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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  January 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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report tomorrow 6:00 p.m. tonight harris faulkner has a special. 10:00 p.m. from iowa and she will kick off coverage and tomorrow the regular schedule at 10:00 p.m. eastern, full coverage of the iowa caucuses, martha and i will anchor him here with the cast of thousands and we will be on until there is a winner of the iowa caucuses. exciting time, the start of the votes. it is time for democracy 24 on fox news channel. fair, balanced. ♪ ♪ hello, i am aisha huxley, jessica tarlov, welcome to the
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the "big weekend show". the big show, the final countdown to the iowa caucuses. ♪ >> the snowcapped everybody, we seem to have a lot of good enthusiasm. i know, maybe the weather is not going to be that big of deal. >> i will wager that we will win, it is the war on our shadow government right here at home and the united states of america. >> we will preserve this sacred liberty and he will do that tomorrow and negative ten or negative 20 degrees temperatures in the iowa caucus. >> eleven months and it comes down to tomorrow. >> we love to see presidential candidates, tell them we love to see presidential candidates go. >> the republican presidential hopefuls faking their final ditches and iowa caucus goers are getting ready to go up to cast the first vote in the 2024
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binary election season. former president trump with a big lead and the last bull before the caucuses. i will caucus runs a little different than most primary elections, is led by the state republican party, not the government. registered republicans gather at more than 1600 sites and can be fools, churches a neighbor's living room and representatives from each campaign they get out and make their pitches. at state, 40 delegates divided among candidates based on results. live in des moines to kickoff team coverage. hi, bill not good evening, this time tomorrow night i went from across the state will get ready to head out to cold temperatures go to the community and be in school gyms, libraries, chu churches, community centers with neighbors and make the pics for
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president. let's take a look at the latest. this came out last night, highly respected des moines register pulled the last big one before caucus day, donald trump still the clear frontrunner at 48%. the big move, nikki haley at number two. strong second place at 20% followed by desantis and vivek ramaswamy. today donald trump held a rally in iowa where he reacted to the rankings. >> somebody points, i don't have the same vast wealth. >> in the meantime ron desantis and nikki haley finding out for second place for weeks. they been attacking each other incessantly. what desantis says haley is too liberal. haley says desantis is dragging in the polls and can't be biden head-to-head. desantis points out he's got more endorsement that south carolina haley is punching back. >> we have 74 endorsements from
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current former state legislatures, she's got 14. i have way more than donald trump as well so she was governor for six years get most of the with me because they see me as representing values. >> let me tell you why that is, that's because i push the legislature instead of was felt that they had to start showing their votes on the record so taxpayers could see it. i created transparency so no, elected officials and the statehouse did not like me because i fought for the taxpayers, i didn't fight for them. >> what is so interesting and unique tomorrow night is there is no remote option, no mail an option. if you want your vote counted, you've got to get up to this weather and show up in person and that is how you make your voice heard. back to you. >> get inside, get warm, appreciate it. okay, let's talk about all of it, welcome to des moines where it is negative 11 degrees. thankfully we are inside all
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cozy. hi, let's talk about old state of play, it seems like the race is already decided but iowa is full of surprises. >> margin for donald trump is significant and you look at the last handful of poles, trump is right around 50% just below, just above it seems like that could be obtainable to get to. has to be a concern for the desantis campaign is there are multiple blows slipping into third place. it possible his reservoir of support, intensity of support and ground game which is good here and has worked in the st state, maybe we will overcome pulling slippage but is put almost all of the eggs into the iowa basket and third-place finish would be catastrophic for his campaign so nikki haley wiki jobs wondering, is this number real?
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is it a springboard into the hampshire next week? we'll talk about that later in the shop. >> we always ask, is it rea really -- to the polls really matter? in a state like iowa where not a lot of people will go out and caucus when you think about how many people are register republicans and how many live in the state. should the government look at the polls and worry too much? he says he's not worried because he believes his commitment caucus goers are going to come out. >> that's the great thing about these elections, the polls are meaningless, it all goes out the window tomorrow and i was show up and it's meaningless in a place like iowa where enthusiasm counts like times ten for your candidate especially if it's negative 11 degrees i don't want to walk out to the car let alone a schoolhouse or firehouse and you have to be tough. i agree with guy, when you look
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at the polls, you see trump nearing 50% in the polls. that is extremely significant and i think it's interesting the trump campaign has taken nothing for granted here, they put everything into the first time we saw i think yesterday, he started to go after vivek ramaswamy. i think what it has to do with is he's interested, where the 50% comes in to play, he is trying to get over that -- >> siphon whatever that us. >> it's funny you can tell he is focused on this 50%, he's gone back to the history of republicans, how they performed, no republican has ever obtained 50% so i think that probably is white whale right now. >> he wants to win big and wanted to be done after the iowa caucuses. we will see if that happens. i want to play this town bite
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because it's interesting, david axelrod says lack of voter enthusiasm for nikki haley could hurt her monday from the des moines register poll. >> support from independents and impressed who say they will vote in the republican caucuses, are they going to drag themselves out on a bitterly cold night to sit through two hours of discussion to cast a vote for nikki haley? it may have been, it could have been but it looks worrisome from her perspective. >> really quickly, we will go to haley and desantis because they responded to this. >> are not a political pollster, i'm not going to worry about the numbers, but i will say is mental energy on the ground is strong written medially is another one will are going up and everyone else went scuba it's hard to pull i'm a caucus is the 16 pool is not especially
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one in negative 20 degrees, voters are motivated. , you've really got to be motivated to get out there. >> i've barely came to work today, i'm going to be honest. i am thrilled to be here. it's super exciting and it's great and he will see people's deals. this is why you shouldn't be worried if you are a supporter of mine, people are passionate, don't believe the polls except where i am up, that's -- trump made that famous and has carried on with it enthusiasm question is something democrats think a lot about because we have had this happen in 2016 in the primary and there was this burning fever, party rally in the kat same was strong hillary clinton supporter, how many are actual democrats?
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people who will turn out and delete one huge to the general for the 20 general election rallies dwarfed biden and biden into winning by 7 million votes so i understand what they are trying to do and there is an element but it's hard to see and we were talking earlier, the energy here feels very chump to me and a lot of people are quiet about what they will go and do but based on anecdotal evidence thus far, it feels like this is trump country. >> based on evidence i've experienced on the trail, i've met a lot of trump supporters, huge fans but they feel, they don't care what happens in iva or new hampshire, they know he's going to get the nomination, they say why do i need to go caucus for him? he doesn't want to hear. >> you got to god to come do it.
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>> a little hyperbole. >> life or death. >> i don't think he meant that. >> obviously hyperbolic and want everyone to gather and commit to caucus, absolutely. tomorrow morning "fox & friends" will have ron desantis, nikki haley and vivek ramaswamy for reaction to the iowa caucuses. will not want to miss that. we got jampacked we can show that coming up, the endorsement, last-minute seal of approval sway any voters? plus biden's approval ratings hit a new low but his army of tik tok troops are not concerned about it. >> people need to stop worrying about gen z and people voting for president biden in 2024 because it's going to happen here to reassure you. >> and iowa restaurant serving
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contentious caucus battle on their menu. what does it mean? we will sample it for you next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", former president donald trump and nikki haley landed several big gop endorsements ahead of the iowa caucuses. will these last-minute seals of approval sway voters? foxbusiness is ready to tremble is live in des moines, iowa with more. >> some of the big names in politics decided to wait until the 11th hour to announce which candidate they are endorsing in this race. former president trump picked up two notable endorsements, one from north dakota governor doug burgum, he dropped out of the race for the gop nomination last month and today he campaigned
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with trump and i will. senator marco rubio through support behind trump today that's significant because rubio is choosing not to back the current governor of his home state of florida ron desantis and because former south carolina governor nikki haley act revealed when he ran for president in 2016. he's not security for labor. haley on the other hand scored endorsement of former maryland governor larry hogan, hogan stepped down from the board of no labels while some folks speculated he could launch a third-party run for the white house. >> unconvinced momentum is with nikki haley. i think that's a real possibility if she could potentially come in second place and i will move on to new hampshire, it's possible she conflict which put her in a better position to move into her home state of south carolina. >> iowa is extremely popular governor kim rattled campaigning with florida governor ron
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desantis in this final push we will see if any of these last-minute endorsements or reynolds endorsement which was known about for some time now sway voters on caucus day. >> nice job keeping up with the freight train, thank you. fox news alert now. >> nikki haley is live right now in a dell, iowa. this is her last stop of the night, she had to cancel one of her events in dubuque, iowa today but she made it to ames and now she's in a dell. she is now in second place in the brand-new des moines register poll. we will see if she can surpass desantis tomorrow. >> they are great people and why we are doing what we are doing. thank you both, wherever you are. there you are, thank you. one more thing, there was
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sadness that came out today, i know. high school is just down the road. when i was governor in south carolina, we had a shooting in the small town of townsville. we had a teenager who shot his mom and went to elementary school and opened fire. he shot little jake pull and that night i was in the hospital with jacob's parents and we were praying. they were praying he would pull through. i knew at that moment how bad off he was. jacob died two days later and he loved superheroes and he had a superhero funeral. what happened in perry, whenever
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you turn on the tv, it doesn't matter what state it is, it still hurts. we still feel it, our hearts still drop and today again. >> you are listening live to nikki haley, she's talking about principal dan demographer of perry high school. he will remember the tragic school shooting earlier this month and the principal about will died, passed away today. she's talking about that and offering condolences. charlie, back to you. >> tragic situation there. when you step back and look at the endorsements for donald trump and nikki haley as well, do these things matter? >> probably not, it may be something campaign can show for
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momentum like look, people are jumping on the bandwagon, war room for you as well, come on in support our team but probably not is my short answer, i do think it probably stings for desantis to have his state senator go with trump and nikki haley was a big endorser for rubio and he's going with trump and my guess, i have special insight but my guess is rubio is looking at the writing on the wall saying is likely going to be him from a better be on his good side and there we have it but the night before caucuses or data for rubio says i'm supporting trump. >> also followed rex, iowa state fair they showed up kind of like president trump walking around trying to put that into desantis face i think you're right, for us it's fun because it creates headlines. for the average voter, i don't think so. i've been talking to voters in iowa and i don't know they care kim rattled has endorsed desantis or chris endorsed nikki
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haley or larry hogan for that matter. what matters is when they can bring a certain group of people the candidate doesn't already have and that hasn't happened yet. >> border czar good at making up their own mind and you're talking up politicians, it seems like they are coming onto the comet as it goes by. >> elected officials the same as the rest of us can only vote once and some of you think 74 endorsements, okay, you got 74 votes in south carolina, what else do you got that's how do you appeal to regular people like you and me, what are you saying about the economy and issues that matter? that's where desantis has suffered and nikki haley had an event earlier tonight, more journalists than it did voters and a lot of people are saying this is the woman that can do it, doctor take her on importing their present of i will go to social booking biden in the general. we kind of think, what does it matter? >> disgusting politicians are putting future favors on the line so coming up, obama inside
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of things biden is to mobilize tik tok troops to win the youth vote in 2024. the next with a the "big weekend show" returns from iowa. >> people need to stop worrying about density and young people voting for president biden in 2024 because it's going to happen and i'm here to reassure you. ♪ in
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♪ ♪ >> my mother is 92 years old and she started toby knowing you are picking up in your four-wheel drive pickup will find a way to get the put on warm the input
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lecture : >> i'm a lifelong resident, unused what we plan to go. husband and i both would take a lot to go, we will go. >> they are hurting and committed here in iowa. welcome back to the the "big weekend show". we are here in the hawkeye state for carcasses and we are hours until voters bundle up and face terrible below freezing temperatures as they go to the polls in the nation's first gop presidential caucus. as voters get ready to voice opinions from a president biden and his team are scrambling to get things together for their party, democratic party. biden's agent abilities continue to be top concerns of the governor of minnesota democrat seems to think voters will forget about worries soon en enough. >> first there's something to be said about asian wisdom and results matter and the choice becomes the binary choice between donald trump and disdain for lola and joe biden competency getting things done, that overweight is that.
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>> our colleague lucas tomlinson live at the white house for president biden is managing crises here at home and abroad. >> one of the craziest here at the white house is either gave and he got noisy last night as thousands of anti- israel protesters showed up yelling at joe biden and long live intifada. let's look at what it looked like. park service scrambled, helicopter to monitor protest and secret service right gear and evacuation from the north lawn and white house staff working while the president was at camp david. spray-painted genocide joe on the statue of general jimbo in the american revolution. new poll says only 33% approved and only 28% biden has the mental sharpness takes and only 18% approved of what the president is doing on the border
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and a third-party candidate emerges from the president's own party it could hurt the chances for victory next november. >> with everything divided in washington, anybody is independent enough to vote with their conscience and go home and explain it is looked upon thinking we are trying to grab the spotlight. it seems to be on your because i don't have any control over you so i voiced on the independent voice and represent my state of west virginia and keep my pledge to pull into consultations on going to be independent looking at both sides trying to find what's best for america. >> president biden doesn't have to worry about the result of the iowa caucuses tomorrow. the dnc dropped iowa from its need. >> thank you very much. live at the white house tonight. many in the media are brushing off pulling for president biden, you just heard there, joe manchin sort of talking about
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independent, both sides avoiding the 2024 question again. watch this. >> i've never been a spoiler nor will it ever be, uninvolved to win but to be a spoiler. that's not how or what are big. >> that's not a yes or no in the question whether he would run third-party i guess we will see. usa today has not been out and the author writes this, ignore the pulling panicked, quiet and confident gen z will elect joe biden again. the unpopular president turning to one of his biggest supporters and former boss, president ob obama, he needs help and guidance on how to win back young voters, vanity fair has a headline relatedly, campaign manager has advice for biden on america's youth, don't assume they're going to vote and since we talk about democrats, i think
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that is the key question keeping some democrats up at night. i do think they are worried large swaths of gen z will all of a sudden flip and vote for the republican particularly donald trump, they are worried they might say we like any of this, we are disillusioned, we are not voting that would make a big difference, a huge problem. >> in the last couple of elections, midterms and look at the referendums on the dobbs decision across the country, that's been motivated by gen z voters turned out. i always maintain this and it's important to the democratic side to understand, we like to be scared, we run better when we are scared and we don't want to be confident about anything, elections are usually polarized and will be close but i would like to draw one's attention to the new poll that came out today that gen z voter margin 27-point in joe biden's favor, it follows up on politics out of harvard a few weeks ago at the same margin
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he won by 2020 around 30 points. there have been a slew of poles that have said trump is winning within one in the margin making tremendous gains amongst black voters. the 27-point is the accurate number, your turnout question will be what actually is important. >> within the pole he mentioned, they do head-to-head trump leading biden by two, desantis by three, nikki haley by eight so maybe the nurse the democrats love to feel a well earned what they should be. >> a great year if you love to be scared. but this is the problem you have a guy, they ran joe biden not is joe biden, nobody went to joe biden, people voted against donald trump must the problem when you're in the race you are in now where you have this
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incredible lack of enthusiasm we have the president violating rulings in order to bribe young people paying off college loans to get them to vote for them and even then enthusiasm is in th their. >> the news pole, a different survey and trump's popularity, the numbers are not good and biden's numbers, they are a lot worse, 33 approval, bottom of the barrel. >> not just young voters value quality of life over everything else, not just student loans, i can't buy a house in the can't afford this in a putting everything on credit cards and i hear the complaint because i have -- i know younger people, my sister is six years younger and she can't buy a house but it's also the black vote, they are worried about hispanic vote,
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you hear the quality of life, that's abortion will be a huge issue as it was last year but quality of life, and i able to do the things i want to do so when the american dream if it's not happening, it's a big problem. >> there's a ton of time between now and then so i think we will have a lot of change, we will watch it all right here. coming up next, nikki haley breakthrough we will discuss that local. ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show", live from bridget, i love. does nikki haley care about winning the iowa caucuses? ♪ ♪ >> the famous des moines register poll haley finds herself winning place over ron desantis. she's getting compete for what she says happens after iowa iowa started. you gave personalities and going
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to new hampshire apparently says it worry if she loses i will usa today" haley's campaign expectations for the iowa caucuses limit evening gearing up for a broke with former president trump. the following week in new hampshire instead. political colonists is the bigger problem breaking her message to voters. god, i want to come to you first about the little quote we had were nikki haley admits you are a different person in every state. >> i'm not sure that's the way to put it, change personalities, you will change your message a little bit and you said it bluntly. i think the iowa caucuses matter a lot to her campaign and desantis campaign. as i said before if he comes in third, is probably like that no matter what they might say, you don't see a path. his people say great trunk
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support, bob will say energy is huge and they put a lot of work into the place, we are expecting to be expectations, whatever that might say but if nikki haley can catapult into second place, she has a true steam going to a state where she has a chance to win in new hampshire, there was a poll for cbs today that showed chris christie getting out, 12% in the cancer, 75% of critique supporters would be inclined to go with nikki haley, that is significant so she wants to have a one-two punch of showing in iowa and open in new hampshire to maybe then set the table for come back in the state so second-place doesn't matter tomorrow night is trump went as expected. >> can i make a dumb analogy? this is done but like when you make plans for next tuesday but the next tuesday comes in here like i don't want to go.
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i feel like it's all about you think you're going to do something a certain way when it gets there but it is about a bike, and campaign has been so methodical, it's about i will caucuses right now. then new hampshire it will be about that. then south carolina and i would put it this way, how do you eat an elephant? bite by bite, right? one bite at a time, don't go headfirst, i think they are very organized and methodical. now look where we are and look where she's in the polls. it's about but see what happens tomorrow, let's see what happens in new hampshire. >> what you think? >> it is interesting when you look at the only two people in the polls who moved in a positive direction nikki haley will. ♪
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the managed to move anywhere from 812-point in the polls since september just know you have an opinion about donald trump, the have a very long time. he has enjoyed favorable movement since september, it's remarkable. also nikki haley but they want to you do have a block of the republican party's and a lot of democrats who share this concern who are exhausted regular anyone in the old testament is serviceable tonight, are there enough people in the republican party participated in the primaries ready to turn the page? there is nowhere right now where there is the method work with
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those people vote in the general election? >> nikki haley, they are coming over to the dark side. next, how about a meatball wrong or sleepy joe shake. i will restaurant serving up politics just in time for the politics. coming up next. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the last five years about as bad as it can. >> i think that i've never seen iowa -- [inaudible] >> islands are pretty hearty, i think they will be out. >> hard-core people are dedicated will still go. >> we are back here on the "big weekend show" live in iowa and i was contentious caucus battle is a plate served hot or cold as it were of the hawkeye state restaurant.
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zombie burger in des moines features an array of 2024 named dishes including vivek rama ramaswamy, meatball wrong, day one dictator, sleepy joe shake and dark brandon shake and i'm sad to report i don't think we have milkshakes here, we do have enormous burgers, i was going to try to ease some are not going to tempt fate because i want to make a mess of myself. this is i think called american history 101 in front of me, double patty it looks like fried jalapeno in there, support, some sort of sauce, i'm starving and i want to eat this so badly but are not going to embarrass myself. >> if you want to know why i went of the toughest people on the planet and they are going to show up and caucus in negative 20 degrees weather, it's because they are capable of eating from a they are no background meet here, no vegan dish, this is all here connor for sarah and i
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think that's what makes it -- >> do we not have tofu in front of jessica? >> it's fine. i love banana peppers which are hidden. >> which one are we looking at? >> that's the meatball run. >> how funny is this -- >> i really wanted to go to the iowa state fair just to eat all the bad for you food. fried everything, fried pickles, fried oreos. >> those of the best. >> fried butter, they had an entire stick of butter deep-fried and glazed with sweet stuff in there like he does and it was like my heart will stop on a dime. what's in front of you? >> this is the dictator. [laughter]
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>> and on one but it's interesting at least two of these barred from donald trump sleepy joe. >> what's in the sleepy joe shake? >> it wakes you up for like an hour. >> there's also the dark brandon shake, his lively shake. thus working out. [laughter] >> we just talked about it be like is there a giant piece of garlic bread? >> mine, yes just casually hanging out. >> in this : is this vivek ramaswamy spaghetti.
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>> is spaghetti but the meat -- >> got to talk like that when i eat it. we're going to go eat this and be right back. we are going to make productions for the iowa caucuses next. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ walk back to the big weekend show it is time now for the biggest takeaways as we head into the iowa caucuses. we are making our predictions. >> i think president trump is going to hit 50. i think he's going to win by 25 maybe 30 points. i'm going to say ron desantis and his team on the ground his organization will be enough to propel into second place i think there is momentum for nikki haley that israel but will those people actually turn out? the higher propensity caucus goers are for desantis i think he does eat out second place and it may be more than just by a little bit. we will see that could scribble things a little bit because she just made everybody happy. everybody gets a win. except maybe nikki fauci if they're looking to pick works some optimistic stuff in the next state. >> charlie. >> whatever it does happen i am
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absolutely certain that media it will fall all over themselves to downplay innate win for donald trump. and i agree it appears he is going to win. whether he breaks 50% or not, that remains to be seen. but they will do everything they can to nikki over performs and therefore she's got the wind at her back. but the problem for anybody charlie shooting trump is you can do better than expected by coming in second place. but you can't just keep coming in second place and expect to eventually be to donald trump. if you do better than expected you have to start winning. and that does not appear to be what is going on here. >> just because rick. >> of mine is an amalgamation of what gar gile and charlie of something donald trump trump will correct the 50% threshold. and he will rightfully so have tremendous bragging rights as he
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heads into new hampshire and south carolina about that. i do believe haley will hold onto the second-place and then the question will be will ron desantis drift off into the sunset since he has said he's not really focused on new hampshire to head to south carolina it's trump's super popular they are and it's a home state for nikki haley for. >> do you think vivek ramaswamy will drop out they cannot break a certain percentage? i shall have to ask him. single digit. but this is is not going too. that's the path that has been the question. >> the eye of the trump storm things feel differently he is not have that until yesterday it is painful i'm sure progress it is coming. my prediction is barring an alien invasion we are having a caucus. [laughter] is going to be interesting to see salmon people come out we wl see. okay. >> here's a question. trump has now set the 50% bar is the expectation if he does not quite get there is that a
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negative story that is almost created for himself, charlie? >> well yes but i also think the fact the campaign -- they have taken it so seriously from the beginning. >> that burned here at last time they're not making the same mistake. >> exactly. there are enough for that doesn't for us we are going to see you next weekend "life, liberty & levin" starts right now will catch you again tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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