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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 10, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> steve: good morning, everybody. it is wednesday, january 10th. looking at the clock it's 7:00 in the east. this is "fox & friends" live in -- as you can see new york city and over there guys in d.c. brian will be talking in the second. in the meantime florida governor ron desantis predicting he will do well in iowa during last night's exclusive town hall here on fox. fox news power rankings put him behind nikki haley as she is now surging in new hampshire. >> ainsley: plus, new york city high school students forced to
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go remote today, to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants that are moving in their high school because they were displaced by the storms. >> brian: and never too old to look for love. i have always said. this a 93-year-old grandma sharing her dating stories on tiktok. >> i went on five first dates. i met one at a funeral, and he e was cute. i met one at a bar and two at bingo. >> brian: nice. find out which one had what it takes to stick around. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, to get dressed by the end of the show and your mornings will always be better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> brian: fox weather alert. a bomb cyclone burying communities in the great northwest causing whiteout
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conditions. >> ainsley: cold front sweeping through the midwest with record snowfall at des moines international airport. >> steve: that's right. that slowed down ron desantis yesterday getting to our location. meanwhile, snowplow drivers are working overtime in milwaukee, wisconsin as the great lakes region gets socked. right now, in madison, wisconsin, fox weather correspondent max gorden is standing by where it looks like they have cleared the streets behind you, max. >> yeah. the plows are out in morning. it is frigid and people are digging out after a winter wall will you please hammered the region yesterday and the day before here in madison wisconsin a snow emergency declared after the same storm system dumped nearly a foot of snow across the great plains that includes in des moines, iowa. these are pictures from des moines. the state received records amounts of snow as presidential candidates make last push before the iowa caucuses. the winter weather caused trouble for air traffic.
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hundreds of flights canceled or delayed across hubs in the midwest and great plains due to rain, wind and snow. road conditions deteriorated in wisconsin on tuesday with the winds gusting between 30 to 40 miles per hour across the state. some roads became snow-covered and visibility dropped down in some spots. still, some wisconsinites have been taking the wintry blast in stride. >> we live in wisconsin. this is what we signed up for. the frozen tundra we will take it. the worst here is the roads are icy and slippery. >> out west another storm is already marching its way across the country. more than 100,000 people lost power on tuesday across the mountains. oregon bomb cyclone brought high winds and feet of snow that same storm system is going to make its way across the great plains and eventually it's going to make its way here to the midwest by the end of the week. guys, back to you. >> steve: max gorden not far from the capital in madison,
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wisconsin. fox weather is the stream on favorite connected device. another nor'easter, always on, always free, 24/7. by the way, that particular storm we are talking about is the reason lawrence is not here. he was flying back from the southern border. his plane into new york city diverted. he is weighing up today in boston. and ron desantis last night had trouble flying into des moines. less than an hour before the event, the town hall at 6:00 p.m. eastern time, he still hadn't landed. and the worry was he wasn't going to make it. but he did. >> ainsley: martha and bret had a town hall with nikki haley on monday. then they had one last night with ron desantis. there someone tonight with donald trump at 9:00 p.m. if you want to watch that, brian. >> brian: yeah, so let's check this out. governor ron desantis went after nikki haley. we know that on one thing when nikki haley said, yeah, iowa goes first and then new
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hampshire corrects it. also wrought up the civil war faux pas. doesn't feel as though she is strong enough on the border. talked about her links to china. here is a little of ron desantis last night. >> like i said, you have got to win a majority of the delegates. and people will sometimes say oh, well, you know, you are trying to could iowa that most people who win iowa haven't won the nomination and vice versa. you can always slice. this this is a long process. i have answered questions from everyone in all corners of the state. these other candidates, you know, donald trump has been not been willing to come and answer your questions. donald trump is running for his issues. nikki haley is running for her donors' issues. i'm running for your issues, your family's issues and to turn this country around. that's my sole focus. >> brian: thomas is i and chip roy going hard for their former colleague in the house. he feels as though he is going to have a good showing in iowa. guys, it's pretty clear he has. to say he didn't put any infamous on new hampshire.
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not that much traction in south carolina. we will see how much money is left for super tuesday unless he does exceedingly well it. looks like on almost all the polls he is 20 points away. guys a different story in new hampshire. >> steve: actually, i was going to say, brian, it's a different story in iowa. the one thing about the polling, when they ask registered voters whether or not they are going to vote for somebody they will say yeah, i'm going to vote for them. the big question is who is going to show up on monday night. you have got to do it in person. 7:00 central time on monday, beam have got to be in one of 1500 precincts, location gathering spots in iowa. the big question is who has got the best ground game to get people out? and that is where ron desantis, it looks like he is actually got the advantage. even though his number in iowa, he is currently at 19% in the popular polls. but his iowa super pac has organized. they have knocked on the doors of 812,000 iowa homes according to "the des moines register."
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that was through late december. and then yesterday in the des moines register, they talked about how he has found and located and gotten pledges from 1600 caucus captains and canvassers who are going to turn out people. apparently they are -- they pledge to either bring five or ten people with them to the caucuses. and they have enlisted 517 people who love ron desantis to actually speak at the caucuses on monday night. because, once a candidate is viewed as un -- not viable, where they get less than 15%, they say all you people who wanted that person, these people are going to make speeches on behalf of the other candidates to see if you can get them to vote for them. >> ainsley: the weather is supposed to be pretty bad. >> steve: and cold, bitterly cold. >> ainsley: one of the coldest days they have seen in a decade or a very long time which could help donald trump because he is up in the polls there in iowa. ron desantis has gone to all 99
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counties there last night he said he is never going to put troops. american troops in to fight with -- or fight ukraine or help ukraine. he said he would love to run against joe biden. he says i will run him ragged all over this country. he has been saying he is going to win in iowa. last night he said we are going to do very well here. he was interrupted by protesters. it was pretty funny because the fox security guys were on those individuals who came out yelling no oil money in the middle of the town hall last night. fox security runs over, they get all those guys out. they it was a little blip it wasn't even a long interruption. and ron desantis says well, you guys, that was a mistake. you didn't get that one right. and the crowd laughed and he went on with his answer, the abortion answer. but you are right, brian, like you said earlier, it's a different story in new hampshire. if you look at these polls, this is the cnn poll. cnn university of new hampshire poll it says that trump is still in first place. 39%. look at nikki haley, brian. she is really gaining some ground. she is now 32%.
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>> brian: part of the reason is trump has got the republican support, right? but, when you are an independent and you are undecided you can vote in this, pick a primary democrat or republican. there is no democratic primary. so they are all going for republicans. haley leads 40 percentage points. trump leads among conservatives by 40. 37 from registered republicans. 17 people without college degrees. but here's where haley surges. she tops trump by 42 points among moderates. 26 points with undeclared voters and 12 among college graduates. this is why her numbers are so strong in the general. because that looks more like the general election but that's because new hampshire is a little bit different. and i think in the long run they will say that governor sununu had a real positive effect on this race for nikki haley. >> steve: right. and regarding nikki haley's surging, yesterday she picked up and we're going back to iowa, because it's next up. haley picked up an endorsement of a long-time iowa g.o.p. donor
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and fundraiser a fellow by the name of cam sutton. he had been a fundraiser for trump in 2020. he said essentially is he putting his money and his support behind nikki who whole thing about elections you want to surge at the end. she is surging in new hampshire. the big question is who can get out the vote on monday night in iowa. >> brian: pressure on chris christie to drop out. if i'm chris christie i don't do. he end it. he has been all over new hampshire. he has got 12 points, a solid third. they are saying chris, if you drop out, they could beat trump and if i'm chris christie i have worked too hard to get here. i would like to see how i would do. >> steve: chris christie from my home state of new jersey. he worked hard but he has just been campaigning in that state. he has been a one state candidate. and he -- you know, is he a great soundbiter. if he does not do well coming up to one weeks from yesterday. i bet he does drop out.
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ainsley: what is so interesting is that ron desantis is doing well in iowa but getting 45% according to this poll in new hampshire. that's strange. >> brian: so much to talk about. so interesting. finally get results instead of speculation we're just days away. coming up, calls for transparency after secretary austin's cancer diagnosis was described as elective? >> steve: and boeing's ceo, owning their mistake after the near disaster in mid-air on the max 9. but how can something like this even happen? we're going to talk to a former head of the faa about the safety checks that planes go through. >> ainsley: plus, coming up, one grandmother, she has still got it. >> i went on five first dates. this is how i met them. you might be wondering how many i kissed? i cifsed all of them. [laughter] >> ainsley: we're going to talk about all of that coming up on "fox & friends." that story is in a segment we are calling "fox and trends."
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>> carley: we are back with your headlines former first lady melania trump announced her mother has died. amalia has passed away following a long health battle. posting a tribute on social media saying we will miss her beyond measure and continue to honor and love her legacy. amalia naves was 78 years old. a man caught on camera a attacking a judge last week multiple charges. arriving at the hearing surrounded by guards wearing extra restraints. is he expected to appear in court again on february 14th. the career criminal was already sentenced to four years behind bars for a separate felony battery charge on monday. and washington, dr. anthony fauci was on capitol hill yesterday for a closed door hearing and some lawmakers, they were shocked by his testimony two congressman on the pandemic say fauci told them he is not convinced that kids suffered
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learning losses from those long school closures. just look at the test scores. dr. fauci. lawmakers in california are considering banning tackle football for kids under 12 years old. as effort to protect kids from brain damage. if it's approved this would be the first ever state ban on youth tackle football in the united states. those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> ainsley: that's interesting. brian is our sports guy. what do you think about that? >> brian: i don't think it's good. kids learn to tackle young a technique like anything else. you starlight off with flag. if you talk to some of these youth football leagues. the ones that are well-coached. it's important to get that technique down young. although that is a game you can pick up late in life. so i would talk to football coaches along with doctors because that's the way to handle this. >> all right. thank you. we also had this developing story out of washington where brian is right now, the pentagon and the white house are responding to the backlash after calling defense secretary lloyd
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austin's prostate cancer procedure an elective procedure. >> steve: we have elected to speak to lucas tomlinson. self-live in d.c. with the very latest. lucas? >> good morning, guys. another chapter in the lloyd austin saga. many people asking this morning when is removing cancer from your body elective surgery? white house officials say not only were they left in the dark about the defense secretary's absence last week, they didn't know it was cancer until yesterday. >> nobody at the white house knew that secretary austin had prostate cancer until this morning and the president was informed immediately after we were. >> of course accountability has always been the hallmark of military service. critics wondering why the formerly general and head of u.s. central command did not notify the white house he would be under anesthesia and unable to take calls when under the knife. speaking of centcom the middle east yesterday, guys. iran's proxy forces in yemen launched its largest drone and missile strike the day it took three u.s. warships and a
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british destroyer to shoot down 21 drones and missiles. and for only the third time in history, f-18 super hornets scored air-to-air kills. back to the pentagon, officials admit they botched this issue with austin. >> i think, again, we recognize the need to be better when it comes to transparency. and as a senior dod public affairs official. i will work very hard with our senior staff to make sure that we're doing due diligence and meeting the standard that the public expects and has communicated very loudly throughout this process. >> white house says it's launching a review for cabinet protocols and the chairman of the house armed services committee has launched an investigation himself. guys? >> lucas, the review that they are doing review was ordered by the chief of staff kelly
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magnessman and she is being thrown under the bus. she was blamed for the break down in communication because when she was told, she had the flu. so now she is ordering hey, we have got to figure this out. we can't let this happen again. are they throwing her under the bus? >> >> in washington you need a fall guy. dealing with issues of accountability what would happen if you didn't show up for four days? you think somebody would notice, steve? of course. army private who doesn't show up for work for formation in the morning certainly he would know. senior nco would be grabbing him from the rack and demanding get to work. a lot of questions today about why somebody so senior would do this. >> you brought up at the end of the break is he a four star general. you are a private and you disappear for a week and a half and don't tell your superiors what you are doing what happened to that private? >> called awol. away without leave. you are in trouble. >> brian: does it surprise you, lucas, the president off for a
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week in the caribbean with some rich guy didn't need to speak to the secretary of defense or the pentagon for 10 days? >> certainly says a lot about the relationship, brian. the fact that they didn't speak for four days. the president didn't know he was out. you would think the president speaking to anthony blinken every day probably multiple times a day jake sullivan you know they talk multiple times a day. the president not talking with the president ans for days and nobody knew. not a good sign out that long and nobody knows you are missing. >> i thought about that too. joe biden didn't know and he just found out yesterday that he had cancer. you would think if is he working as one of his cabinet members, that he would a be told that for national security purposes but also as a friend. i would want to know. >> steve: right. absolutely. the white house says his job is not in jeopardy. they have complete confidence in this guy. >> brian: should be. >> steve: we dickless. joe biden is no more hot water now because of this. but the pentagon says he will
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not resign no one working for him has offered to resign. >> ainsley: he also was under anesthesia if you don't notify second in command when you are going under, that's a problem. >> steve: they told that lady who had the flu. let's see what happens. >> put out the statement on december 22nd i'm going under surgery for cancer surgery no one -- you get nothing but sympathy you would think. >> brian: put somebody in charge. >> steve: lucas, thank you very much. all right. just nod. there you go coming up on this wednesday. school's out in one new york city high school as students are forced to stay home and study remotely to make room for migrants. we're going to have a live report from the school coming up next. >> ainsley: migrants moving into their high school. five days away from the high stakes caucuses. desantis and haley make their pitch to iowa voters. >> i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good ambassador g i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good president. >> i'm the candidate most in
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tune with the values here of iowa republicans. >> brian: it's the final countdown. our voter panel is next. and that's exactly what they look like. we asked them to waive and they did. they seem happy. that makes me happy. ♪ the final countdown ♪ an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement.
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>> brian: # 9 minutes after the hour. teen students in new york city forced out of the classroom to make room for thousands of migrants. fox business correspondent madison alworth joins us live
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from outside james madison high school where the students are learning on zoom today. madison, why is that? >> brian, they are learning on zoom today because this high school is the newest shelter overnight for migrants. james madison high school behind me, class should be in session but, instead, we had 2,000 migrants from floyd bennett field they arrived here last night. we have some of that video i want to show you as well. those migrants located at floyd bennett field a shelter, a hurricane shelter run by the state. run by the city. when it was opened, there were concerns that there would be issues with flooding and with wind. those concerns they played out yesterday as we saw major storms hit new york yesterday, one day advanced notice, the parents of around # thousand students were informed that their kids would not be able to come to school because their school is used as a shelter overnight. they said, quote, the relocation
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will continue until any weather conditions that may arise have stabilized and the facility is once again fit for living. so hear we're hearing is that james madison high school shelter last night, the migrants are supposed to be moved out today, but if they will be going back to floyd bennett field that's still up in the air as we continue to see bad weather. i want to bring in council member arriola. seems like a bad set up with floyd bennett field now having a bad solution kicking kids out putting them on remote learning. what does this say about our ability to take care of migrants and handle the crisis in new york. >> from day one we said floyd bennett field walls not the proper place for a migrant based camp because of its open area. because there are no barriers between any type of climate event add the migrants that would be there. last night proved everything to be true that we have been saying from day one. it is unfair that we had to move 2,000 migrants into a school, disrupt the education of 4,000
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students just to have to do it again if there is another storm. and i'm going to take away if and i'm going to say when there is another storm. >> council member, thank you so much great to meet you. brian, there you have it. the reality is, while this still remains a shelter, this possibility of relocation continues to be a really -- very real threat. >> so when the mayor asked for help from the federal government they said why don't you use floyd bennett field. okay. we don't want to. the migrants when they got off the bus saw floyd bennett field they wanted to get back on the bus. now it's state's problem now. the state is supposed to be running that place, correct? >> that's correct. it's a federal piece of land. the state had to get permission from the federal government and it is now being run by the city. so we have the federal government involved, the state involved as well as the city involved. the reality is it is incredibly isolated. it is a dangerous area. and there are 2,000 people living there it's not just adult
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males at this facility. you have men, women, and children. so these were children in the middle of last night that were moved during a storm into a school only to be woken up early again to be moved. it's constant shuffling. and the facility at floyd bennett field what we're hearing is still operational and opening. so they will be going back there to this un -- insustainable situation. >> brian: wow. madison, thanks so much. appreciate it. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, brian. the iowa caucuses are only five days away. it happens on monday. and presidential hopefuls nikki haley and ron desantis have made some of their final pitches to the voters in our fox news town halls. watch. >> if i'm a good mom and good wife, i will be a good governor. if i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good ambassador. if i'm a good mom and good wife, i will be a good president. >> i'm the one most in tune with the values of iowa republicans. many i'm your guy. vote for me in the caucus and you can make history.
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>> ainsley: and here with which way they are leaning are iowa voters. we have dennis rayman. jazmyn jordan in the middle and kara cruise, on the very end. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> ainsley: thank you for being here. jazmine, i know you are a trump voter you are a juror at the university of iowa. awesome you are getting involved young age. trump's town hall is tonight with martha and bret. i will come back to you. kara, you really like desantis. have you three children, ages 9, 10 and 12, why is desantis your pick? >> in meeting the two of them, when they came to bettendorf, i got a sense of the family values. they brought the kids. the kids were front and center. got to talk to them, very cute. i think that his value system, when casey is talking about her husband. she says he puts on the armor of
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god to protect himself from all the bars getting thrown at him. who better to look to than god? their values align with my family's. i think his governance has proven itself. i think he is the best candidate out there. >> ainsley: dennis, farm management, in real estate as well. and your pick is nikki haley, why is that? >> well, i like nikki for her background, her experience, as far as governorship plus u.n. gives her some good global experience going into the job of presidency. we certainly need, you know, it's not a [inaudible] job. we got to have that she has military through her husband. i believe the economy grew well
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when south carolina when she was there i think she checks a lot of boxes. when she enters the room, she is in control. i like the way she handles herself. >> ainsley: okay, jazmine, thank you so much. jazmine, you really like donald trump. tell me why. >> yes. i think donald trump is the biggest free speech advocate out of all the candidates. if we don't have free speech, we don't really get much of the other freedoms that have been given to us in our constitution. >> i feel like the other two candidates are inconsistent. their actions don't match their words and even refuse to hear from the other side. that's crucial because some different viewpoints make up our country and they all have the right to be heard. >> thanks for being here. >> thanks for having us. >> ainsley: first caucus in our country in this election cycle. look at this video. total deficit san diego state station. tornadoes rip through the florida panhandle. all 50 states seeing extreme weather. janice is tracking it all.
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boeing's ceo owning up to their mistake after the near disaster in mid-air. how can something like this even happen? we're going to ask a former head of the federal aviation administration coming up next. and, this is the you cutest story, one grandmother still has it. we will tell you about the grandma dating in her golden years. what she's doing. who she is kissing. stick around for the "fox and trends." >> i went on five first dates. this is how i met them. you might be wondering how many i kissed. i kissed all of them. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone
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♪ >> steve: that's not good. that's florida. fox weather alert. florida panhandle yesterday hit by that powerful storm that went across much of the country. this footage showing widespread damage from a suspected tornado in panama beach. look at that. a lot of roofs missing, even along the coast. a cold front sweeping through the midwest causing a mess in big cities like milwaukee, kansas city, and des moines. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. for the most part that, storm is blowing out and another storm is
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coming behind it. >> janice: we have a very active storm pattern, not only, you know, last night, yesterday, but tomorrow, kind of some of the same areas being hit hard by not only tornadoes and blizzard conditions but also another nor'easter. take a look at it. real quick. we had over a dozen reports of tornadoes yesterday, stretching from florida all the way up towards south carolina and then a lot of high wind warnings still have hundreds of thousands of people without power. that area of low pressure moving in towards the great lakes. the rain and the snow for the most part over with, but we are still going to feel gusty winds across the northeast later this afternoon into this evening. then you see that next storm system across the west. yes, indeed. that's going to be our next weathermaker as we go through the next couple days through the weekend. same path. and we could see the potential for large hail, damaging winds, a tornado outbreak. look at that pink. that's ice in parts of louisiana, mississippi, up toward the continue see river valley. that is not good news.
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top of the hour go down the statistics, how much the winds, strong winds we had across the northeast, and what we can expect in iowa, steve, over to you. >> steve: big storm. all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: switching gears. it's all hands on deck at boeing. where their ceo yesterday owned the mistake in an all-hands safety meeting after the near disaster in mid-air when the door plug blew off of that boeing 737 max 9. a brand new plane. investigators say the bolts not yet been recovered. might not have ever been there. and the ntsb won't even know if they were in place until the door plug is looked at in a lab. now, as united and alaska airlines both find loose bolts on some of their planes, their fleets, americans want to know what is going on. how is this possible? here to explain is former head of the faa billy knowling. billy, hello. >> hello and good morning. >> steve: i know they just started the investigation. apparently the ntsb is not even
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sure the doors were attached because the four important bolts that keep the door in place from going up and down and to the side they can't find them. >> yeah. so, you make an excellent point. we are just five days into the investigation, post this serious event that happened. so, it's still clearly early in the fact finding phase of it. that will take a few more days. the important thing is that the national transportation safety board has recovered the door itself. they are in the process of analyzing that that will provide a lot more answers in terms of number one, were the bolts installed? were they stripped away by the pressure ever the door blowing out? these are the kind of questions i know we want answers to. but they will certainly come in due course. >> steve: okay. good. i see that boeing has revised instructions for inspecting the max 9. this particular plane. >> yes. >> steve: apparently the people in the cockpit did not realize that when this rapid decompression that happened the
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day the side of the plane blew off is the cockpit door would blow open. they didn't know that it hit the lavatory so hard and apparently knocked the first officer's headset off. when they looked at the both headsets were missing. these are vital things people should have known fly flying the plane. >> this is i would say, when you think about all the information the pilot needs, having been a long time airline pilot, carpet myself. these are the kind of things you want to know. this is an opportunity for boeing to know it's provided that criminal information, right? typically you have what is called a blow-out section of the cockpit door so in the event of a rapid depressionization that panel will blow out. in this case you have got -- you know, a fort find door and so this is an additional feature. it's an opportunity to make sure we have got all the information out there. >> steve: one of the problems for the ntsb is because the way
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bowing runs things the erase. the national standard is 25 hours. i understand the ntsb has been asking let's make it 25 hours. why vice president we changed that? >> well, this is -- you think about how rule-making takes place. the faa is in the process of a rule that would determine that would require 25 hour cockpit voice recorders. that goes to a long process. and they are in the middle of that they are working through all the comments that come in as to whether, you know, it's on a go forward basis whether there is a retrofit. so, i'm sure administrative whitaker takes all of this into account as they progress through this rule-making. i'm sure they will make this a priority to get it done as soon as they can. >> absolutely. in the mean time, the entire
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fleet of those in the united states grounded until they figure out what went wrong billy, thank you for joining us from the west coast. >> thank you very much. thank you for having me. >> steve: 1 minutes before the top of the hour and brian has got some news. >> brian: when you were talking about the planes other news is breaking. let's get to it. tech headlines, meta, used to call it facebook changing algorithm to ensure teens get age-appropriate content on instagram and facebook feeds. the platforms will try to shield young people from damaging topics like suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders. but, of course, the change will only work with teens don't lie about their age when they create an account. so, teens, don't lie. the move files dozens of lawsuits followed by dozens of states to the teen mental health crisis. robot could be your new best friend. meet adam. he is an ai capable robot barista. he is on showcase at the consumer electronics showcase
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this week serving up a great cup of joe. finally turns out texting skills reveal your ages. that's what gen zers say capital letters. it's a matter of efficiency since typing in lower case is faster. plus lower case can look more visually appealing. capital letters on the other hand make it seem like you are yelling. by the way, the prompter is all in caps. and let me remind you if you want to see me not yelling and on stage having a great time go to joliet, illinois on january 21st 2:00 local, #:00 eastern. i will be talking about teddy and booker t. winning the war on history, having some fun and more importantly being able to meet you. go to brian and fox nation will be streaming it live which means anything can happen. we also, as carol as carley mayd
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ainsley may have told her we reenact moments in history. >> carley: it's a whole immersive experience, brian. >> brian: i like that term. >> ainsley: brian's last book was about george washington. he had carley and pete hegseth. >> carley: who did i i play again i already forget. >> ainsley: she is a wig and costume. they reacted it all in new jersey. how did go? >> carley: it was hilarious and so much fun. brian, you are so good -- you are so good at everything. but you are so good at this, telling the story and all of the people that you have besides me, pete hegseth and rachel that day. they do such a great job as well. >> brian: ainsley, i had to cut her from the cast because she is no longer pregnant. i used your pregnancy in the skit. >> ainsley: discrimination. we have to talk about this. brian, keep watching because it is time now for "fox and trends." "fox & friends first" co-host carley shimkus. >> carley: that's me. >> ainsley: i'm reading the prompter we know how are. we are breaking down this week's
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latest trending topping. first, is he one of the most miserable looking a listers caught on camera. now jlo is speaking out on ben affleck's infamous viral grumpy face. >> all right. you don't need to worry about ben. let me just tell you he is good. is he happy. >> i don't understand what people are pressed for. >> the reason she was asked about this at the golden globes because there are all these videos and pictures of him ainsley going viral where he looks down in the dumps, especially at the grammys. they are calling him sad affleck now. >> ainsley: he is dunkin' donut commercials so funny. paparazzi takes a thousand pictures and pick out the one that's bad. and say he is grumpy. >> he is married to jennifer lopez. >> ainsley: they out together in love broke up went their separate ways and came back. >> carley: if you are sad, hope you cheer up ben affleck. this story is amazes.
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make anybody cheer up in a bad mood. 93-year-old grandmother i another her first name i wrote it down lillian drone yack. 12.6 million followers on tiktok one of videos going viral today she dissed about her dating life. >> a lot to cover. i went on five first dates. i met one at a funeral and he was cute. you might be wondering how many i kissed. i kissed all of them. this is what happened them. one wasn't honest, one died. i ghosted two. and one became my boyfriend. this is how many ghosted me. because he turned into a ghost. she was reading the newspaper why didn't he call me back. she was reading the obit section in the newspaper. he had actually passed away. she is a great-grandmother. she had five first dates. she met one on instagram pretty impressive at 93. one at bing dough.
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actually two at bingo. one at funeral and one at a bar. >> carley: the one on instagram the guy's grandson met on instagram you live in the same area. you should go ton a date. one was at chili's. she has a boyfriend off the market. >> ainsley: goings steady. how many did you kiss? >> carley: all five. >> ainsley: australia, cafe owner. the owners are having a tough time family of four in there with little kids. kids 2 and 3 years old. they are throwing temper tantrums because the mom said are you all going to share one scoop of gelato and the oldest one went crazy, apparently. they both got in this argument and started destroying the restaurant. >> carley: that's right. another customer at this ice cream shot the owners kicked the family out. she didn't like that. posted this on social media. a family getting kicked out because they have a young child who is crying in an ice cream
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shop in magnetic island adele's cafe. absolutely disgusting. don't support this business. >> the business said this child knocked off all of the shelves we had on our counter. then threw some sort of a steel flask on the tile floor. and the child was throwing a temper tantrum and said look i know we are ice cream shop and family business. this has gone on 15 minutes you have to get out of the restaurant. >> carley: a lot of the people who saw the story on social media took the side of the business saying if this tantrum is going on for 15 minutes, then maybe at that point that's the right time. >> ainsley: what do you think as a mom? >> carley: i wouldn't have let my child have a 15-minute tantrum at the restaurant at all. >> ainsley: no i way. you take them outside. take them home. teach them a lesson you don't act like this in public. i was at a restaurant once one of their children went under the table screaming. she finally took the child out of the restaurant and i actually said to her i think maybe you should handle this outside. the other people who were left sitting at the other tables looked at me and said y'all need
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to get out of here. and why are you in this nice restaurant with a screaming child. i'm like i'm so sorry. we are leaving. the mom took her child and went home. >> carley: parents and small business owners have to deal with this. what do you think? email us at we want to hear from you. >> ainsley: new york city students forced to stay home as the mayor makes room for nearly 2,000 migrants in one of our high schools. elise stefanik is going to join us in the next hour. >> carley: don't but the them in coach, gen-z is let interested in sports than any other generation. interesting. clay travis is here to tell us that it spells trouble for america's future. ♪ ♪ ♪ disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast.
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