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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> if you're looking for a nutritional supplement that really makes a difference, look at immuno 150. now this exceptional product contains 70 minerals and 80 additional nutrients. it's precisely formulated with the purest of ingredients, and it's inexpensive in relation to the results it produces. there is nothing like it. now look at the supplement facts and two videos on our website and place your order online or call 888-497-4535 >> thank you. ramaswamy and i love you america! >> trace: good evening it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast and
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7:00 a.m. in the wes asian country of yemen where breaking to night the united states and allies launched a retaliation strike on the hugh think rebels. a more than a dozen air targets were hit. u.s. and uk force conducted the attacks using fighter jets and warships and submarines. this is after months of hugh think attacks in the red sea. president biden and partners are sending a message that provocation will not go unpunished and the question now is if the hugh thinks respond with more attacks. the military keith kellogg are standing by but first kevin with late-breaking information. we begin live on the ground with our middle east correspondent
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trey. >> good evening tonight the region is bracing for the possibility of hugh think retaliation following those strikes earlier today. we understand around a dozen took place conducted by the united kingdom and the united kingdom and the united states. this started with attacks in mid october against commercial shipping vessels in red sea. the united states said 27 of those attacks took place as recently as three days ago. they were shooting down targets. they hit a cruise missile and ballistic missile launch points and this is seen broadly as a step up on the escalation lad treasurer the region you message to the iran backed group that they will face counter attacks
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from the united states and allies if they continue to fire on commercial vessels in red sea and israel. you remember u.s. secretary of defense carli lloyd atkinson was here and they were speaking about operation prosperity garden and it an operation to push back understanding iran is not just operating on the ground in yemen but in places also like lebanon and gaza supporting hamas and islamic jihad. again the latest information we have tonight, those air strikes are takes place against the rebels in yemen conducted by the united states and the united kingdom. >> trace: back to you. meantime for the lateest on what the white house saying the senior national correspondent is live in d.c. >> evening.
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president biden said the strikes were carried out with support from australia, canada and the nether lands and the actions were taken in direct response to unprecedented attacks in the red sea adding those threatened u.s. personnel and civilians. a senior biden administration official said the targets were missile and drone radar capabilities. today defensive action follows this extensive diplomatic campaign of hugh think attacks against vessels. this is a clear message that the united states and partners will not allow hostile actors impair a critical commercial route. i will not hesitate to protect our people and the free flow of
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international commerce as necessary and that was president biden. defense secretary said today coalition action sends a clear message to the repels they will bear further costs if they do not end attacks. the administration has faced i mention pressure to stop those attack which is you have pointed out have disrupted global trade and for a bit of context about 10% of commercial shipping goes through the red sea. >> trace: kevin thank you. les bring in israeli special operations former marine officer gary legislationer and keith kellogg. thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. general to you first, we hit more than a dozen targets today but we know they are
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well-trained and funded meaning they have resources to actually strike back if they so choose. what do you think? do they strike back and if so, what next? >> thanks for having me. they are going to strike back. the leader of the rebels said it the other day. hugh think. this is an example of where we should have taken action months ago when it started. it's 7 am in yemen and then they'll respond. what kind of response are they going to have? are they going after our ships and commercial ships and we have to respond again. this is just day one of many attacks. >> now to you. the houthises were expecting
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this. all intents and purposes it was telegraphed. you think that was a mistake for them to move their resources around? >> a huge mistake. that leads us down the same path we've been on where they get 2 attacks and we do a minor strike against them c. they made a calculus of how much they can get away with and we need a disproportionate response and i hope the biden administration will do that. >> trace: you know this better than anybody else. you look at hezbollah and the houthises and the one common denominator is iran. at some point does the administration and the allies and the coalition go after iran directly? should they? >> so what's happening, yes they have to respond with ver.
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iran is doing the same thing to the americans with the pawing at the bear that they are making hezbollah in the northern part of israel which is poking israel knowing that israel can get very aggressive with hezbollah very quickly and that's part of the middle east way. they want to see how far they can push biden and how much destruction they can do economically and put on the troops in iraq and syria and that's what they are doing right now. feeling out the americans to see if they are going to get aggressive and how long they can push. with the goal of drawing the americans in along counter terrorism type war. >> trace: what's the strategy?
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is there this fear if you go after iran you have this conflict that rapidly spreads? is that why we're so reticent to make the next move? >> no i think it's because of the dna of this administration. they don't want to escalate. they don't have to go to iran. they have immense capability. they havize energy hower carrier strike group and three cruisers there with missile capability. they can go after targets in yemen. i would target the leadership. when you target the leadership that makes it personal and much like we did in iran, they have to go after the leader. he's the spiritual leader and the economic leader and the military leader and the senior leader. there's only one. his brother and father are dead. we have to have him join them. it is harsh?
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an escalation? absolutely. you have to accept the risk and do it. it is a super escalation but that's the way to quiet it down. >> if the houthises keep going after the ships in the red sea what do you think the next move by the u.s. and allied forces should be? >> i'd love to see them go after leadership but i don't think the biden administration has the guts to do that but they could easily sink an iranian cargo ship in the red sea. that's what is helping the houthises target these ships. there's an eye rainian ship there. take it out and it won't escalate and we'll exact a cost on the iranians. >> we talked to trae and clearly in israel it's 10 after 7:00 a.m. in the morning and that
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country has to be on high alert with what's going on. >> it's very tense. multiple fronts with hezbollah in the north. this is all iran. i don't think proxies are the correct term anymore. i agree with the general and marine corp. officer. they need to focus on the leadership of the houthises and maybe in iran like they said. just like the other day they took out a hamas leader in the heart of beirut that sent a very strong message and it might be time to take-out a leadership piece to shove back but don't know if biden has the intestinal fortitude to do what it is. i don't know if he's equipped for it >> trace: when i was reading list of those that support the
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list back rain was on that. is it surprising you an arab country would join this mission? >> not at all. because that's where our task force is located for that part of the reaming on the persian gulf. look here with us the real deal. the real tell was yesterday in the un when the un security council voted 11-0 with four abstentions to conduct this operation. who abstained? russians and chinese and that gave us a green light to go. once we had the un cover i think the u.s. was appropriated with the allies in going after the target, so i think now it's fair game and they need to complete the mission but here's what's going to happen. this will continue. if this is a one off it will not contain anything. we need to be very persistent
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until they stop what they are doing or we eradicate the houthis leadership. >> as the general illustrates it is a mistake to go back and see the biden administration in 2021 listed or delisted the houthises as a terrorist organization. >> a huge mistake and unfathomable they have not relisted them before. the only reason they haven't is it's what president trump did. they have committed to do the exact opposite, right, wrong or in different. hopefully members of congress will demand they relist them as a terrorist organization. it's what they are. >> i wonder if this energy boldens hezbollah, as well. >> you know it's tricky.
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hezbollah they are certainly interested in playing with israel and sending more missiles over and drones over to the israel side but i really don't think that hezbollah, after what israel did to again just less than a week ago in beirut a predator attack taking out the number 2 or three hamas. that could employbolden him but will not do anything without iran's permission but certainly there could be continued escalation and things could start to boil over now. there's no question in my mind. >> there is no question. aaron, general, gentleman, thank you. >> appreciate you. >> wheel have continuing
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coverage about the strikes in yemen but now with the politics with the final countdown to the caucus is on. three days understand the i'll the first votes are cast in the 2024 presidential contest. again we have been in freezing des moines with the latest on this. good evening. >> we're under a blizzard warning in the next couple of hours here through saturday morning. we're already seeing several campaign events canceled for tomorrow and turn into virtual event, so this will cut into is a lot of last minute campaign time. tonight the ron desantis super pack said that i they might pull their door knockers inside to work the phones but they will campaign through the storm. the haley super pack said as
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long as it's safe they'll be knocking on doors and ramaswamy, as well. all that could change depending on the weather. don junior was out on the campaign trail for his father today who was stuck in a new york city courtroom. his message to supporters was don't get cocky. i've been talking to trump supporters that are not going to caucus because they think the former president will win this by a landslide. >> the billionaire donor classic iny haley is surging. seven like we're winning by so much. don't think that way. >> tonight at a town hall in aims, governor desantis that needs to exceed expectations on monday. he took a shot at nicki haley when i asked him why he hasn't released his final quarter
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fundraising. >> do you have the cash on hand to go the distance? >> yeah, we'll be fine. she is being funded though by a lot of liberal billionaire interest and that's not gone over well in iowa >> it's all about turn-out on monday and the low right now is forecasted to be negative 15. >> trace: that is cold. stay warm. >> california doesn't know what that feels like >> trace: that is very cold. let's bring in deputy communications director and california gop chairwoman, i hope you are both in warm climates. jessica, you are sitting next to me. this was the former president at the town hall and a lot of people were surprised when he said this and i wonder if you were, as well. >> if you are the nominee which
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i know you expect to be who is in the running for vice president. >> i can't tell you. i know. >> give us an independent-. >> we'll do a show sometimes. >> would you be open to mending fences. >> sure. i will. i will. >> not sure about you but a lot of people in the gop very surprised he's pick advice president candidate. >> well look. there's only one person who know who is that is and that's president trump and he'll share that when he wants to. i'm sure he has the american people on their toes and all of our us are dying to know but for now the american people are focused on focusing on the next person to be the next president. just today you saw a brand new pole with him eight points ahead of joe biden and if you don't want to believe the polls then
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pay attention to what's happening across the countries. it's the issues that have been destroying all the progress president trump made has been ruined in three years under joe biden and i don't think the democrats can distract trump. he's focused on the finish line. >> trace: who do you think it will be? >> we have a lot of names. governor gnome and senator scott that is gotten out of the race. certainly we have ambassador haley still in the race if he's interested in mending fences there's a lot to choose from. >> i want to play a sound bite. this is between nicky and desantis. >> he's only mad about the donors because they used to be with him and they are ho long wear him now. >> she has this problem with
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shooting herself in the foot every other day. now she doesn't take questions from people. >> this is not a time for pettyness. i wish trump was up here on this stage. >> do you see her beating desantis in iowa. >> think the poll is snapshot in time. this could be the coldest day on record and governor desantis was talking about 30,000 people that have committed to caucusing for him. >> trace: the poll, put it unto screen. it's interesting saying that nicki haley is now leading between desantis. trump has a 34-point lead but haley leading ron desantis by seven points. your thought on that? is >> it's really exciting to see the other candidates and the way their numbers are moving. i've said from the beginning
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although this is a race for second place it's important for the american people to pay attention to the other candidates running. why? because they are not going to get a straight answer from the media when it comes to what the republican party truly stands for and that's what you are seeing here. every time you watch a primary debate, you are going to learn something new about the republican party and i've heard from many friends. i'm from california myself and i've lived in dc and new york and many of the liberals, these are liberal cities are saying nicki haley sounds interesting. hmm... ramaswamy is really smart. >> trace: i got to go. i want to get your take real quickly. desantis is leading by a good margin for second choice. ten seconds to wrap us up. >> it's clear that president trump, this is his to lose,
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right? he's the front runner and will work hard to make sure all of his people are coming out and there's a huge effort on all the candidate's parts to get that second spot because it makes a difference in new hampshire. >> thank you very much. coming up we'll continue to monitor the response for the iran backed houthis rebels. plus, hunt pleads not guilty to tax evasion charges. david spunt was live at the courthouse and joins us live as we continue to follow the breaking news. p every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> trace: continuing our coverage of breaking news in the middle east where it is daylight almost. u.s. military forces launching
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at more than a dozen targets linked to houthis militant targets in yemen. it comes after commercial ships in the red sea. president biden said this a clear message that u.s. will not tolerate attacks on our personnel. meanwhile here in l.a. hunt pleaded not guilty to tax evasion charges. david, good evening? >> hunter biden pleases not guilty not three federal tax charges. this will go in the middle of his dad's re-election campaign. it says he failed pay $1 million.4 million in taxes despite having plenty to do so. he met with the federal judge for 30 minutes and was somewhat stoic and was relatively relaxed
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and his attorney mr. loloee said we had a resolution and then things happened. it it is a something when the government says we don't have a contract and an agreement fell apart in july when a federal judge criticized davidwise special counsel and today in front of hunt around the judge that quote, pleads fall through all the time. the governor said instead of taxes he spent his money on health and beauty products and women and he's charged with federal firearms charges and he lied on a federal firearm form and owned a gun for less than two weeks and that case is slowly moving toward trial. the president made a surprise appearance at his own content hearing in washington and then
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took a flight back to southern california. the next hearing scheduled for march 27th. it's possible a plea deal could come about. he plans to fight this all the way through the verdict and this will come down about two months before the democratic national convention when his father takes the stage. >> the timing is everything for trump and biden. safe travels home, and let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney at law u. this thing looks like it's going to trial and the selection is from california which is friend liter or the for hunter biden. what do you think? >> i think it's crazy for them to go to trial. this a disaster for his father and his family. every day this trial goes on and every day this story continues,
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it's painting a story of somebody who didn't pay their taxes, 1 point 4,000,000 over several years? as we've seen in earlier reports, regular americans go to jail. those that engage in this kind of defiant tax law go to jail. sometimes for yearss. hunter biden going to try to beat the justice department on a claim he's been singled out. he's trying to get special treatment because his last name is biden. >> trace: we talked about the contempt hearing and it fascinating. do you think this was a big mistake made by hunter by energy. watch what he said to hillary vaughn with fox business. >> why did you put your dad on speakerphone with your partners if he had no involvement? >> did he call you?
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>> why did you need to talk to him in business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business? >> so he admits he had hised the on speakerphone and you think why would he do that. he went off and talked about something else because it's interesting the president was asked that very question. did you speak to your son on speakerphone by peter dosy and he said this. >> there's this testimony where a former business association claims you were on speakerphone with them a lot talking business? >> i never talked business with them. i knew you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question? >> because it's not true. >> is it the case of hunter biden saying too much, john? >> i think again here's another example where hunter is displaying terrible adjustment. i'm sure he thinks he's being aggressive but he's compounding
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the problems he's creating for his father legal and political situation. he's saying things that draw his father in hot water and contradict what his father says and raising the specter that his dad is involved. his dad might have received corrupt money and he's trying to maybe even have his dad not do this which will only feed the fires of the impeachment investigation going on in congress. >> trace: we have former president in court today. didn't get to speak like he wanted to and we have not found a single case prosecuted in new york using same law porsecuting the former president. your final thought on that? >> president trump is going to lose in court. this judge said trump listen lose and he might lose hundreds
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of millions of dollars and be barred from the state of new york. but trump turned it into a political point that he's being singled out. new york state are persecuting him in a way they've not done anyone before and i think he's made that point through this trial. >> his numbers inch up as the trial goes on. great to see you as always. >> trace: meantime if somebody steals a package from your doorstep and you catch them red handed with a doorbell camera, using that video could be an innovation of the criminal privacy. how crazy has the world become? wait until you hear this story next. a live look at the des moines. iowa caucuss are monday and fox will have alive two hour show- means the results could be given to you right here by us. coming right back.
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>> trace: the middle east, u.s. and british forces striking houthis targets in yemen following repeated attacks on commercial shipping and u.s. assets in the red sea. ken corp. is back. >> u.s. and uk with a series of strikes. washington and london bombing more than a dozen sites in the area. tomahawk missiles were fired from warships and tomahawks and supply facilitates and air defense systems. here as quote from the president on the action. he said today defensive action follows this extensive dip diplomatic campaign and houthis attacks against vessels.
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these targeted strikes are a clear message the united states and our partners will not allow people to have freedom navigation in one of the world critical commercial routes and i will not hesitate to protect our people and the flow of international commerce is a necessary. the administration and this is important has faced incredible pressure to somehow stop the houthis attacks in the red sea, which you know have really disrupted global trade. for context keep in mind 10% of global commercial shipping goes through the red sea and that's a massive number. >> a lot of people wonder what the next move will be. kevin, thank you. >> trace: in the real news round up a group of jewish students a
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cuse harvard of becoming a box of anti-jewish hatred. it follows after fierce push back from donors over president gay comments on anti-semitism. >> bill, bill check will no longer coach the patriots. his long time quarterback tom brady wrote a heartfelt bit saying i could never have been the player i was without you. the faa is telling parents not to fly with babies on their lap. even though children under two can fly for free with their caregiver it's recommended they purchase a seat and strap their child into their own car seat. if someone steal as package from your front porch make sure you
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don't post video from your doorbell camera. it might be an invasion of privacy. geoff paul is going to show us what the heck is going on in canada. >> it's bad enough when someone steals from you but if you live in one part of canada you're a tempt to find the thieves could get you in trouble. we've seen videos just like this. someone seemingly walking up to a home and taking something off the porch that's not theirs. folks will post videos of the theft usually on social media to try to identify who stole from them or give their neighbors ahead's up to prevent them from being victims if you are in quebec, canada you might not want to do that. police rather you hand over the videos and pictures to them. communications officer said you cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember in
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canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life. some folks on social media did not like that response. they said they gave up their privacy when they showed up on their camera and stole from them. >> the world is upside down. geoff, thank you, and let's bring in criminal defense attorney vic danish and give us video and we'll go after the criminal? no you won't. you are looking out for criminal and not the victim. >> these are neighborhood watch apps and communication devices and platforms to say may hey, the police aren't doing anything neighbor so if you see this car driving around, let them know. i want to know which officer in canada gave us that quote.
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that's like a law school exam where you know all the theories and terms but you don't know how they go together. the presumption of innocence has nothing to do with the invasion of privacy and as a matter of fact in canada you have a defense to allegations of invasion of privacy. one of those defenses is defending your own property, so police officers getting things a little messed up and misguideing the community. keep those going is what i would say. >> the washington post said the dc council will decide if a man that spent 37 years behind bar for murder should serve on a commission that serves sentencing guidelines. they have learned that this is a killer who was and advocate for decourse recommendation. probably not the best person to decide if you should be in or out of prison. >> maybe it is the best person,
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there may be too much common sense at this table but maybe people pandering for votes on the soup deyour on saying that at the end of the day the communities will not let that happen and that voice will be stifled if it's those that have been convicted on serious crimes. just because he's criminal does not mean he doesn't have a good voice in this case his platform being released dangerous criminals should stifle his voice. >> matthew perry death investigation is close but u.s. magazine said while he was on get amine to treat depression the medical examiner said this was the equivalent to the amount from anesthesia could not have been from the last treatment
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suggesting he might have used the drug recreationally. maybe we should know who gave him that last lethal dose? >> that's right. one of the fortunate consequences in an unfortunate dishevelled world of opiate addiction is the extraordinary resources in charging to deal wears serious felonies so you can bet your bottom dollar the lapd and others did a full analysis to make sure that dealer or source was either legitimate or someone that could not have known about this potential reaction. >> good to see you. >> coming up the latest on the escalating tensions in the red sea after the u.s. and read uk fight back to houthiss in yemen. that's next. ue psoriasis.
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>> trace: continuing coverage now breaking news u.s. officials say american and british forces conducted strike against more than a dozen houthis targets and storage and launching facilities for drones and missiles. president biden said this shows we will not tolerate continued
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attacks on commercial shipping in the sea since the start of the israel and hamas war. let's start with you first, garret. it seems to me and a lot of military experts echoed this that the hoothies some time today will likely respond to that. when they do, if they go after some of these ships in the red sea, what should the response be from the united states and coalition. should they go after iran or the hoothies again? >> going after the hoothies is going after iran. they are one in the same. we need to respond in a way that exact as cost. costs are going up for westerners around the world as several hundred billion dollars of good have been rerouted. the world container index has shot up to $2600 in the last month.
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we've incurred a huge cost and that needs to be laid at the foot of the iranians and the hoothies and that can come by sinking some iranian ships but there needs to be an escalation. >> aaron, what about you, if they do respond the hoothies, i mean is it the same thing as thumbing their noses the u k and united states? >> exactly what is it. not only thumbing their noses but continuing to show the world that the hoothies and that the wes is weak and with terrorism and counter terrorism here's where i come. israel just took out a tap hamas leader leader in beirut a couple of days ago and then those terrorist leaders feel those strategy target ed assassinatios
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so i think it's time to start picking off all the houthis leadership and a couple more. if they want to play counter terrorism it's time to terrorize the terrorists because that's the language they understand. >> trace: i have 30 seconds left in the show. what about you garret? if there's a response next time more robust than this or not? >> it will be more of the same unfortunately. they'll give the hoothies a warning and strike the coastline and they won't and just continue down this path. >> time for targeted assassinations. the u.s. has the seals. take down one of those ships. >> garret, thank you and thank you for watching fox news at night i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. see you back here tonight.
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