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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> harris: we have a lot going on today. house speaker mike johnson has just spoken with president biden urging him to use executive action to secure the border. the house speaker joins martha on "the story" at 3:00 p.m. eastern. meanwhile, we are just now moments away from the white house press briefing with press secretary karine jean-pierre, and nsc spokesman john kirby. you heard kayleigh saying the first questions ought to be about that show, that stunt with hunter biden and republicans needed to step up. 9:00 p.m. eastern along with donald trump, that's what's at 9:00 p.m. eastern, the town hall. now "america reports".
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>> who bribed hunter biden to be here today. that's my first question. i think that hunter biden should be arrested right here, right now and go straight to jail. >> the witness being afraid to come in front of the committee, it's interesting. he's here. doesn't seem to be too afraid. >> the rule is -- >> those are your words. >> he was issued two lawful subpoenas, the chair recognize miss green from georgia. >> thank you, mr. chairman. excuse me, hunter, apparently you are afraid of my words. >> sandra: whoa is right. fireworks on capitol hill after the president's son crashed that house oversight contempt hearing just a short time ago, taking a seat before leaving just minutes later. house republicans ripping his surprise appearance as nothing but a stunt, and what was a chaotic scene for sure. any moment now the white house
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is expected to face a series of questions, and we do anticipate the hearing and hunter biden will be front and center. sandra smith in new york. what a day so far. >> john: i expect some nfl-level punting in the briefing this afternoon. john roberts in washington. this is "america reports," amid all the chaos, fox business's intrepid hillary vaughan pressing hunter biden over whether his father could have been involved in his business dealings. listen to this. >> mr. biden, why did you put your dad on speaker phone when your business partners, if he had no involvement in your business. >> does he call you? he answered the phone? >> yes. >> why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with the business. >> john: hunter not denying he did put his father on speaker phone in the meetings, a key piece in the republican
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impeachment investigation. >> sandra: it happened as a pair of house committees are barrelling toward a contempt resolution, adding another headache for the president's son, who is already facing taxes and gun charges. >> john: andy mccarthy standing by with legal analysis, but first chad pergram is live outside the hearing room where it all went down. chad. >> chad: john, good afternoon. it was absolute pandamonium here. he was not expected to appear. this was just a meeting to hold him in contempt of congress. yet he showed up and i sat right in the front row listening. >> you are the epitomy of white privilege, coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed, what are you afraid of? you have no balls to come up here. >> chad: hunter biden spent about 20 minutes sitting in the hearing room.
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ignored a subpoena to appear in december yet appeared today. today's meeting was to prepare the contempt of congress citation for the floor, not to take witness testimony. james comer promised hunter biden an open hearing after his deposition, but the committee switched to contempt after hunter biden appeared on the senate side of capitol hill but never sat for the deposition. >> i implore this committee to allow hunter biden to testify publicly. i implore and i ask for that to happen. and we cannot do that by getting engaged in this back and forth on a defiance of a subpoena. let him comply. let him do it today. let him do it tomorrow. but let the man do it. >> chad: the meeting has been a caldron of yelling and arguing between the members, republicans say hunter biden deserves contempt. >> we have a hunter sighting, he's back to complain about
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being compelled to testify but still in defiance of the subpoena and that is the important and undeniable fact here. denying a lawful congressional subpoena. i support the oversight and judiciary efforts to hold him in contempt. we have to do this. it's our role, our responsibility. this is mot political. >> chad: here is what's going to happen. the committee will vote to hold him in contempt of congress, then would go to the house floor next week, then a big decision for the justice department, do they in fact prosecute hunter biden for contempt of congress. they have a mixed record on doing this, prosecuted steve bannon and peter navarro, the former trump aides. did not prosecute mark meadows and former aide dan scavin, o. >> sandra: andy mccarthy, great to have you here.
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i want to get your big picture thoughts on what happened in that hearing room this morning with hunter biden then leaving. but also tell our audience that we just got the two-minute warning to the white house, a big one, obviously questions about what happened in the room and put to karine jean-pierre. hillary vaughan will join us top of the two clock hour and jared, and watch this first and your take out of it, andy. >> i've said repeatedly, after the deposition mr. biden can come in front of a public hearing. >> mr. chairman, i don't want to play the video, that is not what you said on television multiple times. we have the quotes, we can put them up. you said the witness can choose between a deposition. >> listen, mr. biden does not make the rules. we make the rules. >> mr. chairman, you make the rules and the rule you made he can choose. >> the rule is --
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>> those were your words. >> sandra: what did you make of that, and was the congressman right there? >> well, i think comer at one point i think sandra misspoke and basically said it's an either/or choice. they have that clip of him saying that. it doesn't change the fact the subpoena is a lawful subpoena and you know, the subpoena calls for a deposition testimony and what i think comer is refined position, i've heard him say any number of times, has been that like any other witness, hunter has to come in and submit to a deposition first and then they'll give him the public hearing. he doesn't want that because obviously he's going to take the fifth if he testifies publicly. he would rather spin that as a situation where the republicans are, you know, collecting evidence in a dishonest way and trying to spin a version of biden corruption, but the fact
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of the matter is, he doesn't want -- he doesn't want to come in and say i can't testify because publicly i'll have to say i refuse to answer on the grounds that an answer might incriminate me, and he clearly doesn't want to do that. >> john: andy, for the control room, call for number 6 here, democrats say he wants to testify in an open hearing but the same democrats not too long ago said no, no, no, it's important to have a behind closed doors deposition first. listen to this. >> this goes on for hour after hour after hour, we want to get all our questions answered and you can't do that in a live format. >> closed door with bannon, he could go out there and pontificate. >> the way we have treated every single witness is the same, that they come in, they talk to the committee, if they are going to take a deposition, they are sworn under oath, it's video taped, it's recorded, and then
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we take it from there. >> john: james comer minced no words calling jamie raskin a hypocrite for his stance on this. the democrats want it one way and then the other way it would seem. >> why people are so cynical about the process. these guys change on the dime, depending whether the witness we are talking about has a d or an r after his name. if it's a democrat they have, you know, one set of lines that they tell us about, and if it's a republican it's quite something different. but you know, their loyalties and their positions have nothing to do with logic. it's all about partisanship. >> sandra: this was the exchange with nancy mace, the congresswoman, she really kicked off everything right when hunter biden walked into the room. it got pretty contentious. listen here. >> my first question is who bribed hunter biden to be here today. that's my first question. second question, you are the
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epitomy of white privilege, coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. what are you afraid of? i think hunter biden should be arrested right here, right now, straight to jail. law applies equally to everyone. you showed up on the hill the senate side the day of the congressional subpoena to defy it and spit in the face of the committee. the question, what is hunter biden so afraid of. why can't you show up for a congressional deposition. you are here for a political stunt, a game that you are playing with the american people. my last message to you, hunter biden, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. >> sandra: some of what we heard from her, but to go back to her earlier point that hunter biden should be arrested right here, right now, go straight to jail, are there even grounds for that? is that even a possibility?
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>> well, i don't think that they gave him a subpoena that was enforceable today. i actually suggested that once they re-authorize the committee they should have done exactly that, should have subpoenaed him again. i mean, in theory could they have had the sergeant-at-arms arrest him for defying the subpoena the first time around, i suppose so, but that would kind of make a mockery out of the whole process of getting a contempt citation and having a regular order and a regular process in which you do that. i think you know, the legal stuff aside, this is really political theater and the risk that somebody like hunter biden and his lawyer abbe lowell run, when you do a stunt like they did, you may run into somebody like mace who is at least equally effective at being with theater and make you pay as she did rhetorically for the stunt. >> john: indeed. andy, thank you for your learned legal opinion. appreciate it.
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and fox news legal editor, kerri kupec urbahn. nancy mace, graduate of the citadel, let him have it with all canons blazing, and clearly it was a lot of political theater. does the political theater enter into the legal realm or is that separate? >> it has an impact. if i had to pick a winner and loser for today, i would actually pick donald trump as the winner, he had a very bad press day yesterday because of his arguments, driving the news this morning. no one is talking about that now, everyone is talking about the president's son and i would say the loser long-term is joe biden. because it's his doj that's going to have to contend ultimately with a referral from congress for contempt, which they will, contend whether or not they will prosecute the president's son for contempt. it's his white house counsel's office that has to contend with possible obstruction issues if joe biden and hunter biden had any conversation about him defying that subpoena, deadline
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producing information on that topic was today. it's his white house and at the white house press briefing that's going to have to answer questions about whether it's ok for a president's son to blow off congress in this way. so you know, lots of questions, and one more thing, his democrat colleagues pretending they are against depositions when they were completely for them during the january 6th hearing. >> john: and point out, too, sandra, this question has not come up yet at the white house briefing. they are dealing with a lot of other business first. >> sandra: yeah, john kirby is at the microphone, we will monitor the briefing and get in on any of this. meanwhile, kerri, good to see you, thanks for your coverage of this. byron donalds, congressman on hunter's democratic privilege. >> this isn't about hunter biden's white privilege, but hunter biden's democrat privilege. donald trump, jr. showed up for five subpoenas.
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he has the gall to show up and the democrats say hey, he wants to speak, he leaves. >> sandra: comparison. >> kerri: this is the problem, a message a bad one for the country. rules for me but not for thee when it comes to taxes, to guns, apparently prostitutes, when it comes to a whole congressional subpoenas, when it comes to the president's son, it doesn't, the law or the rules don't apply to him. he would say that is not true, they were not going to prosecute him but public outcry and now doj is pursuing him and he says it's politically motivated. as andy pointed out, it tends to go if there is a d or r after the name, there goes the law and the application of the law and that's not how it's supposed to be. >> john: speaking of a d and r, accidentally a d after byron donalds name, obviously a d in
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the beginning of the last name but should be an r after it. call for number 5, nancy mace was going back and forth with jamie raskin, the chief person running point for hunter biden. about the idea whether or not it should be in an open session of the committee or if it should be behind closed doors deposition. listen to this exchange here. >> what is hunter biden so afraid of. why can't you show up for a congressional deposition. you are here for a political stunt. this is just a p.r. stunt to you, just a game that you are playing with the american people. >> what do you think about the fact that the chairman on multiple occasions gave this witness the opportunity to come before the full committee and he agreed to that. >> we issued a congressional subpoena and with your background you know what it means and because of your statements, you should be voting to hold this man in contempt of congress today, right now.
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>> john: a lot of the pieces of sound in chad pergram's piece, you were saying it doesn't matter what he said in public, it's what the subpoena says. >> kerri: anyone can look at the subpoena. it's clearly marked for a deposition. and now, there is a point made i think nancy mace, maybe jamie raskin yes, there needs to be good faith negotiation. that is true and i would argue that comer and jordan did do that when they said ok, you want to publicly testify, no problem. but first comply with the subpoena for the deposition, then you can publicly testify. of course the democrats say the reason we don't want him to publicly testify because you republicans are going to spin what he says and people will not get the real deal. but again, anybody can pull up the transcripts from the closed door depositions, the committee is good about consistently putting those out to read and decide for themselves what the truth actually is.
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>> sandra: kerri kupec urbahn, thank you for joining us. what a day so far. i should probably add that part. >> john: it's not over yet. >> sandra: we are monitoring the briefing at the white house. meanwhile, a new york judge rescinding permission for former president trump to give part of his closing argument in his civil fraud trial. his team labelling the case brought on by the attorney general james a political witch hunt as the a.g. seeks $370 million for trump's alleged shady real estate practices, in addition to permanently barring him from the new york real estate industry. alexis mcadams has more from the studios. >> a lot going on, politics world, and this. trump was planning to speak tomorrow but a new court filing containing emails between the judge and trump's legal team, the judge says that's not going to happen. trump will now not be allowed to speak here. so the emails are pretty
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contentious, the judge writing he will not debate the issue more and trump's team miss add deadline of noon today. the former president's team writing hey, it's very unfair and trump has been "belittled" by an out of control politically motivated attorney general, letitia james, and requested the closing arguments be delayed because his mother-in-law died last night. the judge denying that request, too. the judge initially indicated trump would be allowed to speak but said he would have to limit remarks to "commentary on the relevant material facts in evidence and application of the relevant law to the facts" and not allowed to introduce now evidence or comment on irrelevant matters or deliver a campaign speech or talk about the judge, his staff, the attorney general, lawyers or the court system, which are things that trump has brought up. the judge wrote trump's attorney responded limitations were unfair and said trump could not agree to them. so the a.g. says the former president defrauded banks and
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insurers by inflating the value of his properties. james is speaking $370 million in penalties plus interest here in this civil case and a ban on trump doing business in new york. trump calls the trial one big hoax. one of several cases against the former president. he faces a total of 91 felony charges across four criminal cases, including 44 federal and 47 state charges. in georgia, trump is accused of trying to undue the election. next week in new york, a civil defamation case for comments after a jury found him liable for sexually abusing a columnist, trump denied wrongdoing in any of those cases. so much going on. the judge says the verdict by the end of the month on this case. >> sandra: alexis, thank you. john. >> john: the white house briefing after hunter biden's stunt on capitol hill but no
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questions about that yet, still waiting to hear what karine jean-pierre or john kirby may have to say about that. we'll be watching it for you. >> sandra: and right here in new york city, a school shuts its doors, sends students home, all to make way for migrants. why were illegal immigrants prioritized over our city's kids? >> when they rolled out the red carpet, claimed they are a sanctuary city and state, look who is paying the price. hard working new york families. t to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> sandra: fox news alert and more news pertaining to boeking and the company saying they have
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acknowledged the mistake after the door blew out of a 737 max 9, blew out during a flight just minutes after the plane had taken off from portland, oregon. well now a decision has been made just crossing the wires right now, per reuters, alaska airlines has made a decision to cancel flights as the airline waits documentation from boeking and the faa to begin their investigation. as of january 10th, today, they continue to wait for that documentation, and per alaska airlines, they have a decision to cancel all flights on 737-9 max aircraft through january 13th. they say the canceled flights on the aircraft equates to between 110 and 150 flights per day. more news on that as we get it. now this. >> schools are used often in emergency situations and not just for the migrant crisis. we have used them for building
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collapses, for fires, and a host of other emergencies and the city. >> john: outrage in new york city, nearly 2000 new york city migrants were evacuated from a tent shelter due to extreme weather and then relocated to james madison high school. that moved forced students to learn remotely today while migrants took over their classrooms. nate foy, we have some new developments here, right? >> that's right, john. we just learned in the past 30 minutes students at james madison high school in brooklyn will be back in person for learning starting tomorrow, but there was a rally moments ago, parents are furious about the fact that their kids were sent home in place for these migrants, nearly 2000 of them moving in last night. one woman told me she feels like we are sacrificing the future of this country and the next generation and she can't explain
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why. another woman told me her child is just at home on tiktok today, and a lot of parents say that remote learning is just a thought for no learning at all. >> the ones that other parents said good morning, posted assignments and just left. so, there is no learning today. >> john, the migrants arrived at james madison high school. returned to a nearby tent facility at 4:15 this morning when weather conditions improved. but all school sports practices are still canceled today. again, parents rallied outside the school moments ago, two new york state assemblymen joined them and promised to work on legislation to ban them from housing migrants at schools or daycares. >> we knew it was going to happen. it's going to happen again. but is it going to happen in a school in your neighborhood. it's about time we wake up.
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>> and john, just moments ago the office of emergency management commissioners said more is needed from the biden administration. >> this is an international humanitarian crisis. and it's one that the federal government has largely abdicated its responsibilities to cities. >> commissioner also said the city is not considering using james madison high school again if a similar situation were to arise, but new york city mayor adams says the city is out of space, and that all options are on the table. the mayor said to speak at the top of the hour. see if he talks about this. back to you, john. >> john: you can certainly understand the outrage on the part of the parents. nate foy for us, thank you. >> sandra: it appears florida governor ron desantis is banking on a strong showing in iowa, despite former president trump holding a decisive lead.
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how desantis is trying to appeal to voters. what is he doing just days before the caucuses. >> john: and will winter weather in the hawkeye state sideline some caucus goers. they are a hearty bunch but it's going to be really cold. a spin on the touch screen with darren shaw from the fox news decision and polling team just ahead.
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news decision and polling team, but first bill melugin is live in des moines, iowa, where donald trump will take the stage in a fox news town hall, is desantis getting discouraged with the polling? >> bill: not at all, john. he said he actually kind of likes being the under dog and enjoys when the media under estimates him and there are lower expectations. his campaign says they knocked on the three millionth door here in iowa yesterday, and he thinks his ground game is key for him and they expect to surprise people come monday night. the video from last night in des moines, the fox news town hall with governor desantis when he pitched himself as the only conservative in the race who has beaten the left and the only one who has kept every promise that he made. he went after donald trump and said trump did not keep his promises from 2016, including those made about the border. take a listen. >> i am going to build a wall. he said build a wall and mexico pay for it. he's been in iowa and has reflected on the promise and said there was no way he could
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have mexico pay for it, not just give you money, there was no legal mechanism. people criticized him in 16 and he said he would do it. he promised record deportations, he deported less than barack obama did in his first four years. >> bill: and nikki haley is number two in the fox news power rankings, a surge in polling in the state of new hampshire, comes after iowa. there had been prior speculation that haley could be president trump's v.p. choice if he wins the nomination, i asked her directly, is she open to being trump's v.p. or like to slam the door shut on that. take a listen. >> i don't play for second but also said i am in no way interested in a vice president seat. but i'm happy in six months to tell you who my vice president candidate will be. >> can you shut the door on not being trump's v.p. ever in the
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future. >> the reason i don't answer that, who wants me to answer it. ron desantis and chris christie want me to answer it. i don't play their game. >> no straight answer but now nikki haley and ron desantis tell us neither of them would want to be anybody's v.p. candidate. and former president trump will have his own town hall live tonight on fox news in des moines. that will be at 9:00 p.m. eastern for the viewers to check it out. >> john: still not a no, though, bill, as you noted. enjoy the weather. you'll soon be back in the south of texas. >> sandra: mentioning the weather, ask the next guest about that. first, darin shaw, part of the fox news decision and polling team. it's that season again, and here we go. fox power rankings. here is the tier, what we are looking at. the front-runner clearly is donald trump, heading into the iowa caucuses, challengers, nikki haley, ron desantis,
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chris christie and vivek ramaswamy, hanging in there. look at the real clear politics average, the latest polling showing donald trump clearly the front-runner, 52.2%, and nikki haley at 16.6, desantis 16.4. i mean, what does this mean for you just days away from iowa, does any of this change or stay the same? >> well, i think, you know, iowa and new hampshire are notorious for having last second surges, weather is a factor, turnout is a massive factor because it's a very closed system in which only partisans really motivated will show up to participate in the caucuses on monday. that lead is essentially as close to insurmountable as you get, which means the focus as you suggested in the run-up here between the contest, between haley and desantis, possibly ramaswamy, for the second place mantle and a lot of us watching
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that, does anybody grab momentum and does it become competitive moving forward. >> sandra: that -- ok, if you could stand by for a second, live to the white house, karine jean-pierre is taking a question on what happened in the hearing room with hunter biden this morning. let's listen. >> about this process, certainly i refer you to hunter's representative. >> my question is whether the white house was informed in advance. >> again, i would say i don't have anything -- we don't have anything else to share beyond that. he's a private citizen and he makes his own decisions as it relates to this particular, you know, response, this particular response to congress, something that he decides on and i would refer you to his representatives. >> thanks, karine. first, a whole high school in new york is having remote classes because the building was needed to house people who came into this country illegally, so what is the president's priority in this case? is it the migrants or is it the
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students? >> so, let me just clear this up a little bit. so yesterday new york city informed us that as a precaution they would temporarily relocate migrants staying at floyd bennet field to a nearby high school. as of this morning all migrants have returned to the facility at floyd bennet field, so the program and what they decided to do and the specifics to that, i would refer you to new york city for any additional questions. >> but if a working parent had to call out to stay home with their kid today, isn't this biden immigration policy literally taking money out of people's pockets? >> let me just say -- i'm going to go back to the first question for a second i think i need to address that, which is you know, when it comes to education, migrants, the economy, the president deals with multiple issues all at once. that is his job. there are multiple things happening all at once. and as it relates to this particular question that you are asking me about, new york city, that is something that new york city needs to answer to, that is a process that they took so they
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have to answer to that. and as it relates to migrants and what's happening at the border, look, the president has taken this issue very seriously, have he seriously by making sure on his first day, almost three years, a couple weeks three years he put forward a comprehensive immigration legislation to deal with what's happening with the immigration process, obviously, and also the border, and this is an issue that's been going on for decades. the system has been broken for decades and the president is the one who has taken action to deal with this while house republicans do not. they get in the way. >> and hunter biden on capitol hill today. how big of a headache is that for you? >> hunter biden is a private citizen, he is not a member of the white house as you know, and i just don't have anything else to share. >> the last time he was on the hill he said the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. >> i did say that and what i'm
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saying today -- >> president biden does not help him put his business deals but does help him skirt congressional subpoenas? >> that is not even true. that is a jump that is -- that is incredibly wrong in that question. what i will say to you. i don't have anything else to share. >> when is the president's next physical scheduled? last year it was in february. >> i don't have anything to share on -- >> sandra: quite an exchange peter doocy, the next guest was in the hearing room this morning. >> john: jared moskowitz, he was in the room clearly when hunter biden showed up. there was a spirited back and forth with him and the chairman, congressman moskowitz, good to have you with us. so, hunter biden showed up at this hearing but he continues to defy a duly issued subpoena from
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the oversight committee to show up for a deposition. what he did today is seen by many people as a political stunt, grandstanding. how did you view it? >> thanks for having me, appreciate the opportunity. hunter and his attorneys will do what is a correct strategy. what we were trying to highlight, the chairman, sets the rules and the tone, invited hunter to choose between a public hearing and deposition, the chairman has decided that he's reneging the invitation and now the basement of a building we will never see the transcript. my other point in the hearing, look, if we want to hold hunter biden in contempt, what i said to my colleagues across the aisle, i'll vote with them, make it bipartisan but we have to apply the rules equally. we have heard hunter biden does not deserve special rules, i agree with that. but we have several of my colleagues that defied subpoenas in the last congress, never
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showed up, never tried to negotiate, blew them off. l obviously those congressmen need to be held in contempt. i want to apply the rule equally. restore faith to the american people it's not just a show. >> john: so two points there, first of all you said a transcript that will never see the light of day. these transcripts will be released to the public. that's part of the deal, the same thing with the january 6th committee, and in terms of whether or not comer ever said, look, do it behind closed doors or in public, the subpoena was specifically for a behind closed doors deposition which hunter biden continues to refuse to do. so, legal experts are saying it's not what comer may or may not have said in public, it's what the subpoena says. would you agree with that? >> well, look, i'll leave that up to hunter and his attorneys. these subpoenas probably get challenged, they wind up in court. so i think that whole thing has not played itself out but i
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think the hypocrisy of all of this is what the american people are looking at. that's unfortunate, they look at washington and just see that it's different rules when democrats are in charge and when republicans are in charge, and what i was trying to restore today, if we hold hunter in contempt for a subpoena issued to him, then there are three current members that serve on that committee that were issued subpoenas by the last congress and they defied those subpoenas. i think we got to apply the rule equally. i'm still willing to vote, mr. chairman if you are listening, still willing to vote to hold hunter in contempt but hold those three members of congress also who did not supply with their subpoenas in contempt and apply the rules equally. >> john: you said a difference when democrats are in charge and when republicans are in charge applying the rules. rewind the clock back and play sound back about the need to have these behind closed doors depositions and not have these
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witnesses just waltz into an open hearing. >> this goes on for hour after hour after hour. we want to get all our questions answered and you can't do that in a live format. >> would it be closed door with bannon or you want -- he could go out there and pontificate. >> the way that we have treated every single witness is the same, that they come in, they talk to the committee, if they are going to take a deposition, they are sworn under oath, it's video taped, it's recorded, and then we take it from there. >> john: so a lot of critics are saying congressman rules for me but not for thee. what do you say? >> well, i think the difference there is that those instances they never got offered to come testify publicly, and never accepted the public invitation. they were fighting the subpoena from day one. they never offered to do it in a public hearing. look, even ted cruz came out the other day and said just have hunter in a public hearing, he said it on his podcast, invite him in and have the public
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hearing, let the american people hear from hunter and do the deposition there, and going back to the previous point, john, you are right that the transcript will eventually come out. but it will come out six months from now. and so what will happen, they'll do the deposition, they'll selectively release things, no way to fact check the stuff they are talking about until six months from now. so look, all i'm saying to my colleagues, you can't complain when you break something, you break a toy and now you get the toy and the toy is broken and you want to know why it's not working. they had members defy subpoenas and now they are concerned why people obviously want to continue to fight subpoenas up here. it's because they broke it in the last congress, unfortunately. >> john: all right, to that point nancy mace really was miffed about hunter biden showing up and she is a person who has voted to hold republicans in contempt. let me play for you what she said when hunter biden showed up and then come back to what she said after she voted contempt of congress charge against steve bannon.
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>> you are the epitomy of white privilege, coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed, what are you afraid of. >> john: she said you are ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed, what are you afraid of. what she said when she voted to hold steve bannon in contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate. she said i want to preserve the subpoena power that congress has. i'm going to have that same position for whoever is in power, republican or democrat. so for her it's not about defending hunter biden or defending steve bannon, she's defending congress, and congress's power of subpoena which a lot of critics are saying hunter biden is doing his best to immasculate. >> i agree with nancy mace and taking the same position. i'm trying to do the same thing. saying if we hold hunter biden in contempt, right, my other
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colleagues should hold the three members of congress, not naming them out of due respect, not interested in attacking my colleagues but interested in preserving the system. what i need representative mace to do, i need her to look at her colleagues and say join me, join me on holding everyone who has defied a subpoena in contempt. if they do it, i will absolutely do it and we'll make this a bipartisan effort. >> john: would you expect this is going to pass out of committee and then the house, this resolution. >> oh, yeah, yeah, john, you've watched this stuff up here long enough. this is a -- it's going to pass. >> john: then the questionms about, what does the doj do with it? >> remember, we have to have a vote of the house first. it will pass in committee, no question about it. my guess is, my guess is at that point in time probably more negotiations going on between hunter's attorneys and staff, we'll see if anything comes of that. if that were to fail, then come to the house floor for a vote to hold him in contempt. at that point, if the households
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him in contempt, the numbers are dwindling for the majority, then it would depend what the doj does. i don't want to make a guess of what the doj does. we have seen the doj has been very strong against hunter and in fact, has indicted him for certain things he now has to defend himself. who knows what would happen there. >> john: congressman jared moskowitz of florida, thank you for being with us, and thank you for joining us on the antisemitism issue. appreciate it. >> sandra: members of a girls high school basketball squad accused of antisemitism against a visiting team. what an investigation showed that now has the coach out of a job and a player kicked off the team. >> john: one of the world's most popular youtube creators is rejecting the richest person in the world. online marketing expert will tell us why mr. beast said no to elon musk, and why mr. beast's videos are so dang popular.
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incident took place during a game. >> people are up in arms over this, crying foul after the girls' basketball team says it was the target of antisemitic insults during a game on the court. that game was between the yonkers high school and a private jewish school. and it was stopped in the third quarter. jewish players say their opponents yelled free palestine, i support hamas and f-ing jew during the game. one jew wrote attacking a team because of the school's religious association is never acceptable. i have never experienced this kind of hatred directed at one of my teams before. rabbi, executive director of the new york board of rabbis, says the roosevelt team should be suspended for the rest of the season. >> we always had trash talking on the court, nothing new, but
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to have antisemitism, we would -- cannot, would not tolerate this. we certainly would not tolerate it with racism, we cannot tolerate it here. >> the yonkers school system did investigate and kicked one of the players off the roosevelt team and then fired the coach, brian williams. coach williams tells us he did not hear the slurs and says when he found out about it all, after the game, he told his team to apologize, and he said he would have sent any offender home. he emotionally told us he has been fired unfairly. >> i feel that i don't deserve it because i didn't do anything. it's just unfair that i have to go through this. i wouldn't want this for my worst enemy. >> coach williams says he supports the jewish community and has jewish members in his family. and is considering suing the school district for wrongful termination. both schools may soon get
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together to discuss antisemitism and how to stop it. sandra. >> sandra: very emotional interview. thank you. >> john: the head of boeing reassuring employees after a plane lost a door mid flight. how the company is reassuring customers, that's just ahead.
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>> we have a hunter sighting, oh, boy, backing to complain about being compelled to testify but still in defiance of the subpoena. >> political theater. >> you want to publicly testify, no problem. but first comply with the subpoena for the deposition and then publicly testify. >> john: hunter biden back on capitol hill crashing a contempt hearing after defying a subpoena last


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