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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 7, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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eric: breaking news on capitol hill bipartisan senate leaders
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say they have reached a top line deal on spending. now they're going to raise to submit a final budget deal to avoid a government shutdown. hello everyone welcome to "fox foxnews live i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. both sides have been working for weeks to reach an agreement. congress is a fast leasing fast approaching deadlines to avoid a shutdown for the persons in less than two weeks and the second in less than a month. meantime the pentagon is under pressure to explain why it took so long to reveal defense secretary lloyd austin was in the hospital. even president biden was for days for. >> the disturbing story is one of many coming out of washington for lucas tomlinson has the details he is live in wilmington, delaware were the president spend the weekend at his home there. >> we are covering two big stories this afternoon. first congressional leaders say
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they have reached an agreement on a top line budget that keeps the government funding for 2024 these are top line numbers. this is not a final deal yet and does not include the supplemental bill that would strengthen the southern border and provide money for israel and ukraine. president biden releasing a statement moments ago celebrating the announcement of this top line agreements" the bipartisan funding framework for congressional leaders have reached moves us one step closer to preventing a needless government shutdown and protecting important national priorities. again eric, this bill is not done it will likely face opposition from conservatives in the house. then there is a mysterious illness that landed biden's defense secretary in the hospital. we still do not know the reason why. we just heard from secretary of state who joined the growing list of biden officials who say they did not know austin was in the hospital. >> i was not aware of his
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medical issue. in fact i talked last weekend. and i know we put out a statement addressing. >> here is the statement that blinken just reference that came from the defense secretary late last night it reads quote i could have done a better job of enensuring the public was appropriately injured and formed i commit to doing better. it is important to say this was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure. here is the timeline. late friday the pentagon released a vague statement sent austin was admitted to walter reed hospital on monday for complications following recent elective surgery. the nature of that surgery remains unknown parent one point also became so ill he was rushed to the icu. his authorities were delegated to his deputy he was on vacation in puerto rico. officials say even sheet did not know austin was in the hospital. u.s. forces have been active in the middle east in their bosses absence of carrying out a drone
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strike in iraq on thursday will often was in the hospital and of course u.s. navy warships continue shooting down those drones in the red sea. critics wonder it with everything going on in the world right now why the defense secretary would choose to have an elective surgery right now. officials say the white house was not informed including president biden on austin's absence for over three days for republicans on capitol hill are angerangry the defense secretars missing in action without informing his chain of command. >> apparently national security council did not know it. the white house did not know it. congress did not know it. where in a time of a lot of terminal internationally and suddenly the secretary of defense more than a matter wasn't there, actually sent over false information saying i'm working from home when he's not actually available at all. >> while republicans pounce, democrats rushed to the defense secretary austin. >> he does have a duty to keep the public informed. i don't know if it was him or
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somebody inside the military establishment that decided to do it this way but i am sure he will do better going forward as he said he would. >> white house officials say president biden spoke to his defense secretary at last night to wish him a speedy recovery and looks forward to him returning to the job in the pentagon. >> it was the secretary the b best. but like you and me i guess if you are sick you've got to call in to work and tell them. >> that is right. that is right. >> lucas thank you. >> was a private in the u.s. army there would be a chain of command for. >> that is true thank you. arthel: it has been a brutal year for agents dealing with a record-breaking surge of migrants at our southern border. now dhs secretary mayorkas is heading to the action tomorrow. this comes just days before the house homeland security committee holds its first hearing on whether to move
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forward with impeaching him over his handling of the crisis. >> i don't think anyone sees that it is going well at the border. i cannot find republicans, democrats, independents who looks at the border and said that is going well that's being handled well. the problem secretary trani has as he's working for the president of the united states and these are the president's policies for the problem is president biden's policies of the border not mayorkas in the ways carrying it out this is a big national security issue. if i've seen your correspondent is live with the very latest. >> this morning we saw another group crossing illegally here in eagle pass. it was relatively small in size. about 50 or 55 migrants or so. nothing at all like the hundreds or thousands that we have seen crossing the southern border in the past you. but they waited across the chilly waters of the rio grande and were taken into custody.
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we should also note that as we are out here our teams do see people entering the u.s. out the author's point of entry using cbp one app like they are supposed to pay today on "fox news sunday" texas governor greg abbott said that is one simple way to control the surge enforce existing laws to incentivize migrants to use the proper channels instead of allowing almost everyone to stay in the u.s. as they await their immigration proceedings. >> if you have a valid asylum claim you can go to one of those ports of entry's of which we have 29 just in the state of texas alone. you must make them seek asylum from either the country they are fleeing or from mexico or some other safe country they go into. >> me know border patrol agents and el paso have disrupted another stash house with the help of texas dps where more than 30,000 dollars in cold hard
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cash was seized. likely cartel money. when it migrants from mexico was apprehended and processed for removal. as we said tomorrow secretary mayorkas will be in town making a stop here at eagle pass where he will be meeting with local cbp officials on the ground and also touring some of the operational facilities here. he is not expected to take any reporters questions. so we will keep you posted on that. arthel: absolutely casey stegall thank you very much. before it's the final week before i will republicans cast the first vote of the season. i will coxes on monday a week from tomorrow that is when gop candidates who have been campaigning in the hawkeye states all weekend. mayorkas vivek ramaswamy, nikki haley donald trump all fanning out across the state this week and. built in allusion has caps on
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what all are doing he is live in des moines fo for us now on thoe activities. >> hey eric we are live in grimes, iowa tonight that is because governor desantis wrapped up a townhome for supporters at the sports bar behind us just a short time ago there he shot down rumors that he is going to drop out of the race if he can't beat donald trump on caucus night if he were to come in first place that is something donald trump himself mentioned at his rally last night. talk of that rumor. take a listen. >> i would not tell you who to vote for i would tell you i would not know they are both not good. there is a rumor that iran is going to leave the race right after this i read it. this is video from the town hall event that governor desantis just sat here in grimes a short time it go. he was flanked by his surrogates thomas massie of kentucky and congressman chip roy of texas appeared governor desantis said he would defund the un if he is elected he called for more drilling, drilling, drilling a day number one. call for securing the border
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comments or questions from its supporters and took some questions from me after words when i asked him directly as or any truth to these rumors that you're going to drop out if you cannot beat trump on caucus night he shut that down, take a listen. >> at the light totally made up. when people fabricate these anonymous sources, why he saying that is because he wants people to somehow think why should i go negative 20 degrees weather no, you should show up because we are the one that can get the job done for this country. athat report is categorically false. >> take a look at this video out of urbandale, iowa this is a trump campaign iowa headquarters. were there last night taking a look at some of the volunteers helping out with his campaign. people putting signs together, going out to campaign for him. they told us they have already got the pledges of more than 2000 caucus captains as they are calling them those are people they say are going to go into into theprecincts and find at l0 people to caucus for donald trump on caucus night the night
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of the 15th just a look at that campaign hq there. back out here live i asked governor desantis if he feels the relationship between him and donald trump is ever salvageable at this point he said look at is never been personal for me he thanks it has been more personal for donald trump. he said right now he is accountable to the voters in his supporters and he is focused on bringing them results. i'll send it back to you. >> and vivek ramaswamy was on with us alive at our noon hour he said he expects a big surprise next week so it is all systems go for all of them. good to see you, thank you. >> look, i think president trump was the right president at the right time. i agree with a lot of his policies. he was really good at breaking things. he just wasn't good at fixing them too. >> the worst thing for us is to repeat the 2020 election and have kind of the same thing happen again. arthel: nikki haley and ron
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desantis targeting donald trump in the final push before the iowa caucuses for desantis has poured its resources into the hawkeye state. even saying he expects to win but was a former president dominating the polls, many analysts see a race for second place. so there are plenty more states to go after iowa, all eyes will turn to new hampshire it were we nikki haley is gaining momentum and then nevada and hailey's home state of south carolina. let's talk about the campaign strategy ahead with amar gillespie found it principal blue stack strategies former advisor to speaker john weiner that seemed like a long time ago. all right here we go. are these candidates and making a strong enough case for themselves? >> it's a little bit late on doing them but it's definitely needed. the 2024 election is republicans to lose the need to make a case for themselves. think nikki haley and desantis
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wboth hit on those two points people do not want a 2020 repeat. there were good policies the republicans had put forward and here's why they are running and they really need to separate themselves from trump but remind people why trump should not be our candidate. and i do believe if we have donald trump as our candidate we will lose 2024. that's a disservice to the whole country because right now people are not too thrilled with the biden-harris administration for a multitude of reasons but honestly we talk about our porous borders. migrants flooding into the country. and also recently lack of transparency what happened was secretary often these are concerns people are going to have as they go to the ballot box. is that i'm not sure the situation was secretary austin is going to amount to much we will see it's happening with that. but listen i want to share right now if you and our viewers a foxbusiness poll on the certainty of trump supporters. certain to support, 83%, only
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16% that say they might change their mind. so at this is a done deal might this discourage people from voting or do you really think there is room to peel off voters from trump? >> we know polls can be sometimes misleading and i do think there is an opportunity to capitalize on some the trump voters and sway them to ron desantis and divide up the trump vote. but again the most important part here in looking at those poles is to encourage gop voters who do not typically vote in a primary to get out and vote for to encourage independence who in states where they can vote in a republican primary to get involved and vote in the primary that's our biggest concern as we look toward the general is getting to the primary. historically less than 30% of the voting population vote in a primary election. that is not great for us to end up getting candidates that do not reflect what a general
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election would get them to the finish line we really do need people to go out and vote i think both nikki haley, ron desantis that should be encouraged that as well during all of their rallies especially in these first four caucuses. we have is your hair of your microphone question mike lippitt of your right shoulder quickly. i'm not sure if that's it or not. so what are you expecting out of the iowa caucuses? and how would they set the tone for the rest of the races this year? >> i do think donald trump will likely take the top spot. i also think if you are looking at it from it nikki haley or ron desantis perspective you are really hoping to do well but you don't stop here you go to the next four and then reassess went ron desantis said that's completely a lie is not dropping out that is smart for him to do because they are going to need again to divide up the trump vote and for it nikki haley's camp she's going to hope he stays in there through beyond
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the south carolina quite frankly because it helps her. and again looking to be a general nominee for the gop. one thing i do want to say about secretary austin what i'm saying there is transparency by the administration as a voters and the general public has been disappointed with him. i do think that's going to play a role when they assess the biden-harris administration. it's going to play into it obviously i think the economy safety and security of the board is to number one issue we are talking about. lack of transparency and the arrogance of that i have seen from the bite administration that complaints a voters minds. it is certainly frustrating to witness. >> i understand your point about transparency i am just saying we are in the middle of a serious entanglement in the middle east and perhaps, just perhaps the defense secretary did not want
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just not us but the world to know he was in a more vulnerable situation healthwise i do not know let's just see how this plays out. we pray he does recover. >> absolute. >> thank you for dealing with me and let me fix your hair it looks good. there's just a noise in my it may be those voices in my head. [laughter] i do not know. [laughter] >> thank you. >> nice to see you. take care. eric: voices in the head. a separatist state and city blinken, he is on his way in the middle east he is there now. warning the conflict in gaza cannot be expanded. what about houthis an ironic question rick teran is not back down we will have the very latest on ship attacks and what we can do about iran's aggression. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) i think i changed my mind about these glasses. yeah, it happens. that's why visionworks gives you 100 days to change your mind. it's simple. anything else i can help you with? like what? visionworks. see the difference.
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arthel: beta release today showing israeli soldiers clearing out hamas in northern gaza. this as their focus shifts to the southern part of this trip after declaring quote achievement in the north. today marking three months since the brutal attack on israel when
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it terrorists killed 1200 pe people. mostly civilians took more than 230 people hostage. trey yingst is live in tel aviv, israel with the very latest. >> good afternoon. do want to start with a major development last night that took place when his seven palestinians were killed and one is really border officer on the israelis launched a raid into the west bank city. we understand during that rate israel conducted an airstrike in the west bank against a group of men they say were hurling explosives. a roadside bomb was used to kill the israeli officer in injury to others islamic jihad later claimed responsible for the blast moving to southern israel today does mark three months since the deadly october 7 a massacre. overnight israel announced it has completed dismantling hamas command structure in the northern part of gaza. it also comes as israeli forces
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continue the air and ground campaign against hamas in central and southern parts of the strip amid fierce fighting on the ground get different militant cells israel is facing new questions today about an airstrike near the city that killed two journalists. their car was targeted this morning fox news has reached out to the israeli military for comment about that strike. shifting to israel's northern front yesterday hezbollah fired more than four rockets into northern israel and the initial response to last week's killing of a hamas deputy chairman in beirut israel immediately responded with new airstrikes against southern lebanon. the real focus right now for the jewish state as it lebanon s white u.s. secretary saint antony blinken is in the region today he will be in israel in just a few days to speak with the officials here about two major things. one, the next step in gaza after the war is over and it too, how to avoid a larger regional conflict with hezbollah. arthel: that's a big question hey if the islamic jihad is taking responsibility for that
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explosion, are they working independently of hamas and if so doesn't that represent how complicated this is for idf to go after hamas? >> yes the incident highlights another issue the israelis will have in the coming days, weeks and months. that is dealing with islamic jihad and hamas in the west bank. there are thousands of gunmen and jeanine, and places where israeli forces are conducting raids. but they have the ability to conduct shooting attacks in these locations and commit attacks against israelis. not only in the west bank but here in israel. the five thank you trait. >> the regime in ironic spending that consistently over many multiple presidential administrations republican and democrat. they mean to have -- they have ambitions and the reason they are destabilizing the region.
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eric: john kirby at the white house on that move by more than 100 attacks by iranian backed militias and u.s. forces in iraq. and it serious since mid october. iran also backs the houthis rebels and a llama they've been attacking commercial shipping in the red sea since november forcing major vessel companies to reroute their cargo parade u.s. is responding by moving carrier groups for their north and the red sea and further east in the mediterranean closer to israel. what about the fears of a conflict? what about stopping the houthis? she was president trumps deputy envoy to monitor and combat anti-semitism. now a senior fellow at the independent form joins us. it's always great to s see you. three days ago so latest houthis attack t this hennessey droned toward a war before it blew up. teran is not stopping these
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people why not? what is great to be with you. they're not stopping these people because toro toronto is y clear in their strategic ambitions. they seek to drive the united states out of the middle east. they want to eliminate israel and they are working toward their nuclear program in order to be a nuclear bomb state and achieve regional. and so the question we have to ask ourselves is how did we wind up on the brink of a war is spreading war in the middle east region i would tell you it's the biden administration failed iran policy. they came into office on day one and sought to restore the legacy of barack obama. they treated to reenter the 2015 nuclear deal. they appease the iranians. they d listed the houthis from the terrorist organization list. they stopped enforcing sanctions on the islamic public.
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making them billions and billions of dollars richer. and so what we found is the islamic republic took the biden administration's appeasement policies as a sign of weakness and here we are today truly on the brink of a regional war. see for help on the hours to teran by these administrations, you give them a fig leaf -- make it give them an arm and take the whole thing as you say. how come they keep on repeating the same behavior? and you know what they say if you do something and you keep repeating it the same thing's going to happen progress exactly rights. the biden administration i think at this point need to understand the policy is a failure it's time for them to pivots. here's a sad reality in a hard reality for the administration. but in order to avoid the regional war they are going to have to telegraph strength to the islamic republic they have to stop this appeasement and every time you are the biden
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administration spokespeople spieth, all they keep saying is we want to avoid regional war are not going to escalate. we are going to only act in self-defense. this is the exact wrong message into the islamic republic which is very aggressive. they have their proxies out in every field we know the houthis are attacking international commercial vessels in the red sea. you have hezbollah attacking israel in the north from lebanon and you have the war with hamas and israel right now all of this has the potential for spread in the region. once out to get it behooves the bite administration to do the kinds of things a trump administration did successfully. we eliminated soul amounting and after that illumination president trump got on twitter and told the iranians they had 52 sites identified that he would strike should they retaliate in anyway and you know what happened? the iranians stood down. >> yes they listened in that case. in this case according to the
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administration they have radar sites type targeted they have other locations targeted, missile launch sites are ttargetedbut so far they have hk except for responding to the new year's eve attack on a container ship in which the u.s. sunk for houthis boats that killed about 10 fighters. stopping them from a potential strike? even a radar site? just pinpoint one radar site or a launch pad to give the houthis and tirana message? >> there is no good reason for the bite administration to hold back. because what we have seen to date is not if the u.s. holds back the houthis and all they are running proxies get more and more aggressive and they escalate. what is happening now is that to run the pace of events and retaliation. it is well time for the bite administration to take stronger action thereby prevent further aggression for the iranian
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aggression and further escalation. it's the only way to stop the spread of a regional war. >> do you think it scared of the administration? >> the islamic republic regime the overarching is to maintain power. should the biden administration start to push back in order to retain power they would stand down just as they do with president trump a. >> not standing down apparently yet. thank you president trumps deputy special envoy to the women's form, good to see you. >> a georgia middle school teacher will be fired after witnesses say he is threatening to behead a muslim students. the incident allegedly happened after the student raise concerns about an israeli flag in the
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classroom. madison is alive in atlanta with the latest. >> former seventh-grade teacher is now out of a job after being arrested last month. was taken into custody on december 8 using terroristic threats and cruelty to children. according to county jail records he was released on bond in two s later. nick ttold an investigator issuo the classroom and told him the flag was offensive because they're killing palestinians he got angry, said he was jewish accused her of being anti-semitic. witnesses including staff said they heard cursed and scream should cut the students head off. when questioned by a deputy reportedly said the student was being anti-semitic but denied making any threats or racist comments. the board of education tells fox news they can't discuss the details but confirm he is now out of the job saying and parts we remain committed the safe and
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nurtured for number one priority will be the safety and well-being of students and staff. he plans to seek a grand jury indictment this month. >> madison thank you very much. >> had provided doing the school court this week to be arraigned on felony tax charges. they're moving to hold him into contempt of congress. we can expect to happen in courr "fox news live" continues. swell. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: hunter biden is expected to be arraigned on federal tax charges this week. the sun is only legal headache. to hold him in contempt of congress for defying a congressional subpoena. the house oversight committee will vote on a resolution this week. hehe risked republican jim jordn on what he expects will happen
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next. quick to pass it up committee and passage of the full house which i think we can do then it goes to the justice department that will be the attorney general's decision to press charges. merrick garvin has prosecuted steven bannon. peter navarro for failure to appear in front of congress at subpoena for deposition. we will see what happens when it goes to the attorney general. >> let's bring in a roger for part justice department trial attorney. let's jump in. first about let me get your reaction to what we just heard from representative jordan, does he have it right? but the biden family done is corrupt biden family corruption we expect more the same hunter biden refusing to testify before congress. we arty know d.o.j. prosecuted steve bannon, gave him four months in prison that is what he was sentenced you for not to fot
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cooperating with congressional subpoena. now, will they do the same here now that there is a biden involved? i am highly skeptical the biden run d.o.j. abruptly biden family member this part and parcel the whole scene. a giant head fake by hunter biden. luther's father to the bus, i doubt it. i think he will plead the fifth. i'm willing to testify but only in public under my conditions and then he'll plead the fifth. our house oversight comber said the witnesses could choose to appear in a deposition behind closed doors or in a public hearing. the second hundred biden a choice between a deposition or public hearing? looks congress sets the terminus at the term to make it private even as much is a generous six committee did as well they are all private than they have the full hearing people testify publicly. are you the subject of a subpoena you can negotiate some
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things like privilege and the ie fifth amendment right to self-incrimination. you have to testify in the show legal privilege against it. and that is the dog but is not barked. he's going to plead the fifth he spit indicted for tax charges after the whistleblowers exposed it. they can implicate president joe biden. they go up there and testifies probably to plead the fifth. it's very much a game is that private is a con republic? he is delaying everything pace fast these forced to testify is not going to cremate myself. all these chargers are over his head which could implicate his father. he is some sort of a victim when he is actually not he is at the center of this. what links there are to his father. >> i let me ask you come questions i see your code going to keep going on i want to jump into the conversation. i was reading and analysis in
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the "washington post" who pointed out hunter biden's attorney accuses jordan and company of putting all of their focus on present biden while turning a blind eye towards former president trump and his family's businesses. what do you make of that assessment? >> look what's going on now. president trump has been a persecuted very explicitly. his business owns or under a microscope you have again a politicized d.o.j. it's working all in one direction the going after president trump, throwing the book at him on minor things on his particular case right now in new york there is no victim he is being accused of some sort of financial fraud the banks themselves are not legit he paid back every penny of it. and on the other hand you have this kid's glove treatment hunter biden would've gotten off without any charges and a sweetheart deal until a federal judge said this smells fishy ask questions a the whole thing exploded.
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in about 20 seconds roger, what do you think is going to happen this week? >> they are probably going to issue the referral for criminal prosecution 200 biden is going to go to d.o.j. it's a biden run d.o.j. they very likely are going to do nothing they'll say thank you very much but no thanks this shows a two-tier justice system or steve bannon has four months in jail hanging over said, hunter biden because of his last name is probably not going to be prosecuted for defying a congressional subpoena peacocks are at listen i'm more follow-up questions but i have to go up because i'm out of time. roger, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> my sisters and i are going to bilotta's >> works the kids love it, taking advantage and having fun because of the snow but it is fun and games for the little ones for us adults. we've got to get to work tomorrow not so much.
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many of the flight cancellations a result of the storm today so far hundreds of flights have been delayed cancel across the country. cb cotton what they very latest from there. >> people spent today shoveling or hunkered down this nor'easter brought snowfall to parts of upstate new york, northeastern pennsylvania and at new england. some of these places got 6 inches of snow or more. as the snow continues to pile up late aware as of right now 20% of boston's flights are canceled. over in connecticut similar totals at that airport this blast of winter snow accumulation to the higher elevations of new york, new jersey and connecticut. they did not give new york city the dramatic for now it was
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hoping for most of the snowfall the big apple as of right now the city has not had it inch of snow accumulation and nearly 700 days still emergency officials are closely monitoring the major transportation arteries that connect new york and new jersey. especially for the start of the work week. >> we make sure our bridges and tunnels are flowing appropriately to keep the traffic moving and moving safely and then provide the commuters that they want and need to make sure they have a good commute. >> with temperatures expected to drop overnight in parts of new england which freeze overnight. making the morning commute particulate dangerous. it's best to use public transportation during this wintry weather if you can back to you. >> that looks especially crowded behind you. have you run into any travelers who have been delayed?
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i can cite here at laguardia thethere's not been too many cancellations and delays its further north we are seeing that problem i will say at some of the airports especially over at jfk we are starting to see tsa times increase in terms of cancellations and delays will gordy has been moving very smooth today. eric: i hope it continues that way cb cotton at the airport. if i gotta love the look gordy upgrades i love it. there are new threats from north korea as kim jong un makes comments about south korea and the u.s. that is coming up next.
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♪ ♪ correc but spark some panic ie region it's the third day of the military exercise urging the north to stop stephanie bennett live in the london bureau with the very latest on kim jong un saber rattling. >> that is right. north korea firing 90 rounds off the south south korea joint chiefs of staff said the artillery shells did not enter south korean territory but in the buffer zone between the two countries. causing no damage or injuries this is now the island.
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ordered siblings to seek shelter on that island part south korea says the act threatens peace on the korean peninsula and racist tensions. at some think that it's been happening for the last three days. on friday north korea launched around 200 shells about 60 rounds n in the cnet boundary ad response. north korea military later confirmed the drills are were pt of its military training schedules in the direction of it shows did not expose any threats. the influential sister kim jong un a mock up the debility to detect its weapons launches she says north korea will launch a military strike immediately and response to any provocation. was running high now part south korea fix his military training with the united states conducting joint firing drills with the troops near the border
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new nuclear missile submarine aircraft carrier and larger bombers. warnings from north korea suggest more might be imminent. back to you pay. >> the dark trying to deter kim jong un has been going on for years, stephanie thank you. >> this week a pittsburgh company will try to complete the first commercial lunar landing. there is some controversy surrounding the moon mission. we'll have details for you coming up next. one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now.
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>> a potentially historic moon mission will blast from florida overnight. the company asked robotic will try to become the first private entity to land on the moon but
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the mission is facing controversy after was revealed the spacecraft will take cremated human remains to the moon. for two companies offer space. now the navajo nation since berrien remains on the moon is offensive to its religious beliefs. the mission is partially sponsored by national which is working towards putting ash enough back on the moon. >> back on plan to earth a 92-year-old set a new record for crossing the grand canyon. she completed the 24-mile track in 11 hours and 15 minutes, it took them only ten hours to cross back. he started training for this last january by walking 8 miles a day. a hearty congratulations to alfredo. what a great inspiration. >> absolutely, this week fox news will bring you three big town halls in iowa. tomorrow former un ambassador
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nikki haley at 6:00 p.m. eastern, florida governor ron desantis, tuesday at 6:00 p.m. eastern and wednesday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. former president donald trump, martha maccallum and brett baier will moderate all three only right here on fox news. >> it'll be a big night, eight days from now the caucus, exercise of democracy. all wi's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at
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the studio helly: k


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