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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 11, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PST

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>> harris: this rocked the sports world last night and now rocking everybody. the end of historic era for the new england patriots and really entire league of football. head coach bill belichick reportedly has parted ways with the patriots after 24 remarkable seasons. let's watch live. >> that success we were able to achieve together through hard work and contribution of so many people, very proud of that and always have those great memories that will carry with me rest of my life. of course after robert thank to
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the assistant coaches, so many great coaches here made my job so much easier. it's a long list, the amount of work, preparation and diligence they do, every one of them and i say that about coaches regardless of how many years they were there, what position it was. everybody put everything into it and that is why we were successful. the coaches and sports staff, an amazing staff from equipment, training, security, video, operations, so forths, dining room. it is all first class, extremely good and special thanks to
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it's00 and nancy, they made my life easier or i've made theirs harder big shoutout to them and great deal of thanks and appreciate to players. players win in n.f.l. and i've been fortunate to coach some of the greatest players that have ever played, some are in the hall of fame and many are going. regardless how many players were or weren't here, if they played or even if they didn't win championships, i respect the way our players come to work here on daily basis. coached well over 1000. their ability to work, prepare, train in a weight room, train their bodies, rehearse over and over again, what we need to be successful to win is just so
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much respect for all the players and certainly many have been here for a long time and had great contributions, too many to name at this time. great thanks to the players and media, i don't know if anybody has gotten more coverage than i have or we have in the last 24 years, a lot of respect for what you do. you are our voice to the fans and even though we don't always see eye to eye all the team, most of the time, but not all the time. i respect what you do. to the fans, fans here are amazing, so many memories of the fans, the send-offs, the parades, the sundays, whatever the situations are. letters of support and seeing fans away from here, at gas
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station, grocery store, patriot fans and not just new england, they extend nationally and internationally, amazing how far the arm reaches. we saw it this year in germany. appreciative to the fans, my family and this football team and it is with so many fond memories and thoughts i think about the patriots and i'll always be a patriot, look forward to coming pack here. at this time, we're going to move on and i look forward and excited for the future. always very appreciative of the opportunity here, support here and the what robert has done for me. thank you. >> thank you, bill.
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good afternoon, everyone. as bill mentioned, yesterday we met and mutually agreed to part ways amicably. and like a good marriage, a successful head coach-owner relationship requires a lot of hard work and i'm very proud that our partnership lasted for 24 years. i don't think in the n.f.l., there has been any other partnership that lasted longer and has been as productive as ours. i trusted my instincts to bring bill back to new england in 2000 after immediately regretting not hiring him after working with him together in 1996. when i did hire him, i was still making the transition from the
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fan who bought season tickets in '71 sitting on metal benches in the old stadium with my boys to try to become an experienced owner. bill has taught me a lot over the years and we had high expectations for what we could achief together. i think we were the only ones who had the expectations and i think it is safe to say we exceeded them. we did. >> thanks to you. it is hard to put into words really when i think back to sitting on those metal benches and that we'd have an opportunity to go to 10 super bowls together and bring six lombardi trophies home to massachusetts. at heart, i will always be a
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sentimental sports fan thchl is a very emotional day for me. celebrated with my family during bill's tenure here. i recognize that it also have a very emotional day for many of our fans and most of our fans, as it represents the end of an era, one that hopefully will always be celebrated in this region. the man standing to my left brought leadership and coaching skills that were needed to make this type of unprecedented success that we have had possible. coach bill belichick will be forever celebrated as legendary sports icon and i believe go in
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as pro football hall of famer first ballot. why? he is greatest coach of all times, which makes this decision to part ways so hard. but this is a move that we mutually agreed that is needed at this time. what bill accomplished with us in my opinion, will never be replicated and the fact it was done in the salary cap and free agency era makes it even more extraordinary. i thank coach bill for his hard work and dedication. it will be difficult to see him in a cutoff hoody on the sideline, but i will always continue to wish him to wish him continued success except when he's playing our beloved
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patriots. i thank you all for coming here today and being part of this celebration. >> thank you. thanks, robert. >> he's got a cold so i will not kiss him. >> thank you. >> harris: hello, this is "outnumbered." wow, the end af an era. i'm harris faulkner here with emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany. joining us fox news contributor tammy bruce. and co-anchor of americas newsroom bill hemmer. you heard robert kraft saying longest relationship. george halis 30 years, lambeau 29 years, landry between and tom shula 26.
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he is right up there. you heard robert kraft saying he can't imagine him in a cut off hoody opposite sideline. emily. >> emily: this is incredible, bill belichick was with the patriots 24 seasons, six super bowls. people know his history and record. what now? talk for a second. eight open head coaching positions in the n.f.l. word on the street, he wants to prove to the world it did not go downhill after tom brady left. i am greatest coach that ever lived, put your money on me. patriots, panthers, chargers, titans and seahawks.
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i was surprised with those, in aggregate, last five years were successful and declined in last couple years. talk about raiders, that is my team and a likely situation. in april, they picked up five former patriots players on top of two they had. josh mcdaniels is gone. six former patriots and they are looking to come out swinging from the oakland chapter and in the running, nick saban, john harbaugh. bet on which n.f.l. franchise will pick up bill belichick and i will say my money is on black and silver. >> bill: okay. tough, i love it. >> harris: don shula, most wins, 347 and you heard bill belichick, he made chase that, as well.
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>> bill: he could. >> harris: he's close. >> bill: he wants that number. he is 71 years old and loves to play golf. here is what i will say. to everybody watching, not only were they on time, they were early. how many times do you sit and wait for politicians to make their announcement. other thing i will say, those were two of the three legs of the stool, one of the most successful franchises america has known. third person being tom brady. those three drove the team to success. famous story, brady was drafted, deep in the draft. first day of practice, bob kraft, across the field, i want to introduce myself, tom brady. i want you to know i will give you my best effort everyday that
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i play on your team voila. chemistry is winning in new england. it won for these three men for years, congratulations. >> harris: former players say bill belichick brought out the best because he is expected the best. eight openings and quarterback situation is interesting, could see more teams need head coaches depending how it wraps up post-season. >> emily: former president trump speaking outside new york courtroom just moments ago. bring you to this break during his 370 million civil fraud trial. he had strong words for new york attorney general leticia james. >> attorney general, hates donald trump and wanted to run for governor or attorney general thachl is shame. i think she should be criminally liable for this. she is totally out of control. all good. banks were happy with me, still
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are, we built a great company, a company that is liquid, strong, great assets and she sued because she wanted publicity to run for office. this case should have never been brought and we should be entitled to damages. >> emily: bill hemmer, a lot going on there. on the heels of trump saying he had been given permission to give his own closing argument and the judge rescinded that approval and it was phrased depending which camp you are hearing from, he was blocked or prevented or pushed down. one camp is saying here yet again is someone being muzzled and here yet again is this child being wrist being slapped. it protected him legally and he gets his time in front of the microphone. >> bill: i'm not a lawyer, no
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precedent in the state of new york and that is the problem figuring out what is fair. how do you come up with the figure, maybe the state of new york, maybe it does. some properties in new york, eight of them, you can probably name seven of them. substantial piece of property in new york city and throughout upstate new york. i don't know what happens upon appeal, there is nothing out here to give us a road map for what could come next. we had a gentleman on the show earlier today and he says appeals process could go on for years. it is important because leticia james wants to take donald trump and his kids out of new york, no longer give them opportunity to operate business. when was last time that was
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done? you're talking about mob figures. conclusion from on high, it could work years to work through the appellate process. kayleigh, attorney general want to remove from new york state economy prevalent man that has employed more people than leticia james has and contributed a lot to the economy. bring it down. all right, trump's camp arguing this was victimless crime. the allegation he defrauded bank loan. there are resources put into this hunt for him, new york resources and watching the president be defendant in criminal and civil charges. when is enough enough? is this the type of exhausting thing that has no there there and we are subjected to it everyday. >> kayleigh: it is and bring to context of the 2024 election. we are watching a courtroom,
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thrust of the 2024 race play out, such a brilliant public relation strategy on the part of trump and i imagine he is mastermind behind this. he requested closing statement. to do that, you wouldn't have representation and our brain room at fox news says it is unlikely the judge would grant that. he made the request and the judge granted it. america sees someone speaking on their behalf regardless of improbability not allowed to speak on his behalf. two days ago, former president trump in immunity defense say they are forcing me out of iowa and into court. most defendants do not need to be there. he said, you pulled me out of iowa. brilliant and smart and plays
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into argument of weaponization of the system and to use this microphone, every network brilliant strategy, very smart. >> tammy: this is the campaign, even with primary season. everything is now the general election. the american people have seen all of these charges, the indictment, this dynamic, it is all baked into the nature now and he has managed to really set the narrative of what this is. the justice system weaponized against him. they are after you, i'm the front here and back of americans minds and my listeners, if they do this to him, what has been happening to the rest of us? this gets moved within this dynamic. yes, people underestimate donald trump. that is a mistake and will continue to be a mistake and see
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that unfold rest of the year. >> harris: you were talking about what happens to the businesses. leo terrell was navigating breaking news and said there is good news for trump camp and maybe victory delayed depending how things turn out. he said final chapter has not been written yet, appellate makes that decision. in the meantime, his business and money are not in trust, the kids businesses are not in trust. that is good, nobody can own that stuff now. they can't start making movement and leticia james sitting there like a chest erred cat, she did not speak today. waiting for the moment to take down the banner and gold letters on west side of manhattan on trump tower. that sits until the appellate process goes through, big stripe
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of fairness. no matter how hungry people may be on the prosecutorial side of this, they have shown their stripes, like leticia james, ultimate stripe is red, white and blue and you get fairness before the courts and that will happen with appeal. >> emily: jill biden says the president is aging backward. benjamin buttons. stay with us. ♪ introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> kayleigh: first lady jill
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biden is standing up for her husband. in a new interview, jill says they are looking at his age all wrong. >> my husband is 81. end of second term, he would be 86. as his life partner of 46 years, is there part of you worried about his age and health? can he do it? >> he can do it. i see joe everyday. i see him out traveling this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. i see his passion. every single day. >> uh-huh. to those who say i can't vote for joe biden, he is too old, what do you think? >> i say his age is an asset. he is wise, has wisdom and experience, he's lived history, he knows history, he is thoughtful in his decisions. he is the right man, right
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person for the job at this moment in history. >> kayleigh: first lady jill biden sees vigor and energy. america sees this, this is jill biden which we have seen time and time again, uphold bill. bill, i will say, i watched this entire interview this morning, she is effective surrogate, i anticipate she will be out there a lot, it can't erase images americans have seen. >> bill: i love my parents, they are wise, funny, give great advice and they are 84 years old. i don't want my parents anywhere near the oval office. now you could make the case, there are others in their 80s that are vibrant. you talked about pete carroll,
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lost his job yesterday, you got to put your foot down somewhere. i would vote for you at home, not -- >> harris: you are in so much trouble right now. look at emily's face. >> bill: they are fine with this. >> harris: i love you, mr. and mrs. hemmer. >> kayleigh: ruth bader ginsburg served and she served until late in her days. american people agree with bill hemmer, 55% say too old to be president. here is newsweek, joe biden is super ager, someone who retains acuity of people into their 80s. americans do not see it. >> i worry about 60 and 70 year
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olds. we know the presidency is not a one-person job. the trump administration shows us that individual matters. the energy level, the dynamic, being pressure point within larger conversations. we know that. what is insulting, americans are seeing something different. messaging from first lady assumes we don't know, same message as saying the border is closed or the world is in better shape than ever before. enemies see this and they aren't caring what jill biden says. this has national security implication. i have been against age is a problem. nancy pelosi, you can put in that category, she's been fine. this is what, they don't want to
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diagnose him, they want to say it issigea, that is mistake. even nikki haley argument, that is mistake. you want aoc to be president? no, you don't. it is individual by individual and clearly biden has a problem. this is argument to assuage that. >> kayleigh: harris, jill biden had thoughts on hunter biden. >> how have you been coping personally with the onslot of accusations again your husband and family including and especially hunter, focus of house oversight committee hearing holding him in contempt, obsessing over him, showing pictures of him during vulnerable moments. on the floor of the house, this would crush any family. >> what they are doing to hunter is cruel. i'm really proud of how hunter
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has rebuilt his life after addiction. i love my son and it has hurt my grandchildren. that is what i'm so concerned about. it is affecting their lives, as well. >> harris: i believe she believes that. that is coming from the heart. problem is hunter biden owes 1.4 million in taxes. he's in court today. gun charges are serious. anyone else would be put in prison. lying on an application to buy a weapon. she's downplaying what he has done. getting sober doesn't mean you don't have to pay the money back. ask anybody who ever come in contact with the irs coming after them. you can owe them $50, they don't give up.
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point with him and his age. my grandmother was 101, could she run the country? no. she ran us. >> bill: she was doing her job. >> harris: amazing until the lord called her home. if my husband had to collect me by my wrest, i'd know it was time to move on and do something different fchl she thinks we can't see that, i know how much she loves him. the question is not about him, we don't know when we are lied to. the inspector general is investigating the vanishing of the secretary of defense and the white house did not know for days. a lot going on. we will not get a litmus what it is like on a good day sursus bad day and information in between. it will be a secret. >> kayleigh: it is not about his
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addiction and i didn't see the empathy for the trump children, whose grandchildren have gone through all kinds of things. never heard empathy on that side. >> emily: of course, always a double standard and nothing cruel about holding someone accountable for action and behavior and nothing cruel about your government has some type of accountability and transparency or foreign power with influence. get out of here, being cruel. wives profess, professors profess and moms mom and that is what jill biden is doing, as she should. you don't know how hard he works about the commander-in-chief, this is not about a seventh grader or a student. i need to see how hard he works in his policy and affect. i need to hear and feel my troops are safe and my loved
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ones are safe while deployed, my border is secure and tax dollars being invested wisely. her placation and explanation do not ring with me. polls, i take the wording, nothing to do with age. fix the verbs and have it say what about mental acuity and c competence, real numbers. >> kayleigh: and people combating inflation. they work hard. major shake-up in 2024 presidential race and candidates launching new attacks with just four days until the iowa caucus. ♪ ♪ (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now.
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-- 59 million by desantis and we spent 12.
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who is punching above their weight, she is going to get smoked, she is not up to there. >> kayleigh: governor desantis took shots at haley and she punched back at one-on-one debate. >> we don't need a politician who tells you what you think she wants to hear to get your donor bidding. >> there is going to be a lot of ron's lives that happened. he is mad about donors donors used to be with him. his campaign is exploding. >> i want to compare that to a montage i put together. listen to things he said, not speaking to primary audience, speaking to a general election. >> i will not be a dictator. we will make this country successful. look at joe biden. it is bedlam. you have a man who can't lead. >> who would be in the running
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for vice president. >> i can't tell you that really. i know who it is going to be. >> he answered joe biden's attacks and called him by name and said he knows his vp pick. eric adams i found his performance remarkably effective, excellent on all questions that were challenging, specifically to the question of chaos follows you as alleged by your running mate nikki haley. what do you say to that. who do you say to those that you said there would be bedlam if you were not elected. explain yourself sir and tell us why we should follow you and he had excellent answers. we're in chaos now, bedlam is now under biden. i found the questions thoughtful, he seemed fatigue, talking about this earlier.
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>> bill: low energy maybe. >> emily: led to steadiness and gro groundedness. you would be hard-pressed to be ebul iant. he is absolutely has long game going, he's in a marathon, not a sprint and looking past the -- >> suzie wild heads up the campaign, if you watch the debate, you see two campaigns beating the living bleep out of each other and donald trump commercial shows us talking about joe biden, could not have scripted it better ourselves >> harris: he had a busy day, the judge in the civil fraud trial in new york wouldn't hear his plea for my mother-in-law just passed, can we delay this by a day or two. he has a lot on his plate, a
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grieving life at home. living the life you live when you lose people you love. he has that and needs that commitment. what does that mean? i don't know if it means low energy. he knows the knock against him is chaos follows you. he did not look like a man chaos was following. that may come acrossa low energy, maybe tired from that schedule. it effectively tells america i can also be calm and be a leader. they can talk about me in one way and he talked about where he sees chaos. i thought it was effective. i understand why he did not debate the people on the stage. why? they were going at each other like children. he doesn't want to step in the middle of that, that gets what, chaotic.
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>> kayleigh: nikki haley is behind him by seven points. clear politics average, trump 42, haley 29, chris christie 12. chris christie is out. add christie and haley and 41% even though 65% of supporters tell cnn we would go over -- margin of error race with chris christie out. >> bill: new hampshire is different from iowa. you have to be registered voter to caucus. you can change party registration day of. with bret and martha, he talked about chaos and this is how democrats view chaos in the trump world versus how republicans view chaos in the biden world and democrats see mad tweets and court cases and republicans see disaster of a border and inflation, they see war in ukraine and middle east.
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pick your poison. you go for this one or that one. the other effective line, line about retribution, retribution will be my success. with regard to caucus night we doing that now? >> harris: you can do it. >> bill: i could talk about this for hours. 22 seconds or less, with regard to iowa, my feeling is talk on monday will be can trump get above 50%. if he can, that is a huge win. if he is under 50% and desantis or haley above media running their side, they will be the story in america for next eight days, maybe there could be a contest. two other things, desantis did all 99 counties. vivek did that twice.
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that matters to people in iowa. this is not a far gone conclusion. play games, see how they caucus and sift through monday night. >> kayleigh: this is case for nikki haley being played out, numbers like ones we mentioned if haley performs well, beats trump, campaigns in home state of north carolina and does well, momentum could build nationally and take down trump. that is a lot of ifs with virtually zero room for era. >> tammy: trump is not taking his numbers for granted. he is campaigning as though he's behind and that tells you his campaign team understands it is not organizorganizing, trump is genius, people come out for him, first-time caucus goers are key people who made a mistake in 16
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or didn't vote and are looking at madness what is going on. suddenly when you have trump painted as hitler in a satan suit and comes out as himself, hard thing to be able to match up. it is like this guy is nothing like what he's been discussed as being and even if he is, maybe things would calm down when you look at chaos and bedlam. >> harris: i talked with vivek ramaswamy campaign and they said they are finding consistency, 50% are not normal caucus goers. >> kayleigh: will they show up in 40 mile per hour winds? >> harris: they are iowans, they are tough. >> kayleigh: all right, more "outnumbered" in a minute.
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>> they can't keep ignoring uses riley gaines as she arrives to the ncaa convention.
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she says they have proven they are willing to throw women under the bus. plus, we will listen tordonald trump and white house pres secretary karine jean-pierre will brief live from the white house as hunter biden is expected in l.a. federal courtroom soon to answer nine federal tax charges including three felonies one day after that public stunt on capitol hill. come join john roberts and me top of the hour. >> the election will be close and close in places like pennsylvania and you will have rural people voting craziness about the cult.
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be there to match them and vote against that and vote for your rights. >> emily: michelle obama is terrified and whoopi, the list goes on. isn't the chaos now? >> tammy: the chaos is now, look at the decision point, the decision point is not to vote because oprah or michelle balm palm are upset. they are worried about if their children can walk back and forth to school, if their husband will be safe on the road as he commutes on the road, about gas, they are trying to distract from kitchen table issues. put in something more horrible like godzilla is at your back door. this is change we can make and
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that is what americans vote on. >> did they not learn their lesson in 2015. most of america, half of americas, deplorables making fun of accent and makes fun of people who shop at walmart, why are we attacked for being american? >> emily: it is stunning, rural people voting. the backbone of america. i speak to a lot of rural people, ranchers, beefers of our counter. don lemon said we can't find places on a map. go to iowa and meet these people, they are heart of the country. >> emily: that misogynist said it enjoyed dinner in free and safe new york. remember that? >> harris: they are emptying
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high schools to put migrants in there. where is free? >> emily: tearing apart people like us to make us feel better. will it backfire this time around? >> harris: looking for something that recognizes where they are. they are looking for bill clinton to say -- when you make fun of them and you don't solve your problems and need to solve your problems, they don't like you anymore. they may say you are too old and say things about you that may or may not be true. how they vote counts and you know how they are going to vote based on your feeling. how insulted do you feel? it is part of when we do power rankings at fox, we take into account things like that. >> bill: it will get nutty ladies, 10 months to go. summer 2020 was nuts, hang on.
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major businesses were told to board up election night. what happened? nothing happened. why? because the left won. they all -- they are okay with the outcome. buckle up. the warnings from barack obama and "washington post" this past weekend trying to get biden's attention. michelle obama doing an interview a couple days after that. on and on. stay tuned. >> kayleigh: ominous. >> bill: i don't know if there will be a debate. >> tammy: women are speaking to their base, not to republicans, they are worried about their base coming out, democrats. >> emily: stay tuned for that and for us. stay with us. [city ambience sounds]
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9:59 am
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10:00 am
>> harris: last but not least, excited to tell you about this, four days away from the iowa caucuses, and we'll have you covered on fox news channel in primetime. on sunday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern, i'll be hosting iowa in focus, talking with iowa voters about the issues which matter to them most, the candidates they think can actually deliver, elected officials will also weigh in. iowa senator joni ernst and exclusive interview with governor kim reynolds. pop your corn, i hope your night is made here on fnc for the cool kids. eight seconds left. >> bill: sounds like a great show. i'll be there on sunday and see you there. >> harris: thank you so very much for watching "outnumbered." here is "america reports". >> sandra: a live look in


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