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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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underscore the hypocrisy and absolute stupidity dei. >> you go with zinger i go with poster rising. elon musk. very entertaining account on twitter and obviously owns x now at this point. i like the other quote from musk here where he said, quote. >> . dei is discrimination on the basis of race which dei does is literally the definition of racism, unquote. amen, once again. that's a 3 pointer from half court by elon musk. because that is what dei does. when you are baiting on everything on the color of somebody's skin rather than merit and it's a whole bowl of wrong and being rejected now thankfully. >> todd: excited to see my >> steve: good friday morning to you. it is friday, january 5th, 2024.
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>> we start this morning on "fox & friends" with brand new developments in the jeffrey epstein document dump. there's been another one. >> ainsley: last night another 300 documents were unsealed putting more scrutiny on former president bill clinton. >> brian: we are learning more about the holiday stars who were in epstein's orbit and we expect more documents to come out later today. brooke singman all over this in the green room with her lab top out. tell me the latest. >> that's right. more than 300 additional pages have been unsealed and expecting even more today. one of the big takeaways from last night's release with is a claim about former president bill clinton. virginia giuffre walked about good friend. did he not respond with a statement but instead pointed us to this telegraph article that says, quote, there is no evidence to support the claims and they were strenuously denied by a representative for vanity
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fair's long time former editor graden carter who told the telegraph, quote, this categorically did not happen the names of several a list celebrities come up in latest release. model. actors leonardo decaprio. bruce willis and cameron diaz all mentioned here. same with "star wars" creator george lucas, michael jackson and magician david copperfield. again none of these are accused of any crimes but gives you idea who he was spending time with anti-monarchy campaign group and lawyer for epstein victims is urging them to reopen their investigation into the disgraced duke of york in light of these new revelations. prince andrew faces possible
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eviction of his estate by king charles. >> brian: they downgraded him sent him from a big house to a smaller house. >> steve: people would like to send him to a different big house. >> brian: i understand. >> steve: brook with all of those celebrities, their names are out there now has anyone come out and said look, i went to a party for the environment or we went to save the whales or something? >> that's what i'm sure we are going to hear from all of these people. again, no one is accused of wrongdoing here. seeing these big names come out it's tying them to this yucky scandal really it's it's concerning. but, you know, again, none of these people have been accused of wrongdoing. we are seeing these allegations come out against former president bill clinton which we expected to see here because we have heard rumblings about this for years and years. so we will see what comes out today. and if these celebrities say anything, and if there's any justification for them to have been spending time with jeffrey
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epstein. >> ainsley: such a case, brook, influential people, they offer their planes. they offer their islands and offices and parties their places in new mexico. he has places in paris. he had a place at one of the largest houses in new york. and you have this influential guy who is saying come to my party. come to my house. and he has a lot of influence they all go over there because they think he is powerful and wealthy. doesn't mean anything that they knew anything was happening and wrongdoing was happening. it's gusting to know. >> brian: steven is on that list. had als. i'm pretty sure he wasn't up to unsavory acts. >> again, we don't i don't know that they had any idea what they were involved in. big parties and appearing at big events that's something we know a lot of celebrities and political figures intermingle so we will see what we learn from these additional documents if we can piece together more pieces of this story. >> steve: it's just these names came from different court cases
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where people were named and now they're being unmasked as having been mentioned in a court case. brook, thank you very much for the report on that. how did you describe it? a yucky what? >> it was just yucky. a gross situation. horrible. >> ainsley: the as the mother of a little girl, it's. >> brian: thank you, brook. >> steve: as a parent, as a human. gross. >> brian: other thing is so great to be a morning host and have no social life. we would never be caught up into something like this because we have no other life. we go to bed at noon. >> steve: we get off at 9:00. do you know how many clubs over here at 6:00 in the morning? price club? >> brian: that was a secret until now. >> ainsley: i go to my daughter's school and hang out with the moms as the school and in bed with her at 8:00. >> steve: lawrence jones is live from his hometown of dallas today. where are you, lawrence? >> hey, good morning, family. we are at the eggs up grill. if you are in the area, come out
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and have breakfast with us. we have a lot to discuss with us. it's good to be back home. been a little bit. probably about three months since i have been back home. it's good to talk about some of the issues facing the country that nancy pelosi says are the kitchen table issues. >> steve: yep. let's listen to this. here she is last night on cnn. >> i think it's time to get out there. we have had our holidays. we -- the -- the campaigns are beginning now. this is when people will pay attention. and i think that the president -- again, i have always said to members, people don't vote for you because you deserve it. but what you have done gives you the legitimacy to say this is what i will do his message is about what we need to do as we go forward and freedom gives us that opportunity. the kitchen table issues are our motivation and mobilization. >> ainsley: what have you done
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gives you legitimacy then biden is in trouble. no one thinks he has a good record. his approval rating is in the 30's now. 39% approve of his job performance. is he entering this new year with an approval rating lower than any of his seven predecessors at similar point in first term. >> steve: what she is saying is the same thing that the campaign is saying. that the numbers are good, but the problem is the numbers may be better than they were last year. >> ainsley: the economy? >> steve: across the board. yeah. they have all sorts of metrics where they show that the economy is doing better. but, people don't feel it. because stuff costs more. she is saying he should be talking about bred and butter issues. what he is too long is going to kick off today and do at that time valley forge. do to today on january 5th. they had planned to do tomorrow on january 6th. >> highlighting t riot on the capitol three years ago. essentially what they're doing, as you can see right there. as he kicks off his campaign in
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person during 2024, is he going to remind people and we have been talking about the joe biden game plan since march, when it was revealed. that he was going to stay quiet for most time and then he was going to let people just watch the chaos in the republican party. now he is reminding people of the chaos of the trump years, according to the associated press. >> brian: so if you look at valley forge, pennsylvania. he wants to talk about democracy. why is he going to do that? he is going to talk about democracy because he believes that donald trump is a threat to democracy. what about charleston where the horrible shooting took place in 2015? why is he going to do that? legitimately guns are a concern and wants to point out that republicans don't care about shootings whether they're race-related or school related. why would he talk about the anniversary of roe v. wade. the reason why there was not a red wave in the midterm elections by almost all accounts was because of the overturn of roe v. wade. and some of the states that have
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no exceptions. he wants to ride that horse. but, lawrence, what i find interesting is it seems as though nancy pelosi, to a degree is, so frustrated that she can't get through to the white house. she has to go to a friendly network and tell the white house what they should do as if to say listen, i have been around for 83 years, 50 of which have been in politics. and you can't win 10 months out of an election playing your ace card, which is donald trump is evil and democracy is in the balance. you have to talk about what you did. it seems like a desperate attempt to tell joe biden you need another game plan to go along with this one. >> it's so true, brian. everything that nancy pelosi does as we know because she is a skilled politician, is very well caulked. and i think what she is speaking to is the core of the problem with the biden administration and the white house press secretary's office. that they feel like they can explain away that american situations, their day-to-day is
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not relation for them that if they can just teach them the numbers then somehow we will all feel well it. doesn't matter what you go through when you go to the grocery store or the gas tank or in the cities that have been invaded by crimes or people that have been invaded by folks that are illegally crossing the border. none of that matters, just look at their grasp. and i think the racial undertone of saying, look, let's go to south carolina where something tragically happened because of the basis of race and make the link back to donald trump like they always try to do. i think that's dangerous. it's so dangerous when the country is divided but, also, if you are going to talk about racial politics and the real threat right now, you have 60% of the hate crimes right now being against the jewish population in this country. but there is no mention of that. >> ainsley: lawrence, i think -- in the community at the diner
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i'm curious to hear what they're going to say. i think independents, i think even democrats are scared for another biden administration. we have watched what the world -- how the world has reacted with him as our leader. they aren't afraid of him. we have seen what happened with russia invading ukraine. we saw what happened with israel. we are seeing now china threatening taiwan. that's going to effect us with our chips. we have to protect taiwan. what does that mean for us? will there be another war? we know that they know they have one more year with biden and this administration. and we are all terrified over what that means for our country. not to mention the border. we have probably terrorists coming over our border. we know that they have caught a lot on the terrorist watch list. those are the ones they have caught. >> lawrence: that's right. >> ainsley: we are all living in fear this year. the economy is important and this does matter now. >> steve: the economy is the number one issue. with a lot of people. here's the thing. the biden people are smart. what they have done is they have looked at the polling, what are his two best issues?
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>> ainsley: abortion. >> steve: we have talked about this in the past. democracy and dobbs. you look at this list he is talking about threat to democracy and dobbs. which is the abortion ruling. >> ainsley: how can they sell democracy? we don't have our freedoms. they are allowing everybody else. >> steve: january 6th. >> ainsley: three years ago. people come across and our freedoms we are paying for them. >> steve: let's see how they do it. ever since the dobbs decision, the republicans have lost every election when they have run on abortion. and they thought down in the commonwealth of virginia that glenn youngkin actually had a good plan. he didn't get -- he didn't win when he tried to back the legislature. so, those are two issues for joe biden. they are good for joe biden. buff the economy and crime and border, they are really important to a lot of other people. >> brian: jeff anxieties had a confidence raising party for the team.
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>> ainsley: chief of staff for joe biden. >> brian: signing petitions and going out in front of the white house protesting against him. >> ainsley: morale booster. >> brian: forget about moderates and disenchanted republicans your own staff doesn't like you. >> ainsley: multi millionaire so he is paying for this party. >> lawrence: they are so upset because they have been running the day-to-day of the white house for threers three years. finally joe biden bucks the system and stands for israel and then they are all up in arms. it's pretty incredible. >> brian: meanwhile, ainsley has something to say. >> ainsley: new overnight oscar pistorius released from prison oafter serving a decade for his girlfriend's murder. >> brian: migrants pour into the u.s. are breach in the border wall. thanks, bill melugin. >> steve: ever heard of a crash and grab? how about this? a flier in washington urging
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shoplifters to unite. they tell them where to go. that's all coming up. plus, these guests on this very busy friday and we have got a mechanical bull and marie osmond. >> brian: not pictured there ♪ you can go your own way ♪ go your own way 12 hours!! not coughing? ♪not from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. hey you, with the small business... ...whoa... you've got all kinds of bright ideas, that your customers need to know about. constant contact makes it easy. with everything from managing your social posts, and events, to email and sms marketing. constant contact delivers all the tools you need to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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>> brian: back with headlines now with a fox news alert. south korea evacuating two islands overnight after north korea decided to fire more than 200 artillery rounds into the sea. south korea's military responding with its own live fire exercise. the top brass south korea saying, quote: this is an act of provocation that escalates tensions and threatens peace on the korean peninsula. meanwhile, on our border crisis, take a look at next exclusive video. migrants illegally crossing into the u.s. through a -- right through a gap in the border wall in lukeville, arizona. one point see suspected smuggler poke through a wall and pull a camera. this comes days after the biden administration reopened point of entry in lukeville. the latest border patrol numbers show encounters in the tucson sector have surged more than 176%. meanwhile, the candy company behind sweet tarts is putting modern twist on classic
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valentine's day tweets for people who aren't sure if they're with the right person. the new addition called situation chips feature blurry messages to mark your relationship status. for all those in committed relationships the classic hearts are available and easier to see i hope i get a cupie pie. >> ainsley: besty. >> steve: boring message through history i have seen a missile them. >> ainsley: i have seen the same thing. >> steve: i have seen blurry messages. >> ainsley: lawrence, remember getting those if you were little if you a valentine's day card you had to bring one for everybody in the class. brown paper bags and names on the outside. >> steve: she boxes. >> ainsley: we did those, too. >> steve: put them on the desk. >> ainsley: slit at the top. >> steve: walking around like the mailman giving valentines. >> brian: we did math. >> lawrence: everyone had to get one but the girl you liked
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longer one and more candy ar tachingsd to hers. >> ainsley: you were nervous. >> brian: how many blurry ones and get laser surgery. >> ainsley: only you? like n and l and no o or y. >> steve: man o man. speaking of going out and buying holiday candy for valentine's day. >> ainsley: steal it like a lot of people are doing. >> steve: coast-to-coast for the most part. something we are going to talk about now down in washington, d.c. that we haven't seen anything like this. and there was a flier found on a vacant store front on irving street northwest, and what it says is shoplifters unite. and they are talking about a safeway store. take everything not nailed down. bust the window fuss have. to say there is more in that particular message but the outthreat published it only put
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that part where it's essentially a battle cry, hey, shoplifters, let's go loot this safeway. >> ainsley: how brazen is that? i'm sure they have it on camera who hung that up flier. they are not even ashamed anymore. just go shoplift. >> brian: not ashamed after the smash and crab or crash and grab you will see a lot of them have their masks down. some of them don't even care if they get caught. the other thing is it's in compton, lawrence, compton, california. not a place that's flourishing with economic opportunities and they are just destroying a store that's helping the community. >> ainsley: tell them what happened at the bakery, lawrence. you know the story. >> lawrence: essentially what is going to happen is, to your point, brian. >> those businesses are just going to leave and then they are going to cry. corporate is traditionally black neighborhood. and so when those businesses leave, then the activists are going to cry systemic racism. but they cannot finance a store where all the product is being stolen. and if you look at all the major
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cities, they're all experiencing the same thick. washington, d.c., chicago, when you look at parts of l.a. where they have allowed this to happen. but i also think, look, the larger point is these aren't one-offs. where is the fbi on this. this is organized crime. this is not just your local kid shoplifting. these are people recruiting more people to sell this stuff on the black market you make a good point, lawrence tengetly organized. street takeover at 3:00 a.m. and they back that white car into the bakery. it's called the reuben's bakery and mexican food. they stole meat scales. they stole meat, groceries and lottery tickets among other things. and thousand and thousand of dollars in damages. the store owner trying to help the community has to play to replace the window and all of his items. >> in both instances it has to do with food now. one thing when you see them loot a louie i have tan.
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when it comes down to food. >> blackout something like that going on and people are hungry. this is just so different. not like somebody got in the car and hit reverse. somebody could go in and loot that place. >> ainsley: make that point too like a bakery. what are you going to get in the bakery imagine of muffins? no, they were stealing lottery tickets. one shop everywhere in the d.c. area took grocery carts full of detergent that family needed detergent or they are selling it. cvs in d.c. i heard they are replacing like if you want to buy toilet paper there is a picture of toilet paper on the shelf and you have to go get the employee to say go to the back and get my toilet paper. >> steve: get the key everybody knows you need toilet paper.
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>> lawrence: there was -- you was going to rock them out? there was a story done in new york city whether they were stealing all the meat from the grocery stores they sell that meat to some of the local bodegas as well. when you are going out shopping, look at the label and make sure it matches the store that you are actually at. because some of that stuff has been resold to local businesses. >> steve: suddenly the middleman might be a shoplifter. >> brian: where is that virginia ham from. >> ainsley: that's disgusting. the meat has been sitting out for three days and sold to the bodega. >> brian: might be hot. >> steve: do you know what is better than virginia ham taylor ham. >> brian: i have i don't know the difference. >> steve: virginia thing. >> brian: i thought that's where they found the pig. >> ainsley: can you get country ham down there in texas. >> steve: yeah. >> lawrence: exactly right. >> brian: if we're all done now
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i will tell what you is coming up next. >> steve: please do. >> brian: left's green agenda foiled by policies. plus. >> steve: it's a friday and weather on the horizon. look at this, a nor'easter, perhaps, bringing snow to cities this weekend that haven't seen any in nearly 700 days. adam klotz is tracking that coming up. >> brian: i wonder if we'll recognize it when we see it. >> ainsley: the snow? >> brian: yes. >> ainsley: yes. you will see me doing snow angels. running through it. >> brian: as usual. >> ainsley: snaght accused of being open air drug market. two parents who lost family members join us next. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free.
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sleep better, live purple. right now, save up to $800 dollars off mattress sets at purple. visit or a store near you today. >> it is 6:30 here in the east. we got a fox weather alert. more than 20 million americans, including all of those of us here sitting in new york. all the way from the carolinas to maine, are under a winter storm watch. for the weekend. the system that's already
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blanketed parts of new mexico and texas with snow is heading east and could bring an end to the long snow drought here in the northeast. meteorologist adam klotz is here with your weather forecast and he is inside because right now the wind chill is 17 outside. >> adam: it's chill out there, steve, that's what is going to helpful maybe potentially snow. we will be on the borderline in new york city. i will show that you in a minute. part of a major system sweeping across the country. southeast a whole lot of rain. when you start to see pink that's ice. obviously very dangerous. really turns into a snow event the further north you get think portions of new england will see the most as far as snowfall goes. this was ice i was just mentioning and does include portions of north virginia stretching up the appalachians, the blue mountains, getting into portions of even maryland. this could be a major part of this event. because as we know ice could make roads very dangerous and obviously bring down power lines and cause some power outages. this is what it looks like as far as snowfall goes. on the southern end of this,
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some of cities around 700 days without any snowfall. those include places like baltimore and philadelphia. actually on the locally end of breaking. this not necessarily for them are they going to be breaking. this you head further north and that's where you see a whole bunch of snow. i do want to leave with you one last graphic because no, is kind of in the middle of all of this. we will rung it four maybe an inch to three inches. if you get out on long island almost nothing. head up state an hour or two and talking five or six inches. we still have a little bit of time to watch where exactly that snow line is going to be. those are your weather headlines for now. ainsley tossing it over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, adam. a los angeles judge ruling that a landmark case filed by dozens, 60 different families who have lost loved ones to fentanyl can move forward in their lawsuit against the social media giant snapchat. the lawsuit alleges that snapchat parent company snap inc. knew knew for years that their platform was being used as a quote open air digital drug market. more than 74,000 people died
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from synthetic opioid overdoses like fentanyl during the 12-month period ending last july our next guests both lost their children to fentanyl poisoning after connecting to dealers on snapchat. amy neville and samuel chapman join us now with more on this lawsuit. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: so i want to get your reaction. how do you feel about this, the judge is hearing your side, taking your side and saying this can move forward. amy, i will start with you. >> sure, it's overwhelming that this is actually moving forward there has been a lot of naysayers along the way telling us you can't sue snapchat. i have heard that so many times turns out you can sue snapchat. >> ainsley: samuel, how about you. >> this is the biggest playing field our cases have had. >> 12 survive to go trial means we have discovery on a broad swath of behavior. so we will be able to find out a
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lot of whatever the company has been hiding. >> ainsley: amy, tell us about your son alexander was only 1 years old when he died. >> alex was just curious 1-year-old who was dealing with normal teenage social anxieties and he thought something to help with that somehow connected with drug dealer on snapchat. this drug dealer sold him and advertised to him oxycodone. and it was not an oxycodone. >> ainsley: one pill. samuel, tell us about your son sammy, he was 16. football player. he was going to be the world's first trillion narrow according to him. so, they were hoping for retirement. i miss him every day. and it's like waking up with two
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broken legs. it's just the worst, worst feeling. i want to make sure other parents have to go through in this is why we are engaging in this lawsuit. >> ainsley: interview so many people unfortunately who have lost their children. many of them want to fight the fight and find cures for diseases or they want to make sure that don't die from accidental overdoses like the two of you are. what wants to you make saving others from heartache. >> absolutely is saving other families. you know, we didn't know about fentanyl. and we didn't know about the depths of harm on snapchat. a little bit of information back in december of 2020 would have gone a long way in our household. i think we would be telling a very different story right now. >> ainsley: what are the dangers. many of us as parents have instagram and facebook now. what can you tell parents out
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there? >> well, get the user name and passwords for your kids' devices as a quid pro quo for giving them to them and for the software platforms snapchat has something called the quick add features. allows people to network with each other. it's a snap match which lets people know where the kids are so those two things in combination give drug dealers access to our children and where their location is. >> there are a number of other features platforms and we're suing for the negligence platforms and any harm that comes from that also treating this as a product liability suit and calling this a defective product. >> maybe we should know more about it. you clearly know a lot about it. maybe you learned that are a the death of your son. if these companies would just protect our children we wouldn't have to know all of that
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information have to let children see this. i'm hoping goes further and further protect more kids out there. god bless you both. i don't know how you are doing it. hopefully you have faith and so sorry for your loss. i can't imagine. >> thank you. thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: keep us posted on this. all right. well, now, to some other headlines. i'm going to hand it over to steve. >> steve: ainsley, thank you very much. meanwhile, let's tell you about this. what happened yesterday in the heartland. police in iowa say the 17-year-old who carried out a school shooting posted a photo of himself on tiktok before killing a sixth grader yesterday and wounding five others. the picture showed him with a duffle bag at his feet the caption read now we wait. authorities say the suspect was ultimately found dead. he took his own life with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. officers also found an improvised explosive device inside the school. apparently he had a shotgun. and the convict who launched
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himself at a las vegas judge wednesday is now refusing to leave his cell to appear in court. redden is facing six new felony charges after lunging at the judge. she said is he going to have to do some time. he didn't like it. this was not the first encounter. the judge released him last year on probation after he pleaded guilty to home invasion charges. red continue is scheduled to appear in court again on monday. major blow to joe biden's green agenda. a wind project off the coast of new york near us has been canceled by developers and seemingly his very own bidenomics were to blame. energy developers says the project was scrapped due to inflation, interest rates, and supply chain disruption. here to react to that is the committee for a constructive tomorrow the president craig
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rucker. your reaction to the shelving of this multi million dollars project? let's just say the winds of ill fortune are blowing hard against biden's offshore energy agenda. of course, he wanted to put in about 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind by the year 2030. what happened yesterday is indicative of what has been happening in recent months. we had another wind company bail out of the vineyard wind projects up in massachusetts. >> we had another one in new jersey just recently. >> or stead bailed from new jersey and angering phil murphy and many others. they are blaming, of course, high interest rates, inflation, and supply chain issues. but i would like to point out what they are not telling you is there is also significant grassroots opposition to these projects coming from commercial fishermen and those upset about their impacts on marine mammals and, in particular, whalesna.
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is also giving them pause as to whether or not they can continue their operation. >> brian: right. whales dying suddenly right near these projects reportedly when they grill it into the ocean floor it throws off the whale's communication. for example, in 2016, 212 -- since 2016 there has been 212 whale deaths, 37 in 2023 alone. now, the other thing i'm not an energy experts but they are looking at wind stuff and saying they are not nearly as effective as being billed anyway. some are using inflation bail out of a project that's just not going to pay off. >> you are exactly right. you take a look at example the bp he can nor contract. that's already a sweetheart deal when you compare it to somewhere
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around 60 to 80 a megawatt hour. they want to move that up to $177 a megawatt hour which would even in a blue state the regulators aren't willing to have that sort of shock be put to rate payers and especially when these things are unpopular as you mentioned there has been a precipitous increase in whale deaths from the pile driving, sonar blasting and you are seeing a lot of the grassroots environmental groups, both on the right and left, up in arms about this. so i don't think that the political will is there to try and give them the contracts that they would like to have to make these things economically sound. >> brian: i just remember ted kennedy come out and saying i don't want to see windmills. pro-environment. i don't want to have to see them. they are an eyesore. a little bit of a problem all of us have to deal with it. craig, see where this goes. another wind project goes by the boards for the biden administration. craig rucker good job.
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oscar pistorius released from prison after serving nearly 10 years for the death of his girlfriend the details ahead. apple watcher saves a woman's life. she will tell us how. first, lawrence is getting the pulse of the people in dallas and at the pulse is racing. that's next and the flap jacks of flipping. that's a verb. ♪ ♪
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granted parole, disgraced track star oscar pistorius is now out of prison. his release comes more than a decade after he murdered his girlfriend on valentine's dayal valentine's day. these new images show the moment the six-time paraolympic pick gold medalist left a south african prison spending the last nine years in lockup. the man they called the blade runner became an international star when he became the first am amputee to compete in the olympics at the 2012 summer games in london. pistorius sentenced to 13 years for killing steencamp and still heart broken family is not happy about this early release. the mother saying there can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back.
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no amount of time served will bring reva back. we, who remain behind, are the ones serving a life sentence. as part of his deal, pistorius is not allowed to speak to the media. he will be closely monitored over the next five years with strict conditions including required anger management classes and significant community service. brian, over to you, hard to believe it's been that long almost a decade. >> brian: i understand her sentiment. it's unbelievable. >> ainsley: of course. they are serving a life sentence. >> brian: ainsley, thanks so much. latest states considering motions to remove former president donald trump's name from the ballot. citing the 14th amendment. right now trump is appealing maine and colorado's decision to remove him from their primary ballots. and here's a question for the ages. what is the best condiment? ketchup or mustard? >> educated people pronounce it cat sussup not if they want me o
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pass it from them. >> fine if that's the way you are going to be i will do wow. >> not going to happen. >> my getting cold just give me the catsup. >> mustard is the better choice. mustard is lower in calories and does not include high fructose corn syrup in most ketchup brands. john kerry can't be reached for comment this morning. lawrence can he is talking to diners in dallas about condiments and everything else. >> you know, the question is a tricky one. because most people would think because tomatoes that it would be healthier for ketchup i knew it was about the mustard. i'm always trying to try something fitness-worthy. what do you think? which is healthier for you kemp chup or mustard. >> i'm pretty sure ketchup. >> you think is healthier for you. >> absolutely. >> lawrence: what about you, ma'am? who cares what you think this is what the women think, right?
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which one is better? >> mustard, of course. >> lawrence: do you know who was right? she was right. >> always right. >> lawrence: do you know what else right about the economy and how it's impacting you and the inflation. people may like ketchup and mustard but it's costing them a pretty penny. what's going on with the country? >> biden, is he ruining the country. is he ruining america. is he ruining the border. is he ruining the economy. we need trump back in offers. because everything he did was great. >> lawrence: thank you, ma'am. i want to go to my other friend here from texas. the economy, what's going wrong and what's going right? >> joe is the problem. he should not be in the white house. did he not win the election. i believe that when my whole heart. and until we get him out and trump in office, our america is at risk of not being america anymore. and it breaks my heart. >> lawrence: such a passionate point of view. [applause]
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>> lawrence: a lot of people agree with you as well. when i talk to people in texas, they are concerned about the border. what is your stance on this? i know it's been hitting our home state for a while. >> we have got to close it? >> i think that abbott should have reacted a long time ago. and he should have put national guard down there. we -- i think our congress should put our army down there. >> absolutely. >> and shut it down. just absolutely shut it down. >> lawrence: the biden administration is now suing the state of texas and texas dps about this very thing. >> well, the doj is corrupt. >> yes, they're. >> you can see every day how corrupt they are in terms of what they are doing to conservative people. it's criminal. >> lawrence, we're making the cartel rich. they are terrorists. they're getting rich off of joe biden or joe by bite me's polic. he is probably getting his pockets padded as well like is he getting money from china and all these other countries.
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it's not right. until we all stand up and do something about it, it's going to continue. and i went -- we had a protest at the capitol back in the summer about the border and child trafficking. and i went to that and there were very few people there the people that were there were just taking pictures to put on facebook. i was passionate. i was yelling and telling our officials what should be done. and i had the police watching me because i was outspoken. >> lawrence: there is a lot of people that support the position. look, likes, people are passionate in the state of texas about this guess what? they're getting hit the hardest in this great state of texas. >> absolutely. >> lawrence: send it back to you in new york. >> steve: she is still talking back there go ahead and turn around and i will do this story right now. a remarkable story, a woman's life saved after being poisoned by carbon monoxide in her apartment. she saved her life with her apple watch because the apple watch has a feature that lous users to instantly call 911 by holding down the side button just below the crown for five
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seconds. here to share her story is natalie that sacha. and she joins us right now. natalie, it's friday. take us back a week. last friday, what happened? >> it's been a week. last friday when i woke up and had breakfast, i was feeling still exhausted and so i decided to cancel personal training and take a nap. and when i woke up, i was on the couch, and i said okay, i have to get ready for the day even walking up the stairs i was dizzy, disoriented, had absolutely no energy. i pulled myself upstairs and bed. and i had absolutely no energy for anything. and as i was feeling myself sort of drift away. all of a sudden i got extremely scary. i'm like this is -- this is not good. and i held down the button and i
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was connected to 911, i took a stab in the dark and they said this is possibly c.o. poisoning. and he asked if i could get outside. and they said no. there is no energy. >> steve: right. they came and they saved your life. they knocked on the door and when you heard it's the fire department, you thought okay, i'm safe. i know they took you to the emergency room. your blood level was 33% carbon monoxide poisoning, which is extraordinary. you are so lucky to be alive. >> yes. >> steve: i got to say hats off to you. even though you were completely disoriented you knew to push down the button for five seconds. it's not the big thing that goes around. it's the button under there listen, you are so lucky you didn't have a time mexico. you had an apple watch. >> yes. and if i didn't have the apple watch, i probably would have just have fallen asleep. the phone was downstairs. >> steve: no kidding. i know you want to make sure
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that this would not have have happened had you ha carbon monoxide detector in your apartment. you now have one and that is a lesson for everybody to go out and make sure you have got one. natalie, thank you very much for joining us god bless you and good luck. >> thank you so much. have great day. >> steve: you too, wow. that's really something. all right. coming up on this friday. the one and only marie osmond is going to join us on this friday morning. so stick around. ♪ ♪ when it's cold outside ally be, ♪l. to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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