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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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spirits. coffee, tea and soda, coca-cola being a game changer around the world. what's great about this, it's very entertaining but really informative. the research was great and full of facts and figures we have never assumed we would know about these important fluids that we drink. we drink every day. >> steve: it looks like you are drinking with your snl alumni. thank you for joining us. good luck to you, the six-part special the history of the world in six glasses is now available on fox nation. great, dan. >> it's worth the price of admission. >> brian: thank you very much. >> he didn't tell anybody about it. the question i have is okay, in
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the chain of command it was broken. why was it broken an how was that allowed to happen? he told everybody he was homeworking. he wasn't in the hospital. how did this happen? why did they think it wasn't important that the president of the united states or anybody else was informed? >> out of office. defense secretary lloyd austin leaving his bosses in the dark about a hospital stay at the worst possible time. all this happening while iranian backed militias hit u.s. forces overseas in syria and iraq. a mystery on our hands not solved yet. i'm bill hemmer. hope you had a grand weekend. >> dana: great to be with you. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." it is baffling and the more i hear the more questions i've had. we'll get to all of those. the strange saga engulfing the biden administration in controversy raising questions about who exactly is at the helm of the pentagon with so much at
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stake. >> bill: secretary austin went in for electrictive surgery before christmas december 22nd. on january 2nd, last tuesday, the pentagon's number two official takes over a lot of his duties without knowing that he is actually in the hospital, we're told. three days later senior pentagon and congressional officials are told about austin's status. turns out he was admitted to the icu while at walter reed on new year's day. last thursday is the president finally told about his absence. >> dana: fox team coverage. pete hegseth is standing by. jacque heinrich live at the white house where the biden administration is scrambling for answers. >> one of the most stunning parts about this is the u.s. carried out a drone strike killing two people, including an iraqi military leader in baghdad, last thursday. and we still don't really know who oversaw that order as it was being carried out.
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on tuesday the two kathleen hicks was given operational responsibility transferred to her by secretary austin on vacation in puerto rico. two days later thursday the 4th around 4:00 a.m. eastern time the u.s. carried out that drone strike. it wasn't until that afternoon that hicks was told austin has been in the hospital since mon the 1st. she notified congress and the press and made plans to travel to d.c. on friday. she was told austin should be assuming his full responsibilities by then. on thursday the president and national security advisor were also informed. the highest ranking republican roger wicker said why was the notification process not followed and who made the determination not to follow it? what role did the secretary of defense's staff play? when was the president notified? what justification did the department have from withholding
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information? to what extent was the secretary incapacitated by his surgery? it's unclear how long secretary austin was in the icu. he resumed full responsibility on friday from the hospital where he remains as far as we're aware. antony blinken had no clue about this when he left for the middle east on thursday. >> i wasn't aware of his medical issue. in fact, i talked to lloyd last weekend before this incident. again, i think he put out a statement addressing this. i will let that statement speak for itself. >> what would your policy be? >> i won't get into hype that calls. >> secretary austin apologized for the lack of transparency in a statement this weekend. u.s. official told fox this was an elective surgery he didn't want the public to know about. u.s. troops were attacked by our count eight times between the time that austin was admitted to
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the hospital and on friday when he resumed his full responsibilities. another interesting thing our pentagon team points out it looks like the last time austin spoke to his israeli counterpart was on december 28th. we don't have any indication that kathleen hicks spoke to the israelis during the time that she was given certain operational responsibilities, dana. >> dana: it's an incredible story, jacque. keep some notes for future speeches. thank you. >> bill: pete hegseth "fox & friends" weekend co-host. good morning to you. military man yourself. what do you make of this, if you can make? >> you can't make sense of it. this broke over the weekend on "fox & friends" as we're trying to put this together. at first we thought okay, it must have been an elective surgery gone wrong. they made a snap judgment in the moment to not notify anybody. the new information this morning is significant. an elective surgery on december 22nd. there were nine days of pain and
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then he elected to go back into the icu which means this was intentional. everyone around the secretary had an opportunity to think about what those steps should be. who do we notify? what's the protocol? you can give grace if it happens like this and you don't want to public to know. they didn't tell anybody. the question is, did nobody miss austin is one question. no one is looking for the defense secretary? the second question is no one felt like we had to tell joe, the commander-in-chief? he is not looking for austin? then the timeline is striking. the strike in baghdad that killed the iranian leader was last thursday. >> bill: seven hours ahead of new york. >> corresponds to 4:00 a.m. d.c. time. joe hadn't been notified of the fact that secretary austin was out of commission. so who is making that call? is it the second if command in
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puerto rico on vacation on a secure zoom? what a disaster. >> bill: who is making that call. >> dana: it's so baffling. >> that's a possible massive escalation. you kill an iranian leader in baghdad. >> bill: you think about the criticism that has been leveled against the department of defense and this administration for not hitting iran back after week after week and month after month and then he is in the hospital? she has authority over decisions? did she pull the trigger without his knowledge? and was that her opportunity? >> if she did pull the trigger didn't she have to notify the white house, jake sullivan. >> dana: it's baffling to me that the president and secretary of defense wouldn't want to talk about that day before the strike to let them know if he was on board. michael waltz tweeted january 4th the u.s. launched a
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drone strike in iran killing a high level iranian backed militia leader since the hamas attacks on october 7th. how was this authorized with the secretary of defense and the white house unaware? those questions need to be answered. i understand calls that secretary austin should be fired. i understand that. what a breach of protocol. if the white house doesn't care about the breach of protocol and says cool, everything is fine, what does that say? >> exactly. we've seen this lack of accountability before, dana. look at afghanistan. you have an abject failure in afghanistan, white house spins it a win and keeps austin where he is. secretary austin was awol just like a riffleman in my platoon. if he didn't show up to work for one, two, three, four days and
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no one was notified, you are getting fired, demoted, lack of pay, whatever it is. our secretary of defense is a woll, no one knew about it. president didn't know about it. that's a scandal. the white house will have to deal with that. >> bill: last thursday in baghdad at noontime an iraqi militia member traveling in a vehicle in baghdad with another individual and we take the strike. and we have not done that in how long? half a year? >> soleimani is the highest profile. >> bill: did they follow chain of command and did they say this is our time to strike because we're overly frustrated with the lack of response against iran? >> dana: that's a great question. >> it matters what the rules of engagement do. what does the theater commander have of a strike list. people known terrorists that we want to kill and if you get the opportunity to kill them, go.
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you want to have that kind of prerogative for commanders. that could be the case. with the tineder box after october 7th and escalating attacks on our troops. 150 since october 7th. every strike like this has geopolitical implications. >> dana: the president has -- i think it would have to be elevated. >> dana: the president hasn't hosted a cabinet meeting since october 2nd. they never got together after october 7th is everybody on the same page, do we support israel. >> it leads you to believe what is austin doing? how long has he be a figurehead? >> dana: he is not providing a lot of air cover for the secretary of state. >> blink len is running around the middle east meeting with everybody and austin is beep, beep. nobody knew. >> dana: we wish him well. it's mind blowing. thank you. we mentioned secretary blinken on the move and now in saudi
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arabia. he is trying to prevent the war between israel and hamas from spreading to a wider conflict in the region. >> bill: the idf has assassinated a senior hezbollah commander, he was killed by an isly strike in lebanon. he had been targeted for his role as acting commander as the elite forces and reportedly the primary official responsible for training militants. watch that story. another strike north of israel. we'll bring you more as we get it. chilling revelations about hamas, israel saying that its forces found evidence that iran is training that terror group to assembly and operate precision-guided missiles. photographs recovered at a gaza weapons production site proves it show what idf says is a rocket engine and cruise missile war head all built by hamas. >> dana: iran was able to access
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billions of dollars previously frozen under sanctions at the bank of oman. >> revenue iraq paid to electric tris weigh was moved to the back in -- the chairman of the subcommittee for oversight and investigation for financial services wants to know where the money went. >> benefactor of terrorist organization, iran now has access to more money. due to waivers in sanctions 10 billion in electricity revenue was moved from iraq to the bank of oman. the money has been accessed. >> there have been two transactions. >> when pressed for details. >> it would be inappropriate for me to speak in an open setting about the financial institutions in detail. we'd be happy to in a closed setting speak more about it. >> the chairman of the subcommittee says no follow-up meeting happened. >> they've thrown boat anchors
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out. whatever analogy you want to use. the point is they have not been transparent. >> the administration insists money freed by sanction waivers is restricted to aid. >> it would go to approved vendors that would purchase food, medicine and agricultural products. >> budget support for legitimate expenses is freedom for weapons. >> when we deny resources to the regime and enforce our sanctions they actually have less money to spend on terrorism. >> spokesman for the treasury says holiday scheduling slowed down briefings of the money. >> dana: mike tobin, thank you. >> we heard a really loud boom and the plane just filled with air and wind. >> bill: this will get your
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attention. terrifying scene 30,000 feet. the door on a midair flight blows out forcing an emergency landing. how did this happen? how are the passengers today? take you back to that story. >> dana: the southern border may be far away from the heartland but it's on the minds of iowa voters and you are about to hear. >> bill: also poet i can justice. the man who lunged at the judge in vegas during a sentencing hearing expected to appear before that same judge in court today. so how will it go this time? introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required.
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with two photos of the door plug and said he found it in his backyard. >> bill: a key piece in that alaska airlines nightmare flight uncovered. a plug flying off mid flight on friday blowing open a door forcing emergency landing. thankfully no one injured. investigation, you bet it's underway. a boeing 737 maxx nine. the aircraft was under restrictions from long distance flights after warning lights indicated a loss of some cabin pressure lit up on three different flights previously. does that make you feel any better i ask you? >> dana: always strap in. leave your seat belt on. allies on iowa with one week left. we'll start the race for the white house. the economy is the most important issue weighing on
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voters decision following by immigration and foreign policy according to recent fox business polling. let's hear from the voters themselves. justin barr, jill and emily peter. great to have you here. something has happened on this panel that we have not had before. i think we should point this out before we go to questions. that is that for each of you, your number one issue is immigration and the border. you all have different candidates you want to support. let me show you this. call for two. distance from iowa to the border, pretty significant, over 1,000 miles. this is still an issue that is on your minds. let's listen to the leading candidates on the border as they've been speaking to iowa voters. >> we need borders. we had the strongest border in the history of our country, now we have the weakest border. >> no more safe havens for illegal immigrants. instead of catch and release we'll go to catch and deport. >> my two top priorities is the
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border at home. >> dana: emily, who are you thinking of backing next monday night and why is the border so much on your mind? >> great to have here. im not 100% certain who i will vote for yet. i am listening to all the different perspectives. i would say because of nikki haley's experience with foreign affairs and her position of being tough on the border, i am leaning more towards her for next week. but i'm excited for the town hall on wednesday to hear more from both of those candidates and that will be a key issue that i am listening closely to. >> dana: nikki haley tonight and desantis tomorrow night and trump wednesday night. let me ask your thoughts about the border and your decision to back trump again. >> there is a lot of tough talk on the border. when you get down to it it's a
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real humanitarian crisis. there are so many people sounds harsh but pouring into the country. there are unaccompanied minors and strained and stresses the resources our country hawes and law enforcement, customs and border patrol and national guard there helping. something like while we're a ways away terre the border. our governor helped with a pact with the texas governor requesting assistance to help take care of the border. it is not a safe situation. we want to welcome people here legally and they can contribute a lot to our country. >> dana: jill, you are leaning desantis. tell us why. >> well, i'm leaning for desantis because he has already assisted the governor in texas to help with border patrol there. i feel like he has made it a priority even in his current position as governor of florida.
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so i feel like he has already made this a priority and dealt with this issue. i feel like he can best contribute as a president. >> dana: let's just pull up here call for number one, fox business most recent poll showing trump in the lead at 52%, desantis 18, haley 16 and ramaswamy seven, christie three. i only have a minute left. let me go to each of you to find out. what are you hearing from your friend group, family there in iowa? what do you think the turnout is going to be, emily? >> i think people are excited. everyone that i have talked to so far is planning on going to caucus next week. i think people will show up. >> dana: how about you? do you think the desantis folks seem organized going into it? >> yes, i think they're very organized. a lot of ground work being done by the desantis campaign and they are very organized and there has been a lot of good
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events where there is very good turnout for the event. so i'm happy to see that. >> dana: justin, the last word on the issue of immigration, do you think the three of you are not the only ones who have that at the top of their list? >> right. i think iowans work hard and they will be excited for this caucus to be able to have their voices heard as first in the country. this is an important issue, humanitarian horrible sights you see are troubling. president trump had a great track record as president securing it. >> dana: thank you all . i know it will be cold. we're packing up and will be there with all of our mittens. >> thanks. >> thank you, excited to have you. >> dana: see you in a few days. >> bill: seven days ago, three town halls on fox this week beginning tonight with nikki haley. then tuesday with ron desantis, both at 6:00 eastern.
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on wednesday donald trump is at 9:00 p.m. eastern. martha and bret will be there to moderate. we'll be in iowa next sunday noon to two with perino and hemmer. do it again on monday and the fallout for you on tuesday. then we'll get a state of the race in 2024 for republicans. >> dana: indeed we will. >> bill: looking forward to it. >> dana: i am. this is an unfortunate situation. violence erupting in new york city. one migrant says everyone has a knife. the fight that caused the killer stabbing. >> do you expect to coach the team here next year? >> dana: jets fans say it was a great way to end the season. the question is will bill belichick remain the head coach of the new england patriots?
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>> bill: so we have a slight update now on secretary lloyd austin, still in the hospital as of today, we believe. according to jeff mason from reuters he is reporting the president, joe biden, is not considering firing lloyd austin. that's according to a white house official earlier today. also unaware whether or not austin was unconscious in the last several days with his hospitalization. as you know he has been in there since 12-22 he said. that was the friday before christmas. and one more note here from reuters. he took full responsibility for the secrecy in quotes right there. that from reuters a moment ago. we'll keep you posted throughout the day if we find out more. in the meantime, air force one getting ready to take off. >> dana: more violence in new york city due to the out of control border crisis. tensions running high at makeshift migrant shelters.
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one fight took a deadly turn over the weekend. the "new york post" describe the tent cities as hell tear shelter for good reason. we're live from randall's island in new york city. >> a lot of things unfolded over the weekend with the migrant crisis in new york city. one migrant was stabbed one time in his torso and trashed a local hospital. but he didn't make it. it unfolded here on rand always island saturday night after 7:00 there happening outside the migrant shelter. these were sports fields for kids. they're home to massive migrant facilities. you can see there police responding to the area after the guy was reportedly surrounded and attacked. investigators say he had more than one stab wound. it was a 27-year-old migrant arrested for this fatal stabbing now charged in connection to this incident coming hours after chaos erupted outside another
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migrant center in new york city. a migrant tried to cut the long line where hundreds were waiting to sign up for temporary housing. they wait for hours for this. that's when the fight broke out. two nypd officers were injured and two guys face charges in that case. people who live nearby say this line is always snaking around the building. listen. >> there are literally hundreds every day lined up around the block, all the way to the next block and around the corner. >> right now at least 70,000 migrants are being housed and fed by new york city. more than 160,000 migrants and counting have come to the big apple since 2022. the "new york post" reporting that over the weekend a group of migrants were arrested for shoplifting after reportedly trying to run right out of a store in manhattan with thousands of dollars of designer sunglasses in the last 72 hours. we'll keep an eye on what's
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going on at randall's island. >> bill: in the meantime you have bill ackman and heard the name a lot in the last two weeks. billionaire hedge fund manager. graduate of harvard university now planning to use artificial intelligence to search for plagiarism at elite american universities. all this coming less than a week after claudine gay resigned at harvard after facing 50 allegations of cheating. today there is a more personal reason why bill ackman is taking a stand. for that answer and that story lydia hu from fox business has more now. >> good morning. this proposal for an a.i. generated plagiarism audit comes from accusations hurled at ackman's wife who also earned her ph.d. from the elite university. ackman is escalating his demands for reform at higher education by pushing for the a.i. powered plagiarism review writing this. every faculty member knows once
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they work is targeted by a.i. they will be outed. no body of work can survive the a.i. searching for missing quotation marks or the failure to properly credit the work of others. ackman suggests the consequences of a plagiarism audit could be widespread writing this. it could lead to the wholesale firing of faculty, donors terminating donations. federal funding being withdrawn and a massive conflagration where universities sue one another about what is plagiarism and what isn't. he has been one of the most critics since october 7th and taken particular aim at his alma mater harvard. started with demands for names of students who blame israel for the terrorist attacks on israel to the terminations of claudine gay amid her weak testimony on capitol hill and mounting allegations of her plagiarism. a strawn much critic of
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diversity, equity and inclusion allowing anti-semitism to spread on college campuses and he says he is willing to invest in an a.i. startup to review academic plagiarism across all institutions. >> dana: open it up and let's see. thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well, bill, guess what? the jets delivered a final blow to the new england patriots losing season putting head coach bill belichick's future in doubt. >> as far as the future goes, i'll sit as i do every year at the end of the season and we'll talk about things as we always do. >> dana: fans are split on his future. grateful for delivering six super bowl rings. some fans think it is time to move on after missing the playoffs the last two years. belichick could be coaching a
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new team. one could be the washington commanders who fired their coach this morning. >> bill: i do now, right. ben keeps us updated. belichick has had a hell of a run in new york if it is the end. his winning percentage. most teams would take that. >> dana: six super bowl rings. i also think that ben's prediction of harbaugh going to new england is the right now. i'll say that right now. we'll see what happens. >> [bleep] [shouting. >> bill: this was the video of the week last week. the man who attacked the judge is back before the same judge today. what will happen? dr. fauci testifying before congress. will lawmakers get answers to questions that he has avoided for nearly four years? >> millions of people died and it is related to a funding
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decision by anthony fauci to fund dangerous research in china and they've given him a pass. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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[bleep] [shouting] >> dana: a sentencing day in las vegas as the courtroom assailant and judge he attacked are back in a las vegas court today in the same room. wonder how different it will be? william la jeunesse has the latest for us. >> imagine what they're thinking, right? this judge saying this guy wanted to kill me and now i have to sentence him and it probably won't be a great day. he was supposed to be arraigned on thursday for assaulting the judge but refused to show. this time he doesn't get a choice. the judge says he will be in
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court three hours from now by any means necessary. likely in shackles. unlike last wednesday, when judge tried to sentence him for attacking someone with a baseball bat. >> i shouldn't be sent to prison but it's appropriate for you, you have to do what you have to do. i figure that if i'm in a better place in my life. i'm not on drugs or committing crimes now. >> i think it's time he gets a taste of something else because i just can't with that history. in accordance with the laws in the state of nevada -- [bleep]. >> so an hour later at the county jail, red-in told deputies he tried to kill a judge and the judge had it out for him. he has a lengthy record for battery, destruction of property and violence. he has been before the judge before and got probation.
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the chief judge is considering more security in courtrooms beyond a single marshal. >> this is a very unique situation that as far as i know has never happened before with somebody supermaning over a judicial bench. we're already on top of doing everything we can to make it -- make this as safe as possible for everyone. >> what kind of sentence will the man get? two to four years according to the probation report for the charge on the baseball bat. interesting, dana, is if they say anything to one another. tomorrow he will be arraigned before a different judge for attacking her. >> dana: okay, william la jeunesse, thanks for the update. >> how worried are you about black voters showing up for president biden in november? >> i'm not worried. i'm very concerned. i have no problem with the biden administration and what it has done. my problem is we have not been able to break through that maga
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wall. >> bill: there you have the democrat james clyburn on president biden's chances on winning re-election. not the only high ranking democrat that seems wobbly. "washington post" story got obama worried about trump urges biden circle to bolster campaign. press secretary -- i guess, jose, it is common sense to think the only reason why we know about this lunch at the white house from several months ago is because team obama leaked it. >> look, whether they leaked it or not i think the important thing here is that i do agree with the former president. i think the biden campaign needs to be more aggressive. it looks like it will be the short republican primary and what will be a long general election. the biden campaign needs to
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press on the accelerator. the message needs to be very clear. if we do not want the united states of america to turn into the next venezuela and into the next cuba where they don't respect the law and order, they don't respect voters' rights and what have you, then we cannot elect donald trump. it has to be very simple. the positive things the economy rick biden campaign needs to push it. i agree with president obama, the time is now to press on. >> bill: we'll become cuba if trump goes back to the white house. that would be something else. doug, what do you make of the comments? call for one. obama recommended that biden seek counsel from obama's own former campaign aides which biden officials say they have done. what did you make of the piece? >> well, to me it goes back to where joe biden's approval numbers are. if he were at 48% approval and 50% of the country thought we were moving in the right direction the biden campaign doesn't have those concerns. what we've seen is mass up popularity through every segment
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of the population. white voters, all voters. he is under performing with all the groups speaking to why his campaign is in the trouble it's in. he has gotten some good news on the economy with numbers moving a little bit but what we know is inflation may be transitory rick costs aren't. voters are still very upset with what they're spending or not spending on because they can't afford the big ticket items and they experience every day and week of their lives. >> bill: i think both of you quickly another topic appears likely that joe biden every two minutes will mention january 6th and maga, right? that's the way the campaign set out. mitt romney said this from over the weekend. he said as a biden campaign theme, i think the threat to democracy pitch is a bust. january 6th will be four years old by the election. people have processed it one way or another. biden needs fresh material, a new attack rather than kicking a
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dead political horse. jose, has he got a point? >> i disagree. i think what happened on january 6th three years ago is something that people still -- they don't forget. should never be forgotten. the biggest democracy in the world and if we let somebody like donald trump come back to power we might not have a democracy. i think it's very important. at the same time i do agree that things are looking better. eight or nine months from an election. if the trend continues, inflation continues to go down, gas prices continue to go down joe biden will have a very good election night. i will say i don't think the polls today are a true reflection where voters are. we remember 2016 hillary clinton every single poll in america that hillary clinton was going to be president. they were wrong. i file this they continue to push biden is doing bad. we shouldn't worry about polls. let's run the campaign and biden should be more aggressive. i agree with obama 100%.
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>> bill: do you think it gets worn and tired by then? >> potentially it does. joe biden's campaign raised a million dollars between his speech in valley forge and this morning. not insignificant. what romney is speaking to here and coming from romney is significant he is not a donald trump fan. is what are the issues that voters are going to be focused on? first and foremost in their minds. it goes to the economy and the situation at the border. those are issues where joe biden's numbers are absolutely in the tank. again, with every segment of the population virtually. >> bill: thank you, doug and jose, thank you, two good topics on a monday. we'll talk very soon. well done. thank you. >> dana: numbers defy come present hessian. a flood of migrants going across the border under mayorkas. now heading to the epicenter of the crisis. kickoff is only hours away for the national championship game between michigan and washington. who has the edge? ♪
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>> dana: the stage is set. it all comes down to michigan versus washington. wolverines facing the huskies tonight at nrg stadium in houston tonight. let's bring in a former quarterback. his state of the union. he will be up all day like we will be on march 7th. what should we expect for tonight, big game, good game? >> absolutely, dana and bill. great to be on with you. coming from a rainy houston the good news nrg stadium does have a roof, which will be closed. it is ugly. i think the game will be spectacular. you have basically contrasting styles meeting together, if you will. washington loves to throw it around the yard. they have the number one passing offense in the country behind
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going against a michigan team which has the number one scoring defense in the country. of course, we know jim harbaugh, michigan a blue blood program going up against a relative, you know, underdog in the washington huskies. basically pick your style of what you like to root for. i think it will be a fun game. >> bill: michigan a favorite by 4 1/2 is the latest line. here are the headlines, danny, about the cheating scandal this past year. michigan football under investigation for sign stealing, on it goes. harbaugh paid a big price, suspended for several games. the ultimate redemption for him, you have to think it is on his mind. you know it's on the mind of the other coaches and players. you think the ncaa was right in the decision they made this past year? >> yes, definitely. michigan's biggest defense has been hey, everyone is cheating, we're just the ones that got caught. that doesn't really hold up.
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they admitted to doing it. it has been out there now. the extent is what god them into so much trouble. you mentioned the vindication and sort of for jim harbaugh's reputation that took a hit. amazing this michigan team has been able to turn the tables. normally this type of distraction side show would be something to tear a team apart. they have used it to draw together. jim harbaugh called all the criticism and speculation about what's been going on an unfair advantage in his words. it is michigan versus everybody. you see those shirts from wolverines fans all over the place saying you can criticize us all you want, call us cheaters, do whatever you want but we're taking this moment to show that we're the best team in college football. it has worked up to this point for him >> dana: what do i do when somebody says are you taking the over/under or something like that? >> you nailed it. the total is what you are talking about. it's at 56 1/2 points.
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so if you don't know if you're like i don't know if i want to root for michigan or washington, you can root for a lower scoring game which would be under 56 1/2 points combined or you can go over which would be both teams scoring a total point over 56 1/2. what i will say is beware of the over because almost overwhelmingly people like to see a lot of points and the oddsmakers are well aware of that. the under is what i like tonight is the under because i do think that michigan defense is pretty stout. you nailed it, dana, you're catching on. >> dana: i appreciate that. >> bill: who do you like, danny? >> i like michigan even though most of america will be rooting for washington. the pure story of the huskies doing it the right way. the third time michigan has been in the playoffs. i think they knock down the door this time. their quarterback is special. the physicality of michigan is


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