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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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♪ >> bret: fair. >> bret: fair. >> bret: fair. >> bret: balanced and unafraid. >> have you ever seen the movie caddie shack? >> what? >> bret: that's what it takes to get here. ♪ ♪ >> gillian: happy anniversary to bret and the entire team here at "special report." best team in the business. coming up monday, bret and martha mccallum will be live from des moines, iowa for a town hall with republican presidential candidate nikki haley. please join shannon bream this weekend for "fox news sunday" with texas governor greg abbott, denver mayor mike johnson and oklahoma senator james lankford. thanks for joining us on "special report." ♪ ♪ >> will: i'm will cain in for laura ingraham. this is a special edition of
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"the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. the supreme court announcing late tonight they will hear trump's appeal to the colorado ruling that banned him from the state's primary ballot. plus, how far will special counsel jack smith go in his investigation into donald trump? we have obtained shocking new video of what happened after he dispatched agents to the home of former black voices for trump director heroinson floyd. his attorney is here exclusively. first? >> he talks about the blood of america is being poisoned. echoing the same exact language used in nazi jerome proudly posts on social media words best described the 2024 campaign quote revenge, quote power, and quote dictatorship. there's no confusion about who trump is. and what he intends to do. >> will: there it is. mr. unifier in chief's official
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ramp up to comparing his predecessor to hitler in the very same speech he pretended like he was the only guy around who could save america. >> today i make this sacred pledge to you the defense. protection and preservation much american democracy has been central cause of my presidency. >> will: he wants you to think the next 11 months are not getting america back on track where she should be, where people aren't living paycheck to paycheck where our borders aren't being overrun. where people aren't scared to walk down the street. no. he wants you to think it's all about what he calls democracy. >> democracy is still america's sacred cause is the most urgent question of our time and it's what the 2024 election is all about is it because after biden stood there in front of multiple american flags calling trump the greatest threat to our democracy
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we learned the supreme court of the united states is hearing a case about democrats trying to take that very thing away trying to take donald trump off the ballot, joining us now is stephen miller, former adviser to president trump and the founder of american first legal and court schlichter retired army fellow and senior columnist at town thank you for being with us today threat to democracy. will americans in your estimation will be afraid they are about to lose their democracy? >> i think the clear purpose of biden's message two fold, first to terrify suburban voters ahead of the elections. that will be tremendously unsuccessful as we see in the polling the second and even more nefarious objective is trying to created the pretext, the
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predicate for a vast police and surveillance state. so what you see is the enormous tools at the disposal of the department of justice, the enormous tools at the disposal of the department of homeland security, be a arrayed for the purpose of crying to crush political dissent in america. free speech. putting people in jail. pro-life americans being raided, being threatened with enormous jail time for nonviolent activities, nonviolent protests while political allies of the democratic party like blm are allowed to riot with impunity allowed to attack and assault with impunity. the message is clear, if you are seen as an inform the state, you will be persecuted and if you are the leader of the opposition donald trump, you will be taken off the ballot and you will be ththrown in jail. if you are ally of the party you will be shielded no matter how grave your crimes that includes, by the way, the crime of having
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completely open borders every single day in this country. >> will: that's true no. self-self-awareness. here is what campaign is about. watch. >> donald trump's campaign is about him not america. not you donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future he is willing to sacrifice our democracy. put himself in power. our campaign is different. for me and kamala, our campaign is about america. it's about you. it's about every age and background that occupy this country. >> will: again, kurt, no sense of self-awareness or irony spent is the entire speech looking backwards at one point called the oval office my oval office. >> well, will, first of all, i have to say that i'm really glad that the asthma that kept joe biden from defending his country in uniform when it called on him
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isn't cleaning him from protecting democracy now from half of americans who actually want to vote for the candidate of their choice. as steven pointed out he is censoring free speech. is he political opponents waging restrictive lawfare on them. it's a disgrace. it's not going to work. because, you know, i was just out driving around today, gas is like 4 bucks or 5 bucks a gallon. you go into the grocery store and come out wearing one of those little barrels with no clothes, you got no money left. america is falling apart. our foreign policy is a disgrace. we are getting pushed around by the chinese, by the iranians by whoever the hell the houthis are. we have got run out of afghanistan with 13 people dead. it's a disgrace he can't do it by lying. the people who support donald trump they built this country, they feed this country they
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defend this country again unlike joe biden. i don't want to hear one damn word from the senile corrupt creep. >> will: you are an attorney, we led off with the news that the supreme court will hear the case and the attempt to remove him from the primary ballot in colorado. i put nothing past the supreme court, i don't put much faith in the decision or our ability to predict the decisions of the supreme court. again, as an attorney, how do you expect that case to go before the supreme court? >> >> will, will you asked me about the law officer being waged against donald trump as an attorney that presumes some sort of legal endeavor. legal matter the criminal indictments and this ridiculous attempt to keep half of americans from being able to vote for who they choose it's a joke. it's going to get tossed out by the supreme court. the question is whether sotomayor and whether joe biden's appointee will actually vote and make it 9-0 and totally repudiate this discussing
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dictatorship action we're gonna win. it's a matter of whether we preserve the premise that make america what it is in the process. >> you know, steven, you brought up the substance that represents a threat to democracy, the attack on speech. i thought jonathan turley today after joe biden's speech put it very succinctly who is the biggest threat to the pillars of our democracy, watch. >> when he talks about the freedom of speech, the biden administration, i have written before most anti-free speech administration since the administration of john adams his administration has carried out what a federal court called orwellian censorship program with the help of social media companies charlie agrees with you what represents a threat to our democracy they would have us believe that joe biden would like to run against donald trump that he has a chance to beat
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donald trump. listening to him today is he already taking on trump that would seem to empower trump. seem to suggest a he knows it's inevitable that his oh i don't know that i do want to run against donald trump so i need to start attacking trump. >> first of all, same polling all of us have seen in the swing state showing historic leads for president trump. secondly, the prosecution themselves are of the proof of the point. their election strategy is literally to put president trump in jail. that is their election strategy with multiple criminal prosecutions. this is another very important point i want to make. who is the audience for that speech? is it the american people? yes, but somebody else, too. it's jack smith. it's the department of justice. it is the judges in each of these cases by saying that his opponents are nazis miss message is they must be destroyed.
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it is dangerous rhetoric. it strikes at the very heart of america's whole system of laws and justice it familiar?s that there is no end to which they will not go to maintain their control over power in country. >> will: really good stuff. kurt, stephen, thank you very much. it's not just joe biden's focus on january 6th, but also the focus of the fbi. and they want your help. the fbi was so overwhelmed with the number of tips that they were receiving. now you will have the fbi going to the saying hey, can you help us out? we charged this guy. we want to make sure we got everything that he did that day. can you give us a full report? in the beginning it was intense. drop my children off at school. i would come home on it almost like a work day once the kidsy in bed i was up 2:00, #:00, 4:00, waking up a couple hours
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later. it takes it's toll. i haven't been paid a dime. >> enlists community of known as sedition hunters. they use their own meth dolings to find people who participated in january 6th. then they create dossiers, use facial recognition software and turn all of that over to the fbi more than 1,230 people have been charged so as it relates to the riot. ranging from trespassing to felonies it's the largest in fbi history. >> collectively to date they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison. [ applause ] shame duffy coast host of the bottom line lee zeldin former new york congressman and gubernatorial candidate. sean, start with you. that's an applause line that was something that joe biden felt was necessary to brag about,
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that they have charged over 1,200 americans. >> sean: first, let's known this was run on pbs. it is state fundeds the. this is state television. if you want a revolution you actually have to turn american against american which is what they want here. you need agitators and enforcers. what you see here is you have the enforcers here to make sure who was at january 6th? we have got to identify them. give them and their names to the fbi so they can be held to account. what's interesting though is these enforcers as well as the fbi haven't found the pipe bombers. where are they? they are the people who erected the gallows news hanging allegedly chanting they wanted to hang mike pence. who erected that? we have video footage of it. why can't anyone find these certain individuals that had key parts and places on january 6th? it begs the question why. and there is a lot of theories. we won't go into them tonight but it's concerning. >> sean, you have been a prosecutor. lee, you served in congress. you understand that resources are finite. they are limited. that line that i said this is
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the largest operation in fbi history is jaw dropping. that means by necessity the resources aren't going somewhere else. sean points out the pipe bomber. we could point out who had cocaine in the white house? who is the supreme court leaker? all manner of unsolved mysteries. also very serious crimes, who knows child pornography, child abduction tasked under the fbi and this is the largest operation in fbi history. that's why the support has been eroding to the american public. americans wake up every single day of their life wanting that day to be jab 6th, 2021. they want to relive it that day. want you and everyone else out there to relive it as well. the same individuals who aren't speaking out, haven't spoken out about the blm reuters roirtsd n 2020. no problem with the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg prosecuting for the first time
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of any district attorney in the history of new york prosecuting federal finance violations or fani willis the district attorney down in georgia charging, you know, asking the -- for some tweet asking people to turn on a tv station. there is such an extraordinary overreach where a judge is saying mar-a-lago is worth $18 million. or you are going after president trump saying have you unlimited resources going after him on classified documents case that results in a prosecution. but you don't have enough resources to be able to go after president biden for a classified documents release. there is so many examples here that is causing americans to be frustrated illustrate the resources story co-op private citizens to do their investigation share with each of you one detail i want your reaction. the detail is that these citizen
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investigators sedition hunters are looking for up to 1,000 more people. >> these are the same people that don't want all the tapes released on january 6th whereby you see people peacefully walking getting a tour of the capitol. maybe they shouldn't have been there. should they be felons go. to prison for a year or two years. ray epps yelling about going into the capitol. doing it on january 5th and the morning of january 6th encouraging people to go in. he got a misdemeanor and six months in jail unlike anybody else that participated at his level. >> will: really quickly, lee, one of these moms, she does this between taking kids to school who is -- describes herself as sedition hunter. she would love to expand this now to those who were guilty of disinformation. lee? >> i mean, the fact that -- we have reached a point where folks will destroy democracy in the name of democracy these are people who want to take down president trump at all cost.
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it's splitting our country apart. the consequences are great. >> will: they made movies about this. the lives of others. how east germany turned citizens on one another. lee, sean, thank you so much. all right. we are learning just how far special counsel jack smith will go in his investigation into trump. shocking new body cam video obtained by "the ingraham angle" reveals the moment after an encounter with fbi agents and the former director of black voices for trump, honors floyd. his attorney is here exclusively with reaction, next. ♪
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>> [bleep] they were relentless. >> will: new video obtained by t"the ingraham angle" how far special counsel jack smith's team will go into their investigation of donald trump. body cam vi individual worn by officers called to the home of a georgia trump co-defendant shows the aftermath of his encounter with fbi agents there to reportedly serve a grand jury subpoena. former black voices for trump director honors floyd says he was going home with his daughter when men wearing suits looking like they, quote, popped out of the show better call sol started running at him. >> i started yelling at one of them like who in the hell do you think you are?
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[inaudible] you haven't told me anything. i don't know how are. grabbing and touching at me. one of them he goes like this. and he has a pistol in his hand. i never saw a badge. i saw a [bleep] gun though. >> floyd was then arrested and charged with assaulting one of those agents. joining me now is his attorney chris can a tear roof. your body is accused of body slamming one of those agents. knocking him backwards with his body. that's the allegation. what can you tell us? if you read the police report that came out of i think wapo published that. they should have redistracted that. at the end of the day, if you look at the police report it's odd, odd to say the least. remember, these are two fbi agents. they are law enforcement. and if you look at the state police report, remember,
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harrison look at the state police report he is the one who called and he is the victim. is he listed as the victim. 10 hours later they show back up at his door to arrest him. you look what these fbi agents have said. i don't know, i used to be a former police officer. i can tell you right now if you touch a police officer in his nose, you get that close to him where you're pointing at his nose and you are literally touching his nose, poking his cheek as they said in the police report, spitting on him and cursing, you are going to get hooked. i don't know a police officer who wouldn't hook you. now, they can say well, he is a former maa marshall artist. we wanted to de-escalate. that's not what happened. you touch an officer and he has identified himself and is he showing you his badge of authority, that's it. case over. you are getting hooked. i don't buy what they said. >> will: your client is saying and we can see it in that video that those officers did not identify themselves when they
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approached harrison's floyd. >> that's right. that's what you are supposed to do. especially if you are in a suit in a plain clothes suit. your job as an officer you walk up and you say listen, i'm an officer with such and such of a department. you have to have your badge and gun. that's why you see the detectives wearing badges around their neck. >> will: video we are seeing on the screen is the second visit you referenced. these are the police officers showing up after floyd calls the police officers. the original encounter with the fbi agents serving the subpoena, we do not have on video and, thus, we have these conflicting testimonies. but let's take one more look. take a look at this video with the officers that floyd called to show up at his door. >> the i want to know who the [bleep] supervisor is. and i want to press charges against whoever those two are who were coming after me with my daughter pulling me stairs. you serve people a [bleep] subpoena, that's not the way
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it's supposed to be [bleep] done. >> i agree with you. >> will: to be clear, those officers, he alleges, did not identify themselves as officers of the law. he calls the cops, which we are now seeing on video right there. what happens he ends up being arrested for the alleged assault in the first encounter? >> right. because and that's the odd thing is they have the state police arrest him for a state crime then shortly -- that was 10 hours after he made the report. can you imagine his surprise that he now gets arrested. and then knowing how embarrassing it must look to the fbi to have the state police make the arrest, shortly before the court case in maryland, in the state level, we got a phone call to say they are dismissing that case and they are going to indict him federally. so he has misdemeanor charges pending right now at the federal level and. upgrade it to a felony. it's crazy to me. no police officer worth his
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salt, even an fbi agent is going to do this type of shenanigan. i call it a shenanigan. it's very suspicious that they didn't make a report themselves. >> will: all right, chris. we really appreciate you being with us tonight sharing that story and that video with our audience. thank you. >> will: coming up, another batch of epstein documents have been unsealed and we will bring you the latest developments. plus, we're going to cut through bidenomics spin. that's next
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>> there has been a lot of pessimism about the economy that's really proven unwar unwarranted. >> it's going to take a little bit of time for folks to feel what the bidenomics has been able to do. >> will: more time. more time to feel the effects of bidenomics. americans don't need more time. they need more money in their
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pocket. but since team biden is back out in full force bragging about his disastrous economy we thought it might be a good time to cut through the spin and debunk bidenomics. first up, gas prices. >> gas prices, for example, are at 3.09 today. more than 1.93 lower than the peak after putin's war. >> will: business host and former "wall street journal" senior editor. >> isn't it wonderful that they get experts like granholm to head up institutions that are based on stuff that they haven't got a clue about before they got into the job. >> will: clue us in. what's the truth on gas prices. >> let's talk oil gas comes from oil. crude oil was trading at $40 a barrel on the day that joe biden was elected. $40 a barrel. the traders, oil traders got nervous because he said he was going to have a war on fossil fuels which he has in many parts. it went up 30% to $52 a barrel at the time of his inauguration.
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then it's now trading about 72. of course, it did spike to over $100 a barrel when russia invaded ukraine. it's true it did spike. but it's now at $72. >> $72 a barrel. 63% more than when he was elected and 38% more than when he became president. we're not paying less right now. we are paying less than at the height after russia invaded ukraine but we are not paying less than when he come in. we are paying a lot more. 63% when he was elected. 38% more when he became president. >> will: it's the truth people feel at the gas pump. >> it's one of many, many can nardz they come out with. >> will: look under the hood of today's jobs report. the biden administration wants you to think it's a good one. we have seen there has been, by the way a downward rescission in jobs report. 10 out of 11 months in 2023 the
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numbers were downgraded later on. if you add it all up. that comes to 443,000 jobs that didn't really exist that they claimed were because of joe biden. today's figures were downgraded 71. the previous two months were downgraded 71,000 jobs. so, you don't trust the first print of these numbers. somebody is -- my own opinion now, somebody is fiddling with these numbers. >> will: ten out of 11 months. >> we don't know about this month. december may turn out to be downward revised in february when we get a january numbers. so, they are playing some kind of game with the numbers here to make things at the moment look better than they really are. >> will: perception is reality. david, thanks for bring us reality though. >> absolutely. >> will: we are just 10 short days away from the official start of the 2024 election. iowa caucus day. on the campaign trail things are heating up in the hawkeye state. last night nikki haley and ron
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desantis tralg donald trump took shots at the frontrunner and each other as they battled out for second place. >> it is time to move past president trump. chaos follows him. we all know that's true. you don't defeat democrat chaos with republican chaos. >> donald trump is running for his issues. nikki haley is running for her donors' issues. i'm running for your issues. >> will: joining me now is political analyst and pollster. also chairman of the insider advantage. so, matt, finance been said that iowa break as little bit late. 10 days late. i don't know how late something can break. it's a caucus system. it is open to some surprises. some potential for surprise. will we see any in iowa? >> well, you are right, will. in fact, in the past, i polled iowa for news organizations since 2004. i went back and looked at the results. and typically the pollsters have a bigger gap between the leader and the final result and then
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sometimes it inverts and someone ends up behind. so, it can always narrow a little bit more because it is a caucus type of participation. that said, right now donald trump does have a big lead, and our polling shows he is doing well with evangelicals, and he also is doing well with general g.o.p., you know, members who are usually would attend caucuses, it seems like his organization this time is much better than in 2016. so this lead he has may actually hold. >> will: i will also be about who stays in the race and who begins the process of dropping out. how does it look down there at second, third, fourth place? must ever the polls including my own show the two other candidates, main candidates, desantis and, of course, haley trading places just trading votes back and forth. haley wants to come in second because everyone knows new hampshire. most pollsters, a lot of them at least sort of view new hampshire as an aberration. a state where undeclared voters
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are allowed to vote. no democratic action going on. democrats could become undeclared voters up until like october. so we think in that state that may be more of an anti trump, more moderate crowd, not typical of like south carolina that will follow. nikki haley wants to come out of iowa with some sort of bump so she can then take advantage whatever the sort of unusual makeup of the new hampshire primary this time might give her. >> will: governor desantis was a little testy when he was asked whether or not he actually thinks there is hope for victory in iowa. let's watch. >> can you admit you found yourself in a fight for second place? >> first of all, trump has always been leading in the race. i mean, he is the former president. he is one of the most famous. >> you are not even the top challenger to him now. >> we are the top. i'm the only one who has a chance to beat trump and win the general election. nikki haley can't get conservative voters. >> is he right? what's your reaction, matt? >> well, i think he is on to something. you know, he has been up there for quite a while he does have
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an organization. i'm not discounting desantis is having a better performance as the polls show. as i said, will, it's really hard with these caucuses to pin the tail right in the right place because you don't know who is going to turn out that day. and that night. what is going to be like what the weather is going to be like. and what the behind the scenes and desantis has put a lot of money down there. so it's a battle in which haley is trying to come up late on the momentum. she gained from the debates and her rise in the polls nationally. whether she can do it and then move on to new hampshire. the main thing is, south carolina will decide the whole thing and right now nikki haley is trailing by 30 points in her home state. if she can't overcome that, then, after that, if trump wins at that margin, then these other states just fall in line and donald trump becomes the nominee without any problem. >> will: watch south carolina. matt, thank you so much. coming up, you won't believe how much the biden administration has spent on dei training. but, first, another batch of epstein documents have been
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unsealed. nate foy has the details, next. ♪ live in darkness and sha me. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. me. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ >> will: we have got our hands on the third batch of epstein documents unsealed today and there's more coming. here with the details is fox news correspondent nate foy i
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understand, nate, you just got a fresh new batch of names. >> four separate drops throughout the day. the newest one, 36 documents. 381 pages. so we have the entire newsroom going through that right now. what we learned in the newest batch released today for the first time hillary clinton's name is included. the former secretary of state is on a list of names and phrases that lawyers wanted searched on jeffrey epstein's confidante ghislaine maxwell's election electronic devices. this is all part of a 2015 defamation lawsuit that epstein accusers gustav fray brought against maxwell. form herb president bill clinton on that same list. in a separate document maxwell discusses taking a trip with epstein and clinton but said she couldn't remember the date. neither of the clintons are accused of any wrongdoing. a clinton spokesperson says the former president last spoke to epstein almost 20 years ago another new name is harvey
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weinstein, graced hollywood producer in prison for sexual assault and rape. is he noted in epstein's message book. take a look here. the phone line shows a handwritten note reading, quote she had on the phone mr. harvey weinstein. prince andrew and attorney alan dershowitz are, again, mentioned tonight in these newest documents. they are on that same list as the clintons. dershowitz repeatedly calls for all the documents to be released. he said last week there are smoking guns yet to be revealed and he has nothing to hide. many of the documents released tonight be show epstein's recruiting process and how he paid giuffre's ex-boyfriend $200 for every girl he brought to his home. with today's drop now, including this newest drop, will, we're about 80% of the way through the documents that we have been told will be coming, 240 in total. the rest are set to come on monday. >> will: just as a point of clarification, these names are not necessarily alleged to have
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committed crimes. >> correct. >> will: yet. they are simply to this point people who had a relationship or alleged to have a relationship with jeffrey epstein. >> correct. people that were part of the questioning process in the 2015 defamation case. they simply were people that lawyers asked witnesses hey, did you ever hear anything about this person? the answer could have been no but their names still came up so they are in these documents. >> will: nate, thanks so much. >> you got it. >> truth is, we all know it, discrimination still exists in america. discrimination still exists in america discrimination still exists in america. we need to remember that diversity is our strength. we have to find a way forward. that's the work in my administration. >> will: apparently that so-called work costs at a minimum $16 million because that's how much the biden administration spent on brainwashing federal government employees with so-called dei training this past year joining
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me now is pastor corey brooks ceo of project h.o.o.d. pastor, thank you so much for being with us. why do you think the federal government feels the need to reeducate their administration? >> you know, we have had over 60 years of diversity training. and diversity. all in the name of helping black people, so to speak. and what has it done? it hasn't helped us one bit it. hasn't helped us educate our children, diversity doesn't create jobs in our community. it doesn't move us out of poverty. but, what diversity training does is it enriches the racial essentials of those enhancing themselves and benefiting from those policies like the biden administration is trying to do at the end of the day it does nothing to uplift black people. >> will: when you say diversity doesn't help us in the black community get jobs. obviously, diversity is -- can be a virtue, diversity of thought, diversity of background to any organization. what i think what we are talking about, think what you are
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talking about and what i'm talking about is this formalized dei. diversity equity and inclusion. i got in a debate with mark cuban about this. it's not abstraction feel-good idea hey, everyone should be included. it's an ideology that is taught and apparently is cost $16 million to be taught to federal employees. >> yeah. it's the idea that somehow we can create equal outcomes but what we need in america is not equal outcomes. we need equal opportunities. we need to focus on true uplift hard work, family vales, merit and good american principles. those are the things that uplift people. on the south side of chicago where i'm from, that's what we are focusing on every single day. accountability, responsibility. uplifting people. giving them the tools that are necessary for them to live their lives. but dei is doing nothing to uplift our community. >> will: now, let's take a look, pastor, the daily caller is reporting on some of the
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examples of the types of things that were involved in this training, quote: past government diversity trainings have instructed federal workers that asking an asian colleague for help with a math problem, well that could be racist. and the men, of course, can become pregnant now. that's, of course, par for the course and modern day dei and social pain can be the same thing as physical pain, pastor. that's what we're learning within the federal government. >> yeah. you know what? so heart wrenching is that instead of spending all this money to teach these principles i can teach them real simple. it's love your neighbor as you love yourself. it's treat people the way you want to be treated. it's investing in all of americans, making us the best that we can possibly be. i think when we focus on practical principles instead of focusing on forced diversity and inclusion, that's the way we're going to uplift the american society and that's the way we're going to become a better people. so many times all we are doing
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is facing -- focusing on these racial issues. it's not bringing us together. it's only driving us further apart. >> will: yes. the whole point is to see past our superficial differences. >> absolutely. >> will: look into our internal character. pastor brooks, great to hear from you. thank you. it's like a scene out of parks and rec. how progressive mayor is making sure she stays rich. plus, a hunter biden documentary is in the works. jason rantz and garrett react to the week's culture whip, next. ♪
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time for the week aussie culture with with jason ranson republican strategist. gentlemen, a progressive democrat mayor of a small town on the outskirts of chicago is being accused of a wild spending spree and making herself rich. >> you can't turn your head in dalton or thorton township without seeing this picture or name. it's on all the government owned
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vehicles. buildings and even on the rugs in the township. the township board past an ordinance that allows her to continue collecting her $224,000 a year salary. but if anyone other than hendrick gets the job, the ordinance resets that salary to $25000 a year. mayor tiffany had neared is also accused of using taxpayer money for $3000 trip to vegas flying first class of course. and she has her own personal makeup artist. i don't know that many mayors who have a makeup artist. she also produced two music videos featuring city workers. but jason is making more than the governor. >> she is. think about it this way. she makes more than the median income in that town of $24000. there is something almost impressive about how audacious she is. you don't generally see this level of audacity coming from
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any lawmaker, let alone someone in such a small town. but i have to imagine this is not a new personality. when she went around asking for vote she probably acted this way brands focus. the people put her in power and now they have to deal with it. >> this is how she acted at one of her board meetings. watch. >> aulie do is keep losing. you all or making a fictitious play world of running your stuff and you don't. stop. i am the executive branch. y'all are the legislative branch. that's it. no your place, learn your seat. every night i got to show y'all what it is. insane. they lie because they can't beat me. i keep telling you they are trying to run a campaign on nice. ain't going to get you nowhere. nowhere. >> that's one thing, garrett, the salary thing that sets it back if she is out of office it goes back to $25000. i want to know how she pulled that off. it's an absolutely remarkable.
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someone could write a netflix series. it's like vp meets and adelphia. i've never seen anything like it. she's using american express like she's a 19-year-old trust foskett in montauk over the summer and using the government policy money. i've never seen anything like it moving a salary back down to $20000 from over $200,000. in this economy it may be scares away challengers. it's the most brazen thing i've seen in politics. i don't know how it's happening. 2 i'd love to interview the mayor. it would be an incredible interview. hunter biden is getting a hollywood makeover. it is documentary style. don't get your hopes up for a tell all of hunter's life. the los angeles times say it will show a softer hunter painting, selling his art, raising his son and navigating every day life as a sober adult with the ongoing criminal investigations. but in the crosshairs of donald trump and his supporters. i am sure this is going to be a hit.
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>> yeah, speaking of anna delvey a we have hunter biden now. it's interesting. hunter biden dropped his laptop off like he was dropping off a crime scene and it opened up troves of investigations and illegal activity that led to him getting indicted and his father on the verge of being impeached by the house of representatives. i think it's very interesting showing the soft side of hunter. i read in that same article that cameras were there when he divide a congressional subpoena as well. clearly he is not taking this very seriously or anything. new media has a way of supporting these hangers on. harry and megan, post career obama. he's got a production deal and a podcast. here's a documentary on hunter. >> look, if it was an actual documentary on hunter biden i might be interested. it would be rated x and include drug use and prostitutes. it does sound like there is a lot of potential material. this is just a propaganda video. they are trying to do this and twisted into an it's not just
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about hunter but about his father whose only crime is loving his son too much. >> here's the bet as we go. what does better? the documentary or the market for hunter's art? >> i mean, man, probably the art. you can so easily purchase it. it's got a subjective market. all you need is one stupid buyer. this will require to get at least a couple thousand people to watch. >> i think so. it's going to be very interesting to get his finger paintings for $250,000. that market is probably better. >> thank you so much for being with us. that's it for us tonight. i am will cain in for laura ingraham. don't forget to tune in tomorrow and sunday morning when i cohost "fox & friends" weekend. check out my podcast, will cain podcast. big things in store on that podcast. thank you for watching. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight, i


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