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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 8, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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the education establishment, took on teachers unions, he's doing all the things you want in a president. when the people of iowa here and see that, they are excited. on the road with casey because the governor is in florida tomorrow. he will be back in iowa, i will come back this week and after i go to washington try to -- on the bed spending bill. i think we are in surge mode. we are going up, president trump is going down, and nikki haley's cratering after she dismissed iowans, saying to new hampshire that they have to correct iowans. i think desantis is going in the right direction. >> we will watch closely. thank you very much. good seeing you again. an update for the major markets, and in particular -- coming back with a vengeance. that of course after we shatter the nine week winning streak. that was maybe a comeback. who knows? here is "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> hello. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with jessica tarlov, jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> the secondary -- >> president biden refusing to talk about the scandal that could have put american lives in danger. the defense secretary face and calls to resign, after keeping both biden and senior officials in the dark on his recent hospitalization. for three whole days, america's defense secretary went awol with two wars raging in ukraine and israel. that's because he was secretly -- in the icu after a couple occasions following elective surgery. the second in command was put in
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charge while she was on vacation in puerto rico, but even she didn't know her boss was in the hospital. according to politico, one official was told that the secretary was "working from home for the week." the pentagon now claims it did not give an update about boston them, because his chief of staff had the flu. and, austin is no longer in the icu, but he remains in the hospital. so far, it looks like he will face no consequences for his deception. >> i want to make sure i put a fork in my answer to you. there is no plans for anything other than for secretary austin to stay in the job and continue in the leadership that he has been -- >> jeanine: "the new york post" pointing out a critical question on the scandal.
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"how could president biden not know this? has defense secretary was missing." it's not just republicans that were upset as outrage continues to grow. >> this demonstration would conceal a elective minor surgery for a cabinet secretary. what might they be concealing about joe biden's health? >> not an appropriate way -- >> suddenly, the secretary of defense, more than just a matter of not being there. sent over false information said he's working from home when he is not available at all. >> is a possible that his health or medical condition clouded his judgment at the time? that's could be the reason why he decided not to notify people as he should have. that said, it is clear that the system broke down. >> jeanine: dana, we all wish the defense secretary well and
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hope he is recuperating, but it wasn't just three days. he also underwent surgery december 22nd. according to a former chief of staff for the department of defense, the white house situation -- tracking real-time the whereabouts of all senior officials, including the cabinet secretaries. there is never a time where the secretary goes off the grid. it seems, given where we are in the world, that this guy should not be off the grid for more than ten seconds. >> right. >> dana: he is sixth in line to the presidency. this could be a "veep" episode if that show was still around. so baffling it's all most hilarious but it's also extreme a series. as fellow democrats of his have said -- it is an extreme lack of judgment. it was reckless. "what about our allies?" it is not like it has been a quiet time for the u.s. military in the past few weeks.
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you have had troops being attacked in the middle east, possible suez canal crisis. you have a situation where you have action taken by the united states to kill an iranian-backed militia man in baghdad while he is not able to respond. they are saying that the chain of command -- the opportunity, if they found it, to go ahead and strike. this is the other thing i would say. for president biden, this is insulting to him. if he lets it stand, i think he is making a huge mistake. he is in a position right now or his administration being question on competence, and this shows that there is no competence. they have not had a cabinet meeting since october 2nd. i don't know if any of them talk to each other. meanwhile, the secretary of state, running all around the world trying to prevent the war from widening, and he needs the cover of the defense secretary.
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he has no idea. i don't like it when people say "he should be fired," but i think if biden allows them to stay, that's another lack of judgment, because it is just too serious to let it go. >> jeanine: jesse, what dana says is true. everyone is starting to worry about what's going on in the biden administration, who is running it. from the beginning, we kept saying who is running it? thinking about our adversaries, xi jinping, putin. they are saying the skies had surgery, they know it's going on, he is m.i.a. biden doesn't know he is m.i.a. "we can do what we want," and they won't even get their cavalry around together. >> jesse: who can forget robert mcnamara's tet offensive, or donald rumsfeld's lifo during operation iraqi's freedom. i did not select an elective
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surgery scandal to be with the defense secretary. i was thinking maybe -- kamala harris, or heat. i want to know a little bit about the surgery. was a cosmetic? was a day breast reduction or something like lay sick? that will make -- count something like lasic surgery? that would make me more so pathetic. going to germany for an emergency heightening procedure, and he came back procedure. we did not ask questions because of hip up. if you are biden -- >> greg: i violated that. >> jesse: i'm sorry. if you are biden's summoning buddy in the situation room and ask for the secretary of defense. "he is in the icu." or what happened to the chief of staff? "the chief of staff is sick with the flu." "sorry, the deputy is on vacation in puerto rico and is not coming back." you are now trying to may be asked sticky sammy to come to
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the situation room. that's how far down the totem pole you are going. i do not question austin's judgment. as a defense secretary, you are supposed to plan for contingencies. you are supposed to plan for worst-case scenarios. he didn't think anything could have gone wrong during a procedure at age 70? he's not telling him this. what else isn't he telling the commander in chief? i can't imagine what this would have been like if it happened during the trump administration. this would have been a constitutional crisis. this would have put all of our national security at stake. this would have been a change of command -- this would have been a chain of command -- they would have run the secretary of defense out of town by friday. they would've gone on the sunday shows and said "it's time to have the adults back in the room, this is a clown show." >> jeanine: he is a four-star general. from the army. he would not have tolerated this from anyone who worked for him,
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and yet, he is not -- and even biden said he wouldn't accept his resignation if he did. >> greg: things have changed in the last couple of years. if this were just an exception, it would probably be a smaller story, but it is part of a greater mosaic of malfeasance. every choice, every decision, every action has some kind of opportunity cost. for example, if you fight an unnecessary war, those billions could have gone somewhere else. think of in tel aviv, the intellectual effort that goes into that. we are in this era of massive opportunity costs, because the democrat's priorities are so far out of whack. instead of focusing on real, external threats, they put their eggs and something else. domestic terror. actually demonizing our military, suggesting it, then doing research that -- white supremacists in our midst. january 6th theater. you have troops being forced to
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read marxist literature. there is a cost in this. the realm of defense, the chief concern should be defense, protecting the homeland. that suffers when you politicize the military, when you put political and cultural ideas in front of that, you marginalize the efficiency, deadliness, and readiness and the cacophonous of our military. you put feelings over fighting. you do that -- two wars raging, you have around making trouble, china being china. while other countries see their homeland as worthy of defense, ours sees america as the source of all of our problems, and now you see the cost. this mind-set is a mistake that is upstream of all of our other concerns. it floats down to competence and corporations, leadership in the military, education, in the
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culture. we have a manufactured self-loathing that's undermining confidence in everything. >> jeanine: jessica, we are involved in a regional war. dana said it. our service numbers are being attacked in iraq and syria. could converge on a world war. we know that joe biden didn't even know until january -- i believe it was the 5th, five days later, that his defense sec was not available. who is making these decisions? who was available? the chief of staff is sick. vacationing. what's going on? >> jessica: everyone is asking themselves that. i have not heard from one democrat or seen one democrat who has been asked about this on tv or otherwise who hasn't been in total shock and surprised at this, especially that the deputy would not have gone on vacation, right, if they knew this was
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happening. is extremely disturbing. it is in congress with a four-star general, the way he grew up, and the way he served, which makes you question whether there might be something else going on. that's what john brennan was saying in that interview. appears to be cloud a judge -- judgment moment. i don't think this reflects some rots within the administration or the government, and i don't think the administration, certainly, sees these as needless wars and sees them as wars that we should be involved in. it is important to protect democracy, but at this critical flux moment -- and particularly struck listening to president biden today at a church giving remarks, interrupted by protesters who want to talk about gaza. this is an issue that is eating up our country, and is consuming us and our natural consciousness
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and our consciousness abroad. you want to know someone was in such an important position of power is not there, and if he's not there, you know why he's not, and that the proper line of command is in place. i assume nothing will change in terms of a resignation on this. friday could come, and then the sunday shows. the biden administration was obviously caught flat-footed by this, but he has a lot of explaining to do. a critically dangerous moment in history for this to have happened. >> the interesting thing is that the day he had the surgery, december 22nd, didn't -- telling thing about that. >> to comment on what they were saying, may be an cloud of judgment -- had to go to the icu. didn't have a clouded judgment before he went in for elective surgery. >> that was reckless judgment. >> okay, when we come back.
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[laughter] coming up, shocking new details on an alaska airlines storage explosion. why this scary accident could have been much, much worse. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back, try not to poop. a plug on an alaska airlines flight getting blown off midflight. at the nightmare unfolding while the plane was 60,000 feet in the air, forcing an emergency landing. no one was seriously injured, but passengers needing therapy. >> just --
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>> about as wide as a for refrigerator but -- there was a really loud bang. this noise, and everything dropped. >> we heard a really loud boom. the plane filled with air and wind. i thought "the wind blew out." i thought it was the window, and it wasn't till later i realized it was the whole thing. speech of the boeing 737 max nine -- already underway, and the feds have grounded some of the fleet. as for where the plug went, check out how excited this lady is to announce where they found it. >> i'm excited to announce that we found the plug. bob contact us at -- with two photos of the plug, and said he found it in his backyard. >> greg: jesse, you are an
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expert in plugs. [laughter] seems like again, this is a crisis in competence. mayor pete started off terrible, it's gotten worse. they appoint people because of who they are and not what they can do. is this another sign that this country is going to hell in a handbasket? >> jesse: yes, next question. [laughter] my father has a do it now policy. if you see a challenge or warning sign, you do it now, don't wait. i have a toothache. i don't wait until my tooth falls out and i need an elective procedure: i go to the dentist. or if my car is making a funny noise, i take it to the mechanic so i don't break down with the kids in the car. can't blame emma, the cars are my responsibility. boeing gets this morning, they are having cabin pressure issues, so what do the executives at boeing say? "just don't fly over the water." that's not a solution! every time you ground planes, you lose money.
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you have to think: am i going to lose money because i ground planes to investigate the issue, or am i going to lose a lot of money because i have to grounded every single plan because the door fell off," and now china won't order more planes? if i were joe biden, i would be on the warpath. this guy is worried about fees. these are blowing holes in the airplane right now. we need a consumer advocates as president, greg. they are selling us things that don't work. they sold us a vaccine. you can still get covid, transmit it. they are selling the screen stuff you are staring at. we are probably going to go brain dead next year. what about these college tuition fees that go up 6% a year? it is gouging, predatory len lending. we need to bring ralph nader back into government. >> greg: there you go. go. unsafe at any speed, as he used to say. they should fire the people. liz warren would be on the warpath. [laughter] judge, are these events happening more often, or are we
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just seeing more of them? >> jeanine: i don't know how to answer that except to say that boeing in particular has had 11 major incidents in 11 years. i think what is stunning about this is in addition to the equipment failures, this same plane, between december 7th-january 4th, the light kept going off, indicating that there were pressurization problems, as well as cabin pressure alerts. so, what do they do? they sense something is wrong the day before, and they say "okay --" as jesse said -- "we won't let it fly over water, but overland, and let's "plan for when that plane is back --" checking it out with some mechanical experts, get some maintenance work on it. here is the bottom line: those people on that plane suffered tremendous trauma. i don't care who you are. your plugs are flying out of
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people's ears, they were lucky they were at 10 10,000 feet. people still had their seat belts on, did not have their laptops out. there were no classes being served. of people had drinks, they were cops. all of this was prevented, but the post-traumatic stress symptoms here, given that the cockpit door flew open, cabin door was open, the pilot lost his headset, captain lost his headset. they had to communicate on the p.a. system where everybody heard them talking. i want to tell you a little event about negligence. there was a duty on the part of this boeing, because they were warned, they had sufficient warning. they breached the duty by not grounding the plane, and at the end of the day, they are going to be responsible. if you can show you got anxiety that you didn't have before you got on this plane, you can sue them, and you are going to be rewarded. >> dana: and we have a
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passenger -- >> jesse: we have a passenger who was on that plan on "jesse watter primetime." >> and we have -- >> dana: are you volunteering? [laughter] >> greg: jessica, is this why you only p -- fly private? >> jessica: i wish. it makes a person who cannot afford to fly private, and i fall into that category, really wish you could. as if it wasn't -- flight attendants are terrible or there's a crazy passenger who is maybe on a concoction of whatever, this is the infrastructure. this is a boeing problem. you think about air travel as one of the safest ways to get around. you know how many more car accidents there are them plane accidents. it is supposed to be an enjoyable experience. it's beyond frightening. i can't imagine the trauma or what's going to happen to people taking flights in the future. that would make me think twice
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about it. not getting on a plane in three weeks. i guess i am actively thinking twice about it. the differences between that and -- what others would remember when the systems went down, but that was a cyber issue, a computer issue. the fact that this is like the the -- brass tacks of flying. i want to correct a bit about the vaccine. people's lives were saved. you could get covid, but you didn't die. >> jesse: i understand but they sold it in a certain way is all i am saying. >> jessica: and college fees were there before joe biden. this is the second thing -- on record. >> dana: i feel like every thing has been said. [laughter] i do wonder about alaska airlines here. we talked about boeing. alaska airlines also is, i think, on the hook here. always wear your seat belt, even if you have had a chance to get up. as soon as you get b back to coe up with that seat belt back on just in case. >> greg: i wonder what the
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company is thinking. i don't know. alaska. [laughter] >> jeanine: that was good. >> greg: that's an old one. ahead, we are one week away from the iowa caucuses. fox news has three major town halls. coming up, we will talk to -- about it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner.
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i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: the iowa caucuses are seven days away. there are three huge fox news town halls this week. it kicks off tonight with nikki haley at 6:00 p.m., ron desantis tomorrow at the same time, and donald trump this wednesday at 9:00 p.m. the candidates have been barnstorming -- moderating, and joining us for a preview. >> hello. >> jessica: preview away this evening's town hall with nikki
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haley. >> first of all, it's iowa, it's snowing, it's cold. there are some diehard folks here. this is what it's about, having iowa citizens ask the candidates questions. the topics range from what we see in polls, what people care about. that is tracking here in iowa as well. >> i think what's great about doing it this week is that we are so close. it felt a lot like over the holidays, people were mulling it all over, but now that they have decisions to make -- and it's interesting to see how many of them are undecided. they are catching on these opportunities that we will provide them this week to help make up their minds. these candidates have a ton on the line. there's a big gap between the first and second place contenders, but all that could change, monday night. it's kind of exciting to be in the front row for all of it. >> jessica: it is really exciting. >> jesse: i'm not sure what time you guys landed in iowa,
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but i like to make my decisions based off anecdotes. have you heard anything, have you sensed anything, have you seen more lawn signage of one candidate or the other? tell us your instinct on the ground. >> i landed last night. >> late last night. >> i managed to get out and about a bit today, talking to some voters, undecided, not sure who they are going to caucus for or narrowing it down between two. i think there is a sense that because the polls, that there is a lot of momentum for the former president -- but there is still a belief that either governor desantis or governor nikki haley could pull off a surprise. caucusing, as you know, is different. you have to go to school houses, firehouses, get together and stand in the corner. depending on how the weather is, it is interesting.
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>> interesting the former president trump said everyone needs to behave "like we are one point behind." he is concerned as all candidates should be in this environment. going to be 6 degrees, and also going to the negatives on monday. if the forecast holes on the 15th for caucus night. a lot of this is going to be who can get their people to turn out and show up in the picturest of cold, even for the very hearty iowa residence? >> most of the people i talked to -- today said suck it up. [laughter] >> you will be doing live outdoor shots. >> i will be wearing a fur hat. [laughter] >> jessica outside, can do one more. maybe i will send it to one of you to save time. can you help people understand the audience make up for the town halls? i was at work and, how is fox news working that process? we have contacted a lot of organizations, republicans, independence in iowa.
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you can change your party affiliation, vote, and go to a caucus. the mix is not driven by the campaigns. it's driven by us looking ideally for undecided or people who are decided late. we have a number of those tonight and some who have already made the decision. >> i am curious about the rumor that started going around that ron desantis was going to drop out. i am wondering how lethal a rumor like that is, especially since -- i think it was that there is also a loss of some of these big donors around the same time. >> those of types of rumors and stories that sometimes come from one campaign towards another. we are in the "knives out" chapter of the six parents. ron desantis said that's a total lie, that he is in this to
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win. these people have invested their lives, their hearts, their family time, and they have put a lot of donor money on the line too. i think it's interesting that there were also reports that the added money on the trim side is headed at nikki haley more so than ron desantis. we will see how it shakes out in the coming days, but that is the story he wanted to push back on hard. >> greg: you have the top three. you've got nikki, you've got rom, donald, but a fourth person is running for it, who every time i hear him speak, he wins me over a little more. i want to use this moment. he does not have a town hall with you guys. i invite -- to do a town hall this week with me on my got -- on my gutfeld show. might be more like a beer hall they have a town hall. everybody could see a guy that deserves to be seen more than a sum of the usual characters.
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what do you think? >> i talked to them a number of times. he obviously wanted to get a town hall as well. i'm going out with him on wednesday, spending part of the day with him at different campaign stops. we will have a big piece on "special reports." you are right, he may be somebody who performs better based on new caucus goers that maybe aren't tracked in the polls that we see. you are right. right now, he is in fourth. >> on "gutfeld." we look forward to the town hall with nikki haley tonight at 6:00. going to do great as always. thanks for joining us. coming up, is barack obama running out of hope and change for joe biden's campaign? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: he's running out of hope and looking for change. former president barack obama sounding the alarm on how his former bryce vice president could lose the 2024 election. obama reportedly had a secret lunch meeting with joe biden where he urged the current president to get more aggressive against donald trump. obama also encouraging biden to hire some of his former political advisors. president biden seems to be taking obama's advice to heart in a way. the president has held two anti--maga events, but things didn't go as planned at one today in south carolina. >> you should learn in the live -- palestine. >> cease-fire now. >> dana: you brought that up
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earlier, in terms of what was happening at the joe biden event, how this is about gaza, but when it comes to the obama team, when they get going, they don't stop. the biden team has to now deal with that as well. >> jessica: i think the reports are accurate that it's welcome. this happened before 2020 as well. he said "i'm coming off the bench. where do you want me to go?" the last night, they were all in philadelphia together, which ended up in pivotal. the obama team is making specific recommendations, getting jen o'malley dillon, the campaign manager in 2020, out of the white house and on the campaign trail, or creating a dual role which wouldn't have been done in the past before. i always say this, democrats run better when we are scared. that should be the position of how we are thinking about this, and barack obama is a winner periods team is full of winners. there has always been this
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figure between biden and obama world. >> except for, jesse, obama did lose, and if you think about 2016, trump and obama -- apparently, obama has always said "i wish i would've been on the ticket because it would have eaten president trump." >> dana: -- >> jesse: i think it's a hostile takeover. there is no biden campaign. it doesn't exist. there's barely any staff. he doesn't go anywhere. he doesn't go anywhere, jessica. i think the obama's are flabbergasted that joe keeps saying "we've got this," when he clearly doesn't. the guy got so lucky. you only won because of a once in a 100 year pandemic, and then big intel election interference. the only way he got to the white house. i heard michelle obama do an hour-long podcast yesterday. she's talking about gaza, the border, what keeps her up at night.
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this may be even her saying "i'm optioned too." if the convention rolls around and joe hits his head again. i'm not saying it's going to happen, but she is putting herself out there, as they say. >> one thing about president obama: if he sounds the alarm now, he could say "i tried to warm them." if it doesn't work out for biden. of biden wins, he could say "thank goodness i stepped in." >> greg: i wonder what he thinks joe is doing wrong. i mean, is he basically realizing, like every else, you can't campaign alone on demonizing half the population? a beautiful thing happened on x this weekend. after biden's demonic speech, a phrase trended for almost, i don't know, 60 hours. #dementiahitler. it's horrible, sounds cruel, i agree. democrats, you created that. you didn't think the hitler door would swing both ways but now it
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does. people you demonized for years have learned from the masters, and that's you. now, i think obama is saying "you have gone too far. when all this january 6th stuff is now entering the realm of mockery --" nobody but teary-eyed performance artists at msnbc are taking it seriously. it's considered a joke amongst most people because it was overplayed. may be, saying "maybe, he should dig out some policies or some ideas, because right now, this is just pathetic." >> do you think obama will hit the campaign trail to help biden? >> jeanine: i think obama will because he hates donald trump, and he hates the thought of donald trump winning. it's not so much his friendship with joe and their friendship bracelet and all that. i happen to think that part of it is a hostile takeover. i happen to think that when obama comes out, they have to restructure the campaign to make
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joe moore agile. that is not a word you use when you talk about joe biden. more aggressive. obama says the campaign needs to be empowered so that -- and decisions will have to be made in the white house. what does that tell you? from the get-go, we have been trying to figure out that she was going back and saying "we didn't mean to say that." now, we kind of see obama in that light, saying "we shouldn't have to decide these things." this person from 2008 who ran my campaign, i think he would be great for obama. the trajectory of joe biden, he's got the lowest poll numbers of any president in modern history at this point in time. obama will not let that happen. i'm telling you. the question is, do they do something at the convention?
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obama does not want donald trump to win again. biden, he could do a great state of the union -- address. james clyburn coming out and saying "we cannot get to the maga wall." no, you can't get to the people who already know about the economy, already know about inflation. those are the people who can't change. >> i guarantee president obama would have fired his secretary defense for this, this awol situation. i had, info warriors are declaring war on gas guzzlers by slashing the tires of electric cars. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: there is nothing you can do to please these climate change fanatics who swear the planet is on a deathbed. a group of eco-warriors in england who call themselves the tire extinct shares, which is pretty good, slashing the tires of some dudes eco-friendly tesla, then leaving a leaflet on the windshield which states "your gas guzzlers kills." the group behind the sabotage is
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defending its actions, saying "electric cars are fair game. we can't electrify our way out of the climate crisis." judge, if we cannot electrify our way out of it, where are we supposed to go? how are we supposed to go around? >> i want to know how many trees they had to cut to put that te on everybody's windshield. they are destroying the trees. [laughter] they are all crazy, they really are. they should get involved in something where they understand what's going on. i agree with them on the batteries. electric batteries are a problem for the environment. >> a big problem, jessica. >> i'm just yearning for a good protest, something that makes sense. >> the mega rally, jessica. [laughter] >> iowa, thinking about this. >> i did not expect the tire slashing for the tesla's. >> why not just embrace -- if you want something to change, you could have incremental change and go for electric cars, but wait until they hear about the wind turbines.
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did you know that each wind turbine requires 80 gallons of oil for lubrication once a year? i'm not talking vegetable oil. >> jesse: a lot of lube, greg. >> greg: this is not an energy issue. it's not a political issue. it's a psychological issue. you look at the typical activists that are blocking the roads. the young ones do it for obvious reasons, yet to invest in life so they don't understand the cost of their actions to others. they don't families, spouses, or jobs, so they do not understand the damage they are doing to people who've already tried to live a hard life. they will be older protesters who have failed in life, and therefore find satisfaction in other people's pain. if they aren't happy, neither are you. that's why they are out there. that's why it doesn't matter if they are right, wrong, or hypocritical. this is what happens when nothing is going on in life. you/a strangers tires. this goes to the overall eye that undermines all this activism. that they are caring, that they
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are virtuous, love others. this is born from an insecure ego that drives to harm people and create chaos, because nothing in their life is worth protecting. there is nothing in their life that they can harm, so they take it up -- this is all a product of envy. this is why -- those protesters, they blocked the bridges today, the tunnels. people are trying to go to work on a monday. they don't care, because they hate themselves, and they project their hate onto you. don't even think about the fuel. don't even think about solar. it doesn't mean crap to them. >> jesse: i talk a lot to these activists about the person lives in my new book. [laughter] you are right, it's driven by insecurity. that you brought it up, preorder. up next, "one more thing." ♪ ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: time now for "one more thing." i go first. no one said anything about burglars having to be agile. this is not so athletic burglar broke into a local business store and stole hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise you could tell about ninja roll subpar landing might have been first rodeo. greg? >> greg: tonight what great show we have tyler fisher. emily austin katimpf, michael loftus 10:00 p.m. tonight. let's do this. okay, greg. ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: best video i have sown in a long time. baby cap berra in the water. watch look at that little guy. >> judge jeanine: baby what? >> kappa berra. and it's at the miami -- in miami the zoo logical wildlife foundation. >> i have seen better.
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>> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: sent johnny to the red carpet at the golden globes. see a sneak peek. >> what's going on in the country? >> what are you talking about. >> east coast, i don't know. do not watch the football game. >> judge jeanine: jessica? >> jesse: i don't believe so. >> judge jeanine: go ahead, jessica? >> jessica: teddy bear toss yesterday part of the tradition held by the american hockey league. bring stuffed animals to chuck on the ice. toys are then donated to local children in need through 35 central pennsylvania charities. almost 75,000 stuffed animals are collected. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: i got nothing. podcast parrino kellyanne. >> judge jeanine: that's it for us. >> what is closing pitch f


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