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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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peddling scheme where foreign oligarchs gave tens of millions of dollars for family members in exchange for we don't know what they were getting in exchange for millions of dollars given to the biden family. >> bret: yeah. that investigation goes on. panel, thanks so much. a little quick tonight. i appreciate it. please join us tonight #:00 p.m. eastern, about two hours from now, martha mccallum and i will host a special town hall with former president donald trump. we'll have plenty of questions from iowa voters who will be in this audience. it is going to be really interesting to see tomorrow on "special report." we will fault hunter biden story. is he scheduled to appear in a courtroom in los angeles. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. i promise you don't want to miss this town hall. "the ingraham angle" is coming up now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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now, what's going to matter more to the country in the retirement from the presidential race of chris christie who devoted his campaign to smashing trump and was polling at about 3.6% nationally or the retirement from college football of alabama coach nick saban who won 297 games, 10 sec championships, seven national championships and had four heisman trophy winners, that's all. i know which retirement is going to upset me the most. finally bowing to reality former governor chris christie did drop by the g.o.p. primary race today and it turns out and it is surprising, shocking i note to so many of you watching tonight. but the g.o.p. constituency isn't actually watching morning joe, and it doesn't hang on every word that the "new york times" plushes. pres pres publi.
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for someone as sharp as he is, he totally missed the obvious that republican voters are fed up and have been fed up with the old guard for a long time. they are fed up with their wars, they are fed up with their pro-china trade policies, the border. push for more immigration. and big spending. so why would republicans vote for someone who despises trump and essentially wants him prosecuted, when we already have the biden campaign for that? now, the most interesting thing i think about his retirement was his hot mic moment about nikki haley. >> i mean, look, she spent 68 million so far just on tv. 459 million by desantis and we spent 12. i mean, no is punching above their weight and who is getting return on investment. and is she is going to get smoked. you and i both know it. she is not up to this. >> laura: now, on that, i would agree with governor christie.
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now, it's nothing personal to anybody here. but, it's a populist party now. and it's going to be a populist party long after donald trump himself retires from politics. but, like so many who run for president, christie's campaign never really made sense except, i guess, as a rehabilitation effort for his own career. now maybe he can be a paid contributor on cnn or get a professorship somewhere, write another book. he should remember that being one of those acceptable republicans like john kasich or jeff flake, means being someone conservatives don't like and democrats don't respect. joining me now is ohio senator j.d. vance. i'm a little tongue-tied because of nick saban. i was in the car coming here when i got the news about nick saban retiring. what about chris christie? i'm like what about nick saban? your reaction to this news tonight? >> ohio state guy good news. nick saban is out of here.
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on the political front, look, chris christie was a guy without a constituency. because whatever his personal grudges against donald trump and, i'm biased i endorsed donald trump. he made a great president. he will do so again. the problem is even if you separate chris christie's feelings about donald trump. there was no constituency open borders, pro-free trade agenda effectively with what chris christie was offering. we have had it with that. 40 years the old guard of the republican party delivered less freedom. less prosperity and security. why would we want to go back? if you want to run in a trump g.o.p. or any republican party that's going to exist in the next 20 or 30 years, you have got to explain what is going on in the country, how do we fix it. you can't pretend we are living in 2004 because we are just thought. >> laura: he made a promise tonight, senator. as he was dropping out. watch. >> i want to promise you this. i am going to make sure that in no way do i enable donald trump to ever be president of the
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united states again. >> laura: well, he was the first to endorse him in 2016, which i, at the time, recommended to him that he do. and he did that. and now his promise to his big constituency is okay, i'm going to be acceptable, so maybe can i go on and do one of these other things, which a lot of these former, you know, conservatives are people who call themselves conservatives tend to do. >> laura, when he says is he going to prevent donald trump from becoming president, that means you are giving a second term to joe biden. we have got 12,000 illegal border crossings a day under president joe biden. >> laura: and trump is the threat to the country? >> it's crazy. i don't know what these people have taken where they don't like what donald trump tweets and so they are going to throw the country. >> laura: it's personal i think a lot of personal animus. >> absolutely what it is. you need to wake up and actually recognize that the real threat is coming from an open borders president, who is making the country weaker to china, who is sending billions of dollars of weapons to overseas conflicts
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not preserving it for our own defense. joe biden is the threat to american democracy, he is the person we need to defeat. if you don't accept that, you shouldn't be running in the republican primary. >> and i have to say in the -- by the same token, she has a lot more money, she is polling, okay in new hampshire now, within single digits in one poll against trump. is nikki haley. that hot mic moment really was the news because christie is smart. i don't agree with him on all the issues, but is he not a dumb guy. i used to watch his old debates they were fantastic. that's the guy we always wanted back in national politics. but he knows that nikki haley the jeb bush of 2024, does he not? >> that's exactly right. and, look, nikki haley's entire strategy we have to remember, laura, it's to convince enough liberal suburbanites in massachusetts to cross over and vote republican in the new hampshire primary that is the only thing counting on. i don't think that's a winning strategy in new hampshire but it's definitely not a winning
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strategy nationally. and there aren't a whole lot of liberal suburbanites from massachusetts voting nationalfully republican primaries. there is no chance that she can win this primary. it's a waste of time. it's a waste of money. biden won re-election. nominee of the party. that's going to be president trump. >> when you add up vivek and desantis and trump, it's about 86%. senator, speaking of trump as a threat, former attorney general eric holder told "u.s.a. today" monday that there would be incalculable damage to the country if trump wins. asked if obama shares that view holder replied absolutely. i don't think it's a question about that. i think that's what motivates him. i think that's what will continue to motivate him along with all the private jet travel to oahu and martha's vineyard. they are worried, are they not, about trump because this time if he gets in that swamp will be
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drained and people are going to really see what is at the bottom of that muck in washington, d.c. and that is a problem for these people. >> i think it's exactly right. the second trump administration will be all the things we liked about the first trump administration but really on steroids and i mean that in a good way, laura. these guys are completely out of their mind. eric holder, the guy who used the power of the federal government to attack catholic nuns instead of stopping the flow of drugs and fentanyl across the southern border. >> contempt of congress, too. he didn't show up to testify. >> it's so interesting they see donald trump as such a threat. i'm glad they see him as a threat. because the guy who uses the federal government not to protect our border but to gang up on catholic nuns, it's a good thing when he doesn't like donald trump. that's the best endorsement trump could ask for. >> your message to senate republicans on this, quote, raw deal immigration nightmare that lankford and are pushing. >> we have to be careful. the democrats are desperate to get more money for u.k. they are actually willing to give us something real on the border. make sure we get real
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concessions on the border. >> laura: no deal, senator. don't fall into that trap. it's a trap, ask marco rubio how it worked out in 2013. >> it's exactly right. it did not work well and gift to biden and i know you are smarter than that senator, great to see you as always. >> thanks, laura. >> laura: i'm glad you are happy about saban but i'm not. whenever somebody drops out we want to know who they're going to coalesce behind. now we know christie will never be team trump so that's out the window. there is one candidate that cnn notes well, he is most like. >> one thing they do have in common is foreign policy, i think. >> right. >> so, you know, they are very pro-ukraine. that's one area where they can sort of find some way to get together because she is very strong in the way that he likes. that may be one thing he can point to that he likes about her. >> they are from the establishment wing of the republican party. >> i don't know who he joins
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with. who his compatriots are. there has got to be a rebuilding of the republican party to a degree. >> laura: okay, gloria, tell us how we rebuild the republican party. joining me now missouri senator eric schmitt along with sean duffy co-host of "the bottom line." sean, that is hilarious when you have a panelist on one of the other cable saying the party has to go back to that success of george w. bush who left office with 28% approval rating god bless him. >> we need republicans to be neocons, democrat light is what we want back again. look at the party, they have rallied around donald trump it. has transitioned into this populist party and it's amazing what donald trump has done to move the people, the average american to his side and to the party's position there is it no change coming. talk about chris christie just to what j.d. vance said. chris christie is going to work inside of the republican party to elect joe biden. not nikki haley, not donald trump.
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he is working for joe biden. cnn, maybe not msnbc, but maybe the next biden administration, hoping to get a spot. in that's what he is doing. >> he wanted to be attorney general, senator, for trump. and he didn't get that position. and now maybe he could be attorney general for biden people are ready for the main event here. about two weeks away from that you compare these records. the american people doing better. it's a blue collar party now. i welcome that, i know you do, too. americans were doing better. we had a secure border and energy dominant. people are ready for that again. i don't think this changes anything about the race. trump is on his way to victory probably over in two weeks. >> this is a pat buchanan platform of issues on immigration on being less intervention nist obviously on the trade issues. these issues go back to pitch fork pat in 1992 in new hampshire where he had pulled off that surprise victory. >> that's right.
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it's a conservative party. and it is america first party. it's a place where we believe our best days are ahead. we have got fight back. you see what the biden administration a real threat to democracy here is joe biden who by the way has had the biggest censorship history trying to jail political opponents. i think the american people are going to reject that. >> laura: on msnbc tonight interesting take away from their future contributors, you know, decision to retire. watch streakily honestly ari, tonight is a night for nikki haley. if i'm nikki haley when i'm in debate forget about ron desantis you know he has already faded. i'm already within striking distance of donald trump in new hampshire. give me the momentum that i need in iowa and i can be the candidate that you can coalesce around. >> laura: now, that's the momentum, sean, that she is going to get from that 3% from christie? that's going to put her over the edge? >> right. they are citing one poll in new hampshire within 6 or 7 points
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of trump cnn poll. the "boston globe" has still donald trump winning in new hampshire by 20 points. we can't forget the amount of money that she has spent. she has big dollar. of the old school republican donors that don't like trump that have given her money. now, money in politics does have impact. having ads on the air make a difference. it's not going to matter in iowa it. could close the gap in new hampshire if we're being honest. if she closes the gap and coming comes within 8, 9 points of trump does she have momentum moving forward, i think she does, does chris christie change that up? i don't think so. but, again. >> laura: hey, sean? >> yes. >> laura: you want to put some money on this right now on national tv? so you are saying that nikki haley is going to have momentum after new hampshire? is that what you are saying. >> i'm saying money matters and if she comes within 7 or 8 points of trump, do you get momentum out of that especially where trump is up by 20, to points, if can you close the gap, i don't like it. i have been a trump supporter. i'm a make america great again
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guy. you can't deny what happens in elections in states in presidential races it. actually does work. you do get some momentum coming to the next state. >> laura: how much money did jeb bush have? he had $200 million going into south carolina and george w. came in and did that big campaign push for him. fun to see the old team back and running around the state. kind of fun to watch that went down like a led balloon. that was a disaster. >> okay, laura, i didn't say it. >> i like him personally. >> if it does happen you do get momentum. i'm not saying it's going to happen but it f. it does she does get extra juice coming out of new hampshire. >> laura: question to nikki haley might be why do all the plutocrats want you to be the nominee why and the "new york times" and all these other? >> i think a lot of this is do you believe in this american sovereignty? do you believe we should be protecting our southern border? do you think we ought to be looking out and not sending our jobs to china taking advantage
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of national resources. >> she says she is tough on china and pushes back on that. >> that's a by gone era, right? people are ready for donald trump, they are ready for an american first agenda again. it was working. it was working for four years. when people compare those records. >> laura: it's policy. >> absolutely. i think is he going to win by a big margin. >> laura: do you agree with chris christie that she gets smoked. >> i don't think it's going to be close. either one of these. then you have got south carolina right after that. at that point, you know, it's over. >> laura: well, christie and desantis both agreed on something. on that point. senator and sean, great to see you both. thank you. all right, new york city students are going remote again but it isn't because of covid. my angle tells you why, next. ♪
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you can save. hour lawyer kick them out that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: democrats want you to know they care deeply about our children. >> my whole mission in congress is about the children, for the children. >> no such thing as someone else's child. our nation's children are all our children. >> share heart together.
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share. >> well. >> mayor adams puts on a good show, the truth is in liberal la la land. american kids come last. yesterday told sons and daughters had to return to remote learning because 2,000 migrants had been living in tents being moved temporarily into their gymnasium. >> speechless, shocked, i thought it was a joke. we expected everything we have been through covid. we have been through everything. beyond. no matter how hard teachers try. computer with a camera and facetiming your friends it does not work. it does not constitute as learning. that's our taxpayer money cez in school have to provide immigration papers. otherwise they are not allowed into the school. but those people were not checked at all. >> laura: checked? if anything, they were checked on to see if they're comfortable with their accommodations mayor
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adams treats them as not trespassers but as honored guests. like all states and cities run by liberals. new york is a place where working class americans are always going to be treated like second class citizens migrant make them as comfortable as possible. bragging in a tweet his teams were doing a great job keeping asylum seekers safe and dry. at the same time, when american students are being kicked out of schools to make room for migrants republicans on capitol hill biden and big donors wanted to stop the flow of migrants here. they don't need republicans help. biden has all the legal authority he has right now and all the authority he needs to end this invasion tonight borders stay open and don't want
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to be issue during the campaign end up helping trump. no way. this phony deal won't do a darn thing to help biden paroling millions of migrants united states in the coming year. listen closely to senator chris murphy, democrat, who gives away the entire game. >> i think we are interested, as democrats in providing the administration with tools that will help better manage the border we are not interested in taking away from the administration, tools that they use today to help better manage the border when we talk about this topic of parole, it is very important to understand that it is used today as a way that the administration is able to better manage the flow in a planful way of individuals to the border.
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>> laura: okay. so sleazy. okay. republicans should run, not walk from this scam. parole them into the country more efficiently. that's what he is talking about. now the republican speaker of the house, a conservative, recently traveled to the border and today he urged the president to use his executive authority that he has to secure the border. but johnson needn't arrest his time with that exercise in few facility. after all this importation of migrants is the democrats' policy majoring america demographically, electorally, curly, is their goal and a side note. we have invited the house speaker on the angle multiple times to talk immigration, spending, et cetera. to no avail. we will keep trying. don't worry, about speaker. the angle does not bite. the dc uniparty has a fanatical fixation with resettling millions of migrants here and do it every year as long as they can possibly do that. and mostly they are going to
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come from poor countries. they require billions for education, housing, and healthcare. and if tending to them means short changing american kids, so be with it. because to the open borders types, this is all collateral damage. remember, everyone must sacrifice for a more perfect multicultural union. now, none of this should surprise anyone who has watched what has happened in blue states and cities during covid. the damage done during the lockdowns the damage to kids incalculable. seeing high rates of suicide now. low test scores as well. in fact, it's so bad that the "new york times" now admits that school closures may prove to be the most damaging disruption in american history for education not tony, not biden not aoc
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certainly not randi weingarten teacher's union chief. they don't care because they would much rather talk about how awful america is. >> white supremacy e oh it is a poison. throughout our history. ripped this nation apart no place in america not today tomorrow or ever. >> better yet, why have kids at all? >> there is scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, i think young people, to have a legitimate question, you know, should -- is it okay to still have children? >> laura: well, there are certain kids whom liberals do pretend at least to care about, like trans kids. >> we have some hysterical and i would argue prejudiced people. it's wrong that extreme
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officials are pushing hateful bills targeting transgender children. it's cruel, it's callus. they are not somebody else's kids. they are all of our kids. >> oh, really are they still our kids when they de-transition and call out the butchers who destroyed their fertility, joe? and really, they don't care about the migrant kids either. again, they pretend to. biden's open border is a god send to child sex traffickers and, also, of course, to the cartels. and for the first time in generations, america now has a migrant child labor crisis on its hands. yeah. thanks, joe. if our voters believe their needs, their children's future should be the priority here, then there is only one choice next november in state and local and national elections, cast your ballot for those who put america first. our jobs, our safety, our kids. so, up in new york they're
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kicking our kids out of their schools? they're the ones who should be kicked out. and that's the angle. joining me now is democrat new york assembly member jamie williams also a parent of a student at james madison high school. assembly woman thank you for joining us. i know you went to the school last night. you're a parent yourself. and your reaction to what happened and the response from the officials? >> thank you, laura for having me. definitely concerning as a parent for a representative for the area. very disruptive to our student. it's not fair to our parents. i was also there this morning and the community is just outraged because here you have the migrants being placed over our own children and our community. what's next?
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asettlementably woman you found the poster directing the migrants to local government officials if they need anything. again, tending to their needs as american kids or falling behind in test scores, et cetera. your reaction to that? priorities? >> i don't think it was a poster for them to, you know, if they needed something. clearly myself and council member ena, it was to let them know if we are back on the scene to not let us into the building they were trying to prevent you as a taxpayer and as an assembly woman elected by constituents as a parent from gaining access to the facility? you all pay for the facility. >> we pay for the facility. guess what taxpayer's money and needs to be accountability. we have taken a national issue which the federal government, the biden administration has turned a blind eye to to put it
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into the residential community into the southeast side of brooklyn. and now our residents have to deal with such an issue. and that's unfair to us. it's unfair to each tax paying american. >> laura: don't you agree that if joe biden wanted this to end tomorrow he has the tools to do that? this border was fairly secure just a few years ago, assembly woman. rich people of the united states want this border to stay open. they like the cheap labor and all the other benefits that they get. >> so, why wait until tomorrow? our districts are benefactors of lawlessness. we can't wait until tomorrow. we have to turn off the main at the faucet. that is closing our borders. plain and simple. there is no tools to find. there is no new words to invent. it's plain english, close the borders and let's deal with the
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situation instead of putting the american citizens in a predicament where you have other people over them. it's unfair to each and every tax-paying american not only in my district but in this country it's not fair to us. >> laura: keep coming back. we're going to keep reporting on this. i don't think this is ending. i think it's going to continue. thank you so much. >> laura: how the courts now are trying to shut trump up, again. the details, next. ♪
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hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave
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his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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>> laura: now, as a former practicing litigator, i have never heard of a situation where a judge order a defendant, even
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in a civil trial, not to speak on his own behalf or on his own defense that's what judge engoron ordered today in the civil fraud case filed by attorney general letitia james. joining me to you to discuss this david schoen, former trump impeachment lawyer. david, it's almost like he is trying to throw his own trial here. am i wrong? i have never heard of this type unfair practice on the part of a sitting state or federal judge, ever? just continuing the circus, gag order to the courtroom, unprecedented. most absurd of all is this isn't a jury trial. it's one thing to limit closing argument with certain restrictions. but he is saying that president trump can't speak on his own behalf about this case with the same terms as he put in the gag
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order. in other words, it's always fair game to challenge the integrity of the process or the investigation or the plaintiff or the prosecutor. in case we have a judge who has made it into a circus, constantly tries to mock president trump. you have an attorney general who ran on election platform of getting a private citizen president trump. unethical and unhard of. now he can't speak about this process. that's specifically what the judge said. if he were to speak, he can't disparage the attorney general. that's always fair game it's called close, argument. >> laura: trump's lawyers tried to delay the closing argument again. >> no jury. this is just in front of the judge, but in light of the death of his wife's mom, melania's mother. the judge wrote that he was sorry to hear the sad news but quickly denied the request david, what's the rush here. >> no rush. the judge loves the limelight. in some ways though if the
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american public is as fair as i believe them to be, this is only going to help president trump in the polls. it's one more attack that's completely unfair and unnecessary. these guys should play it straight. there's a reason this judge has been reversed in other cases against other developers and in case he has gone so far overboard this thing is a travesty. they are really well served. get away from him and get on with the appeal in this case. it's unbelievable. i'm sure he has his opinion written already. this is not the integrity of our judicial process that the american people should deserve and expect. >> laura: i would say he would get a better deal in front of a tv judge. it's almost like it's a parody of itself. he looks like the parody of a judge. and letitia james is obviously a political force, she thinks, to be reckoned with she is trying to build other own resume to run for governor some day. this is what we are dealing with in the height of a presidential election?
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this is madness. >> it demeans the system it. demeans the process. the american people are entitled to have a strong belief in the integrity of their system. our system depends on it. you can't when you have a judge i hate to say this but acting like a clown and really turning it into a circus and making himself center stage. the whole business with his law clerk or secretary, whatever it is, it's all a distraction. but, again, fair minded people ought to see it as the attack that it is. and the unfair attack. >> laura: well, david, i appreciate it. thank you. now, hunter biden turned today's oversight hearing into a complete circus, speaking of circuses. we got the video. plus, congressman james comer is here, next. ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> let's take a vote and hear from hunter biden. what are you afraid of. >> allowed to speak. >> hold on. hold on. order. >> are women allowed to speak in her or no? >> thank you, mr. chairman. excuse me, hunter, apparently you are afraid of my words. >> whoa. >> object to the unanimous. [talking at the same time] >> need one objection. >> can we get some order here. >> mr. chairman, where are we? >> okay, okay. [gavel] >> laura: i'm glad i was at my exercise class and missed that the only thing that was missing at today's oversight committee
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hearing were three rings and p.t. barnum himself. the committee eventually pulled itself together and moved closer to holding hunter biden in contempt of congress. now, this entire thing was orchestrated by his lawyer, abbe lowell as a political stunt. and political stunt-making runs in this family of political grifters. joining me now oversight committee chair james comer. congressman, you know, critics are going to say that this was a win for hunter because, you know, he shows up and just devolved into shouting. >> well, i would strongly disagree with that he showed up. he was there for about 15 minutes. moskowitz was recognized. he said hunter biden is here to answer questions and then his time expired. i recognized marjorie taylor greene. she was going to ask hubbard questions because moskowitz said he was there to answer
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questions. as soon as he realized marjorie taylor greene was going to ask him a question, they ran out of there. they knocked over people on the way out the door. so i think the american people got to see two things. number one, he was not there to answer questions. and, number two, this is the second time that hunter biden has displayed in real time the arrogance and entitlement that he has had his entire life. why he thinks he can get millions and millions of dollars from our enemies around the world and then not pay taxes on it and then lie about it. look, this is an investigation of joe biden. it's about what his family did to receive the millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. and we just have as i remember questions that we need to ask hunter biden in his deposition. >> laura: congressman, there was a moment where they think they have you against the wall here. it was kind of a clever stunt i have to say. i think it was kind of clever. this was a moment where moskowitz tried to turn the tables on you, watch. >> let's take a vote. who wants to hear from hunter
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right now today? anyone? come on. who wants to hear from hunter? >> the motion is out of order. >> no one? >> laura: was he on saved by the bell that show? he looks so familiar. congressman, why not let him speak? why didn't you let him speak, moskowitz? >> why didn't i let moskowitz? moskowitz has less credibility than george santos had when he was a member of congress. at the end of the day, i think the american people have one question. what did they do to receive the money? and all through the committee, this committee lasted about nine hours today. and the democrats talked about trump for 8 and a half hours. then they complained that hunter biden was there to answer questions but when he was, you know, fixing to be asked a question, they left. you know, when he had the press conference -- when we were supposed to depose him earlier, he said he was there to answer questions, and then after he read his written statement, he got in the car with eric
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swalwell and drove off. he hasn't answered any questions. >> this is a substantive investigation. we have got thousands of pages of bank records. we have hundreds of specific transactions that the banks flagged that we have no idea what they did to receive this money. they don't own real estate. they didn't sell anything. they weren't. >> smart. he is very smart. business experience that he would be paid all these millions of dollars, i'm sure, if his last name, you know, weren't biden except we all know that's not true congressman, we appreciate it. thanks so much. congress gets filthy in ways we never expected and a major black radio host abandons biden. joe biden and charlamagne the great. raymond arroyo has it all. "seen and unseen," next. ♪
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segment. we expose cultural stories. raymond, it was a bizarre day on capitol hill. >> it was, laura. i think hunter biden stunt appearance brought out the worst in everybody. there was chaos in the chamber. suddenly, they were all pornographic speaking pornography. nih should send soap up there for their mouths. >> you are the epitome of white privilege ignoring congressional hearing. what are you afraid of. >> she showed nude photos of hunter biden showing [beep] picks in this committee room of hunter biden. >> let's talk about the fact president trump incited an
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erection -- maybe that, too. >> laura, these are dirty-minded people. really. they can't help themselves. >> laura: i mean, i don't know. to me the whole thing was just. look it is all they have. administration has stunts. everything is white supremacist. donald trump -- no election will ever be held again. >> with all do respect, when he saw hunter come into the committee room, capitol police and grilled him. to let him come and leave that stunt should never had happened. hunteder fever spread even to reporters. one reporter did his best to crack the story or get the story on crack. >> what kind of crack do you
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normally smoke, hunter biden. hunter was a private citizen. >> hunter, what is your favorite type of crack? are you on crack today? [laughter] >> chasing down the big stories. >> laura: well, it is kind of a circus. new report on his art sales raymond, we have been fascinated by great works of art. majority of purchases made by sho shocker: democratic donors. >> $875,000 worth came from one entertainment lawyer and friend of hunter. as you mentioned democratic donor. a lot of money for canvas. if it is hunter's fiddle maybe it is worth that kind of crack.
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>> laura: it is like the work he did for chinese energy interest. it is sham work. this is sham work. >> this isn't exactly john singer sergeant. this is paying for the influence and biden name. people pay for influence and paintings from famous people all the time. this while the president is in office looks really bad. >> laura: what happened? we covered biden's desperate disappearance of the black church in south carolina. polli polling business mall moll with -- >> my listeners feel like he didn't deliver. they come back to me. hey, man you are the one that told us to vote for joe biden, kamala harris. lack of a better word [beep]
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efficient. >> black community running from joe biden faster than mitt romney. 20% drop to the most recent polls. you know why? substance matters in the black community. crime up, inflation eating them. >> laura: we'll see. >> taking city funds, people notice. that is what this is about. laura, i have a fox news alert. so sorry to report after 17 seasons as head coach university of alabama nick saban calling it quits. >> laura: we already did this at the beginning of the show. first of all, i got the news i am in the car coming to the studio. shocking to everybody i was a little late. horrible traffic. then i see these messages coming up one after the other after the other. thing i realize, my friend david upton, he saw saban some where.
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he was in a great mood. he is not one to sort of, sometimes doesn't smile a lot. right, they lost the game against michigan. maybe he is, he is enjoying, you know time with his family. great wife fantastic. smiles a lot. he is happy. one of the greatest coaches of all time. >> matched bryant in six champions, winningiest coach in college football. >> laura: 297 wins, 10 sec championships. i was at the last sec championship and seven national titles. nick saban. thank you, raymond. i am in mourning, jesse watters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse


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