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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  January 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ ♪ (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. .♪ ♪ >> we're starting the you 9:00 a.m. hour with a shot of vermont. >> i was like is that just an orphanage out in the country.
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>> that's a ski resort. rachel: or a mental institution. >> is that what you out of. rachel: that's what i thought. >> the reason we're starting in vermont, because last hour we read a report that a moving company reported that vermont is the state that most people move to in 2023. will has been extolling the virtues of vermont. he loves it. we didn't believe it, that could be the case. the state where most people moved, we cracked the code on this one. >> yeah, the reality is, it's the percent -- it's complicated. the second most moved into state according to the city you i did, washington, d.c. what it is, it's the net percentage of people who moved in versus moved out. >> so 63% of the moves in washington, d.c. were inbound versus outbound. that means more people are moving into vermont but less people are moving out if that makes sense. if you've got a state like texas, tennessee, south carolina, y you've got tons of
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people moving in and you have people moving out and maybe 55 to 45% clip. something like vermont -- >> your percentage is lower. >> it's a percentage thing. it's not that most people in the country are moving to vermont. rachel: is it about their particular company, they say we get more people. >> it's according to united van lines, the national movers study. >> they're pretty big. they're no u-haul, but they're right there. rachel: okay. >> i think you validated some of your love for vermont. rachel: it's a pretty state. >> people feel the same way. >> you really put some rock he --rocket boosters under what i said. i love vermont, my favorite state. >> i wear birkenstocks all the time. >> you have to wear birkenstocks and have white boy dreads. >> you're painting the
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landscape we're glad you're here, fourth hour. great to have rachel back on the couch. rachel: happy to be back. >> the candidates for president of united states are focused on iowa. here's a bit of their pitch as we head to the final eight days of the iowa caucus. >> we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle, it's other final battle. we're going to win that battle. we're going to turn this nation around, going to make america great again. >> 2024 i think is make or break for this country and i'm motivated to run and to do this stuff because my wife and i have a first grader, a kindergartener and preschooler. we're really concerned about what the country is going to look like in 10, 15, 20, 25 years from now. >> how blessed are you to be the front of the line, the one that says it doesn't matter what the media says, doesn't matter what the pundits say, we're going to set the direction for the country. it's a very cool thing and we're
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grateful for the opportunity. >> i think it's going to take somebody whose best days in life are yet ahead to see a country whose best days are still ahead of itself. to revive that founding spirit of this country. >> so you've got retail politics all across iowa. i think for a lot of those candidates, it's got be frustrating when you think of all the time spent, all the money spent, all the visits to all the counties in vivek's case twice the 99 counties and this is not a new poll but it's an indicative of the status of the iowa caucuses, it's a fox business poll from the middle of december on where people are. i think the frustrating part for a lot of candidates will be the difference between the numbers between september and you now. whyif you've been working to met with people and your numbers are going up 3% in desantis' case, 5 for nikki haley, same for
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ramaswamy. the front runner gaining by 6 points, not a lot has changed in iowa despite all of that peddling. rachel: a lot has changed in terms of what donald trump has been through. he's been potentially taken off the ballot and more efforts to try to take him off the ballots. he's had all these indictments and charges and every time the left throws something at him, his numbers go up because people realize, wow, what are they so yafraid of with donald trump and also i think there's this sort of streak in the republicans that are like i'll be darned if the democrats get to decide who republicans get to vote for in a republican primary and so i think you're seeing a reaction with the poll numbers going up to what the democrats, what joe biden and the weaponized government is doing.
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>> if it doesn't go well next tuesday, there's an op-ed in the hill suggesting that that could be the in for one particular candidate, douglas mckinnon writes i heard from two people familiar with the d desantis campaign that the florida governor if he loses had in the iowa caucuses to former president donald trump as expected he'll either drop out of the race that night or make the announcement the next morning. more than that, desantis will begrudgingly endorse trump. rachel: i got this text from the desantis campaign in real-time here. >> we've got it here. rachel: there it is. i didn't realize it. >> she got it personally. rachel: i got it on the phone and we put it up here. this is brian griffin, desantis' press secretary he said team trump is getting nervous, acting like the leftist media, pushing fake news ron desantis is in this for the long haul. >> we got that. >> yeah.
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and that i may be true. or it's exactly what a campaign ah has to you say and what that campaign has done from the beginning is staked a lot in iowa. understandably so. ron desantis is a popular governor of florida. governed very conservatively and iowa made sense when you're thinking about iowa vis-a-vis new hampshire for him to put a stake in the ground. spent a lot of time on the ground there. yet the poll numbers haven't moved. so i think he's the one with the most at stake on that tuesday. nicknikki haley can say okay, im going to new hampshire. vivek ramaswamy, he's just got to do better than 7% to show he's got momentum. donald trump is going to i think beat the 50% threshold. desantis is the one with a lot of chips on the table. trump is not taking it for p granted. he's sprinting to the finish. so is the desantis camp. rachel: they say that his game, his organizers are very organized and are doing a good job but we'll see, again, this
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is unknown until it actually happens. i'll tell you, one of the things i love seeing, i love that these candidates have had to go out and really speak to the people. when i see this visuals, like you said if a pizza ranch or town hall like that, i love that they actually have to go and ask for those votes. they're up against donald trump and that's really a tough thing. >> for sure. rachel: meanwhile, we have secretary of defense lloyd austin who as we know went into the hospital, what we're hearing now -- >> we didn't know. rachel: good point. we know you now. guess who else didn't know? the white house. for four days, the white house did not know that their secretary of defense was in the hospital, had now we're hearing, we don't know because he's not being fully transparent yet, we hear that he may have had some elective surgery but whatever the case is, really strange to have somebody at this level of our government, when we have such a chaotic world stage right
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now and lots of wars going on, that we're involved with directly or indirectly and so here he is, this is the statement he says. that he understands that the media is concerned, concerned about transparency, i recognize i could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed. i commit to doing better but this is important to say. this was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure so he's saying look, i decided not to tell the white house but -- >> i wish he would have committed to doing better in afghanistan too. rachel: or on recruitment in the military. >> you can't be the second of defense and hide behind hippa laws. not only was it we're hearing an elective surgery. we're learning he was in the icu, the in the incentive care r three to four days.
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not only did we not know, the commander in chief did not know, joe biden didn't know his defense secretary was in the icu for an elective surgery. rachel: he doesn't know a lot. >> he doesn't know a lot which tells us a lot of other things too. what they feel like they can get away with you without telling the big guy is another story but an elective surgery that one, if it's elective and you're hiding it you probably didn't expect it to last for four days. did something go wrong? what went wrong? woulwould it compromise his abiy to be the secretary of defense in the future. >> they're vigilant towards misinformation. rachel: yeah. which they criminalize now. >> now we have to know what was the elective surgery? do we get to know? rachel: call obama. i bet knows. >> senator roger whitaker said the following, this further erodes the trust in had the biden administration which failed to inform the public in a timely fashion about critical events such as a chinese spy
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balloon and withdrawal from afghanistan, members must be briefed on a full accounting of the facts immediately. i commit to doing better. lloyd austin. meanwhile cracking down again on misinformation. >> i don't think this story is removed from your overall posture towards information. i think it is part of what is bread into the dna of this administration when it comes to -- i want -- speech, information, the message. rachel: yeah. the americans are on a need to know basis so we've decided you didn't need to know about a chinese spy a balloon so we're going to hold onto that information until we get caught and this is another example of that. i agree with that. >> w when is there going to be one reporter who gets under the hood of this white house and writes about what's happening behind the scenes who is actually in charge, how you are they actually handling joe, what do they do to manage his schedule? we get leaks here and there probably because of internal fights. there's a big story to be had. think of what was written about the trump years because they
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wanted to make him look bad. rachel: think about -- >> there's been one i think. probably -- the media would want you to think it's the normal administration, a boring story, borely joe. >> every president sigh there is a couple of -- presidency there is a couple of big books that come out about what's happening if the administration. >> i feel like there's been one. i've got to look at it. but not the volume that you had under trump. rachel: there's been more talk about during the trump administration when melania had a kidney operation and what happened to her and she didn't disclose enough. we're talking about it and car yeah they reported it but seems like this is a much bigger deal because of what's going on in the world and what his position is. again, i think the real story to answer your question is that the man behind the curtain is obama. and when people start really speaking openly about his role, i mean, we did report earlier that there was a lunch with obama and he's telling him he needs to get his act together, joe biden does and blah, blah,
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blah but the real story is the man behind the curtain is barack obama. >> what was it? lap band surgery? rotator cuff? >> don't know. >> transitioning. i'm just -- we deserve to know. rachel: he is very for that. and by the way, that would probably be covered by the military. >> it would be covered by the military. i'm speculating like anybody else would who doesn't have the information and inside today's military, will, that is perfectly fine. we know that. >> you're illustrating what happens when you control information, you give rise to conspiracy. >> em not saying. eui'm just saying. rachel: it leads to speculation. >> that's all it is. >> turning to a fox weather alert, the officers major winter storm of the year is slamming the northeast. rachel: some areas throughout new england and new york could see 6 inches of snow. >> kate joins us from
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manchester. >> you can tell that the snow is here. we're getting a little bit of a break from it coming down heavily on us. we're not out of the woods yet. it's supposed to snow all day across new england. we have you few inches piled up on the side of the main street in manchester, but you can tell the sidewalks, the streets looking pretty good. i don't know if i would want to risk he it driving on this but some people are out and about because locals here in new england will tell you they are used to getting some snow in the winter. though it has been a while since they've gotten this much at once. still, this paints the picture for you. some people are heading to work today in this. >> it's usually like this in new england, so, hey, what can you do. i expect everybody to come in as usual, you know, pretty die hard gym people. so it's all good. >> yeah, she was headed to work at the y this morning. said it's going to be a busy day. the lead snow totals, people waking up in parts of
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connecticut and new york, they have over a foot there. so we'll have to wait and see if we can catch up with them near new hampshire. >> thank you, katie. >> thank you, katie. rachel: turning to your headlines, starting with this. two people are dead and nine are hurt after a 25 car pileup west of bakersfield, california yesterday. the crash on interstate 5 happening during a stretch of heavy fog. fire officials saying visibility was as low as 10 feet. parts of the interstate were closed throughout the night. no word on when it will reopen. the democratic national committee is calling out new hampshire democrats, state democrats choosing delegates for the state's unsanctioned democratic presidential primary on december 23rd when the dnc chose south carolina as the site of the first primary next month. the dnc leaders saying, quote, the upcoming primary is detrimental and meaningless. the n new hampshire democratic party and presidential p
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candidates should take all steps possible not to participate. don't participate in democracy they say. the state's democratic party chair responding saying they've been saying th that for a year t we persist. january 23rd is the same day as the state's republican primary. and finally, scientists coming out with a formula for a perfect weekend. listen to this, boys. the perfect weekend equation is as follows. 7 to 10 hours of sleep plus two hours of hobbies plus one to two social events. >> zero. rachel: and 25 minutes of exercise. >> that's a day of the weekend right there. >> the perfect weekend, you socialize one to two times. rachel: limit work to less than two hours. we work eight hours. >> ignore that. that's got to be one day. seven to nine hours of sleep, that's not an entire weekend. rachel: that's per day.
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>> the other things are per weekend. rachel: you should leave a couple of unplanned hours of time to yourself. that is one of the things i like about the weekend, it's just of having -- >> that's what the weekend is. >> you have to sometimes, at least me, sometimes i have to plan my unplanned time. does that make sense. rachel: yeah, it does. >> i have to get everything else down. >> now it's my unplanned time. >> then i'm looking at the big horizon, what am i going to do. maybe i'll caulk around. walk around.>> it's amazing -- rachel: maybe i'll have cranberry juice. >> it's amazing you haven't invented the electric car. your productivity level is through the roof. nobody has trouble explaining why i don't do more because -- >> are you saying i don't do enough? >> i don't know. rachel: what he's saying is you are doing stuff but he's not seeing the work product. >> i'm not sure what you're doing. [laughter] >> i've got another book coming
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up. >> i'll text you on saturday, what are you doing? like i've got to work for a while. i'm like where is this thing you're inventing. rachel: they're books. >> it is a book. that's why i asked him this morning, i go are you writerring a book. he goes yeah. i go how many? [laughter] >> everything you said, you pulled the curtain back completely. i like everything in order. my in box is empty. >> that's what he calls work. he cleans out the e-mail. i have 9,000 unread e-mails. >> i want to ask this question. i asked you if you type. are you -- did you grow up on the typewriter. >> i took a typewriter class in high school. >> you took a typing class. very useful class, by the. rachel: why don't they do that anymore. >> did you have you a t typewriter at home? did you write papers on it in high school. >> i don't think so. >> you didn't have a computer. >> i don't think i ever went ping. >> i know i did.
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my junior high paper. people will never know the joy, the sound of the clickback. >> i don't think that happened in my life. >> you wonder -- rachel: you know what else they missed out on, the white-out. remember the white-out? they don't know what we're talking about. >> oh, yeah. we had bottles of white-out. you know me with my perfection standards, how much white-out i used. so much white-out. sorry. >> still to come, a live look at capitol hill where house republicans are preparing contempt charges against hunter biden after defying his subpoena. maria bartiromo on the political fallout ahead. >> first, former harvard mega donor and fighting voice in claudine gay's resignation is taking on the media and academia for going after his wife, terrel is on deck, he joi -- joins us . ♪ say something, say something,
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say something. ♪ i don't want to get caught up in the rhythm of it. ♪ but i can't help myself. ♪ no, i can't help myself, no
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>> he loudly lobbied for harvard president claudine gay
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to go. you now, bill ackman is battline far left media as they're going after his wife, the media is accusing her of plagiarism. ackman fired back, saying he it is unfortunate my actions to address problems in higher education have resulted in attacks on my family. he's going to go after mit, other institutions and media like business insider. acaman argues considering the reconcileable conflicts of interest, would you trust today's university not do an examination of their faculty, what are the chances the reviews would be weaponized to go after faculty members whose politics were not favored by leadership. he says his wife owns her mistakes and learns from them. fox news contributor leo terrel is a former history and social
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studies teacher and joins us now. i'm very into the story. i think it has the owe ten shale to be big. ackman is wealthy, motivated, a wall street guy and he's made it his mission for now at least it seems to go after not just higher education, but media whose driving this dei stuff and all the while like using plagiarism behind the scenes to prop themselves up. >> you are absolutely right. i support bill ackman 100%. that story made it personal. they attacked bill ackman's wife. bill ackman's wife has nothing to do with harvard leadership or president claudine gay. she was termin terminated or she resigned because she was weak in protecting jewish students. she gave a milk toast answer regarding what's happening on campuses involving jewish students.
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she deserved to be terminated. she stepped down, she resigned. she remains on the faculty, making $900. you know who defends her, al sharpton, he is not a friend of the y jewish commun community. i applaud bill ackman. by attacking his wife they made it personal. >> when we use they, we're talking about business insider. that publication decided to go after his wife, clearly a revenge against the role he played in exposing claudine gay. but now he's saying i'm going on offense. i'm going against mit, all these publications. what will he be able to accomplish? >> i'm so glad because you know what, let's be clear. the you attack on his wife was a left wing pro hamas attack and basically what bill ackman is
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saying is the left has weaponized journalism. they have weaponized the universities to go after anywho is on the right so what bill acaman is going to do is use his money and expose the left. i'm glad. we need that help. we need that support. and this to me is going to expose the hypocrisy, will, of the universities who are not into education but they're basically into propaganda. what has happened to the jewish students on these campuses is outrageous. it just simply is wrong and it's a failure to address an issue that there is anti-semitism on university campuses. bill ackman did the right thing. claudine gay should not have been in a leadership position. she was incompetent. she he represents the worse of dei hirings. >> she was hired for the color of her skin and fired for the content of her character and by the way ackman has said he used to be a democrat and now he
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calls himself a centrist and he said a.i. technology will make it easy to go figure out who has been plagiarizing in a arriving at higher positions of power. i think this story -- this stos the potential to be very big. nice to see you. >> be nice to the rachel. >> it's getting harder but i'll try. coming up, all crickets over 80% of late night laughs are tar getting conservatives, tie russ says it's time they get a new routine, he's next. first, a tornado rips through fort lauderdale as storms march across southern florida, this as a nor'easter slams new england. rick is tracking the latest, next.
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my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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>> turning to a fox weather alert. coming out of south florida. this tornado came sweeping through downtown fort lauderdale just before 6:00 a.m. last night. cleanup will happen later this week. let's h turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for the forecast. >> we have an active week set up, we had severe weather yesterday, we had a snowstorm overnight and still today across parts of the north east tomorrow, severe weather comes back across the central gulf and by tuesday moves farther to teste, so areas of the carolinas
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and florida under the gun for severe weather. this is the next storm, it will bring snow for chicago up towards milwaukee, green bay, next friday into saturday, almost following the exact same path, so more snow you across parts of western great lakes, more rain across the eastern seaboard and another storm behind that. we had snow the last couple days or the last, say, 24 hours. now some of that snow is going to be seeing 3 to 5 inches of rain fall on top of it by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, it's going to cause rapid snow he melt, the ground s saturated so we have a significant threat for flooding for new jersey and eastern pennsylvania, wednesday and thursday. sundays i like to know show you what looks like the precipitation coming this week. so much of the west getting pummeled with snow, sierra nevadas, parts of california, arizona mountains, colorado, utah getting snow. the snow across the central plains as well. look at this, really significant rain coming across much of the
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southeast, that will keep the flood threat as well in addition to severe weather threat across much of the south. pete, over to you. rachel. rachel: thank you so much, rick. late night comedians making it clear which side of the aisle they're laughing at. >> the horror of what our country would be like if the hate filled dingus gets in power again. >> last night was the fourth republican date debate, it's lie indiana jones movie, three is enough. >> they're going to praise their lord and savior at the cp a ac convention, the convention for the worst aunts and uncles. >> trump and the goons are weird. they're not just weird, they're off--putting. rachel: 81% of all political late night show jokes in 2023
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targeted conservatives. fox news contributor tyrus is here to react. tyrus, couple things i saw. i saw that video compilation and i thought state run comedy isn't that funny but isn't the whole point of comedy come that you y that you're mocking the people in power, how are they mocking republicans and not democrats who are in office and have the reins of power. >> i love what they're doing and i applaud them. keep doing it. you know why? my life is phenomenal. my comedy shows are selling out all over the country. my comedy special on fox nation is everywhere. i was the in lay las vegas. the entire cost cast of your shs
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been on my show. they tell jokes for the audience of one, the mob. if it wasn't for people holding up cards that say laugh on the studio shows, then wouldn't have -- that's the miss the take, the ugliness of being plants. it's not just a black thing. it's a business thing. you see guys who will say whatever they're told to he say because they want the money and they want the sponsors but they don't care about the actual art. and that's the part that's sad because they listen to the mob and they really shouldn't listen to the mob of because comedy is come by. we can all be made fun of, we all should be made fun of and should be able to handle it but keep doing what you're doing, because people don't like it because the average american doesn't come home and go i'm only going to talk to my republican friends today or democrat friends. they turn on the tv and they want to laugh. they want to laugh at themselves and people who are on tv so keep
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it up. rachel: we need laughter more than ever. i think there is a demand for that. we see it on our network. we need you and greg y gutfeld because people need a break from the heaviness. you're making money because they refuse to enter into this equal opportunity making fun of everybody market. i'm just wondering, i get like, yeah, maybe there's corporate sponsors who are leftist who want this but they would be more popular if they were equal opportunity when it came to come he i did. >> i will say this. i will counter with this. they get money too for their individual achievements. there's checks are substantially big wither. my checks, i sleep well at night. and i enjoy doing what i'm doing and i am not afraid, i'm not
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worried about it. my wife has six jobs. i'm not afraid of the cancel thing. no one is safe. i don't like when we have plants on our side, i don't have comedian that's are all -- if you can't make fun of mitch mcconnell, i don't know -- rachel: you mean turtle? is that what had say about him. >> he invented the matrix. we caught him going into the matrix when he just went. rachel: yeah. >> you know what i'm saying? you can make fun of everybody. that's what comedy is, it's. rachel: to make your point, so jimmy kimmel had 101 -- according to media research center, 101 jokes about president trump's kids and only 9 about hunter. i mean, this is -- i mean, hunter writes his own -- it writes itself in terms of comedy. >> i think that was probably one too many jokes about hunter. because here's why.
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jimmy kimmel has 35 million moe people each night who have access to tv to watch his comedy show and this little show called greg g gutfeld an p anchored bs kicks his behind in the ratings so much so that they don't even talk about it. so you know what i'm saying? this little show beats all the big ones with all their giant sponsors and all their stuff. you know why? you know why? i'll tell you why. because we're funny and we will make -- and there are no jokes, if there isn't a joke, making fun of trump's kids, there's not much jokes in it. they're all successful. none of them are in jail and as far as i know none of them are bad artists so we just -- it's just cheap. they're working for the audience of one and i encourage it. the sad part is, at one time
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these guys, k kimmel, f fallon,y were very talented but they got the big checks so they're -- they're written for them so to this day, you worked with me, you've never seen a script. i don't even study. i'm like will cain, i just show up. rachel: the other funny one is julie ban banderas, she's amazi. you can catch tyrus on fox nation and he also has tours and you can check that out. tyrus, you're the best. >> i'm not bad. i'll take it. happy new year. rachel: happy sunday to you. bye, tyrus. >> bye. rachel: coming up, house republicans move toward holding hunter biden in contempt of congress. maria bartiromo on the political fallout, next. and later, as the first winter storm of 2024 hits the
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northeast, eric mccree is here to keep us warm with some southern flavors, just ahead. ♪ we've got no place to go. ♪ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. ♪ soone on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1
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>> this week, house republicans expected to move forward with their push to hold hunter biden in contempt for denying a congressional subpoena last
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month as part of an impeachment inquiry against the big guy, joe. sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us you now. great to see you. >> same to you, pete. >> how do you see this playing out? maria: they're going to hold hearings on wednesday and try to get the votes to agree on contempt of congress charges against hunter biden. that will happen a day before hunter biden shows up in court for his first court appearance on tax charges. remember those. they were filed by special counsel in h loss ra los angele. jathey're not going to provide m with special treatment. he blew off a congressional subpoena. he was supposed to get interviewed behind closed doors. he stuck it in their eye, showing up on the senate side of congress before the holidays saying the only way he'll speak to anybody is in a public
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hearing, each law make aer lawme minutes and you move on. it's hard to get real information on, that's probably why he wants the public hearing as opposed to the one where you're behind closed doors and getting follow-ups by lawmakers many we'll see what contempts of charges mean. we'll hear about that this morning from jim jordan, my top guest this morning, the chairman of the judiciary commit at this. we've got a huge year that we're kicking off on sunday morning futures. you've been talking about it. what a month, congress is returning tomorrow. they've got massive deadlines coming up to avert a government shutdown. so we'll talk about the spending bills. the republicans are saying basically shut down the border or shut down the government and that's basically the call. because we still have these spending issues and no movement on a wide open border. we'll talk with steven p miller and carrie lake about that. we're talking with jeff ratcliffe this morning about
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election interference, whether democrat run states that are trying to trump off the ballot or they want an expedited trial so trump can be kept off the campaign trail. we'll talk to alaina haba, about why he wants charges and jack smith held in contempt and we'll talk with newt gingrich about the start of this incredibly important year. taiwan's election by the way is coming up, that is january 13, two days before the iowa gop you caucus which is january 15th. will china interfere in the taiwan election, china interfere in the u.s. election, john ratcliffe has thoughts about that. we're starting today's show on election interference as we kick off a year that's going to move fast and we'll be watching every moment of this. trump is going to be once again pushing back on all of these
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attacks as he continues to be the frontrunner in the field. so we've got a big show coming up, we've got breaking news as well. >> great lineup to kick off the new year. we'll be watching, maria. thanks as always for joining us. maria: see you in 10 minutes. >> you gotist. coming up, stuck in the cold, chef eric mccree is here to keep your sunday, fun day warm with some southern flavors. i can smell it. will's been enjoying. so is rick. we'll see you in a moment. ♪ - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support,
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and then you're just going to cook it down to what we call a peanut butter or chocolate stage. the chocolate sta stage as you n see it really gets dark. rachel: wow. >> it takes about 30 minutes just constantly stirring and stirring. >> that's what you put in. >> that's a just what i put in, the fat and the flour and then -- >> it's a 30 minute meal. >> it takes some time. we add more f fat. we add in the bacon. a that will render out. and we add in the holy trinity, onions, bell pepper and celery. >> that's a thing in new orleans cooking. >> it's very important. it's part of everything. we add in the proteins, chicken, ssausage, shrimp and crab. you add in the stock, the chicken stock and then this is where it takes time to cook down and add in a little bit of
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aromatics, garlic and parsley, and cajun seasoning which you have to have, a cajun seasoning and, salt and bay leaf and it cooks down and you get something that looks like this. >> i'll move that. look at that. >> and then you have this perfect stew that we can pour out. rachel: thank you. >> and this is gumbo, soup, stew, warm and all of that. >> rice to go with that. rachel: we don't have a lot of time. are you going to tell us about the toddy over there. >> one more for rick. >> the hot toddy -- rachel: this is so good. >> it's a play on buttered rum. we add in a little bit of hot water into something that has some honey, tea bag and cinnamon stick and go ahead and pour in the rockies, it's a bota botanil
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liquor and a little bit of whiskey and let that steep and you want to pour that into a cup and -- that's your hot todddy. >> and use butter to make it more rich. >> he's got a louisiana restaurant in new york, it's file gumbo bar. rachel: my stamp of approval. this is absolutely delicious. a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining.
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will: all right, that's going to do it for us. [laughter] rachel: just had the bread pudding. rick: go to file to get the dessert. pete: go to church. will: happy sunday. say it, pete. pete: i already did. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday


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