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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 10, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> [cheers and applause]. >> greg: out of time. >> trace: i am trace gallagher of the 11 p.m. on the east coast
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and 8 o'clock los angeles. this is fox news at night. he won't debate during the primaries but took the stage in iowa at a fox news town hall that came on the heels of christie suspending his campaign for president but won't support any of the remaining candidates of the wait until you hear what he said about nikki haley and ron desantis caught on a hot mic. the latest from the very cold campaign trail. >> we will get to the drama in a second. headlines from the former president's town hall on fox news. he said that he is not worried at all that nikki haley might close the gap with him this new hampshire now that chris
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christie dropped out of the race. he said this does not change the dynamic at all. watch this. >> we are leading by almost 60 points. i am not exactly worried about it. i understand new hampshire well. i won it twice and did very well. i love the people and they love me. >> he said the bigger news out of tonight was that chris christie got caught on a hot mic diss'ing nikki haley and ron desantis. he said haly will get smoked up and not up to this and desantis is pettrifid. halee took the high road. she will likely gain a lot of his voters. in iowa everybody is focussed on
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the ground game in the final 4 days. team desantis tells fox he has more than 30,000 iowans to caucus for him. team trump is asking their caucus captains to recruit others to turnout. pleading with supporters to not let sub-zero temperatures keep them at home. in the town hall tonight trump said he has already chosen his vp pick. although he would not divulge who that is. that's a big headline from the town hall tonight. >> trace: indeed. hunter biden made a shocking appearance at his own contempt hearing causing a stir on capitol hill. david is live with us here in los angeles. he put on quite a show.
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>> he did. not many people saw that one coming. hunter biden showing up to his own contempt hearing. sat and front and center as republicans and democrats hashed it out for millions to see. >> you are the epitome of white privilege. coming into the oversight committee and spitting in our face and ignoring a congressional subpoena. >> democrats begged republicans to allow hunter biden to testify in front of cameras. he did not show up for a deposition on december 13th. >> let him comply today or tomorrow. but let the man do it. >> hunter left the room when marjorie taylor green took the microphone. in the hallway our colleague got
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this out of him. why put your dad on speaker phone? >> do you have a dad? did he call you? >> yes, but why talk it him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business. >> now hunter biden is back in los angeles where he is schedule to appear for a federal judge tomorrow to answer for 9 tax related charges. 3 are felonies. the president's son was indicted last month by special counsel who said hunter biden had plenty of money but chose not to pay 1.5 million dollars in taxes. i will be outside of the court tomorrow. we will see what happens. >> trace: david, thank you. closing arguments in new york state's civil trial against donald trump will go forward but he can't make his own case.
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kevin cork is live with new information. >> the judge had initially approved the request for the former president to make his own closing statement, but he said he would be required to limit his remarks to commentary on the material facts in evidence and application of the relevant law to those facts. the judge said the former president could not deliver a campaign speech or -- and this may not surprise many folks out there -- or speak ill of court staff or the attorney general. trump's attorney said there trump has been wrongfully demeaned and belittled by a politically motivated attorney general and he should be allowed to speak. the judge if mr. trump violate
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the rules here, i will cut him off mid-sentence and admonish him. the president will be on a short leash and won't be speaking. >> t >> trace: kevinin. jason chafffetz and joe concha. here is former president trump at the town hall talking about chaos. >> the media hates when i say they are smart. they are very smart and cunning. very little chaos. most of the chaos was caused by the democrats going after me. >> trace: he is leading by 35 points. is this town hall valuable terror him to do? what is your take away from this? >> i think it checks the box. i am disappointed there was know actual debate.
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leading by that many i see why he would do that. donald trump thrives in chaos and the circus. the equal application of justice was not there. they picked on him for 4 years and people are fed up with it. it's come to his benefit. >> trace: this is fox business, the iowa poll for second choice. ron desantis has a bit of a lead on the far left. chris christie is out. who benefits by that 5%. maybe a spread? >> it's nikki haley. not so much in iowa but in new hampshire where the cnn poll reported you have nikki haley within single digits at this
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point. you have to think that chris christie's support most likely which was in the double digits in new hampshire will go to donald trump. then you have an open primary where democrats can vote. the southern part of massachusetts that's a lot of democrats. they could upend donald trump and vote for nikki haley. the chris christie development is a big one here. in terms of if she could get one win on the docket, then what happens from there? she has her home state in south carolina not long after that. nikki haley appears to be on track right now to challenge donald trump in one state. how does ron desantis do this iowa? >> trace: the chris christie development. here's chris christie caught on a hot microphone taking a big swing at nikki haley and
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a smaller swing at ron desantis. >> she spent $16 million so far. she's on tv. we spent 12. who is punching above their weight and getting a return on their investment. she will get smoked. we know it. she's not up to this. i talked to desantis. he called me petrified. >> trace: nikki haley just said he's been a friend for a long time. let's move on. what do you think? >> chris christie gets out of the race saying the one thing he doesn't want to do is help donald trump and then helps donald trump putting a smack down on nikki haley and saying negative things about ron desantis. that's an endorsement of donald trump. >> trace: 15 seconds, joe concha. what did you think of hunter biden's show today capitol hill? >> exactly what it was.
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it was a show. it did not do him any good. reporters asking what kind of crack do you prefer? that's not a good thing. a bad thing for president biden who had a very bad week. not a good week for the president or his son. >> trace: thank you. parents in brooklyn are infuriated after students at james madison high school were forced to learn remotely because 2000 migrants were housed in their school. jeff paul has the latest on this story that stirs a bit of outrage. >> [silence]. >> storms were in the forecast but the relocation was aimed to protect the migrants.
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parents and lawmakers said the kids were left at risk. >> we are jeopardizing the future offor kids. i don't know what for. >> we talk about closing schools in inclement weather. they never do it. where are the kids that struggle go to eat? where are they going stay warm. >> more than 3400 students at james madison high school had to remote learn for the day. the migrants who stayed in the auditorium. the schools principal said the number 1 priority is the safety of our students and our communities. new york mayor eric adams posted pictures from the high school on social media saying the city is doing a great job keeping asylum seekers safe and dry. >> when you have major crises,
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our school buildings are the focal point of our community. >> the migrants have returned to their tent shelters in a field. one new york lawmaker knew this would happen and it's time they all wake up. >> trace: jeff, thank you. let's bring in new york city council woman and a former congresswoman from texas. i want to put this up. these are unhappy parents that their kids had to learn remotely today. watch this. >> we didn't know. we received emails. my daughter texted me. by the way we don't have school tomorrow because the migrants are coming to sleep in the gym. >> why at the cost of our children? we are not sure what will be
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santified. there are needles and guns. >> trace: those are fair points. what do you think about this? >> it's awful. a lot of these parents were calling my office. i represent the district. they were outraged. and the local residents that live in the neighborhood. they didn't know this was happening. they didn't have any plans in place. they were concerned for their safety and well being. this is an awful situation. we have to go back to where this is coming from. i think the city is applying the law wrongfully. the right to shelter is not for illegal immigrants. it's for homeless new yorkers. what is happening now migrants are coming in to occupy our schools. what is next? the migrants left.
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but there could be another storm tomorrow. they have no contingency plan in place. >> trace: what struck me the "new york times" said this: a school sheltered migrants in a storm. the hate calls poured in. it's not hate to be concerned about your child. >> wow. every parent should be outraged that the biden administration is prioritizing illegal immigrants over hard working men and women of this country. kicking our children from our schools to cater to moving in illegal immigrants. this is a slap in the face on the american people. this should outrage everyone. it should not just effect parents in new york. eventually it will come to you. >> trace: the first impeachment hearing for secretary mayorkas. "usa today" wrote the following:
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it argued republicans already decided to impeach mayorkas. this is not baseless against mayorkas. >> all of the failed policies of joe biden are trickling down into our neighbors. we saw that last night at james madison. we have to hold these people accountable. this is a sham on the american people. >> trace: final thoughts. the illegal immigrants in colorado who was departed 4 times because he was caught driving drunk. he comes back and killed a mom and her son. this is something you have hammered on for the past couple of years ago. final thoughts? >> i am a border patrol wife and i immigrateed to this country.
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i asked for border security to keep the american people safe and keep children and border patrol agentses life's safe. it's time we finally secure the border. >> trace: thank you, both. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: the fox news common sense department was surprised when dr. fauci said he was not sure that kids suffered. he earlier said remote learning was harmful to kids. math scores dropped for the
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first time in a half century. 40 other studies from around the world conclude that students struggle with mental health challenges. we should note dr. fauci has a history of adjusts hiss opinions. we don't just mean condemning lab leak theories. fauci was among the nation's preeminent voices on verified. to -- covid. to say he is not convinced that there was learning loss during covid, common sense says that's deleterious. carl, fauci not being convinced that school closures were deleterious. >> there are moms and dads across the country that beg to
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differ. he was presented as the liberal media as perfect. he is never wrong. he gets things so dead wrong. he gets the hall pass every time. we are supposed to thank him for all of his mistakes. the number of times he said i don't recall astounding. we shut down our entire economy and he can't recall why. he admitted he did not whether there was a scientific basis for 6 feet of separation. will anyone hold these people accountable for the damage they have done? >> trace: no. education week had this headline in june. reading and math achievement is getting worse. the nation report card shows. even after fauci said this is a couple of years ago, the results keep coming in and keep getting more detrimental. >> yes, when kids try to learn
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how to read in first grade on zoom. it did not go well. they are fourth grade and still haven't caught up. they can't follow along in anything. the damage to this generation will keep on building. obviously all of this was bad for kids. we will see it play out over the next 10 years. it won't be god. >> trace: awful for kids. the daily mail wrote the following: contact football is banned for kids under 12. why don't they ban crime? your thoughts? >> liberals sap the joy out of
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life. anything fun they want to take away. only in california are our leaders the liberal democrats who run that state say it's risky and dangerous for kids to play flag football. no risk to allow them to have sex change operations without parental consent. they are the danger to our kids and do this bill as they are trying to protect them from something. >> trace: that's my favorite point of the day. the san francisco board of supervisors call figure gaza ceasefire. they have catastrophic problems and they are voting on what is happening on gaza. >> my friends in israel had a field day with this. we got the news. san francisco told us we have to
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ceasefire. we will say to hamas, come in, our arms are open. we are terribly sorry for reacting to the genocide attacks of 10-7. thank you to san francisco terror schooling us on how to run things properly. we had no idea how to do it here. >> trace: crazy. thank you very much. coming up a rabbi in beverly hills, california was hosting religious gathers in his home and his house was under surveillance by authorities. later if you were the producer of fox news at night tonight, what story would you run first? nick saban retiring or chris christie dropping out of the gop primary race. pick one. let us know. we will show you the results. we are coming right back. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms?
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>> trace: breaking news on the alaska airlines incident. travel disrupted for thousands of passenger after alaska airlines cancelled all flights on the 737 through saturday. marion is live with the new developments. >> alaska airlines will cancel between 110 and 150 flights per day through saturday as the fleet of 737's go through inspections. airlines are scrambling to back fill. thousands of flights already
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cancelled. the company will take a second look at inspection requirements. the boeing ceo telling employees the mishap was the company's mistake and it needs to own up to it. >> i didn't know what happened to whoever was supposed to be in that seat next to the hole. i have kids and grandkids and so do you. this stuff matters. everything matters. >> according to reports the next seat to the hole was sold but that passenger missed the flight. the faa's new administrator will face tough questions about their oversight of boeing with lawmakers demanding answers. imagine how scared the passenger
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must have been. >> trace: we talked to some. they were frightened. tone grady, how important that the ntsb recovered the door panel that broke off? will that lead down a good road as far as the investigative process? >> it definitely will lead them down a good road. it's great to talk about this. i encourage folks that our aviation industry is very strong. boeing is a great company. however, in this particular incident finding that door will help them answer quite a few questions. they will be able to look at the material on the door. see where the cracks are. see how it came out of the airplane. that's very important. they will be able to reconstruct
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what happened when the dorseparated. >> trace: the flat data recorder can give them information on the plane. the cockpit voice recorder was recorded over. do you think it's time, tony, we do longer cockpit voice tapeings 25 hours or so? is it time for that? >> i think that any information we can collect is good. the problem with that is that it was probably on too long. it does tape over. it's designed to do that. the black boxes really looks at what is happening with the airplane. the state of the airplane. it's not going to really tell you much about structurally what is going. it will tell you how high it is
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and how fast it is going and the temperatures. that's mainly what the cockpit voice recorderer tells you what the pilots were talking about. i would assure you in this particular incident, i don't think the cockpit had anything to do with it. i think structurally there was a problem. the pilots did a good job getting back on the ground. >> trace: how long do you think the investigation will take? how long will these planes be grounded? >> well, they will be grounded -- that's why we can't second guess the ntsb. they are excellent and will understand. what impact on that if they find an answer as to why it occurred. if they find that answer, then the planes will be back up flying quicker. they will keep them grounded as long as they can make it safe.
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>> trace: unless they don't like the answer they can find. coming up major movement in the sports world. a college football legend anouning his retirements. jim gray will join us live and a rabbi trying to bring jewish people together during a tough time said beverly hills is spying on him. a father's love has no in a couple of minutes. can you guess how tall this guy is? the best viral videos are next. first a live look at mobile, obama. -- alabama. roll tide. big news out of alabama. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky,
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ends monday. only at sleep number. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: another anti-semitism
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alert from beverly hills. they said they were harassed by neighbors. gentlemen, thanks february coming on. this is part of the legal letter sent to the city of beverly hills. rabbi, in a time of swelling anti-semitism the city has chosen to target the orthodox jewish family and friends of a rabbi with parking citations for visiting a rabbi. the city is shutting down religious gath gatherings under a noise ordinance. what is going on? >> first of all thanks for allowing me to be on your show and thanks to the incredible
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team at first liberty. a support system to us. thank you for supporting the religion. i was raised in beverly hills. grew up here. it's an incredible city. i love my city. i have been a rabbi in the community for 16 years now with close to 2000 students have gone through my programs. i volunteer at a hospital and u cla, we will a neighbor who was house ridden. we started a pray group. we moved to a new home. we were excited to invite friends over and have chabat dinners and friends come to pray. to our surprise, it's hard to
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believe in the united states of america and the beautiful city of beverly hills we were slammed by the attorney general code enforcements with threats of a criminal record. we had our tires slashed by neighbors. we were single targeted for people getting parking citations only in front of my home. if they parked a block away they didn't get cited. trying to stop us in every way possible of promoting goodness, godleyness. even having drones over our heads and parked police enforcement in front of our home dale taking pictures of our guests. >> trace: jeremy, the whole concept is the beverly hills mayor in december tweeted this. as the rise of anti-semitism is
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a state of emergency share that you have no hate in your heart and we are against this. is the mayor in favor of this? what is the feeling you are getting here? what is your take away from this? >> well, we were able to get involved. after a couple of back and forgets with the city attorney. they backed off. that should not be the case in 2024 america. we should be secure in religious freedom. anti-semitism is on the rise. more hated crimes towards jewish americans than any other religion. the more important it becomes to honor religious liberty. that's how we ward off violence. we want to keep those things from occurring. that's doctor we support the first amendment for all
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americans. >> trace: it is very important. let us know if this chargers. we appreciate you coming on. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: in tonight's real news roundup. new york jet quarterback aaron rodgers is out of a television gig. the quarterback will no longer appear during the playoffs. rodgers said that jimmy kimmel didn't want the epstein court documents released. after 14 seasons long time nfl head coach pete carol is no longer head-to-head of the seattle sea hawks. their only coach to win a super bowl. another major move in the sports
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world. the goat of college football nick saban retiring. as head-to-head of the university of alabama, roll tide, nick saban won 6 national champions. we will be missed. the host of let's go pod cast. where you surprised that nick saban called it quits? >> i am a little surprised at the timing but not surprised over all. the transfer portal and the nil is not what he signed up for. he had tremendous success and doesn't want to deal with all of this. when he recruits a player he expects them to be 4 year if they are great. at 72 years old with 6 national
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champions at alabama. >> trace: bear bryant did the same but in 25 years. the alabama athletic director said in the following. nick saban is the greatest coach of all time in any sport. the university of alabama is fortunate to have him for the past 17 seasons. who will replace him? >> you don't replace nick saban. that's not possible. like they didn't replace bear bryant. you don't replace guys like this. once in a lifetime type of guys. somebody will come along. they will have success there and the alabama program will be strong. we will be from to give guidance to try to help. if you think you will find nick saban you are not.
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he was 292, 71 and 1. the last 16 years 199 and 16 at alabama. >> trace: won 10 sec championships in 17 years is high praise. are we seeing the demise of college football? do they need to pay players? >> well, they do and they are. the ncaa has a total mess. the college football season and bowl season was not interesting. teams don't want to participate. players on the teams don't want to participate. i don't know we are seeing the demise. in those 3 games it was terrific but a big change and it is
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declining. >> trace: jim, thanks for coming on. we appreciate it. first up tonight's viral videos. not the average frosty the no man. in alaska, 20 feet tall! that's snow joke. the 13-year-old golden retriever around the neighborhood. his hips are giving out and he wanted to give him a better quality of life. and super dad not about to let a flood make his kids late to school. he took his kids on a paddle board with backpacks in all of that flood water. up next, you are a news producer for 1 or 2 nights. what is the biggest lead. nick saban retiring or chris christie getting out of the
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race? tell us who and why you think you should lead with them. birthday shout out to a dear fox news at night at fans. josephine 104 years old today. seen her with cousins. happy birthday and many more to you from fox news at night. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love?
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>> anyone but chris christie. i would have us film paint drying on the wall. cnn will give all of the coverage to chris christie. will probably end up as a failed anchor. >> nick saban. >> jeff paul? >> chris christie. i think down the road it has bigger implications. if nick saban been forced to retire, but it's not as sizzling as a headline. >> you know my brother jim gray, we agree. from my perspective it's men bite dogs. no one expected this to happen today. you go with nick saban. >> trace: i say roll tide 9 times one at alabama. i go with nick saban. we asked our followers.
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69% on x, 74% on instagram. nick saban is the highest paid college football coach. chris christie drops out sums it up. our election is way more important than a coach retiring. april, i would lead in with nick saban retiring. i am shocked it took this long for chris christie to drop out. chris christie dropping out is a hard news show. nick saban is a college football. interesting for college football fans but not a news story. chris christie dropping out only impacts on the donut shop showners. i am trace gallagher. see you back here tomorrow. the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family.
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you very much.


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