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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 5, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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saving retiring benefits for millions of people. a lot getting this done. we got to look at not what has been done in the past but where we are going to go moving forward in the future. look: we are going to be very open and candid with a lot of these discussions. we are going to make the best choice on behalf of our members. it's not a guarantee for anybody, and that is no disrespect. >> we will watch it closely. anything i can do to broker this diner peace settlements. >> i will be back in d.c. for a while so let me know. >> i will talk to about that. sean o'brien with the teamsters. very good having you on. don't forget, ron desantis, bill barr, mike pompeo. a lot of special guests tomorrow, here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: hello. i'm joe jeanine pirro along with
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jessica tarlov, jesse watters, d greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the so-called great savior of democracy is back. rushed off his caribbean vacation where he got sunburned into oblivion. president biden was at valley forge to kick off his first major campaign speech of the year, but it looks like the big guy is out of big ideas. instead of talking policies or how he will make your lives better, biden bashed maga supporters and january 6th. the president repeatedly mentioned george washington, while fanning himself as a defender against dictatorship. >> donald trump's campaign is about him, not america, not you. donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the
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future. he is willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power. maga supporters not only embrace political -- they abide by it. hear me clearly, i will stay with donald trump won't: political violence is never, ever acceptable in the united states, never, never, never. [applause] it has no place in a democracy. this is like something out of a fairy tale, bad fairy tale. what i would say -- he would be a dictator on day one. >> jeanine: biden also claiming that you better vote for him or it's the end of democracy. >> i make this sacred pledge to you. the fence protection and preservation of american desk of the feds protection and preservation of american democracy will remain, as it has been, the central point. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot.
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[applause] >> we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal. i promise you, i will not let donald trump and maga republicans in force -- [applause] >> jeanine: while joe gins up fear that your next door neighbor could be a maga extremist -- busting up extremists hopes. he might rub her how democrats liberal press hyped the narrative -- you might remember how democrats hiked up the liberal press that radicals have infiltrated the american military. biden's own department of defense looked into the allegations and found no evidence of the u.s. military packed with violent extremists. according to the report, there were fewer than 100 substantiated cases for extremist activities by members of the military in recent years. all right, jesse, i will start with you. joe biden ran, he was going to
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unite the country. how does pitting 73 million americans against the rest of america unite the country? >> jesse: by the way, what are you doing for january 6th? want to come over my house? we are having a stop and steal watch party. [laughter] dressed jesse jr. up in animal skins, play a little game we like to call "find the dnc python." year after year, we have not found it. pop quiz, jessica: which president skipped the 9/11 ceremony and did the january 6th ceremony? three, two, one. >> jessica: joe biden. >> jesse: joe biden. this guy can't save democracy when he's trying to rip his opponent off of the ballot, slap him with gags, and have him arrested. judge, he ran his first campaign on charlottesville. the second campaign is on january 6th. he actually thinks donald trump
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wants to be a dictator. the first campaign he ran on was a hoax. the second one, this is now a joke. you can't actually be from the party that literally started a racist insurrection and accuse the other party of the same thing. that is like bill clinton saying it's disqualifying for someone to sleep with an intern and run for office. i am so tired of joe biden running on january 6th. if i were donald trump, i would run on july 4th. no one is more patriotic than donald trump. i remember back in the late '80s, he was talking about the japanese ripping us off while joe biden was blocking a black man from the courts. joe biden is letting china pillaged this country. donald trump wants a trade war against them. donald trump secure the border, joe biden is letting 5 million mystery men wander in. what kind of patriotic person does that? donald trump spent his whole life building skyscrapers, creating jobs, developing beautiful tracts of land. joe biden is sitting on his keister backslapping and glad
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hand-angie his whole life. he's done nothing. he's done nothing. the racism thing has to stop, jessica. donald trump dated black women. has joe biden ever dated a black woman? donald trump was palling around with don king when your guy was palling around with segregationists. >> jeanine: okay. >> jesse: i'm not finished, all right. >> jessica: it's a fox news alert. >> jeanine: a fox news alert. the united states supreme court has agreed to hear the appeal of former president trump's colorado ballot disqualification. oral arguments will be held thursday, february 8th dear cassandra, let's talk about t that. colorado -- sandra, let's talk about that. took joe -- donald trump off the ballot. secretary of state take some off the ballot. how was it that you've got the
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candidate for president joe biden saying he is saving democracy when his party is taking the number one, at this point, sought after candidate. not just the republican party, but in terms of the poles. >> sandra: it is only firing up his base even more. the more they go after him, the more they try to take him off of the ballot, fires up the base, improves his status in the polls, and only benefiting in the selection. there is a lot to take in. tying it into our overall discussion with what we heard from president biden a short time ago. there's a couple of ways to look at that. there was a firm message delivered by the president. agree, disagree with it. that was a president that is fired up and ready to run against that man, the former president donald trump. as far as the content is concerned, tied us into this as well, what you just said, judge. he said president biden today, democracy is on the ballot, freedom is on the ballot.
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came in on the air right after that speech concluded and said "we would be remiss to not to say that this is one of the most anti-free-speech presidencies of our lifetime, of potentially -- in our history of the country." nikki haley was on the air before biden took to the podium. she used it as a campaign message. she said "watch, you are going to see president biden tee off against donald trump in his first campaign speech. you put donald trump up there as your nominee, this is what you are going to see, this trump/biden fight that's going to continue." in the message, biden said donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. that's irony, considering president biden stood up there and did not tell it what he has done. he could not look back at the past. his performance in office -- jessica, i saw the look. nice to see you are getting along here. how can you tout $3 a gallon gasoline right now, an economy where consumer prices are up 17%?
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you go to the grocery store. that's why he's not pulling well in the economy. security, going back to the border. people don't feel safe in their neighborhoods right now. this is all on the ballot. >> jeanine: jessica? >> jessica: so, today's speech was not about anything but january 6th. you can give a speech tomorrow about the economy. there have been commentators all over every major channel, including our own, talking about how good today's job report numbers were. 216,000 jobs added. 3.7% unemployment, 4.1% wage growth. one of the most interesting things is the lowest black and employment rate we have ever had in history. he has a lot to talk about, and he will, but today was about saving democracy. the contrast between a joe biden who asked whether he is invigorated from having some time off, which he rightly deserved, or may be, this is just a campaign mode is going to be. i hope he is talking about this,
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and donald trump is posting means about how "god made trump --" and other posts about a woman who was sexually assaulted and defamed. the reason joe biden is talking about january 6th and former president trump living in the past is because he has not moved on. from the big lie to the fact that we just saw in the detroit news last night, this story came out that the trump campaign directly coordinates of the filing of a certificate signed by 16 michigan republicans that falsely claims that he won the states. jack smith will obviously get his day in court to bring the case about january 6th election interference. we will see what happens in fulton county in georgia, but this man continues to lie to the entire world about what happened in the election, and he did -- what happened on january 6th. all of his friends and family and closest advisors were texting him, begging him to stop doing it, and what did he do?
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he said mike pence didn't do what he was supposed to come into a crowd -- would call them tourists. people carrying the confederate flag. there was a noose on the premises of january 6th. cops were beaten, window smashed. people showed up with zip ties. this was not a friendly affair. this is the contrast. this is why joe biden won by 7 million votes, because you have a person who wants to subvert democracy and a person who respects democratic results. the colorado case was brought by a republican. at 13 a five-day bench trial. it should go to the supreme court. i imagine they will rule that his name should be on the ballot. >> jeanine: of course. it's antidemocratic to take your opponent's name off the ballot. >> jessica: but joe biden has nothing to do with it. >> jeanine: not going to get into that. greg, i want you to listen to this sound.
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>> greg: do i have to? [laughter] >> jeanine: the media -- claims of extremism in the military, which we now know is false. take a listen. >> these extreme views aren't new. they have existed within the military for a while. >> is this the right person to root out extreme as him from the military? >> he absolutely is. he does have a unique understanding of the challenges that we face. >> i think this is a major problem, something that the military, that congress, that everyone in positions of power need to be looking at and investigating and taking very seriously. >> greg: this is all part of the same strategy: absence of policy and ideas. all they do is cling to january 6th. believe it or not, that was not an insurrection. it's probably the only coup in history that didn't have any arms. the person that died was an unarmed protester.
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>> jeanine: a veteran. >> greg: let's talk about this military extremism hoax. the media embraced this. i'm going to compare this to abstain. every time we talk about epstein we say "these people are innocent until proven guilty." we did not say that about the military. msnbc, "extremism in the military is a serious national security threat." where's the data on that, you bozos? the military has long had an extreme's problem. what will it do to solve its? where was your evidence on that, you douchebags? extremism in the military, one conversation. you guys are as ss. we had millions risk their lives defending this country, and you have this old, decrepit crone falsely smearing these patriots with extremism, not because they knew it to be true, but in order to create fear to drive voters to their side. then, the truth comes out. they released this report before
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christmas. they knew that the media would let it slide. they were complicit in this lie. the only people covering this. but, if they had found racism in this, this would be on the cover of every news site. it would be linked to fox news, linked to donald trump. they would call our military hopelessly racist. we would need more crt, more esg. has joe ever apologized to the border agents, which he did the same thing to? he ran with the smear, targeted private citizen, and then when it found out to be false which we all knew it was, he said nothing. had he apologized to the military for this, creating and fermenting a hoax against american citizens? that was deliberated. it wasn't something that got out of hand like a rally. this was planned. they went after these people. think about the epstein thing, okay? every time you hear the epstein
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story, they preface it with a legal preamble. we have no evidence of wrongdoing. hey douchebags, that didn't stop you from calling people white supremacists, going after the border agents. now it's epstein's pals, innocent until proven guilty, but military border agents? they are guilty from the get-go. biden should hold a press conference and announce these findings, but he won't. he is a tool, upon, a callous old coot who exploits division to preserve power. >> jeanine: jesse? >> greg: you are supposed -- >> jesse: you are supposed to say "that's what i am supposed to say about that." >> greg: we will talk about this tonight on my show at 10:00 p.m. >> we don't need more news. >> jesse: the supreme court will not help joe biden out this time. joe biden had so much help the last time he ran. he had a once in 100 years
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virus. the fbi descended on minneapolis, went to the coroner's office. you know that the tapes were suppressed. he gets home from the feds, the agency with a laptop, and pfizer happens to discover the vaccine. it works the day after the election. come on. joe doesn't have any of that this time, the country is wide-eyed about what to expect. it's not going to go >> according to alayna harbaugh, the supreme court is in donald trump's pocket. she was on tv last night talking about how brett kavanaugh will do the right thing, because "you know how he got on the court." >> jeanine: my understanding of what she said was -- >> jesse: a little help from -- >> jeanine: my understanding is she says she is concerned that people might think that because there were appointments by donald trump, that the supreme court will go that way. doesn't know that to be the c case. this administration, the biden administration has done more to destroy free speech, the ability of the press to provide
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information to us, and to win the election for joe biden. it was orwellian the way they handled it, and that's why he won. >> jessica: how my? >> jeanine: people know about the laptop with the dirt. >> jessica: was present when the laptop was censored, for 24 hours. speech it is nothing he could do about it. >> jeanine: it's not -- >> greg: there's nothing he could do about it. >> jeanine: it's donald trump's fault that the folks who are friends with obama and biden said its disinformation, suppress the laptop? i don't think so. >> jessica: in that story -- >> jeanine: antony blinken himself said he is the one who contacted people to get together to say that it was disinformation. >> jessica: when something happens during your administration -- >> jeanine: oh, really? >> jessica: -- yes, that's what you hear from you every day. joe biden's watch, donald trump's watch. >> jeanine: that is too easy. >> jessica: it was censored for a mere 24 hours off twitter. until the election -- it was 24 hours, judge. >> jeanine: no, you -- come
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on, jessica! >> jessica: you come on! >> jeanine: are you kidding? that laptop story was not allowed to be discussed on social media. >> jessica: that's not true. >> jeanine: you are wrong. >> dana: i'm not. >> jeanine: we are monitoring the breaking news with the supreme court. next, the climate change cult is declaring war on your houseplants, jessica. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer, food became my comfort. i didn't think i looked pretty anymore, so i let myself go. i've seen the golo commercials for a while. what stuck out to me most was there was no celebrity endorser. the testimonials were from real people. what cancer took from me, golo gave back.
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(uplifting music) here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre.
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we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the climate change phonetics declaring war on the most green thing in your home:
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houseplants. the ferns you never water, the thing that's going to kill mother earth. "the washington post," trying to shame people with this headline. you ready? "indoor houseplants come at a cost to the plane it: here's how to minimize it. breathing indoor spaces can also come at an environmental cost close was. plastic pots and synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleum. the harvesting of soil components like heat can tear up slowly forming habitats. instead, they suggest you look for local plants, garden clubs in your area. meanwhile, joe biden's green is a total disaster. offshore project that the white house gloated about just got killed, like one of the birds that fly into them. two big energy developers announce they are canceling the contract for a massive wind project slated for construction off the coast of new york, because of inflation.
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greg gutfeld, do you have plants in your house? >> greg: i have a lot of plans. i don't want to them, that's for the wife, as you know. [laughter] >> oh, my god. >> greg: barefoot, the only way i have it. a lot of people realize, the public, that if it wasn't for the hysterics, we might have made progress in some real areas, like nuclear power. instead, you had activists out for attention, personal gain, consultants out for profit that turned this into a circus. reality is punching right through the hysteria, the risk for climate-related disasters has dropped 99% since 1920. why is that? it's not because of activism. it is because of innovation in human progress, which has made us more resilient. they talk about fertilizer. if you want to go there, 4 billion people rely on fossil fertilizer. if you are going to take that away, they starve to death. they are not lucky enough to get
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their lattes in their pocket bread at starbucks after they block traffic. climate hysteria brought to their desires, would be that she would have 4 billion people dead. when you think of the opportunity costs of all this, what problems could you have solved if you hadn't spent billions and trillions on a lie? these climate models are false. there is no way you can predict -- people can't predict ten years and time. we would have been able to address world hunger, disease, sanitation, homelessness, instead of going to climate conferences and paying consultants. even nasa satellites are admitting that the world is burning less. it's not on fire. it's not on fire. i think what's happening is that when you are going after the houseplants, it's over. >> jesse: they said it was going to snow this weekend. let's see if it snows. i can predict what's going to happen on sunday, but they are going to tell us what the temperature is in 100 years?
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>> jessica: eric dungey a couple of things. it's therapeutic to be what y year -- >> jessica: it's therapeutic to be here tonight with you. i always left. >> jesse: that will be $100. >> jessica: i can help with orchids. >> that is gorgeous. >> the best thing you can do to orchids is neglect them. >> greg: and same with children. [laughter] >> jessica: listen, i have a challenge to this white house. we are seeing oil production at a record high in this country. what's happening there? i pulled up biden's campaign messages of the last election. >> greg: are you saying he doesn't mean what he says? >> remember when he whispered to the little kid, we are going to end my fossil fuels, transition from the oil industry? a major campaign speech. the white house will not respond to the press who is asking about the increasing levels of crude oil production, as the president continues to push his green agenda. again, fox digital reached out this week. the white house failed to
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respond to inquiries to address the figures in light of the climate change agenda. why are we producing records amount of -- under this administration? >> jeanine: maybe joe doesn't know it. that's what we are talking about. >> jessica: or the oil industry doing it. >> jesse: that's a good question. of oil production is up and windmill projects are getting canceled left and right, what's actually going on? >> jeanine: well maybe, middle management is recognizing the benefits to oil production, and there's a lot of lobbies who are saying "this is what we want," and are getting it done. >> jessica: a lot of them will respond that we are seeing this record of production as a result of what happened years prior. a lot of these leases are years in the making periods before he was the leases. >> jessica: biden. and that will play out. >> jeanine: in the future. what made me crazy about this, when he said that the houseplants were creating the problem, it is like to them, what is their solution? number one, you are supposed to
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buy plants locally. where do you think they got started with the plants? you don't think they used any kind of fertilizer for those plants that you bought that are so gorgeous? of course they did. then they want me to get rid of my gas stove. over my dead body. then, what they want is -- my gas stove. how much do you think that affects the environment? you have john kerry and pete buttigieg flying around in private jets. they are worried about my gas stove. the leaf blowers. i should have a house with no plants, unless i want to borrow it from my neighbor, okay? then, i should not have a gas stove. i should be able to cook. they have no solution because it's not a problem, unless their solution is they don't want to see this because of the cow's flatulence. sooner or later, they will say humans emit carbon. get rid of the humans. if you are over 80, maybe we don't need you. >> greg: that's what they are
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doing in canada. they are pushing euthanasia. there's too many people. >> there is too much fighting? >> greg: to many people. >> jeanine: if they are going to start controlling and eliminating us, and he gets more important as the show goes on in the later block. >> i am excited for the later blocks about that. [laughter] i'm glad we are all admitting that we have record oil production, so that is good. on tuesday i thought you on t that. >> what would you do? >> greg: i agree with you. i think it's great, but -- so you are saying -- "i am for this, but since it's not happening, hooray?" >> this is true. >> jesse: joe biden says he wants to get rid of it. >> jessica: i know. >> jesse: can't have it both ways. >> jeanine: is he lying to the american people? >> jessica: activists are going after -- i understand, he canceled a pipeline, they have been pissed at him since the beginning. oh, i know what you are -- no on that one.
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[laughter] i think it's important, if someone sees the error of their ways, and we live in a forgiving society, and he says "actually, drilling is the right way to approach this," and he did, by the way give more pieces to drill on federal land, something that didn't set his base. we talked about that he's losing young people because his climate agenda is not nearly as green as it "should be?" give him a pat on the back he deserves? >> greg: apology accepted. >> jesse: drill baby drill. >> jessica: i will send you flowers for how nice you've been to me. >> jesse: up next, elvis is back in the building. the king of rock 'n' roll, returning to a concert near you. ♪ ♪
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what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived,
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and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too. marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today.
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join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing]
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♪ ♪
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>> artificial intelligence distorting the lives between reality and what is fake. elvis is coming back to life as an ai holograph. 47 years after the king left the building and tragically died, a u.k. company announcing its prepping the holograph ai concert special titled "elvis evolution." it features a life-size digitally recreated avatar of elvis -- this november. the ceo, giving his preview of what to expect. >> you will see elvis perform in front of you for the first time, he will see this unique performance generated by ai. >> judge, would you go? >> jeanine: in a minute. i love elvis presley. the issue really is that now, ai is going to create entertainment. what they are going to look to
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do is eliminate the middle guy who is a talent. when you think about how much money taylor swift makes -- she is in the billion dollars -- they can create a talent that someone that everyone would like, get us -- a song on the radio, streaming or whatever, and they can make a fortune. it's about power and money and greed. then, the robots that are doing our jobs, and then social media is eliminating intrapersonal communication. people do not talk on the phone anymore. it's like at some point, they are going to eliminate humans. >> this could really bring him back to life. >> what she did come back to life. i would take greg got fouled to his concert with me and show him what the king really does. greg slandered the king the other day in the commercial break, so i came prepared with facts. did you know the greatest selling artist of all time was?
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it is the beatles, and number two, elvis presley, over 1 billion albums, three grant misch, 31 movies because he was an actor on the side. spent the most time of the billboard charts than anybody. number two, frank sinatra, close second. the guys a living legend, greg. dan you? -- how dare you? i demand a retraction. >> greg: how do we know that elvis wasn't already a hologram? have you ever met elvis? [laughter] i cannot wait for hologram groupies. what kind of writer does a hologram get? in the first "me to close title case, i was assaulted by hologram. the problem is he is -- "case. assaulted by hologram. the problem is he is dead. the people doing work, their relatives. that's why i am licensing my life now, so hologram a greg can perform while i am alive and i can reap the deserved benefits. what's the point of having the hologram dashed will do that when i'm dead -- just so jesse's
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kids can get another boat? i'm not paying for your education. >> jesse: i should do multiple holograms where i am to onto her. >> greg: it's not for dead people. it's for us so we can make money because we are greedy freaks. >> jessica: two things. one is a sad thing to say about this, but why i think this innovation is good. the first part of this. i like that these are life events. we talk about how we are consumed by being on our phones all the time. if you can go to a concert, people are going to go and see the performances. the first big hologram? >> jesse: they will be like this the whole time. >> jessica: i like it. up into a couple of comedy shows at madison square garden where they take away phones and put them in a pouch. the second thing i wanted to say was a bit sad, but i think it's a cool side of all of this. now, a lot of doctors are recommending if someone is going to pass away, that they do all these recordings so you can have their voice when they are gone,
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or create holidays. >> jesse: my mom can scold me from the grave. >> jessica: i'm sure she'd love to. >> greg: her to remarry as a widower. and >> jessica: when you sit there with a hologram all day. [laughter] >> greg: she is still here. [laughter] >> jesse: said you wouldn't remarry. [laughter] >> jessica: changes coming for sure. up next, want to get out of a ticket? there's a new liberal loophole. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jessica: here is an easy way to get out of a ticket: go driver-list. self-driving cars in california are apparently immune from traffic tickets. despite the chaos, from running red lights, obstructing emergency responders, and mowing down -- there is a blind side of
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the law. traffic tickets can only be written if there is an actual driver in the car. judge, you have background information on this. it was a rule in texas. >> jeanine: it is interesting. this is california, typical california. making people accountable -- but texas, for driverless cars, if there is a violation of any sort, whoever owns the car gets the ticket. what california has to do is simply change the legislation, like texas did come up to make sure that you are responsible for vehicle and traffic violations, if you are owning the car or in the car or whatever. the technology -- the laws have not kept up with technology. >> jessica: doesn't seem like that people would broadly support. >> they don't have those thoughts in california in general. [laughter] dosing. not. [laughter] self-driving cars.
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how many people are in self-driving cars today? is a lot? i don't think it's a lot. not a lot of self-driving cars on the road. i don't get tickets: i drive the speed limit. >> greg. [laughter] >> if this car drives itself to a big box store and steals $900 worth of stuff, it is like a win-win. >> jeanine: it is a win-win. the warner bros. cups from yesterday. >> the pink stanley cups. you steal them and go home. >> jesse: i'm worried because gavin newsom is trying to give the driverless cars a right to vote. he is allowing them to vote by mail as well. he is giving them authority to ballot harvest. they will be like voter fraud on wheels. that needs to be stopped before the next election. >> biden will win by 10 million this time. >> jesse: a at least.
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>> fan mail friday is coming up. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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2:48 pm
here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie.
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"fan mail friday." kids, control yourself or i am turning the car ran. [laughter] the first question from brent g. "what is something you've done that you would discover the urge -- that you would discourage others from doing you met jessica flush -- from doing?" jessica? >> jessica: in fifth grade, i was mean to this girl my class. >> greg: and she killed herself. >> jessica: she is alive and thriving and i wasn't that mean. >> greg: maybe it's a good thing. >> jesse: -- >> jessica: even polite bullying is bad. >> jesse: mind is no bully also. >> greg: oh, really? you were a bully? >> jesse: i wasn't a bully. >> greg: you were the bully. >> jesse: i wasn't the bully. no i wasn't. i was not. >> dana: judge? >> g>> jeanine: i wouldn't fry a turkey. you fry a turkey in it.
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i would never recommend anyone do that. >> that's a good one. that's a good one. >> i thought of a cooking one. i try to make this sauce. anybody ever made it? difficult and i regret it. so much time and they never hardened. >> i would just say don't worry about it. [laughter] >> greg: why can't you just buy it? it's a knot, right? >> some things are better homemade. >> greg: you can't make your on not? >> jesse: how do you do it, greg? speech is something of done but would discourage others from doing. let's see. >> jesse: working in television? [laughter] >> dana: i'm going with going on tiktok. stay off of tiktok. what's the most frightening dream you remember? >> fallen for sure. >> don't we all have the same dream but if you actually die from it, you are really dead? the dream i keep having is that
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i am fighting with people, have enough credits to graduate and say that it didn't. the scariest dream is that you are in the dark, then in the water, and you are going to drown, but you wake up. >> i have had that one, but my scariest one is where my family is on a train car, and they are going to throw someone out, and they have to die, and my parents are saying it has to be one of us because they haven't live their whole lives. we are like "well, take me. i don't know what good living as." this started when i was young. >> greg: wow, one person has to die. >> jesse: i don't have bad dreams. i keep having dreams where i can dunk. it's so much fun. >> greg: flying dreams. >> jesse: i can fly. >> greg: flying dreams are the best. >> jessica: i always remember the ones -- i don't have a lot of bad dreams, but the ones we were falling from the sky. >> you wake up kicking.
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>> greg: i have this constant reoccurring -- and it is just a nightmare. working in cnn. [laughter] "one more thing" is up next. in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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♪ can. >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing." jesse. >> jesse: get well soon, lieu ouija. had a procedure but getting better. big shout-out to my guy lieu regiony. >> a friend of mine. and is he doing great. >> he sent me that picture. tonight "jesse watters primetime," 8:00. >> judge jeanine: what a wonderful show. i hosted a jaffery's book of
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names. it will be on the fox news channel sunday night at 10:00 p.m. if you want to find out more about that pervert and what he did. and, also, tonight, i'm going to be on hannity. greg? >> greg: all right, tonight. what a banger of a show. we got the beautiful pete hegseth turning dagan mcdowell and kat timpf and tyrus. do some politics. greg's chamber walk. there was a big vote in congress. we see the congressman coming out now. they just voted. there they are requesting to take a break. that one over there just pulled the fire alarm. never. >> judge jeanine: how sweet. >> jessica: had to make it political. >> judge jeanine: yeah.
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okay. jessica? >> jessica: so a father's love knows no bounds or in this case hype. no, it shouldn't. this is a heart-warming moment a father carried his paraplegic son up three flights of stairs -- isn't it? mason brand centraler suffered a spinal cord injury three years prior. documented his struggles online. >> god bless him. >> greg: johnny does that for you. >> jesse: just because i'm lazy. >> judge jeanine: that's beautiful. >> jessica: thank you. >> judge jeanine: sandra? >> sandra: on my show today we interviewed a man whose bakery was plowed through by a kia vehicle and 100 looters on tuesday 2:30 in the morning. over 100 looters then ransacked and looted his store. took everything in it. this is a family owned bakery in compton, california. they have had it in their family for 40 years. they never ever could have imagined anything like this happening. they started a go fund me, the
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neighborhood start god fund me page for him. after we had him on the show, it's tripled. if you have a dollar or two, help him out. they are completely having to rebuild that store to reopen for the community and we support our small businesses. >> jesse: do you know where the car went afterwards? straight out of compton. >> greg: nicely done. >> judge jeanine: was that part of the group? >> sandra: yes. ran it through the door so they could run in. >> judge jeanine: car first. >> jesse: called a crash and grab. >> greg: the media blamed the car of course. jeep jean they can't prosecute. right? >> jessica: driverless car and then voted afterwards. >> judge jeanine: that's right. that's it for us. have great night. i want to thank everyone for being with us. we have four more seconds. anything you want to say, yes, >> jesse: y? >> jesse: i love you, america. ♪ >> good evening and welcome to washington i'm gillian turner in for bret baier. breaking tonight the u.s.


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