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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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possibility that his sister or brother could be among those released is simply too painful at this point. it just feels cruel to hope. >> dana: still feels like october 7th for them. thank you, alex. >> bill: tough story there. before we get out of here leave you on a high note, okay? this might be the biggest story out of iowa. caitlin mark, the iowa superstar, check it out draining a half quart shot last night. it didn't matter. she is amazing. it means it didn't count. shot clock or something was going on. she recorded her second straight triple-double leading the hawkeyes to a 13th straight win. it's double digits and points, rebounds and assists and that's why, dana reads sports. >> dana: a triple-double in iowa. see what happens on monday. harris faulkner is up next.
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>> harris: fox news alert. a live look now. the nation's 45th president donald trump said to watch him because he will be stepping up to the microphones again when he exits a new york city courtroom for closing arguments in his new york civil fraud trial. we showed those microphones to the left of the screen. we'll see him again. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." yesterday it seemed like we would hear directly from former president inside the courtroom for his own closing argument. but after asking the judge if he could do that, that is now not happening. that judge puts stipulations and restrictions on what that would look like and trump's legal team said they had issues with the judge's conditions to stick to relevant matters covered in the trial and not deliver a campaign speech. that's what the judge said he wanted. well, trump may be silenced inside that courtroom. he is never really silenced.
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he talked this morning. >> i want to speak and make a summation. at this moment the judge is not letting me make a summation. i will bring up things he doesn't want to hear. it's a very unfair trial. nobody has seen anything like this. i don't think they've ever seen anything like this. we have a situation where a statute was used that doesn't give me a jury, so i have no jury. i have no rights. >> harris: we don't know exactly how long this is going to take. those pictures that you are seeing on the left from inside the courtroom were from a few minutes ago before the media had to leave. the closing arguments the last chance for trump's attorneys to convince the judge to spare their client and his businesses from hundreds of millions of dollars in fines and save trump's ability to do business in new york. the new york attorney general leticia james claims trump inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to insure loans and insurance. she is seeking $370 million in
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penalties and a ban on trump and his family from doing business in new york for life. trump calls it a political witch hunt. nate foye outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. nate. >> trump attorney is about an hour into making the closing arguments on the former president's behalf. he is not doing that himself after his legal team and justice engoron could not agree on restrictions that would have been placed on former president trump. he has been outspoken on social media and also said this about president joe biden while entering the courtroom moments ago. >> it is election interference at the highest level. a disgrace. in coordination with the white house and joe biden. he can't win a campaign fairly. >> harris, this is a bench trial meaning justice engoron has sole discretion in deciding trump's
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punishment. he enforced limits on what trump could say in closing arguments so it wouldn't become a campaign specialty an email exchange from yesterday. engoron wrote i won't debate this yet again. take it or leave it. now or never. you have until noon. seven minutes from now. i will not grant any further extensions. a source tells fox police investigated a swatting incident at engoron's home in long island this morning. trump promised a news conference today at 40 wall street. one of the properties that the trump organization are accused of fraudulently overvaluing to receive more favorable bank loans. letitia james is seeking a $370 million fine and wants to ban president trump and his family from doing business in new york. her office is expected to deliver their closing arguments sometime after lunch. this is one of six trials involving the former president right now. defamation lawsuit trial with
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carroll is set to start next week. he faces the new york hush money case, the georgia election interference case and the federal cases involving january 6th and his alleged retention of classified documents. now trump's lawyers have been given the morning session to make their case in the closing arguments. again, the attorney general's office will do the same in the afternoon. justice arthur engoron says a decision will come at the earliest at the end of this month. send it back to you, harris. >> dana: nate foye, thank you very much. in "focus" now leo terrell. when i get to have you more than once in a week it's the most precious thing. because now i get to continue a conversation. so pick it up. where are we now that trump will likely -- we never really know what will happen but he has been told by the judge you won't be part of the closing arguments. >> thanks for having me. let me tell you now the final chapter won't be written today or at the end of the month.
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written by the appellate review. this case was motivated to hurt president trump's chances to win the election in 2024. you have an attorney general who campaigned back in 2017, 2018. she was out to get trump. those are facts. she has a motivation to go after trump. this statute has never been applied like this before. there are no victims. so and then to show you the hostility toward -- by this judge, president trump's team wanted a bereavement leave because his mother-in-law passed away. the judge denied it. i've been a lawyer for 30 years. that's an automatic grant. you grant that. he said no because of a tight schedule. what's the tight schedule? this case has been going on for months. i would submit to you this case will be appealed. the final chapter hasn't been written that but anyone who does
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not believe this case was politically motivated is in denial, harris. >> harris: i have had viewers ask me and pass on because i say if i get to see leo terrell i'll ask him to a legal genius now, what is the point of banning -- are they just going to wipe his name off of everything in new york city, banning his kids from doing business as well? i understand the nature of the case, but if there are no victims, everybody got their money, all the banks and trump said this morning before he went into the courtroom that he and his team feel like they gave them such detailed paper works from the banks and transactions, more than anybody else would have to do. his words. what is your take on how deep this goes and why? >> well, from letitia james, she wants to wipe president trump off the map in new york never ever to do business in new york again. not only president trump but his two sons.
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the ray of hope, harris, is that the appellate court says they will stay the receiveorship. this judge already ruled against trump on liability. the appellate court said we won't let you take the trump holdings and put them in receiveorship. a good sign for the trump team. >> harris: why is that? >> because what they want to do, harris, is the appellate review wants to review the totality. they will let the proceeding go ahead and let the trial go ahead but they don't want to take any of trump's property until they get reviewed. they will have two issues to review. abuse of discretion on the part of the trial judge. no victims. whether or not the judge made an error of law. so they do not want to hurt president trump's real personal property until they get final adjudication. that won't be written by this trial judge. he will be required to write a
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very detailed opinion subject to review by the appellate court, harris. >> harris: that's such an important information. the american people want to know we all do, we're all american people no matter what we happen to do for work during the daytime. we want to know is there a sliver of fairness in this entire process? what you are saying is the way it was built with s with fairness and they have to follow that through the appellate situation. can we put up on the big wall for everybody to see this former president trump with a packed legal calendar as the 2024 election approaches. so you mentioned on top of your comments, leo, that this is really all political. i want people to see. this was in nate foye's reporting. we took it from there and look at everybody what is coming up. your thoughts, leo. >> harris, you and i spoke a couple of days ago and i said this a couple of days ago. that video that you just showed of all those cases is proof that
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these cases are politically motivated. what is happening this year? an election. look at all these cases. i will submit to you and to your viewers these cases could have been filed earlier. could have been in the 2021, 2022. if any attorney goes on your program and claims it is following the legal system, no. there is a political component in every case president trump is involved in. that's a fact and it will be the way throughout this entire 2024 year. you must factor in the political impact of these cases. >> harris: look, the president has said it before. we'll see if it goes farther than this. is this election interference if we get too close to an election, yes or no? and we have to go. >> yes. >> harris: leo terrell. thank you for being here this week. the other court situation is hunter biden in federal court after, you know, showing up
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there pulling that shocking stunt on capitol hill. united states of attention. we have to get the america part back now. anyway, we'll get into that. there is fresh reaction to his theatrics and a fresh look at what it all means as he heads into court today. plus house republicans pushing forward with their efforts to impeach dhs secretary mayorkas. lawmakers have lashed oust at him over the out of control biden border crisis. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> harris: out of space, out of ideas, now mayor eric adams is out numbered. if he thinks this will fly. growing outrage from parents,
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lawmakers, people all over angry after the new york city shut down a high school to house hundreds of illegal immigrants during a rainstorm this week. students were forced to cancel in-person activities on tuesday and take classes remotely after everything we learned about remote learning and learning loss and everything else, this is their reflexive fix? it was short but now we know they'll do it. here is one democratic assemblyman whose skid also a student at that school. >> disruptive to our students. not fair to our parents. we have the migrants being placed over our own children and our community. >> harris: speaker of the house mike johnson with tough words for president biden and eric adams over the issue accusing them of abdication of duty. the headlines are brutal. new york city prioritizes
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illegal immigrants over school children. democrats no longer value schooling for children. and this. shameful treatment of new york city students as migrants' needs come first. cb cotton with more on what's really now starting to pick up some steam against the mayor and the city. >> hi, harris. the headlines are brutal. we'll see if it changes anything. students are back in school today but the anger is here to stay. some new york lawmakers joining the chorus of parents sending 2,000 migrants to a brooklyn high school forcing more than 3,000 students into a day of remote learning. the brooklyn assembly woman we heard from is on a growing list of democrats calling for some type of action to stop the flow at the border. listen to this. >> the situation instead of putting the american citizens in
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a predicament where you have other people over them. >> frustrated parents held a rally some saying teachers didn't show up for remote learning or didn't stick around after assignments were handed out and sharing concerns about future learning loss if this were to happen again saying their kids are already trying to make up for lost classroom time during the pandemic. the migrants were moved back to the tents early yesterday morning but some new york lawmakers don't want this to happen again. mayor eric adams says school buildings are always used during times of crisis and the city will always prioritize children's safety. >> i hope people are not saying we can't use a school building if it's dealing with migrants. i hope that's not what people are saying. what i saw yesterday at james madison, i saw children. that's what i saw. i saw children. and this city is never going to
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do anything that is going to put children in harm's way. >> harris, a rally is scheduled for later today to protest and call for the closure of the brooklyn tent city housing the migrants. back to you. >> harris: i guess they'll usurp more buildings like school. he needs to quit his job in the united states and go to some countries where the kids are coming from and maybe be a leader there. hum. good to see you. hunter biden is in the spotlight again today. this time inside a los angeles courtroom. later where he will face nine federal charges for not paying $1.4 million in taxes. he could face up to 17 years in prison. hunter biden was living a wildly extravagant lifestyle. not breaking news. it was going on for years while cheating uncle sam. yesterday hunter biden with that shocking stunt crashing his own contempt resolution hearing, storming into the oversight committee proceedings and later
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storming out. two committees that day passed the resolution holding him in contempt of congress for defying a subpoena. a full house vote is likely coming this next week. first lady jill biden with reaction. >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel. and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction. i love my son. >> harris: doesn't wipe away the 1.4 million you owe in taxes, though. a new column with the headline hunter biden's crashing of congress cracked reality and is making his family look like a circus. the "new york post" cover calling hunter a son of anarchy. republican congressman andy biggs of arizona, member of both those committees that were meeting simultaneously on this issue yesterday, judiciary and oversight and co-chair of the border security caucus. we could talk for hours with
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what you are doing. but you were in the room. you were in the hearing room as all of this was playing out. what is the fallout the day today? >> i think what i've come to the conclusion that the democrats want us to not call him at all but they keep saying they want him to testify publicly. i'm almost to the point you want him to testify publicly, let's have him testify? no privileges, no scope. we'll do it. guess what? he will take the fifth 200 times because we have a lot to ask him. what a way to show contempt. he first went out and had the press conference at the same time he was supposed to give the deposition and comes into the hearing to ostensibly say here i am to testify. when somebody asked him questions immediately he is up and out. >> harris: the first time he defied it was back in december and he shows up just before the deadline and there he is.
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look, quick question for you because there was a time when a show of hands was asked by one of the democrats who in here wants to hear from hunter biden? why didn't republicans raise their hands and why not just read -- just start the process right then and there before the whole country with two committees watching? >> well, i was probably in the other committee when that happened. i would have raised my hand. i want to hear from hunter. i think my colleagues do as well but that was just gamesmanship on the part of the democrats. the democrats you spent eight hours yesterday and they didn't really want to talk about hunter biden and what was contempt where he actually got a subpoena and didn't come. they wanted to distract from it and talk about everything else. >> harris: the white house didn't want to talk about it, either. peter doocy pressed karine jean-pierre on hunter's surprise appearance. here it is. >> and hunter biden on capitol hill today.
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how problematic is that for you? >> hunter biden is a private citizen, not a member of the white house, as you know. and i just don't have anything else to share. >> the last time he was on the hill he said the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. >> i did say that. what i'm saying today. >> president biden does not help with his business deals but helps him skirt congressional subpoenas. >> that's not true. that's a jump. i don't have anything else to share. >> harris: your reaction. >> i laugh. he violated it and held in contempt and he should be. >> harris: i mentioned the border security you are co-chair of that committee, too. lawmakers are split along party lines at the first impeachment hearing for homeland security secretary mayorkas. this. >> secretary mayorkas is the architect of the devastation that we have witnessed for nearly three years. secretary mayorkas has
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repeatedly lied to the american people and to the united states congress. our investigation undercovered more than 100 instances where secretary mayorkas misled the public. >> republicans recently rolled out their impeachment proceedings against secretary like a pre-planned, pre-determined political stunt it is. republicans want to throw political red meat to their base and keep that campaign cash coming. >> harris: first of all, congressman biggs. we have to revisit the idea of what a stunt is. democrats know what it is. they pulled one yesterday. house republicans are hoping to get rid of mayorkas. blaming him and the president's policies for the raging biden border crisis. i go back to you. what is happening with the impeachment? >> well, so they are going to take a vote, i think, next week to refer it to the whole house. the whole house will then vote and then it will come to the -- i don't think it will come to the judiciary committee. i think we'll start a hearing at
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that point on the floor of the house. >> harris: are you anticipating that there will be democrats who will vote with you? mayorkas would be a good scapegoat for them because i don't think anything will change with or without him. >> they should if they really care about the country, they would. i don't think they will. i think it will be a party line vote, harris. >> harris: does getting rid of him help move forward in any way fixing the border for your side of the political aisle? >> it does in some instances because hopefully we would get somebody in there who says -- doesn't lie to us. secretary mayorkas lies to congress, miss leeds the public. at least confess what you are doing not following the law. >> harris: you are busy in hearings and i will share this with you. congresswoman cammack was on with me earlier this week and said she was told by mayorkas in
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an open hearing, there were other people around, you won't like the person who comes next. that sounds almost like a threat. we don't know what it means but it is interesting. congressman biggs, thank you very much. i look forward to the next time. >> yes, thanks, harris. >> harris: a candidate shake-up days before the iowa caucuses. chris christie and what he had to say about the other top candidates on the mic and on the hot mic. so who is going to get his votes? >> they happened to say she doesn't have what it takes. she will be creamed in the election. i happen to believe that chris christie is right. when you look at ron's numbers, he is practically out of the race. a lot of people say he is leaving the race after iowa. because he is doing so poorly. >> harris: four days until the iowa caucuses. ari fleischer in "focus" next. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking.
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>> it's clear to me tonight that there isn't a path for me to win the nomination, which is why i'm suspending my campaign tonight for president of the united states. >> harris: chris christie showed up in new hampshire for a planned event and dropped out of the race for the white house. then the former new jersey governor was caught on a hot mic ripping competitors nikki haley and ron desantis. moments before making that announcement you just saw. look at this. >> she is going to get smoked. you and i both knot. she is not up to this. desantis called me petrified. >> harris: a new poll shows 65% of new hampshire primary chris christie supporters would back nikki haley as a second choice. former president trump says what me, worry? >> i'm not exactly worried about it. i understand new hampshire very
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well. chris christie was in and he got a hot mic and happened to say that she doesn't have what it takes. she will be creamed in the election. i mean, i know her very well and i happen to believe that chris christie is right. you like ron desantis. he would be working in a pizza shop or law firm if i didn't endorse him. when you look at ron's numbers, he is practically out of the race. i'm leading biden in every single poll that has been taken over the last month or two. they have chaos now, they have chaos at the border, chaos in the military, people are going woke. the new n narrative, i will be dictator. biden has nothing else to run on. everything he tried turned out badly. >> harris: there is a lot to unpack there. first of all, if you care about your political party and you've been in politics as long as chris christie, do you really
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not know that mic is not hot? i don't know. we'll never know. i refuse to believe that until he tells that publicly. what he said was explosive against those other two candidates. >> yeah, really shows he thinks he is the only one. the fact that he won't endorse anybody else and won't endorse donald trump. makes you think he will pivot back to president tron after denouncing him. >> harris: or even biden the way he was talking. >> i don't think that's happening. the real place to keep your ooh eye out for chris christie is no labels. will he be the one to carry the no label and he knew what he was doing and set himself up for a run down the middle. >> harris: the vivek ramaswamy campaign has this information today that they picked up in the last couple of days, including
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late last night, three key endorsements. a well-known constitutional fire brand representative steve hold switched from desantis to vivek yesterday. representative jeff shipley switched -- stepped in to endorse two nights ago and late last night state senator sandy salmon. by caucus night he will have done 99 iowa counties twice. what is your take on where he is in the race as well? the president didn't mention him in that fold with chris christie. >> my take is that the man is incredibly articulate, nimble. fast on his feet and been in decline since the first debate when i burst onto the scene. he was too much, too far, too much that all his opponents are corrupt and that appeals to a small slice but not certainly a big enough slice to win. my take on him he has a great future in politics and he is so
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fast on his feet and nimble. maybe one day he can become a white house press secretary. i don't see him on the presidential stage in any other level. >> harris: you would hire him. all right, let's move forward. that's coming up in four days. "wall street journal" op-ed recapping the busy night from last night discussing chris christie's good deed for the gop. now the race to be the alternative to trump boils down to haley and desantis. they hunt for big money. the claws coming out last night during a first one-on-one match-up. >> we don't need another mealy mouthed politician who tells you what she thinks you want to hear. >> every time he lies, you will be overserved by the end of the night. drake university. >> bill: if she said she has never said something that means she said something and she will say you are lying.
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>> rather than have you tell him on the lies. go to desantis >> she has a problem with shooting herself in the foot every day that now she doesn't take questions from people. >> you are just so desperate. i wish donald trump was up here on this stage. he is the one i'm running against. >> harris: your take. >> it's the end of the road. this is what happens at the end of a race when two people are into it this much. the last survivors on that stage trying the get to the right to run against donald trump they let it all out. this is typical in a campaign. i will say this. when you look at donald trump on fox last night and compare him to nikki haley and ron desantis on another network same night, one of the tricks to winning is you have to come across make people laugh, be funny. trump is an entertainer. it is one of the things that always works for him.
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i understand the acrimony between haley and desantis. one of the lessons of winning. more like trump, ronald reagan when you are on stage with humor, show like you are having fun. you can be a good president and have fun. it was so serious and so strident between haley and desantis it wasn't fun. watching trump was fun. that's the difference. >> harris: what's interesting about what you are saying, the stakes were so high for both of them. sometimes it can cause people to really lean in. i don't know, you have been there for some of the best messengers in politics particularly on the republican side. what would you tell anybody at this point going into iowa? >> you need to let people see that you've got this comfortable way of being the leader. that you are tough and will take on washington and change washington. but you've got to connect. you don't connect through constant attack, bitterness. there is a place to attack and talk about washington and what's
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wrong with it and what's wrong with your opponent but humor is -- it has to be injected into it. it is one of the lessons of winning. when you look back on who is like that. i mentioned those three people reagan, george w. bush and donald trump, they have that. that's something that haley and/or desantis need to work on in this limited time they have left. >> harris: ari fleischer, great to see you. i don't think i've seen you this year. is it too late to say happy new year? >> always time to say happy new year. >> harris: okay. thank you. the iowa caucuses, the first test for the 2024 republican presidential field coming up and "the faulkner focus" has you covered. the night before iowans decide. so on caucus eve as i like to say we'll break it all down. i'll talk to iowa voters about the issues. we'll have a voters' voices and which candidates they believe
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can deliver. elected officials will also weigh in. iowa senator joni ernst, exclusively in prime time sunday night with my governor kim reynolds. "the faulkner focus", iowa in focus sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on fnc. it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at
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the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man.
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look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide.
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>> harris: this news and this is getting more serious now for the president's administration. the defense department inspector general is now investigating how secretary lloyd austin's vanishing act and undisclosed hospitalization were handled. secretary austin is still out of commission. and the white house is working double time to try to explain away this controversy. there are many questions, even the white house has some. here is john kirby at a news conference yesterday. >> he wanted to know why the secretary was in the hospital. i won't detail each and every phone conversation we've been having with the pentagon since finding out about this. we were all curious to know, he is the secretary of defense.
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a key member of this administration. we were all curious what put him in the hospital. >> harris: the white house dismayed to be left in the dark, at least they say they are. a white house official told "politico" the president has been saying, quote, this can't happen again. it shouldn't have happened the first time. the timeline is pitiful. you had people on vacation, the chief of staff with the flu. rich edson is here from the pentagon. rich. >> good morning, harris. we're just learning the pentagon's inspector general is looking into all of this. this memo came out here saying the objective of the review is to examine the roles, processes, procedures, responsibilities and actions related to the secretary of defense's hospitalization in december 2023, january 2024 and assess whether the d.o.d.'s policies and procedures are sufficient to insure timely and appropriate notifications. defense secretary lloyd austin is still in the hospital, the latest word from the pentagon.
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this afternoon deputy defense secretary kathleen hicks will fill in for him at a meeting with the bulgarian defense minister. significant questions await him when he returns. not even the president knew the secretary of defense was out of commission in the hospital for days and didn't know why for more than a week. austin failed to tell the president of his cancer diagnosis for about a month. all during a time the u.s. military is conducting strikes in the middle east and faces a steadily escalating situation in the region. the first congressional democrat has said he has lost trust in austin's leadership because of this. a congressman from pennsylvania writes i have a solemn duty to conduct oversight of the department of defense through their service on the house armed services committee. that duty requires me to call on secretary austin to resign. republicans on the senate armed services committee say they are concerned austin violated the law, threatened national security, and are requesting a specific timeline leading up to the secretary's absence. all this today we're now
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learning that two u.s. military officials are confirming that a u.s./american tanker in the gulf of oman was seized by the iranian navy. >> harris: the world continues to cook and it is on fire all over the place and how you go days without this man goes missing. missing from public eye from what we knew. thank you very much. you've set us up. gopac chairman david avella and -- congressman, the democrat from pennsylvania, jose, says you have to call for austin to leave at this point. where are you on it? >> look, someone has to be held accountable. there was delayed communications. i'm with the president, this cannot happen again. whether secretary austin to resign may be too far. i wish him well by the way. once he returns from the hospital there will be more
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questions that need to be answered absolutely. >> harris: he is still in the hospital and there since the beginning of the month after a complication of a surgery prostate cancer. we wish him well. god bless you and his wife both and god bless this nation if we don't have anybody in charge of the military for days and no one knows it. david. >> harris, you have said the most important point. lloyd austin is recovering from prostate cancer and all cheering for him to be successful. this white house knew he was recovering or dealing with prostate cancer and nobody said hey, do we have extra procedures that we need to put in place? but at the end of the day you are talking about hr problems here with this administration and they need to deal with it. it is not the top guy while dealing with prostate cancer you
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ought to resign. it is people trying to simply make news and get on the news. most importantly, thankfully, the u.s. military is functioning just fine. in the last 24 hours our military has taken on the biggest missile barrage that our enemies have shot into us in the middle east. the military is doing just fine. we have the finest in the country and hopefully the biden administration can get their h.r. policies more clear to their staff. >> harris: so if we didn't know this about austin some are asking what might we not know about the president? look, the policy, jose, falls on the president's shoulders. as david has just laid out eloquently the military is amazing and will do its job. quite frankly we've been hit over 130 times in the middle east, a different president might make different choices to protect those people differently because he or she would understand the service they're giving the rest of the nation and the world.
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we're failing in that department. i pray every night no one gets killed on our team as they sit there. >> i will say something quickly. it is this. the president should always be in the know, he is the president of the united states. someone dropped the ball. >> harris: it's his policy. why wasn't he talking on a daily basis? he always says he is working while he is on vacation. we know he was down in the caribbean. why wasn't he talking ton a daily basis with his secretary of defense with all that's going on with our people getting hit 130 times since october 17th >> let me say this. many republicans argue saying the president spent 130 days in his home in delaware and camp david. we're in the 21st century. the president can be president from anywhere in the world. >> he is no idea that this was
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going on. >> that argument is flawed. >> we look for the economy going in the right direction. gas prices doing well. the economy is doing better than it was a year. if he is president from delaware, camp david as long as he is being president he is serving the american people. >> harris: we'll move on. >> let me give you a different take on that. every day the president takes vacation is a good day for republicans and a good day for the country. ultimately he is making decisions he is making the wrong ones. i'm for the president taking the rest of the year as a vacation. >> harris: somebody has to be put in line for number two. we understand the deputy secretary for defense kathleen hicks will be filling in for lloyd austin with some duties and meetings today. but she even didn't know until more than a week after that surgery and he was already back in the hospital and had to be rushed to the hospital for complications.
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there is a lot more and now the ig, inspector general at the defense will take a look at it. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre getting a lot of pushback over this. >> tell us what the president is up to today? >> yes, i have a couple of things i can share what the president is doing today. as he always does he is working around the clock focusing on the issues that matter to the american people. every day americans, obviously. >> harris: so turns out the president has only held two public events in the last 19 days. maybe he, too, has vanished. he spent 138 days, more than a third of the last year on vacation or at least away from the white house. jose, i feel like we go back to that same conversation about how often we see him and if he is vacationing. do you have a different take? >> i'm woreed about the results.
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what the american people carry about. >> harris: why don't people think they're doing better even though he has the same talking points you do about the economy. >> polls are a picture in time. >> harris: i'm not talking about polling. talking to people coming out of the grocery store. >> if you look at where we're going. inflation was 9% last year, now 3%. >> harris: prices aren't going down. >> u.s. economists across the country things are getting better. are they where they should be? no. we have to keep working. november is eight or nine months away. we won the last election by 7 million votes and i think we'll beat donald trump again if he is the nominee. >> harris: we've gotten off to a spirited start. great to sigh, gentlemen, happy new year. "outnumbered" after the break. bye, bye cough.
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9:00 am
>> harris: this rocked the sports world last night and now rocking everybody. the end of historic era for the new england patriots and really entire league of football. head coach bill belichick reportedly has parted ways with the patriots after 24 remarkable seasons. let's watch live. >> that success we were able to achieve together through hard work and contribution of so many people, very proud of that and always have those great memories that will carry with me rest of my life. of course afte


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