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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation. >> hello everyone i'm dana
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perino and jessica jesse waters and greg gutfeld this is 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. >> throwing fallout over the newly released jeffrey epstein documents shocking high profile names are being revealed from alist hollywood selects to tight tans of century even former u.s. presidents that's just the start a second batch could be release at any moment we'll keep an eye on that. one name that appears 50 times in the documents is former bill clinton, one of epstein accusers joanna testifying that the pedophile told her that clinton likes them young referring to girls. the lawyer for the victims telling jesse that the documents raised new questions about the former president. >> victim reported being on a helicopter with him and with maxwell. and there's another statement that she made that clinton was
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on the island which is very different than what we had heard previously. we were hearing that he wupght on the island again hard to say who to believe o.c. but he was on the line on the island. but didn't take the bait in other words didn't have relation, sexual relationships with any of the girls. >> clinton denies ever visiting epstein island and shoughburg denying prince andrews saying he groped her breast accusing the presence of having group sex with minors. prince andrew previously denied misconduct and sexual abuse case by virginia jeffray last year and name drops 170 of epstein visitors and former president donald trump we do want to make clear most of the people named in a suit not accused of wrong doing. this -- judge can you maybe also say whatever you want, of course,
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but why these documents are coming out. jeanine: that's an excellent question. look, there was a lawsuit where a virginia suffered maxwell for defamation when galane lied about the sexual abuse so this lawsuit took place in 2016 with moat lawsuits civil there's a deposition ahead of time. for some reason from 2016 until today, those depositions were sealed. judge lirette a federal judge mad a decision that she was going to unseal them and for two and some say possibly three jane does who are saying that harm might come to them so there will be as a result of this release a rolling release of more names going forward. so what we have so far is not all of them. i would -- caution everybody that this is not the black book -- the black book is now in the possession of the department of
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justice. and when i hear maxwell say you know for all of this the only person who is in jail is a female my response to her would be you had the black book, you could have cut a deal. or maybe jeffrey epstein, you know, didn't hang himself and she doesn't want to end up in the same situation. the most shocking name to come out was steven hawking okay -- that was -- that was a stunner and what is amazing because you can say we don't know when we can't attribute wrong doing to miff them. but epstein actually wrote an e-mail to maxwell. and he said you can issue a reward to any of virginia's friends that's a victim. acquaintances or family that come forward help prove allegations are false. this strongest is a clinton dinner and new version in the virgin islands steven hawkins participated in an underage orgy so there's an e-mail from epstein to maxwell saying pay them to shut that one down.
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think also about the fact that you've got david copperfield bill clinton kevin spacey what is common among all of them? they've all been previously accused of sexual assault or some sexual deviancy bill clinton with a college student. copperfield with an underage teenager. kevin spacey the same, and michael jackson accused pedophile. so the bottom line here, it's the bankers that these girls would not necessarily recognize. they don't know the network of banks that allowed the money and in spite of the suspected -- account -- sars the reports in spite of those that network is what allowed this pedophile and he's a pedophile to continue to do business after his conviction in florida. >> jesse what else did you learn last night as it broke right
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around your show. >> judge is right this is a small window into the world of epstein besides being a -- benefactor of the sciences, and a wealth manager he was an intelligence asset, and that's why the federal government signed this nonprosecution agreement with them many, many years ago because he was working for the cia possibly mamad remember ma lean maxwell father who drown off his yacht involved with masad possibly the cia. so the intelligence role overlapped with -- the aristocratic circles and they use sexual currency as leverage. but what makes this sexual currency so potent and so elicit girls underage and no one seems to care about the girls. all of the media seems to care about is -- making political hay out of these names. and -- they're so focused on linking
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donald trump to this with bill clinton has so much more exposure to jeffrey epstein donald trump actually provided information to the lawyer of some of these victims that ended up checking out. he did it without having to be deposed. he didn't fight a subpoena like bill clinton did and his department of justice that ended up arresting jeffrey epstein he cut off the relationship he had with jeffrey epstein a very long time ago meanwhile bill clinton lied about being on these flights. i have someone they told me they saw him on the island. bill clinton was photographed getting massage by one of the victimmings of jeffrey epstein so the intelligence community still is trying to clean this up. and it just saddens me no one is thinking about these victims and everyone is covering up for royal family, politicians, the bureau, langley and the media is
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just disgraceful if their coverage. >> 290 million dollars went to the victims from jpmorgan, sorry -- 290 million. >> okay greg you have thoughts over there. >> first i heard of steven hawking accused of sex with underage girls. >> yes. >> i guess he did prefer a brief history of time. all right -- i listened to news i feel like i showed up at target on saturday after black friday. all of the good stuff has been cleaned out all that's left are two sox and a muumuu you know it is clear. it is all of the stuff that you already knew -- right -- and it is like it is stuff that stuff that matters. the real blackmail stuff. it was probably removed far, far earlier it is like a bowl of halloween candy at the night all you have is echo wafers and dots and i don't think there's any surprise is there? no dana perino right? dana: nope. >> we have photos of you handed in a book a day overdue at the library.
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but honestly bill clinton epstein island that's as shocking as mike pence at church we saw that coming for me it feels like the ufo stories. right, they're always like -- couple of years now it's been like a series of tantalizing hints at something else perhaps to keep us occupied with morsels rather than the meat -- and what's the meat? that's jesse might be alluding to a larger bigger operation that had its tent kls everywhere run by intel agencies to wield influence there's so many crazy things happening in in world that's unexplained. you can point to our immigration policy had is a mess. everybody agrees it is a mess. no one is doing anything about it. perhaps a lot of these insane actions actions are because people are forced to do things because someone has something on them maybe it is not, you know, the filter isn't oppressed versus oppressor but it is the compromiser versus the compromised. >> uh-huh. last word to you jessica.
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>> not a ton of new information, obviously, but deeply disturbing to see it all over again -- and to feel the gravity and the breath of this scandal and how many lives it touched, how many people were all here in new york. we have rubbed shoulders by some of these people walk down the street, they've been out and about and some of them, you know, still have very high flying careers, and it will be interesting to see what happens to them few people have, obviously, lost their careers. and in the last few -- years as a result -- i would say, though, on the prince andrew front that i think this is different because now queen elizabeth isn't around to defend him anymore. she -- acknowledged that this was true by removing him from public life. you know she said you're not in the christmas card anymore you still have a palace but it is a dinkier one and you have to get out of here. he has no one to shield him anymore from what he's done. i also think it is an important moment for local journalism and julie k. brown at the miami
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herald deserves props and all of the shoutouts in world that you can probably muster. for the back breaking work that she did to break the story -- originally to get interviews for all of those women who did speak out i think it was on good morning america a few years ago that that was happening so support local journalism and make sure they're getting the funds to do these investigations. and then what happens? are any of these people going to be -- prosecuted further is that what's coming down the pike for someone or -- jeanine: question is the statute of limitation and black book and why isn't department of justice not revealing names in the black book? why are they keeping it sealed look we heard about senator george mitchell we heard about a governor bill -- richardson, i mean, you don't want to see these names. but he was -- you're right he was running with people in power. but people in the banks, and the truth is that it was the department of justice through alex acosta gave him the deal of
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a lifetime took the case away from the local d.a. instead of investigating it from dead to right they gave it back to local d.a. he got a slap on the wrist. if you remember that case, that was a one where he gave people immunity for imerp imperpetuity for life. >> echo wafers. we're going get some. total mayhem in the court a terrible story a defendant lunges at a judge during sentencing. my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home,
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where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> a shocking scene from a courtroom in las vegas. >> i appreciate that but i think it is time that you get a taste of something else because i just can't with that history. with the words of the -- [inaudible conversations] >> convicted criminal flying through the air and viciously attacking a judge in a nearby marshal. it came moments after she denied his request for probation. 30-year-old redden facing four years in prison for attacking someone with a baseball bat but said he turned his life around and deserved a break. the judge disagreed given his history of assaults and domestic violence.
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>> i shouldn't be sent to prison but if it is appropriate for you you have to do what you have to do but i figure that, you know, if i'm in batter place in my life i'm not doing drugs i'm not out there committing crimes now -- >> three felon i-ins gross misdemeanors multiple dv's got a lot going on, sir. >> yeah. >> i just figure like drk >> battery on a protected person, robberies. >> despite brutal barrage of punches judge is recovering and stitches in his head and a dislocated shoulder redden was facing additional felon i-ins and seven misdemeanors, six additional felonies dana i guess he wasn't being truthful with the i changed committed assault a minute later. >> longer than a cvs receipt and how many times kind of surprising you don't see it more often. i know as a defendant you don't
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have to be if he doesn't have to be hand cuffed on he couldn't do that. i don't know how he launches leak that from the ground up. i do -- i'm not going to fault security there. but it feels like took them a long time to get him off of her. she's punched several times, and judges go through a lot. judge will be able to attest to that more than me but i think this is absolutely horrendous. >> i think it is a terrible idea they still have those mini trampolines in front -- i mean it serves no -- obl obviously no purpose but to her but this happen qhs you look up everything but the criminal i'm sure the solution is i think we have to put the judge behind plexiglass like a jumbo tube of crest and still won't cuff the guy. i don't know what -- what how she's a judge at all but i feel bad about this but maybe more progressive judges might look at this and think maybe i should start thinking
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about not letting people out violent criminals because the hell is now coming to my house that criminals are way more emboldened than they used to they're mobbing people and looted a bakery i don't know if you saw in compton, california, attack women do whatever they want. why wouldn't they do this now? they never go to jail they get out so you know justice -- qoak justice system is rewarding these -- these thugs. and it is time that maybe the -- the judge is laughing throughout this whole thing. >> why? >> i think it is just -- i mean it is terrible. [laughter] it is terrible but it just -- you have no idea what a courtroom is like. it is like a zoo. okay, and that's just part of it. here's the thing, the guy is 30 years old. he's got three felonies several of them violent nine misdemeanor and sentenced now for taking a baseball bat and threatening to break someone's kneecap and causing substantial harm.
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now what i don't understand about this, the guy is on bail. he's still on bail. they let him out. they didn't keep him after all of this the guy is still out there. so it is nuts whole thing is nuts and you know what i agree with you greg. i don't to have plexiglass in between me and the defendant. now this guy was airborne okay he was jumped over the defense table jumped over the bench which is always higher than the rest of the tables, obviously, but the thing that really amazes me is that this guy not only was able to assault her but he assaulted their law secretary he assaulted the -- the court-martial in the courtroom. i mean it is crazy. he believed he was going to get probation that's on the lawyer. let me tell you why, he should have known since i turn my life around i'm not doing drugs anymore and could have sentenced to max four years she said no i can't i'm looking at all of this, this is a gross misdemeanor all of that -- he should have known he was
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going jail that day. he pled guilty and part of a plea deal, you work out a deal ahead of time and find out what are you going sentence me to before i plead guilty all of this is on the defense attorney all due respect all of respect for them listen that guy did you see that eagle on there. if he came after me he had be wearing the eagle on that flag. >> i figured that you would want to do an analysis of his superhero form. >> great athletic talent squandered -- i would have done the same thing the judge would have done, grabbed the -- the american flag like a lance and shoved that thing -- where the sun don't shine. this guy it's just too bad we have -- >> right there. racist criminal justice system because i don't know if you saw dana in "the wall street journal" jason riley op-ed this has been studied i would like jessica to sink her teeth into this i'll give you this don't
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get robbed in the subway. it's proven now that the criminal justice system is not against black americans. they are treated equally by the criminal justice system. because they commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes and when they are -- in front of the court, they're actually treated more leniently many terms of sentencing. the main driver of crime in the african-american community and in the white community is a lack of a father. it is poverty and lax of fathers now if you go back to the 30s and 40s african-american community there's more racism in this country. and there was more poverty in the black community. but the crime rate and the black community was very, very low and you know why that was -- fathers were there. that -- key issue. they tell that to people and that doesn't help anybody i'll get a father and be right back. like it is look you can't -- this is the problem with the republican message. telling people that oh, we need more fathers.
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doesn't help anybody. you're going to have live with the reality that the world is changed. it is not the -- dads aren't coming back for a lot of people. >> still i thought tooing for the dads greg not giving up on dads. >> that's your next book. >> thank you for mentioning my book available for preorder where books are sold get it together. [laughter] >> america's dad -- jesse watters. >> yes. okay up next new female director of "star wars" sparking controversy over what she said about men. symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®.
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hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. my life partner connie and i were in really rough shape regarding our health. and our doctors told us that we needed to lose weight. i saw a golo commercial and i thought, "we really need to try this." as the weeks went by, the weight came off. we learned to make healthy choices and be supportive of each other. together, we've lost 170 pounds. golo worked for us. since losing weight on golo, i'm feeling grateful and hopeful about the future. (energizing music) dei is diagnose but not in liberal hollywood despite pulling plug on diversity and equity and inclusion disney is doubling down. they're tapping a feminist to direct the next "star wars"
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movie shah sharmeen first person of color and woman to helm film franchise beloved by millions of men and she thinks it is time add a woman's touch. >> you know i am thrilled about the project because what we're about to create is something special and we're in 2024 now, and i think it's about time that we had a woman -- come forward to shame shape the story in a galaxy far far away. >> listen to what she said about men in a clip from 2015. >> i like to make men uncomfortable. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. it is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, i am here and recognize that. and recognize that i am working to bring something that makes
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you uncomfortable and it should make you uncomfortable because you need to change your attitude. >> all right dana, most "star wars" fans are men why have a director who wants to make men uncomfortable? >> i don't know. i don't understand it -- companies get to do whatever they want you can hire whoever you want. and then if nobody wants to watch the product anymore and you have to figure out a way to crawl your way back to the good graces like budweiser for example peter will not buy anything from gillette because of toxic mask he holds fast to that one and won't do that. what's happening on dei front when the george floyd riots were happening there were a lot of commitments made by corporate america to say we will pledge not only money -- but we'll change our policies. that has not worked out especially because people realize one the destructiveness within cultures of their companies and fact they're
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losing customers. so there is a move to say look we are for diversity we're also for merit, and it is a slow walk back and probably ultimately a good one overall for corporate america. but in this case, knock yourselves out. i actually don't like "star wars" anyway. >> typical chic -- >> talk about "star wars" they have a female lead ray in the rogge 1 protagonist was a female and mini series had a female lead. do you think she'll even follow the series? >> i don't know. honestly, i have not watched a single "star wars" thing since the first movie i saw in theater in 1980 i sat through it twice i thought it was interesting. but it is amazing to see people refusing to let go of something like dei. it is like a drug addiction without benefit of getting high a virtue signaling that only large corporations can get away
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with like large corporations with shoulder this destructive behavior and they paraded around like virtue meanwhile, those policies would destroy smaller companies if they were to try that fallly that's why you see big companies do this when they're losing money and it is a scam. right it is basically a law grief right you hire -- hire me as a consultant dei consultant install this program in hr department. you pay us and we give you the grades that tell you what a great job you did in dei you sending that out to the press and sending it out to vact activist groups and nobody notices you're not paying for maternity leave because you're good on dei it is doa and reason is what we're talking about last week, it is an overfishing problem you force all recruiters to the same watering hole and the demanding exceeded supply by far. so companies are not only discriminating against other candidates. they're preferential hiring left
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them with less capable leftovers like cleaned out buffet or going, you know, target on a saturday after black friday. the best is gone. so you're left with a bunch of claudene gayes. >> sharpton led a protest on dei take a listen to this and i want to come back to you. >> reverend is plagiarism a offense? >> we are not defending any of that. i don't know -- i think the harvard board that agreed with it should have to answer that. we are about where they said that this is about dei this is what we're here for. >> what is race about firing of the college president? >> dei is something we cannot stand to let go. >> okay so plagiarism forget about plagiarism -- they've pivoted from plagiarism because it is always been a better race hustle always been about patronage for sharpton and his crew how many people can
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they get into these companies -- perhaps without the proper qualifications and then what kind of influence can they generate within these companies and what kind of -- profit can they share with the crew from inside the companies? that's what's always been about. it is a trojan horse for these people, and al sharpton and he can't stand that it is leaving now on the "star wars" thing, i'm old school, judge. i'm always about the customer is always right. jeanine: it's true. >> if you're boss of a company you're trying to serve the customer. what does he want? what does she want or are they going to enjoy product now it is not about serving customer. it is about scolding the customer. it is all about them -- all about the executives -- and the ceo what do they want to tell the customer? doesn't matter what the customer wants -- they don't matter. it is what you want to tell them and show them and scold them about and this is such a bad
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business model you see with disney, you see with all of these companies, it is starting to fall apart and al sharpton is now grasp at straws. >> jessica lost 400 million last year they brought iger back and lost almost half a billion dollars. big tech companies are already starting to, you know, dump the ei what's taking hollywood in disney so long? >> the fact they're actually making a ton of money on movies that are, would be to you guys woke affied so little mermaid in top ten grossing 570 million and let's go back to wakanda forever and black panther in the top 6 highest grossing superhero movies ever made -- right, in competition with batman and supermans all of it -- >> promasculine. >> from -- >> black -- black men right -- >> can't be black and masculine jessica what is your problem? >> don't that. you know exactly what i'm saying there was -- >> this is what we're talking
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about here is -- it is talking about the toxic masculinity of "star wars" but woman as if she's left wing nut job on twitter two oscar seven emmys only to won two directing oscars by age of 37 and because she made a few comments in an interview who isn't to say this is a "star wars" franchise that will expand the base that will make people feel seen in a way that hasn't happened before. that's why -- >> why i go to movies to be seen -- >> white men have been seen forever -- >> white folks princess leia was very white and seen by a lot of people if you know what i mean -- >> a, i do know what you mean that is not the subject and b, why if it is also reaping monetary benefits and not saying that disney didn't lose money but didn't because they have a black ariel and black panther is a huge piece of the puzzle -- >> lost money for a different reason? >> absolutely.
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>> it is time we need a gay darth vader. >> thank you for taking my point so seriously -- >> all right. >> yes i'm wearing pink sometimes we can wear pirng and be serious, peemg. >> all hell breaking loose in america adults trampling over each other to get their name -- to get their handle -- hands on a cup. ♪ ♪ with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub
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>> it is the black friday like insan city sweeping targets across america. people are lining up as early as 3 a.m. camping out in long lines -- trampling over one another and even getting into fistfights all of this insanity is over an adult sippy cup wish i was joking. but americans are going nuts over these limited edition
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bubblegum pink stanley mugs created with starbucks. it is only available in target stores and superhard to get ahold of. watch. >> got a limit to -- per guest. >> what is with you guys? >> we're the worst. >> i mean crazy ladies. >> what's going on here? >> they're cool. women can have a stanley cup of their own. [laughter] >> i actually -- i thought it was kind of fun that something was happening shopping wise and in person because did you see black friday stores like everything was empty because everyone does it online now so at least their back in person. >> they are all women i'm waiting to see a man in that line. they're all women. there's a guy -- >> i learned a little something about this. i didn't know anything about stanley cup. this kind of stanley cup, one of the reasons they were so popular is they were the only cups that would fit in the cup holders in
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the car. because it has the narrower bottom and it has a handle. but that -- have you tried to pick one up they're not light. okay. a little bit heavy but what happened is because there were mom influencers and made this popular and company got smart and got an e-mail if it was sold out they got an e-mail address and let you know so you have frenzies but everyone needs to calm down. >> it is weird we're watching people now literally carrying around a pot of coffee. what we used to keep at our kitchen we now carry around. might i get philosophical i would like to talk about a french philosopher coined desire when you desire something because someone else desires that thing. it is like some people will buy stock -- when they hear others claiming they own it. or you know -- great example is when you're on an airplane and the flight
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attendant gives somebody another passenger like a warm towel or something and you go oh -- i'll have that too. it is this weird -- like everywhere. well i used to when i used to throw effort pas editing magazines we had have goodie bags filled basic crap but every celebrity needed to get that goody bag didn't matter what was in it and matter that it was all free they still had to have it. we -- most people don't know what they want in life, so they rely on others to decide for them. >> that's what this is. >> we're in the goodie bags good at the fox nation awards they were so good -- >> they had -- isn't there. oh, greg man you've got to see goodie bags yeah those are really nice goodie bags, it is great. >> let me tell you why one of the reasons they're so popular is they're selling them online for $240 to they're buying them for $49 and selling them online which makes it very profitable.
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now, the way i figure it is if you live in california, you can steal 19 and be under $950 and sell for $240 each and make $740 and cops won't let them in to make an arrest so nobody needs -- >> nobody needs to be that hydrated. like who is drinking all of that? >> everybody -- [laughter] >> everybody. how many do you get through a day? >> you see somebody not good at water guys -- jeanine: really? >> it is wine. >> the men are drinking the booze. >> not 40 ounces of wine walking around. >> with a straw so sip from the cup like a real man. >> it was a coconut fastest is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back time for the fastest fruit stuff, pennsylvania couple in a real doggie dilemma chowed down on cold hard cash they have left on the counter fortunately they got the dough back by sifting through the pooches you know recovering all but $500.
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jesse you said in the break you would have killed the dog and opened him up like a clutch purse. what kind of animal are you? >> hear me out. >> okay. >> my dog rookie ate my nannies hamburger yesterday -- it was her lunch. now, is it my responsibility to get her a new hamburger? >> yes. even though she left it within reach of the dog? >> the first hamburger anyway if she was working? >> no she brought the hamburger. >> get her another hamburger yes. >> stop talking -- you're only going to get in -- >> i got her another hamburger i did not -- oh -- >> how did your housekeeper feel about your nanny having her hamburger? >> this makes me think a great idea if you need to stash money away in your pooch and poop it out when you need it. >> i don't understand how they got all but $500 back --
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like -- >> i don't know either. >> washed it down shredded it in pieces. >> you can tape it together. >> he coughed up $250 that night but rest required clayton to dawn a mask and dplofs and follow his canine into the backyard to relieve himself? >> you know, judge something doesn't smell right -- they said they were holding cash to pay for a fence for their kid they can use a fence for their dog. >> well said. >> so you think -- the dog started throwing up some of the money and then the dog poops some of the money so they got dana 2500 so starting putting out money and call the bank and bank said as long as you've got the identification numbers, we'll take the money back. and they got them different dollars, i mean, i feel terrible but i hope it was a big dog do we know what kind of dog it was?
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>> such a strange craving to eat money. >> good point. >> yeah. i guess so -- a little different than kibble or whatever. it's happening. but what are they thinking crazy animals? >> i don't know. >> animals little people, put everything in their mouths. [laughter] you play that game independent proposal game how much do you need to be paid x thing. >> sorry jessica i'm happily married. [laughter] >> glad you clarified that for everybody. i was thinking about the dollar amount like -- to go through the poop -- >> yeah. is it worth, 3500 is a lot of money. yeah. and you do pick up their poop a lot -- >> major may do it. >> a nanny. i played a game in newport one summer that didn't sound right but i put a $20 in dog poop and watched to see who would take it out.
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>> desperation of people down on their luck -- >> it was in newport. >> they did it. >> mostly kids. worth every penny. >> i think terrible and awful. why is he here? [laughter] >> why are you here? >> one more thing is up next. ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now.
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2:55 pm
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2:56 pm
my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early.
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talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at time for one more thing and jessica you deserve to go first. >> thank you so much. greg: why does she deserve? dana: you've been mean to her. >> that's true. 13-year-old boy beat the original game of tetris. ♪ ♪ >> oh, my god -- >> i love that hyperventilating. wecaused game to glitch and go back to level 18 many have long
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considered it to be unbeatable and not for willis and he lost feeling in his fingers. congratulations. >> congratulations. that happened to me when i was his age too but not playing tetris. aaron and that's tonight at 10 p.m. let's do this. how many nuts -- we have a winner last time so i have the trophy we're going roll it, stop and then get the guesses of how many nuts he can put in his mouth. here -- stop. >> that's a chipmunk. >> hasn't started yet. >> you have to guess before we do it. oh. yeah that's how it goes. >> ten. seven -- >> 11. >> five let's roll it. >> i always overdo because it is just -- >> chipmunk. >> that guy has flexible cheeks. >> four -- not going to do too much.
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>> six. >> search. wow. oh, wow i got it. >> or just stop it says seven so i guess that's it. so you got it. you get to take this home with you. >> oh -- so lucky. so cute -- such a cutie. >> must be so proud. >> very nice. everyone gets a trophy. if you can't get enough of me you're in luck i will be filling in for mora ingram tonight at 7. >> name of the show ingram angle it is 7 p.m. eastern time. stop talking, greg. and also if you're an early riser, i will be on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning in the 8:00 hour. talking about a special but i'm hosting on jeffrey epstein. don't miss it. >> let's go. american kennel club is welcoming small but mighty edition it is the 201st recognize breed it is a heeler
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also there's a new installment of short questions with dana perino greg you're going to like this with emily. >> those will never be short. [laughter] >> and the space on the internet indeed. jesse -- jesse: so i don't have a one more thing. in lieu that. let's just go get it together available now, preorder it it will arrive in march. [laughter] by the way, tonight jesse watters prime time inside epstein island. >> insider. we have -- >> so on the island. >> on the island dinner -- >> inside -- we have an insider who filmed inside. >> oh. inside the islander or on the island? >> i think inside the island sounds better. >> you tell us, america. ♪ ♪ there was a really loud bang. cookson starte


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