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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 9, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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away at the black vote, but you chip away at a lot of those democrat voters who still really like the obamas but really do not like joe biden. so, i think it's important to watch and pay attention to how the obamas evolve in the next couple of weeks, couple of months. northwesterly several months because that to me is going to indicate whether they throw their support maybe around another candidate. maybe michelle, maybe gavin newsom. wait and watch. >> carley: june 2021, president biden had 87% approval among black voters. that's down to 62% approval december of 2023. that's a 25% decrease, that number is going in the wrong direction if you're in the biden camp. tomi, got to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. have great day. we appreciate it. >> thank you guys. >> todd: great to be back with you. core core great to come back after a week off. >> todd: what it is like when your team wins? >> carley: i'm experiencing it right now. "fox & friends" starts right now have. great day, everybody.
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>> steve: thank you, carley and todd. good morning everybody, it's tuesday january 9th, 2024. come up this morning on "fox & friends." president donald trump is in washington at this hour. three judges later today will hear arguments on whether he has presidential immunity in the federal election interference case that has been brought against him by the federal government. we got a live report in 25 seconds. >> ainsley: steve, we have a "fox & friends" exclusive. lawrence is down at our southern border. is he getting a firsthand look at the migrant crisis on the ground there and in the water of the rio grand river. >> brian: we haven't solved that crisis yet. plus, three's company. job interviews are apparently getting a little bit more crowded. >> yeah, i'm sorry, who's this gentleman sitting behind you? >> hello, miss lady. >> miss lady? >> employers say i want to watch the rest of the movie. employers say gen z job seekers are bringing their mom and dad
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to job interviews. >> ainsley: what? >> what would jimmy failla do if he were the boss, we hire the whole family? "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends so, please, get dressed. ♪ >> steve: happening every day just a couple hours, 9:30 this morning. former president donald trump is expected to appear in person in a d.c. courtroom to ask a judge, actually three judges for immunity in his federal election case. >> ainsley: the trump legal team fighting to get this case dismissed after a costly years long probe special counsel jack smith. >> brian: getting complicated. alexandria hoff is live outside the court of appeals in washington with the latest. alex? >> yeah, good morning to you.
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so oral arguments are going to be heard today. they shouldn't take so much time at all around 9:30. former president expected arrive shortly before that. this is new territory what is happening here today. because no court has ever had to rule whether a president has immunity from criminal charges, mainly because no one in that position has ever been charged with a crime the former president posted this yesterday on truth social, quote: if i don't get immunity then crooked joe biden doesn't get immunity. afghanistan surrender alone not to mention the millions of dollars that went into his pockets from money from foreign countries, joe would be ripe for indictment. by weaponizing the doj against his political opponent, me, joe has opened a giant pandora's box. take that look at the timeline in this case and remember back northwesterly august, former president trump was charged with attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. he pleads not guilty a short time later. in december the supreme court declines to fast track trump's immunity claim.
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that's what sent it here to the appeals court today. last week the former president's lawyers asked judge tanya chutkan to hold special counsel jack smith and his team in contempt of court for continuing to file motion while the appeals process has paused the case. now, separately, there has been a twist in trump's election interference case in georgia. co-defendant of the former president is accusing fulton county d.a. fani willis of having inappropriate relationship with a top prosecutor on the case. now, according to the washington examiner, quote: special prosecutor nathan weighed a private attorney has been paid roughly $654,000 in legal fee bias fulton county since january of 22 some of which he paid for extravagant vacations with willis. when it comes to the hearing here today for the federal case and on this immunity appeal, the trump team is going to argue that a president, past, current, so sitting president, that they have absolute immunity from criminal charges. the government's argument is
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pretty cut and dry they are say ifing if the court were to side with that immunity. simply go out and commit crimes. guys? >> steve: that's what they say. result 34589ly this is supposed to go to the supreme court left of you about half a mile, alex. this particular appeal regarding this one case is bigger than this one case. trump used it yesterday to say that the georgia case should be thrown out. >> yeah. this would -- if the court eventually does decide that president cannot be charged with a crime, that can a absolve almost all of trump's legal problems, at least criminally. civilly it might get a little more complicated. you are looking back, when you look at some of this case text they are talking about, james madison, richard nixon, this would change a lot about the way that the u.s. government system looks at the office of presidency. >> yeah, if that's the law. that's the law. presidential immunity. his team says it shields him from crawl prosecution it.
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should be dismissed with prejudice. >> steve: that's what they say. >> that's what they're saying. >> steve: let's see if the three judges going to go to work at 9:30 in the morning in the building behind alex have to say. >> brian: one thing trump already accomplished by doing this. he wants to delay it as long as possible for two reasons. number one, in his ideal world there would be no cases. second best scenario after the election. and then if you get this done a little bit later, he feels as though if he can blitz early and actually lock this thing up before super tuesday, let alone super tuesday, it will become obvious to everybody that his opponent, the way trump likes to do you have an opinion a lot of people think there is backing behind it. his opponents looking to take him out. i'm the nominee. i'm not perhaps the nominee. i'm not the leader. i am the nominee. you are going after me. you are stopping me from running against you. in fact, these states are actually doing that directly. they are stopping me from being
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on the ballot. you can't stop someone from running against you by just bringing court case after court case. other people say hey, you know, it's your behavior doing it. the lee process is playing out. it's hard to see a total divorce between the justice department under merrick garland and the president of the united states. even though he wants us to perceive that way. >> ainsley: i wonder what will happen in the georgia case if it this will be thrown out. bombshell news what is happening with the da fani willis having a relationship with this private attorney. it was brought upon this filing the court records show that he was paid -- wade was paid $650,000 in legal fees. a former trump campaign official michael rowman filed this motion. this is his goal e is seeking to have his own charges dismissed and he wants willis, bathed andd entire d.a. case to be dismissed from the case. >> steve: sealed court documents involved and we'll hear more about that today. in the meaning time listen to. this. >> brian: can i add one other
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thing. taker the money, $650,000. using some of the money that the georgia city government was paying him and going on vacations with her? >> ainsley: allegedly. >> brian: are people okay with that? there is no ethics violation there? that's the thing that's going to come under scrutiny. you know if this guy mike rowe marn is going to go after him. trump is going to do the same thing. >> ainsley: of course. >> steve: as i was saying, somebody said something yesterday that has everybody's ears perked up. michelle obama and on the jay chety on purpose podcast. his podcast is the world's number one mental health podcast. and interview was mainly about mental health but the conversation got political when she was asked by jay about her worries. she said, he said what is the thing that keeps you up at night now or what is your biggest fear? after having overcome some? there is a thing such as knowing too much after being married to the president. she talked about wars and a.i. and climate change and voter
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turnout. then she turned to the upcoming election and said this: >> what's going to happen in this next election? i am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter. who we select, who speaks for us. who holds that bully pulpit. it effects us in ways that sometimes i think people take for granted. you know, the fact that people think that government, ah, you know, does it really even do anything? and i'm like oh my god, does government do everything for us and we cannot take this democracy for granted. and sometimes i worry that we do. those are the things that keep me up. >> >> ainsley: most people especially this day and age do not take democracy for granted. we see what is happening in our country with open borders, with inflation, how we are going to interview someone coming up who has a restaurant and how expensive it is now to run restaurant. blt now has to be $16 because
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it's so expensive to buy all the products. i think we do know how important elections are of course she is going to say that her husband, his vice president was joe biden who is running against donald trump. >> brian: who started the civil rights movement we found out yesterday. solve thank him for that unfortunately i don't know if that came senator bird grand wizard days best friends and he spoke at his funeral. michelle obama has never sounded like a canal democrat before. i'm not saying she sounds like a candidate. >> ainsley: she said there is so muching as knowing too much. when you are married to the president of the president of the united states who knows everything. sometimes you just want to turn it off. sounds like she doesn't want to jump in. >> steve: comment terrified by the outcome of 2024. it sounds like she doesn't have much confidence in joe biden. and while we have surmised and
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we heard from ted cruz, he thinks that. >> ainsley: terrified either way no matter who wins. >> steve: what is interesting, something that happened yesterday, and if joe biden were to drop out. you know michelle obama's name has come up. gavin newsom's name has come up. he is from the state of california and that's problematic because a lot of people across the country don't like his policies. interestingly enough, yesterday, guess who started the super pac? >> ainsley: who? >> steve: super pac was started on behalf of the democrat very popular democrat governor of kentucky. andy beshear. 46 years old. he won re-election, i think, why four or five points in a state as a dallas donald trump won by over 20 points. is he a rising star in the democratic party. and look at that just at the time when people are talking about joe biden might drop out, andy beshear suddenly out of nowhere says hey, take a look at me. and people are. >> ainsley: is he well-liked. wasn't his father the governor and he was a republican?
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>> steve: indeed. >> brian: the thing that keeps me up at night is my aurora ring. i'm afraid of letting down my aurora ring. i'm wearing it right now. i'm saying to myself seven minutes not asleep yet i'm going to get a bad sleep score. it's really working against me. >> steve: the problem with that, brian. are you sure that the chinese government can't hack into the information that your aurora ring is sending to your private email account? >> brian: that's great point, steve. i do worry about that. chinese go no way that ring is accurate. is he not be functioning on that little sleep. >> ainsley: these things are great. they can tell you all kinds of medical history that your doctor might need to know or concerns. i laughed. one day you said ainsley i got seven hours of sleep and i was only at 80%. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: that seems pretty good me. 100 percent would be how many hours. >> brian: i told to you go to bed at 9:30. you went to bed at 11:15. now you have to live like that.
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coming up the michigan wolverines win the national championship. jim harbaugh could be celebrating with a tattoo. that's next. >> steve: we will tell what you we think it could be. we just mentioned it. a restaurant owner said he has got to charge 16 bucks for a blt, why? >> i have to sell 98,800 sandwiches a year or 2557 day just to break even and make no money. >> steve: unbelievable. he is next to talk about the cost to small businesses under the biden administration. >> ainsley: that's a lot of bread. lawrence, down there at the border got a firsthand look at the crisis curing an exclusive ride along with texas dps. >> we got one migrant that is turning around. could get into the country. and so a lot of times you will see that they will go back but they will try again. >> ainsley: they are pure so brazen they will do in broad daylight. one guy over the fence. lawrence is live in eagle pass. he will be in texas all morning.
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hey, lawrence. >> hey, good morning, family. y'all are talking about what keeps you up at night. what worries you. i'm worried about who is coming across the border. we don't know exactly who they're. there was once a point in time where it was just a few chinese nationals. a few afghanis. well, that has increased. we did a ride along with the texas department of public safety yesterday. we're going to give you a live tease of that coming up here on "fox & friends." ♪ scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions, all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at chministries. dot org / enroll.
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with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. >> steve: all of us are still feeling toasted by the effects of inflation especially when it comes to going out to eat. one atlanta restaurant patrons are looking at the menu and says a bl. >> it is 16 bucks. looks delicious. our next guest credits rising restaurant costs for the price hike and says he would have to sell 93,000 sandwiches in a month just to start just to starts making a profit. how does he do it? will restaurant's investment group founder brian join us now from atlanta. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys how is everybody doing this morning? >> steve: doing okay. my jaw just dropped you have to
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sell 93,000 sandwiches in a month? >> in a year. i just wanted to correct you. in a year. >> steve: 16 bucks, it's just bacon, couple of pieces of bacon, some lettuce and tomato. how much does that cost? as it turns out the ingredients are 5 bucks, right? >> that's correct, yeah. >> steve: got your rent of a buck 50. let's go to the far side, operational cost 250. operational costs 2.50. the labor, the cost to put that sandwich together costs you almost $5. >> our labor has gone up 30% in the last three years. >> steve: all right. over the last three years. brian, it sounds like this all started with covid. >> it did. when covid hit, of course, everybody quit and got their extended unemployment. it was very hard to get people back. we had to pay more and more and more to get them. we hire people right out at high school at $33,000 starting salary with literally no experience whatsoever. so, it's incredible what we pay in salaries now.
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>> steve: all right. so tell us a little bit about what happened to your business. you rode through the covid crisis but i got to imagine it was tough. tell us how your revenues, you know, went up, went down, cost you more than you ever thought? >> you know if you look at the last three years or so i looked at the number. we did about # .9 million three years ago. this year we only did 2.55. we had $350,000 drop in revenue while our labor went from 500,000 a year to 650. so, 350,000 drop in revenue with 150,000 increase in labor. plus, 40% increase in insurance and 10% increase in rent. costs are climbing while revenues have started to come down. >> steve: it's interesting. you told me something in the commercial. about, you know, one of the industry standards is you make a 12% profit. right? >> that's correct. yeah. >> steve: but, waiters and
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waitresses make, what? >> it's an industry joke. right? every time they serve a meal to a table, we get about 12% profit. but they get tipped 15% to 20%, sometimes 25%. the joke is that the servers make more money than we do off each individual meal. i global got $2 profit. do you know how easy it is to lose $2 profit in the meal. easy. they don't take the hit. we do. >> steve: if somebody seconds a sandwich back how many other sandwiches do you have to make that up. >> $16 sandwich and only $2 profit. one sandwich goes back i have to recover $16. i have to sell 8 more sandwiches for every one that goes back to the kitchen. it's tough. >> steve: it is tough. final question and point is while waiters and waitresses making at least 15% in tips, if they weren't tipped, how much would that blt that you sell for 16 bucks, if the waiters didn't get a tip, how much would you have to charge for that sandwich to compensate the waiters and
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waitresses? >> it would go up about $3.50. that sandwich should be close to 20 bucks at that point. >> steve: holy cow it better be tasty. >> by the way they would make less money. they make more money than that 20% increase. >> steve: brian, thank you very much for joining us and telling us what all the hidden costs on the menu. >> thanks, steve. appreciate it. >> steve: all right. 6:22 now in the east. what was that? >> i don't know, but hi, steve. >> steve: i thought it was you talking. >> carley: it wasn't. i was silent as a mouse but now i can begin talking out loud because we got some news to get to starting with a developing story in texas. a massive explosion at historic fort worth hotel leaves at least 21 people hurt. officials believe a natural gas leak is to blame for the blast that sent debris flying into the street. the leak likely originating stay restaurant in the basement of the 20 story building.
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just look at that my goodness. republican presidential candidate nikki haley joined fox news for a town hall last night in des moines, iowa. she defended donald trump saying he would stay on the ballot. he should stay on the ballot as states try to take him off and she came out swinging against florida governor ron desantis for running what she feels are misleading attack ads. >> look, desantis desperate. is he lying because he is losing. the problem is if you have to fly win, you don't deserve to win. no, he shouldn't be taken off the ballot and the supreme court nielsen needs to rule quickly before other states start to do this. >> carley: desantis will have a chance to respond tonight at his town hall at 6:00 p.m. eastern time here on the fox news channel. and tomorrow, tune in for former president trump's fox news town hall. that one is at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. and to the college football national championship michigan dominating the washington huskies from the opening drive of the game.
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>> edwards rotates in to the back racing to the end zone. michigan flexing immediately. >> carley: the wolverines running for four touchdowns on the night. so michigan beats washington 34-13 for their first national title in 26 years. after the game, coach jim harr bar said he would make good on a deal he made with players prior to their perfect season. >> i did say that to our players. i said, you know, we go 15-0. i'm getting a tattoo. it's 15-0. and then an m, an m that's a maize and blue m. >> he says it will be first tattoo. is he like the most clean cut guy. i can't imagine him with ink. but apparently he was going to
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get it. it was a good night. >> steve: his first two tattoo you. even though from new jersey big fan. >> carley: my husband is a huge fan. is he so happy. his best friend is a die hard washington huskies fan. before the game they texted each other. they said they were pausing their friendship for five hours. see how that -- we will see how that friendship goes today. >> brian: i don't think michigan ever trailed. the big question is will jim harbaugh go to the nfl? how does your husband feel about that? >> carley: that was the first comment out of his mouth after they won he can do whatever he wants now. now that they won the national title. >> ainsley: the coach went to michigan. he came back to his alma mater after the san francisco 49ers. this is his first national title. >> carley: they beat ohio state and alabama too. >> brian: a little bit of controversy. >> ainsley: 15-0 get this tattoo. i think it will be on my shoulder, not sure right or left. because i was a quarterback probably my right. >> brian: doesn't it hurt to get
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a tattoo. do you think he can take it. >> steve: i don't think it feels good. >> ainsley: we don't know. we don't have tattoos. >> steve: i wonder how many people are fans of florida state are saying you know, remember they were excluded from going. >> ainsley: they were undefeated. >> brian: when did he didn't show up for the bowl game they lost all sympathy. >> steve: how many people could have been for florida state. just saying. >> brian: coming up, brewing controversy. a coffee shop calls out newlyweds for holding a pop-up wedding in their store. >> steve: cheaper. >> brian: what jimmy failla do woo do if he owned that shop. coming up. >> ainsley: come in and take part. first, lawrence, down there at the border got a look at the border crisis during the ride a&e long with dps. >> do you mind asking them where they are coming from? [speaking spanish] >> going to nicaragua, houston, california. >> steve: he is in texas. and is he coming up next.
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brian brian going to be a big day on the fox news channel today. three big events taking place. first off a pentagon briefing. what's the big deal? how about the secretary of defense still in the hospital, never telling us why he was in the hospital or why didn't he tell the president or anybody else he was in the hospital. meanwhile, this has been a bunch of strikes in iraq houthi rebels on our forces. wouldn't it be great to have a secretary of defense? i don't know. you make the call at home. ron desantis will try to do as well as nikki haley did if not better in big town hall. many will be watching. closing argument for ron desantis and also a debate coming up on wednesday. >> hunter is in trouble. we know that now we are going to find out who is paying all that money for this rookie artist. georgia's burgess is going to be front and center as well as elizabeth nuclear weapon tally who paid over $13,000 for blow
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art. we will find out about hunter biden, his deposition which he seems to ignore james comer's committee i should say. >> >> steve: big day going to come. >> brian: is he in big trouble. not used to be in trouble. not hunter. >> ainsley: dhs secretary mayorkas reveals more than 58% of migrants are released into the u.s. >> steve: wait a minute. we heard a different number last week. lawrence jones is at the border getting a first-hand look during exclusive ride along with the texas department of public safety. >> brian: he joins us live from eagle pass jumping the fence in the middle of our broadcast.
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yesterday we had the opportunity to go on a ride along with the texas department of public safety. this is what we saw, watch. >> we are live here at the rio grande where the texas department of public safety, the florida fish and wildlife as well as the texas national guard are getting ready to do some patrol in the rio grande. remember it, is the rio grande that separates mexico and the united states many of the folks take that dangerous journey where underway be. >> lawrence: do you mind asking them where they're coming from?
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>> lawrence: going to houston, going to california. and going to florida. there has been some dispute about the governor sending the buses to the location. as you can see, before they even enter into the state of texas, they already know where they want to go. >> we are approaching right now the buoy system as you can see 13 here. some democratic officials want they want this stuff to be removed. what they say is the buoy system is harmful for the migrants coming across. a lot of people argue can stop and turn around: one migrant turn around they could get into the country. a lot of times you will see that they will go back and you will see the bag right there with all his belongings there. but they will try again.
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>> lawrence: so we seen what happens on the border on the water in the air. let's see what happens on the ground. >> hey, stop! >> it's all about money. organizations which is gangs it, could be cartels. those people that are crossing are just money. they are not people they are hot commodity. they will make money off of them no matter what it is. >> tell me about the human trafficking aspect of it. >> we see a lot of human trafficking involved, here it is human smuggling, they are making money off getting bodies across the border. other areas like houston where it is human sex trafficking. you see child trafficking. all of it is about getting them over here and making even more money once they have them over here. people from new york, california, florida, that are coming into smuggle because can you make money doing it. where there is money, you will find criminals. we do see a lot of people from all over that are being
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recruited down here. i think we are putting a hurting to locals that would be interested in smuggling. they are having to reach out further to find people do it. for me catching bad guys and putting murders or people who hurt children those guys behind bars, that's what i care about. >> lawrence: and on a personal note, i got to say i'm proud of my state of texas and the law enforcement that are cooking everything that they can to keep us safe. back to the point of the migrants knowing exactly where they want to go, as i said, if you remember during our live broadcast yesterday, i talked to the migrant before he even jumped the fence and he told me that he was going to go to california. sthat just shows you they know our laws. they know what the biden administration is allowing them to get away with. and they know their destination, once they find some way to whether they jump the fence like that guy did or crawl under the razor wire or going through the fencing these guys know where they want to go. i will send it back to you.
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>> brian: why would you not go to california free healthcare if you want to become a woman or man it's also on the house. >> steve: apparently the cartels show you how to jump over razor wire. if i saw that i would have no idea how to do it he did it with a modicum of. >> brian: i might just say in my own country. >> steve: razor wire is to keep you in, brian. >> ainsley: if you are down there for a few days and already seen several of these instances, guy in the water, over the fence, some of that footage that fox reporters have gotten over the course of the last few months, it just shows you how big of a problem this is. >> lawrence: it's so true, ainsley. and just consider this. the past couple days that i have been here. these are light days. these are the people that said even though the secretary of homeland security is going to be in town. we are going to cross anyway. the traffic is down right now because there is someone that is in power coming to the border.
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>> steve: sure. >> lawrence: now that he is gone and our broadcast is gone, we will see uptick of migrants coming across the border. ainsley: what does mayorkas say. nothing ever happens, nothing done. still a crisis. goes down there and meets with border agents are they screaming and yelling at them and he says i promise i will fix it and he doesn't? >> steve: yesterday he said the number is closer to 85% and had to walk it back. lawrence a lot more this morning live with you from eagle pass. meantime coming up, alaska airlines passengers were offered $1,500 for being on that flight where the side of the plane was ripped off visibly shaking grandmother speaks out. >> i'm a praying lady. so i did make a tonight once those kids were masked and we prayed together. >> steve: more on what the ntsb is saying about that plane coming up. plus a good samaritan takes down a suspected porch pirate before he could escape police. what would jimmy failla do if he saw all that happen? jimmy is next. >> brian: do you have a football
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>> steve: fox weather alert. 49 states are under weather alerts today as a powerful
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winter storm moves east after blanketing the central plains with snow yesterday. >> ainsley: this storm packing the potential for blizzard conditions flooding and widespread power outages. north dakota is the only state not under an alert. our senior meteorologist janice dean is here with more in our fox weather forecast. what time can we expect this to come through. >> it depends on where you live. happening right now. we have tornado warn storms for alabama and panhandle. look at that right now. confirmed tornadoes right now for these areas not only flooding concerns but tornado concerns this is confirmed tornado for the bay, jackson, washington area. we also had a confirmed tornado for mobile, alabama. tornado watch in effect 7:00 a.m. local time. we have the potentials for tornado outbreak for some of these areas. then we have the winter storm portion of this. the blizzard warning for areas across the central plains in towards the upper midwest where we could get upwards of a foot
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of snow with blowing snow travel is going to be difficult, if not impossible. then this lohse moves into the northeast and the mid-atlantic overnight tonight. wind alerts for all of these areas, all of the big cities included. we could see 60, 70 mile-per-hour gusts for the morning commute and widespread power outages and flooding, 4 to 5 inches, possible for some of these areas in a short period of time. very concerning. so if you have travel plans, certainly you want to keep up to date. this is going to happen in the afternoon rush hour and the morning commute. fox for all of your latest details. this is a very big deal. i want everyone to be very aware of the forecast. >> i was in kansas yesterday. my sister said it was awful. >> janice: going to be terrible. >> ainsley: call ahead if you are flying out today. somebody taking a flight worried about that. >> steve: speaking of flying. >> ainsley: talk about the alaska airlines. >> steve: remember we told you last friday night alaska
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airlines, using one of these brand new boeing max 9s, that so-called door-like plug blew out of the side of the airplane, and we know what happened next, now, yesterday the news was united airline which also flies some of these, found some loose bolts when they were looking at these plugs, and then this is the breaking news this morning. the ntsb says that the guide tracks on the alaska door plug were fractured but here's the important part, four bolts were missing designed to keep the plug in the place right there at the back of the plane. >> ainsley: right. so those loot bolts obviously very concerns. >> steve: missing bolts. >> ainsley: missing there unite you had loose. boeing the manufacturer sent instructions to the airlines to conduct inspections to teach them how to do this. the faa did ground all the 737 max 9s after that alaska air incident. we are learning now a few days later some accounts from people on board. they all have interesting
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stories. the one boy that everybody was talking about was shirtless. he ran up there and sat in the seat with another lady. she said she was unnerved. until he slipped into the seat and sat in the middle seat next to her. and she said that's when she realized how dangerous this was. but it snatched cell phones out of that door, the opening. snatched headsets. snatched that young boy's shirt it. twisted metal on the seats nearby. and that's -- there was a lady that was interviewed. she was sitting seven rows away from the door. and she said there was this big gust of wind that pushed her back in her seat. steve and i were talking to her in the commercial break. don't take your seat belt off if you are sitting in a chair. >> steve: i will never again. >> that young boy had the seat belt off and that's why he slipped up. >> the kid was sitting one seat away from that the door blows out, he realizes what is happening. he is thinking i'm next. i'm going to go out the side some of the took off his seat belt, went three rows ahead and sat next to a woman who was
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very, you know, she was bewildered. kelly bartlett. he wound up taking a selfie with her. we will show that you selfie if in a little bit that explosion essentially was so dramatic, the cockpit door blew open and banged the lavatory door and knocked the first officer forward and knocked their headset off. and when they went and took a look at the plane later, two of the headsets in the cockpit were missing. >> ainsley: vicki one of the grandmothers on the plane traveling with two grandkids traveling back to their parents she said they are a praying woman and they prayed. they put oxygen masks on and buckled in she said she knew once everything calmed down or once she heard that loud boom. she said the worst part was over but they prayed the entire time. >> steve: i was on that exact model plane on friday and now i was talking to. >> ainsley: isn't it popular? >> steve: brand new plane. they only got about 150 in the
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whole country. i was talking to the producers this morning. rachel said she is going to travel somewhere, see said i'm going to look up and see what kind of plane i have got. a lot of people are doing that 10 before the top of the hour. car. >> ainsley: and carley is over there welcome back my friend. >> carley: yes. i haven't seen you since christmas. i feel like i could give you both hugs. >> ainsley: merry christmas, happy new year, happy valentine's day. >> carley: all of the above. we do have serious news to get to. lloyd austin update on his treatment and care. is he out of the intensive care unit. but remains hospitalized as political fallout continues over the initial decision to keep his health trouble secret for days. at last night's fox news town hall in iowa, presidential candidate nikki haley says this situation proves president biden has got to go. >> first, i have a problem with the fact that biden is not talking to his secretary of defense every single day anyway. secondly, is there not enough connection that he didn't even
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know he was put in the hospital in intensive care at that? and then to go and say oh, but his deputy secretary knew what was going on but she is vacationing in puerto rico? >> carley: congressman matt rosendale expected to file articles of impeachment against austin later today. the man who attack ad las vegas judge last week was back in her courtroom yesterday and take a look at this. the clark county court not taking any chances. arriving to a sentencing wearing a mesh mask and extra restraints. the judge sentenced him to up to four years behind bars for a separate battery charge. is he back in court facing six new felony charges for attacking the judge that video is wild, brian. over to you. brian? >> brian: all right, thank you very much. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> brian: if i can find my microphone. go ahead. >> carley: he has to turn on his mic. it's the first day on the judge.
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>> brian: take it back to you, carley. this morning a knox man hailed a hero for tackling a porch pirate run from the cops. >> this is the story right now, jimmy failla will bring us through it jimmy. give us. so play-by-play. first, let's take it in. >> hi. stop right there. stop, stop. >> st. john's church. >> the big question is what would jimmy failla do. i will put you in the middle of it what would do you. >> jimmy: this is yonkers what nobody tells you is the good samaritan then took the package for himself that's how yonkers works. i love this story. we need that guy on the jets. we might be sitting on play off birth right now.
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steve. >> brian: not worried about being fired. everybody worked together. the cops worked together with the porch pirate. they ended up tackling him. >> jimmy: loved it. >> brian: next, we got a little problem. the next generation of college grads are not impressing the next generation, the current generation of employers. why? they're bringing their parents a lot of times to the interviews let alone the eye contact they are not making and work ethic they don't have. >> jimmy: yes. so here's the hard no. okay, that every one of these potential employers needs to learn how to dish out. if the parents are so desperate to get these kids out of the house that they are showing up to the interview, these are useless kids. can't bring them. >> brian: right. we your parents ever come. >> jimmy: i wouldn't bring my mom. number one if it's during the day at love the bars are already open sheet is not coming up. number two she would steal the free snacks not a good look for jimmy failla. >> brian: you got the taxi jobs on your own? >> jimmy: apparently. >> brian: angry coffee shop
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owner. this couple combings in and decides they want to get married. they take over the whole shop. how wrong is that? [laughter] >> brian: people come in no one can work. >> jimmy: this marriage is doomed. these are two inconsiderate people. >> brian: absolutely. >> jimmy: i don't get the idea of coffee at a wedding ceremony. you may now kiss the bride. actually you can. she in the bathroom. so that is rude. it's not nice. and don't please do that again. jimmy, we have some more news. fox news saturday night will feature you. it's your show. saturdays at 10:00. >> jimmy: it's a big news. cable news keg party. that's what everybody needs to know. partisan show. i enter a profession where i get paid in chicken fingers the first five years. i can't balance the budget. >> brian: kennedy should have paid you more. >> jimmy: shame on her. >> brian: photo big picture of you on broadway. >> jimmy: burned up on giant times square billboard godzilla billboard a big deal for me.
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>> brian: for anybody. >> jimmy: i owe a lot of people money. i don't know if this is good. it might backfire on me. >> brian: look at you, that's you looking at you. >> jimmy: jimmy, wow, we have arrived. the failla family. >> brian: i sense that is going to be part of saturday's show. >> jimmy: you know it. >> brian: coming up 2024, hopeful nikki haley making her case to the american people in fox news town hall saying family has always been the center of her success. >> i'm a good mom and good wife and i'll be a good governor. in i'm a good mom and god wife i'll be a good ambassador. if i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good president. >> brian: development expert tony robbins join us live and i had three seconds left. [laughter] ♪
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