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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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grand cyclops of the ku klux klan. >> you have people screaming cease-fire. cease-fire of your comments. >> josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania came out to save that william penn statue. those lefties are going to get william penn taken down. these people hate george washington. now they are citing valley forge and george washington. we have to get rebecca and all of our kids to watch the next award show together. >> the oscars are coming. >> helen mirren loves me. that is it for us. stay connected. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse
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watters prime time. >> i am terrified about what could happen. our leaders matter. > >> jesse: if joe can't go, michelle is ready. gaping holes, nearly sucking americans out of planes. the judge's jumper in court. prime time goes behind the be bench. plus, johnny at the golden globes. the black church has been a cauldron of change for over a century. from frederick douglass, who preached about the abolition of
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slavery to martin luther king jr. whose sermons pays the way for the civil rights movement. it galvanized racial progress and it was the democratic party that turned into a campaign stop. no one received a warmer welcome than bill clinton. >> mr. president. these are your people. the president of the united states. >> if you haven't had lindsay's barbecue, you haven't had barbecue. the first black president was followed by the first half black president who laid down harmony. >> "amazing grace," how sweet the sound. >> jesse: hilary hit the circuit but there was something
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off. >> i don't feel tired. i have come too far from where i started from. nobody told me that the road would be easy. i don't believe he brought me this far to leave me. >> jesse: the democratic party have been filling black churches up for decades. the president walked into a black church in charleston and proclaimed he started the civil rights movement. >> i have spent more time here than most people i know black or white have spent in that church. >> black churches in delaware say they don't remember him sitting in the pews.
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is it me or is it wearing thin with the black community? he couldn't fill the pews. let us people progressing at light speed. this is south carolina. the state saved biden him. instead of saving him, they are heckling him. >> you should call for a cease-fire in palestine. >> cease-fire now. >> now i know what all the whites were there for. did you notice the protesters? the biden campaign had one job,
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put black voters in the pews for biden's speech. they let in dozens of palestinians. >> this idea that they have pandered to black people, promising all these things and it feels like they are forgotten, that is the sentiment a lot of people have and that is one of the reasons people, young people care more about who the job done it right person for the job is as opposed to who is the right party. >> trump is poised to win more black votes than any republican in american history. if trump does 1% better with black americans, biden loses the
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white house. don't campaign, don't debate. how does biden win without a pandemic? it is simple. he is flying reporters to delaware and reprogramming them. are they allowed to pay for plane tickets to wilmington and serve them food and alcohol and tell them they are getting it wrong? not sure. the campaign is telling reporters to stop covering the prosecution trial and cover the controversial things instead. they want to prosecute trump in the dark this year. powerful people are watching this and they have had enough. the obama say joe biden is going to lose so they are staging a hostile takeover. they are telling everyone who will listen that the biden campaign is complacent and they don't understand the threat of
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losing to trump. team biden says he is to zen. he means barely alive, but i don't want to put words in his mouth. "the washington post" is reporting obama has been visiting obama to tell him he needs a full overhaul of his campaign. he is pushing him to push his -- outside his advisors. translation, barack and michelle are taking over. >> biden needs to listen. he needs to ramp up the attacks. he needs to stop running ads that say i did a great job and start running ads that say this guy is a threat. i have a seven step plan for his reelection. attack, attack, attack. >> jesse: biden is trying to throw trump in prison the rest
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of his life. call him a combination of hitler and king george the third and the obama's think he should go on the attack. i am afraid to ask what this would look like. if he is not damaged goods by the convention, michelle obama is presenting herself as plan b. >> i am terrified about what could happen. our leaders matter. who we select, who speaks for us, who holds the bully pulpit. it affects us in ways that people take for granted. they think government, does it really do anything? doesn't government do everything for us? we cannot take this for granted. i worry that we do. those are the things that keep me up. >> our leaders matter?
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is she talking about trump or biden. the former first lady who rarely expresses her views is sending out the that signal. >> what keeps you up at night? >> more to do with the world we are in. it can be any range of things. i know a lot about what is going on and what keeps me up are the things i know. the war in the region, into many regions. what is ai going to do for us? the environment. are we moving fast enough? what are we doing about education? are people going to vote? why aren't people voting? those are the things that keep me up because you don't have control over them and you wonder where are we in this? where are our hearts?
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>> michelle obama talking about war and artificial intelligence? she is not just a fruit juice tycoon. she could be running. she uncorked a new economic plan, mandatory triple down economics. >> we have a trickle down approach. that is the basis of a capitalistic economy. that is not happening. it is not trickling. it would require in whatever way, if we are not trickling voluntarily -- we need to be forced to trickle. mandatory trickling down. >> jesse: forced to trickle? is she talking about biden? could this be worse than bidenomics? nothing could be. who knows. michelle wants you to remember it was in the obama/biden white house. it was the barack and michelle
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white house. listen to how she uses the words we. >> i am proud of my husband, the way he led, the way his administration worked, the team that we built. so proud of everyone. that is because of who we are. >> did she forget to mention joe biden? if i were biden, i don't know who i would fear more. trump or her. let's bring in mark robinson, running for governor of north carolina. should we be concerned about michelle? >> i am not sure what the democratic party has in store but i know what we have in store as republicans and i know we plan to restore this nation back to the things that made it great. >> jesse: what about the biden
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campaign makes the obama's think we have to save this thing and save it fast? >> what about it doesn't? president biden has been the most disastrous president of my lifetime. one of the most disastrous presidents in american history. a wide open border, a war in ukraine. he is not rebuilding the military, all the things we need to do to restore this nation, he is not doing any of them. he is doing the opposite. there are reasons why everyone has lost confidence in this man. >> jesse: why weren't there that many people in the church biden was in in charleston? >> things like social media and our internet have shown the american populace, shown in the world the big three don't rule
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anymore. black folks are not falling for it anymore. every two years, every four years, every six years, election officials come around and promise the moon and the stars and pander all day long and once they are elected, what did they deliver? defund the police, more crime, more poverty. they don't deliver the promises they make, they don't keep their promises. they are moving us backwards in time, downward and prosperity. black folks are seeing it and not falling for it. they are tired of being political pawns. joe biden has been the king of this in his administration has affected black communities all across this nation and folks are not falling for it. >> jesse: thanks for joining jesse watters prime time.
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the iowa caucus is one week a away. republican candidates are not just battling each other. they are battling each other. the latest got you question is something about white supremacy. the vic ramaswamy did not take the bait. >> let's talk about what happened last night. you were talking to reporters and you called white supremacy a myth. >> racial discrimination is wrong no matter how it happens. if a reporter is asking me whatever question i am against, do you denounce white supremacy, it is incumbent on us to define what white supremacy is. these are not my words. these are the words of
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intellectual components. >> jesse: any american contends white supremacy. the media asks republican candidates because they want to put white supremacy and the candidate's name together in a headline. it is subtle and insidious that when repeated over and over breaks into the american subconscious. why play the game when the media says working out at the gym is white supremacy or that the founding farmers were white supremacists, the military white supremacists. they don't ask democratic politicians. do you condemn the relationship between bill clinton and jeffrey epstein. do you condemn nt for? the game is changing. republicans are not taking lying down anymore. johnny invades the golden globes. a woman who was on the boeing
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jet whose door blew off midflight joins us.
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>> jesse: my greatest fear when flying is being set next to a crying baby, or worse, no wi-fi. never would i have imagined a door blowing off an airplane. and alaska airlines boeing 737 took off from portland and burst a whole mid air. 10 minutes after takeoff. the air pressure dropped and the
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pilot's headsets blew off. the cabin door blew open. the cockpit door. tray tables ripped off seats and it sucked the shirt off a kid's back. his mom was holding onto him for dear life. the plane was forced into an emergency landing. [indiscernible] is this an old plane? no. fresh off the assembly line and doors are popping off. there are warning signs it was ignored. it showed cabin pressure issues but executive said we will check it out later. for now, don't fly over the water. that is like warning signs lighting up your dashboard and your dad saying you will be fine as long as you drive near gas stations.
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boeing has grounded the entire fleet and found a bunch of door plug problems. they have had deadly crashes overseas with their max eights and they fired their ceo and now their max nines have issues. boeing stock price was down 8% but alaska airlines deserves scrutiny. what is it like to be inside of a plane that loses a door? vicki was on the flight that almost went down this weekend and she joins me now. where were you sitting when this door blew off? >> i was in row 19 on the left side of the plane, same side of the door. >> it blew off behind you. was there a noise it made?
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>> i heard a hissing noise that my brain thought was luggage sliding. now, in retrospect, it was probably the leak. then i heard a boom noise as i was pushed forward in the plane. i would describe it as someone stepping on the brakes. a big gust of wind hit me on the face and pushed me back into my seat. >> did you grab for the overhead things to put over your face? >> when all of that occurred, the oxygen masks dropped. i had my kids with me. i was traveling to take them home. the seven years old said we are supposed to put these on and he put his own on and i put my mask on and i assisted "the five"-year-old with her mask.
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>> jesse: what went through your mind? did you think you were going to die? >> i am a praying lady. i took a moment and we prayed together. if we were going to be in the hands of, we were going to do it with a direct connect call but in the back of my mind, i thought, if anything bad was going to happen and we were going to get sucked out, it would have occurred. >> jesse: janine shapiro says you should sue. have you contacted an attorney? >> i have not. >> jesse: we are glad you are okay, glad the kids were good. again, there is money out there. we are not encouraging lawsuits but it is a fact of life.
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>> alaska airlines has been wonderful and they are compensating us in some ways. >> jesse: thank you so much. a sex scandal is rocking president trump's case in georgia. the fulton county, georgia, district attorney has been accused of appointing her lover as a special prosecutor in the case against donald trump. she is responsible for taking trump's mug shot also financially benefited from hiring her lover on that case. this is according to a motion that was filed by the codefendant. who is this partner? a private attorney who has never tried a felony case. he has limited experience trying high profile cases.
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her alleged lover has been paid nearly $1 million in legal fees already. who authorized the payments? she did. where did she get the money? it came from the taxpayers. they go on luxury vacations and she isn't denying that she has hired the guy she is sleeping with to prosecute trump. the judge jumper back in court for sentencing. florida's favorite judges here. in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat.
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honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about.
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ambulance. the secretary of defense was in icu for days. nobody had a clue. the secretary of defense never told anybody. the pentagon kept it a secret. someone found out. couldn't reach the defense secretary then could not reach his chief of staff because they were out sick. then curtain reach the deputy defense secretary because she was on vacation. did the deputy secretary of defense fly back from vacation with her boss was in the icu? no. she stayed in puerto rico. the pentagon can put a missile through a window but cannot figure out how to call out sick? how does the man whose job it is to plan for everything that could go wrong not plan for this? how does a man with such distinguished military pedigree ignore the chain of command? how does the president of the united states not know his
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defense secretary is in a life or death situation? a lot going on in the world. biden is not checking in for a week? what kind of elective surgery does he have that she would not want anybody to know about? did he get a wart removed? we hope it is not a cosmetic procedure. we wish him well. we hope it is lay sick eye surgery or something. we know he is a hypochondriac. will biden fire his defense secretary for disappearing? no. the only way you get fired is if you steal women's luggage and wear their clothes. amber smith, how is it possible that no one knew the defense secretary was in the hospital
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for a week? >> it makes you wonder w who is running the department of defense. every person involved in this cover-up, live chief of staff, this inner senior staff that was lying to officials about his whereabouts, they all need to be held accountable. they need to be fired. i am not surprised. in any normal world, the president of the united states would fire the secretary of defense for putting our military, our chain of command, and national security at risk. there are flash points across the world right now. russia, china, ukraine, you have who sees the firing at navy ships. it shows that this is the decision that he makes that he
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thinks he is above the rules. i talk about this all the time with the department of defense. with the two-tiered justice system and the double standards. i had an officer reach out to me and he said he had to spend 45 minutes of his day to go on a pass outside a 40-mile radius and the secretary of defense cannot call his boss and tell him he is having surgery? it is insane. this is who is in charge of our military now and when you put it like that, it goes to show that the afghanistan withdrawal, the covert mandates, all of the other failures that has put the pentagon in a downward spiral is because of austen and his poor judgment and horrible leadership and decision-making. >> jesse: very poor judgment. we hope it wasn't a cosmetic procedure. thank you so much.
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the criminal justice system is that how you are i remember it. stiff sentences, not a lot of second chances, judges were men and women you respected. a few decades of justice and the disintegration of public decorum leads us to situations like t this. >> i should be given a shot. >> i appreciate that but i think it is time you get a taste of something else. i cannot with that history. [bleep] >> jesse: the judge jumper back in court today, dressed like hannibal lector, spit guard, gloves covering his hands. he was sentenced for his original battery charges by the judge he jumped.
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here she is. >> the court had begun a system when the incident occurred. that is the sole purpose of the hearing. any other issues that may arise will be held at a future date by a different court. i want to make it clear that i am not changing or modifying the sentence i was imposing last week before i was interrupted by the defendant. >> she didn't change or modify the sentence? he jumped over the bench, punched her in the face and tour hair out of her head. what happened to throwing the book at people? whatever happened to sanctioning the defense attorney whose client jumps you. prime time likes judges like this. >> when people are upset from
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specific things like shooting the middle finger up at this court and laughing and joking, be quiet. you have no right to have one of your assistance come up here and suggest something about my children. go sit down. you are inappropriate and out of line. go sit down. >> the judge who oversaw that case joins us now. how is that this judge in vegas doesn't slap an additional 2-4 years on this guy? >> she might be making a smart move. that is the first time i had seen that part of it. in this instance, a judge would have to recuse themselves because if someone beats you down, you cannot be fair and impartial. i believe the reason she said i am not changing or modifying the
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sentence is so she could continue to impose the sentence without having a problem on appeal. >> jesse: you are probably right but i hate what is going on in these court rooms. you are seeing guys who come in there that have had a slew of felony charges and every time you look at how it was adjudicated, it is always pled down and they never serve all of their sentences. why is that? >> i don't know. if you are efficient and you work hard, you make your lawyers work hard, you can run an efficient division and you do not need to give away the courthouse to dispose of cases. it is a matter of getting your people to work, to get cases ready for trial and move the cases along. so we don't have this position where judges have to or feel
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they have to give away everything to dispose of their cases. >> what are you going to do if you had to sentence this guy? what would you sentence a guy like this for? >> you can take into account everything they do in front of the court. it is possible she wouldn't have to disqualify herself because -- if a defendant accept during trial, they can't get a mistrial because of their own behavior. perhaps she would have been able to sentence him more harshly based on his actions and certainly another judge could take that into consideration. this is a person who is unhinged and the community needs to be protected from. >> jesse: i would throw the book at him. we have not thrown books in this country for decades. thank you for joining prim
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prime time. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: why is this man skinny-dipping at bass pro shop? prime time visits the golden globes.
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we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? -good. -you sure? i think so. how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation,
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>> jesse: when you walk into your local bass pro shop, you don't expect to find a flabby white male spread eagle in the aquarium. it was in alabama, so anything is possible. george owens crashed his car outside the bass pro shop, stripped naked and waltzed into the store like he owned the place. soon after, he cannon balled into the aquarium like it was an aboveground pool in the bac backyard. >> i got that. he did the cannonball. >> jesse: they keep that water pretty coal in the tank --
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pretty cold in the tank. what goes up must come down. [bleep]. >> jesse: that definitely hurt. after he hit the ground, officers were on the scene and escorted him away. >> that is 100% how i would do it too. >> jesse: at least he did not resist. george owens was arrested for public lewdness, disorderly conduct and a bunch of other charges. prime time thanks owens for
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doing what we have always wanted to do but never had what it took. let's bring in comedian ben. i did not see that coming. >> i thought it might have been a palestine protest but looked like a hunter biden after party. >> jesse: why crash the car then get naked, then cannonball? do you understand the events here? >> this is what people do when they cannot afford epstein island. if they had one of these aquariums in every walmart, this would be a daily occurrence. >> jesse: not everyone can afford a pool or club membership so you have to swim where you can find a tank. >> i don't want to jump to conclusions. this individual might be trans and there would be no crime.
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in canada, as long as he was teaching a kid swim team or something like that. >> jesse: it is not a crime when trans do it. i am never going to walk into a bass pro shop again or when i do, i am going to have a towel ready. >> it looks like he was cosplaying obama's late shift. >> jesse: too far, but we love you. thank you so much. go behave yourself. >> jesse: and johnny goes to the golden globes. >> high gas prices, open border. >> anybody else, they are on their own. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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hello, i'm franklin graham.
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this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? dryness and frizz that keeps coming back, could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. you need pantene's miracle rescue deep conditioner. it's filled with pro-vitamins to help hair lock in moisture, visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use, with no weigh-down. guaranteed, or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy. if you know, you know it's pantene. >> jesse: last night was the 81st annual golden globe awards in l.a. "oppenheimer" was a big winner,
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taking home five including best drama but we really wanted to know the hollywood celebrities thought about the state of the nations that we got johnny on the carpet. speaker hollywood's biggest stars are about to walk right this way they're going to head straight to johnny, at least we hope. nicholas, what's going on in the country? >> what's going on in the country? everything is going on. >> it's where we are at right now and it sucks. >> it's difficult. the country as a whole? you're hitting me with [bleep] political questions. >> last year was tough but i'm ready for good things. >> cheers. >> how about how these high gas prices? >> what's that about? luckily, i've been driving electric. no. >> you don't have your electric car? >> what's up with the high gas prices? >> do yourselves a favor and just give up.
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>> high gas prices, open border praise big i'm not for open border. once i got here, i thought everybody else, you're on your own. >> i was walking in with my boy, dana white. >> i didn't expect that reaction but that's okay. >> we are going to save this to the end of the night. >> who are you wearing? >> who are you wearing? >> it is custom. >> how do you get out of jury duty? >> say -- >> what's going on in the country. >> i love you, i'm not going to get into that on the red carpet. >> the world is looking for new footing. >> it's a little bit upside down but i think it's all right. >> it's all chaos. this might be the last year so we should have fun. >> how is joe biden doing? >> come back, come back. >> what's going on in the
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country? >> what are you talking about? >> there's a 30% chance it's already raining. >> how was the president doing? >> he lives in another minute or two, i think he's doing a good job just living. >> in my opinion he could be better. i think it's adequate. we need more choices. >> i don't love answering political questions because i get in trouble. >> joe biden is the best. love him. >> i like joe biden and i think everything is hopefully going to be okay. >> are you proud of the president? >> get out of my face. >> what we've got here is failure to communicate. >> who are you wearing? >> whom i wearing? richie. >> what's fine on the country right now? why is the country so divided.
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>> are not laughing, that's the problem, we need to laugh more. >> don't you wish you could go back to the p pandemic and put a mask on. >> no thank you. >> are you running? >> i hiked up stone canyon today all the way to the top, 2 miles straight up. and then i jogged all the way back down. >> that was a really a productive segment, wasn't it? ♪ ♪ >> jesse watters from fox wants advice. what would you give him? >> i've got nothing. >> hi, jesse watters. goodbye. >> love you. >> jesse: get it together, my new book, is available if you want to preorder it right now, her books are sold. we investigate the personal lives of some of them craziest activists. people who want to empty
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prisons, block traffic, extreme vegans, drug legalization advocates, everybody. preorder it. crag from north carolina. "johnny gets reprimanded for a political question on the red carpet but hollywood always gets to respond with politics on the stage." not fair. larry from indiana. "didn't the civil rights movement start after bidens truth with corn pop?" becky, midland, texas. "michelle obama as president? it will keep me up at night." sessa from pyle in texas. "to the unfortunates who saw the unvented version of the bass pro shop pool jumper, yes the water was very cold. >> the eagles could use that judge jumper on the defensive line this weekend. the whole defense could use the jumper. i'm c7 and this is my world. ♪ ♪


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