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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 5, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PST

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if there is a problem, it is not our fault. that is how this administration has been operating. it is not just mayorkas, it is blinken and biden administration. the concern, judge, hopefully the american people will remove joe biden from office. you can reverse economic policy, cost of gas and food can come down, if you inherit national security problem. you have bad people behind the wall and gate -- >> john, thanks for being with us tonight. i'm judge jeanine in for laura ingraham, catch me weekdays on "the five." >> todd: expecting a third batch
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of court documents after last night's release about former president bill clinton. not just him and fall out is being felt from hollywood to buckingham palace. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus has the day off. celebs under the microscope and prince andrew could answer to the police. brooke singman has breaking details. brooke. >> brooke: that is right, 900 pages have been unsealed and today we are expecting more. we learned about a claim about bill clinton. virginia giuffre said the former president walked into vanity fair and threatened them not to write self trafficking articles about his good friend. pointed us to an article that said there is no evidence to support the claim and they were strenuously denied by a
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representative by a former editor who told the telegraph this did not happen. name of several celebrities come up, naomi campbell, leo narredo decaprio and george lucas, michael jackson and david copperfield. again, none of them are accused of committing crime, it gives better idea who epstein was rubbing shoulder with. >> he was rolling at highest level among politicians, celebrities, leaders, art, phil an throppy, people were willing to do business with him and take his money. there are two types of justice, justice for elite and justice for everyone else -- disgraced
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duke of york. prince andrew facis possible eviction by prince charles. >> todd: fox news alert, north korea fires artillery rounds into the marritime border. south korea responding. this is an act of provocation that escalates tension and threatens peace on the korean peninsula. the united states navy confirming iran-backed houthis launched another drone attack in the red sea yesterday just hours after the u.s. warned the group to stop or face action. the armed vessel launched from yemen came within a few mile of
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a u.s. vessel before exploding. secretary blinken heading back to the region and will arrive in istanbul to meet with the turkish foreign minister and president biden heading to valley forge, pennsylvania for first speech of the new year, marking january 5, targeting republicans one day after new campaign video was released. >> there is something dangerous happening in america, an extremist movement. >> todd: the 2024 election inches closer, biden falling behind in polls. latest real clear politics point has him down two points to former president trump. fox news alert 20 million residents under winter storm watch. flurries coming down in new
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mexico and texas and tracking what is expected to be the first of 2024 which could end our area's record snow drought. several inches of snow expected in east coast cities. snow coming down outside the texas department of transportation headquarters. getting snow. meteorologist adam klotz is here. i cancelled first plan of 2024 for snow. >> adam: snow blowing and all that good stuff is what we're looking for. you are not the only one. if you do the winter storm alert 20 million. 35 million seeing winter weather they issued alerts for up and down the east coast >> this is currently in texas. a lot of warm air in this.
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main concern is are you going to see rain, ice or snow. clearly across southeast, a lot of moisture. running up the coast high elevation in appal appalachian mountains and you finally get snow in portions of new england. ice is the most dangerous, this is blue mountains and appalachian mountains, georgia and west virginia. when you see that much ice, be concerned about power lines coming down and losing power. this is a very fine line along i-95 corridor. big cities that have not seen snow, baltimore, philadelphia and new york, on the line of seeing any snow whatsoever. west of i-95, best chance of
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snowfall. in new york city, better chance of seeing snow. one to three inches range. a lot of folks could get three to five inches and some could get eight to 12 inches. >> todd: i am in the five to eight section. a lot of fun. we just got major update about the fetton who attacked a las vegas judge. a head-scratcher in the case. take a look this from l.a. a mob of looters driving a car through a bakery and destroying it. talking with two people who are fighting to end this deadly tr trend.
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no. unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> todd: that man who launched himself at a las vegas judge on wednesday refusing to leave his cell for court. i guess that is his choice, can't force him out of the cell? facing six new charges. this was not the pair's first m meeting, judge had released him last year. he has been convicted of other charges. he will appear in court on monday and face judge holthus again. take a look at this insane video out of compton, california. 100 using a car to smash through
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a bakery and ransack the place. they had just finished taking place in a takeover. the bakery owners his losses include $20,000 in weekend losses. and -- lost her daughter in a crash with a street racer, she founded street racing kills. ladies, i'm sorry for your loss in what is a senseless crime. what goes through your mind when you see video like i just played? >> it is absolutely personal to me. it hits home, it is heart breaking and unacceptable. >> todd: lilly, it's been over a decade since you lost your dau daughter, is anything being done about these street takeovers?
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>> a lot of california highway patrol and police department are doing their best. there is a lot -- created more and other cities are learning to have a task force to identify the individuals and do something about it. it is overwhelming at this time. >> todd: it is not stopping it, we are airing more and more stories. now frustrating it doesn't seem to stop? since your daughter's deaths, it has grown and doesn't show any signs of stopping. >> it really breaks my heart to see young people destroying other people's lives and their lives. it is overwhelming. we need a lot more legislation and definitely more education, which is what we do. >> todd: cindy, your brother's
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fiance spoke about the crash that took his life. listen. >> i go to bed and wake up and he's not next to me. i have physical scars on my face, arm and leg, scars that nobody will ever understand and ever see are the ones internally. >> todd: this is stupidity and sense lsz violence we're seeing on the streets. it is taking lives, taking and ruining lives. if you were in charge, how would you put an end to it? >> definitely focus on education, a lot of these individuals participating in these events are lacking mentorship, lacking guidance and
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education. a lot of people are not aware there are dangers at the takeovers and lives are being lost simply by spectating in the stunts. they go through the program and get educated, they become humanized again and feel our loss and i feel bad for what we're lacking. we are lacking driver education in schools bringing the curriculum to schools. make them aware of the risk and more responsible. make them responsible. it is lacking education, education is the bottom line. >> todd: lilly, do you wonder why people do something so destructive? >> what we have heard from
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individuals. we have seen -- it is the rush, it is a community they have built among themselves and it happen before but -- grew more. you can see it is a problem that is actually nationwide, not just in los angeles. >> todd: what a sad state of affairs when i listen to those answers, these are bored kids, they are finding a sense of community doing something that has deadly consequences. what they did takes lives, it does explain why we are here in the first place and our society needs to wake up. thank you for talking about this problem, our thoughts and prayers are with. in chicago, black voters are sick of the chaos in their city
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thanks to rise in crime and homeless population. new push to turn chicago red in november, we're talking to some activists trying to make hi history. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it.
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>> todd: chicago is in crisis, residents fed up with the 16% jump in crime, over 14,000 migrants living in the city and 14% rise in homelessness. residents want what sounds like republican priorities. >> we don't have room for migrants, we need support
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services. >> todd: chicago resident mark carter and resident say they are done with the democratic party in chicago and want to flip the party red in 2024. thank you, mark, start with you. has chicago reached the tipping point where people say enough is enough, i'm switching from democrat to republican, something the city has not seen in decades or centuries? >> definitely. that is because we see the democratic party has decided to do away with us. we're fine with that. we're going to do away with them. we say donald trump come to chicago and meet with us. this city has decided to do away with us and come up with a plan c called office of new americans. we say to our people across the
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country, bigger plan is for action. over 200 mayor and county executives have decided to take care of immigrants over americans. they decided to do away with us, we decided to go red and do away with them. >> todd: before we get to that, focus on trump. he seems to have a new-found popularity within the black community that you did not see in 2020, why do you think that is? >> it took a while for people to warm up to donald trump. i heard his message the first time. i understood it. i am one of the ones who were already team trump a long time
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ago. i knew he would push immigration plan and push people back to their country to close the border and joe biden did the exact opposite as soon as he got in office. what abbott is doing, we don't want to hear that conversation about abbott without joe biden addressing it. chicago, without the border opened up. >> todd: done away with our community is what he's saying. why do democrats nationwide bite the hand that feeds them? why ignore the black communities that got them elected in favor of illegal migrants? >> one thing we have to pay attention to, fact the democratic party has always negligented to pay attention to the black community.
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we have been so committed to supporting that, they feel they can continue to disrespect us, marginalize us, to not hear our voices. for myself, turning point for me was when mayor elect brandon johnson decided he would not listen to the voices of the people and i'm not sure where he gets his marching orders from, he is not listening to people of chicago. which the people of chicago came to say we want our status as sanctuary city ended and we were ignored. i decided if you are not going to listen to me and the party is not going to listen and i will
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not put this solely on brandon johnson, this is a democratic state, most elected officials are democratic. johnson doesn't listen to us and none of the other officials listen, as well. my thing is this, if you are not going to listen to us, that issin foo. we need to stand up and not necessarily do what our grandparents and forefathers have done, go along to get along, we have to stand up. if democratic party will not listen to us, the party will not stand up for people that supported the party, it is time to make a change. let me say this, as well. the republican party is not spotless, we need to say it is time to do something different. you can't keep doing the same
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thing and expecting a different outcome. it is important for citizens of should go to turn chicago red. >> todd: spot on on the answers, they could do better in inner city if they focus on black and latino education, i've been saying this for years now, not funneling more years into it, making sure black and latino students get a real education and not lip service. it needs to stop. you are on the forefront of it, looking to see what change happens thanks to you. staying in illinois and adding massachusetts, latest states considering motion to remove former president donald trump from the ballot citing 14th amendment. appealing maine's decision to remove him there.
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he asked supreme court to overturn colorado ruling to remove him. if ruling in colorado allowed to stand, trump's lawyers sasay it would mark first time voters have been prevented to cast vote for the leading presidential candidate. it being loo looks like his name will be on the ballot, the supreme court has not yet acted. hunter biden working with his hollywood sugar brother to put together a documentary to set record straight on drug use and financial problems. jimmy failla will set the record straight, tell us if he will break out popcorn and cancelling his plan and watching the video when it comes out. don't go anywhere. my late father-in-law lit up a room,
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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>> todd: -- released from prison after searching nine years in prison for killing his girlfriend. he originally rose to prominence a decade ago when he competed in olympic game in london. remember that?
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all right, get ready, america. hunter biden, the movie. great post cover. filming a top-secret documentary to set the record right, teaming up with hollywood power player lawyer who paid off millions of dollars of hunter's overdue taxes. his documentary will show hunter as father and a son who is navigating everyday life as a sober adult with ongoing criminal investigation with the doc documentary hunter biden and marrs could get the last word. -- jimmy failla is here. i think we can all agree, polish off the oscar.
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>> jimmy: i have to measure my critique, i look and sound like i hang out with hunter biden, i could be in the background of the videos. are they going to title this "whose line is it anyway," could end the white house cocaine saga. could we not applaud the effort. this is absurd. he is just america's best dad with a straw. isn't that every dad? next give him marital advice column. >> todd: help hunter get the last word. won't the courts get the last word? >> jimmy: that tells you about them, they want to win in court of public opinion. this is election related.
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they want the message out there to blunt to angle of attack. every apparatus that could help biden get re-elected is in full throw except hunter biden. biden is rolling out a movie and dragging trump off the ballot in other states. they need to figure this out with every way except the president himself. the president is in left field like a little league player. >> todd: irs whistleblower morris gave the first son money including paying off tax debt and purchasing artwork. so hunter does not have to repay the loan they like to call it, i think this documentary is service in lieu of payment and that will keep it nice and
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clean. meantime, white house throwing moral-boosting party. axios reporting an all-campus party for biden staffers to celebrate their last three years and celebrate the year ahead, how desperate does that sound? >> jimmy: i love this, it speaks to, they have had unrest and interns trying to guide foreign policy. biden administration is run by substitute teachers who can't control the courtroom. this dude better play the movie fast, kids will be everywhere. they are playing the movie now, have a party because they are turning the join upside down. >> todd: are they this naive thinking this will work?
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>> jimmy: two things, they are that naive. two, they know this will not work, it is optics that the white house hangs out together, they do not like each other. >> todd: this announcement, jimmy failla new host of fox news is the night, is this a home renovation show? >> jimmy: it will be, by the time i get myself cancelled, we'll be moving. it is straight, me and people i met in my taxi and fox friends. you will go home feeling like you could get a show someday. who could say no to that. >> todd: call this what it is, dry january, this is jenny january. the show premieres on january
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13th, book comes out january 30 and stand-up special all over fox nation, the nation, can we do that? >> jimmy: the special came out january 3rd, the show january 13th and the book january 30th and i come out like january 20th. we're pumped up. torque you are hardest working guy in this building besides brian kilmeade. long island thing. you always come on to do the show, understand if you don't. >> jimmy: don't think buttering up like this gets you out of doing the show. do the show, don't bail on me. >> todd: congratulations, so deserving, going to be awesome, can't wait. one of your favorites, mark cuban, i don't know if he is or
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not, challenged elon musk over dei in the work place and probably regretting it. we will bring you that with jc, joe concha, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪
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>> todd: dhs secralejandro mayo an interview with our own bret baier. cheryl casone from fox business with more. >> cheryl: good morning, with the chaos at the border mayorkas could be second cabinet official ever impeached over the southern border of the united states. >> if you were impeached, would you step down? you would be first cabinet member to be impeached in 148 years. >> bret, i lead 260 dedicated members of homeland security. i will continue to lead them in
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advancing mission of protecting the american people, that is what we do. >> cheryl: mayorkas admitting to bret baier that numbers at the border are historic. >> it is more than 500,000, more than one million? >> it is well more than a million per year. and it is precisely why we have said since day one of this administration that the immigration system that is broken needs to be fixed. we are limited by funding congress provides to us. we have returned and removed a historic number of individuals. >> cheryl: mayorkas not taking responsibility for the surge saying his department lacks resources and biden administration requests a
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funding package over 100 million. how the money would be spend remains unclear and could go to lawyers for processing instead of aiming to reduce number of those crossing illegally every single day. 300,000 migrant crossed, 785,000 crossed just since october 1. that interview making headlines. >> todd: see you in about 15 minutes. >> cheryl: run, run, run. >> todd: republicans have -- eyes set on seats on virginia. that race decided by 13,000 in 2022. now open after congresswoman spanburger decided to run for governor. now an army veteran is throwing his hat in the ring.
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jeff packs is that candidate and joins me now. thank you for being on the program and thank you for your service. you are fighting to represent this district, why should they choose you? >> great to be with you this morning, todd, our nation is in decline. in a decline constitutionally, morally and socially. i'm tired of watching my neighbor strugglerates, high fo gas prices and being crippled by this economic struggle, tired of watching the southern border invasion impacting our youth with fentanyl across the streets and tired of warfare within our school. i'm father of five and i wouldn't be a father if i couldn't do everything to give them a future they could be proud of and prosperous. what gets me, we have folks in
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position of responsibility that are putting their interest over the people's interest. it is critical in 2024 to get america first folks in office that care about the institution and the direction of this country. >> todd: you mentioned schools and wokeness in schools. you had riley gaines at a rally yesterday. this is a key issue on both sides of the aisle. do you think in virginia that will get democrats to crossover and vote for a republican, whether you or somebody elsz, this notion of government don't interfere and tell me how to raise my kid and force things down my kid's throat? >> listen, what is message of democrats? they want to talk about january 6, donald trump and ukraine. we are party of women, of youth, that is what we're focused on, future of our youth.
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i applaud riley and everything she is do. i am father of five daughters, i can think of no better woman to fight that. we need to unite behind here and ensure women's rights. they fought so hard and put their blood, sweat and tears and to be taken away with male mediocre athletes, we can't have that. it is winning message, we care about our youth and women. >> todd: five daughters, one needs to be retired lieutenant coloradoonel to deal with five. i have two. i am struggling. if you can handle five young ladies, you can handle congress. let us know how the campaign goes. >> go to jeff sacks. >> todd: hollywood's biggest names in the spotlight.
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joe concha will react. first call it what it is, home game for lj, breakfast with friends at eggs up in dallas, texas. good morning, my friend. >> lawrence: good morning, good to be back home in dallas, texas. if you're in the local area, come have breakfast with us, we would love to hear from you. what we have coming up, nancy pelosi says biden need to talk about kitchen table issues. what are those? we'll talk to folks about that and general jack keane will come in to weigh in and judge jeanine is fired up, we will discuss with her and there are town halls and we'll host one at fox news channel. what do voters want to hear? we hope you will join us top of the hour from eggs up grill in dallas, texas. back in a second.
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♪ >> the second batch of epstein documents have been released with a third expected today and a bunch of a-list celebrities are named in these files. none of these people have been accused of any wrongdoing some of the names newspaper buy campbell, leonardo decaprio. indicate blanchett. michael jackson and david copperfield. joe concha joins me now, again, joe, these are just names in various deposition documents by and large. are we to draw any conclusion from that simple fact when you see the names here people like bruce willis there hasn't been controversy around him his career the way he hats conducted himself personally. leonardo decaprio cate blanchett. it makes for media fodder,
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particularly on social media, but, no. these people have not been accused of any wrongdoing in any way, shape, or form you don't want to be on any list when it comes to jeffrey epstein, todd. when it documents epstein seems like 100 questions for every answer. how did this person become so rich, so well-connected the private planes, the huge mansions all the presidents x presidents, socialize with him. why did it come to this particular guy. when it documents this list it is dominating the news cycle and again, to your point and deserves repeating they haven't been accused of any wrongdoing when it comes to the sex trafficking, pedophilia this evil jeffrey epstein had engaged in for many years again, getting back to questions the viral video amy rhoback with the
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network openingly lamenting incredulous why they killed the story 2016. clinton, democratic nominee at the time and hillary clinton and they were trying to protect the clintons because they did not want this to cloud that campaign. >> todd: to your point, joe, a lot of these names that are in there it's like did you have any contact with celebrity x? the answer was no. that was the end of it. so the name aspect of it, you really gave a good explanation as to why we do need to be cautious. that said, one name that kept on popping up over and over again was one bill clinton. question for you, joe, what is the future of clinton incorporated after this from bill to hillary, to chelsea, the list goes on and on. >> there is that one quote by epstein where he said something along the lines that bill clinton liked his girls young. but, again, i'm going to give the president due process here and presumption of innocence because is epstein talking about young girls like 20-something
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monica lewenski was at the time when bill clinton was nearly 50 when he was president and we all know what happened in the oval office and that affair. or was epstein talking about those much younger and therefore that's something that's an illegal act? we don't know what we don't know. but, mr. clinton, again, deserves the presumption of innocence and therefore due process here. >> the democratic party doesn't usually afford anybody that level of due process of innocence so in the next 11 months, do you expect to see bill clinton, hillary clinton, and the like on the campaign trail for joe biden or whoever the nominee is? >> i think we'll see hillary clinton to a certain extent. bill clinton we don't see much of at all lately. but, i think joe biden's handlers democrats in general probably don't doo not want to see him out there because he is not the brand that he once was. remember, when he left the oval office, he had an approval rating of something around 70% and he was used prominently when it came to the re-election of
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barack obama, for example and obviously wife when she was running in 2016. i can't see it happening again because the clinton brand, to your point, fairly or unfairly is something that isn't a net positive for any campaign at this point and we are even talking about hillary clinton as well who is an election denier and accused donald trump of being illegitimate but does not seem to get as much criticism from that than when a republican does it with a democratic president. >> this week's release is certainly not helping that before we let you go, get your thoughts. elon musk zinging mark cuban and dei debate on x. musk starting discrimination on the basis of race which dei does is literally the definition of racism. cuban respond saying if you don't think there is a need for dei and it doesn't create a competitive advantage for your company just look at the x post replies quote below. musk firing back saying cool. so when should we expect to see short white oration women on the
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mavs. doesn't that lang zinger underscore the hypocrisy and absolute stupidity dei. >> you go with zinger i go with poster rising. elon musk. very entertaining account on twitter and obviously owns x now at this point. i like the other quote from musk here where he said, quote. >> . dei is discrimination on the basis of race which dei does is literally the definition of racism, unquote. amen, once again. that's a 3 pointer from half court by elon musk. because that is what dei does. when you are baiting on everything on the color of somebody's skin rather than merit and it's a whole bowl of wrong and being rejected now thankfully. >> todd: excited to see my >> steve: good friday morning to
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you. it is friday


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