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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 5, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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that showed no interest in hunter, no experience, joe, taking actioo periencen that bed his son, all of a sudden they're interested. >> oh, was a room was rented to chinese national. will they be successful at muddying the waters? we have about 10 seconds. >> absolutely not, sean. swi they willl nl not be successfulh again. the american people are seeing through it. what hunter biden did wass no he was not qualified and took millions of dollars from foreign countries. all right, pam bondi, thank you. happy new year. all right. unfortunatelunately 's all t me wy that's all thed making time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us and making the show possibl e. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an heisode of. hannity. in the meantime, let not trouble your heart be troubled by the way broadcasting from the free state of florida oida,r new broadcast home. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. grxt >> have a great night.
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happy birthday, everybody. thank you.ha >> so disney has announced the next star wars movie will be directed by a woman. adm >> oh, you heard that right. disney admitits they define def a womainn, but the new director is not just any woman. >> no, she's sharmeen obaid-chinoy annoy, a pakistani canadian feminist activist. ofs >> you know exactly the kind of person that star wars lectchise needs. the kind whose idea of fun is lecturing you about oppression, welcoming dandruff out of her armpitsf . not heard somebody like that.t h that fancy. i save that one. ant the star secree star
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wars audience is mostly male. and by mostly i mean. >> so here's sharmeen in 2015 talking to jon stewart about how she interact s with that horrible gender with the y chromosome. e me i like to maken men uncomfortable. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. see, that explains why jon stewart looked so comfortable. >> well, no doubt she's made plenty of men uncomfortablene, y especially the ones that own disney stock, because this a movie promises to be about as successful as a lethal weapon >> iyt starring dooc and kudlow. watch that. >> ge some prettyn'd watch good. >> anyway, we might as well help name this movie. wi m namw revenge of the woke. and it will see faster thalln brian stelter in a ball pit. off and when the bad box officicefow follows, just know sharmeenpeope
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is going to blame those nasty, evil people they cal tl men. because when it cameto to choosing a director, disney apparently decided to go the claudineo th route with th billion dollar franchise. great ideaidea. act every time she yells cutor, the the male actors will put their hands over their . of course, the mediang will accuse the right of pouncing. well, are we? wee t. we're pouncing. we're pouncing like cannonpounco to on a 75 piece mcnugget meal. these make it so easy. >> seriously, even after the bud fiasco and declining profits after forcing die on its products, the company p is once again choosing corporate harry carey and for what the feel good is ceo. bob iger that terrified of his wife t. d he didn't learn fromidback the backlash when he gave snowlv white seven transitioning dwarves. >> in fact, in disney's latest fiscal report, the company admitsates that consumersny a perceptions of our position on matters of public interesdmit present risks to our reputation and brands. in other words, our audienceand.
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hates us. disney is only slightly ha audiences. >> they enjoyed baker'spular selfieswi tell abc the island gets better reviews at disney d world and it has feweris rides.r that's not true. >> even iger recently admittedso to stockholders that. >> we lost some focus. true, disney is producing end up to make ted kaczynski jealous. >> what disney seems to have decided is more important than their stock price is placating the left against all things fine and good and american, and especially our awful toxic masculinity. >> see, when they started out, the star wars movies were essentially men shooting shr. o tothe >> but who needs that when you can just go to chicago? but at least stormtroopers bedn't hit so many bystandernys but star wars films have always been traditional westerns set in spaceditional. en g they were militaristic, physical battles between
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good and eviool, and that disney came along and turned into a big pile of mickey mouse . fel >> because if those movies feel good tuso us, that means masculinity can be good and the left that's toxic on any planet. it's the same reason copcops tos are supposed to be social workers in our military. a transgender day campransgend . testoste because to the world, the only permissible testosterone injec is, the kind that's injected into a female power lifters. since then, there's beenn something like 62 more of these star wars flicks and little by little disney turned the franchise into a diy training video. >> disney turned the franchise into something totally unwatchable, lik e cnn in spacet for the last three episodes, for instance, the movie switched to a female lead. the audience hated it m ours does when kat weawhr slackn . >> yeah, that's true. i've seen that. the anger is real. yeah r greg: yy be. asn' disney became the death star. now, this wasn't just becauset of the lead. ed t
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obviously, it's because disney thgided to censor the castin of a female lead overty the necessity of a good story. well tolitd to. drop escapism from wokeism. so despite the lousy receptionm. of the last three star wars episodes and disney's now doubling dowr wan, maybeaddition in addition to r2-d2 and c-3po, we'll get a throwback robot called me to and they can cast dylan mulvany as princess leia s . and watch their stock drop like bill clinton's pants at theh prf epstein island runway. woitw. disgusting i can alreadye coul imagine what the movie could look like from visionary filmmake r sharmeen obaid-chinoy. comes a story of, struggle, pain and because in space, no one can hear you .
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starring meghan, hillary clinton and tonya hardin tanyag. join them as they sort through the universe in their powerful multi-speed, cordless spacecraft. i am your mother. all note all showings feature eight intermissions so the girls can go. coming this summer p, feminist star wa star wars. listen, women get their own movies. >> the star wars audience isn't going a and the city reboot. that's for their sisters, their momsthei and, those chatt' guys who cut our hair. >> why can't wt wee let these ps male star wars fans have starad wars? is it bad enough that they don't have girlfriends? o does any of this really matter e
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? >> hollywood is still how america talks to the world into itsel world tselff r. it sounds like an angryho gender studies major who hates momm y and daddy, who pays lin their tuition. >> bottom line, what moviee what goers want is entertainment. first message, a distantstan sed or third or fourth engaging characters in a good plotg dialog. that has to be the driving force. the only place that doesn't makeforce. the only is in this strange wor, in a galaxy far, far away, whereas the rest of us call it hollywood. orreall it as yoda calls it, wod holly, let your headachesoften get smarter than a fifth grader and often mistakenho her 102 the guy best in show good medicine. se] she handles the press better, than a panini maker campaign communications efforts exper and reading her new year'sg: her resolution is to try food.york t
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"new york times" best selling authorim and duchess contributoi cat caterhambu. a pretty good yeah and he put the ball back up on january j 2nd. "new york times" best selling author, comedianry 2ndork and r t at the go to you first kno because you really are the only person here that probably knows starwsr way well. really well aside from cat maybe well cat knowsow how s get them fired up so stay tuned for that. yes, for but listen to all the lonely fellows out there. ad i was once like you. yes. and i too enjoyed star wars.ndle so you have to handle this like i did. mm. remember? remember when darth vader died and then the credits rolle td? move on. it's over. there's nothing after that. yeah. darth maul. mol c was cool for a second. we leaned in, we followed him to another love stor it w anothery, and they par cut him in half.
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yeah. and what part did they give us bacd theye usback ik in?e cut solo. the top half. so when they cutting people's ofinpeop f, you know, nothing good's going to come from this. you don't have ttho worry about offending men and making men uncomfortable. she didn't have to make movies do that. a all she had to do was sit in a u chair in our facility and we r all would be uncomfortable. but she doesn't need to make a movie about that. no mansh will be offended becauf no one's going to see that. no no one.leep]. just listen. it's over. there is no return of the jedils . it's done and just let it go. it's now called lost in space. that's the only place on the air that you lostt in in space. disney doesn't get it. i'm now making sense in your monologue. put it all together. maybe this whole wonk thing is, because whoever is in charge of woke has the list and maybe the ceo. and i'm just speculating in alto of this. e i know to be true, right. and so all these ceos and cfos of all these various may or mayn not be on the list therefore, io
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like, i'm going to make your movie, mommy, no way. mrs >> well, those billionss of dollars. yeah. what would the missus think of thilittle vid, s little vide? >> oh, yes, this woulds, l be great. yes. let's ruin every franchiseet's . >> we have's just keep it going. so i think that's what it is. that's my conspiracy. >> g got a tiger queen mak type a good boy. >> whye me is it important to mi men uncomfortable? life is uncomfortable we go tole movies to get away from the discomfort of life. we worke.d till we die. >> and she says that so proudly . >> yeah. fun like, oh, she seems fun. yeah. i enjoy making y makien e. the oh, good for you. well, here's the thing. there's a chance that this will b ace this e. okay? and that she's got talent. but i know nothing about her and thabout hee e first thing tw about her is a red flag. abo because i think when you are entering because one of woe quotes was, it's about timut the woman does this. i'm not sure how many people were, like, clamoringy wi for that, but that's how she is putting her foot forward, not with her work, nottimate with what she's ultimately going to produce.
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rather, these pronouncements about her own immutable prons and herabout position in cinematic history. and i thinhe k it's just such a turnoff. i'm a fan of christopher nolan. i'm not a huge movie buffa cf, e but i see what he makes because he's really good, not because he's a white hs an guy like me. not there's anything wrong with that, but he was awesom e with batman. i want to see what he does with zero seven. he makes great n, i wan movies. she might be awesome, but she's setting herself up. t be a ii think, for failure. and i'm already very skeptical. yeah, she made documentaries. rs she wanted to ask. that's all i know about it. but i hate people leadinhes peoplg with. and you you're the mediae is accusing the right of pouncin accusing on this sto. we're pouncing on it but we wouldn't palace if it was so. es stupid. stop making it easy to pounce. oh yes the tail is all this r time. is republicans pouncing or raging out o w out or whatever d to weaponizing something against the left e left right?ot yeah, that's the media saying your reaction is wrong, not the front part frontpart of of two guys point her saying
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that like, well, a woman shoulda be doing the job. if i ever walked into an interview with a candidate or i think i was like candida t this, i should get this job because i'm a lady, i would hope they'd be like, no, thank you. that's notthey wouyo what we're interested in. i find this difficult to comment on. we're largel.y i've seen zerostr of the stars. zach ladies, i see w. ewbacc looks like a very los lonely dog who just wants a famila yri adopt him before christmas. >> i don't know. i got nothing for you on the move. all right. seseright so i asse e? see? yeah, i'm right. so i assume that now that chewbacca has a dog, i mean that this womanother th shouldn't be leading a movie just because she's a womanhis wa she's. u she shouldn't be aiming to make people uncomfortable. again, the guy's point, she to gay's pe a terrible person to be at a bar with. you're sitting there and she's just out to maked and wewouldn wouldn't be talking about it or pouncing on it if she wasn't'tog forcing it. yeah. as the thing or if she jus i tt back made the movie and then people got mad about it, that would be one thing. >> but she's like, loo bkd we everyone. >> i'm a woman. and then we notice and talk about that like, o noticd he h, look at these killjoy bigots. it's just exhaustingy . it is exhausting. i'm not going to boycott
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the movie, but the boycon i'm nt going to see it either. kat that's my solution for everythingthat's. e >> she she's going to embarrass herself because her goalhersel to make a bunch of men in the t star wars fan base reallhey mad and somebody else already accomplished that like nine years agoke n in a matter sai of seconds. >> i think we have the tapd ite i've said it before. i'll say it again. i have never had any interest in watching space nerds poke each other with their little space nerd yo and i'm not going to start now. you people are crazy.d some you start with people are crazy. yesterday we had something and i said was that th and sn't familiar with star wars because i've been too busy liking cool>> things and being attractive. uh huh. yeah uh- . people threatened my life. yeah. yeahfe. . . so that they got really mad. w who was that person? yeah, very, very kind of cute. they got so mad. i got death threats. and i don't mean death suggestions like you should die. i mean, liketions lie i mean li
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your house at 8 a.m.. there's nothing you can do,. yeah, i had to get pitchd to. the police involved a lot of very specific threats involving lightsabers. >> i'm very specific. and then, you know, also i wasyu kind of like, you're getting that mad and you must be ugly. but the poinpoint ist is it sury wanted to make people mass. >> you should have at least made me associate producer on film. e as a that was a big deal. i was a buffalo wild wings question when that happeneild d oh, really? well, delilah is my greatest accomplishment of my life. wow. and by kat: on gt the way guess wearing tonight? >> slacks. slacks she there for lonely lite feet. tomorro well, tomorrow i'll be wearing a dress just to mix thingsr up okay. friday. up next, bake takes it down v a newspaper cloud. k >> if you'll be in the new yorkl area. and like ticketsike tick to, sef gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio on the link to join our studio audience us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless it canv
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lucky ones. learn more at adopt us kids talk stop. they can't help themselves. biden spins racist fables as fake turns the tables. joe biden released his first 2020 for reelection ad and frankly, it's just nice to see him releasing something besides gas. g besides gasmenbut instead of g a campaign, he celebrates insurrectionn , a holiday more imaginary than kwanzaa, wrote diego quigley. cy the >> i've made the preservation of american democracy the central issue of my presidencyissue pres. i believe in free and fair elections and the right to thte fairltions ane y and have e counted. there's something dangerouere's
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in america. there's an extremist movement that doet shars not share the bc police in our democracy. all of us are being asked right now, what will we do to maintain our democracy? did >> i didn't know jussien' smollett was a directot smolleta you get that, america. >> you're the dangerous, insidious extremist problem th. 's threatening democracym th but if i had biden's record,ord i'd blame white people, too. itstarting with him, it's almost three years to the day since january 6 and biden still flapping his toothless guml flal about it. probably since it's also the date of his last solid bowenc l movement. m >> and notice the imagery torch young whites marching into the night, confederate flag carryingwieldito , old whitehini men marching during the day. ntthat 30 seconds is about all the footage they have. likeotage th that. joe >> it's an amazing sentence. according to old joe, everyone who doesn'yone support support a racist maga nut. which, if you've seen joe's
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numbers lately, is roughlye 99.9% of the country. so what's the response to this white supremacy hysteria? behold a masterclass from. >> do you condemn white supremacy and nationalism? i mean, this kind of poorst. you with which you watch it post. all right. so potato, potato. okay. of course, i any form of vicious racial discriminationin in this countr. but i think that the presumption of your question is fundamentally based on a falsehooatd that that reallytod. is the main form of racial discrimination you see in this country. let's stop pickingstop picking s farce of some figment that exists at some point. infinitesimally small fringe of the american public today to opeinfinin eyes to the actual threats that we face. and i think that it's frankly ai questions and framings like that that has caused the american public to lose all truso st in tht in the mainm media, i'm sorry to say, for good reason. >>m sorr that's pretty good.o
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i don't think he's sorry to say it, though. i think all those appearance ts my show really must have paid off. takee paid us home, vivek. >> you can say that you condemn white supremacy, that i'mot i'm not going to recite some catechism for you. >> i'm against vicious racial discrimination g country. so i'm not pledging allegiance to your new religion of moderneg wokeism, which actually fits the test. i'm not going to bend the knee of your religion. d thi'm i'm not asking you to bm the knee to mine, and i'm not going to bend the knee to yours. but do i condemni'm not vicioul discrimination? yes, i do. am i going to play your silly gamel ? gotcha. no, i'm not. and i know you're going to go print the headline tomorrow. you know this. we only know your game works. vivek ramaswamy refuses to condemn white supremacy because you asked a stupid question we alreadyheadline shame on you. look people in the eye and tell them what you actually failed. tell them for the last five years, only accountability for your own failures as the media. st that's how we rebuild trust in this country. and until then, i don't have a lon thtil thent of patience to y the games nice. ers and if there's any meritocracyeporte in this world, the reporter should already be filling out
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an application as a walmarld bte >> this guy, he predicted exactly what she would do. >> i don't know if you sawy the reporter's tweet. whe did exactlwhat hy what he s. >> she he refused to condemn white supremacpremac y, even who he d. but he does. but you're going to sa tt the opposite. >> it's pretty amazing when you're that stupid to have the guy predic that your move od loud to your face and then you rush off to do it and prove him correct. look, if we live in saner times ,the reporter asks a question. hi, mr. ramaswamy. yeah? do you condemn white supremacy and alpremacy l he would have to is say yes, that's it. >> yeah. look at me like he's a secret closet. >> white supremacist. vivek ramaswamy is the whiteema? supremacist. it's crazy, but this is what we're up against these days where larry elder was called a white supremacist. alle >> asian people are called white supremacy adjacent. it's jus y t brained nonsense.
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so it's nice to see someone's nc basicalle y take a two by four rhetorically and hit the media over the hea d with it and makead their head spin so badly that they go and fulfill his ow makheadn the next day.hi >> that's pretty impressive. it was nuts. th next is obvious, aaron, thae bidens have no policy. d that so they have to go after the people. and that includes trump, obviouslp anybody y but anybody who supports him like their dog, they have nothing to eat. they're not even t even cam campaigning. c oh, that's right. and to to roll outd that i your campaign, an ad that is just so emotionally charged shows you the vulnerability of this campaign super fast. this guy has been president for three years now. and his first message to the american peoplssage tois youe ie to be terrified for your life. not ot that i've dond e good jo, not that the economy is better, not that our streets are safer, not that he has a messs a of sus to run on. he's just running on fear and pollinon fg exactly why rigt he's doing that. people who are right now likely trump voters n whoel are looking at when they're asked one, two,a ten, how likely are you like yourms your level of enthusiast'
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i'm like 45% nearly says ten. these people wilthesl through a brick wall to go vote for biden. that numben thatr sits at like . so he needs to try to drum up emotion to get people to buy into his nonsense because he doesn't have the policy. itus doesn't have the success.go so he's just going to tryinl at to pull whatever strands get peo he thinks he can to get people to, like, have a little fire in their gut for him. fire d i haveand i have to say, thatn a good ad by any stretch of the imagination by campaign him r standards. they should have taken time to have him read a script. ead sc.he is like slurring words throughout, he says the united states, america, you know, it is like the united states of >>e. an wasn't even aliv why do it? what is even even how you are? could you imagine all corn poph, telling him, hey, it's pronounced the united states of america? >> not that. and if you say it properly. next time, mr. president,mren you get,t ice.
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prjust he also says he made the preservation of american as you know, a central issue of myt presidency is if we're supposed to be impressed by that because to me, that's like the lowest baat'sr. ur han the an, you didn't say that. like when you put your hand on the bibleand , they want the job. >> for me, our government is still functioning i'm not, g though. you see sometimes that that is the bar is dc like that. we're still functioning. look at us. well done. but he'sdone>> grerely actuallyy functioning. he's broken a lot of faith. yeah, he's. well>> tyrus say he', i would sl in a china shop, but he's like an old manma. >> yeah, yeah.etty what if. if muc run those commercials ba? i'm pretty much. i'm. i'm not a bettinm g man, but i'm willing to bet everyone in those videos was arrested. yeah, there's, like, less than six left out on the streett on. january 6. yeah. you don't say, like, who is left? that'sarge at large from january 6th. besides, like, the the fbi planw
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and stuff. who's left? right. we watchedatched the we watched the production of january >> so who is left from i that guy? itsn't looking at 20 to 30.20-3 yeah. you know so the they arrested everybody so where's the threat. >> yeah, exactly threat?. >> they're all in jail. even if someone says, hey, my birthday is on january 6, there's a good chance you're going to have birthdays on january dog's birthda. uary h don't say it out loud becauser e your car is on january 6.brate >> there's another year. we can't celebrate it. there's alsoitere' t this this d dichotomy where in the ad they're like democracy, votingdn rights, our system. >> and then the other headlinest ,the real world are we're trying to get our main opponent thrown maint thr the ballot. yeah, that's a little bit odd right there. some dissonance there it is. >> it is.o' kat, what is your secret santaat for january 6th? >> well, it was like the first january 6. the first anniversary was obviously the worst day of my life tht da.
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and then but also we couldn't celebrate karl's birthday, but his partiethday.s were on jy six. it's no one's fault. yeah. >> g it's noe on.nextmov up next, epstein's still deceased, but some new names get released'seased . i see. growing up, everybody watched everybody's kids. you would do something bad at school. and by the time you got back, you would get weapons before. you even got home. i know my kids messed up because they tried to. act casual. kids can act casual, amazing things happening in the bedroom and she loves it. i listen now times here and now streaming now only on fox nation and pick up tyrus his book nuff said wherever books are sold. >> hi i'm mike huckabee, former of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's
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now, most of the people named, including clinton, are not accused of any wrongdoind of ann >> and that includes michael jackson and magician david copperfiel dfield. d. >> i guess copperfield could make his name disappear. >> but as far as we know, all the ladies he saw itand to in half were 18.immediat and jackson's credit, he immediately left once he learned it wae heearneds a b of underage girls. in short, this latest batch mentions tons of namest were lk already known and linked to epstein for years. it's like picked the real meat potatoes were likely scurried away before wedo there. at this point, who wasn't on that islando wasn't right. i have an alibi. i wa, i s watching penn state football. e footbaaaron, if this story fee the ufo story, i said thisttle on the five earlier, like
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they keep dropping little things, but maybings but thee ar story that we're not seeing. i don't know. k? be t you thin >> that could absolutely be true. and the more that they do these dripru thas and dribblese more of information, the more conspiracy theories you're going to get, the more back end ou'rs of information, the more questions that come out. and i understand that the courtsrmation the more should te sure, especially because there are victims and they were theree are some who are under age at the time when this happened. but you protec tppened tu prt cy agree with that. but the more that there were questiont the s about this, the crazier it's going to get. and at this point, the names that were dropped they didn'te t seem to be anything really new or newsy in that they're justhi trying to likeitm be like, oh, here's justor a little bit more. i think that actually the and queen of england are having a hard time right now, given lande andrew had in that,w give because that seems like more information on him. yeah he was the little pervelse. cat. i was shocke>> greg:d, shocked about stephen hawking. but they didn't say anything that he did. but they said he said they want t said two bites like you don'to
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want to see his name . >> that. yeah, that's true. but yeah, it's yucky. but i think that they always only ever tell us what they aret actually okay with us knowing anybody who was excite wd this it's like welcome to the world. does it feele o the ufo thingnu it's like we're getting to oh, there's this little thing here. and then you g g ando, who is i? >> and then it's a blurry picture. yeah, it's no is calculated. and that there's no way that there would eve thar be th would actually be they were not going to willingly give anything like wil up. that's just how the world works. unfortunately. people like, oh, yeah, big revealworks. peop bill clinton'sevea a perv. >> yeal,h, we do that.h, yeah. yeah. it's like findin at g tyreese at the gym through and i don't e understand why we even give a damn about the list. we have the victims. yeah. when are they going to get to speak? i'm pretty sure they know who was doing wrong, so i don't
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understand why the victims aren't being give to be heard. the whole point of anything when it come s to misconduct oris harassment or assault is that everyoneyone sho should be hear. every woman should be heard. we're not getting to hear the victimthat'ss. and that's more troubling because the list he's being redactedredactedand i ca and cap but think somehow the people who were releasing this are sometimes involved in this. the reason why it was heldheld h on to so tight in the first place is there was whether they're trying to get gag tr and deals or or cash settlements to where they they signed nty wherel clin they can't hold don't because throwing bill clinton to the lionton to pethis point to your point if there was maybe one personli in the country was likbie >>ll clinton was into younger women. >> yeah. he's actually into guy: he's or >> yeah exactly. let he throw it up. more teamwork. that's dead team work.ther i was telling you, there was, rl
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no one's named that throughout because the real bad guys are still pulling the strings. i'm like, even if you arrestedri bill right now, he would. you'd be like, do you know what? you're in here for m he woue? >> like chicks? yeah. i'm saying he's so old. it doesn't mattes soold itr. so it's, like, ridiculous. shis is a this keeps our eye up for everything else is going on until they're willing to, like, unreadl y acted and put it out there or give the victims the microphone. >>s th i notice you are on the n and i'm very proud of you. >> you knom vew, my theory is tp epstein islandst is where the aliens are. >> i want to come back and i'm so sorry to stephen hawking like, that's the only piece of the story that surprised me in the last few daysfew . re i was like him, and i did guy google to make sure it was that. oh. w? like, oh, that's him. how? what? so that's strangs ste.e. i' to your point about the aliens, i am not a conspiratorial mind . like things are rational. let's not go there. you could tell by your sweatero
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on her ye on this story. any i'm willing to believe almostth anything i the conspiracyyrus: theories are probably all true. >> i have to jump in real quicil . >> no offense.inwa yeah. a man will find a way. yeahy. a, he will find a way. yeah. it's gonna be mye. friend. hang out with me. i knowi know people. ,baby, you are fine. if you press my keyboard, i'll press yours. ha ha hay . a i will mishas you all. ha ha ha. r thou you want to finish your thought ruy? e you will just run awagh >> i think. i think we're done here. coming up, when a decision was announced, a perpetrator pounced. >> all right, go ahead and open eyes. oh, you're looking at £7. >> but this is, what, £7 feels right now. you can lose up to £7 in your
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he approached the bench with, bt his fists clenched. our video of the day comes from the glitteryica, las of americas vegas, where a 30 year old man s sus being sentenced for aggravated battery with substantial bodily harm, among others. >>ntially arm amon that's somet never see these days, though, criminals actually being sentenced. h but when the felons attorney asked for probation and it was denied, this happenedthis, it makes more sent given the circumstances and his y toh prability to do probationi successfully, that he can get this opportunity. it'se that butbecaus i think it's time that he get a taste of something else becaus e i just can't look at history in accordance with the laws of stateth about. >> in san francisco they callo y that an argument for early
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release how the judge and the court martial sustained some injuries, but they're doing okay. the criminal is doing fine, too. inal's d toohe's currently chano his pronouns and growing his hair out to prepare for serving time in a women's prisond growin t. meanwhile, in new york,e the tables were turned whentabl a defendanes whet was severely n by a judge who smashed her way through several layers of plexiglas. i have a theory that no one is brought up. the guys is doe, so maybe he was transitioning, but he can't spell deborah. >> no, just watching that video. i feel like that guy is nott a feministspel yet.s like, let her talk. he's not excited for the new star wars. it's crazy them jumping like that, though. those are wild le . wild yeah, it was wild.ah yeah, he got, like, six feetd. off the ground. >> i know. it's like they had a hidden trampoline or somethinreg: lika yeah, it's pretty wild. i don't know.
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what do you think tires that guy has some. what do you call that? upo yos, ups or. yeah, but he's going to a fews, downs to brazil. all of this is a horrible thing that happened. i mean, that even three grown men had a hard time gettin htim him. yeah, but this is the result of. that whole no cash bail, no consequences. you're release d. and criminals are expecting that now. yes. their attorneys are expecting. that, yes. if you look at his rap sheet, there was noif you way in n hell that probation shouldn't even have been mentione d. doi but because everyone is doing the new progressive of releasing, every criminal is expecting it. and when they don'when then't g they get violent. because you know what the argument is going to be. she was a pressinggowas oh pres it's her fault. she was using her white privilege to put anotherhe black man in the penitentiary. had nothing to do with whatso ti he did as a human being.t so this is the result of it. now, going to say we usedo wa
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to say unaffected or unaffected. he is a judge who wasg doing her job. mm-hmm. and they're getting attacked. atedjudges wthe other judges wht doing their job, the criminals aren't acting like that. actin that.right so the messag thfortunately,on one of the like it took until the woman, the government worker in minnesota w carjacked that blood and said, we need police, we to get our street s safe. it's the same thing now. the problem is, it's onl y to judges who are trying to do their job. >> mm-hmm. you know, god, i could see as dt tv judge. dream anyway, that has nothing to do with this. it was a dream i had had., you , where were the bailiffs? that's what i want to know. where's rusty? want tothe of the people's cou. rusty? he's on his phone. yeah. on oh, i don't think. name? what's his name? deborah. i don't think he really this i t through anything because he's already lost the motion.e't he's at some point probably will be up for paroloinge. t th >> and now at the parole hearing, his lawyer will come up and be like, oh, he's serve d
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his debt to society. he's a reformed man. and the prosecutor just show hel up be like, roll the tape. >> yeah, like that guy's neverha getting out gut. no, he's not.d he shouldn't. that was a wilipd. i mean, it's actually impressive. was ably my.much lik >> the thing is, post-covid, i think we did way too much like, virtual stufuff home. >> i think we can probably do the next hearing by zoom. yethink hes i don't think he hae in the courtroom now. >> he needs to be in one of those hannibal cages. i mean, he just wanted to give her a hug for someone finally holding him accountable. hey, it's good point. you know, tara says it's likefil the expectation was that he wasn't going to jail. absolutely. y imhe an incredible rap sheet h of felonies, domestic violence.o the guy he was in, he was the at that hearing because he took a baseball bat to somebody and tried to, like, assault them with it. this this is not an individualnot who should be of his own recognizance ever allowed into society. and he was standing there ev b to attack saift the judge. he said, i'm not committing any
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crimes right nowt commit. then yes. and then meant she was like, well. der the as like, oh, i'm about to like, go after the judge.that and i got tell you, like, that was quite the leap. and it was like he could hhool probably beat a very good athlete in high school or instdge and instead decide choose a path of crime. he could have used his athleticism for good instead of evil. he could maybe got a job in that star wars movie. thactly. still can, though. up next, hunter thinks he can look legit by making a cinematic hit after advil. let's dive in.pain sig >> i about your back before advil, advil, dual action fights, pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source. source. acetaminophen blocks pai advil dual action. >> i still love to surfnol' snowboa's gnesiumd and of cours. >> so i take magnesiumnesium. to support my muscle and bone health kilos extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits
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beginning to end. >> shop now at show allegiance .com. >> a story in five words theses. five words hunter's idea. >> do another move aaron hunter biden's sugar. ie the lawyer who gave him millions reportedly working on a pro hunter documents need to set the record straight. is this going to be great or what? depends how you define great. yeah, great. will comedy tragedy kind of way. likely great in the actual cinematiu dec good way. not at all. it would be good forl. the american people if hunter biden stopped releasing movie. yes. overall, w stoe need more of 1su that content. we didn't need the first round of contentnd , let alone the second round. you know, it would be helpful if he got through his court cases if he decided to write
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his life and actually get a job and contribute to societs any instead of trying to spin people into his favor. actually doing good makes soe you versus pretending to have a videographer follow you and have been trying to say you're goouseoneg ard. thi >> this is so hunter. so hunter, a guy we were just saying that earlier. this is so hunter. he's such a rascalch. l. >> my question is, is this film going to be directed by a pakistani feminist? if not, i have no interest in saying that's true. it's about time that a hav movie about hunter be directed by a woman of color. and if it's not, i'm out it.. >> it's soaked through from the perspective of a woman, hunter biden. well, you know what? they should instead list all of his favoritem . reg: have , play receptionists, drug dealers, play lawyers. a lot of cracks in that story. i'll make this quick. i'm going to go out on a limb here, but i'm pretty sur. e. >> this movie's going to blow up.
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you should give him a shot of. s all right, i'll stop. t be excitedka this. el i will watch that out of this. all the viewing part y. party. no, i'm. that means people come over finally. i'm just. i i'm lost. i'm still or i'm still stuck. br the sugar brother thing. yeah, i want to. sugar brother? yeah sugar like it's a sugar da. except instead of having with him, you're just bro ds. i've been being people's bro for way too longg se. yeah, it's true. b i guess if he's a sugar brother ,it's just somebody. the first time we've heard sugar. but it always been sugar, brother. it tha always starts out that we think brother, everyone's like hundre brotherd sugar brother. >> everyone's like, oh of course his sugar brother. yeah. nowhatth that didn't start out that way. >> it starts out that way. and then one day your brother all of a sudden becomes your daddy. r >> so, uh, i don't know. yeah. yeah i d. all right, we shall move on. that was fun.
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>> don't go away, bro
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♪ ♪ >> greg: out of time. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪


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