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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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period. you multiply that times four, you are talking about trillions to our debt. it will be under this president's watch, a lot of the last presidents watch. it does not seem solvable at this point. >> well look, when we say if it's solvable, we can do a lot of mitigation. not everything is solvable immediately, but i think there is a ton of mitigation we can do to lessen the situation at the border. >> so you are optimistic a deal can still be struck? >> yes. let's not forget israel and ukraine. that's a conversation. we have to help our friends in israel. i hope to pass a bipartisan package, as well as ukraine. can't just take -- a sovereign nation. the united states has to continue to stand up for that. >> thank you very much for joining us. ♪ ♪ >> dana: i'm dana perino along
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with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> president trump back in court as his chief rival cranks up the heat looking to go after him harder. a d.c. appeals court taking up former president trump's claims of immunity from prosecution in the january 6th case. the former president in court, despite not being required to be there, as lawyers and judges way his fate, trumpet slamming what he says is an unfair prose prosecution. >> i think it's very unfair when a political opponent is prosecuted by the doj, by biden's doj. i think they feel this is the way they will try to win. they feel that as a president, you have to have immunity. >> as trumpet battles it out in court, team biden thinks it is a political opportunity.
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the president's campaign leaders have reportedly been meeting with numbers of the media to demand harsher coverage of his rival, donald trump, according to the report of the campaign feels like outlets are too focused on his legal troubles and have not paid enough attention to some of his incendiary recent statements on the campaign trail. i'm not sure what media they read because i see it everywhere. anyway, michelle obama taking notice on the upcoming election, and is worried about president trump winning again. >> i'm terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter, who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that pulpit. it affects us in ways that sometimes i think people take for granted. the fact that people think government, doesn't really even do anything? and i'm like, oh, my god, government does everything for us and we cannot take this democracy for granted. sometimes, i worry that we do.
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>> dana: before we get to the lawyers, jesse, michelle obama, does that make you think she will throw her head in the ring? >> jesse: it does. >> dana: well i have to come on your show again? left back >> jesse: i don't care how many people tell me, it makes me think she might be. might be a convention situation last as i can. what keeps michelle up at night? peace and prosperity? we had a great run was four years. michelle made $100 million, the best-selling books. they bought two mentions, crime was low, rates were low, migration was low. i'm not buying it. biden's flying reporters to delaware, which is kind of punishment, but to his place in delaware to serve them food and alcohol and tell them -- don't "cover the fact that i'm trying to throw my political opponent in prison." probably because every time he indicts them, his numbers go up. "i just want you to cover the things he says, like how he wants to be dictator on day one. he wants them to cover the jokes and the hoaxes. don't cover the actions
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donald trump takes, because the actions are good if you look at the record. i did a deep dive on this law. the supreme court -- please back me up, i'm begging you. [laughter] in '82, the supreme court says presidents have immunity for what they do when they take official acts as president. for president, the chief executive officer, he has the sole authority to execute and enforce the law of the land. donald trump will argue that "i was enforcing election fraud, i was pursuing allegations of election fraud, i was pursuing recounts, election challenges. i was pursuing slants of electors. if you say any other president wants to leave office, the following president can just come in with lawyers and indict the former guy? that's crazy. that means joe biden can be indicted after he leaves in a year for child trafficking. that means it could indict joe biden for cocaine poss
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possession, could indict joe biden for financial fraud. it's insane. under this theory the democrats are pushing, you could charge abe lincoln with murder for prosecuting the civil war. it doesn't make any sense. no one will buy it. i can't wait till it gets to the high court. >> dana: judge? do you want to back him or not? >> jeanine: you did a good job, jesse. >> jesse: thank you. >> jeanine: you are welcome. untested question as to whether or not a president can be charged with a crime allegedly occurring during the time he was in office. we know presidents have immunity from lawsuits and civil cases, but this has never been tested. no president in american history has been indicted for a crime, and it does, jesse, open the floodgates. when you talk about biden, a dereliction duty. 13 servicemen killed in afghanistan because they could not get an answer as to whether they could engage the person they thought was and it turned
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out to be a suicide bomber. may be -- obama subject to the statue of limitations for that drone attack that killed an american citizen and italian citizen. how much do you want to extend this? the judges know that if they allow this, the floodgates are open, and every president could be indicted by a subsequent president. now, if a president has to look over his shoulder every time he or she makes a decision, it's a nightmare. you know that, dana. you have dealt with them. i want to talk about michelle obama though. what i want to talk about is that she did something i didn't think would come out until -- she tried to get up resentment by blacks against donald trump. blacks are moving towards donald trump, away from the democrat party. joe biden has lost 24% points with the blacks. she says "if a similar predicament but fell a black man, the bars are different."
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that trump was indicted four times. -- that a black man couldn't be indicted a bunch of times and run for office peer she seems to forget that trump has not been convicted, trump has not been found guilty by the senate, trump has not even -- he has got the production of innocence. she is trying so hard to remind african americans, and divide, which is what the democrats do. they create division. it is racist division. a black man "couldn't go through what donald trump is going through," so jesse, you are right, and i think there's more to it. >> dana: harold, good to have you back around the table. [laughter] i will let you say that. since you have not been here for a few days, would you like to comment on the case today, or what judge jeanine was just talking about? >> harold: go blue and congrats. two things. i think you are largely right. the thing i struggle with, you
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and jesse, is that the president of the united states, the supreme court, every judge, every member of congress -- took an oath of office to defend and uphold the constitution. the constitution is the greatest legal document ever written, the greatest visionary document ever produced by man about how men and women should treat one another. so i get it. i struggle with the absolute immunity argument that president trump's lawyers make, but i'm sensitive to what the judge and what jesse say about do you open the door to endless pursuits by political opponents? i do think, however, as i think about all of that, the way i think about it is if you commit a crime, i don't care who you are: our nations as we are a nation of laws and no one is above the law. in this particular instance for president trump, there is no doubt that the legal issues here have done nothing but bolster president trump's political
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fortunes. i think what president binds team, political team is doing, is what any decent, smart, political team would do, which s try to get the press to look at things that they think will advantage him, which is what we have been saying on the show, you in particular for a while. that the legal issues by democrats or whomever have only helped, and i would even argue some republicans -- have helped former president trump. what they are trying to do is get them to focus on other things. judge, you mentioned an interesting point. it is an untested question about what you can or cannot do with a former president. we never had a former president do what happened on january 6th and continue to talk about it in ways that show no remorse. i will leave it to the courts. again, what i hope doesn't happen is what jesse said in the outset, and you echo, which is
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that whatever we do, we don't lay a predicate or open the door for presidents, subsequent presidents, hoping it's a woman in a sooner time they are not -- he or she to go after their predecessor, because their predecessor did something they may have disagreed with. >> dana: what about summoning the press and giving them a spreadsheet of a complaint? >> greg: i love that joe is angry at the press for not caring all -- he is like a terminally ill man surrounded by dozens of the top surgeons on his payroll, and he is blaming them for the disease. dude, they are doing everything they can to save you. they have already applied 20 coats of paint on this turd, and it's not their fault that it still stinks. think about immigration when trump was in office. the media called the border crossings a crisis. under biden, when it's ten times worse, they can't even call it a problem. the media went all in on
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white supremacy in the military which turned out to be another hoax. when exposed, they release that report right before christmas. they buried it like it was jessie's bald spot. [laughter] anytime there's a jobs report, when it comes out -- "it's the best ever." them, days later or months later, the revisions come out. they buried him like a dismembered snitch. they happily parent that januarn that they happily parent january -- they say it's the hottest year and 125,000 years. they will parot everything. the media went for all of the hoaxes: the most easily debunked hoax in history. you just read t transcript. this here, there was testimony that joe was wrong, but the media went with it anyway. there is lavishly the hunter
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laptop story. polls show that it helped him beat trump by suppressing the scandal, which would have showed a connection between what hunter was making and what joe was getting may be. then you look at his declining function, which they only cover it if they have no choice when it just shows up. meanwhile, and honestly michelle is one of them, the usual suspects are protecting the end of the world if trump returns. yet, when trump was president, we had peace and prosperity, no wars. the only thing trump broke was the media's minds. that is what we are dealing with right now. we are dealing with a massive nervous breakdown that's been going on for most four years. it started a bit earlier and it's just going to get worse. you have got to get used to this. so much crap flying up. he's already hitler. i don't know what they will do next. what's worse than hitler? ki brian kilmeade?
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[laughter] >> dana: coming up comedy by demonstration under fire after doctors revealed the reason behind this material hospital v. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the white house looking more incompetent as we find out the reason behind the secretaries recent hospital trip. walter reed revealing that the secretary underwent a minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat and cure prostate cancer. it started in december 22nd, when austin got the surgery, everything went fine, he went home. then, austen had to go back to the hospital january 1st because of an infection.
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it doesn't explain why he felt the need to keep everybody, including the president, in the dark for days. the pentagon could not ask when in either >> whose decision was it not to -- that the secretary had prostate cancer? >> we provided information as we received it. we receive it this afternoon and are providing. >> to the chief of staff no? >> i will not go into the specifics of who specifically knew what when and where. >> he was not informed until last friday that secretary austin was in the hospital. he was not informed until this morning that the root cause of that hospital decision was prostate cancer. >> is their lack of trust between the pentagon and white house? >> we have confidence in the secretary. that is something we have said, the president has confidence in the secretary. >> doesn't explain why joe biden and his white house didn't even notice that the secretary was in
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the icu. >> a kind of commander in chief is president biden that a time where americans are under fire in the middle east, he can go days without knowing that his defense secretary is in a hospital bed? >> at no time was the ability for the united states military and our national security interests compromised. >> why should we believe anything this administration tells us about anything ever again? >> the pentagon has been very, very honest with themselves about the challenge to credibility by what has transpired here >> jesse: judge jeanine, you are a medical doctor as well, so i will go to your first. [laughter] would you describe prostate cancer surgery as elective? >> jeanine: no! >> jesse: or minimally invasive? >> jeanine: nobody says "i don't think i need it but i will go have removal surgery." now we know for sure what we did
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not know yesterday. on december 22nd, he was under general anesthesia. when you are under general anesthesia, it is during a time of the surgery, and then for several hours later when you are groggy and this and that. the crazy part is, and i get that they are dealing with the bad facts he has, but when he says "at no time was the ability to defend our national security interests compromised," that's hogwash. at this time, american servicemen and women are being hit in iraq and syria. no one is doing anything about it. there is no national security meeting. no nsc council meetings. no one is talking to anyone e else. is there a memo that says "we will allow this money to get hit," one right now i understand is in critical condition. more than 50 of them have traumatic brain injury, lifelong injury. i want to say one more thing.
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there is a requirement that they do a review of protocols. 2024 we will review protocols. your local high school principal -- when she isn't there, the vice principal is in charge. my local d.a.'s office. when i wasn't around as a d.a., there was a delegation of authority that had to be filed with the county clerk as to who was in charge when i'm not they are. it's. finally, is anyone talking to anyone? this, as well as a turkey -- there is another country. who is he talking to about has meetings in these countries? the president isn't talking to him. he is missing in action. is not speaking the secretary of defense. who is he having these
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discussions with? jordan, turkey, qatar, and greece. is he calling his mother and asking how he did over there? >> dana: i think the 30 day review is preposterous. it takes more than that to review the situation. the secretary saying to do review, it was her job to tell everybody that she is happening in the first place. plus, i hate group work, i hated it from when i was a kid. especially group work that has been hoisted upon because of somebody else's behavior. now, the chief of staff at the white house has told everyone in the cabinet that they have to turn in a memo by january 12th i told him exactly what the procedures are. makes everybody angering. five days without contact may seem inconceivable to us, but it does open the white house to these questions. i think they know that.
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we have a lot to work with. if the trump secretary of defense -- the media would have gone crazy, all of the democrats would have said "the russians must have something on them." i think this is an untenable situation. the oval office at 8:00 a.m. >> greg: she said the government does everything, everything badly, except the military, which used to be a meritocracy. that may not be for long. this thing called government that supposedly does everything for us can't keep track of anything. the trillions in covid funds, the millions of illegal immigrants. secretary of defense.
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you would be at the bottom of a lake. the big deal is the chain of command. there was one. when they are off the five, and you can't get joey jones. it is amazing. who will keep tabs on the white supremacists, the pta, the military? we have got to be safe from servicemen who own flags, refused to read these books by this author. i have put on -- prostate cancer cannot be called elective surgery, because it is the aggressiveness, the growth of the tumor. sometimes, almost all men have some kind of prostate cancer in them. it just depends on how slow it grows, whether you want to use radiation or heretical prostatectomy. in that case, it's elective. >> jesse: are you going to take a hat off?
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>> greg: no. [laughter] >> harold: i think it was irresponsible for the secretary -- two things. number one, and i hold them in high regard, but i think it's two runs. when the deputy secretary was given this authority, she was not told, at least in reports, and she said she was not told why or what was happening. they need to review that protocol. two, more importantly, don't know how you don't call the commander in chief, even if it's a confidential conversation and say to the president "i am looking at my own health." on one of the shows earlier, one of our doctors, house doctor on fox, said that it would've been useful just from the elements of how african american men, how we deal with prostate cancer, and how many african american men are, for whatever reason, unwilling to have a screening. a number of things could have been done. i don't believe we are is compromised as may be some of
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the language around the table, but i do agree that it's irresponsible. i hope it's fixed. it is something that should have been avoided. >> jesse: so you will get your checked on camera for the show and the country. [laughter] >> greg: exam room. >> dana: you should go together. >> greg: i brought my gloves. >> harold: i don't have a white jacket. [laughter] >> jesse: that will be tomorrow. ahead, did he forget about the whole century think you met chicago's left-wing mayor claims texas is attacking cities run by black leaders with waves of migrants. ♪ ♪ let the weight of the day. fall away, give your cares and worries over to god. blessed are the poor in spirit for the patient. for lent this year instead of chocolate,
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on national television over why he is getting busloads of illegals. instead of consulting a dictionary and looking up the word "sanctuary" pick chicago's far left mayor brandon johnson is taking the easy route by saying the texas governor greg abbott hates black people. >> the governor of texas is committed to causing chaos. he is attacking democratically ran the cities, particularly cities that are being led by black leaders or leaders of color. this is unconscionable, a very raggedy approach, and frankly, not only reckless and raggedy, but evil spirited. >> [c.y. young] -- >> greg: everything is racist. you have a personal color crying racist when people are color --racist when people of color e sent to a city. isn't he racist saying "no more brown people?" >> harold: i don't think this is racist, but governor abbott is going for, except that i think this is -- politically, it
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is ingenious. subsequent to, i would hope that the governor's -- subsequently, i would hope all governors of all political ideologies say there needs to be more work done in washington. let us be clear where we are. the congress and senate and president are trying to negotiate a deal to do three things: to help fortify and bring some sanity to it's happening in our border, find ways to fund our friends in israel as they fight hamas, and find ways to fund the ukrainians as they try to push back. it has been weeks now. october 7th was obviously a vision from hamas to israel. we are now into the new year. we are still at a standstill, because these clowns in washington can't figure out how do we proliferate money and figure out what the new policy should be. that mayor is wrong. i hope that perhaps his words are interpreted by those who are adults in washington, and for that matter in politics, to do
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something. governor abbott, as much as you may think he is being politically shrewd or making bad political hate for cities like new york and chicago. if i were the governor of texas, i would be doing the same thing. if i were the governor of arizona or estate where you have more people coming across, and you could not sustain its, you send them to places where they can sustain it. more portly, i agree with you wholeheartedly. for a long time, they said they wanted the states. so i think you are right there. >> that's all i needed to hear. you could have skipped all that stuff. dana comer member how the left cries about fairness, and now abbott spreads the burden? that is elemental. how unfair. they only want fairness when they get the money, when they get the jobs, but not when it comes to the responsibilities of being a neighbor. >> cbs had a poll over the weekend saying that 60% of
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americans disapprove of their immigration policies. 7% said they think everything is fine. the white house has looked at that and said "7%, they got something right, let's go with a 7%. makes sense." the governor of texas has also sent many migrants to denver and las vegas. guess what? those mayors are white. okay? that argument goes away. the democrats, these mayors that are not banding together as a group, that they would be more powerful if they did this, band together as a group -- and themselves. i believe brandon johnston has had -- which is no bueno. >> greg: that's spanish for "not good. c, going to spain really help to. [laughter] jesse, i'm taking mayors johnson's lead and say you know why he is attacking governor abbott?
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because he's in a wheelchair. >> jesse: he is ableist. >> greg: he is. he is attacking him because he's in a wheelchair. >> jesse: you don't hear abbott saying that to you? >> greg: you do not. [laughter] >> jesse: gutfeld, when i go to a knicks game -- >> greg: baseball? >> jesse: -- they play lousy defense and give up 140 points. you know what i do? i boo the knicks. am i attacking black passed ballplayers when i boo the knicks? >> harold: partially. [laughter] >> jesse: the next next organization chose those black players, just like those cities have chosen black leaders to represent them as mayors. greg, i believe the governor -- of migrants to martha's vineyard. martha's vineyard. they have a white mayor in martha's vineyard. i believe if abbott had sent them to new york a couple of
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weeks ago, de blasio would be here. he's pretty white. this has nothing do with race. it has to do with the docking of accountability. the word has gone out on the democrat side that you must blame abbott, you must not blame biden, because if you blame biden, he will indict you like they did to our guy here. >> greg: judge, until these cities abandon their centroid status, they will come off as hypocritical buffoons. they can't admit that the stance was only adopted because they pretty much assumed they would never be called on it. >> jeanine: they did, and in addition to martha's vineyard and denver, you have got chicago, philadelphia, washington, new york city, baltimore -- -- should he not some people to the cities? all of a sudden, you are black, you can't be held accountable? claudin is not accountable because of them saying that the code of conduct is not violated if you say you want to kill all the jews, or because of plagiarism. she was criticized because she
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was black. this mayor is criticizing -- saying they are criticizing "me because i'm black." the truth is they are saying "if i'm black, you can't remove me," if you are clonidine can't include me. if i'm the mayor of chicago --" it's used as a way to prevent them from being accountable. they say they are victims because of their color. what the blacks are now saying is "unprivileged -- >> jesse: black privilege, harold. >> jeanine: -- black privilege, you can't remove me. the classic example is kamala harris. she is wonderful. she hasn't done anything that we can think of, but can't criticize her because she is black. >> jesse: pleased to announce your black privilege here on the show. [laughter] >> harold: i would gladly accept white privilege. to substitute for the black privilege together. [laughter] >> greg: that's right. you have a choice. [laughter] >> jeanine: so do i.
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>> greg: you are 1%. coming up next, traffic blocking pro-hamas lunatics have a target: a war veteran's cemetery. directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> free, free palestine. >> free, free palestine. >> jeanine: pro-hamas agitators are getting more dangerous and disgraceful as they ramp up their disruptive tactics. more than 300 of them were arrested after blocking three vital bridges in the new york area. at one point, the -- locked themselves together using zip ties and cement filled ti
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tires, forcing cops to use a buzz saw. they have now crossed a major line by vandalizing a war veteran's cemetery. pro-palestinian protesters, spray painting "free gaza" on the entrance to the los angeles national cemetery. all right. harold, if these protesters care so much, why aren't they often sing -- why aren't they offering their services to the front line of gaza? >> harold: i don't know why. i share your views about the way they are going about this. do not break the law -- >> jeanine: but now that they do what should happen to them? >> harold: whatever the laws are in those jurisdictions need to be reinforced. i think long and hard about a couple things. the war in gaza, how long will this go on? not from the standpoint of what they are saying, but just as we think about our own national security and what the costs will be. what are we doing -- to ensure
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the release of more hostages, and how many of the hostages are still alive? these are questions that we need to get after in many ways. three, a lot of this is masking some of the internal struggles that is being faced -- in his own country. i think going forward, as we think about a new face, a new relationship, new paths for opportunity and prosperity ending and what i would argue was the most important thing that we could hold onto, which is the peace agreement between the saudis and the israelis, which seems undermined in many ways. how do we get those questions answered? these protesters have a right to protest, but they are not serious because they are not raising serious issues. >> jeanine: they are not. jesse, the protesters claim that they stand for palestinians. they are all about themselves, getting out there, being seen, and claiming that they -- protesters. if someone were to die in an ambulance, do you think they would even care about that?
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is freeing palestine more important than the damage that occurs as a result of what they are doing? >> jesse: if they were jewish, they would not care, judge. the fbi is being handed an investigation on a silver platter. you have money coming into the country, these liberal foundations, that are financing these protests, which are illegal, and are costing us time, cost and commerce. only chris christie is allowed to block traffic coming into manhattan. these people are not allowed to do that. instead, we are wasting time infiltrating three guys that wanted to kidnap gretchen whitmer. they didn't even want to! they suggested that. they didn't even try to. that was like a $40 million operation. they can make me come on time for dinner. they can make all of my staff not late to show up to work if they just cracked -- i call it operation easy pass.
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there, fbi. get back into my good graces. >> jeanine: okay. dana? >> dana: you mentioned the funding. these are organized. they have funding, so follow the money. on the prosecution front, not just the protesters themselves who are doing that, but the funding of it. be creative. find a way to go after them and prosecute them. not sure that will happen in new york city, but anyway, this is one of those, and it's tied to one of these groups. i would say go after them. if the police are not given the go-ahead to do it and -- aren't ensure that their efforts will be backed up by the prosecutor, people are going to start taking matters into their own hands because they've got to get to work or the hospital or whatever it is. be prepared, this is what is coming. >> jeanine: one brooklyn dowdle -- was screaming that he had a daughter and could not get home to them. they don't care. >> greg: that was interesting. when the driver got out of the car, started yelling at the protesters, started pushing them, they parted like the
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red sea. i don't know if you saw this. they have all gotten out of his way. why is that? nothing scares an old white female protester more than a person of color, right? in that moment, the scraggly white hag becomes the oppressor and the optics, right? and the young black man becomes the oppressed. that optics terrifies them, because they are actually the oppressor. from now on, i'm carpooling with harold and tyrus. [laughter] >> greg: the cities are way behind on countering. this is new, aggressive tactics. they have not had to deal with this before. they are endangering lives. they need to get aggressive. we need to be behind it. if it is state bonds. i would offer anything that makes their lives a living hell. they don't care if you have a sick child and have to go to the hospital, drag them out. go full bore on these losers. they are failed people in life,
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they have nothing to live for other than to make people who work really hard even more stressful. they are disgusting. >> jesse: display -- >> jesse: it deploy the stink bombs. >> greg: stink bombs galore. i will make them. [laughter] >> dana: we know. [laughter] >> jeanine: up next, hollywood legend jodie foster is laying the smack down on young workers. ♪ ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: helicopter parents are going to the extreme. young jobseekers are now bringing their parents to interviews. 20% of reporters say good old mom and dad are sitting in on college graduates interviews. jodie foster is throwing shade at generations he's work style, calling them "annoying," and sloppy with their grammar. jesse, your mom never went to an interview. when you interviewed at fox? >> jesse: that's how i got the job. [laughter] my mother came to the interview 20 years ago. after 15 minutes, the guy goes "you need to be reprogrammed, mr. jesse watters. you are hired." that's how it got me out of my
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mother's wing. >> harold: successful. judge? have you ever done this? >> jeanine: never never never. it is sad for the generation z kids. it's even sadder for their parents. when the parents allow or need to be on a job interview, i think it's pathetic. the kids need to have their own initiative and their own aggressive approach to "i want this job, i'm the best at it," and we are not seeing it. >> dana: it backfires. it doesn't work. i love jodie foster. i think she should get the best supporting actress. >> harold: mr. gutfeld? would you do this for gus? >> greg: my parents came to me on a -- >> greg: mike pence came with me for a couple job interviews, but then i retired from stripping. [laughter] we should be blaming -- because it's a product of the system,
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and -- thanks to the lockdown, they have lost a few years of valuable work experience. in that gap, you lost the ability to work with others. you don't understand your value, and it distorts what you are expecting to do and what you are expected to make. they find that out that when interviewing people, they have no idea what they're supposed to ask for. they always ask for too much. it kind of goes back to the earlier segment. there is a reason there's a lot of young protesters. they have no second thoughts about hindering the lives of people going to work, because they don't even know what work is anymore. >> dana: they get paid to do -- that's their work. >> harold: jodie foster said they are annoying especially in the workplace, like "i'm not feeling it today i will come in at 10:30 a.m." you have to go to work on time regard the severe age. your mother tell you to be resilient. >> jesse: that's right. >> harold: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres,
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three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. . hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you?
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and she's a thief! [silence] let's go. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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♪ >> dana: it's time now for "one more thing." harold? >> harold: congrats to the michigan wolverines beat washington. wolverines 31-1 last night in houston. the first national title since 1997. it's our tenth official title. we were the only undefeated team at the end of the season beat the only undefeated team. this quarterback michael jr. heisman candidate. what did you say? a great game. great to be with friends and great to witness a piece of history there. coach harbaugh, congratulations. >> greg: keep going. >> judge jeanine: finish out the minute. >> harold: go blue. >> dana: countdown fans i interviewed rayburn a book out fox news podcast. extended version. check out this 6-year-old girl encouraging his pony barrel competition and she just
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encourages him and they win they did. okay, greg? >> greg: tonight, great show joe devito charlie are a naught. kat timpf, tyrus tonight at 10:00. let's do this. cats are evil news. children are our future. which is why look at cat teaching child how to escape from the house, what a dangerous, dangerous little animal that is. this somewhat cats are doing behind our back backs. they are putting children in danger. >> jesse: tonight at 8:00 is taylor swift a pentagon asset. a huge "primetime" investigation. also tony robbins will join us. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: i don't have enough time to talk about this but i want to say i will watch your show tonight. >> dana: i will tell you -- ♪ ♪


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