tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News January 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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committed impeachable offenses which i believe he has. >> august from the great state of texas, thank you for joining us, i hope you'll come back because the border issue is not going away between now and november and again, thank you for your service to our country in uniform. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you for spending part of your sunday with us, i hope you have a great week. by the like on the podcast. good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ ♪ harris: on this. the eve of the iowa caucuses it is great to be with you and enter the primetime political conversation, iowa
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voters will gather tomorrow to kickoff primary season by choosing a republican presidential nominee for them, and then the rest of the nation follows. the results could shape the future of the race, a strong showing by any of former president trump's rivals could change the course of their campaigns, i am harris faulkner. the latest fox news power rankings put former president trump atop the competition, he has not moved from there this entire election season. however, his challengers have been making some moves in iowa. nikki haley is in second place, ron desantis in third, these are power rankings, vivek ramaswamy is in fourth. hunging in there are all 4 candidates have campaigned hard in iowa. you know, it gets chippy close to game time.
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>> you have people like nikki haley who care more about ike okay, you border. >> ron desantis to nikki haley they have been licking donald trump's boots for years. >> we don't love the job that ron desantis has done or nikki haley. or even -- >> they can turn this all they want, because they see what we see, we're surging in the polls. harris: in hours from now iowa republicans will gather at more than 1600 separate caucus sites to cast secret ballots. >> grady tremble is in iowa wit where things are now. reporter: 8 years av his first run for president, former president trump is back in iowa with a commanding lead in the polls. trump son eric and south dakota governor crist gnome gov governor,
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kristi noem. >> we're leading by so much it is incredible. no one has seen numbers like this, we have to get out there. reporter: former u.n. ambassador nikki haley is trying to stop him from historic landslide, she has been taking on attacks leads up to the caucuses. >> god bless president trump, he has been on atta temper tantrum every day about me. reporter: haley has big backers. but it is florida governor ron desantis who scored key endorsement from iowa popular governor, kim reynolds, desantis who claimed in mid december he will win iowa, not sounding at confident in january. >> i kind of like being underestimated. >> i usually do better when i'm under god. >> chris christie shook off
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the race when he announced he is suspending his campaign just days before the iowa caucuses, he did not campaign here anyway, vivek ramaswamy said that don't count him out. >> i predict a major surprise on january 15. i like where the expectations have been set. reporter: for some in a still crowded field the road to white house could start and end in iowa. harris: thank you to grady tremble. governor kim reynolds republican of the great state of iowa? focus, great to see you, this is really electric and exciting on the eve before, and you know you have already endorsed someone, you did it early, that is not normally how it works, why did you do that? >> harris thank you. we're exciting about tomorrow, and we'll find out what really shakes out in first of the nation caucus. i didn't do it for 7 months it is important for us to maintain we take it seriously our first in the
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nation caucus role, upped to make sure as governor i welcomed all of the candidates to iowa that i provided a platform for them to share their message and vision with o iowans, about 7 months in, as i continued to see the southern border and economy and israel, i am a grandmother to 11, a mom, and i just, i really felt it was important to step in after listening to the candidates, i liked the vision and record of governor desantis, and so, i made the decision to jump in and do everything that i could to really just help share his record, i often tell iowans if you like we have done in iowa you will love what ron desantis will do for this country, with h simpler
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trajectories and policies. harris: what do you project will help ron desantis at this point? >> he has done it, not the media, not the polls that will decide who wins, the iowa caucus, it is the people of iowa. the ground game. the people that show up. ron has put in the work, he told iowans he would go to all 99 county and listen to them, i have been with him a lot, he stays until every question is asked. he said he would do it, he did it and put the time in, it is a great reflection of the type of president that he will be, and you know when people get in front of him, he flips on. i have seen, they are impressed with his answers and his vast knowledge of different issues, you have been there a lot of them come out of left field. harris: i have seen it all of the candidates that i have been on the campaign.
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this electorate is on fire to jump in whether iowa or new hampshire. look, you have taken some heat for this, in "new york times," it sca scarcely seemed to move the needle, the question now is whether ms. reynolds who was popular with republicans in the state before si deciding with her desantis will pay a price with her own voters, your thoughts? >> i have also had so many people come up up to me and say, kim, thank you for your courage and support someone that bluff on day one will step in and have the resolve and courage and knowledge to reverse the madness that we've seen over the last three years under president biden. again, it not what if, this is what i'll do, we have a record of doing it taking on real estate tough issues.
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he -- we both survived covid, we both won in 2018, but barely won. we worked hard, we told our constituents when we would do. i won by 18, and he won by 20, we brought new people to party that we have not for a long time. you know that is what we need, we need someone that can win, someone with courage to do what is right. i did my conti condition of the state, we're cuts taxes, year get on a flat tax and invests in teachers and education. harris: interesting, i heard ron desantis talk about a flat tax, i am going to dip a little bit. our time is short, if your candidate does not go on, it is donald trump would you vote for donald trump as nominee for republican party. >> listen, yeah, if you look, i'm not f flip-flopping on my answers,
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i have said all along i am a republican, we have great candidates running, we have to do all we can to make sure that administration does no not have another 4 years, i would vote for donald trump or whoever the republican nominee. is we're a resilient country and people. >> i don't know where flip flop came from we're back on record for it you said you are a grand mom of 11, god less you. >> i am.. >> that is amazing, take care. >> you bet, thank you. >> as you know candidates have been campaigning for months in iowa they know it is first, senator joni ernst held her roast and ride event in the summer. >> we know that the road to 2024 runs through iowa and
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it runs right here. >> a generation. we're taught to celebrate our differences. so much that we forgot all of the ways we are justs same as americans. >> time for a new generational. to lead behind, and a country to save. >> i think that american is the choice, running for president, i think if we choose another path w we could restore american dreams. harris: senator joni ernst has not yet formally endorsed any candidate, but he has said nice things about nikki haley. >> to take some real guts to stand your ground against wall of these nations that are pressing against the united states but you know
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what, she did it, she did it well. she did not back down. she did not give a second thought to russia, to china, to iran, to north korea. she stood her beyond. and made shire that the united states had a voice at the united nations. harris: senator joni ernst in focus now, great to see i, so tomorrow is the big day ahead of this you still have not endorsed anyone. will you? >> no, and i will not endorse, harris thank you. it is very important senator chuck glassily agrees we remain neutral through the caucuses, we want to welcome the en the incredible republican candidate. harris: i know former president trump did not do the roast and ride, he has been in your state so much.
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have you spent time with each of these candidates? >> i have spent time with most of them, as they are coming through. and again just trying to welcome them in to the state offer them opportunities to stand up with them do, introductions bring them into our hometowns to main streets in iowa, so they can share their message as widely as possible. but yes, i have spent great time with a lot of these wonder tail candidates. harris: i have to ask, one of most obvious questions with trump in such a huge lead, in early polling and up-to-date, until the caucuses tomorrow. have you seen anything that suggests that it is going to be tighter than what we know? you can pitch in the weather if you would like, i have been defending iowans saying how tough you are. >> we are tough. harris, all you have to do is throw on a car hart or some cover alls get to our
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caucuses, that will not stop us, i am encouraging everyone to be safe, get out. i don't know t that the weather will affect it but i don't know about the polls, as i'm out and about and one of those that does a 99 county tour every year, i have done it for 9 years now, when i am out and about i hear different things from different people. it leads me to believe that the race might be a little tighter than we actually think it is. harris: tell me what you hear most from voters, there is so much going on with the border. we took a look at what people say is most important is the economy, that is always the issue, beneath that is immigration. and i would say particularly from the iowans i'm talking to it is illegal immigration. and biden border crisis, what are you hearing? >> you are spot on, harris.
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the economy is number one, you know i live in montgomery county, far southwest iowa, great place. really hard working people. but they are struggling, the day-to-day grind it is tough on our families. and then, of course, the border issue. harris, is extreme when we see 302 thousand illegal migrants comes in, in december alone. harris: unreal. >> we know there is a problem, that is the population of des moines, iowa. people are upset about it, they want to know who will support all of these illegal migrants, they see it will hit their pocketbooks as we support through taxes or whatever it might happen to be. this is a big issue. but all of that set aside, iowans are keenly aware of what is going on around the world as well. iowa is active in trade, we see disruption to trade
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whether it is russia invading ukraine, or when our close friend and ally in middle east, israel and october 7 terrorist attacks, by hamas. china and indo pacific, iowans get concerned, we need to focus on national security. so many iowans sent their brothers, sisters, sons, daughters to serve in our nation's uniform it important. harris: when you lay it out like that, we going through a lot right now. >> we are. harris: we need a leader that can see us, not one who loses information and whereabouts of his secretary of of defense. as we have seen that was a lot that you laid out. the nthe nation is served well by the people of iowa. senator joni ernst, always
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great to see you, thank you. harris: thank you so much harris, go caucus everyone. >> there you go. >> this election, could not be higher. >> we need to make sure america is strong. >> i am fighting for the people, i am winning for the people. that is what we need. >> i believe i'm going to be best positioned to lead this country and reach the jep reaction from the front. harris: making some iowa closing arguments right there. we heard candidates go back and forth vying for voters. up next we are hearing from the voters, voters voices, iowa style. 6 iowans will tell us who they want, and republican nominee and who they think is the best person for the job.
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hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family.
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person small events, across the 99 counties, it is a big job for the voters, they are ded caded. -- dedicated. the candidates are tackling issues that are important. >> i'm not allowing sanctuary cities in the country, i'm not photog allow sanctuary states. >> eliminate gas and diesel tax and make sure we cut taxes on middle class. >> i happen to be with life of mother, rape, insist. >> we have to address that upstream of the violence, bring by psychiatric institutions that we have shuttered and allow police officers to do their jobs. >> reverse the green new deal, and i want to lower gas prices for americans. >> you will have a happy --
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every day. and knows how to put them back on their heels. >> department of education, i'm against education, but because i am for education. >> we'll fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle, our final battle. harris: now voters voices, iowa style, cheryl, an independent voting for nikki haley,eve jeff a republican voting for vivek ramaswamy, jasmine, a republican voting for donald trump and national chairwoman of young america's foundation and chairwoman of iowa young americans for freedom. and terry, a republican who tells us he is leaning toward nikki haley. micah a republican deciding between governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. and jose, a republican voting for donald trump, welcome, first, t anyone who this is first time they
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have ever caucused. already. well let's start with you jasmine. what are you excited to do most, you are in collegiate university of iowa, you do a lot of things. what do you look forward to, tomorrow. >> i'm excited to represent my beliefs and share stories that are often not heard how college students, conservative college students are attacked and then, we're attacked by the left, yet the university caters to them, they don't help represent all beliefs that is the purpose of educational institutions, share a all beliefs to learn and grow together. one side of the story is always shared. i'm hoping the next president will be able to change that. harris: terry, you have great points of experience, maybe you could share some things about caucuses, you told our team you think that iowans are fickle. >> no doubt about, that at
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past election, the swing of votes day of caucuses, straw poll, are different from what the polls show, i think that polls here, are indicating wrong. it will be really fun to see what happens monday, bottom line and i tell everyone, if you don't go out and just voice your own opinion and do you it in secret, don't complain. and that usually brings a few out. it will be cold tomorrow. we really want to get everyone out that we can. harris: let's talk about, that i lived in minnesota for a while, it is cold almost 10 months of the year in some parts of this country, you are in one, i never heard anyone from iowa tell me that weather kept them from doing something, the snow can be too much we saw that already this winter. but the cold, show of hands, how much of you are planning to do life differently because it will be cold in iowa tomorrow? the group?
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harris: what are you doing differently, cheryl? >> i'm staying home, a blizzard is predicted. harris: really, you will not caucus? >> excuse me i am mean monday, i will. >> yes. right, you are going to caucus. >> i will bundle up, it will be 7 degrees below zero tomorrow, i will. harris: it is forecast to be very cold tomorrow. on what could be one of the coldest monday caucuses that nation has seen. you will brick out your cold gear. to the politics now. micah, you say you are between ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. desantis has hit all 99 counties, vivek ramaswamy's team just told me, i talked with campaigns on rece regular basis are they did 99 twice, what is the difference and similarities? why are you on the fence. >> to tell you, a lot of
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similarities that make the decision as it is, i like governor newsom. i think here in state of iowa we have seen some a strong governor can do when in charge, kim reynolds has done fantastic, it has been echoed or lead by governor desantis, i would love to see that leadership in presidency, now what vivek ramaswamy has said, has been what desantis is doing. that clip you shared in beginning he is not against education what he talks about getting rid of department of education but before he is education, as future teacher that hit home, i support that. harris: we have another vivek ramaswamy supporter on voters voices, as well. i am curious to know from you, jeff, what you see, you talk about a real outsider, he has never done anything in politics before. >> yes, sure, so, i think that government is way too
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large. i don't think it is a steward of our money lv well, -- vivek ramaswamy is a businessman, came up worked his way to the top to own the, which is very successful. i think washington the federal government, would serve you know, the citizens of united states better if it ran more like a business. it is not a business. i understand that. but if they could make better use of our funds and our money we could take care of things we need to take care of rather than you know just wasting it on frivolous things and big overhead. harris: you know, i want to get into something that has been said often about this first contest for voters, has to do with whether you think you are voting for someone in second place because donald trump in polling has remained so far out front, or if you are
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putting everything you have into pushing for candidate you believe in i want to go to jose, i know that donald trump is person you picked, talk to that if you can, is he so far out front you are not worried about tomorrow. >>iace, i believe 100% there is a lot of issues in nation, obvious we don't have time to waste any more, so, i know that there is other you know possibly cabe ale leaders 100%, d donald j. trump. i believe it is time to get to work. and i'm ready, we're ready to make america great again that difference, we ready to make just stuff happen. you know, less tam talk more doing, time to get stuff done, wait for election then get to work. >> you know, let's go to
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jasmine, i know you are also really supporting trump, you are concerned, even former president has talked about the weather tomorrow. and telling people not to take anything f for granted. are you concerned it has tightened a little bit. >> yeah, what i have been talking about with my friends biggest issue they have discussed is the economy. how you know, are we going to be able to afford groceries and gas, and also looks later down the line, pay for getting a house, then to afford a family, i think trump had some of the best economic policies, with this one of biggest issue in the country, i think people will lead to what will do best for the country. harris: i see why you are a lead or campus. you nail trkd put
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ed it, the voter's top issues in iowa, this is all across the country as well. you see the economy. always a top that poll. you see it here for iowa 35%, immigration and border security is next. i want to talk with cheryl about that right now, that was one of the things, second most important issue for you that you told us here on iowa in focus, why? >> i love the fact that nikki haley is will close the border. and she will also reimplement migrant protections and protocols, remain in mexico. and even title 42. i think she'll be very strong on that. the thing that appeals to me the most about nikki haley, is her foreign policy experience. and her relations with china. israel, russia. >> all right, let's look
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just one more direction of america. and this is actually really d-- disturbing this is highow things are going on to u.s., 68% are dissatisfied. who do you think can turn things in primary and end up a nominee and beat whoever is on other side of the aisle, as far as we know that is incumbent, joe biden, jose. >> 100 percent, donald trump. he's the man for -- many things. when we comes to border, he, we have a border wall because of donald trump. harris: but he didn't get it done, and didn't get it paid for by mexico. >> yeah he didn't, a lot of things, donald trump requested that money from democratic party to help support the border wall, he
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was willing to offer a pathway to citizenship to many i immigrant. i feel many people swept turn the rug. think about it you. it was a big project, with more support. that support wasn't there. harris: i could spend all night with all of you, but we can't. i want real quick show of hands, if your candidate is not the one end to up being nominee, are you still going to vote republican? next november? show of hands. for a yes.. everyone, you know not everyone answers that, that way, some people just want their candidate or no one. i know one thing, you all are great americans, i am so appreciative you will go and exercise democracy at the caucuses tomorrow, stay warm, and as we said in minnesota, you look good in all that warm gear.
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thank you,. iowa's nominating contest has potential to make a big impact, but it had mixed results, what history tells us, and what it might mean this time. for those who win or do well. we dig in to all of it, with big conservative voices, pete hegseth, tw shamon, tammy bruce, ben domenech. in iowa in focus next.
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iowa has a unique voting method with a long, interesting history here is fox news correspondent aishah hasnie. >> every 4 years iowans meet in school gyms, churches and living rooms to caucus and pick their favorite cap candidate for president. >> i believe senator ted cruz from texas is best choice. reporter: they don't always get it right but the hawkeye state sits the tone for rest of primary season. caucuses are run by state parties not the state. that means there is no official ballot or voting machines, republicans here vote using a secret ballot on the their presurges this -- precinct, this year there are more than 1600, g.o.p. precincts. and they are using a new app to get the results back to
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headquarters. but why does iowa go first, going to 1968, democratic leaders chose then vice president humphrey, he lost, people protest the and party changed the rules to make process more transparent. and accessible to voters. because iowa is' pros takes so long. to send delegates to convention they have to get going a lot earlier like in dead of winter early, first of nation did not get much attention until 1976. >> my name is jimmy carter, i'm running for president. reporter: unknown governor, from georgia focused on iowa, placed a surprising second in the caucuses and catapulted himself to white house, since then
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presidential candidates of both parties, flock to the hawkeye state, iowa cemented first in nation status by making it state law, last year, dnc stripped that title, and republicans continue the 50 year long tradition tomorrow. in iowa, aishah hasnie. fox news. harris: and now, big conservative voices pete hegseth. t.w. shannon, ben domenech and tammy bruce. you know what i want to do, i want to hear from each of you on how iowa is representative or it is not of a greater election. once we get into the general. what do we learn from iowa, pete. >> well, i think you first you can learn a lot about in this cycle who the frontrunner is, that is how
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donald trump performs will mean a lot, the first ability for messages and powerpoints and the pitches you made in dc to meet where the rubber hits road, you look good on paper or a good governor or senator, but you can look people in the eye at iowa state fair and do you connection and relate, it has a culling affect for real candidates. >> i think, iowa mayter -- matters but more for some than others, it is how well does haley perform. this is coldest ca caucus in history of iowa, that will affect turn out. it depends on who it affects those with most enthusiastic supporters will do well, the last 3 g.o.p. nominees, did
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not win iowa, it matters but not as much as people think it matters. it mattered for barack obama. >> he came in second, can we show that graphic. bush in 80 surprised everyone to beat reagan. he was not party nominee, and i actually, was covering that. i was a young wi whipper smallsnapper reporter in kansas. mitt romney was nominee and ted cruz in 2016. and who was the n nominee, donald trump. we continue now, ben what to we 11 from iowa and what is applicable about that
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election rat to general election. >> we learn where rubber meets road when candidates have to interact with real people get out of their bubble in terms of d.c. journalism. harris: or governor of florida. >> you know people who spent a lot of time in green rooms, once you get in various counties of iowa it puts you to test, the voters ask tough questions, that is a big thing that is important about iowa, for a republican electorate. this is an opportunity for getting feedback they maybe have not gotten from middle of country, difference, i think one of reasons it has been less representative particularly in recent years, is it tends to skew more religious, or rural in terms of people who g engage, this is put to the test here, because, this time, donald trump's appeal is different from the last time.
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he has those types of rural support from voters who previously, maybe questioned him. on a number of different social conservative issues but this time, they are firmly in his camp, it desantis and haley who are fighting over the suburban voter, upper income voter. harris: tammy, who do you think between those two will get this vote, haley and desantis. >> of the -- >> who do you they person has an edge. >> trump. i think this is the key. i think this was a shift for trump himself. , i was not always for president trump. i perhaps like people in wa iowa, were won over by him, he was won over by them, there is a difference between being ambitious, and then, you can get things done but there is difference between people who like the country, like the people of iowa, don't
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look down on them, they know importance of their backbone of country. and when you have donald trump there, who i think really was an epiv f epiphany about nature of path that american people hold, you see that in iowa, they know their vote will matter, it will be first one that sends' message, and then that is the key for the person actually who does come in second. because that is the challenge. when -- what did i do wrong? why did i lose this one? how can i come back? this is the question for the person with that af ambition and desire and willingness to win people over. >> some in white house. >> absolutely. harris: okay, so, inputting this out here, i am curious to know, which mistakes
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matter. which scandals matter. donald trump? indictments. >> i think so far it has helped him, a big difference, you mentioned that package done, jimmy carter barnstormed state. access to information and the ideas you have about a candidate are so much more robust today it is baked in a lot earlier, do i like president trump, do i like nikki haley, do i like ron desantis, you already have a formed opinion on whether i'm ticking by trump regardless by -- i'm sticking by trump regardless of trials, with the news cycles and social media and information you already know a lot about those people, you -- there may be some movement toward the end. in last couple days, for the most part, i think polls this cycle will be more accurate, they are dialed? >> i agree, in iowa they are different. only because if you think
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about 350 million dollar spent on this presidential election, 100 million in iowa. iowans. >> it is hard to spend that amount of money in iowa. >> it is, they are inundated. >> but the numbers have bear lay moved. >> they know the candidates, this election will boil down to turn out. >> yes. >> an election about border security, national security and financial security. >> about machines that is when helped joe biden, when he did so poorly in iowa, finally in south carolina, it was because of the machine that was available to him to win that state, it is go get out in vote, in horrible weather, where is the enthusiasm gap, will you get out in horrible weather for nikki haley or ron desantis? or will you be charged up for donald trump that will work in his favor. >> a historical parallel, back in from that graphic in
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1980, you had someone in ronald reagan presumed himself to be a automatic nominee, he skipped debated and assumed he would win in iowa, he had a narrow win for bush. then but to new hampshire and reagan with his seminol moment of you know i am paying for this microphone, he paid to sponsor that debate. and he crushed hw there was no looking back. >> he learned hispanic-ame his lesson. >> this time, for ha haley and desantis they have to hope trump made a similar miscalculation, i don't think they did, then do a better job of working with the mo -- >> bottom line the ground game matters in iowa. really, iowa is all about momentum, if you can win iowa that give you momentum, election is already so far
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gone, trump will win it matters for second and third. >> caucuses are intimate. minnesota has a caucus system, you walk in you listen to speeches from folks representing campaigns then you walk into a room, this you see, at least in minnesota, you walk into a room you see you're neighbors and they are like, i'm for trump, or i'm for this. >> don't listen to him. >> you have these it is discusses, if you are organized and your support is solid that bodes well. >> or if you don't see certain people with the democrats, they will be worried about everyone is worried about get out the vote, if you know who is for trump, or neighborhoods are for trump. or haley or big desantis booster does not show up -- harris: and you know people know each other, have a little bit of this history
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covering it as a journalist in minnesota, what kind of weather keeps them away, nothing. if they want to get to the caulkses tomorrow night they will be there. >> they will be there. >> and hard-cores, caucuses are hard-cores that benefits donald trump here. >> thank you so much, we're getting there now, tune in tomorrow night for full coverage from iowa. bret baier, and martha maccallum take you late to the night. it gip begins 10 p.m. eastern, it has been great to be with you in primetime this awesome sunday the eve of iowa caucuses, i will see you with the faulkner focus tomorrow at 11 a.m. eastern, you know it is my happy place, go iowa voters, and god bless america. ♪ ♪
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woman: who's that, who is that? cole: this is my puppy! woman: cancer. it's different in a child. because your child is still growing. charlie: i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. girl: it is my first time having cancer. and it's the very worst. spokesman: saint jude children's research hospital
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works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. woman: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. spokesman: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. woman: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. and especially with them being so young. spokesman: please, call, go on line, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. man: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy, because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play.
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and that's all because of saint jude. spokesman: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together.
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