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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  January 13, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. >> my mother's 92 years old
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and she's already told me that if it's snowing or ice you're going to come pick-me-up in your four-wheel drive pickup. >> we know what cold weather is, just have to warm the car up and put another coat on. >> the weather never stopped us, blizzards, cold, rain, snow, it doesn't make any difference. neil: they're a hearty bunch, the iowans. but not the airport. and there's great food. that was not meant to be and we had to stay in new york, which isn't a bad alternative, it's beautiful here, but the backdrop in midtown manhattan is slightly different than the beautiful state of iowa and des moines where we will be because we're flowing out after this show for the big event on monday and all weekend coverage. in the meantime, there's this nasty cold wave that you've heard a lot about, not only affecting iowa.
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in michigan, it's one doozy of a storm and certainly record low temperatures and in grand rapids, max. >> it's not as cold as iowa, but chilly temperatures in the 20's and quite a bit of snow in the past day around eight inches in grand rapids. streets are looking okay here, but there have been a few crashes around town. really though the big headline for michigan right now, that's the power outages. around 180,000 customers are currently without electricity in michigan. this as temperatures sit in the 20's in many parts of the state as we mentioned there, warming shelters have been set up in some communities and power out in parts of wisconsin after the storm swept this was around 90000 customers wisconsin, they power outage and delays due to winter weather and midway at
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international airports, now back here in grand rapids, we're expecting to get more snow, two to three inches, but tomorrow, that lake effect snow sets in, four to seven more inches expected, and we'll see if i get out of here, and a lot of flight troubles happening across the country. me and you, neil. >> i hear you, my friend. you're in the middle of all of that, i think i got the better part of the deal so far this year. and max, great seeing you, max gordon on that, rick reichmuth, the reason i like to talk to him about this, he's very good explaining the effects of the temperatures in all seriousness, it's a big deal when you get into the minus territory, especially at these levels. isn't it, rick? >> we talk about cold weather and they say i can handle the cold, a lot of people haven't experienced temperatures like what will be experienced in hawaii in the next couple of days and iowans have, but a lot of people from outside of the state have been descending on the state and aren't used to
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this. it's dangerous, from wow, that's cold to oh, no, i might be in trouble within a minute or two and you will feel that and so you need to be prepared for that. and air temperatures now into the minus 20's in montana, minus 11 in denver and you see the circulation that goes through and it's pulling the colder arctic air in and most of the snow has stopped and blizzard warnings for the snow that's fallen and will continue to be whipped around and cause white outconditions on the roads and accidents on the road. if you're stuck in an accident and it's that cold, things are problematic. this is the broader storm that we're watching and the coldest air mass that we've certainly had this year so far, take a look at the coldest wind chills right now in the country, dickinson, north dakota, feels leak minus 68 right now. that's the dangerous cold and go to iowa, sioux city, iowa,
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minus 9 and the western iowa is going to dive to eastern iowa, take a look at this, this is how much snow is on the ground from two storms that have hit us this week. and we've got spots over towards eastern iowa and the quad cities, we've got spots that are a foot and a half of snow on the ground and the cold air means the snow is not going anywhere anytime soon. it's january. the sun angle low in the sky it's not going to melt or evaporate on the ground. watch what happens over the wind chill temperatures say, the next 24 hours. you see that expanding right there. we've got the colder air continuing to dive down from canada, the time we get towards midnight tonight, minus 42 in des moines, iowa is what it's going to feel like and watch what happens here, we start the day around minus 19 and feels-like temperature in des moines and goes towards that minus 40 overnight and the time we get to tomorrow morning, minus 34. tomorrow is our coldest day across parts of iowa. go towards monday quick. last thing i want to show you
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here, neil. the actual air temperatures for monday. minus 4 in fort dodge. minus 4 in sioux city, you get the idea. it's cold and windy on top of that. that's are the highs. low temperatures into the minus teens and the minus 35, minus 45, you've got to be really careful if you're going out to caucus. you can do it, but make the plans if anything goes wrong you're protected. neil: good advice. reich reichmuth on that. and bill melugin is in west des moines, iowa now. hey, bill. >> hey, neil, good morning to you. it's about 2 degrees right now, but the feels-like is negative 19. it's bad once the wind starts to kick up. as a result of the weather, donald trump canceled three out of four campaign events this weekend so far. ron desantis has canceled one so far. we'll keep everyone posted if more comes out of that. as you look at this video of weather conditions here in the
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des moines area. keep in mind, this is expected to be the coldest caucus in recorded history. it's going to be brutal out here. you heard that forecast, temperatures dipping into the negative 30's when the wind chill is factored in. trump still obviously the clear front runner, but telling his supporters do not get complacent. do not get complacent with the big lead. iowans we have been talking to say they'll be out here no matter what the weather is. take a listen. i'm pretty loyal to trump, i'll go through a blizzard like yesterday to vote. >> probably more the cold deterrent. bundle up, once you get there, you're inside and a matter of walking from your car to the door. >> it would take a lot for us not to go. i think we'll go. >> i think it's going to depend how passionate they're out. no matter what the weather is doing, i'll be here to caucus. >> as for florida governor ron desantis, he says after the iowa caucuses are over he'll
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fly to south carolina where he'll host an event in greenville, seen as a message to nikki haley he intends to beat her in her home state. after that south carolina event then he'll fly up to new hampshire where he's planning to campaign as well and have a town hall here is some of what desantis said about that move. >> but i think the message is simple that, you know, you look at south carolina, nikki haley was governor there, and i've got like five times more endorsements from state legislators, current and former, than she does, and so, she's really out of step, i think, with south carolina. we're going to show that. >> and nicky halle and desantis are essentially fighting for second place here in iowa according to the polls. haley surging to number two in the polls behind donald trump. she's also number two in new hampshire, as she's trying to catch up to trump in that state and she's promising to her supporters she will deliver for them. take a listen. >> i want you to feel results. i want you to feel like you're
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not working for government anymore and that government is serving you and we will spend every day trying to prove results to you and let now that government's working for you again. >> and it's actually been vivek ramaswamy who has been putting the most effort in in terms of not canceling his events. we've had really bad weather out here, a lot of the roads have been snowed in. he wasn't able to get to an event the other day, what he did, he face-timed into it and took questions over face-time and neil, i can tell you in the minute and a half i took my net gator off my face, my lips and cheeks are completely numb because of the wind here and it's supposed to get 20 degrees cooler when you factor in the wind chill. it will be dangerous for iowans to be out there if they're exposed for some time. everybody we spoke to says they're not going to stop them. neil: a different kind of weather. bell melugin, in west des moines, iowa.
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we want to go to the former iowa governor and also the former u.s. ambassador to china. he is not committed to any of the candidates thus far. good to see you, governor, why not a commitment to any of the ones slugging it out right now in your state? >> first of all, they're all great candidates. you know, of course, we have a lot of respect, for donald trump and the job he did as president, he carried iowa twice and both governor desantis and former ambassador nikki haley have run strong campaigns and spent a lot of final in iowa. i think that iowans would support any one of them if they're the nominee, but obviously, trump has a huge lead here and i think there's a battle for second place between desantis and haley. neil: you know in conditions like these you've been a governor and know iowa quite well. and it's all about the
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supporters to go out and vote in that cold. is there any difference among the voters for these various candidates and polls or support who are more inclined to go out no matter the conditions? >> well, i think they all have passionate supporters. but donald trump has a lot of them and my son was with trump in 2016, he says they're a lot more. >> 0 organized this time around and i think he'll win convincingly and an interesting battle for second place between desantis and nikki haley. neil: you know, as a former ambassador to china, i'm sure you've taken note of how often china comes up as a bogeyman and a target of attacks, certainly by nikki haley and ron desantis not the same degree on the part of donald trump, but it's become a focal point and a lot of your concern, i read a recent editorial you wrote, not to go
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too far here, that china is an important market for a lot of iowa goods and vice versa, it's a delicate line, how do you walk it? >> taiwan as well, and they just had an election and the person who won has been the vice-president and of course, the mainland chinese don't like that, but they're a democratic entity and they're also a major market for us. so we want to see the status quo between china and taiwan maintained and we want to do all we can to preserve peace in that region of the world. neil: so you're saying, you know, don't, you know, cut off your nose to spite your face when it comes to the attacks in china, it's a vital market to you, and china, xi jinping has a lot of residents in your state and visited several times
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as becoming china's disputed leader. are you worried that that could all go away? >> well, i was the governor that hosted xi jinping when he was only a young hearty secretary at a county level in our sister state and he calls me an old friend because we treated him so well. we don't agree with his policies. we thought he would be a reformer like don ciao ping like his mother a provincial leader. unfortunately, he has not been so we don't agree with his policies, but we have the greatest respect for the chinese people for their work ethic, their commitment to education. they've been important trading partners and we want to maintain that and china, frankly, needs the safety and quality of american food and agricultural products. neil: all right. we'll watch. governor, great catching up with you. >> well, thank you, neil, and i hope you can get out here.
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i know the weather has not been that good, but i think the snow is over and it's just going to be cold and we know how to handle the cold here in the state of iowa. neil: it looks good. looks like we've been cleared for the takeoff so i'm looking forward to being there and maybe a chance to see you, governor, thank you very much. >> well, i look forward to it. thank you very much, neil. neil: be well. i want to take you right now to washington d.c. where they're gathering for the rally in support of palestinians right now. this is planning to be a big one. they're expected to draw thousands. it's scheduled at 2 p.m. and gathering right now and calling for a cease-fire in gaza and among the speakers, jill stein and of course the daughter of malcolm x all expected to make their case, i believe peacefully, more after this. -thanks for swinging by, carl. -no problem. so what are all those for? uh, this lets me adjust the base, add more guitar, maybe some drums.
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that's what the candidates hope for. it's the case with ron desantis, some say he has to win outright and others say that's enough. and he's polling third. hal, are you worried for your candidates? >> no, i am in and made it in. don't let the nice suit and tie fool you, your team did a great job. i was with the governor last night and he and casey are in a great mood and laid back and feeling good about tomorrow or monday and they're out today like you said, they're out and going to hit a bunch of events and they're going to be in atlantic, iowa here, 12:15. than he is the place that donald trump is supposed to be at. he's going to dial it in and stay in sunny, warm florida and stay on caucus day. i don't know how you expect people to caucus for you in the cold if you're staying in florida. governor desantis is here
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working for weeks and weeks and going to do it all the way until the evening on monday. neil: does he have to win the state? >> no, i don't think he has to win it, i think he needs to be in a very strong second place. and i will give you a little bit. it's anecdotal and talking to some of the people going out door knocking yesterday here in iowa and they knocked on hundreds and hundreds of doors and we're asking them, hey, what was it looking like? everybody was either trump or desantis, everyone one. not a single door they knocked on that was nikki haley. i don't think that the polls are close to accurate. i think she's going to massively underperform and i think that governor desantis is going to underperform and i think that trump is going to underperform. and finally nice to actually have the vote and then stop talking whether the polls are right or not because we're about to find out in a few days. neil: indeed here. and i know how you mentioned second place, if that were the case. third would push him out though? >> i think a third place would be massively disappointing and when you say push him out.
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they're going out to new hampshire for sure, only eight days from now, i don't see anybody, including vivek or anyone necessarily dropping out to new hampshire, but south carolina is five weeks after new hampshire to go to south carolina and come in third tough for anybody and i would put nikki haley this that category as well. neil: a lot of people have already been writing your candidate's funeral and to your point, it might be very premature, but he blew through a lot of money, more money than any candidate for a while and i don't know where it went, but didn't do enough to move the polls. does at that worry you? when we look back at that and you don't want to see this happen and he places third in iowa, that it was a misuse of funds and opportunities? >> well, i wouldn't say that yet and obviously. neil: sure. >> a lot of that was actually the super pac, that wasn't governor desantis. neil: still a lot of money, still a lot of money that appeared wasted. >> it's a lot of money and,
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yeah, if there's a third place finish here with that much money i think there needs to be a look at where the money was spent and what happened to it. most was from the super pac side and the governor didn't have a say in it. i think it's a different story monday and you'll be surprised around the country. neil: i know you from your capital days and excellent money man and a very good financier and good at reading the markets. the markets have been on fire and picking up kind of where they left off, bumpy ride and the biden folks say that's all us, the wind at our back. what do you say? >> yeah, that's not them at all. as you know, the fed's come out and hinting at cutting rates, that's what spurred the rally and starting really kind of early december all the way to now, so, i think the fed has had a lot to do with that and people are projecting a soft landing. again, it has nothing to do with biden's doing. in fact he's losing in most of the polling. in fact, maybe what the market's pricing in is that we're not going to have biden
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as president in november of this year. that's probably more likely the case. neil: i'll put you down as a maybe on the president. hal, it's great seeing you. hal lambert in des moines. you look refreshed for that. and in the meantime, fair and balanced, you hear from from ron desantis, a key player from nikki haley. ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪
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>> all right. america might be watching, but iowans, they're freezing and candidates are reshuffling campaign events that oftentimes they had to cancel because of the cold and because of repositioning with the snow. aishah hasnie in des moines how all of that is going, hey, aishah. aishah: hey there, yes, so a lot of the candidates have campaign events scheduled for today. we'll see if they can get to them, neil. all eyes are on nikki haley right now to see if she can surpass ron desantis in terms of delegates on monday. she's scheduled to show up in cedar falls after having to replace all of her campaign events yesterday to telephone town halls because of the weather. meanwhile, some pro haley pac volunteers have been around nine different counties
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canvassing three different areas and they say it's cold and people respond better in person than they do over the phone. brand new numbers in from ad impact shows nikki haley has spent the most in iowa since the beginning of the race, $36 million that does include super pac money and she's surging in new hampshire and hoping to close the gap with president trump and that's why she has the largest target on her back from her opponents and also from senator rand paul who has not backed anyone, but launched a website, never nikki, and the foreign policy in ukraine. >> it's always about preventing war and if we were to supply ukraine just ammunition and no cash, these 3 1/2% of our defense budget. the europeans have made more than that and they should.
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>> we're here at smitty's, a place where they talk politics. i'm talking with brad, caucusing for nikki haley, why? >> i think she's smart, articulate and a clear winner of all the debates and like her foreign policy experience with being an ambassador and i think she has a good plan going forward with social security. >> you're going to get out no matter how cold it is? >> i'm going to caucus on monday night. >> brad, we have at least one caucus goer. neil: you have to start somewhere. thank you very much, aishah. aishah hasnie on that. we want to go to eric levine, a nikki haley donor, a former tim scott. >> good to be with you. neil: what do you think of nikki haley's chances in iowa? >> well, i think she has a great chance of doing very well and that's what we really need to do. i think that the most pressure is on desantis. if he doesn't finish second, you heard from the prior
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interviewee, if he finishes third, he's done. nikki haley doesn't have that pressure on her, she just has to finish strongly. she's competing in new hampshire and south carolina, she has a shot at winning both states and ron desantis is flatlining everywhere else, i'm optimistic how she'll do on monday. neil: at lo of-- lot of the attention on her is for new hampshire, for the time being, and a lot of anticipation about the chris christie vote and where it goes and that she could be a beneficiary of that. what do you think? >> well, i think it's absolutely right. remember the last time i was on the show i was predicting that chris christie was saying he had no path to the nomination and you were skeptical of that. he's now dropped out and i think that he was the quintessential anti-trump vote. his voters are not going to donald trump, the only logical place for the voters to go is to nikki haley so i'm
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optimistic she's going to pick up the votes and if you add those together it doesn't put her in a tie with trump, that she could be ahead of trump. i think that things bode well for her. neil: i don't think that i was skeptical of christie for the nomination than i was after new hampshire i'll ask the same of your candidate and you. after new hampshire, a crowd tailor made for nikki haley, so much moderate and independent support the rest of the primaries as they fold out except michigan and some of the other battle ground states, are almost tailor made for donald trump, and the core republican base that loves him and will follow him right, you know, right to the convention. do you think she could disrupt that? and depends on her getting a great send-off from new hampshire that she can't afford to just come in a strong second. she's really got to build on
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that. >> i think she can absolutely disrupt that. i don't think there's a doubt about that. as soon as you peel away the v veneer from donald trump, she runs in new hampshire, and the aura peels away and highly likely that ron desantis will be out of the race by monday and when you go man-o-woman-o. i think she's more substantive and where she beats biden by 15, 20 points. donald trump in the absolute best of circumstances, you know, where everybody's just focused on biden and not on trump he barely ekes out ahead of biden. as soon as it's one-on-one race, between biden and trump and people start remembering why they hate donald trump, joe biden is likely to win. people want it win, republicans want to win, nikki haley is our
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winner. neil: so if it isn't nicky and it's donald trump, what are you going to do? >> well, you know, i live in the people's democratic republic of new york so i can vote for bozo the clown, it's not going to make a difference. i'm going to put all of my efforts to make sure that we win the senate, we take the senate because that does matter. so i'm going to work on things that matter. neil: that's not what i asked. could you support donald trump yourself? could you vote for him if he's the only republican choice you had? >> we've got a long way to go, let's see where we are, i will not vote for joe biden, i can tell you that, but i think, you know, my vote doesn't matter in new york, let's focus on what does matter and that's going to be the senate, but he remain hopeful that nikki haley is our nominee. neil: i have no idea what that answer means. eric, great to see you again. eric levine, the nikki haley donor hoping that she can pull it out. and we'll look at what happens with the crucial evangelical
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>> there's nothing in the
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mandate of what the fed's job is to make the market feel good. you know, we've got to watch the data. the thing that's going to drive when and how much rates will be cut in this coming here is going to be whether we're getting inflation back to target and the actual numbers in the economy. neil: all right. austan goolsbee, among the fed heads and the interest rates, the markets can get ahead of themselves anticipating more rate cuts than the fed has s signaled. it's a little less bumpy now, but the wind at our back to hear the president of the united states tell it, referring to markets and good job numbers and will be relevant to american and obviously to americans by election day, at least he hopes
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so. lucas. >> for many americans the prices feel too high and every time they're going shopping, 40-year high from inflation two summers ago and despite that, the president thinks that things are going well. >> if you notice they feel much about thor what the economy is doing. but what we're not doing is letting them know who got it changed. that's happening. we look at the consumer confidence measures they're way up. look it across the board. >> so the president says it's a messaging issues there, now, president biden spoke in allentown, pennsylvania about an hour south of his hometown of scranton. biden visited this critical battle ground state more than any other outside of delaware of course since becoming president. while the rate of inflation increase slowed inflation during the biden administration is still felt across the country. overall inflation is up nearly 18%, food up more than 30%. shelter, rents up nearly 19%, energy is up nearly 33% and
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electricity is up 27% and speaking of energy costs, neil, these battles against the houthis and yemen increased oil prices by 3%. 10% of the world's oil flows through the red sea and more fuel is needed from the tankers sailing around africa to avoid the red sea and missile attacks from the houthis. neil: thank you for that. a lot of people look as lucas pointed out, the economic numbers. when the president tells them they're not so bad. some might have choice words and adjectives to describe the economy. not those so much of faith and religious trying to spare people of that language, but that's concerned and the fact of the matter is among the evangelical voters, to donald trump, whatever you say about his style, but they miss those times. and steve, very good to have
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you. how are your-- you know, rank and file evangelical voters, if i can call them that, feeling about conditions in the economy right now? >> i think that they know that it's not good. we had record high inflation earlier here-- earlier. and i think that they understand that the biden administration is not doing anything to correct things so, they're very concerned about it and it is one of the top issues among evangelicals. neil: steve, you've not made the decision yet who to support. why? >> well, first of all, by the bylaws of the republican party of iowa forbidden to endorse anyone before the caucuses because we want a fairfield for candidates to come in. neil: and see how the family h leader and has for some time been for ron desantis, what do
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you think about that. >> if you look at the history of endorsements in iowa they don't go very far. i actually was on the staff of bob dole in '95 and '96. 95% of all the republicans state legislators, then governor branstad, senator grassley endorsed mr. dole and in spite of that he only won the caucuses by three percentage points and then look at eight years, then governor branstad vote for anybody except for ted cruz because of the ethanol thing that didn't mean anything. the one you just mentioned if you look at the iowa poll, 13% said it was a good endorsement, 13% said it was not a good endorsement. 74% said it didn't really matter at the end of the day i think that iowans may think a lot on a lot of the issues across the board, but they want to make their own decision who they're going to support in the iowa caucuses. neil: do the candidates talk to you. >> what's that. neil: and say, please, please, consider me?
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>> would you repeat that, neil. neil: i'm sorry, did the candidates talk to you and say, you know, steve, i'd love your support? >> well, naturally. you and i may do something after the iowa caucuses we'll wait and see. iowa has to be a level playing field for the candidates to participate. so, you know, let's put it this way, neil, whoever is the nominee will be 150% better than the joe biden administration. so we've got to get enthusiastically behind our nominee, once that nominee is in waiting. neil: the reason why i mentioned, there was an op-ed earlier this week at the des moines register seeming to want to make nice with donald trump is saying though that the sheer number of trump haters will never allow him to win the presidency and added he will remain a friend and the former president, even after endorsing ron desantis. it sounds to me like he might be maybe recognizing the distinct possibility donald trump will be the party's
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nominee. >> i think you're exactly right, but it didn't help when bob went after the presidency, many, many times over the last several years, so i think he probably is coming to the full realization that donald trump probably is going to be the nominee. so, it's just probably makes political sense that he wants to try to make peace with former president trump. neil: such is politics. steve, always good talking to you and actually this is the first time i've had the pleasure. steve of the faith and freedom coalition. and an unusual sized rally in the middle of this in washington d.c. it's pro-palestinian rally going on and it will kick off in, i think, a couple of hours, but the crowd's already gathering. cornel west there, and jill stein. it's calling for a cease-fire in gaza and that the u.s. quit aiding israel. this is very different than a november rally in the same
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lo locale that was pro israel demanding the end to anti-semitism and freeing of hostages. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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>> all right. a lot of protests that are happening around the world right now. this hopefully will be a peaceful one planned in washington d.c. it's a march on the palestinians as they're calling it, some critics have said that it doesn't recognize israel. they do advocate calling for a cease-fire in gaza that israel overplayed its hand in gaza, cruelly so. this rally follows the opposite i think mid november when a pro-israel rally demanding end of anti-semitism and release of hostages. this will kick off in an hour and mike emanuel has more.
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>> yeah, neil, thousands of protesters were here calling for an end to the israeli military conflict in gaza and calling to an end for u.s. support for israel in the conflict. let's give you a look around washington's freedom plaza. you see a lot of people gathering, and a lot of palestinian flags. 100 days since the military conflict in gaza. the martin luther king, jr. holiday is a factor inciting his phrase, injustice is a threat to justice everywhere. and flags are around the plaza and people are bused in from groups, texas, florida, minnesota and wisconsin. there are plenty of signs being constructed to criticize israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the palestinian action in the territory. and palestinian groups and some
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anti-war groups, too. this was the location of a similar protest march on november 4th, tens of thousands of people came from across the midwest to washington calling for israeli cease-fire and that washington demand stop supporting the military action p and that ended at the white house, and hand prints were left behind. and the president is at camp david, but a lot of the groups are sending a message loud and clear to washington on this holiday weekend. thank you for that. in the meantime, reading in the polls right now, any last second minute movement before the actual voten monday in iowa. we've got interesting developments on that front after this. some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because you know that just because it fits in the cupholder doesn't make it 'to-go'.
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>> okay. we were going to show the candidates crisscrossing the state of iowa, which they are, all except donald trump he's not in iowa. but the fact of the matter is they're making the last minute pitch for voters, whether that will move the needle here whether you buy the needle in polls that show donald trump running away with this and nikki haley. there we go now placing second in the state with ron desantis has claimed the worst he can do is second. and he can claim that he can win it out right, and they say that if he places third, all bets are off. we go to the political science professor. how do you think it's going now that you've got the added element of the cold. >> the weather conditions are awful here and of course, that
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could potentially depress turnout among those caucus goers and more casual caucus goers. >> the more dedicated will try to get through, but quite a lot of places they're saying that travel is too dangerous, stay at home. >> so, you know, i guess it always comes back, professor, they used to say with ronald reagan supporters they would walk over broken glass for him and these days they say that about donald trump supporters, they'll do the same so you'll test that passion in conditions like this, a caucus state is different and the caucuses the way they go is different. maybe explain that part of that to us. >> sure, as opposed to a primary with a 13, 14-hour window for the time of your choosing, with a caucus it's a meeting of the party faithful show up at 7:00 on monday night at your local precinct caucus site and again, you have to hope the car starts and the
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blizzard doesn't resume and the baby sitter shows and so forth so you've got to decide that you have time to go do this and meet and discuss various issues and decide to cast a vote for whom you prefer to be the party's nominee. neil: what's different about the way the democrats do it or did it, they've sort of given a wave off to your state, i don't want to characterize it that way, but it's not as if you hit a threshold, your candidate you like first doesn't get 50%, you go to the next. it's sort of a one and done process. the democrats are more concerned about proportional representation, so they have that preference dance that we talk about it, different groups. for the republicans it's as simple as writing a name down on a slip of paper and sticking it in a box or a hat or something for the folks at the precinct to tally up. neil: how do iowans feel about the attention that new hampshire gets. nikki haley got in some heat in your own state talking about,
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new hampshire voters fixing whatever iowa voters did. how do they feel about that? >> i haven't had the sense from any indication that that's bothered anybody. i mean, over the years, remember, iowa's position is simply a matter of historical accident. and 48 other states have disliked the position of iowa. the only state that's supported iowa was new hampshire because they're both relatively small, somewhat rural states and they basically have each other's back against the move from the other 48 states to try to change this process. neil: so, what's the dominating issue right now? >> well, obviously on the republican side, it's who will best be able to defeat joe biden. that's very much the case. you've got both haley and desantis suggesting that there's too much chaos, too much baggage with the former president and they're better able to defeat joe biden, the former president of course is claiming that's all nonsense
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and politically motivated and he's the one in his view clearly the best to beat joe biden. neil: thank you, and see how it ends up. >> it was a lot easier last time in person, but welcome to iowa winters. neil: i hear you. and we will be there in person, just to remind you we're in new york because of obviously the conditions last night, we were ready to go, you know, service out of des moines was canceled and we'll take another shot at it and look forward to coverage tomorrow and monday. it is on and a lot of people have a hard time figuring it out how it goes. richard gephardt, and many others with us over the next couple of days, we'll see you there. one: call newday and . two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards ♪ ♪
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>> one way or the other i'm getting there. you have the worst weather i guess in recorded history, but maybe that's good because our people are more committe


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