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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> steve: 7:00 with brian and ainsley are. 6:00 with lawrence and i are in iowa. monday, january 15th, and it is cold. last minute endorsements are pouring. in senator marco rubio of florida jumping on the trump train yesterday as former maryland governor larry hogan gets behind nikki haley. >> ainsley: plus a potential white house walk-out. several federal employees could walk off the job tomorrow to protest biden's stance on israel. >> brian: i love what the speaker is going to do if that happens. and gull in the family? see the hilarious moment one young packer fan relishes his brother's misery as the packers dominate the cowboys, lawrence. upset of the year. >> lawrence: that would hurt. >> brian: killer. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and remember mornings are better with friends. [laughter] ♪ ♪
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♪ >> steve: 13 hours from right now folks in will to local areas, warm buildings, obviously, to do some caucusing. there is something like 1500, 1600 caucus sites across the great state of iowa where after all the door-knocking and hand-shaking and all of the back slapping it comes down to turnout and ultimately it comes down to the weather because it is freezing right now. the air temperature here in des moines where i'm sitting at the river center right there at the des moines river and raccoon river it is 14 degrees below zero. that's not the wind chill. the wind chill is 32 degrees
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below zero. and to show you how cold it is. ari, one of the producers on our show, put his stocking cap outside one hour ago, right? frozen solid. what is more remarkable than that in one hour you can freeze a banana? this thing is hard -- look at that it's hard as a rock. i have the strength of 10 men, anyway, it goes to show you, it's all about the weather here in iowa and if people are going to brave the cold they have got to also brave the fact that there are a lot of street still not open. but, lawrence, a lot of people were able to show up where you are in cedar rapids to the east of where i am. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. everybody is talking about the weather. but it didn't stop these folks s from getting up for breakfast with friends. iowa, are you all going to show
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up tonight? [cheers] >> lawrence: again, listen, we are used to weather. they want their voice to be heard. stuff is not going right with the country right now. they are not going to let -- as one lady told me today, if she has to walk to the polling location, she will walk. >> ainsley: they are committed, aren't they, lawrence? this morning came in had to tell brian it's not pronounced desdesdez-moin-ease. he did know. >> brian: open one a definition, ainsley. >> ainsley: definition of a caucus. meeting members of a local party register preference among candidates running for office or select delegates to attend a convention. >> brian: iit is a noun. caucus something a verb. example of people listening back
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and forth astor sows so one come in, or woman vote for vivek ramaswamy and here's what you do you are talking about 1700 different sites and we're talking about schools, community centers, churches, gyms, whatever you need. they just going to have this site. known locally and come out and do it. do you know what i thought was also interesting? ted cruz during his day would tell people don't let them convince you to vote for someone else. have signs that would say don't talk to me. don't want to be convinced. >> ainsley: closed meeting, group of people from the same political party. the meeting is called to reasonable doubt o. participants are invited to speak in support of their candidate. that's all the public part, right, brian? >> brian: right. >> ainsley: the open discussion. >> brian: move on and give you more information about it. this is the urging and the debating and this is where you
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get behind your candidate. >> ainsley: caucus goers share their thoughts and ask questions and engage in supporters of different candidates. then the ballots are cast, right? >> brian: this is open process. do enemy that day and register as a republic and vote. when it comes to the voting. that's a secret ballot. that's going to be handed to the precincts and that's going to be quiet. >> ainsley: everything else is public and this is the private part. once the speeches wrap up. fill out secret ballots. the ballots are counted and the process leading up to it like we said is very public. this is the private part. >> brian: unlike the democrats who kept screwing up the iowa caucuses so you do what every american shouldn't do, you quit. that's what joe biden insisted on, republicans say we are organized and ready to go. count these ballots, even have an answer tonight. so how great would that be to actually get the results of an election in real time talking about just 150,000 people, considered a great turnout.: and we have 100,000 new
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republicans from 2016. >> ainsley: votes are given directly to the iowa republican party and state results are tabulated and in iowa each candidate receives a share of the state's 40 delegates in proportion to their share of votes. so we will know tonight. tomorrow morning when we are on we will know who won. >> brian: 40 delegates at stake. more important it's momentum. momentum knowing in 8 days they are in action again in new hampshire. guys, that's a little about all the mechanics of the caucus are going to be. really not going to do anything quite like that. i think nevada has a caucus opportunity but there is also a primary there, too. >> ainsley: what's interesting too, brian. you have to show up on time and you can't leave until the end of the night. >> brian: a lot of people are like yeah, i don't think so. used to be an excuse in the 70s because happy days was on. oh, no, that was tuesdays. but not anymore. that is not a good excuse. although now you have two playoff games tonight. >> steve: that's going to be one of the problems. keep in mind today is martin
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luther king day it's a big holiday as well. a lot of people have the day o off. here's the thing about and i love the way you guys set up how the caucus works. i kind of like the democrat caucuses better when they used to do it. they are not doing them this year. that is where everybody would go in a room and rather than cast votes you would stand in the corner of the person you like. if one candidate didn't get 15%. was not deemed viable, then the people would give a speech and try to get you to support one of the other people. but, what is interesting is in the -- here at the 11th hour you have marco rubio of the great state of florida, he is out of nowhere yesterday surprised everybody and endorsed donald trump. of course, that's got to come as a slap in the face to ron desantis. who is the governor of the great state of florida. and then you got larry hogan. he has announced that he -- you know, some people thought he was going to run for president. now out of nowhere he is supporting nikki haley.
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and then you have also got governor burgum yesterday endorsed donald trump. and one other thing of interest and this goes to the point how treacherous the weather is i saw lawrence last night. he had to drive over to cedar rapids, he could talk a little bit about the road conditions. congresswoman mariannette miller-meeks who has been on our program many times, she was going to an event upon naylor on saturday. she just in the car going to the campaign event, she was rear ended by a semitrailer, thank god almighty she is okay. she missed the event but it just goes to show you, lawrence, how treacherous it is going tote event. and that's one of the things. people, you know, a month ago people said yeah, i'm going to caucus. but then again, it's 15 degrees below zero, and there is a foot of snow in front of the house. >> lawrence: it's so true.
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as we were driving across iowa yesterday, we saw the road lined up on the side with semi-trucks that have been -- crashes there. i want to go back to the endorsement. every candidate in this race has their own merit, right, in what they were able to do on the ground. then they have their secret weapons on the ground, and i don't think that the marco rubio endorsement was just a random event. that was definitely a shot at ron desantis, as you know, guys, donald trump pretty much has the entire republican florida delegation supporting him on a federal level. day-to-day, ron desantis is working with the state legislator. people on a national level know these national figures. they have been invited to get out and caucus for donald trump. kim reynolds is going to be ron desantis' secret weapon, when is at the caucus, having people show up and then nikki haley,
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although larry hogan is a former governor, he has some support. a lot of people in iowa don't know him though. she is going to be banking on afp, americans for pros prosper. they have ground game and door knockers. they have plan for the caucus on how they plan on working the room. each candidate -- vivek ramaswamy has a lot of social media influencers on the ground to rally the young people which he says is going to give him a big upset, guys. >> >> ainsley: nikki haley, looks like according to the latest pole the des moines register media com iowa poll nikki haley is narrowly edging past ron desantis. looks like she could be in second place and she would be in third. the most enthusiasm goes to trump. voters say they are so enthusiastic to vote for him, he are willing to go out in the cold l the wind chill could cause frost bite on exposed skin
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in as little as 10 minutes. look at the approval rating for joe biden, brian. not good at this point. >> brian: in any way. abc did a poll how is joe biden doing? i can't believe this number. 33% say he is doing a good job. 33%. only 57% of democrats think is he doing a good job. they are basically begging him to drop out. >> ainsley: that's the lowest running for president in 15 years. >> brian: i can't believe that someone would be lower. how about this? what economy do you like better biden or trump? 49% of the country liked trump. 21% say biden. get, this only 28% think he has the mental sharpness for another term. not only does he have the controversial things about the border falling apart, believe it or not, the next generation doesn't think he should be supporting israel. but now you have people that have picked up what we have been seeing for the last two years among the democrats, among the general population, i should say 28% thinks he can't do the job. also, is he bringing out his
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party of defenders yesterday he had governor pritzker and governor tim waltz selling him but not people buying him because he can't overcome the age situation that he is dealing with not that he is 80 but how he is acting and he is invisible no. press conferences no, interviews, no availability on vacation the whole time. multiple hot spots. seems like the number one just stuff he has done. so many family members are really terrified about what is going on on the southern border. obviously number one issue is new cbs poll that came out and what it does is it looks at what my who can win the election.
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democrats and republicans in my family. when it comes to who can beat joe biden last week we say nikki haley could beat joe biden by 17 points. new cbs polls show she would beat joe biden by 8. donald trump would beat joe biden by 2. and ron desantis would beat joe biden by 3. so, given what he has done, as president, you know, it looks like any of these top three republicans could still win if they make it to the general election. >> brian: very close. nikki haley does better with women and independents and getting crossover democrats. that's what provides her a more fuel in the general. the question is can she get there? steve. >> ainsley: trump is doing better with christians, registered republicans and first time caucus goers. lawrence, you are going to talk to some of the folks.
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they are all going to show up despite the weather? >> well, they are saying that the weather is not going to stop them. to your point, ainsley, you know, donald trump struggled with the evangelicals in the last time there was an iowa caucus. so to see him be able to get those folks, that's a big win for him. but let's talk about -- oh, you got a cute dog. that's such a cute dog. look at that dog. it's a cute dog, right? ma'am, i got to ask you what do you think about the current president and how he is handling the economy, the border, everything that's happening in our country right now? >> i didn't know we had a president right now. [laughter] >> secondly, what's being handled is not being handled. let's put it that way. i fear for my grandchildren and children as far as the years go by, what is going to happen to this united states? i mean, it's going to fall apart. >> lawrence: such a good point. this is caucus day. who do you plan on caucusing for? >> trump. >> trump? why trump? >> trump, he stood by what he said he would do unfortunately
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people tried to stop him from doing what he said he was going to do. i'm great believer in what he says he will fulfill. he will go forward with if he is allowed to i mean. hopefully they will not try to stop him like they did before. >> lawrence: thank you so much. i appreciate it. i was at the bar yesterday getting some food in my stomach and i met y'all. you are all supporting nikki haley and the question is, why? >> because we're concerned about electability. electability is the key. we want to win the oval and make a change in the country. >> lawrence: what about you, sir? why are you supporting nikki haley. >> she is awesome. she is prepared. she can win. she is going to do great. she is conservative and she can take that young conservative energetic message all across the country and unite us and potentially win the popular vote. she is the most prepared, ready to go candidate day one. >> lawrence: thank you so much, sir. one last person i want to talk. to say you came through the door and you just jumped in my arms. literally.
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literally you slipped but i had you. so, tell me, who do you plan on caucusing today for and why are you supporting them? >> i'm actually undecided. >> lawrence: undecided? >> we have been talking with you guys. we just don't know. we are so concerned. we thought desantis almost as good looking as bill hemmer. as classy as dana. almost the type of person you want to have a beer with like greg gutfeld but then i listen to vivek, is he so compelling and articulate all i think to myself is we have got do something because the border, we are handling it like a third world country. it's a colossal embarrassment. if we were to ask president biden what's more embarrassing is it border, it's just hunter biden, i don't know. >> lawrence: a lot of scandals. >> yeah. just a lot. so we are mandated to do something. >> but then you listen to vivek i'm like everything he says is amazing and brilliant. i want him but then it goes back to should we just be on the
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winning team for trump. you don't know. >> lawrence: undecided still on caucus day. it's a great crowd here, right? [cheers] >> lawrence: good to be in iowa. i will send it back to you guys in new york and then i'm sure steve is holding it down at the headquarters in iowa. >> steve: yeah, lawrence. we got everybody that they were talking about. governor ron desantis who i understand is as handsome as bill hemmer is going to be joining us. vivek ramaswamy and his wife will be with us this hour. and coming up in about an hour from right now. nikki haley who here in iowa has picked up so much buzz over the last two weeks, she will be stopping by as well. >> lawrence: great job, guys. >> steve: our special coverage on fox starts at 10:00 eastern with bret and martha. they will be here live from the river center in downtown, des moines. >> ainsley: what time do the results come, in do we think? >> steve: probably about that time. >> ainsley: about 10.
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>> steve: 10:00 is #:00 and kick off 7:00 local time. they go about an hour. by the end of another hour they should have a lot of the counting down. >> brian: bret and martha want to get it wrapped up quick to get back to new york. come on, iowa. >> ainsley: they live for this. this is what they do. i'm sorry you are not going to get much sleep tonight either. brian was showing me his information. he got three hours last night. >> brian: my ring told on me. >> ainsley: great job, guys. thanks for going to iowa. i know you are cold but i know you are enjoying all the action. still ahead, protesters outside the white house after the u.s. carried out retaliatory strikes on houthi rebels in yemen over the weekend. peter doocy is here on that, next. >> brian: they are actually going for the houthis in this fight. and gull in the family. hilarious moment one young packer's fan relishes his brother's misery as a cowboy fan and they dominate the cowboys. that story straight ahead. ♪
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vacation, this time at camp david. peter doocy is live at the white house right now with the latest. good morning to you, peter. >> good morning, and on saturday night the secret service sized up that crowd and they determined that white house staff and reporters who usually are on the north lawn were not safe standing right where we are standing behind an iron fence and a line that has police on the outside and on the inside it listen to this group they were chanting things like from the river to the sea and they were screaming f joe biden as this tried to topple a temporary security fence. authorities tried to keep this crew in lafayette park off the actual fence line to prevent the property damage that happened last night when foe bloody handprints were sneer smeared oe fence. it does appear some red spray paint jersey barrier. other damage appears limited. next up, some administration
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staff and federal workers are apparently hoping to walk out on their post tomorrow to protest u.s. support for israel. mike johnson, the speaker of the houses, any government worker who walks off the job to protest u.s. support for our ally israel is ignoring their responsibility and abusing the trust of taxpayers. they deserve to be fired. president biden is going to wake up today at camp david in maryland before a service event in philadelphia. then is he going to head on back here. we haven't heard from him about this or since saturday. >> brian: peter, unbelievable. number one, to see these people actually protest the same place where they cheered the death of bin laden, they are now protesting our retaliatory strikes against the houthi rebels who have brought the red sea transportation to a crawl costing us billions of dollars
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upping the price of oil. they are protesting our hits on them. who are these people? well, brian, they made a strategic mistake. they were out there. it's cold. all this effort. all the noise, the president wasn't even home. they wanted to try to get within an earshot, they had to go go-to-like the woods of maryland where camp david is this was a big thing that secret service seems like they have figured outs how to corral the anti-israel, anti-strikes on houthi crowd because they -- they do not want to have bloody red handprints all over the white house again it. seems like that was something that they realized is a problem. >> ainsley: i don't know if you can see it. "new york post." is hundred days in hell. just a reminder. 100 days since those hostages were taken. these three faces, hamas hostage video says is a grim reminder of why israel must prevail. they released a hostage video.
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these are three of the people that were in it including this young lady taken from the music festival. >> brian: houthis are in sympathy with hamas. >> ainsley: right. exactly. >> pete: so far we have seen reports that -- now that we are at 100 days. president biden is growing frustrated with netanyahu with the way things are going in gaza that the war has not been wound down and the satisfaction of folks here in the west wing. but, publicly, the u.s. is still very supportive of israel. and so these staffers that are going to walk off the job, the interns who have written a letter to the president saying they know what u.s. policy should be better than the president doesn't appear to get the public reversal. >> brian: federal worker you can't strike. you can't go protest you should be fired. >> peter: work around last time a group of people who said they were white house staff went out to the front -- other side of
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the fence. they just all had their faces covered how are you going to fire them you? can't see who it is. >> brian: wow. >> ainsley: what happens today there? it is mlk day. will there be a press conference today? will we hear from joe biden about this? >> peter: no, it's a federal holiday in washington, d.c. pretty much nothing is going to happen here. >> brian: unbelievable. soon we are going to be in election mode or re-election mode. thanks, peter. >> ainsley: thank you, peter. >> brian: hard enough winning over the other party when you can't win over your own staff, i think you hired the wrong staff. >> going on with president biden. protester interrupting him during his campaign event in iowa last night leading to this exchange. check it out. >> prerallies. [shouting] you have taken millions, billions. >> thank you, darling. thank you. [crowd boos] >> thank you.
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>> that's all right. >> go home to mommy. your mommy is waiting. >> thank you, darling, go home to mommy. the protester was removed from the event. and to football we go. the detroit lions are securing first playoff win taking down the le rams: crushing the cowbs from quarterback jordan love. >> love, back foot, has a man wide open. going to be caught by musgraves, racing towards the end zone. he is in touchdown. green bay. >> carley: brian doesn't have a mic on he was saying look how open he was. look at this video. it's the shot of the morning, the packers cake down the cowboys 48-32 much to the dismay of that young man and the
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enjoyment of his green bay supporting brother. how cute is that, guys? it's a family divided in that household. >> brian: i'm wondering mike mccarthy crying later despite a 12-win season. out again in the playoffs are they going to fire him and bring in bill belichick? what do you think, carley? >> carley: fire him and bring in bill bell dismk. >> brian: yes. >> carley: i'm going to say yes. >> brian: okay, good. >> carley: one word answer that's my prediction. >> ainsley: could they switch teams? >> carley: do you think bill belichick wants to work still? >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: he was negotiating yeah, i want to stay for a few more years. plus his sons are coaches on the team, too. >> brian: that kid might not recover. >> carley: hire that little boy as next coach because he has heart. >> green bay fan in dallas.
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>> brian: a family divided that's what happens when you are in texas and marry a woman from wisconsin. that's what happens. hopefully that kid will be okay. coming up straight ahead, with just hours to go until the high stakes caucus, florida governor ron desantis about to find out if his 99 county ground blitz will pay off. the presidential hopeful joins us next, dash. as we count down to the official start the 2024 presidential race. i read everything. sorry, ainsley. >> ainsley: that's all right. ♪ i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire. great sleep at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! it's inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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♪ ♪
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♪ >> steve: today here in iowa, the high stakes caucuses kicking off with republican candidates pushing to make crucial headway against the frontrunner donald trump right now. including our next guest has visited all 99 counties in the
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state. i'm not going to ask him for his favorite but he has got one, probably, ahead of today's hurdle. joining us on this very busy day of iowa the governor of great state of florida ron desantis. governor, good morning to you. >> one thing we did do is they have in iowa the actual baseball field that was used on field of dreams. >> steve: right. >> we did an event there over the summer. you got the corn for the outfield fence, i had all my kids running the bases. that was something i saw as a kid when that movie came out. >> steve: that's right. >> to be there you are there. you actually can rent the kevin costner house. >> steve: i know it? >> people can stay there. it's a pretty neat thing. >> steve: one of the lines from that, governor, jackson comes out and says is this heaven? kevin costner goes no it's iowa. somebody coming out today is this iowa? no, it's the north pole. >> my son when we first started showing him the movie in the corn playing with the baseball. daddy, is this heaven? i said no, son, it's iowa.
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now i ask him i said mason, is this heaven? he is like no, dad, it's iowa. and it's cold. so they know. >> steve: it is and that's the problem. because i know you have worked for months. you have the best ground game in iowa without a doubt. you got all these caucus captains. you got people who are lined up to speak on your behalf. and then mother nature throws you a wrench. >> that's the thing when you have the organization we have worked to build support. our organization knows all these people. you are talking about tens of thousands of people over the course of six months committed, ready to go. others that are very likely to go. so people need help. you know, we will spring into action and be there. a caucus, even without the weather is a process. it's not the same as just filling out a ballot and doing it. we recognize that from the beginning. it does require certain amount of motivation. and i think the good thing is our folks are very motivated and they kind of view the weather as something you know what? we're going to do it. i do think overall it will effect the caucus. there was 186,000 people in
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2016, people thought it would be less this year anyways. but then i think with the weather, it likely will be less than that. >> steve: and so for caucus goers who might be, you know, like one of my aunts might be 75, 80 years old. you have got the structure. so that your people will drive that person to the caucus location. they don't have to worry about being out on the gravel road. >> families can bring kids. kids being taken care of while they're caucusing. all that stuff is ready do go. >> steve: one of the things i have heard from people here in iowa. i think it's universal. they will go, you know, because they will say, i ask every person so who do you like? well, they go i like trump. but, and then there -- then they explain it. and you probably heard the same thing during your tour of all # 9 counties. >> look there will be people that come to our events. they know trump. and they liked a lot of his policies. i go make the case. and when they hear from us, a lot of times they come on board
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with us that's why came from all these counties, a planted a lot of good seeds. i said from the beginning when we were doing all of this he came to my county. that's where it all matters. thing is, these folks here in iowa, they are good god fathering hardworking people. they want to see this country turned around. they are passionate about the country going in the wrong direction. heard from lawrence they diner a couple minutes ago. there are still a lot of people undecided. they are waiting to hear from you guys today. and that's thank you very much for being on our show. but also your surrogates at all these events. as well very important they could make are a break a campaign. >> people at caucus sites will be lobbying for votes.
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we have obviously organized all the sites. we have over 1700 precinct captains that are there. so you think if all of them end up flipping three or four votes. then that starts to be real significant. and we have that infrastructure in place. obviously trump is a known commodity. i haven't seen that from any other candidate. >> steve: i understand your campaign and have you heard from republicans who have publicly endorsed donald trump. and they go, yeah, i did that but i'm going to vote for you. >> the thing be is i think he puts a lot of pressure on these guys to do. >> steve: it's politics. it happens. >> some of them do that because they think it's the path of les resistance. the reality is i'm endorsed by governor reynolds here. who has done a fantastic job. you know, trump campaign in yesterday to iowa. even some of his strongest supporters. they appreciate what governor reynolds did. >> steve: very popular. >> how do you do it like for me, we are all republicans. i want all republicans to do well. there is a republican governor that's endorsed another
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candidate. but they are doing well. i'm not going to trash them. i'm glad that they are doing it. i think every republican should look at governor reynolds and say, you know what? she is getting the job done. i think with trump that's not how he sees it. she didn't endorse him. so he trashes her. you can't build a movement like that. you have got to have, you know, a strong tent and you have got to have anyone that's polling in the right direction, they need to be supporting. i'm glad she is supporting me. i think it's going to make a difference. you talk speeches at the caucus sites. governor reynolds has said i'm one of the most effective leaders she has ever seen. that's going to matter for these folks. >> she loves what have you done in florida. blument this. we know the former president threw vivek under the bus as well when he was hitting her as well. what does tonight look like? what is a win for ron desantis? >> look, i always like being the underdog. i mean, that's been true. >> steve: okay, you are the underdog. >> so i think we have done it right here. i think you are going to see
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that tonight. i think people are going to say, you know what? this guy did a good job. i have been up against a lot. i have had more money spent against me than biden and trump combined. i mean, almost $50 million now. obviously we knew media would be against us. so we have had a lot of things to con contend with. we showed up kept our head down. i think you will see good results from there. >> steve: you are trying to give out the vote. 20 seconds. look at the camera and a tell the people of iowa why they should vote for you. >> donald trump is running for his issues. nikki haley is running for the donor's issues. i'm running four your issues, your family's issues and solely turn this country around. only one delivered on 100 percent of promises only one beaten the democrats on the left time and time again. we need to win again as republicans. that's how you turn this country around. >> steve: governor desantis, thank you very much. >> appreciate it. >> steve: i know you have 300 places to go. thank you very much. is he confident but is heed the underdog lawrence, ainsley and
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brian. >> ainsley: lawrence? >> lawrence: yeah. you know, i think it's interesting understanding of donald trump he exhibited in a interview when he said that donald trump can't build a movement this way donald trump also has a movement. is he not trying to build a movement. that's going to be the problem on caucus day today is how do you rally these people to support you, when you have the big elephant in the room that have these people that are in such support of him and they make their voices known? >> i think he is very likeable within the republican party. will he be the guy? probably not. it's probably going to be donald
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trump. i think people say he is young saw what he did in florida. we know he could be president eventually. i think the party right now is just behind donald trump. we are seeing that in the polls. he is winning by like 30 points in iowa right now. ron desantis, his goal is to come in second place. nikki haley's goal is to come in second place in iowa. but he says and he said it over and over in a lot of interviews he likes to be the underdog. he likes for people to have lower expectations of him because he tends to do better than people examine. >> brian: never lost an election. 30% will be great for him. for those people who think is he going to quit tonight if he does poorly, is he going to south carolina. then bouncing back to new hampshire where he is not supposed to do well. is he going to south carolina after. the one thing i'm going to say about ron desantis, which is indisputable, number one, going all these counties, working extremely hard. and number two is the debates. if you watch him in the big debate he did well. if you watcher him one-on-one
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with nikki haley did well. watch him with governor gavin newsom he did well. he will take any challenge. so that's pretty much the way he was billed. and he has lived up to that billing. >> yeah. i think it's a good point, brian. the only problem for him and you are right, he demolished a lot of those candidates in the debate. the person he really needs to take out wasn't at the debate. >> brian: i know. >> lawrence: because you didn't get to see that match-up one-on-one. he never got the opportunity to slay the dragon and so now you see his people they're only surging after indictments and all of that. it's definitely a fair point that the other candidates on -- he just had a story to tell and a recent one to tell. >> brian: right. the court cases ended up being jet fuel for the president instead of being limiting for the president. and you even watch democrats, they had no idea that this would be the result. >> ainsley: evangelicals, very important in these elections as we know. especially for the republican party.
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donald trump is getting a lot of those evangelicals, and so is desantis. says 22% are choosing desantis as their top candidate. >> brian: bob vander plats is the big one and he won with ron desantis. lawrence stay there, carley you are over here. tell us what else is happening including speaking of court cases. >> carley: that's right. we were talking a lot about iowa. got some news out of georgia as well. fulton county d.a. fani willis says race factored into allegations that she had improper relationship with an attorney that she helped prosecute former president trump. listen here. >> you did not tell me as a woman of color it would not matter what i did. my motive, my talent. my ability and my character would be constantly attacked. >> carley: both are accused of taking vacations using funds from legal fees. californians spent the most on groceries compared to other states, interesting stat right there. that's according to a new study
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by health adviser. the average household in the golden states shells out 297 bucks per week at the grocery store. the average american household spends $270 per week. $$27 less than californians. honors ford taking home the career achievement award during last night wants critic's choice awards. after taking the stage ford said he is proud of the industry. >> really happy to be here tonight to see what our business to see what our business is turning into and all of the talented people who are getting opportunities that probably would not have existed in early part of my career. >> carley: the award honors his lengthy career starring in some of the industry's biggest blockbusters like "star wars" and indiana jones. is he one of the greats and he says he feels enormously lucky, guys. >> brian: what was he referring to, do you know? >> carley: that he feels lucky. >> brian: business opportunities
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talking about netflix? >> carley: i know what you are talking about. he says he is proud of what the industry is turning into? >> brian: yeah. >> carley: i doubt there is any political implication behind that maybe i will call his people and my people will talk to his people and get further clarification. >> brian: brian harrison ford. john kirby says austin needs additional peo care? ely not doing that. with allstate you're connected to a rate based on you. (♪)
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>> brian: the secretary of defense is still in the hospital. we did not know -- ♪ >> brian: okay. it is another manic monday. that is the white house. that is not the music i would have chosen. it is monday. secretary of defense lloyd austin still in the hospital. >> >> ainsley: two weeks now. >> brian: stunning to think he has not been at the helm and we did not know and the president did not know. why is it okay for the president
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not to talk to him when we are on pins and needles. >> ainsley: and this porn is in charge. they are not saying that. they are saying he needs more care, might need physical thesh. here is john kirby, white house spokesperson. >> he is following the doctor orders. they feel he may need additional care, part of that is physical therapy. >> ainsley: he said a lot of work gets done at the staff level. >> todd: admiral john kirby who
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reached top level in the navy, four-star general in the army, they know the protocol, you live your life the way you have been trained. he seems to have lost being responsible. i watch john kirby's interview and he said austin was in on the decision to strike the houthi rebels in back-to-back days. okay. what about the houthi leader? done prior. in on the decision and making the decision different and do you think the deputy security of defense is making that decision, should we know that? >> ainsley: there should be transparency. austin was under anesthesia, having surgery for cancer. we're so sorry.
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but when you are secretary of defense and national security is -- that is a problem. >> brian: right now we have a situation where we have houthi rebels hit us this morning. are we going to hit back? talk about why it matters. shipping costs have gone up 77%. because the red sea is a perilous trip so perilous many are going around the horn of africa and everything costs more and coalition led by us is wondering what percentage of houthi arsenal, we had 90 minute of targets and took out 20% of
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firepower. we have a secretary of defense giving us the sense we look weak. >> ainsley: houthi rebels are against israel and want to take out ships. they are in line with hezbollah, their chants and slogans are anti-israel. our secretary of defense is in the hospital and we're in the middle of what is happening there, it is scary. these are our lives, israeli lives and there needs to be more communication and they are not communicating to tell us who is in charge? >> brian: the president in december said to benjamin netanyahu, i'm done talking to
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you. that is why the secretary of defense went there. he is a military general that functioned in that area in this time. he is unfortunately indisposed and not able to function. the president is making phone call or jake sullivan with no military experience sitting in. and on camp david. we have a problem. and democrats are realizing it, too. >> ainsley: we have an election today, well caucuses today in iowa thachl is where steve and lawrence is and mlk day. we remember his life. third hour o


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