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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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like i don't know if i want to root for michigan or washington, you can root for a lower scoring game which would be under 56 1/2 points combined or you can go over which would be both teams scoring a total point over 56 1/2. what i will say is beware of the over because almost overwhelmingly people like to see a lot of points and the oddsmakers are well aware of that. the under is what i like tonight is the under because i do think that michigan defense is pretty stout. you nailed it, dana, you're catching on. >> dana: i appreciate that. >> bill: who do you like, danny? >> i like michigan even though most of america will be rooting for washington. the pure story of the huskies doing it the right way. the third time michigan has been in the playoffs. i think they knock down the door this time. their quarterback is special. the physicality of michigan is
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supreme. >> bill: well done. >> dana: critical crisis along our country's unsecured southern border is getting worse month after month after month. today homeland security secretary mayorkas mayorkas will make an appearance in eagle pass, texas, he will look at the record number of migrants flooding into the united states. welcome. i have to go with michigan. >> bill: i'll go washington. we'll decide tomorrow. >> dana: are you over or under? i will go with the under obviously? i'll go with the over. $1 bet. secretary mayorkas visiting the border today days before the house homeland security committee holds its first impeachment hearing against him. the border crisis becoming a central campaign issue. watch it throughout the year as democrats wake up to the political consequences at the southern border is having on
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their chances. and on president biden's campaign. this graph telling the story with the migrant surge repeatedly setting monthly records. more than 300,000 encounters in december alone. the senate's top republican negotiator saying a deal on immigration and border policy could be within reach this week. wow. >> i don't find republicans, democrats, independents that looks at the border saying it is being handled well. the problem mayorkas has he is working for the president of the united states and threes the president's policies. this is a big national security issue. >> bill: former acting ice director tom homan joins us in a moment. first to the border we go. casey stiegel starts us off live in eagle pass, texas, where the frigid weather has turned dangerous. what's happening there today and with mayorkas's visit? >> good morning to you. this is going to be at least the fourth visit that secretary mayorkas has made specifically
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to the community of eagle pass since this crisis began. later this afternoon, he is scheduled to meet with sbp agents on the ground here and also stop by federally-run facilities to receive operational updates from those working out on the front lines. late afternoon press conference is now scheduled. originally he was not going to take questions from reporters. this community has been the primary epicenter of the immigration surge and cbp sources tell fox since october 1st there have been more than 785,000 migrant encounters along the entire southern border. texas governor greg abbott on "fox news sunday" says he has sent eight letters to the biden administration regarding problems this is posing not just for texas, but the whole country. >> i personally handed a letter to president biden and secretary mayorkas when they showed up in el paso, texas, outlining five things that they could do that would eliminate the crisis at
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the border. in response to all eight of those letters i have heard absolutely nothing from the biden administration. >> now the cold weather also adding to the dangers out here. mexican authorities rescuing a mother and her four children from the banks of the rio grande river yesterday. the family had got stuck trying to cross and had been in the water for some seven hours and were suffering from hypo thermia. they did make it back to the mexican side where they were picked up. bill and dana. >> bill: thank you so much. casey stiegel live in eagle pass, thank you. >> dana: for more on this tom homan former acting director of ice, fox news contributor. call for number two. democratic lawmakers are even upset. >> there is a crisis at the border. and i don't know how anybody could pretend there isn't. >> i talk to secretary mayorkas and the white house and there should be a coordinated national
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plan for where these migrants arrive and texas shouldn't have to bear the entire brunt nor denver, chicago or new york. >> we're collateral damage having to deal with this. >> dana: all right. we have mayorkas at the border today. you have increasing pressure from democrats. will anything change after this visit? >> i don't think so. what a coincidence that mayorkas is heading to the border today when the numbers have been down for the past week. where was he in november and december when we had historic numbers? as far as the democrats raising concern, where have they been the last three years? you can tell it is election season. they're playing the political game as usual. >> bill: here is a sound bite from cbs on sunday. the house speaker mike johnson taking on these questions as whether or not house republicans will go with the deal for the senate. >> secretary mayorkas is not a good faith negotiating partner unwilling to enforce existing federal law and lied to congress
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repeatedly and lied to me personally under oath. he stood in front of my committee on multiple occasions and insisted that the border is closed and secure when everyone in america knows it is not true. he is not a good faith partner. >> that's a semantic argument. >> that's a matter of objective fact and he lied to congress repeatedly. >> that is a matter of semantics in terms of people being apprehended. >> bill: what he is talking about there is a bill in the house called hr2 and there is a lot in here that i don't know if the senate and white house is going to go for this. debating this for 3 1/2 years, tom. require department of state to negotiate with countries like el salvador and guatemala. resume activities related to building the wall. do you see any daylight for something like this to be passed under this current congress and president? >> it has to, bill. let me explain why. hr2 is a recipe for success.
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we did it under the last administration, trump administration. all the elements of hr2 are important. you can't piecemeal. take this piece and that piece. they are all interrelated. you have the whole parole policy being abast. asylum system being abused. remain in mexico. these are pillars of hr2. you have a recipe to make a cake. if you leave out flour or eggs the cake won't be good. hr2 is effective. if the democrats are serious and really want to secure the border they would except hr2 and implement it. it has proven to work. i hope it's a big part. i don't have a lot of faith langford is bringing back. i think it will be weak. they need to go to hr2 if they want to fix the border, we have a proven plan that works. here is how you do it.
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>> dana: republicans, though, have a margin of two, i think, in the house. langford is pretty much saying he can bring along his team there on the republican side. then the white house, of course, is run by a democrat. as you mentioned it is an election year. republicans don't reject border progress that some in the house gop want to preserve the chaos as a campaign issue rather than solving the problem. is it your position that it would be better to get nothing if they can't get hr2? >> i think hr2 is what they need, yes, i do. proven successful. the problem you have langford negotiating with mayorkas, right? that's like talking to an arsonist how to put out a fire. he hasn't reached out to career law enforcement officers like myself or rodney scott. guys who spent decades on this issue working for six different add min trigss. we haven't received one phone call what we think would work and what we know has failed over
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the last six administrations. bring in the experts to the table like the trump administration did which ended in great success. politicians talking to politicians never works. it makes me sad to say that but that's just the stone cold fact. you need the people who spent decades on the border and saw success and saw failure to help you find success. so i just hope they reach out and let us be part of this solution so we can help fix this problem. hr2 is extremely important. 112,000 dead americans, hundreds of known suspected terrorists. people off the terrorist watch list. 600% increase in sex trafficking in women and children. 1700 migrants died on u.s. soil. at what point is it enough to force real change and real success which is going to save lives? not only of the migrants crossing the border. this will save lives of americans by the politics. >> bill: it might be smart
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politics in a campaign year. it remains to be seen whether or not they concede to what you are looking for. tom, thank you, tom homan with us today. the mystery continues. the missing door plug from an alaska airlines flight was found in the backyard of a teacher in the state of oregon. ntsb now studying the investigation on that terrifying flight and dan springer is live in portland with more on this. what more do we know today? hello. >> the deal is finding the door plug has to be a help to the ntsb piecing together what caused the blow-out and 16 terrifying minutes until that plane got back on the ground. investigators combed over the boeing 737 max nine and the hole when the door plug flew off
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minutes after the take-off with the plane at 16,000 feet elevation. 171 passengers on board along with six crew members. the cab-in lost pressure, oxygen masks came down. a boy's shirt was ripped off his body and cell phones flew out of the plane. air traffic controllers did not know if it was a terrorist attack or not. >> wide as a refrigerator and high as 2/three of a refrigerator in flight. all the air masks dropped. >> no injuries, a boeing executive told me on background he has never seen anything like this before. it almost has to be a mistake made when that door plug was installed. that job was done by spirit aero
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systems, the contractor in wichita, kansas the made the fuselage. this airplane was only delivered to the airlines two years ago but signs of problems. on three previous flights a warning light came on indicating there may be an issue with pressurization. it was thought to be minor. maintenance was scheduled and plane was put on restricted use. >> we do know that for -- there was a decision by alaska airlines to restriction they put in place, that prevented that plane from being flown to hawaii over water. so that if some light did illuminate it could return quickly to an airport. >> bill, that maintenance that was scheduled was never done before the incident on friday night. by the way, alaska and united and other airlines that have the
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max 9s had to cancel thousands of flights over the weekends because they were put on the ground by the faa until an inspection can be done. that should all be done in the next couple of days. we should get all the planes back in service. the ntsb the focusing on that plane specifically and not the entire fleet as they look into the cause of friday's accidents. >> bill: thank you for being on that for us, dan. >> dana: he was face of the public health response to the coronavirus pandemic. now dr. anthony fauci is on capitol hill on the hot seat. what lawmakers want to know. >> bill: defense secretary's lloyd austin raising a lot of questions in the hospital after troops were under attack. general jack keane on deck to answer those. >> dana: biden calling maga republicans a danger to democracy. is that a winning message? >> democracy is the most urgent question of our time.
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>> dana: the pandemic maybe i over but not the scrutiny of the public health response. anthony fauci on capitol hill for a new round of questions. mark meredith with more. >> dr. anthony fauci retired from government service a year ago. republicans want him to answer their questions about 200 pages worth what led up to and what happened during the pandemic. new video of fauci arriving on capitol hill moments ago for the hearing which will happen behind closed doors before the house select committee on covid-19. fauci will testify publicly at a later date. republicans on the committee say they are investigating if fauci down played any possibility of a lab leak that may have first
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sparked the pandemic. the chair of the committee says dr. fauci clearly was the scientific face of covid during the pandemic and spokesperson under both administrations. we are going home to our constituents who want answers to a lot of things. lawmakers remain interested in uncovering how researchers through grants spent taxpayer money at a lab in wuhan china. it recently discovered a woman met with u.s. officials about the issue back in 2017 roughly three years before the pandemic. lawmakers also raising alarms how the national institutes of health conducted reviews of the grant money handed out to researchers across the globe. there was recently an inspector general report that found the nih did not insure that foreign grant recipients completed an submitted required annual audit reports saying work had been done to track the money. before leaving the government fauci said he has an open mind
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about the origins of covid-19 and intelligence committee has offered mixed opinions here but warned we may never know for sure where the virus came from. >> dana: mark meredith, thank you. >> bill: he was out of office defense secretary lloyd austin taking flak for keeping his hospitalization a secret. deputy of the pentagon without knowing austin was hospitalized took over some of his duties. critics say it is incredible that the commander-in-chief was left in the dark in the white house. >> this was intentional. everyone around the secretary had an opportunity to think about what those steps should be. they didn't tell anybody. no one felt like we had to tell joe? >> bill: retired general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst. general, good morning to you. relying on you to set the record straight here and let us know what's happening. he went in the hospital 12/22, readmitted january 1st. stayed there until at least january 4th of last week. there was a major hit, militia
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leader in baghdad last thursday. can you put this together and explain to us maybe the significance of the commander-in-chief not knowing? what's up with that? >> well, certainly a breakdown here in the established reporting protocols for principles involved in our government. normally these are just routinely handled staff to staff. so, for example, if a principle was home with a virus, flu, covid, that's reported. is the principle able to perform duties while doing that? that's reported as well. principles on leave with family. that's reported, where are they on leave, certainly. if a principle goes into any kind of medical procedure involving surgery reported. that's usual. if a principal is in the hospital, even just for one night, that's reported and then, of course, the qualification is the principal able to perform duties or not.
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in this case certainly at some point secretary austin was not able to perform duties. so there is clearly a breakdown here. this is routinely handled staff to staff. we don't know all the facts here in terms of why there is such an incredible breakdown like this that is highly unusual and certainly deserving of reporting on it. so i think we have to get the facts. the administration has to come forward and this is what we're doing about the breakdown to fix it. the sooner they get that done, the better. and look, the congress is going to do the same thing if the administration doesn't do it. given the strike that took place, the centcom commander was given pre-authorization decision making authority to take that strike down. this is routinely done. administration obviously approved the targeting of this individual. the militia leader in iraq.
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because once you i.d. a target, you don't have much time to be able to execute it. that's why he was given pre-authorization authority. that was not an issue where secretary austin was or was he present for duty and what his capacity was. >> bill: liz frieden saying senior defense official saying the president and austin had already authorized the action earlier. the secretary was aware of the actions on the 4th of january. anthony blinken is meeting with every leader he can in the middle east. a significant concern of a widening war in the middle east. how real are those concerns today? how much do you believe we can have the power to contain it? >> well, i think it's already happening. iran is directing much of the activity in the middle east, to be sure. they are not involved in the day-to-day tactics that hamas is
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executing but the fact that the iranian-backed militia's is attacking our bases in iraq and syria they have instigated that. the fact the houthis are using all the iranian rockets and missiles and drones to attack shipping, they are involved in that. those are already expansions of the war between hamas and israel. certainly what hezbollah is doing driving 80,000 israelis out of their homes in northern israel with continuous attacks every single day is obviously an expansion as well. the shoe that no one wants to see drop here is that hezbollah doesn't just target northern israel, but uses its 130,000 rockets and missiles to target israel at large, which they have the range and precision to do. that would be major expansion of the war and the concern people
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have and fundamentally why our carrier strike groups and additional squadrons have been brought into the region to convince the head of hezbollah and also the supreme leader in iran not to pull the trigger and expand the war significantly. >> bill: good to see you on this monday morning. >> 2024 is the final battle. our final battle. we'll win that battle. >> 2024 is make or break for this country. >> we can do this, we will do this. the energy on the ground is good. >> dana: only a week left before one gop hopeful claims victory in the hawkeye state. they are urging people to get out and vote. can it move the needle? ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america
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♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. >> bill: we're one week from iowa and you will hear a ton
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about it coming up soon. show you a little bit how iowa runs the show here. the difference between a caucus, which is even more rare in american politics than it's ever been before against the primary. simply stated you have to show up in person. that's a big deal. you will hear a lot of campaigns talking about we have first-time caucus goers. but do first-time caucus goers show up? we'll watch that. versus a primary where you can absentee ballot, early vote and show up in person and vote the day of the election itself. caucus sites across the state, 1700. schools, different buildings throughout different 99 counties in iowa. they will serve as the caucus sites here. primary is typical like a vote. cast ballots throughout election day. no ballots in a caucus but a sheet of paper where you can write down your candidate for which -- for whom you support run by the political parties there. republican state party in iowa is in control of this as opposed to regular primary where the
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secretary of state would do this run by the state and done in voting booths. another thing here, with the rules, all right? 7:00 central time arrival. that's when you show up. 8:00 our time. you have to be a resident of iowa, at least 18 years of age, registered with the party. that's critical, too. you can't just be an independent or even a democrat that caucuses next monday night and you must have an i.d. as well. with the 7:00 central time i think our time we'll see the colors on the map start to fill in a little bit around 8:20, 8:30 east coast time on monday night, all right? you pick your person. put it in the box, tabulate them, send them in and find out who wins your particular caucus we'll get to the delegate bats.
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california has the most for republicans. iowa has 40. it is only 40. but it has significant impact on the impression you make as a candidate in your campaign all the way out here through the primary. you need to get 1250 roughly in order to get the nomination. bill melugin knows that live in des moines getting things set for us. good morning to you. what's happening today live in des moines? >> bill, good morning to you as well. there has been some media speculation out there that maybe the desantis campaign is starting to run out of steam here in the state of iowa. keep in mind he has gone all in on the state visiting all 99 counties in iowa and he has the endorsement of the popular republican governor here as recently as a few weeks ago, he was saying he expects to win the state. here is what he told fox news december 18th. >> look, the victory is to win a majority of the delegates. we will win in iowa.
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>> we caught up with desantis after one of his events here in iowa yesterday. i asked him again directly does he still stand by that, does he still expect to win? here is what he said. >> you previously said we're going to win iowa. do you expect that and stand by it? >> i kind of like being underestimated. if people will say he is not, let them set those expectations, that's fine. i do better when i'm the underdog but we'll do well. >> here is a snapshot of the current polling in iowa now, donald trump still with a big lead sitting at 51%. desantis and haley far behind. but we've been talking to a lot of voters in iowa telling us they don't care about the polls. they don't trust the polls and feel they don't apply. bill, as you mentioned, it is a caucus system. not just show up and vote. neighbors getting together to talk to each other on caucus night and make their choices. back live one quick thing to point out. an opinion piece in the hill
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over the weekend speculating desantis would drop out of this race if he doesn't beat trump on caucus night. desantis tells me that report is categorically false and in it for the long haul. >> bill: see you soon in iowa. thank you very much. bill melugin in des moines. >> dana: iowa political analyst and radio host jeff stein. it is so good to have you. i have to own it up for you to talk. you said great points. one of the things you are watching is that key number of 50%. why? >> in all of the contested caucuses, only twice has a candidate gotten more than 40%, much less 50. the last time was george w. bush in the year 2000. so if trump comes in with 46%, that's a record for the caucuses. 50 is important because of the optics. it shows he has more support than everybody else combined. those are the numbers he is looking at. he wants to deliver an early
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knock-out punch. >> dana: then so haley and desantis are the next two that could possibly come in second. tell us about that contest and how you see it. >> i don't know where desantis goes if he does not finish second. haley is already polling very well in new hampshire, the next race. her home state is the race after that. so if she does pull off a second place finish in iowa, that gives her tremendous momentum and where does desantis go? he put all the chips into the center of the table in iowa. he needs to finish second or else those rumors may become reality. >> dana: is it possible he could come in second? >> absolutely. he has been consistently second or statistically in a tie with haley for second. they are working very hard. the trump folks have elevated their ground game as well. the money is the issue. haley has all the money going into this last week if you
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believe advertising and events as a predictor of that. >> dana: has the money made a difference -- significant difference for any of these candidates? >> for haley and her instituted pacs it makes a huge difference because they were ready just at the time that she started gaining some traction. that was after the hamas terror attack and her credibility as a former u.n. ambassador helped her as she was speaking to the public. she was catching fire at the right time just as desantis was starting to cool after his initial burst. you hear her on radio and see her on tv. that's a message that even though we say we don't want to rely on ads, it is the last thing people here before they go out the door on caucus night. >> dana: you mentioned vivek ramaswamy has done the full grassley visiting all 99 counties twice. energetic and out there and gets earned and social media. could he surprise on caucus night? >> he again has an all-in for
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iowa strategy. i think he has to finish in double digits or else again the question where do you go from here comes to mind? but again, nobody has done the full grassley until ryan -- ramaswamy has hit all 99 counties, some more than twice. all of them at least twice. that's the ground game that may spur new voters to show up because that's who is really attracted by his message. those who feel disenfranchised. >> dana: would those break trump's way, too? >> absolutely. usually in a caucus you have to commit more. folks who are not the long-time republicans might decide to stay home if it's snowy or cold. but trump voters are a different breed and as he noted the other day, they will crawl on broken glass to get to the caucus site.
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>> dana: it might be icy and snowy that night. follow him on twitter, he has all the info. >> bill: j.p. morgan puts out a surprise list. did you know this? >> dana: i didn't know but i love it. predictions for 2024. >> bill: i would draw your attention to number three, president biden withdraws from election. do you agree with that? >> dana: ten surprise predictions? it feels like now that it's january 8th it feels like it is getting pretty late to do that. >> bill: it is his call, right? we've only seen it once in 50 some odd years. >> dana: the other thing that caught my attention was number nine. a major u.s. electricity or gas outage could happen partly because of supply and demand and what we're doing there. >> bill: i like the -- i believe once and for all. in a moment here taylor swift taking it on the chin last night offering up her version of no comment after she was made fun
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of during the awards last night. >> dana: just jokes. >> bill: if looks could kill we'll show that to you. joe biden super ageer is the 81-year-old president aging backwards? that's what some suggest. what jimmy failla thinks about biden's geriatric timeline. ♪ dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way with aveeno® daily moisture. formulated with nourishing, prebiotic oat. it's clinically proven to moisturize dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno® liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ somebody would ask her something... ...and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her.
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>> bill: apparently some medical experts think we're asking the wrong questions about joe biden's agility. they argue joe biden is a super ager, someone with the physical and mental fitness of a person much younger. he is deaging as he goes? fox host saturday night jimmy
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failla. we know him as jimmie. also the host of fox across america on radio every day. hello, sir. >> bill: great to see you. since i've known you, you haven't aged. you're doing all right. >> i aged a little on the way here. my face is on two time square billboards. i was like wow, i owe a lot of people money. is it good to have me findable? let's talk about the aging things. i want to thank dr. pepper. nobody watching joe biden takes the study at face value. they make a point about age but completely omitting condition, okay? my uncle sam is 96 years old. much older than joe biden. it is thought about age, it is about condition. uncle sam walks five miles a day. we can't find him. the point is he is out there. >> dana: i think that this is so preposterous it is almost like -- we've had a lot of weird doctor things happen lately.
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>> bill: it's like a time machine. >> dana: sign me up. >> they are trying to turn the biggest negative into a positive. for every voter we've seen the polls saying 70% have concerns. nobody watching would let joe biden drive their kids. if you -- >> dana: he hasn't driven in five years. last night's golden globe award and a swipe, funny about taylor swift. she didn't like being called out. >> the taylor swift reaction in a nutshell explains why ricky gervais isn't hosting the golden globes anymore. these people don't like to be the butt of jokes. they are used to being the most important thing in the universe. laughing at yourself is the most endearing thing you can do. >> dana: let's show a little after she didn't like the joke. >> welcome back. as you know, we came on after a football double-header. the big difference between the golden globes and the nfl, on
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the golden globes we have fewer camera shots of taylor swift, i swear. >> dana: i thought it was funny. >> bill: it's a nice rib. >> a very innocent joke. >> bill: that's the joke and this is what he said afterwards. >> some i wrote, other people wrote. robert de niro is here. i got the gig ten days ago? you want perfect monologue? no, shut up. you are kidding me, right? slow down. i wrote some of these and they are the ones you are laughing at. i didn't write all these. that one is not mine. >> disowning the joke. >> bill: you are on stage and write your own stuff. what did you think? >> c plus but the audience a d. they take themselves too seriously. jokes are supposed to be treated like a buffet. you throw it on the tray, if you
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don't like it. keep walking. we get our own tray. you are not supposed to yell at the guy who serves spare ribs. they are just jokes, move on with your life. >> dana: she knows how to get press. she takes that relationship very seriously, which is great. >> may or may not be telling people she is on the debut episode of my show. >> bill: we have something for you. your son is six foot five? >> he is getting a scholarship. kelly clarkson has boundaries with her kids. her 9-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son will not be allowed to join social media platforms as long as they live under her roof. the star singer shares her children with her ex-husband who apparently doesn't let them use social media either. >> dana: good co-parenting right there. >> bill: is that a good thing
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for them or do you want to ditch the house right now? >> i love this. social media, i say this all the time, is a fight club for people who don't want to get hit. you can log on any hour of the day. post a picture of your dog. too bad trump is going to prison. the less time your kids spend on social media the better? >> dana: by the time those kids would be on phone social media will be over. i want to believe that. >> bill: it's the devil. if you disagree follow me on twitter@jimmy failla. >> dana: see you saturday night. thank you so much. want to get you to this. house republicans could hold hunter biden in contempt of court for refusing to appear for a deposition. but will the u.s. attorney appointed by hunter's father actually prosecute? you can't gen because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted.
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while no one in the biden administration knew for three days. journalists, lawmakers, american citizens demanding to know why it happened in america that he could vanish? it's kind of a communist china thing. plus one week from today the people of iowa decide who they want to see as the republican presidential nominee. and house republicans say hunter biden is in a lot of trouble, legal trouble. congresswoman kat cammack, phil holloway, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: thank you, harris, want to bring this to you now. videotape a moment ago from the holland tunnel which is the entrance point in lower manhattan from new jersey and there are numerous pro-palestinian protestors there out in the street. we're getting word from the nypd it is not just the holland tunnel but the manhattan bridge,
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williamsburg bridge and brooklyn bridge have protestors around them as well. see how it unfolds throughout the day. anywhere from 50 to 200. >> dana: this is dangerous for public safety and they should be removed immediately. in addition to that, there is a poll out from gallup on friday that said these protests are backfiring on the protestors because support for israel is actually staying steady or going up with some constituents. >> bill: if you know anything about manhattan, this is a log jam for traffic in and out of the city based on what they're doing. we'll watch and see how it develops whether or not they're removed soon. you have something else, right? >> dana: house republicans will hold hunter biden in contempt of court later this week for refusing to appear at a closed door deposition. the u.s. attorney who will decide whether to press charges was appointed by president biden. david spunt live in washington.
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what can we expect? >> this is the contempt resolution draft released by the house oversight committee this morning. house judiciary and oversight committees will start contempt proceedings based on what hunter is doing there this photograph. he is on capitol hill on december 13th but didn't show up for a scheduled deposition via subpoena. he gave a lengthy statement outside the capitol dome. jim jordan and james comer say contempt is the next step. steve bannon and peter navarro were also held in contempt by the dc u.s. attorney for ignoring a subpoena. their cases were different. they claimed executive privilege but prosecuted by u.s. attorney matthew graves who was appointed by joe biden. before the hunter contempt issue gets to his office must pass the full house and need to decide whether or not to prosecute. a real court of law. speaking of an actual court of law hunter biden will be in federal court in los angeles thursday to answer for nine tax
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charges, three are felonies. i'll be outside of the courthouse in l.a. with updates on thursday. >> dana: david spunt. >> bill: we have updates. apparently john kirby at the white house is telling reporters the president and lloyd austin spoke on saturday. some knew that perhaps, dana. >> dana: i read that yesterday. the conversation was described as cordial. >> bill: morehead lienls. biden continues to have complete confidence in austin. no plan other than for austin to stay in his job. and they spoke several days ago. maybe they spoke twice, maybe saturday and last thursday. biden looks forward to having austin back at the pentagon as soon as possible. he has resumed all authority carrying out duties from the hospital. >> dana: they might try to put all this in a box and hope it goes away. i don't think that will cut it. we'll see if there is more. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: you have to tel


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