. trump comes in and carries it twice in 2016 and 2020. it is no longer a swing state. it has a lot of female leadership there. and so it's not necessarily a swing state but it is the first for a reason. i think it's particularly important this time, harris, for a simple reason. look at the sheer time and money that nikki haley and especially ron desantis have invested in iowa. when i ask the desantis people how did you waste six months between november and 20-point victory in florida re-election and may when he announced? why did you waste the six months? he had a state to run. he still has a state to run and living in iowa, not florida. so i think that they have poured everything they could into the state and in the case of haley and christie into new hampshire.
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right now it is not -- they're not showing the dividends. >> harris: you picked up on governor christie there. let's talk about that. former new jersey governor chris christie made a reference to the civil war comparing confederate leader jefferson davis to former president donald trump. >> i think they should try and convict him in washington, d.c. and send him to jail for it. i think that's the way to do it. >> jefferson davis wasn't convicted but not allowed to hold office. >> he never tried that again. we never tested it. it was never tested, jefferson davis, the president of the confederacy had some class and decided not to run for office in the united states again. >> harris: christie also says in a new ad he regrets backing the former president in 2016. >> eight years ago, when i decided to endorse donald trump for president, i did it because he was winning. i did it because i thought i
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could make him a better candidate and better president. well, i was wrong. i made a mistake. >> harris: you know what's interesting, why do you stay in a race like this and you are so far away? is it just to be that dissenting voice? >> i think you see why. his entire campaign is predominantly about president trump. not even governor christie's record in new jersey which had bright spots. i lived there. this is like watching parents fight for me. i am friends with chris christie and donald trump and i know firsthand that governor christie was in the administration trying to be very helpful, was offered a number of positions but there until almost the bitter end and so it's hard to watch that. everybody is allowed to make their decisions. i think look, in new hampshire, in the polling right now they have upwards of 50% in the sample independent. the highest number of independents to ever vote in a
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republican primary in new hampshire has been 40%. so we'll see if it actually is a rising number of people who call themselves independents and show up. it is a lot of democrats way past the deadline of being able to switch and vote in the republican primary. we'll see how it turns out. he is welcome to do that. for a while governor christie had some momentum as being the non-trump candidate. by definition you are a non-trump candidate if you are running this time. i have think governor christie and donald trump had a 20-year friendship. i hate to see that disappear because of politics. and like i said for me personally i worked very closely with both of them. governor christie did a great job as the commissioner of the president's commission on opioids and drugs, a great job. you see him in the rose garden for barrett. helping with the debate prep. it went long after 2016.
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>> harris: it's been said that with politics that you can go back and be friends. technically former president trump was friends with all these people. nikki haley. >> he made her the u.n. ambassador. >> harris: he elevated that position to a cabinet position. >> ron desantis won by 47,000 votes. everybody can be more gracious to each other. i do think some of the people could be more grateful to president trump for the positions they had. >> harris: it's a battle right now. i like the way you put it. like watching parents fight. you love them both and love them all. it is tough to watch. >> bill: everybody will come together. joe biden is the president. we have a current occupant. >> harris: you better sell that to the party. >> who shouldn't be there for another moment. after he won in 2016 he put two people who ran against him in his cabinet. and other people ran against him
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like chris christie, haley was against them were all there to help and i'm all for unity. we need that again. we want unity. >> harris: president biden, vice president kamala harris headed to the campaign trail after a long holiday break. what will they say? they better not bring up bidenomics. they are trying to shore up a slide from minority voters. form he president claudine gay is firing back at her critics in the "new york times" and has written her own op-ed piece. now she is playing the victim card hard. >> that's the point. there is a hierarchy of oppressed and oppressor. if you are a so-called victim you can get away with anything, including plagiarism. >> harris: and she is also facing heat for claims about her
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details. we want to further that out a also bit. multiple shooting victims. we don't know, cannot confirm the law enforcement's news conference how many people were injured or possibly killed. we don't know that. they just said when they showed up there were multiple shooting victims. 7:37 this morning is when they started a serious radio activation, which we had a former police officer on with me earlier who said it would be simultaneous and rapid 911 calls and they roll to the scene. most of the situation right now is under wraps, with just a few details that dripped out of that news conference. so they have a reunification center, the dallas county sheriff who spoke felt like everybody who was there to unify with their kids had done that. those parents and adults. no further danger to the public was the headline when we saw them earlier this hour.
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that is because we understand they have identified the shooter. when asked if that person had been apprehended they didn't answer it. this development. this is happening 25 miles or so away from des moines. there are a lot of politics at play. presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy had a campaign event in perry this morning. while he did cancel that, he then stayed and it turned into a prayer and discussion about shooting, mental health and the state of this country. here is a statement from vivek ramaswamy. we pray for the victims of the tragic high school shooting in perry, iowa. i happened to be there after it happened. we canceled our event and converted it to a prayer and open conversation. strikingly the first two people who spoke to us each said they were not surprised. and that it was just a matter of
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time before something like this happened. we have a psychological sickness at the core of our country right now. that's a quote from vivek ramaswamy whose political event turned into a prayer event right down the road from perry high school. when we know that we'll hear more from the sheriff's department in dallas county, iowa, we'll bring you that. more than 900 pages of court documents are revealing the names of people linked to child sex trafficker jeffrey epstein. 200 famous people on that list from politicians to ceos of corporations to entertainers, actors, actresses. most are not accused of any wrongdoing, at least for now. more names could be added today and in the next few weeks. this is literally rolling like we're rolling it on the screen. a judge has unsealed the documents as part of the past lawsuit against jeffrey epstein's accomplice maxwell.
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>> former presidents donald trump and bill clinton are in the documents. clinton is mentioned nearly 50 times described as having a close personal relationship with jeffrey epstein. you see them shaking hands here in 1993. clinton spokesperson said they last spoke 20 years ago. in the documents a lawyer asked one of epstein's accusers quote, did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton? she responded quote, he said one time that clinton likes them young, referring to girls. she also claims epstein took her to former president trump's casino in atlanta city. neither of former presidents are accused in the documents of any wrongdoing. not the case with britain's prince andrew. she describes a picture she took with him and fellow epstein accuser where she claims prince andrew jokingly placed his hand on her breast. another claim in the document reads quote, jane dough three was forced to have sexual
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relations with the prince when she was a minor in london at maxwell's apartment, in new york and on epstein's private island in an orgy with numerous other underage girls. prince andrew denies wrongdoing. other names include michael jackson, david copperfield and attorney alan dershowitz who said this on hannity last night. >> i want to make sure every single document comes out, including the documents that cast doubt on the credibility of some of the accusers and accused. the public has the right to see everything and make their own judgment. >> more of these documents could be unsealed at any moment. we're following that and will let you know when it happens, harris. >> harris: i'm sure the drip, drip is hard for the people on the list. you know you know they're on it. nate foye, thank you. critics tearing into former harvard university president claudine gay over her new opinion piece in the "new york times." she is defending herself and
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claiming what happened to her is part of a broader war to undermine public faith in institutions. >> it was one of the most narcissist particular pat on the backs i have read in my life. >> amazeings she resigned. she doesn't believe she did anything wrong. >> harris: claudine gay also claimed that she did not plagiarize anything. she claims she duplicated without proper attribution and promptly made corrections. isn't that the definition? okay. christopher rufo, who first publicly raised allegations of plagiarism in her work fired back. rufo said she is outright lying alleging she only made corrections under duress. now one of the board members of harvard is being pressured to step down.
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ackman said pritzker should resign. a ackman shared a blog post titled, i came, i saw, a copied. why dei must die die. housed indication committee chair virginia foxx weighed in. she also even though gay is already out of her job, she still works at the university we know. her panel's investigation will continue examining how harvard and other schools are handling anti-semitism and dei. that's virginia foxx who will stay on it. power panel now. shermichael single ton . termer deputy chief of staff at hud under president trump and doug sc schoen. shermichael. protecting claudine gay is a cottage industry. >> happy new year. good to see you again, harris.
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i think you are right. if president gay, former president gay would have resigned within days such as the former president of penn, we wouldn't have known about any of this. she would have walked away and they would have selected someone else and we would have moved on and hopefully the institution would have beefed up protection for their jewish students. she didn't do that. she believed she was beyond critique. when that happens and people start to look deeper into your background. instead of immediately attempting to rectify some of the issues that we found fault with her academic record, she didn't do so. as a result the public pressure continued to mount. let's be honest here, harris, this is about harvard's inability and unwellingness to protect its jewish students. if it was another minority group on campus the institution's disposition would have been different. why wasn't it for the jewish
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students on campus who felt unsafe? >> harris: that's such a critical question. one that we may never know the answer to because as i said, it seems to be well, a side hustle to protect this woman. >> i think that's right. look, i am a harvard graduate. i went to harvard college, harvard law school. what is going on now is outrageous. i think bill ackman is right. the entire harvard corporation needs to go. claudine gay's position at the university needs to be fully examined. to call it something other than plagiarism to me is absurd. and this is an issue ackman himself points it out where dei is used to turn society into oppressors and the oppressed. you know what? that's not a free university where there is freedom of speech.
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>> harris: i think the big question what you and other people in the jewish faith feel comfortable on that campus anymore? that's what -- >> i don't. >> harris: i have heard you say it. look who you are in our society and how far you have come and you wouldn't go back to harvard. that's saying a lot. gentlemen, thank you very much. i have to get to some breaking news now. i haven't said this in a long time. isis, islamic state, those savages have claimed responsibility for yesterday's deadly attacks in iran which killed at least 84 people and injured hundreds of other people. that terror group posted a statement on social media that two bombers had detonated their explosive vests near the burial site of the murdered military commander -- taken out, soleimani. iran's president had previously blamed israel for that attack. now we know it was isis.
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