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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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math. >> i'm from south carolina and that's as close as i can get. look they are all electable. that used to be the argument against trump. he wasn't electable. the polling i think trump has a big night tonight. >> bret: all right, panel, thanks so much. countdown tomorrow is on. all the rules here at the iowa caucuses. please join martha mccallum and me 10:00 p.m. eastern as we bring you full coverage of the live results caucus doors as i mentioned are going to close in a matter of minutes. so keep it here on fox all night. any results we'll bring them to you here. remember, if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m. in the east and 3:00 p.m. in the west coast. thanks for inviting us no your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. live from des moines, we will be here all night, "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" live from des moines, iowa we're
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exactly one hour away from the first major test of the 2024 g.o.p. primary season. the iowa caucuses. now, more than 1600 caucuses across 99 counties, you can believe it or not. i have been covering to iowa for years covering these caucuses. this year isn't just the coldest, but also has the most riding on it. i will explain what is really at stake in moments. but, first, we have reporters at the headquarters of all the major candidates. first to trump's right here in des moines where fox news senior national correspondent rich edson is standing by. rich? >> rich: you know, laura, it's cold it's icy. some of the roads are impassable. they have talked to the weather all day long here. we talked to the candidates how that plays into the campaign. they say look, all the campaigns are dealing with this. one campaign aid said, look, we have the most dedicated campaign base in the history of american politics. we're not worried about our
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folks showing up. speaking of showing up, former president is going to be going to a caucus site tonight. we're not sure on the specifics of which one. then is he going to come here to his campaign watch headquarters here in des moines. 1600-plus sites campaign says they have a presence at each of those sites across across the state of iowa. he took a couple events off over the weekend. something that his rivals have hit him on campaign says the former president is committed here and he is focused and he is ready to rock. back to you, laura. >> rich, thank you. now let's go to the desantis campaign hawkeys where fox news national correspondent bill melugin is standing by. bill, a little colder here than at the border where we usually see you. >> yeah, it is, laura. we caught up with governor desantis earlier today. and he said he is feeling good. is he not feeling nervous about tonight. he says he is going to surprise people tonight. he feels the media and the polls
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are getting this race wrong. is he confident in his ground game. he thinks it's going it turn people out. he thinks he has the infrastructure to be able to turn people out in huge numbers in these subzero temperatures. keep in mind the work that he has done here in the state of iowa over these last six months or so. he visited all of iowa's 99 counties. he got the endorsement of iowa's popular republican governor kim reynolds, his super pac says they have knocked on nearly a million doors in this state and campaign says they have got about 1700 precinct captains going to go out there tonight and help turn people out to make sure they caucus in this cold weather. he feels when the dust settles it's eventually going to be a two-man race between him and donald trump. he says nikki haley just isn't conservative enough to win the g.o.p. primary. as for trump, he says trump's too focused on himself with his personal vendettas and his concerns about loyalty with people he knows. and that he didn't deliver on past promises when he was president in 2016 through 2020. he says, look, if you pick me as the g.o.p. candidate, i can be in office for eight years.
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donald trump can only be in office for four years. is he confident that he is going to deliver and beat expectations tonight. he said that as soon as caucus night is over tonight, is he actually going to get on an airplane, fly straight to south carolina where he has two campaign events tomorrow. then after those campaign events in south carolina, he is going to be flying up to new hampshire all in one day. he has a lot of campaigning coming up, regardless of what happens here in iowa tonight. he says he is in this for the long haul and expecting to pull off a surprise tonight. we'll extend send it back to you. >> laura: all right, bill. thanks. up next is fox news political reporter aishah hasnie live from nikki haley's headquarters. aishah, what's the mood there tonight? ar>> i can tell you nikki haley has her sights set on former president trump. the campaign has pivoted quite hard to message this is now a two-person race even before caucus results are in tonight. she certainly has the momentum, laura, she has had the most tv
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ad support in this state she might get an helping hand from independents and democrats tonight because they can switch their party affiliation at the site help former president trump. new hampshire governor chris sununu who has endorsed nikki haley was sort of urging democrats to do that on fox news today. we will see if it gives her the edge. laura? >> laura: aishah, thanks so much. last we will go to vivek ramaswamy's headquarters where fox business correspondent grady trimble is standing by. grady, what are you sensing there? >> hey, laura, well, there is no doubt vivek ramaswamy is considered a long shot in this race. but he has really campaigned hard here in iowa. bill melugin mentioned that ron desantis visited all 99 counties in the hawkeye state. ramaswamy did that two times over. he spent the entire week in the run-up it tonight saying that he expects to surpass expectations. the polling is off.
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throughout his campaign, ramaswamy has praised former president trump and positioned himself as the candidate who can keep carrying the america first torch but former president trump turned his attacks on ramaswamy just a couple of days ago saying a vote for him a waste, maybe a sign the former president is concerned that ramaswamy could eat into his support. ramaswamy though did not fire back at the former president. laura? >> laura: grady, thank you so much. joining me now here on set florida congressman byron donalds, who has endorsed trump and texas congressman chip roy, who has endorsed governor ron desantis and is live from his headquarters tonight. congressman donalds, you have been out there today talking with the folks. the sense is that nikki haley has the money. she has the, you know, coverage in the media. friends that i'm staying with in des moines get a text message from her it seems like every five minutes. a little quieter from the other candidates. is that going to make a difference from her.
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>> no, it's not. nikki haley who hasn't done much else in the state of iowa. look, the reason why everybody is hearing from her now because a lot of money left the campaign of governor desantis to go to the campaign of governor haley. but they are both gonna lose because donald trump is going to take this state tonight. i anticipate it's going to be double digits. probably over 15 points. could be more. it's going to be dependent on voters getting out and making their voice heard in these caucus events. i have got to tell you the enthusiasm amongst trump voters is the biggest i have seen. >> laura: are the trump voters going to come out in the cold weather? it's warmerrer than it was yesterday. when i got here it was like 18 below zero. warmed up to negative one right now. feels balmy. feels likes we are back in florida. >> feels great. almost florida weather. the voters i talked to in fort dodge said this is normal for us. >> we expect it to be cold this time of year. not going it stop them from getting out to vote for donald trump. >> laura: congressman roy, have you seen nikki haley blanket the media. she has made numerous appearances not just on this network but all across local media and she really believes
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that last-minute boost of money she has gotten both here in iowa and also then in new hampshire moving on to south carolina that's going to cement her as number two, congressman roy and you say? >> yeah, well, she better hope that all that spending against governor desantis actually works for her. $48 million between trump and governor haley against governor stance. i think that speaks volumes. look, at the end of the day at the end of the day, the people of iowa disappoint like it when somebody comes to new hampshire and says new hampshire needs to corrects iowans. the truth on the ground the enthusiasm is for governor desantis. i have crisscrossed this state for the better part of the last two weeks on and off. on saturday i went from council bluffs all the way to nebraska and davenport to illinois. i have been with the governor. we have been in all sorts of venues across the state. people of iowa expects to you earn that vote. governor desantis has been doing that he didn't skip debates like former president trump. he didn't dismiss iowans like governor haley. doing the hard work 99 counties. 250 events. doings the hard work that
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represents his life story blue collar kid worked his way up. worked hard. parents are in the same house he grew up in. this is the guy who wants to earn their support. is he going to earn it. this is the time for choosing. we should choose a guy done it for the people and didn't airmail and shut the economy down $8 trillion of debt and give the power and the keys to this economy to anthony fauci leaving us with loved ones unable to see their loved ones in the hospital. kids not able to go school. shut down economy. mandatory vaccine mandates. governor desantis was a shining light, a beacon of hope for the people of this country and the people of iowa are seeing that bright and clear. >> laura: i think both candidates, both desantis and trump in event really the last week both have seemed extremely chill and like confident. i mean both of them completely in their element. i don't know if they're finally getting to the real games. there was a moment that the daily caller caught and this was audio where nikki haley was
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asked point blank whether she believes a man can become a woman. but she did not directly answer it. instead offered that, quote: people can live any way they want once they are over the age of 18. congressman donalds, haley has been floated as a potential v.p. pick perhaps to satisfy the business community that's worried about donald trump. does this kill her chances for that? >> i think. so look, there is a lot of answers that nikki haley has not been clear on. you know, she kind of muddles through them. when she guess dinged she comes back. a man is a man is a man. i know the people in the lgbtq community ain't going to be happy with what i said those are the facts. born with xy chromosomes you keep them to the day that you die. the problem is for nikki haley she is trying to please everybody all the time. that's not gonna work especially in the veepstakes. let's be clear. >> laura: there is going to be pressure to name her as vice president if she comes in a strong number two as there was with reagan when he took bush.
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>> has donald trump ever felt measure from the media conglomerate and the big donors? no. is he going to do what he thinks is in the best interest of the country to do and this so do his voters while they are supporting him in primary. >> laura: on cnn today bob vander plaats who has endorsed desantis commented on his chances. watch. >> i think it's going to be a turnout game. he has built an amazing organization. ted cruz was the best organization i have ever seen in 2016. and i would say desantis' organization is light years ahead of where cruz's organization is. so, if he gets the turn out. i think he could do really -- he will beat expectations but potentially he could win. >> now, congressman roy, desantis' win, is it realistic given the polls showing this overwhelming support for trump? i know he has done amazing job here in the state. there's no doubt about it. he has done what huckabee did and cruz and santorum successful
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here as well. that is still a big, big deficit to try to bridge this late in the game. >> well, bob vander plaats knows the state of iowa better than i do and most people do. he sees the same enthusiasm that i see on the ground. governor desantis as i said before has worked hard to earn the votes of the people of iowa. we feel really good about the organization on the ground. it's going to be a turnout game in the frozen tundra that we are dealing with right now. you know, just today we are going up to sioux city and you are looking out. the roads are still icy and it's still difficult to get around and it's cold. getting that turnout is going to be really important. importantly, people are ready to move forward. they want to look forward instead of backwards. somebody who can serve for eight years and not four. want somebody to focus on their issues in the case of president trump and legal issues on him. >> laura: all right, congressman. hold on we have to get byron donalds in on that. >> get the job done. >> laura: you should be carnival barker another life. i love that, congressman troy. you are like getting it out.
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okay they want to change, they want somebody knew. they don't want the baggage and legal problems. >> what the american people want is somebody who can get the job done. donald trump has done that gas prices, border security, foreign policy, a growing economy, wages actually rising ahead of inflation. he has done it all. go back to the obama economy that he inherited. the democrats love talking about inheritance. the obama economy stagflation 1.0, really 2.0. we are? stagflation 3.0 under joe biden. donald trump knows how to do this. >> laura: we pick desantis as vice president? they have the names going back and forth. we desantis be on the list? >> that's up to president trump. nobody else. >> laura: congressman, both of you. great to have you on. thank you. >> is ramaswamy playing spoiler here? >> i don't think he is right to worry because ramaswamy is a fetish candidate. is he not going to go beyond these first three contests. he represents no threat to the nomination for trump. >> you talk about a surprise. what are the chances vietnam
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delivers one. >> i'm not a believer in the vivek ramaswamy theory here. i think if you like vivek ramaswamy, and you are going to his events, you are voting for trump. they have the same message. that's where i think we are going. >> laura: all right. the media may be counting him out but vietnam vivek ramaswamys he going to shock the world tonight. less than an hour out. i love the caucuses. i have been coming to caucuses since before you were born so much fun. what's your closing message to the voters here to understand who trump -- president trump is, they know what he did. they have a pretty good sense of desantis. you are the young upstart. why should they turn out for you? >> look, i think it's going to take somebody with fresh legs coming in from the outside. >> laura: what does that mean fresh legs? i have heard that and fresh legs. are you running physically running this race or what? >> you know what? we have actually run across iowa. >> laura: i have to tease you. >> that's allowed, laura. you said you have been around the caucus you know. this i have done 390 events
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across the state. that's more than any other candidate in history and the more than the rest of this field combined. iowans do reward hard work. my message is. this if you want somebody who is actually going to shut down the deep state not just talk about it but actually get that job done in a way that it hasn't gotten done, nobody is going to do that like me. it takes somebody who is a businessman. i'm not a politician. i'm a businessman. but who also understands the law and the constitution of this country. and so they are not going to dupe me when i fire 75% of those federal bureaucrats. they are not going to dupe me when i shut down -- >> laura: how many is that 75%? >> several million. >> laura: this is music to the ears of many of us who sadly worked in washington for a long time. >> yeah. that's what we need. >> laura: millions of people that you will throw onto the unemployment rolls for the federal government. >> that's correct. it's not employment opportunity, laura. now's a good time to do it. more open jobs in the private sector right now than there are people looking for work. we can stimulate the economy while we are at it. if you cut 75% of those
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bureaucrats there go the regulations along with it as well. you know as well as i do most of those regulations are unconstitutional. but we need a president who actually understands the constitution. >> laura: so you think president trump doesn't understand the constitution? >> i think my understanding of the constitution is deeper than anybody else in this race. and i also think i'm a businessman who comes from the outside. >> laura: is he a businessman. >> you need both of them. and that's what i think happened the last time around. they said you couldn't fire those employees you know, this laura because they had civil service protections. read the law. those civil service protections. >> laura: is he chief executive he can do whatever he wants. >> it didn't happen. it will happen on my watch. i think he was excellent for this country. he rolled that log under and we saw what crawled out. i'm brings the pest at this side and that's what it's going to take to get the job done. >> laura: is it going to be environmentally friendly. >> i'm not going regulated by the epa on that one. >> laura: president trump took a shot on you over the weekend a
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vote for vivek is not a vote for trump. vivek is not maga. what does that mean to you? >> that wasn't particularly coherent to me. i think he did walk it back today. i think the handlers, whoever was yesterday was probably the b team. we had probably the a team around him today. >> laura: have you been friendly. >> we are absolutely friendly. i respect the heck out of president trump. the reality is this is competitive sports. i give them credit for this one, laura. they are ahead of the mainstream media on this. anybody who doesn't have their head stuck in the sand knows that we're actually making a late surge here. and so in some ways i give credit to his team for spotting what many in the mainstream media have missed. and the mainstream media has done us a great favor. because setting the expectations nmodestly we get to drugs those expectations. the person who wins the election isn't the person who actually wins the iowa caucus a lot of times. it's the person who shatters expectations tonight. that's the question to ask. which candidate is the one that beats the expectations that have been set by the polling narrative and i have full confidence that's going to be me
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with flying colors tonight. >> laura: why did you do? you did a little twitter video that i caught where you said i'm going to talk about the elephant in the room. and it was your faith. why did you feel like you needed to do that? >> i have been asked about that immensely over the course of this time in iowa. i have answered honestly. >> laura: do you think iowans don't like you because -- >> -- i think iowans like me because i'm honest. >> laura: i'm curious. >> what i have found is we do big events. hundreds of people in the room. people raise their hand and ask questions. then at the end in the photo lines i get a lot of questions about faith. i have spoken openly how i'm hindu. i believe in one true god who puts us here for a purpose. but i was raise in the 1578 value set each the judeo-christian values that this nation was founded on. and i think a lot of evangelical christians across this state understand the difference between a president and a pastor and it's going to take a president who protects religious liberty for those pastors to be able do their job. >> laura: i thought it was cool you did that late in the game. i haven't seen you talk about that before i really enjoyed it.
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>> thank you, laura. good to see you. >> laura: we are getting exclusive live stat ahead of the caucuses. we will bring them to you as they come in. up next, one of the past winners of the iowa caucuses i adore him governor mike huckabee so stay there. ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular
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♪ >> laura: as iowa republicans are just minutes away from caucusing, the latest abc news poll is horrific news for joe biden. his overall approval rating is a staggeringly low 33% and the economy is even worse. 3 #%. now, if biden had an action figure, it would be called gee, general hospital joe. and if his recent campaign appearances were intended to reassure voters, they were epic failures. >> you look at the consumer confidence measures, they are way up, look across the board. everyone everybody is doing better and they believe it. they know it. they are just beginning to sink in. >> laura: really? and now more than two years later, despite everything the media has done to try to prop him up, it's not just joe biden's physical decline that's evident. there is chaos breaking out all over. the invasion at the southern border has already fundamentally
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changed america. of course, that's what biden's people wanted. inflation has dipped slightly but america's buying power has taken a major hit. groceries that cost you $100 in december of 2019 cost you $125 by the end of 2023. thanks to axios for that now, over the course of the year, that adds up to real money to real people. and none of that can be messaged away by karine jean-pierre by the way but nice try. meanwhile our effort to help protect ukraine's borders. that hasn't panned out, oops? what's a hundred billion dollars among friends? for with a few hours on saturday night, we wondered whether the white house grounds, their borders were even safe a pro-palestinian mob was trying to scale the ratling -- trying to climb over the security fence screaming f biden. it turns out hamas has some friends on the left and since they're leftists they are not
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going to be put in solitary confinement and they are not going to be charged even with simple trespassing. but i know what you are thinking. at least the democrats have a great bench. biden is going to step aside, laura, and he is going to get someone tolls step in. look who, gavin newsom? that's hilarious. trump would love or desantis or anyone would love to run against that track record in california. why are so many successful people leaving your state, gav? how about j.b. pritzker a big man for a big job. we just saw him at starbucks down the street about an hour ago. the americans are going to vote for the billionaire who proudly declared illinois a sanctuary state and then begged texas to stop sending migrants? >> we have migrants that arrive from texas virtually every day. hundreds and we don't have places to put them. we have asked him to stop
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sending people because of the weather. >> laura: by weather. by contrast the republican party by almost every measure is far stronger than it was after the 2022 midterms. we all know the south is where it's at. we love iowa. but the south is where it's at for economic and population growth. people genuinely seem to feel safer and just genuinely more content there. also g.o.p. support is growing in states where trump lost last time. and the more democrats try to put him in jail, charge him, indict him, the more they hound him, the stronger he seems to get. turns out political prosecutions don't sit well with most fair-minded folks. and iowans, they are fair-minded. so the big question tonight. first, will trump's margin of victory be historically high, big? will he get close to 50%? and, if so, an argument can be made that that race, this race is over.
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second, will nikki haley's money translate into turnout? and the question that someone posed to me today, which i didn't have a good answer for. is she really articulating a vision for the country that's all that different substantively from, let's say, mitt romney in 2012? recommendation let's keep in mind these people that are wanting to come here, they want to come for a better life, too. they have kids, too. they have a heart, too. >> laura: oh, i forgot that one. and she thought getting favorable treatment from never trumps like bill kristol and the "new york times," if that helps her primary chances she is really out of touch. third question, will desantis defy the polls and leapfrog over haley despite the big money deficit? now, he has the governor's endorsement here. she is pretty popular, but, will that matter? and then if he finishes and let's say low single digits,
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will he end up dropping out and endorsing trump? now, for his part, trump just snagged endorsements from marco rubio and doug burgum, not bad. they see the writing on the wall, i think. and unless something wacky happens here in cold, cold iowa, the writing on the wall seems to be t-r-u-m-p. joining me is mike huckabee former arkansas governor former presidential candidate and winner of the 2008 iowa caucuses. i can't believe it was that long ago but i was here when you won governor huckabee. but, look, you didn't win the nomination and so people will say look, you win the caucuses but it doesn't turn out to be a predictor of ultimate success. and to that you say? >> well, i it probably doesn't. i will tell you what it will do. it will tell you who is not going to get to be president. because, if a person has high expectations of winning iowa, and they don't come out of here
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doing very well, it's very difficult for them to overcome that. so the real question is what happens to ron desantis? who has lost about half of the support that he started with. does nikki haley really have the juice to go above him and come in second place? i mean, that's the story. and if ron desantis has a horrible night after having basically taken all the money that he did have and spread it on the table in iowa, and he still doesn't really get the job done, then he will go forward and he will continue to compete in the several of the states coming up. but he will do it without donors and he will do it without the media attention that he has enjoyed up until now. >> laura: if you could give him advice, let's say that is we don't know what going to happen but let's say that did happen, would you urge him to drop out of the race and endorse the person he thinks would be the most successful president? >> i would never tell another candidate to get out because i
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have told people that the only thing harder than deciding to get into a race is to get out of it. it's much harder. because you have invested your life for a year and a half, two years. you've spent every last ounce of energy you have. you've had people that have believed in you, given money to you. and it's really hard to step aside. so i understand that. but, i would urge him to endorse trump. he wouldn't have been governor of florida had donald trump not endorsed him. because he was in third place in that governor's race. donald trump endorsed him. he went from a distant third, leapfrogged to first and became the governor. and i think that there is a little bit of sense of maybe some loyalty that would be appropriate and just acknowledging that donald trump was not only a great president but donald trump launched the careers of a lot of people, including ron desantis. >> laura: governor, as always, great to see you. thank you so much. and up next. raymond arroyo, he went to one of the most stops for any
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presidential candidate. he is here with what he found and he's on set. then, there's the 'after the after' that boost you get when you look and feel your best. w
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but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ >> laura: we're less than 30 minutes away from the start of the iowa caucuses. tonight, we are going to bring you something that you are not going to get anywhere else. if you turn anywhere else, they are going to be busy waiting for the exit polling and they are not really going to have any idea how things are shaping up. that's not the case at fox news. we have an innovative new way to get immediate reaction from first-time caucus goers on whom they are voting for and why. sandra smith co-anchor of america reports has been poring over all of this info and data coming in. and she joins me now. sandra, great to talk to you. what can you tell us tonight? >> sandra: hi, laura, thank you so much for having us tonight. with our fox news voter analysis election survey we have been
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talking to 1500 likely iowa republican caucus goers to get an idea of what they are thinking as they support their candidate. so, let's see what we are seeing so far. first off, the u.s. role in world affairs. this has been a key issue heading into iowa. we asked voters should the u.s. take a more or less active role in solving the world's problems? or is its current role about right? half said the u.s. should be taking a less active role. but, more specifically we asked what about aid to israel? really interesting story here. two thirds said that they support providing aid to israel. and when it comes to ukraine, a slightly different story here. even fewer, 4 in 10 favor continuing aid to ukraine. now, turning to joe biden, and what we are hearing from voters on the ground in iowa. about a third of iowa republicans say that joe biden was legitimately elected president.
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but almost half, almost double that, i should say double he was not. next up we ask about the integrity of our elections. another hot topic heading into the caucuses. just over half of iowa republicans say they have confidence in elections on the national level. and now to the state level? we are seeing something quite different when it comes to that when we ask voters. it's a slightly better note. iowa republicans are much more confident with the integrity of elections in their own state. 90 percent said yes. those are just some of the preliminary results that we have for you don't. we will have much more as the night goes on. laura, back to you. >> laura: sandra, the integrity of the iowa system is fascinating. >> sandra: yeah. >> laura: of course it's all handwritten ballots. votes on pieces of paper. so, people love paper ballots. >> sandra: there is lots of confidence in it, yeah. >> laura: that is fascinating.
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i'm so glad we did that incredible. thank you so much. >> sandra: thank you. >> laura: joining me now raymond arroyo fox news contributor. you went out and talked to caucus goers. were the reticent. >> they were reticent. we went to a little icy spot that has become a staple in presidential politics. we embedded here in iowa. watch. >> we are here at the pizza ranch where guess who the latest hired hand is. i thought i would talk to some of the caucus goers. ♪ ♪ will. >> raymond: are you voting in the caucus this year. >> we are. we just was talking over dinner and we are going to vote. >> raymond: who are you voting for. >> for donald trump. >> raymond: why? >> because i think he has his act together. i think he is a nonpolitician, so to say in that he has the love of the country and the people's best interest. >> raymond: what's the biggest issue driving your vote? >> the economy. second the border.
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>> raymond: who will you be voting for. >> donald trump for sure. >> raymond: why? >> have you seen the way the country is going? >> raymond: i did notice. >> exactly. if you want food on your table, you want lower bills, you want lower everything, you don't vote for joe biden. >> all i know is trump did good for me and right now we are struggling. so i'm bringing back what did good for our family. >> raymond: we see nikki haley and ron desantis saying if you vote for donald trump, it's going to be all about donald trump and his court cases. does that dissuade you at all? >> yeah. i think that's crazy. i think he has the country's best interest and the love of the people i'm sorry, republicans in name only. >> they are rinos if you would put it that way. i'm looking forward to four-plus more years of what we had in 2016 through 20. >> biggest thing is economy. i feel that me and my husband are both hard-working people. we work full time. i'm a nurse. he is in heating and cooling.
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we just can't get ahead right now. i feel that trump only did good things for our country and it's only plummeted since then. >> probably between haley and desantis. >> what's the main issue driving your caucus goers? >> right now i'm not exactly sure. probably just inflation and wages and things like that. >> hey, ray, grab those chicken fingers and potato wedges. >> raymond: okay. i'll get them. ♪ >> raymond: okay. here they are. >> awesome. >> i'm uncertain who i'm going to caucus for right now tonight. >> who are you weighing? >> i don't know. maybe desantis. been governor. i think he has been exposed to enough and hopefully he has a good sense of what's going on in the world. >> are you going to caucus.
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>> yeah. i'm going. trump. >> raymond: why are you supporting the president? >> because. >> >> raymond: anything driving it? you want a change from biden? >> really pisses people off in iowa what do you call -- all them people in cahoots. the swamp. >> raymond: boy. i got a taste of remember music man they used to talk on the chip on the shoulder sensibility. iowans still have that these are not people you con easily. they are hard-working people they will tell you exactly what they feel. it takes a lot for candidates to cut through. most of them told me though they are voting for the trump record what he gave him before that they want back again. that seems to be driving a lookout of this. >> laura: what was the pay for that slinging the chicken from the ice flow. >> raymond: amazing chicken at the pizza ranch has the best fried chicken in iowa. >> laura: we were there with
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santorum. >> raymond: rick santorum got on top of a salad bar with a bull horn. >> laura: he won the caucuses and didn't find out until several weeks later. same. >> raymond: some time later. this is the place to go for presidential candidates and vivek ramaswamy has visited more of these annie other candidate this season. this is where the people live. >> laura: is that the underscore music from the old he haw? what was that? >> gun smoke. >> we will see out the evening pans out. >> laura: moments away from the start of the republican iowa caucuses. pete hegseth, bill hemmer there on the ground. i can't wait to hear what they say, next. ♪
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we are now about 10 minutes away from the start of the iowa caucuses. temperatures are brutally cold. but voters are not going to let it stop them. joining me now from iowa city is the cohost of "fox & friends" weekend. pete, it's like the old johnny carson. how cold is it and how has the turnout been? >> it takes commitment to get
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here. even the parking here at herbert hoover elementary school is slippery. you've got to walk slow. everyone is showing up here and is committed to being here. they've been in line for about 20 or 25 minutes. the line still going out the door. you have to prove you live in this area and show an id. when you get here you get a valid. you will love this. this is the ballot right here. the best money can buy. iowa caucus, purple slip of paper is what they are filling out. this is not my ballot. i will return it to its rightful owner. in a few moments this is the stage. no microphones or fancy audiovisual equipment. folks are lined up. i've been talking to a number of people here. i basically heard from a member of each and every campaign. this is a district more liberal part of the state. i think nikki haley and ron desantis are hoping to do well in. who knows? this is just one elementary school. i discovered walking down the hall there is another precinct in the cafeteria with another
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110 people about 50 of which will show up. these are hyper micro. the people in this room know each other and live in the same neighborhood. they may have looked at the signs in their yard and they know who people are going for. really intimate and interesting. they know who is speaking up there in just moments. as excited as we are, we cover this nationwide, it's a pretty low-key event. by the way, just a promotion right over here. you see charlie hurd and tom bevan from real clear politics. we are covering it all on fox nation in 10 minutes. watch the channel. don't miss the channel coverage. flip on fox nation and we will be behind the scenes going moment by moment at this iowa caucus location. we just got notice they are starting 10 or 15 minutes late because of whether in johnson county. county political leadership have the prerogative to make the changes they want to. the weather is not a factor. they want to make sure everyone can get here.
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>> pete, this is it. this is the big show now. i want to go to the big board where america passing newsroom bill hemmer is standing by. >> come join the fun. if i don't fall in these heels. >> nice to see you. >> what can you tell us? >> i don't want to touch this thing. so that we have the results from eight years ago. we figure that was one of the better ways to show the viewers what might be happening in about 10 or 15 minutes. the winner of overt donald trump in '23. the polling and saturday he had around 15. that was a great shot, by the way. he is out in johnson county. that's the university of iowa where pizza is reporting from. college-educated, suburban, kind of the nikki haley voters we are going for. the other shot was in sioux county. you have the split screen. its way appear in the northwest.
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it tends to be evangelical. ted cruz won that county eight years ago. we will see whether or not donald trump can may be show some advantage. we will see it all filled in. >> did you see in the shot that it looked crowded? i've been here in passed years and it was more crowded. >> in four republicans in 2020 it wasn't much. but 216,187,000. 10 candidates were here in iowa from the republican side. you have a really good turnout. they are saying 150 give or take. if you want to figure out a bellwether, you look at this map in figure 99 counties on the grid. where you put your eyes or attention. we found this county right here, calhoun. the reason we point to that is look where ted cruz finished. trump at 24.5. you see that? now you come out light and they
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match pretty much 27.5 to 24.5 from eight years ago. can i show you something else? do we have time for it? >> what do these buttons do? >> i want to show you. give me a second. so far you are good. let me go here. the reason i am pointing this out, it is really hard to find a state in america that went from barack obama to donald trump as much as iowa went from barack obama to donald trump. this is 2020. if i could call up this one here. this is 2012. uc this. i will try to do this for you. all the mississippi river counties of which there are 10. that is all blue. that is all barack obama. let me take this off and see if i can complete the play for you and put it back on. this is 2016. trump comes in and wins the
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state over hillary by 10 points. look what happened to those counties. 9 of 10 had flipped from obama to trump. that's pretty remarkable when you see that movement in any state. >> i am going into roosevelt high school. it is 37, 39, 36. i will go and see what is going on. that's the three or four precincts in there. their pushing it off to 7:15 or 8:15 eastern time. v-neck sometime between 8:00 and 9:00 we will see it. soon at the democratic caucuses were much more raucous. >> the democrats are doing a caucus. they are going to reveal it on super tuesday. >> nice to be with you. >> thank you. good to see you. >> brave the weather and go out and save america. this is really about saving our country. >> make sure you come and turn out and make your boys heard. now is our time to seize the
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moment. >> it all starts in iowa. all eyes are on you. no one will be deterred from going to the caucuses. >> we will ask you to make a final sprint inside the caucus. >> gop candidates were out in full force today making their final pitches to iowa voters ahead of the caucuses. they start in less than five minutes. did any of it work? joining me now is dan lineman who is an undecided voter from iowa and cindy lenhart a ron desantis supporter from iowa. dan, this is pretty close and tight. i'm going to head over to one of the caucuses in a bit. what are you thinking and what are the big issues for you? >> the big issues were me our national defense, the economy and the border. it boils down to those three. >> have you narrowed it down? >> i have. first of all we have a great field. much better than the other side.
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i've narrowed it down to president trump and governor haley. >> very interesting because a lot of people would say he is a populist conservative, america first, tough on china, tough on the border. and nikki haley is more of an old-time bush republican and they are very different visions of foreign policy. the pole that we showed on the voter analysis survey showed that iowans in the country are quite recalcitrant about wanting to get more involved in foreign affairs. more so with ukraine than and israel. they want to support israel. does that surprise you over the last 25 years? >> to some degree it does. each of the candidates come with their wards and issues that they have. governor haley is no different than any of the other ones. it's going to be a last-minute decision for me.
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>> cindy, you are a teacher, i understand. and you are desantis supporter? tell us why? >> i really like desantis although i do like all of the candidates. they all have strong points. but i like ron desantis because he served in our military. he is a veteran. i like him because our great governor kim reynolds has endorsed him and i think i highly respect governor reynolds. i also endorsed him because he has lived through his wife's's cancer diagnosis a couple years ago. i think his healthcare experience and going through all the insurance process, i thinks he gives a good insight. people have experienced all of the trauma of the cancer diagnosis.
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>> i have been coming here for so many years. that's really back to '96. i am dating myself. i've always had so much fun talking to people like liberals, conservatives and people in the middle-of-the-road. it's interesting how personality really does matter to iowans. and some would say that would hurt president trump because he is tough and rough and all that. but he is quite popular in the state. when i was going around today there was an an enormous amount of support for trump. but other candidates as well. is that personality difference in your mind going to help nikki haley versus ron desantis who some have criticized unfairly for being cold or aloof? >> well, i was at a town meeting with ron desantis and the two people that were with him, chip roy and thomas massie. i was very impressed with all
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three and what they had to say. i think he has some rate traits. he is a family man, so that's why. >> it's the personal resume again. >> dan, given what biden has allowed to happen to this country just in the last three years, it is devastating. will iowa choose the ultimate winner of the gop primary race this year? >> if you are looking at the polls, i would say probably sell. >> okay. you had an answer. i can't wait to hear what you do. dan and cindy, great to see both of you. that's it for us. stay with fox all night long for live coverage of the iowa caucuses especially if you want to see me later on tonight. follow me on social media. it is america now and forever. jesse is next.


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