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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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will join 49 other beauty queens for a chancnn tobe crowned miss america. madison says she hopes to make a difference bmiss ameopes to s that you don't have to limit yourself based don't h your prou . >>po you gno girl. herald mother captured a very v sweet momentery involving a firefighter and her son as a firefighter. they were getting on hats in thi nd her son isthey ws alabama toi and this firefighter recognized anr. young man's haire he couldn't put the hat on, so'p he cut it ouut tt. so a son, her son could be thebt lap and wear the hat and behe able be along with his friends.. i love problem solvers. and that guy haslove pro problem solver. >> god bless you. yeah. all right. >>less youtpsolver. .. ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] ♪ ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] pete: the 6 a.m. am hour of "fox and friends" weekend on saturday, january 13th, we start with a fox news alert. the us launching another retaliatory airstrike against to the rebels in yemen. the military action as defense secretary austin remains in the hospital. rachel: two days before the first in the nation caucuses, a
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blizzard forces 2024 candidates to scale back their events in iowa but that is not stopping them from urging supporters to turn out. >> one way or the other i am getting there. the worst weather in recorded history but maybe that is good because our people are more committed than anybody else. will: alabama has a new coach, who is replacing nick sabin after he retired. "fox and friends" weekend. pete: are topsoil, the us launching a new round of retaliatory strakes as houthi rebels in yemen. rachel: using tomahawk missiles, the latest strike of the day after the us partnered to carry out dozens of strikes on houthi controlled areas across yemen. pete: they terrorize shipping
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vessels launching a ballistic missile towards international shipping lanes. in total the houthis have attacked 29 ships in the region over the last two months. antennal -- general anthony tata gives us perspective on this. thank you for being with us. what do you make of the latest when it comes to the strikes from the houthis and america's strikes against them? >> our navy will always do us proud. i'm concerned about the administration's lack of vision in the region, the trump administration had maximum pressure, this seems to be maximum appeasement with regard to iran, these are make no mistake about it, irani and proxies that are fighting against the us, commercial shipping, the western world within the horn of africa area. when we look at it do we know
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who is in charge? this chaos and confusion that has been projected not just over the last few weeks but beginning with the afghanistan withdrawal and beyond. it projects weakness and the enemy when they see weakness, probes and attacks and that is what is happening here so i'm not concerned about our sailors. they will do an awesome job. what i'm concerned about is this appeasement of iran that gives the green light to attack our people, our friends, our allies. if we remove the houthis a couple weeks after biden takes office, blinken does, from the terrorist watch list and it is a stick in the eye to mbs and saudi arabia but still it was a stupid move and we need to put them back on and get after all over the targets that we can and we need to deter iran which we are not doing.
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rachel: president biden was asked if the houthis are terrorists, he said yes they are. but what is the message not just to iran but to china in all this? >> what's going on is we look weak and confused, over christmas and the holidays. i pray for the white house and hope he recovers fully from his cancer. the confusion we have projected when he headed that beauty that could be bothered to come off of vacation, his chief of staff couldn't send an email that notified people, the arrogance that is projected to really projects weakness around the world, that this administration doesn't have a plan, they don't have a vision in china is licking their chops at taiwan right now, going to a presidential election, it is really grave time and we've got
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major conflict going on in our intelligence apparatus so it's really scary. todd: nothing says strength like a sector of defense calling in airstrikes from the hospital after he was awol for days and no one knew about it. president biden was asked about his confidence in austin following that and here's what he had to say. >> are you confident in secretary austin? >> i do. >> what did he tell you earlier? >> yes. >> one word answers there. it feels like whether it is afghanistan, the recruiting crisis, what is happening, failure after failure, no one ever is held accountable. >> pay to break is a narrative. if you fire somebody after afghanistan like mckenzie or whoever it would break the narrative that it was awesome
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when in fact it was a colossal failure. the intelligence missed their, the intelligence missed in ukraine. they offered zelenskyy a ride out on the eve of the invasion, their intelligence and russia was going to own and we've got this, i'm worried about our border, the fourth intelligence failure our people are so focused on other things right now and not what is first and foremost which is our safety and security, they are ceding authority to the global list agenda, what the un wants as opposed to what we need in the united states. rachel: the houthis declared revenge, we have an open border, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks.
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will: domestic politics committee nation is getting ready for a blizzard to blow across the nation, record low temperatures, the chiefs/dolphins game could be one of the coldest in history. rachel: go right to the point. how does this affect sports? pete: it is one thing to go to a caucus between the car in the gym, another to play outside. but there is politics at play in this blizzard as well specifically to affect iowa not just because of that but iowa requires people to turn out amidst a blizzard but here are the candidates asking and preparing for what could go down. >> i know caucus is going to be cold. is going to be frigid weather and break every record that has
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ever been on so stay safe, layer up, bring your id when you come to the caucus site and make a difference. >> i feel we are in a situation where our folks are going to show up. we have every precinct organized, every county organized and that will pay dividends. >> one way or another i am getting there, the worst weather in recorded history but maybe that is good because our people are more committed than anybody else. and we are going to start with you and turn our country around and it's going to be amazing. pete: with this kind of weather it becomes an enthusiasm game. are your voters so motivated by your candidacy that they will put on six layers, the husband will start the car, shovel the driveway and go to the local gymnasium to caucus, you better have -- iowa does this.
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people in iowa, they are going to do that but still, if you are looking at 2% or 3%, that can matter for second or third place finisher. >> i lived in temperatures like this in northern or central wisconsin. the only person i would go out to vote in that weather for with sean duffy. he really have to love the person. donald trump has the advantage when it comes to that enthusiasm gap. he is on track to smash the gop victory margin. last time somebody had the biggest margin was between bob dall and pat robertson, bob dole had 13 points ahead of the next person but donald trump, the latest polling showed he had 30%, over twice as much, ahead of nikki haley now it looks like, jumped over desantis. it's not looking good for
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desantis. you always said you thought vivek was the sleeper, perhaps in this race. >> he said he would over form because they' re not pulling his voters, we will see. those are sky high expectations for trump. if he meets it, it is over. if he doesn't, get ready for all the narratives of who's got momentum at all that. >> let's say you cut that in half and he wins by 20%, it still historic victory. will: watch on monday night. the faa is keeping the boeing 7379 max grounded until extensive inspections are done. after a door plug flew off during an alaska airlines flight last week. been a straight is saying we will make sure nothing like this happens again. the concern is the safety of american travelers and the boeing 7379 max will not return to the skies until we are satisfied it is safe.
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united and alaska airlines canceled flights through tuesday. house republicans are moving forward with a floor vote to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress, he is refusing to testify at an impeachment in worry against his father. lawmakers demand he held accountable. he has defied two subpoenas while we work to schedule the deposition date which we will not tolerate any additional stunts or delay from hunter biden. this comes as hunter's lawyers said he would testify at a hearing or deposition of a new subpoena was issued. now to football the dallas cowboys honoring local law enforcement prior to their playoff game tomorrow, deputies and officers from the el paso county sheriff's office have the honor of holding the american flag for the national anthem in opening ceremonies ahead of kicked off. as for the game, tune in to fox tomorrow. in the first round of the nfl playoffs, coverage starts at
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4:00 pm eastern time and those are your headlines. it says something about the dallas cowboys's reach when you say local law enforcement, bring in el paso, 9 hour dr. from that. a big state, big team, big country. assuming no delays in this weather. the real debate, if you take all my sports references and combine it with my references to the state of texas do i approximate the number of times you bring up wisconsin. a few months ago you shocked me with another right down the middle fastball on wisconsin. it takes the combination of the two. pete: texas and the cowboys, sports at large you definitely when but you are in for a bit of a letdown. the packers are rolling right now. i'm cheering for you but prepared, you need to prepare mentally. to be let down. will: prepare yourself for this segment.
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rachel: i got the information and read the next article. >> 90 seconds, the university of alabama has hired washington's kaelin to replace nick sabin, 72 years old, football legend, greatest of all time retired this week. pete: i saw you post something on social media about this incoming coach, with washington. and easy dynamic. you have to be a hard-core college football fan to understand these dynamics. i did see the video of him arriving in tuscaloosa hi5ing the fans in their seemed enthusiastic about it.
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>> the thing that's fascinating about the stories three years ago, kaelin was the head coach of fresno state and he made his coaching resume in nia. i'm rewinding the clock a little bit. in 2,020 he was head coach, 3-3, shortened covid season. imagine sitting down at the end of 2020, just went 500, and within 3 years you will be coaching the alabama crimson tide and the man believing it and probably did believe in it. that is a short time for a massive leap but it's a cool human interest story to go from that to probably the premier coaching job in the country. pete: he had a good record and moved to washington with gangbusters season, probably benefited. if you are good recruit you can bring in tons of players and have a great season, clearly good at that. rachel: you think this is a good move?
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will: you have my doubts. you get more thoughts on this higher at the university of alabama. on the will kane podcast which will air live on fox news starting tomorrow. >> get your own show right. the will kane show. look at the fancy graphic. >> wasn't established in 2021? >> that's when the show was started, started as a podcast, started twice a week, rachel went through a similar process which is growing rapidly with three days a week and now going 5 days a week and airing live, and youtube channel every day at noon. >> are going to be working hard. working 7 days a week now. rachel: if i go to the fox news website i can click in. will: and it lives there.
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rachel: who's your first guest? will: stephen smith monday, jordan peterson tuesday. rachel: i'm tuning in. coming up german farmers taking to the streets to protest government regulations. what american farmers can learn from these demonstrations. will: my new year's resolution is to drink less alcohol. we will have tips to make the perfect cocktail with cranberry in it. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty.
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will: german farmers protesting new measures that would skyrocket their fuel costs in an already struggling and highly regulated economy. they've been taking to the streets and highways in their tractor stopping traffic and w hand manure in their week. what can american farmers learn from their revolt. here to discuss is senior policy analyst at the consumer
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choice center, thanks for joining us this morning. this is obviously happening in germany but these policies are coming from this globalist mindset. i do believe they are coming to america. explained to us what german farmers think the government is trying to do, just tax them, or are they trying to take their land, what's the deal here? >> reporter: the german farmer's right to be angry. the last few years and decades, the german government and the european union government have been taking away all the rights for them to use pesticides and that has reduced their yield and they are coming back and saying you also need to increase taxes on tractors and diesel so they are really struggling. they don't see the future for them. as consumers we want them at a good price but we need farmers
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that stand on solid financial ground. rachel: i don't understand why any government or entity would want to mess with the food supply. >> the problem is they are under pressure to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and to blame this on the farmers and they export those emissions to other countries so if you don't produce food product in germany but import them from abroad those emissions, it looks like you pursued good policies but in actuality you have increased food prices for consumers and bankrupt your local farmers. rachel: i was blown away when i saw this on social media and immediately to our producers on his show to say we've got to do the story because we know there's a war on farmers hearing these policies are coming to america.
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talk to me about that and how effectively these farmers fight back because they were able to win in this case and it was because of how organized they were. >> the german government is seeking a compromise with the farmers and it shows if farmers mobilize and organize and protest they can be victorious. the same happened in the netherlands last year so if they organized they can make a difference. that doesn't seem to be affecting the policies many countries are pursuing so it will take more action. it shows american farmers have a voice also. the us has a not as regulated system but a lot of democrats are arguing for similar policies we currently see in europe. rachel: what would be your advice to americans before we get to this point that the german farmers are. what would you say to americans right now, advising them so that we don't go down that path?
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>> all of us need to understand we come from families, we all have a background in farming to some extent and we need to recognize that and support farmers in what they need. we need to put this as a focus for presidential debates. i don't see this being asked of candidates running for president. they need to make this a key focus could how we can afford food, what the quality of our food is is vitally important, nutrition is vitally important. we need to talk about these issues more with the iowa caucus coming up. the us has a very good farming system but needs to preserve and understand where that comes from so it's vital that we make this a key issue in political debates also. >> there is a war on american farmers and ranchers, there needs to be more attention before we get to this point that the european farmers are in. thanks for joining us, such an important topic. >> thank you for having me. china closely watching this morning as taiwan counts votes
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in his crucial elections as the ccp frames this as a choice between peace or war. president biden keeps insisting americans are feeling good about the economy. >> what we haven't done is let them know who got it changed. that's the part. that's what's happening. >> numbers don't lie. as inflation keeps rising. jackie deangelis is here to break down how much more you are paying since biden took office. ♪ congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months.
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the biden administration its insurance that inflation is cooling down and bidenomics is working. here to break down how much it is costing you is cohost of the big-money show, jackie deangelis. the rate of inflation growth has slowed and we've seen that confidence reflected in the federal reserve's outlook with interest rates over the next year or so but we've experienced such massive inflation the core indexes, the prices are out of control. >> let's talk about these numbers. food in three years since president biden took office went up 33.7%. that hurts people. shelter almost 20%. energy costs, more than 30%. this is what people feel and bank rate did a survey, 60% of americans said their wages did not rise to meet these levels. look at how much more money families need to.
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more than $11,000 every year just to maintain that standard of living. these headline numbers are coming down, rate of inflation is slowing but the stuff is stuck. brian: we were discussing before we came into this segment, the rate of inflation is slowing down and that is good news. once a price goes up it stays up. that the problem with inflation and letting it rise the way it has, you want to tame its growth but i don't know that you rollback it's growth. >> the starbucks cup of coffee or the big mac meal at $15 on average, that is your standard to. now what has to happen is americans need to make more money to meet that, but as wages arise and companies help americans do that it is like this revolving door, inflation goes up a little bit too so that becomes the problem. they need to make more money to
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pay for this am and this doesn't happen in america, we've got to downgrade the standard of living and no one wants to do that and they are blaming it on the president. brian: the president is saying the economy is in good shape, americans don't know who got it in good shape but the problem is what's happening for three years and to your point, that is why you don't ignore inflation. it spirals out of control and resets the bar for the future that we always have to keep up with these new traces. >> most people say we don't let the genie over the problem but we are stuck in this situation. he was in allentown and they were heckling him saying go home joe, they are mad about the war in israel but also angry about this. when you think about pennsylvania, a swing state he
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won in 2020 by one. 2 points. that says everything, people, kitchen table issues, they are voting on this stuff and they know how they feel. he can say bidenomics is working, people don't feel great and that's the problem. brian: thank you so much. coming up, a blizzard slows campaigning for presidential candidates, we are tracking the winter storm. after endorsing ron desantis, one prominent republican is supporting another candidate. he joins us to explain why he is now backing vivek ramaswamy. ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ )
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i just show you the coupon and i get this price? that's right! go to and start saving today. will: the midwest hit by a powerful winter storm overnight, 900 flights in and out of the us are canceled after 2000 were cancel yesterday, 300,000 people in the great lakes are waking up without power. iowa seeing blizzard conditions with the caucuses around the corner. let's turn to rick reichmuth. todd: imagine being without power with these temperatures coming in. that is why this is a dangerous storm. chicago o'hare, one of the airport hit by this storm which is why we have ripple effect if you are traveling today, you might have some delays because of a ripple effect. look at your actual air temperature here, this cold air that is up across part of the northern plains, cooldown
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across the south. around the freezing temperatures in parts of texas. that are will get colder as well. this is the big storm that moved for true. most of the snow was pulling used but there is still some energy to the west. we will see more snow from time to time, not fully in the clear just yet. the air temperature so-called, we have windy conditions, that snow will move around. look at the windchill. it feels like-55. you see these wind directions, that is all air that is pulling to the south from this arctic air mass across parts of canada. it will keep pulling towards the south, a little towards the east with windchill alerts all the way down across parts of texas and oklahoma so this cold is going to go very far to the south. this area here around the iowa area is problematic the next couple days. islands can handle this. all of the media who will be
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descending upon iowa, this will be really complicated. these are monday's high temperatures the don't get above 0, overnight lows closer to minus 20 and those air temperatures are dangerous. if you are planning to get out, make sure you've got blankets and stuff in the car with you in case you are stranded, these conditions can get dangerous very fast. will: i don't have a jacket. pete: he was one of ron desantis's first i was supporters in may. with just days before the first in the nation caucuses and one prominent iowa republican is switching and endorsing vivek ramaswamy. >> have done a lot of soul-searching and in my conscience, propels me to announce this united states marine will not miss this 1776 moment. i'm supporting vivek ramaswamy.
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pete: here is stephen holt. in preparing for this you agonized over this. why did you make the switch? >> thank you for having me. i did agonize over it and it was a matter of conscience which has nothing to do with governor desantis and everything to do with vivek ramaswamy. he identified, it is not morning in america right now. we have serious problems. i think he has articulated in a way that resonated with me. i would say having followed him across iowa and his hard work, he's one of the greatest communicators i have seen since ronald reagan. i spent 20 years in the marine corps during the presidency of ronald reagan. i think vivek ramaswamy's ability to communicate and inspire people is amazing.
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i've seen him with young people, crowds, protesters are just incredible. the other thing i would say in the reason he will blow away expectations tonight is he is the only candidate who is willing to call out a huge issue going on in iowa which is they are trying to build the co2 pipeline across iowa and private property and land owners, he's the only one who brought attention to this issue and it is resonating tonight. pete: so far the polls haven't reflected that much at all. the most recent iowa paul, where trump has been with a big lead. vivek ramaswamy's number, desantis and haley have swapped. has stayed about their. do you think he has a chance to
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surpass desantis or haley? >> i don't believe those polls. a number of people told me they get this paul and are asked who do you support, trump, desantis, or haley and they don't have vivek on the paul and they say i'm supporting vivek, if you support these others, who would it be? that is what i heard from a lot of my constituents so i don't believe the polls. iowa has delivered surprises before so we will see what happens. pete: you endorsed ron desantis early and there' s a lot of hope in that campaign early. are you surprised it didn't catch on? are you are not here to criticize that campaign but it never took off. >> reagan's 11th commandment, the way vivek resonated for me and his inspired message and hard work, everything about him has impressed me particularly
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his willingness to stand up against the use of eminent domain. pete: we covered that topic. why is he the only one adamantly speaking out against it? >> that is a good question that islands need to answer for themselves. i think it is because he cares about the constitution it made that clear and cares about people personality. the number of times i have seen him he knows people by name after he hasn't seen them for weeks, knows what they're issue is. he cares from the heart and i'm not saying others don't. in a way i haven't seen in others. will: i will see you in a couple days. >> we can dig out of the snow. thank you. pete: thank you very much. toss it over to rachel with some headlines. >> won't be the first time
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polls were wrong. starting with this, dozens of seniors in arizona are homeless after firefighters say the drywall in their living facility collapsed. freezing temperatures causing waterline to leak which led to the drywall on the third floor of the facility to break. that's according to fire officials, they say all 3 floors in the facility saw significant damage. nobody was hurt and the facility is fully open. polls are closed in taiwan. the country chooses its next president and parliament, votes are now being counted. sign it is keeping a very close eye on this election dubbing a choice between peace and war. the communist nation calling the front runner and current vice president, quote, dangerous separatists for actively advocating for democracy. happening today, go day, veteran led team rubicon dedicating today to community service and action.
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this event and service project started 14 years ago when a marine veteran and group of 7 to help survivors of the deadly earthquake in haiti in 2,010. since then team rubicon has gained 160,000 volunteers and helped countless people, those are your headlines. a miami city, after commissioners nearly brawl. remember when pete said this about his new year's resolution? pete: which is going so so. rachel: we are making mock tales including one with cranberry juice. ♪
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pete: going so so or better. you are the reason. cranberry juice is so good. pete: which one is going so so? will: both. rachel: are you putting booze in the cranberry juice? will: last weekend, pete shared his 2,024 plan to drink less booze and more cranberry juice lose the cranberry juice part is going well, pictures of cranberry daily. rachel: i had lots of posts. there was booze in them but apparently not.
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our next guest is here to help pete with his resolution and anyone participating in dry january. pete: rob floyd joins us with how to make cocktails. >> can't wait to do our first cocktail. the big thing about dry january as it makes you aware of what you are drinking throughout the year. pete: you are saying mock tales are big hit. >> princess cruises all over the world, double the growth. people want a great experience but don't want as much alcohol as they had. the cranberry special, this is a build cocktail, we just had cranberry. it is not the cranberry
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cocktail, and cinnamon. this is my favorite part. this is ginger beer. i need you to grab a little bit of mint and a little spank over the top and put it on. drop it in. there we go. so taste is 90%, cheers up. there we go. will: and the mint? >> yes. great with some vodka by the way. the next one, really fun one here. we are going to crush a little jalapeno.
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it will release dopamine, it is a little fresh watermelon here. >> the most beautiful mixer i have ever seen. >> i collected them all over. a little ice. watermelon juice with lime to it. if you like, a little shake. rachel: a mexican mixer by the way. i learned it from pete and he we pour it in. just a cool hat. >> i saw you doing this in the break. >> keep the top on. who needs college? >> 20 or 30 seconds. this is going to be espresso and 0 proof alcohol just adds
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body to the drink and we are going to go ahead and give this a quick take and as we do, you will see a little gold luster we will put over-the-top. a little james bond here. there we go. 0 proof, they take the ethanol out of the spirit. it does give it a little body. cheers cheers cheers. cranberry january. will: be right back. ♪ about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight.
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i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at
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