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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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time. watch. >> welcome back and, as you know, we came on after a football double header. the big difference between the golden globes and the nfl. on the golden clubs we have fewer candid shots of taylor swift, i swear. more to go to here. sorry about that. i mean, look, not the best joke or the worst joke but it is an accurate joke, joe. >> yeah. i would think there could be some self-deposit prix station. she did not life along. look at that reaction. what is she drinking exactly is that prosecco? i think many people found the joke funny even though many in the room seemed to not find it so funny. there was a game earlier this year taylor swift attended a game in jersey. nbc cut away as somebody actually tracked 17 times during the day. it's accurate. >> todd: cut away now, joe. "fox & friends" begins right
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now. ♪ ♪ ♪ steve good morning, everybody. it is monday, january 8th, 2024. we start this monday morning with a focus on joe biden's border crisis. you have heard all about it. well, today, homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas is going to head to eagle pass, texas to get a firsthand look at the chaos that border agents are dealing with day in, day out. thanks to this administration. >> ainsley: well, his trip comes as the new dhs report reveals more than 2.3 million migrants have been released into our country under the biden administration. >> brian: co-host lawrence jones is live in eagle pass this morning. is he getting a look at the border by air, land and sea. lawrence? >> hey, good morning, family. yeah. we are live out here. yesterday we went into the air to really see exactly what's happening on the ground, on the
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day-to-day basis. today we're going to go from land and take a boat out as well to see what border agents are having to deal with also the texas department of public safety, who i say is the last line of defense. it's going to be interesting because we are expecting the secretary of homeland security mayorkas, we know every time someone from washington comes, the slow of the flow has changed. the cartel knows. this they don't want them to see the real crisis. and so you will see a pause at the border. so, we hope that he sees what really hans day to day on the border. but we're not expecting it. >> steve: you know, lawrence, in the past, he has gotten an earful from some of the agents who work the border. i wonder whether or not he'll have another one of those town hall meetings where people actually open up and say by the way, this is really screwed up. >> lawrence: yeah. he has been under a lot of scrutiny, rightfully so by the
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border patrol union as well as those rank and file agents because he simply doesn't have their back. i mean, we know what happened in del rio where he knew exactly what happened with the whip gate. he knew those horseback officers did not do that. but, publicly, he criticized them. so, i think these guys are under a lot of pressure. these men and women. they want to just do their job, which is to secure our border, go after the people that are doing crimes. they haven't been able to do it. just a lot of processing right now. playing day care. they didn't sign up to to do it. >> ainsley: i know you are going to be talking to folks on the ground. you have been there a few days. you were up in the helicopter and we will be able to see a little of that this morning, thank you lawrence. >> brian: 63% of the country now say this is a crisis and the president needs to get tougher. that's up from 55% in september. it's pretty -- pretty much universally accepted that the border is a crisis and is a joe
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biden man made crisis. and he's got to do something. we could get a framework of some type reef form today or tomorrow. >> ainsley: a lot of people will be going to the polls to vote on this issue. it's a big concern for a lot of americans. >> steve: that's november. see what happens one week from today great state of iowa. the caucuses. >> ainsley: candidates are making final push. they are traveling all over the hawkeye state. >> brian: what's going on over this world we just talked border but now we are talking politics with bill melugin. joining us live campaign trail in des moines with the latest. bill, you were out there yesterday. what's the latest? >> bill: yeah, brian, good morning to you. look, there has been some speculation swirling around that maybe the governor desantis campaign is starting to lose a little steam or little confidence here in the state of iowa. keep in mind he has gone all in on the hawkeye state visiting all 99 of its counties. he has the endorsement of the popular governor out here. as recent as three weeks ago he
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was telling fox news is he going to win this state. here's what he said on december 18th. >> well, look, the victory is to win a majority of the delegates. we are going to win here in iowa. >> bill: and we caught up with governor desantis in grimes, iowa yesterday. after one of his town hall events and i asked him again, directly, does he still stand by those comments that he will win this state? take a listen. >> you previously said, quote: we are going to win iowa. do you still expect that and stand by that. >> look, you know, i kind of like being under estimated if people are going to say oh well, is he not. let them set those expectations. that's fine. i usually do better when i'm the underdog but we are going to do well. >> and here's a look at the latest polling here in iowa. donald trump obviously still with a commanding lead sitting at 51%. desantis just short of 19%. nikki haley just above 16%. trump, obviously, significantly ahead of the others. iowans on the ground have been telling us they really don't
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care about the polls. they don't really trust the polls. they don't really apply here because this is a caucus system. people aren't going out and voting. they are essentially just going out and talking with their neighbors on caucus night. as you take a look at video of governor desantis and governor haley campaigning here in the state of iowa. iowans have also been telling us they feel a strong second place finish for either desantis or haley would be considered a success for them. they have been urging both of those candidates to stay in this race for the long haul, even after the iowa caucuses. nikki haley has an event out here later today. donald trump was supposed to have a couple. those have since been canceled. back out here live, president biden is going to be in charleston, south carolina today. he is going to be visiting the mother emanuel ame church. that was the scene of the horrific mass shooting in 2015 where a white supremacist dylan roof went into that church and shot and killed 9 black people. president biden's visit there seen as an effort to try to reconnect with some of that black vote that he seems to be
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losing support from since the 2020 elections we will send it back to you. >> brian: not only a rumor he was losing steam but quit after iowa because the numbers revealed to him that he is not going to do so well. do you think he was effective in pushing back on that? he said they are quote categorically false a fabricated lie made up in the media. i know it was opinion piece in the hill. he called that report a complete fabrication from anonymous sources he felt is an effort to depress his support make it is not as many people go out and vote for him. negative 5 degrees that night. he said it's false and a way to is dissuade his voters to go out for him. >> ainsley: state of the state address and talk to the folks of everything he has done in the state of florida tonight? i asked him where he was off to
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today and he said actually i have to go back to the state of florida e will deliver that speech. >> ainsley: really campaigning to those folks in iowa. >> steve: bill melugin, thank you for the live report in front of the state capitol on the democratic side it's interesting. news item today that every year j.p. morgan puts out 10 surprises for the year. j.p. morgan strategist michael sim bliss says the top 10 surprises for 2024 he is predicting because of his age and low polling numbers and also lousy job creation creation. joe biden will crop out of the race between super tuesday and november and cite essentially health reasons much like lloyd austin is missing in action. then is he going to be replaced by a candidate named by the dnc. wouldn't that be handy? >> ainsley: super tuesday isn't
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until march. if is he doctoring to drop out wouldn't he drop out now to have the momentum before november. >> steve: lawrence? >> if you talk to the president and his allies, they feel and i don't think when you look at the current polling there is nothing to support it take out of donald trump because the party has become too extreme steve he did that before. >> lawrence: exactly he did it before. the way the president governed in the current situation right now i don't think he could win right now. but, again, the health of the president is not only concerning republicans and independent voters. even his own party. i think until you have party leaders, such as your barack obama and the old guard come in there and say mr. president for
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the sake of the party moving forward, you cannot beat donald trump. i don't see him stepping aside. >> brian: we will have so he see. talking about barack obama "the washington post," they obviously got some firsthand information that obama really went into joe biden the power of donald trump. he says people are under estimating his popularity and he says he grew very animated in discussing the 2024 election and trump's potential return to power. he also says they got to do better to have his campaign headquarters in delaware he worries about trump's political strength telling biden during a private lunch last summer trump is a more formidable candidate than anyone realizes. goes on to simply say got to go on to get people to show initiative. look at some of the experts. they are saying $40 million to sell bidenomics during the summer 2 lost ground. they tried to sell democracy. it's losing ground. what is resonating is trump is
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unelectable. is he not worthy of the seat. hence, the speech on friday where the president went full hitler that trump is the worst thing ever, will destroy the country. but why, if you believe that, why would you do that in giannoing that we're going to hear the same thing for nine months? by the time may comes up we are not going to hear this. >> lawrence: not smart. >> ainsley: democrats have done everything in their power to knock trump out. he has all these federal indictments against him. local state indictments against him. the iowa polls still show him at 51%. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: desantis ray bound at 18%. and nikki haley at 16%. congressman james clyburn he said they're concerned. he has a big warning for democrats. listen to this. >> well, i'm not worried. i'm very concerned. and i have sat down with president biden. i don't know some of those reports. i have also seen at least one report indicating that i have sat down with president biden and i did with him.
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i told him what my concerns are. i have no problem with the biden administration and what it has done. my problem is that we have not been able to breakthrough that maga wall in order to get to people exactly what this president has done. >> steve: when you look back at 2020, it was really james clyburn who helped drag joe biden out of the basement on the democratic side and so that's one of the reasons why today joe biden is going to charleston, south carolina to talk about that terrible shooting down there and coming up at the end of the month on january 22nd, he's going to talk about the dobbs decision as well. the anniversary of that. because those are the two things that joe biden does well on. democracy and dobbs. which really is abortion. >> lawrence: how incredible is
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it though that you have a senior statesman in james dry burn confirming anonymous report and saying, look, i did say that did i talk to the president. i just think the democrats are missing this. it's not about the personality of donald trump. it's not about the maga wall. you cannot sell that things are well when people and circumstances just don't reflect that i think the biden administration has had a hard time dealing with the comparison of their graphs to people who, when they go to the grocery store and they are having to go against inflation or when people see the current border crisis and they're saying hey, we have operational control. there is live camera on fox every day showing people spiraling and going straight across the border. it's not just us anymore. if you talk to democrats, they are upset about this because the problem is just not at the border now. it's been brought to them in their states and cities. >> brian: thanks, lawrence. don't move. by the way the maga wall is the
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problem, again? coming up, where is the transparency? defense secretary lloyd austin still in the hospital as we learn that deputy assuming his duties didn't even know he was sick even though he was in intensive care. will there be accountability? >> ainsley: flight scare, missing part of the alaska airlines plane that blew off in the middle of the flight is found in a man's backyard. >> what's that doing there. plus, i loved. this when i saw it, there was a tear. it is a wholesome viral sensation. >> we can have a sleep over. >> can have a sleep over? well, that's great. >> steve: grandma had no idea they were coming. they came with pillows and sleep over snacks. how one group of cousins surprised their grandparents with an adult slumber party. it's going to warm your heart on this very chilly new york city monday.
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♪ >> steve: all right. now to the fallout from the alaska airlines flight that lost a door plug while in the air
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over the portland area over the weekend. turns out the missing part the door plug was found in an oregon teacher's backyard. todd piro joins us this morning with more. and, todd, disturbing news about warnings ahead of time. >> todd: great point. this whole story is disturbing. like you said that last part absolutely insane. already seeing more flight cancellations today after hundreds were grounded yesterday as both alaska and united performed safety checks on all of their max boeing jets. this comes after a piece of alaska airline plane blew out. shortly after taking out. images from passengers on board the plane show a hole in the side of the aircraft as it returned back to the airport. the ntsb confirming that the two seats right next to that faulty door were empty. thank god. that missing door plug was finally located late last night in the backyard of a portland area teacher's home. meantime, shares of boeing sinking in premarket trading
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today. boeing ceo calling for all employee safety meeting. the company's annual leadership retreat now canceled. alaska airlines and united are the only two u.s. carriers still using the boeing model in question, obviously no longer. alaska airlines already announcing 138 flights have been canceled today while united has grounded at least 204. now it's coming to light that boeing actually sought an exemption from faa safety rules on these plane models just a few weeks before this frightening incident took place. that, obviously, needs to be looked into. but, steve, i think we are thanking our lucky stars that we are not talking about a bigger tragedy if for no other reason than what happens at 16,000 feet. the plane is still ascending. everybody still has their seat belts on. at least they are supposed to. in that instance it saved lives. >> steve: on friday i flew down to florida and i was in that exact airplane the max 9 by
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united the flight attendant came on and very proudly said hey listen, ladies and gentlemen, you are flying on united newest jet in our fleet. and talked about the specks on the plane. and then this happened, i think that's the 26th row of that alaska airlines flight. by the way, according to the "new york times" today, alaska has not flown any long flights over water like hawaii because, apparently, and this is new news today, because a pressure rising warning light went off three times during recent flights, according to the ntsb on sunday, todd. >> todd: i know you remember well that united flight back in the late 1880s where you had a door blow out over water like you just mentioned. we certainly want to make sure none of that happens again. we diverted disaster here. to your point, steve, get all this looked at before another one of these planes goes into the sky. >> steve: no kidding. how scary is that?
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todd, thank you very much. meanwhile, where is the transparency? defense secretary lloyd austin is still in the hospital as we learn the deputy assuming his duties at the pentagon didn't know that the boss was in the hospital. will there be accountability? a lot of people are calling for it today. but, first, an eagle eyed view from our southern border. >> right there, just right past that near the mexican side, you see how fast its moving. >> that current. >> that current, exactly. down the hill, all that trash and clothe something discarded. that's where most of them come across. >> steve: look at all that trash. lawrence is live in eagle pass, texas all morning. he is going to bring more discoveries from joe biden's border crossing. he is next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief.
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my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. >> brian: this developing this morning. lloyd austin remains in the hospital. top officials confirmed they were not immediately told about the extent of his medical issues. didn't know what it was just that he was in i object tense
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pain. alexandria hoff joins us. >> secretary austin says he takes full responsibility the lack of information come out regarding his hospitalization. why he is being treated we still don't know. that stay has be, indeed, included time in the icu. according to the pentagon, quote. on friday, december 22nd, secretary of defense lloyd j. austin underwent elective it medical procedure at walter reed medical center. weighs on leave at the time. he returned home on saturday december 23rd. on the evening of january 1st. he began experiencing extreme pain and transported to walter reed national military medical center where he was admitted into the intensive care unit. there was concern why he would elicking county to have elective surgery with all that's going on in the mideast and red sea. a drone strike was carried out in iraq. the main problem republicans see no one was at the helm and hardly anyone knew. on tuesday joint chiefs chairman
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general c.q. brown was told secretary austin's hospitalization. austin's deputy secretary kathleen hicks was informed that she would be covering certain operational duties she was actually in puerto rico at the time and not told austin was in the hospital until thursday. that's when president biden and senior white house officials were made aware. the following day, so friday, senior defense department officials were told congress was not informed until just minutes before a public statement was sent out to the press. here's republican senator james lankford. >> pretty shocking on this because when you are the secretary of defense, you need to make everyone aware that you are actually going to be out of pocket. worse than he didn't notify the white house. actually notified the white house and everyone else he was working from home during that time period when he was actually hospitalized and his number two was on vacation and not available as well. >> we have bon told that president biden spoke with his second in command to the military on saturday night where he wished him a swift recovery.
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>> steve: alex so, it was an elective medical procedure on december 22nd. that sounds pretty minor because he wasn't in the hospital apparently. it was one of those in and out things. >> yeah. >> steve: any idea what it is? i have scoured the papers. i can't find it anywhere. >> what we do know is that defense secretary austin is a deeply private person. he has acknowledged this in the past. so it appears to be something he didn't anyone to know that he was going to do. this elective procedure. we don't know what it is. we don't know if we will ever going to know. a statement came out any other official that might have been when they would have said hey, this is what i was doing. this is how i was feeling. we didn't get that though. >> ainsley: when you hear elective medical procedure we think cosmetic. we have no clue. because of hipaa we won't find out that information. >> that could be possible. >> brian: here's the thing. do you have elective procedure
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going to the icu in intense pain no sense. >> ainsley: he went 22nd. went out right before christmas. probably time to recover. no one will miss me because it's christmas. >> he has to let the number two people know everything. what if there is a terrorist attack. what if god forebit worst thing happens in america is he in the hospital and number two person is in puerto rico. >> steve: just to be clear about the timeline, he went in, had the procedure. the elective medical procedure on december 22nd. and then he took an ambulance to walter reed on january 1st. on new year's day after talking to the president on a routine call. with severe pain. they put him into icu. so it was private. so nobody would find out. and nobody did for five more days. >> brian: what else? the president has a medical procedure, if the president is having some problems medically, should anyone feel good that we're going to get the information? i mean, this is -- they were supposed to be the most transparent administration ever. >> ainsley: didn't tell the boss. >> brian: will the president tell anybody? >> steve: the person in charge
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while he was gone didn't know he was gone. >> ainsley: did he apologize. he said he handled it incorrectly. there is an article saying this is definitely making eyes roll, heads spin, and is someone going to get fired because they didn't handle this properly? >> steve: right. >> ainsley: we do wish him the best. i hate this is going on. and he was in severe pain and went back to icu. >> brian: is he a military guy. the whole next man up. understand dispatched into battle. you are hurt. put the next american in there. this is something they teach you fundamentally from basic training. be responsible and accountable. total deception. >> ainsley: might be a procedure he didn't want anyone to know about. >> brian: the minute you go to icu, there should be a machine in place. >> ainsley: i agree. >> brian: fan everybody out to know i'm incapacitated. >> ainsley: goes into the hospital on monday. icu. nobody even finds out until tuesday. what if something had happened monday night in our country. >> brian: we are taking out terrorists when we canned houthi rebels are going after our ships. >> steve: more on this in 27
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minutes. right now today dhs secretary mayorkas is checking out the border crisis firsthand when he visits, once again, eagle pass, texas, where it's a mess. >> brian: lawrence jones also getting a firsthand look at the border from the sky and the border chopper. >> ainsley: he joins us live from eagle pass. lawrence, what did you see? >> lawrence: good morning, family. of course, the secretary is coming here because he is under scrutiny and it's also there is an impeachment probe going on as we speak. he is going to have the opportunity to talk with the border agent as well as texas dps. i had the opportunity to go in the sky with him yesterday. this is what we saw, watch. >> the state of texas is the epicenter for america's border crisis. in december, they broke a record of 300,000 migrants crossing the border illegally. so why is the biden administration suing the state of texas and the texas department of public safety? let's find out. l.t., why is texas involved with
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border security? >> the federal government has failed to secure the border. that's why we have to step in as a state and since then the last three years now with operation lone star we have been dedicating state resources. state troopers, infrastructure, building our own border wall, the marine barrier and now governor act is signing an historic law to actually arrest those that are entering the state of texas illegally. >> lawrence: 300,000 crossings in december. what is the magnet for that amount of folks. >> well, the magnet is that we have an open border. there is no question about it. unaccompanied children, human smuggling, fentanyl, every single part of this border right now is open because of what the federal government has allowed. >> lawrence: what about the folks that are dying coming across this border right now? >> you'll see some crossers that are spread out on the field. designate the number of people crossing the river in eagle pass. including women and children. families. it has turned from a law enforcement perspective now to a rescue operation which our men and women are having to do on
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the water every single day. >> steve: helicopters been brought in to look at our border and to provide assistance for you guys and even times sometimes for the border patrol. >> they're the eyes of the sky. right? they not only provide support for our state troopers on the ground but also agencies as well. vital to border security to see what our do every single day in eagle pass. ♪ ♪ >> pressure is holding, two, pressure is holding. lights on.
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>> how deep is that water right there. come across there. >> it varies in depth. i couldn't tell you exactly how deep it is. also right there. just right past that near the mexican side. you see how fast it's moving. >> that currents. >> that current, exactly. when you look out to the right can you see down the hill all that trash and clothing was discarded. that's where most of them come across. >> unbelievable. and that's where they stay before they're ready to cross the border. >> correct. yes. >> now, the deeper that are coming across for turning themself. in how do they react? >> best way to describe what you are seeing coming over seeking asylum. they're on purpose coming over and trying to be caught and processed. >> lawrence, nice to see you down here again. it's been a while. >> i'm glad to finally get out here. thank you so much for what you all do, man. >> absolutely. >> lawrence: you know, guys, tom who is our pilot.
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first met him when he was part of the decks department of public safety swat team. he decided to go to night school and then become a pilot. he was able to tell me how worse the situation that he has gotten on the border. you know, texans, we are americans. but we are texans first. we take our sovereignty very seriously so to see us trying to do something about the problem and the biden administration suing us now is not going to set in very well with the people of texas. >> brian: even new york is suing texas. $700 million bus companies coming from texas. >> ainsley: lawrence. interesting to see all those crosses that represent every person that has died trying to cross the water. the rio grande. thank you so much, lawrence. >> steve: is he going to be there at the border all morning long. meanwhile, switching gears once again. >> lawrence: thanks, guys. >> steve: fox weather alert. a major blizzard is expected to hit the planes and midwest midweek. janice dean is tracking it right now.
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>> brian: plus, 2024 rumors swirling. obama reportedly urging biden to get his act together over fear trump will win again. "the five" co-host harold ford sr. jr. and democratic strategist david can a lubery on their secret meeting. >> heart-warming viral trend breaking the internet. watch this. >> we can have a sleepover. >> you guys have a sleepover? well, that's great. ♪ [laughter] >> are you serious? >> those adult grandchildren were serious and we're going to talk to them and their grandparents, next. ♪
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>> brian: back with a fox weather alert. planes in the midwest bracing for blizzard conditions. this comes after a nor'easter brought a know over to the northeast. senior meteorologist janice dean joins us with our fox weather forecast. >> hey, janice. >> janice: here we go. we have several systems waiting in the wings. let's take a look at what we have got brewing right now across the central u.s. blizzard warnings in effect. and you can see the colder air and then the relatively warmer air. that's key. because we have the potential for not only a blizzard but severe storms along the gulf coast. including tornadoes. so let's talk about the blizzard warning for areas across the plains from texas through to
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nebraska and then winter storm swatches and winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings. some areas could get easily 8 to 12 inches of snow. because we are going to see wind bust gusts. make travel impossible in some areas. severe strorntion including tornadoes in areas shaded in red. a potential for a tornado outbreak. know where you are going to get the watches and warnings. this is a major system that's going to continue to move across the east coast. and by the way, for the northeast, not so much snow but flooding rainfall. several inches of rain and that's giving us a huge warning along the i-95 corridor. as i mentioned that blizzard is going to continue through tomorrow. and then another storm system moves in later this week. so it's an active weather pattern. fox has all of your latest details. all right. steve, ainsley, brian, over to you or it's high, steve. >> steve: that's okay. >> janice: okay. >> steve: it's winter time. thanks, j.d.
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there are growing concerns for the joe biden camp as former president obama according to "the washington post" has pushed for a more aggressive campaign. warning about the risk that joe could lose to donald trump. you can't blame him for being worried as the latest polling average shows trump edging ahead of biden in a hypocritical matchup as you can see 46 to 44. what does his own party think? let's talk to a couple of democrats. joining us right now, screen left. "the five" co-host and former democratic congressman harold ford jr. along with former democratic new york state senator david car luchey. guys, good morning to you. harold, it's not surprising. sounds like they ha lunch couple months ago. being reported that joe said you know what? you need somebody at your campaign headquarters who can make decisions. right now they have to go through the white house they weren't very nimble. >> first, thanks for having me on and happy new year. david and i have known each
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other a long time and been around campaigns for a long time. i wouldn't be surprise interested in were not a few more meetings. look at the meat where they're substance where they are. talking before going on air. the economy is improving. social issues favoring biden in the last two elections that we have had abortion or reproductive rights, women's healthcare choices have been on the ballot and democrats have done well. on the republican side, if you hear them, and i think what probably president obama was urging president biden to think about is the border and other issues are critical issues. if you don't empower people at your campaign hawkeys, which is 100 miles away from d.c. to make decisions, you could find yourself behind the proverbial political 8 ball at a terrible time. so, i wouldn't be surprised they didn't have one or two more of these meetings. democrats have to acknowledge and republicans, too, we have not had a more successful campaigner, at least in our party over the last 24 years than barack obama barack obama essentially chose hillary clinton to replace him and joe,
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it's not your turn. go sit down. >> right. hey, it was the timing, right? and it's important to listen to president obama. he walked the walk. he was in the similar situation at the time going into re-election. remember, he was at that time record low favorability. so i think what obama is trying to relay to president biden is that it's not about boasting, right? the economy is doing well we see the indicators. >> people don't feel like. >> boast something not working. what you have to do is contrast. that's what you saw out of valley forge. it's about saying hey, you might not be happy with all that i'm doing, but you will be really sad if you elect next president donald trump. and that's why you see the contrast. it's about people don't believe the positive. they believe the negative. so you better switch it and say, hey, this is what you are going to get with a trump presidency. >> steve: harold, the current president hasn't really attacked by name the former president until this past friday when he
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came out, guns blazing, talking about january 6th. today is he going to talk about the terrible shooting down in charleston. and then at the end of the day of the month talk about borings. essentially he has let trump run up the score and biden has just been sitting on his hands. >> look, i probably would have done it a little dillerly. they are doing it now the way i think it should have been done. david raise greats point in terms the contrast you have to begin to draw between the two candidates. this is going to be a tough race, democrats should not kid ourselves. donald trump is as good a political athlete as we could face going forward. this may be the longest general election in my lifetime and we'll see if former president trump can settle these things early february. if he does, we will get a good fight about the economy. you can't tell people they're safer, healthier, doing economically better if they don't believe that you have got to get out and demonstrate what you have done and why four more years will help do you even more. >> steve: david, i will give you 10 more seconds but you will make it 206r7b8g9s that's right. i think it's about contrast.
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right? negative campaigning works. it works for a reason. it's unfortunate. it's the environment we are living in. once we get out of this primary, if donald trump is the lead contender, that contrast is going to be so important. one scandal after the other, every day we hear something about donald trump. doesn't matter for the primary. but it can't bode well for independent voters. this will lead to another victory for biden. >> steve: that was 24 seconds. david car lubery, harold ford jr. >> thank you very much. >> steve: one week to iowa. >> brian: headlines now for the first time in 50 years, the united states is going back to the moon with the historic launch of the ball can rocket from cape canaveral overnight. if successful it, will be the first ever lunar landing by a private company bringing equipment for nasa to conduct experiments. now sports. now to hawkeye, team u.s.a. securing gold in the world championships.
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offer after the game the young men singing hearts out as the american flag was raised. watch. ♪ for the land of the free home of the brave ♪ >> brian: nice a few of those patriotic young americans will join us in about two hours, so stay tuned. then they will go right to the nhl. now over to ainsley. >> ainsley: that was really special. thank you, brian. it's the viral heart felt trend sweeping social media. adult grandchildren are surprising their grandparents with unexpected sleepovers. they are bringing food and games and movies just like when they were children. >> hi. >> hi there. >> we came to have a sleepover. >> did you? >> you are going to have a sleepover? >> yeah. >> fun. >> well, that's great. >> are you serious?
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[laughter] >> best surprise ever. >> so this has all within planned all along? from. >> grandmother that video, karen gamble. also known as nanna joins us with her husband and grandpa. and two of their grandchildren matthew and brook. hey, everyone. >> hi. >> good morning. >> hi, good morning. brook, i understand this was your idea. you talked to your mom. y'all planned it. tell us about that. >> so i had seen like the trend on tiktok. and i sent it to my cousin tori, actually. and then we were shopping with my mom one day and i kept seeing these tiktoks come up. i was like oh my gosh we have to do this for nanna and gr grandd. i showed my mom in kohl's. she starts bawling when we were standing in kohl's shopping. that's the sweetest thing ever seen. you have to do it. nanna will absolutely love that my aunt is shopping with us. you have to show aunt kelly. so i waited until we got in the
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car and aunt kelly's reaction was the same as my mom's. she started crying immediately. she says you have to do this for thanna. immediately we knew that nanna would love this so much. >> ainsley: nanna, you have seven grandchildren. i know they grew up spending time at your house. you have would take one or two every weekend. you kept a calendar so everyone felt included and equal. seven of them, as they are grown in your house and surprised you, what was your reaction? >> well, we were so blindsided and shocked and full of love for those seven children it's hard for me to not get emotional when i talk about them because we just love them so very much and the fact that they would give up that time and come and spend their night with us and throwback to the times that we had with them was just unbelievable. >> ainsley: that's sweet. grand dad, how about you? wayne, what did you think? what did you all do throughout the night to pass the time? >> we played games, watched tv. talked.
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laughed. all that good stuff. >> ainsley: what that did mean to you? >> very. because we love them so much. it really gets you right in the heart to see that. >> ainsley: matthew, 41 million views on tiktok. your family is one of the famous viral families that is doing this. now you are on national tv. what's your reaction? and what did it mean to you? >> my reaction is just overwhelmed. i had no idea this would blow up like it did. absolutely crazy. just -- it was the best night that i could have ever imagined having with my family. so being able to spend all that time, especially with nanna and granddad. we do get to see them quite often. we don't always get to see them together at the same time. just enjoyed our time together and got to spend one more time with nanna and granddad before going back to school and get ready to restart our lives. >> i think one of your concerns
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join us. we were having trouble with our shot. tori, good morning. >> good morning. hello. >> ainsley: tell us about the experience from your point of view. >> it just was amazing as always. we had so many great memories with them when we were little staying there. it was great to experience that as adults now. and go back to playing games and like laughing and watching tv and just being in their house and brings back all those great memories from when you are little. >> ainsley: nanna, all that hard work you poured into these children's lives growing up. makes me emotional. what i would do to have a sleepover with my grandparents. i knew all four of them. i don't have them anymore. hats off to you kids that you are young adults now, what you have done and thanna, i will give you the last word. what's your message to other young people that are watching this that have grandparents? >> well, i just wish so
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important to stay connected the love and joy we felt having them all under our roof that night is something that will last with us forever. it was just overwhelming. and they are the center of our world. and -- >> ainsley: sweet. >> i wish everybody got to experience what we experience dhad night. it brought back some memories from sleepovers with them when they were just tiny little children and my heart is just overwhelmed with joy. >> ainsley: well, it's a really sweet story it. reminds us, especially during election year and our country is so divided that we still have really good people out there doing the right thing. and you, nanna, and grandpa, taught these kids to be like this. thank you so much. have the best day. i hope y'all continue the tradition. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback?
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