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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 5, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> hello, everyone. i'm touching imperial along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, sandra smith, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the so-called great savior of democracy is back, fresh off his caribbean vacation where he got sunburned into oblivion. president biden was out in valley forge to kick off his first major campaign speech of the year, but it looks like the big guy is all out of big ideas. instead of talking about his policies or how he'll make your lives better, biden bashed maga supporters engineer six, mentioning george washington while he fashioned himself against dictatorship. speak of his campaign is about him, not america, not you. donald trump's campaign is
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obsessed with the past, not the future. he's willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power, and his supporters not only embrace political violence, but they laugh about it. so hear me clearly. i will say what donald trump won't. political violence is never ever acceptable in the united states political system. never, never, never. [applause] it has no place in democracy. this is like something out of a fairy tale. a bad fairy tale. he went on to say he'd be a dictator on day one. >> judge jeanine: biden also claiming that you'd better vote for him, or it's the end of democracy. >> i make this sacred pledge to you. the defense, protection, and preservation of american democracy will remain as it has been, the central cause of my presidency. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot.
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we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal. and i promise you, i will not let donald trump -- >> judge jeanine: and while joe gins appear that your next her neighbor could be a maga extremist, the media got busted for perpetuating extremism hoax. you remember how they hyped the narrative, the dangerous white ring radicals had infiltrated our american military. well, joe biden's own of defense looked into the allegations and found no evidence that the u.s. military is packed with violent extremists. according to the report, there were fewer than 100 substantiated cases per year of extremist activities by members of the military in recent years. all right, jessie. i'll start with you. joe biden ran and he was going
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to unite the country. how does pinning 73 million americans against the rest of america unite the country? >> jesse: by the way, what are you doing for january 6th? do you want to come to my house? we are having a stop the seal watch party. i'll just jesse jr. up in animal skins and play little game we like to call "find the dnc pipe bomb." year after year we have not found it. pop quiz, jessica. which president skipped the 9/11 ceremony and did the january 6th ceremony? three, two, one. >> jessica: joseph robinette biden. >> jesse: this guy can't save democracy when he's trying to rip his opponent off of the ballot, slap him with gags, and have him arrested. judge, he ran his first campaign on charlottesville. the second campaign is now on january 6th. he actually thinks donald trump
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wants to be a dictator. so the first campaign he ran on was a hoax, the second one, this is now a joke. you can't actually be from the party that literally started a racist insurrection and accuse the other party of the same thing. that's like bill clinton saying it is disqualifying for someone to sleep with an intern and run for office. i am so tired of joe biden running on january 6th, if i was donald trump, i'd run on july 4th. no one is more patriotic than donald trump. i remember back in the late '80s he was talking about the japanese ripping us off while joe biden was blocking a black man from the court, and joe biden is letting china pillage this country. donald trump wants to trade war against them. donald trump secured the border. joe biden is letting 5 million mystery men just wander in. what kind of patriotic person does that? donald trump spent his old life building skyscrapers, building jobs, beautiful tracts of land. joe biden is sitting on his
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keister back-slapping and glad-handing. the racist thing has got to stop. donald trump dated black women. has joe biden ever dated a black woman? donald trump was palling around with don king when your guy was palling around with segregationists. >> jessica: joe biden has been -- >> jesse: no, no, no. i'm not finished, all right? >> jessica: there's a fox news alert. >> jesse: i'll finish after the alert. >> judge jeanine: a fox news alert, the united states supreme court has agreed to her the appeal of the ballot is called negation. oral arguments will be held thursday, february 8th. all right, sandra. let's talk about that. colorado, the justices, all democrats, took donald trump off the ballot. the maine secretary of state, a democrat, take him off the ballot.
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how is eve got the candidate for president joe biden saying he is saving democracy when his party is taking the number one, at this point, sought after candidate, not just in the republican party but in terms of the polls, donald trump come off the ballot? >> sandra: in this is only firing up his base even more. the more they go after him, they more they try to take them off the ballot, the messages it improves his status in the polls and it will benefit him in this election year. i think there's a lot to take in here, and tying it into our overall discussion with what we heard from president biden a short time ago. there's a couple ways to look at that. there was a very firm message delivered by the president there. agree with it, disagree with it. that was a president he was fired up and ready to run against that man, the former president, donald trump. as far as the content is concerned, tie this into what you just said, judge, he said democracy is on the ballot, freedom is on the ballot.
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jonathan turley came in on the air right after that speech concluded and he said we would be remiss not to say that this has been one of the most ant anti--free speech presidencies f our lifetime, potentially in our history of the country. nikki haley was on our air right before biden took to the podium. she used it as a campaign message. she said, watch, you're going to see president biden tee off against donald trump in his first campaign speech. you put donald trump up as your nominee, this is what you're going to see, this trump-biden fight that's going to continue. in that message, he said donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. that is irony considering president biden stood up there and did not tout what he has done. he could not look back at the past. his performance in office. jessica, i saw the look. nice to see you guys are getting along here. but how can you tout $3 a gallon gasoline right now? in an economy where consumer prices are up 17%?
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go to the grocery store right now, that's why he's not polling well in the economy, and security. go back to the border. people don't feel safe in their neighborhoods right now. so this is on the ballot. >> judge jeanine: jessica, you want to respond to that? >> jessica: i would love to you. today's speech was not about anything but january 6th and saving democracy. he can give a speech tomorrow about the economy, and there have been commentators all over every major channel, including our own, talking about how good today's job report numbers were. 216,000 jobs added, 3.7% unemployment, 4.1% wage growth. one of the more interesting things, the lewis black on employment rate we've ever had in history. he has a lot to talk about, and he will do that, but today was about saving democracy, and the contrast between joe biden who, yes, whether he is invigorated from having some time off, which he rightly deserved, or maybe this is just how campaign mode is going to be, and i hope that's true, he's talking about
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this and donald trump is posting means about "god made" and 40 posts going after e. jean carroe was found to have sexually assaulted and defamed. the reason joe biden is talking about henry sixth and former president trump living in the past is because he's not moved on from the big lie to the fact that we decided that detroit news last night, the story came out that the trump campaign directly coordinated the filing of a certificate signed by 60 michigan republicans that falsely claimed he won the state. jack smith will obviously get his day in court to bring the case about january 6th election interference. we'll see what happens in fulton county, in georgia. but this man continues to lie to the entire world about what happened in the election, and he did foment what happened on january 6th. all of his friends and family and closest advisors were texting him, begging him to stop doing it.
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and what did he do? he said mike pence didn't do what he was supposed to, to a crowd that you call them tourists, people carrying the confederate flag. there was a noose on the premises of january 6th. and cops were beaten, windows smashed, people showed up with zip ties. this was not a friendly affair. so this is the contrast and this is why joe biden won by $7 million votes. you have a person who wants to subvert democracy and expects results, and the colorado case was brought by republicans. it also went to a 5-day bench trial. it should go to the supreme court and i imagine they will rule that his name should be on the ballot. >> judge jeanine: of course. is it democratic to take your opponent's name off the ballot? >> jessica: but joe biden has nothing to do with it the same way joe biden had nothing to do with the hunter biden laptop. >> judge jeanine: i'm not going to get into that. greg, i want you to listen to
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this sound. >> greg: do i have to? >> judge jeanine: better than this. the claims of extremism in the military, which we now know is false. take a listen. >> these extreme views aren't new. they have existed within the military for a while. >> rooting out extremism from the military? >> he absolutely is. he does have a unique understanding of the challenges that we face here. >> this is something the military and congress and everyone in positions of power need to look at and investigate him, taking very seriously. >> this is all part of the same strategy. absence of policy and ideas. all they do is cling to january 6th. believe it or not, was not an insurrection. it's probably the only coup in history that didn't have any arms. on the person that died was an unarmed protester named ashley
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babbitt. >> judge jeanine: who was a veteran. >> greg: so let's talk about this military extremism hoax. the media embrace this. i'm going to compare this to epstein. every time we talk about epstein we say, these people are innocent until proven guilty. we didn't say that about the military. msnbc, "extremism in the military is a serious national security threat." with the data on that, you bozos? cnn, "the military has long has an extremist problem. will it do now to so that chemical squares evidence on that, you douchebags? "confronting kids to make extremism one competition a time." you guys are asses. we have millions of people risk their lives defending this country, and you have this old decrepit crone falsely smearing these patriots with extremism not because they knew it to be true, but to create fear to drive voters to their side and
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then the truth comes out. they released this report before christmas, and they were complicit in this lie. we are the only people covering this. but if they had found racism in this, this would be on the cover of every news site. it would be linked to fox news. it would be linked to donald trump. they would call our military hopelessly racist. we would need more crt, moore esg. has jail ever apologized to the border agents? which he did the same thing to? he ran with a smear, targeted private citizens, and when he found out it was false, which we all knew it was false, he said nothing. has he apologized to the military for this, for creating and fomenting a hoax against american citizens? that was deliberate. it wasn't something that got out of hand, like a rally. this was planned. they went after these people. and now, think about the epstein thing.
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every time you hear the epstein story, they preface it with a legal preamble. we have no evidence of wrongdoing. hey, douchebags, that didn't stop you from calling people white supremacists, from pushing the tape, going after the border agents, and now it is epstein's pals, innocent until proven guilty. but military, border agents, they are guilty from the get-go. biden should hold a press conference and announce these findings, that he won't. he's a tool, a pond, a callous old coot who exploits division to preserve power. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: you are supposed to say "and that's what i have to say about that!" >> greg: i'll be talking about this tonight on my show at 10:00 p.m. >> sandra: do you want me to add to the news? >> greg: don't add to the news. we don't need any more news. >> jesse: the supreme court is not going to help joe biden out this time. he had so much help the last time he ran.
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he had a once in a hundred year virus command, the fbi descended on minneapolis, went to the coroner's office, those tapes were suppressed, then he gets help from the feds and the agency with the laptop, and pfizer happens to discover the vaccine like the day after the election? come on. joe doesn't have any of that this time. the country is wide-eyed about what to expect when it comes to it, and it's not going to go the same way. >> jessica: but the supreme court isn't donald trump's pocket according to her. she was on talking about how brett kavanaugh is going to do the right thing, because you know how he got on the court. >> jesse: i don't think it's going be hard to do the right thing, it's going to be 9-0. >> judge jeanine: she's concerned that people might think, because there were appointments by donald trump, that the supreme court will go that way. she doesn't believe that to be the case. >> jessica: she's not concerned -- >> judge jeanine: this administration, the biden administration, has done more to destroy free speech, the ability
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of the press to provide information to us, and to enact the election for joe biden. it was orwellian the way they handled it, and that's what he won. >> jessica: how? but donald trump was president when the laptop was censored for 24 hours, also. >> there was nothing he could do about it! >> judge jeanine: oh, so it's donald trump's fault that the folks who are friends with obama and biden came out and said it was russian disinformation and suppress the laptop? i don't think so. that was -- and antony blinken himself said he is the one who contacted people to get together to say it was disinformation. >> jessica: okay, when something happens during your administration -- >> judge jeanine: oh, really? >> jessica: that's what i hear every day from you guys. >> that's too easy. >> jessica: hunter biden's laptop story was censored for a mere 24 hours. off twitter. until the election -- it was 24 hours, judge.
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people still had more time -- >> judge jeanine: come on, jessica! who are you kidding? that laptop story was not allowed to be discussed on social media. >> jessica: that's not true! >> judge jeanine: you are wrong. >> jessica: no, i'm not wrong, and you are deranged if you think -- >> judge jeanine: up next, the climate change cult is now declaring war on your houseplants, jessica. ♪ ♪ ♪ islands in the stream, that is what we are ♪ ♪ no one in between ♪ ♪ how can we be wrong ♪ oh th! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the climate changeange fanatics now declaring war onon the most green thing i tn your
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home, houseplants. yep, the friends you never water is thete thing that's going to r, kill mother earth.ashi "the washington post" trying to shame people with this headlined "inter-houseplants come with a cost to the planet. here's how to minimize it." "greening indoor spaces can alss come at an environmental cost. the trucks that transport plants spew carbon emissions. plastic pots and synthetic fertilizers arroe made from petroleum, and the harvesting of soil components like peat canup tear up slowly formingabit habitats."inst and said they suggest you look for local plants, swaps, gardene clubs in area. meanwhile, the green is a total disaster. a giant offshore wind projectwh they gloated about just goitt killed, like one of the birds atlanta them. two big energy developers announced they are canceling thr contract for a massive wind project slated for construction just off the coast of new york because of inflation.
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greg gutfeld, do you have any plans in your house?ave >> greg: yeah, actually i have a loo t of plans. i don't water them's f. that's for the wife, as you know. she waters them barefoot, that'e the only way i have it. i think you witnessing kind of the last final gasp of the climate change movement. you're seeing a lot of historical activity. people are beginning to realize, the public, that if it wasn't for the hysterics, we might have made progress in some real som areas. for example, nuclear power. and said you had activists out for attention, personal gain,r t and consultants out for profit that turned this into a circus. reality is now punching right through the hysteria. the risk from climate-related disasters has dropped 99% since 1920, and what is that? it not because of activism, it's because of innovation and human progress which has made us more resilient. they talk about fertilizer, if you want tabouo go there, for ar billion people rely on fossil fertilizer. if you're going to takrtilizeret away, they starve to death. they're not lucky enough. to geh
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their latte and pumpkin breaeidt starbucks after they block traffic. soaffic. climate hysteria brougo their desires would be genocidal. you would haved 4 billion peope dead. if you think of the opportunity coststs s of all of this, what problems could you have solvedsv if you hadn't spent billions and trillions on a lie? these climate models are all false. there's no way you can predictpd that people can't predict ten years in. time. we would have been able to address world hunger, disease, sanitation, homelessness, instead of going to climate conferences and paying consultants.llit even nasa satellites are now admitting that the world is burning less. no, it's not on fire. it's not on fire. so. i think what's happening is now, when you're going after the houseplants, it's over. >> jesse: they said it was going to snow this weekend?t let's see if it snows. they can't predict what's going happen on sunday but i will tele us what the temperature is in a hundred years, sandra.
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>> sandra: i wrote down a couple things. it's very therapeutic to be here with you guys tonight. t yei always laugh, it's always. >> jesseyou.: that'll be a hundd dollars. help you withan houseplants, especially orchids. i think i gave you an orchid! the best thing you can do with orchids is neglect them. >> greg: like children. >> sandra: not with children. listen, i have a challenge to this white house. we aree to now seeing oil produn at a record high in thisng t country. what's happening there? d up biden'sulle campaign messages of the last e election. >> greg: are youlect saying he doesn't mean what he says? >> sandra: remember when he whispered to the little kid thae we are going and fossil fuels,s, transition from the oil industry? heom the o said that in the majr campaign speech. the white house will not respond now to the press asking about the increasing levels of crude oil production as the president continues to push this green agenda. again, talks to jill reach out this week.this the white house failed to
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respond to inquiries and address the figures in light of the a climate change why are we producing record amounts under this administration? >> judge jeanine: maybe joe doesn't necessarily know what a his administration is doing. >> jesse: that's a good question. if oil production is up andwi windmillnd projects are getting canceled left and right, what's actually going on? >> judge jeanine: what's going on is maybe middle management it recognizing the benefits to oil production and there's a lot of lobbyists who are just saying this is whato oiand we want. >> sandra: a lot of them will respond that we are seeing thiss record production as a result of what happened years prior. a lot of these leases are years in the making. >> judge jeanine: but he was canceling the leases. biden. : , anbid thatrect will play out.e. it takes time. >> judge jeanine: you know it made me crazy about this?t when he said theth houseplants were creating a problem, it's like to them what is their solution? number one, you arat ie suppose
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buy plans locally. osedwhere do you think they gott started with the plant? you don't think they used peat or any kind of fertilizer for f fethose plants that you bough that are so gorgeous? of course they did. and then the y want me to get rid ofhey my gas stove, which i'llt rid of over my dead body, and what they want is they want us -- my gas stove, how much do you think that affects theenvi environment? you got john kerry andy an pete buttigieg lying around in private jets, aned ad they're worried about my gas stove? >> jesse: leaf blowers, too, judge. >> judge jeanine: so i should have a house with no plans in iw unless i want you borrow it from romy neighbor, and then i should not have a gas stove. i shouldn't be able to cook. they have nos solution for any e this because it's not a problem. unless their solution is the cow flatulence. humans emit carbon, too, so get. rid of the humans. if you're over 80,re maybe we.
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don't need you anymore.y ar >> greg: that's what they're doing in canada. they are pushing euthanasia>> because there is too many people. and too much >> judge jeanine: they're going to start controlling and eliminating us, re and in the lr block i will talk about it. >> jessica: i'm excited for thble later blocks about that. i'[laum glad we are all admittig that we have record oil production, so that's good. on tuesday i had to fight you guys on that one. >> greg: i agree with you. i think it's great. so you're saying, i'm for this, but since it's not happening, hurray. >> jessica: that's true. >> jesse: joe biden said he wants to get rid of oil and gas. >> judge jeanine: is he lyinghe to the american people? >> jessica: well, he canceled a pipeline and they have beetann pissed at him from the beginning. him>> greg: and lit up another one. >> jessica: no on that one.
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i think it's important, if someone sees the error of theirn ways and we live in a forgiving society, and he says, actually, drilling is thtoe right way to approach this -- and he did, by the way, give a lot more leases to drill on federal land,t something that upset his base. h and we talked about that. because his climate agenda is not nearly as green as it "should be." why don't you give him the pad on the back he observes stomach? deserves?po lo>> greg: apology accepted. >> jessica: i'll send you flowers over the weekend.ce >> jesse: you pretend like you y were going to get rid of it and it's boosted. up next, elvis elv is back in te building. the king of rock 'n' roll returning to a concert nearetur. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> sandra: artificial intelligence once again distorting the line between reality and what is elvis is coming back to life as fe aan ai holograph. 47 years after the king left the building and tragically died. a u.k. company announcing that it is prepping a holograph aii concert special entitled "elvis evolution." it features it fa life sizedize digitally re-created avatar of t is slated to debut in london this november. th.e ceo giving this preview of what to expect. >> you will see elvis perform ie front of you for the very first time in london, and you will see this unique performance generated by uni ai.woul >> sandra: i mean, sign us up? judge, would you go? >> judge jeanine: in a minute.:n i love elvis presley. but the issue really is that now ai is going to createar
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entertainment. what they're going to look to do is eliminate the middle guy who is the talent. think about how much moneywh taylor swift makes. they can create a talent,e someone everyone wouldwo like, d get a song on the radio or - stream it or whatever, and they can then make a fortune.e. it's about power and money and greed. and then they've got robots that are doing our jobs, and then social media is eliminating interpersonal communication. people won't talk on the phone anymore. at some point they are going to eliminate humans. >> sandra: this could really, jesse, bring him back to life. >> jesse: a way she e did come back to life, because i would taketake greg gutfeld to this ct with me and show him what the king really does. greg slandered the king the other day and the commercial break so i came prepared with some facts. >> greg: oh, great. >> jesse: doyou you know who te
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greatest sellingarti artist of l time was? it's the beatles. number two, elvis presley, over eya billion albums, three grammy's, 31 movies because he was an actor on the side. spent the most time on the billboard charts than anybody. number two, frank close he's a living legend. how dare you? i would demand a retraction. >> greg: how do you know elvisn. wasn't already a hologram? have you guys ever met elvis? i can't wait for the hologram groupies. what kind of rider does aet hologram get?? f in the first me too case, i was assaulted by a hologram.ho the problem here is he is dead. so the only benefactor areulte people not doing the actual work. freeloading relatives. the this is why i'm licensing my likeness now so hologram greg can perform while i'm alive and i can reap the desired benefits. with the point of having a hologram -- because he'll do that once we are all dead, just
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soes jesse'sse kids can get anor boat. i'm not payingm no for your education! >> jesse: i should your have multiple hologram so i can be on to her all over the country. >> greg: this is not for dead. people, it's for us to make more money because we are greedy little freaks! >> jessica: two things. one ise is kind of a sad thing o say about this, but why i think this innovation is good. the first part of this, i like that tha at least these are live feevents. you know how wale talk about how we are consumed being on our phones all the time?. if you can go to a concert and people see the performances,rst whitney houston was the first big hologram. >> jesse: but they'll go likeey this the whole time. w >> judge jeanine: i can'tsi stand that. >> jessica: i'veca: i been to a couple comedy shows at madison square garden's where they take the phones and put sqe them in the little pouch. the second thing i want to say, which is a little bit sad, but i think it is a cool side of all this, now a lot of doctors are recommending, if someone ismeon going to pass away, that they do all these recordings so you cans havee their voice when they are gone or create holograms.
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>> judge jeanine: a living will. >> jesse: so my mom can scold me from the grave. >> jessica: i'm sure she'dremarr love to you. >> greg: it would be hard toou remarry as a widower. >> jessica: when hthe said that with a hologram all day? >> greg: she's still here! wou>> jesse: "you said you wouldn't remarry!" >> jessica: i think that's cool, though. >> sandra: oh, dear. we havese to embracesi it. change is coming, for sure. want to get out of the ticket? there is a new liberal loophole. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. here's an easy way>> j to get of gthe ticket.ti go driverless. self-driving cars in california are reportedly immune from traffic tickets, despite all thh cats from running red lights,st obstructing emergency responders, and mowing down
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pedestrians. there is a seriousng blindside n the law. traffic tickets can only be written if there is an actual in the car. judge, you have some background this.ation on this was the rule in texas. they changed it? >> judge jeanine: this is typical california. making people accountable out there. bucount texas, for driverless c, if there is a violation of any t sorthe, whoever owns the car ges the ticket. et.what california has to do is simply change the legislation, just like texas did, to make sure you are responsible for vehicle and traffic violations if you own the car or if you're in the car or whatever. right now the law hasn't kept up with technology so nobody ishn responsible. in california. >> jessica: this>> doesn't seem like anything people would be broadly supportive of. >> sandra:ul they don't really uphold laws in california in[l general, right? joking. not. [laughter] self-driving car -- how many
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people are in self-driving cars today? is iset a lot? l there's not a lot of self-driving cars on sel the ro. i don't get tickets. i drive the speed limit. >> jessica: greg? >> greg: if this car drives itself to a big box store and steals $900 worth of stuff, it's like a win-win. >> judge jeanine: it is as win-win.e whateverwa those cups were from yesterday? >> jessica: the pink stanley cups? >> judge jeanine: you can drive and steal them and go home. >> jesse : am worried becauses gavin newsom is trying to givet drthe driverless because the rit to vote. >> judge jeanine: [laughs] >> jesse: and he's allowingto them to vote by mail, as well. and he's giving also the authority to ballot harvest. so they're just going to bebe voter fraud on wheels, and l tht needs to be stopped before the next election. >> jessica: biden will b win by 10 million this time. >> jesse: at least. >> jessica: all these cars. female friday is coming up.
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>> greg: san mail friday. kids, control yourselves or wero are turning the car around. first question from frenchy.e what is something that you've done that you would discouragee others from doing? jessica? >> jessica: in seventh and eighth grade i was really mean to this girl in my class. >> greg: and she killed herself. >> jessica: no, she's alive and she's driving. i wasn't that maine. >> greg: so maybe it's a good thing. >> jessica: even slight bullying is terrible. don't do it. >> greg: that was a strong comment from jessica. jesse? >> jesse: minds baly is don't b, also. >> greg: you are a bully? what a surprise. >> jesse: no, i wasn't a bully. >> greg: you are the bully. ana:>> jesse: i was not. >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i'll tell you, i wouldn't fry a turkey. >> greg: that's a good one.. >> judge jeanine: you get that tall thing and you fry a turkey
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in it. i would never recommend anyone do that. >> greg: that's a good one. >> sandra: i thought of the cooking one. i tried to make pralines last week. has everyone made a homemade praline? difficult and i regret it. i spend so much time and they never harden. >> greg: why can't you just buy the praline? it is a nut, right? >> sandra: some things are better homemade. >> greg: you can make your own>g nut? >> jesse: how do you do it? >> greg: i don't make nuts. something you've donege that? yu would discourage others from doing? let's see... >> jesse: working in television? [laughs] >> greg: i'm going to go withit going on tiktok. tik there you go, kids. stay off of tiktok. what is the most frightening dream you remember?. judge? >> judge jeanine: don't we all have the same dream that if you actually die froom im it you are really dead?
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the dream i keep having is thata i'm fighting witth people that s had enough credits to graduate and they say i didn't. but the scariest dream is you are in the dark and then you're in the water and you're going to drown that you wake up. >> jessica: i've had the failing one, that my scariest one is my family is on a i trai car and they are going to throw someone out and they have to die, and my parents are saying it has to be one of us because they haven't lived their wholewl lives. and we are like, take me, i don't even know what good livino is. this started wheod ln i was reay young. the "one person has to die" train. ?> greg: jesse >> jesse: i don't have badit dreams. i keep having dreams i can dunk. and it is so much fun. >> greg: you can fly! flying dreams are amazing. they are the best.embe >> sandra: i don't have a lot b of badad dreams, but the ones where you are falling from thero sky and you wake up kicking. >> greg: yeah.
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i have this constant reocc reoccurring -- it's a nightmare, that i'm working at t cnn. cnn one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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not really trust the number one a real estate professionals trust. download the app today. the iowa caucuses the first presidential election results. martha maccallum and bret baier. anchor special live coverage to mark christie, 24. free to on your vote right here on fox news. >> america is watching. it's time now for one more thing, jesse. jesse: get well soon. >> we just hadouija. a little procedure, but he's ha. g okay big shout out to my guy, louis g. i love you. why are you looking at me like i'm saying, who is the one which is a friend of mine. and he's doing great. that louis j. is really happy. night >> he sent me that picture you see in the other picture. this is th"je intel i could. show tonight. jesse watters from times at the yukon. joe, can. emily wilson, 8:00. what a wonderful.
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all right. i hosted a special with fox nation that is on fox nation now. it's called jeffrey's book of names, and it will bech on the fox newannes channel sune night at 10 p.m.. if you want to find out a little mor ae about thating to and what he did. >> and also tonight, i'm goingg? to be on "hannity". > greg: all right. tonight, what a banger of a g show we goott the beautiful pete hegseth. >> yes, he is the stunning dagen mcdowell, the delightful kat timpf. >> and they alwaysg n mc thoughs tyrus. that's tonight at ten. hey, let's do some politicsg grabs chamber watch. >> well, during the show, there was a big vote in congress. i thinngress.he congrk we see tn coming out now. >> they just voted. they voted for a $200 million addendum to the war fund just for sardines. >> i think that's jerrold nadler in the back waddling. oh, look, he looks like he's had an accident. but there they are going,larm i think got one over there, just pulled a fire alarm. >> but that will never be the
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case. >> w>>e ha jd to mak.e a politil e, jessica. okay. so a father's love knows no bounds or in thihype. shouls cae right now, it shouldn't. this is the heartwarming momenrt a father carried his paraplegic son up three flights of stairs after the elevator at a train station broke, isn't it? mason brandstatter suffered yeas a spinal cord injury three years prior and documents his progress in daily life struggles online. hash tag dad. god bless them. i know. onlin blessi guess he johnny does that for you. yeah. just because i'm lazry. >> yes. that's an incredible. yeah, that was. >>ne: thatl. eautifuazy. thank you. yeah. okay. so on my show today, wnine: sa >> se interviewed a man whose bakery wa by a kyivhrough vehicle and a hundred looters on tuesday, 230 in the morning. this happenerning.d. over 100 looters then ransacked, elude d his store, took everything in it. this is a family owned bakery in compton, calif. they n they've had it in their familye for 40 years. they said they neverha, ever me,
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could have ever imagined anything like this happening. they started the a gofundme, the neighbor, the neighborhood started a go fund me page ran after we had him on the show. it's tripled. so if you have a dollar to help them out, they are completely having to rebuild that store to reopen for the community. >> and we support our small businessesbusiness. >> do you know where the carton. went afterwards? that straight outta compton. oh, nicely done.that but was the ca pr waars that pay of the group that that was the way they ran through the door. so that they can run in and do the car first? >> so the crash crashing. but the media blamed the care of course driver so they can't prosecute. ss car all right. driver so you voted afterwards a that's r ? yeah. yeah, that's right. that's it fo. that's i.r us. have a great night. i want to thank everyone for being with us. weconds. you wan have four more. i want to say, jesse, i love you, america.dcast. >> welcome to jesse watters,


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