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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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♪ >> we're out of time. >> greg: thank you to our entire studio audience.
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>> good evening. * >> this is america's late news. breaking tonight the u.s. supreme court has now decided to review the colorado decision banning former president trump from the state ballot. the court has also scheduled oral arguments for february 8 in what could be the high court's biggest political decision since bush v. gore 23 years ago. in the meantime president biden began his 2024 campaign push but instead of running on his own record it appears biden is choosing to villainize former president trump. even some democrats are saying biden is being hypocritical when it comes to democracy but first senior national correspondent dev is life in d.c. with what former president trump is is saying. >> a very interesting rally to watch. on the heels of joe biden's campaign launch, as you know,
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punctuated by ominous warnings of what a second trump presidency just might entail, former president obviously responding today. holding a pair of rallies ahead of the iowa caucuses. mr. trump said it's not him but the current occupant of 1600 pennsylvania avenue who is the real problem. >> biden is a threat to democracy. he's weaponizing law enforcement for a high level election interference. it's all about election interference and i don't even know if it's him because he's grossly incompetent but he's surrounded by people who are fascists and very smart. >> in the meantime the former president also commented on the supreme court's decision, trace to hear the colorado case, which, if left untouched, would keep him off the state's primary ballot this november. >> what they are doing is no different. i watched. i said, man, they are really good. they are really good at it and i
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just hope we get fair treatment because if we don't our country is in big, big trouble. >> trace: officials in maine and colorado have sided section 3 of the 14th amendment of the constitution which prohibits insurrection from holding federal office as the reason to keep the former president off the ballot. now, an insurrection that they say he sparked back on january 6. of course, the former president has not been convicted of insurrection. a lot of people say he had nothing to do with any so-called insurrection nor was there one. that's what some critics argue. many have suggested both states are on extremely shaky legal grounds. >> trace: shaky ground is right. thank you. to president biden and his big campaign push in valley forge, pennsylvania, instead of running on his own record he chose to go after former president trump as well as the voters who support trump. jackie is live in new york with more on the speech. jackie, good evening. >> hi, good evening, trace.
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bide president's opening pitch for 2024 was less about his record but rather a pretty bleak picture of what might happen if he doesn't get a second term. listen. >> the guy who claims law and order causes lawlessness and disorder. trump is not concerned about your future, i promise you. trump is not promising a full-scale revenge -- promising a full scale vening. >> even some democrats took note of what the president left out of his speech. >> there is a crisis at the border, and i don't know how anybody could pretend that there isn't. and with the latest figures from december, over 200,000 people. >> and it's not just republicans who say the president is being hypo-critical when it comes to his message about preserving democracy, one of his own democratic challengers,
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congressman dean phillips issued a scathing statement accusing biden and his allies to keep his opponents off primary ballots. phillips saying in part, biden has remained silent while allies in state parties conspire to deny ballot access to biden's primary opponents in north carolina, tennessee, florida, and wisconsin. for their part republicans argue the president would rather divide america with polarizing rhetoric than acknowledge his policies aren't working. trace? >> trace: jackie ibanez live for in us new york. welcome to you both. here is president biden talking about trump wanting an all-out war. watch. >> you can't have a contest if you see politics as an all out war instead of a peaceful way to resolve our differences. all out wars is what trump wants. >> interesting, because he's
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saying trump wants an all out war and he just kind of condemned half the country. >> he did. and for joe biden to decide to launch his campaign, again, a very dark divisive manner where instead of running on his record to the point that everybody has been making he's, again, choosing to pick the democracy trope. that did work in 2020 and 2022 but in 2024, biden now has a record he should be running on. if he feels successful he should focus on that. instead, and this is a big thing for biden, he has a true issue not only with favor abilities and approval ratings but with enthusiasm. 10 months is forever in politics but if you're looking at the snapshot that exists biden is an incumbent president walking into the election year with the lowest rating of any modern president, coupled with a latest usa today poll had trump with the group of voters that say
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they are most likely to vote for him, on a scale one to 10, 45% of them said they were 10. they would run through a brick wall for him. for joe biden that number sits at 18. so he's trying to drum up enthusiasm right now with emotion to hold that emotion for 10 months is a very difficult strategy. >> what about jonathan turley? he said this about biden and democracy. we'll get your response >> it's also worth noting when he talks about the freedom of speech, the biden administration, i've written before is the most anti-free speech administration since the administration of john adams. his administration has carried out what a federal court called an orwellian censorship program with the help of social media companies. >> and it's documented, you look at bari weiss, they have documented exactly what happened there. they shut down dissent. >> it really doesn't matter at this point. people have already decided they
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are going to rival with president trump. i don't know why the biden campaign is starting late. if they are deaf, dumb or both. at the end of the day you've had president trump, former president trump for the last four years rally consistently year round 365 days a year. maintaining his base and here we are eight or nine months before the election and joe biden's campaign has not even started yet on the ground. you're absolutely right with president trump talking about the economy today, talking about immigration, while joe biden is talking about democracy and although that's important, people just are not buying it. president biden has to be able to convince his voters and to be honest with you, i don't know if there is enough time to be able to talk to all of the different people in his base, who are disappointed with him on many, many things, and this is not me endorsing trump. they are not interested in voting for trump. they are interested in staying home and he's helping them do that unfortunately. >> 10 months is a long time. here's trump on biden's record. we'll get him and aaron, we'll
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get your response. >> what he's done to this country is unthinkable. biden's record is an unbroken streak of weakness, incompetence, corruption, and failure. other than that he's doing quite well, isn't he? >> i got about 30 seconds for both of you, aaron, you are first. >> it's clear the american people agree with the sentiment that joe biden is not doing west. his approval rating reflects that. if republicans want to win in 2024 with whoever the nominee is they should be well ahead of biden in polling and they are only slightly ahead. republicans need to hone the message now about the economy, about immigration, to win in november, and not just attack the president. let's get a message out there. >> trace: your final thoughts? >> on the democratic side they need to start knocking on some doors, the messaging is not working, putting people in fear. they don't believe it. they have seen trump in office before. he's shown exactly what he would do if he was in office and people don't believe it. the democratic party is completely in disarray.
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the progressives dont's believe you anymore, you have a war going on, they are begging you for cease-fire on every single level. people are disappointed. it's a hot mess, bottom line. >> thank you both. in the meantime the latest tactic in america's crime crisis appears to be mob rule. it's all the rage in los angeles where leaders don't have the political will or the resources to crack down on widespread lawlessness. kristina is live with a closer look at this. good evening. >> it's just awful what's happening with this mob mentality as we've seen. it appears to have been the case in at least two incidents just this week alone. as we first told you last night a mob of looters crashed into a mexican food store in compton on tuesday, then raided it after a street takeover in the area. thieves ran off with cash registers and food. the looters apparently caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to this family business.
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>> they really dont's care about what they destroy or who they destroy. we need to have a sense is of urgency. we need to jump on this a little faster. we're seeing this happen weekend after weekend. >> weekend after weekend, just a shame. tmz reports that after the mercedes was hit by a group of bikers who were weaving in and out of traffic on new year's eve the 59-year-old actor, who was most known for his role on beverly hills was seen on video shoving one of the bikers after the incident and a group of them are also seen fighting him, just throwing punches at him. he says he was defending himself. after he managed to get away, a biker is then seen on video pounding his helmet on his car while his 10-year-old daughter was alone in the vehicle. fortunately, he was able to return to comfort his daughter. and it's not just in california where this mess is happening. in the nation's capitol someone posted a flyer urging thieves to go to town this week. it read, "shoplifters unite.
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take everything that's not nailed down. bust windows." this violent mob mentality is yet another thing you law enforcement has to deal with nationwide as they grapple with fewer officers and longer response times as a result of staffing shortages following the defund the police movement. trace? >> trace: kristina, thank you. while the fox news at night common sense department was watching today as biden made his first big campaign push of the 2024 cycle biden spoke in pennsylvania for the better part of 30 minutes. as expected he went after former president trump and those who support the former president. you know, the so-called maga republicans. over the next few weeks joe biden plans to highlight the january 6, 2021 capital riot, the 2017 violence in charlottesville, virginia and the 2025 charleston church
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shooting that killed nine. his campaign theme is, quoting, america is worried about the rise in political violence and common sense thinks the president is mostly right. except it's not political violence. america is worried about the rise in plain old violence that we report on every single day. carjackings, rapes, murders, up across the country, and every day we get disturbing new video of people being targeted by mobs. robbed by mobs. beaten by mobs. and these are not maga mobs. they are just mobs. do people who walk the streets in fear of maga mobs? are cvs and target locking items up because of maga mobs? no. the biden campaign is set to release a new ad saying "there is something dangerous happening in america, and again, common sense thinks they are correct." let's bring in an attorney, and california state assembly member, former federal
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prosecutor bill -- thank you both for coming on. i think to you, first, julie, because violent crime in california, we've talked a lot about this, and it's up, from the rest of the nation it's up 31% than the national average. this is from 2022, the last year we have full statistics. we'll get 2023 soon but 31% above the rest of the country. that's a lot, a big number. >> it is a big number. l.a. county has over 10 million residents and on day one in office da george gascone said i'm not going to prosecute juveniles for misdemeanor crimes. you look at the footage from the bakery. these people know they can get away with it, and there are literally zero repercussions. we have a political system in l.a. county that enables they behavior. no one is being held accountable. i think that's a pretty easy fix. why don't we elect a prosecutor who will actually prosecute crime. >> trace: maybe bill can handle that. that's your category.
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the "wall street journal" writes the following, chaz, straight out of compton, the left wants voters to believe the post pandemic crime surge is over. lawlessness is still too often tolerated. witness the extraordinary raid on a business straight out of compton, california. i mean, l.a. does not have the resources, the sheriff will tell you, they don't have the resources, highway patrol says the same thing, to go in and police these type of mob activities. >> the secret is very few people commit most of the crime. and when we used to be able to incarcerate them and lock them up crime rates would go down but now there is no deterrence. under the criminal justice reform they have emptied the prisons. the governor continues to close prisons, i asked him, are you closing them because you expect less crime and they said these are our trend productions. >> trace: it's amazing. cassidy on migrants getting healthcare which is a very important issue to both of you.
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watch. >> medicaid for migrants will be a magnet for more people to come to that state illegally. no one thinks the biden administration wants to secure the southern border. i'll point out they gave permission to california to give this free healthcare. t>> trace: we have a $68 billio deficit and they are giving away free healthcare. with our veterans it can take months to get in to see a doctor. >> it's absolutely horrible. you watch bill for 30 seconds and you understand we have a wide open border. hundreds of thousands of people, i think it's a quarter of a million people are coming across every month. >> trace: 300,000 in december so that's the lass month we have. >> these people are now coming to california because they are offering all of this wonderful free stuff for them. you know, bill has a lot mother to say on this. thankfully he's the only sane person in our date assembly.
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>> trace: he's pushing legislation to try to stop it. it's a hard stop when you're a republican in the minority but you've got to do something, right? >> our job is to be a strong and conseco calling opposition party and let people know what's happening. i introduced a senate bill on wednesday, this week, to revoke funding for illegal immigration -- illegal immigrant healthcare because we can't afford it and it's unconscionable that we would spend california tax dollars to subsidize the healthcare of foreign citizens before we take care of our own citizens here in this country. and if you ask me, real insurrection is the one happening at the border right now. >> trace: i just want to move on very quickly, talking about california it's invested billions of tax dollars in high speed rail projects, way over budget. now the bullet train appears to be back on the front burner because they got a little bit of federal money. here's our senior correspondent. william. >> here's the best part. it moons jobs, union jobs. >> that's president biden last month committing hundreds of
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millions of tax dollars to two projects many americans may never see. >> it is, you know, the train to nowhere. >> california's high speed bullet train back on track. thanks to a $3 billion grant from president biden. >> the current project as planned would government too much, and respectfully take too long. >> contractor bright line will receive a near record federal grant to a private company of $3 billion. 25% of the project's cost. >> folks, we've been talking about this project for decades. now we're really getting it done. >> quickly out of this, bill, the whole concept here is it's going to cost tens of billions of dollars. it's going nowhere, right? >> this is the biggest fraud perpetuated on california voters. they were told it would cost $30 billion and get from l.a. to san francisco in less than three hours. none of that is true. it will take you over four hours to get there. it makes no sense. it's a fraud and if it was the private sector they would be
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indicted. fro >> trace: stand by. the third batch of epstein documents were unsealed revealing more information about epstein's child sex trafficking operation. the new release includes the deposition of a former driver who claimed that he would get paid $200 for each 16 or 17-year-old looking girl that he dropped off at epstein's mansion. tony also alleged that epstein, gullane maxwell and virginia would all go out to clubs to pick up girls and try to find them to bring back for jeffrey. it is now crazy. back now with julie hammel and bill. julie, to you, first, i know that jeffrey epstein is dead and some of these other people are dead. is there any kind of recourse that these victims might have against the estates or something else that they could go after? >> i understand that the estates did settle with certain victims who filed claims.
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there was a $90 million system from j.p. morgan over the summer but in terms of criminal implications for the people who are named to be fair most of the people named in these recent documents are not accused of wrongdoing but if i'm prince andrew, i'm not making any plans to come to america any time soon. >> trace: i think that's a fair assessment. bill, maybe we see if there is any way we can use this information to stop it from happening again. to maybe, you know, profile some of these human trafficking sex trafficking rings. >> the people that dropped the ball here was the government and the prosecutors. they have known this information for a long time. they had the power to stop it and prevent future victims and they sat on it to protect people in power. that's the real scandal and that needs to change so it never happens again. we have the laws on the books. they were not enforced. >> trace: yes. even when everepstein was convicted he had a sweetheart of a deal. could leave all week, serve on the weekends and he was a pedophile. it really with us government top-to-bottom that messed this
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up. bill and julie, thank you both. breaking tonight, take a look at these pictures just now coming into fox news. an alaska airlines window blew out mid-air. we're talking 16,000 feet. according to the daily mail. the cabin did de pressurized. the plane was on its way to on the or-- ontario, california. we'll have the latest details. what would you do if you came out and you saw this. your car covered with a giant flock of giant birds. kind of like a scene from the alfred hitchcock movie. would you make a run for your car, run and hide, or maybe just pass it off, is the world ending? let's us know on x and instagram. what's your strategy to regain your vehicle while covered in birds. a fox news trip across america. a live look at las vegas where
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my old buddy introduced me to my wife 31 years ago. next to chicago, a bird's eye view, not on your car, a bird's eye view of chicago, the windy city, and finally a live look at lynchburg, virginia, home to liberty university where young mia mack is studying away. if you can't join us live do not forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. we're coming right back with the breaking muse about the window that blew out of that alaska airlines jet. stand by. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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♪ >> breaking tonight, we have brand-new video of a plane window that blew out. this happened on an alaska airlines flight from portland international oregon to ontario, california but midair, a large window section of the aircraft blew out. it caused the cabin to de
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pressurized. you can see the video, the pictures we have right there. it forced the flight to return to portland, as you might imagine, for an emergency landing. now, so far no reports of anyone on-board being injured but a child's shirt was apparently ripped off by the force of the wind. if you're not wearing your seattle you know you can be sucked out. this was at 16,000 feet so not as likely but still very dangerous. one child had to be held in his seat by his mom. other passengers lost their phones, sucked out of the plane. we'll have more information on this story as it comes in to fox news at night. >> trace: in the meantime brand-new video you will only see on fox news tonight showing the severity and dangers of a border crisis that somehow keeps getting worse and nobody will take the blame. kevin corke is back live in d.c. with more. >> quite a story. new exclusive video out of lukeville, arizona, showing a massive group of migrants absolutely streaming into the u.s. through a breach in the
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border wall where the steel had actually been cut but cartel smugglers. the scene from yesterday showing some of the smugglers just rushing the migrants right on through. with others, bit way, taking cell phone video likely recording proof that they had been likely delivered to the u.s. this as news of a high-speed chase through texas is really getting a lot of attention. this is from texas dps. it shows the danger that authorities continuously put themselves into to try to stop these absolutely brazen human smugglers. authorities say two juveniles led troopers on a high speed wild chase until they used something to stop them. suspects were arrested, five illegal aliens were found in the vehicle. in the meantime over in el paso, border patrol announcing they have recently apprehended a migrant who is a convicted killer. the usb p chief jason owens sharing a photo of the man who was convicted of homicide in
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colombia back in 2015. one example of the consequences of having a porous border where more than 785,000 migrants have been encountered just since october. trace? >> trace: that's a lot in a short amount of time. thank you. let's bring in texas public policy vice president retired army lieutenant colonel chuck devore along with a board member of the republican jewish coalition, former u.s. ambassador to iceland, dr. jeff gunter. thank you both for coming on. i want to play this sound bite. dhs secretary mayorcus dodging a question. >> you don't take any blame for what we're seeing on the border currently? >> brett, numbers are historic. the numbers are extraordinarily large. this is something that's not specific to the united states's southern board.
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this is something we're seeing throughout the hemisphere and throughout the world. >> trace: why don't we just say we screwed it up, right? we just can't do that for some reason. it's always not our fault. it's regular migration, ebb and flow, no, it's a flood of three years, seven plus million migrants. >> it was stomach churning, when you think about the impact of these 2.5 million people that came across the board in 2023, the impact of fentanyl deaths at an all-time high. crime everywhere. mayorkas, he's now alejandro mayorkas. he's doing a miserable job and should be impeached. he's a disaster. kind of annoying in high school and now he's just dangerous guy here for america. >> trace: in your neck of the woods, chuck, we've got a sheriff named brad ko talking about the migrant surge is. listen and i'll get your
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response. >> i expect it to get worse before november. and if trump is reelected as president i guarantee you, from the election to the time of his inauguration we'll see a human tsunami coming across the board. >> it will be a mad rush, chuck? >> absolutely, trace. of course, all of this was predictable because joe biden when he was running for president said that this would happen. he encouraged people to, as he said, surge to the border. so all alejandro mayorkas is doing is reflecting the president's policies. they want to pressure republicans into some comprehensive immigration deal. they want them to cry uncle to make some deal which will never, bit way, result in any decent enforcement of the border. so this is all part of the plan. this is what you're seeing. >> trace: all part of the plan. in the meantime i want to move on. we've been talking about and doing some heavy reporting about anti-seminal temple across the country. even in california.
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the council on islamic american relations they said, "this is the -- quoting here, he was happy to see hamas fighters attack israel on october 7, and yet, he's now meeting or -- he wants 20 meet newsom to get both sides. >> newsom was probably scraping the bottom for support. if you look at the disastrous policies in california. he's been a complete disaster and he's just trying to look for help when he runs in 2024, if biden drops out or 2028. he has a long history of anti-semitic statements and questionable behaviors. all you have to do is look at the people who are chanting cut down the christmas tree in the rockefeller center and that gives you a really good idea, trace, of what they really think of america. it's a lot more than what's going on in israel. it's what's going on here in america. >> trace: even the biden administration didn't want to
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meet with newsom. quickly on this "boston globe" column that says colleges are not left wing hot beds. he says, simple truth, no elite university is driven by left wing politics. your final thoughts in 20 seconds, my friend? >> he's upset that they are not using their massive tax-free endowments to fund the revolution. of course, it's ridiculous. of course, they are turning out students that are anti-american and filled with silly notions from their grievance study course -- courses of study. he's just angry that they are not take all of those hundreds of billions of dollars they have saved up and using that money to actually overthrow the democratic republic that we have. >> trace: chuck devore, dr. jeff gunter, gentlemen, thank you both. coming up, gypsy rose blancher went behind bars to in front of the camera becoming an internet celebrity after serving time for murdering her abusive mother.
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should she really be getting this much positive attention? and how one father helped his paralyzed son after an elevator broke donald, plus an ominous scene above a texas parking lot. the day's best viral videos are next but first a life look at the houston, texas, skyline. buildings lit up like the williams tower all courtesy of earth cam. we're coming right back with the culture club. we all know that words have power. they set things in motion and make us happy or sad.
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♪ >> trace: a little breaking news coming in. winter storm advisories and warnings from western maryland to the northern u.s. border tonight as the season's first nor'easter threatens to hit parts of new york state and new england with up to a foot of snow. kristina coleman is back with the all important information on. this >> hi, tracy. it will be cold out there. winter weather alerts have been issued for about 35 million people along the eastern seaboard from maine to the carolinas. ahead of a developing storm that
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could become the first nor'easter of the year. crews are standing by with plows and road salt to prevent residents from crashing into what could be very dangerous driving conditions in this stormy weather. the national weather service predicts the storm could bring heavy snow to the northeast and also flash flooding and severe thunderstorms to the gulf coast and florida over the weekend. their short range forecast from the weather service predicts six to 12 inches of snowfall mainly north and west of i-95 from philadelphia to providence, and possibly even more for portions of south and central new england. they also predict more stormy weather for the central u.s. early next week. trace? >> trace: kristina coleman, thank you for that gypsy rose blanchard, a free woman released from prison after serving nearly nine years for the murder of her abusive mother who had subjected gypsy to a syndrome by proxy, a psychological disorder where parents make up paying illnesses
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for attention, or financial gain. let's bring in the culture club to talk about this headline-grabbing case. fox news headlines 24-7 reporters, eric and michelle. welcome to you both. i'll let you lead this off, michelle but here's the deal. wrote the following. there aren't many social media stars who have been convicted of 2i7b8g murder but gypsy rose blanchard has amassed millions of followers seemingly overnight since she was released from a decade long prison sentence last week. i mean, people are applauding this woman. she's a convicted killer. i know, the circumstances are questionable. you go ahead and take it. >> the circumstances are questionable. her mother was torturing her ever since she was a child. she did not know how to get out of that situation. she speaks about it eloquently. she's like, listen, this is what i went through. my mother did not deserve to die. she did have a disease.
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a syndrome by proxy, and i need to tell this story to people because people need to be more wear of something like this. we need to have more information. i think she's able to give us that information. that's why this story is really important, and that's why she's important. >> trace: kevin, i'll let you weigh in. we just both learned about this story tonight. i'm going to play this sound bite because this is gypsy rose blanchard on the view. >> if there is somebody watching right now please listen to me. heed my words that you're not alone in this situation. there are other ways out. i did it the wrong way. so, you know -- >> don't say that. >> i did something wrong and i paid my dues. that part of it. >> it's comical, she killed her mom. i know the circumstances are bad but you still can't just kill
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somebody. >> i'm not sure about her brushing off the whole murder thing but the abuse was horrible. she had a feeding tube inserted. she didn't need the surgical -- >> she pulled out her front teeth. >> she lost all her front teeth. it was bad. she's contrite. i saw some clips from interviews from elsewhere. she's really contrite about it and he served eight years in prison so as far as i'm concerned she did her time. she should be able to go on the view and be a celebrity. >> okay so the woman directing the new star wars film apparently, she directed one of the marvel series, didn't do very well in the ratings. she had a muslim american teen with super powers in that thing so now she says the following here. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. it important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say i am here and recognize that and recognize that i am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable. not really a person who loves men. >> i feel bad for her husband.
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>> yes. she said this, let's give her some credit. she said this at a woman of the world conference. of course, she was asked the question by john stewart which tells you a lot about his career right now, but it doesn't bode well for leading a series that has a lot of male fans it in and what does it say about an artist who separates people by group? i think we're tired of the group categorization. >> trace: it sounds like this star wars will be woke. i can tell you that. 63-3 because of opt outs and transfers, espn says the seminoles played without their top two quarterbacks. top ruin thing backs. top two receivers, starting tight end, three starting defensive linemen. two of three defensive starting linebackers and three starting defensive backs. they were down 29 scholarship players in all. what's the solution for this? >> well, there aren't any easy
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solutions. the first solution is fewer bowl games. so many immediate oaker teams and only two really mean anything. next year will change. the playoff expands to 12 teams. eight more games that mean something but in terms of the portal, i don't want congress to step in and legislate that. i think that would be the wrong way to go. you need to establish sol rules that maybe would limit the number of transfers teams could take. >> trace: maybe you pay the players. >> that's another solution. >> eric and michelle, thank you both. >> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos -- [breathing hard] >> i can't see my hands. >> trace: that was the reaction, 13-year-old from ohio reached the kill screen if which -- crashed a game.
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might sound like a huge victory to the ponder but i'm told it's a bfd in the gaming world. so very nice. heart-warming story showing a devoted father carrying his paralyzed son up three flights of stairs after a train station elevator broke down leaving them in a tough spot. mom brings the wield chair up the stairs after them. the son using his phone to capture his parent's dedicated solution to the problem. very good. and finally talk about birds of a feather. several hundred birds scattered across a texas parking lot, these are great tailed grackles and they like to gather where there is a lot of fast food trash. if this happened to you and these were on your car what would do you? would you try to get into your car and take off or take a beating and wait until the birds took off? there is still time to weigh in at x and instagram.
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the night cap crew will weigh in on the alfred hitchcock question next. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ >> trace: we're back with the night cap crew. tonight's topic, this one is for
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the birds, really. we showed you this video taken in cypress, texas, hundreds of large birds, called great tail grackles, swarmed a parking lot covering cars and creating a scene that looks like something out of an alfred hitchcock movie and they wouldn't move at all even when people honked or yelled at them. what do you do? do you try to get into your car? politely ask the birds to move out of the way? assume the world is ending and make rain for it. what do you do when you come out -- >> these grackles are very protective of the young. i'll be late for whatever i'm doing. there is not a chance in hell i'm going out into my car with them there. >> trace: do you know how many people on social media have taken this and said i'll put this to the music of alfred hitchcock and make the best of it. >> go, buy a burger and get pieces of burger and throw it. >> away from somebody else's car. throw to it julie hamels' car.
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>> trace: kristina coleman, what do you do when you're out there? >> i'm driving away. i don't want a bird to poop in my hair. for one april fool's joke i covered our entire car with fake bird poop and he was so disgusted. it was just funny. it was funny to me. try drew not to me. good, we have family secrets. we've got the birds, this is -- jackie, can you beat that one? >> no, i cannot, covering my husband's car in poop is really something. >> it was fake. >> i got it, okay, it was fake poop. i respect that kristina, i really do. i would get in my car up until you said they wouldn't move. what are you supposed to do? honestly, i would drive. they have got to moves, come on. >> kevin? >> i would probably do something practical like drive to cabella's and get one of those fake owls and walk with the owl
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because birds don't like owls. >> trace: i would get an eagle and walk out, let it go, let it fly. julie hammel, what do you think? >> texas is an open carry state. >> trace: she's going there. here come the comments. open carry julie hamels, just go bam, bam, bam, and off you go. try to get in your car, instagram, yes, 73%. no, 27. instagram 44-56. back up very slowly, grab my phone and call tippy and ask her advice. walk to the car, wash and sign up for a coupon book, going to need it. barbara don advance, get fireworks and gun, and dan, go to a pet store and buy a cat. good solution. thank you all for watching america's late news. fox news at night, i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. gallagher in los angeles. have a great weekend and we'll see you right back here on monday. o i struggled with my weight my entire life. i lost over 200 pounds with gastric bypass surgery. it's a quick fix that is not sustainable.
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