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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 16, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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donald trump is the winner of the republican iowa caucuses by landslide. the former president 20 delegates closer to clenching the republican nomination. ron desantis inches past nikki haley and vivek ramaswamy susopinioneds his campaign, endorsing trump after finishing a distant fourth. >> we'll make america great again. iowa, we love you. go out and buy larger tractors and more land, don't worry about it. this is the first, the big night is going to be in november, when we take back our country and truly make our country great again. >> we have our marching orders. our marching orders are to do all we can to preserve what george washington called sacred fire of liberty, same fire that burned in philadelphia in 1776
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when our founding fathers signed declaration of independence. >> punditting analyze from every angle, we get that. when you look at how we are doing in new hampshire, in south carolina and beyond. [cheering] >> i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> we are going to do our part to make sure america first lives on, to make sure donald trump is successful as next president of the united states, make sure it is not some other puppet. >> todd: nikki haley is right, we will analyze from every angle. you are watching "fox and friends" on tuesday morning, i'm todd piro. >> i'm carley shimkus.
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top three candidates are looking ahead to the primary election in new hampshire next week with trump the clear front-runner. alexus is standing by. but we begin with brooke singman on the heels of trump's big win. what did he say? >> brooke: i spoke with former president trump and he is honord and invigorated and gave a nod to his opponents calling them great competition. florida governor ron desantis with eight delegates followed closely by nikki haley with seven and vivek ramaswamy with three. former president ending the night with an emotional victory speech. watch this. >> i want to thank my wife, first lady, former and maybe future. more important than melania,
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thanks to her beautiful mother who passed away. and i want to say to her, you are one of the most special people i've ever known. >> brooke: the victory could be thanks to evangelicals, the block supported him in iowa. gop front-runner is now looking to new hampshire. >> now off to new hampshire, great place we won last time and we won both times. and we love it. the people are great. truth is people in our country are great. we are a nation in decline. we are going to turn it around so fast, it will happen so fast. >> brooke: and vivek ramaswamy making a major announcement. >> as of this moment, we are going to suspend this
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presidential campaign and this is going to have to be -- there is no path for me to be the next president absent things we don't want to see happen in this country. i called donald trump to tell him that i congratulate him on his victory and now going forward, he will have my full endorsement for presidency. >> brooke: today mark says one week before the new hampshire primary. trump won in 2016 and 2020. >> todd: in new hampshire, nikki haley hoping to make some gain after finishing third last night. >> we are expecting candidates to show up in new hampshire. within minutes, donald trump won the iowa caucus, for many that was not a big surprise. governor ron desantis hit all 99
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counties and put in money and time and he came out on top. here is what he had to say. >> because of your support, in spite of all they threw at us, everyone against us, we have our ticket punched out of iowa. >> former south carolina governor nikki haley coming in third place in iowa with 99% of iowa precincts reporting and desantis edging out haley. >> trump and biden both lack a vision for our country's future because both are consumed by the past, by investigation, by vendetta and grievances, america deserves better. >> and vivek ramaswamy announced he will suspend his campaign saying i don't see a path to this nomination and i'll throw
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full support behind donald trump. we know he didn't say one bad word about trump on the campaign trail. next nominating contest race could be closer, is it new hampshire. latest polls last week show trump leading among primary voters with 39%. nikki haley sits close second with 32%, 12-point jump from november. she's been surging and getting new donors and money in the states. trump and haley will be in new hampshire tonight and florida governor ron desantis will be here later, too. according to fox voter analysis, 32% said they would not vote for nikki haley. 20% for nikki haley also. we'll see candidates back out in
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new hampshire later tonight. back to you. >> carley: live in new hampshire, thank you. bring in republican pollster and host of political trade secret podcast dustin olsen. what do you think about the results of the iowa caucus? >> it was historic to say the least. highest percentage any republican has gotten is back in 46, ford. the margin, 40%. in the past a candidate gets near the high 30s and winning by 5% margin they almost always become the party's nominee. >> todd: media set trump up to fail by saying he has to hit 50% or this is a loss. he hit 51%. what does that matter?
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>> 50% threshold does not matter, but it does feel nice if you are the president going into new hampshire. i will say second place, everybody in media talking about second place and how important that was, it will narrow the field and have impact on candidates and ability to raise money. >> carley: elise stefanik released a statement and said, i'm calling on every candidate all of whom have no chance to win to drop out so we can rally behind president trump and focus our resources on defeating joe biden to save america. people floated her name as possible vp contender, do you think that is why she said that? what is her logic? >> she has been a stanch supporter of the president over the last eight years and would
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not be surprised if she's in the running. the former president has said he has picked his nominee and i'm not sure if that is true or not. she would definitely be in the mix. i think huckabee sanders is another great choice. we are looking at who is effectively the nominee. we have been doing american pulse and doing surveys in new hampshire and nationally and i'll tell you that while the president's former president's support has been increasing, almost 70% of republican primary voters believe he is effectively the nominee and they would like to get on with the election and have a two-person race. nikki haley last night said this is effectively a two-person race and i think she is right, unfortunately for her, it is donald trump versus joe biden.
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>> todd: thank you. rnc strategic communications, tom tomi. did the weather push nikki haley to third or did she just come in third on her own without help from mother nature? >> i think what the weather showed, 100,000 iowans willing to get out to vote and that shows enthusiasm and last night marked beginning of the end of joe biden presidency. this will end with joe biden losing in november. >> carley: from iowa to new hampshire, eyes on granite state. independents can go to their polling location and vote in the primary. some people say that will help nikki haley and the latest poll
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numbers show her seven points behind donald trump, which is relatively small margin considering what he was polling in new hampshire or iowa in national polls, as well. what do you think? do you think she will pick up momentum in new hampshire? >> i think ultimately each candidate will make that case to make that happen. they each have their own story on their path to victory. republicans are interested in picking best nominee to beat joe biden. that is our focus, beat joe biden and make sure we are in the best position to do that to take it to joe biden to come together and really win in november. >> todd: in addition to talking about weather, we talked about second place with caveat to donald trump basically won by 30 points, a whopping number. here is kellyanne conway talking about who turned out to be second place finisher, ron
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desantis and doing the full grassley a lot. what was the purpose of this exercise if you are ron desantis and nikki haley? with desantis, he's basically a resident of iowa. they spent nine figures, i don't think he will dominate. people like mike pompeo did the wise thing, you can support the party and help candidates and eventual nominee and wait until 2028. >> todd: what does ron desantis do going forward? ron desantis is at 5% in new hampshire. that is low. >> i think ultimately, each candidate will make their own decision about staying in and what they will do with their campaign. what iowa showed was dedication
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to iowa and that is contrast for democrats. they are running all around the country. republicans are showing up and listening toers and democrats and joe biden are hiding and ignoring voters, going on vacation and that will carry through into the general election season and carry through entire process and end in november with republican being elected to the white house. >> carley: thank you so much, we appreciate analysis. the clear gop front-runner. would rematch be better for trump or biden? that is the question this morning. take a closer look with patrice onwith youca. >> we have tudor dixon, ben carson, tomi lahren, larry elder and joe concha to name a few.
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>> todd: president biden fundraising off former president trump's big victory in iowa saying donald trump just won iowa, he is clear front-runner, this race was always going to be you and me. patrice onwuka with the independent women's forum joins me now. biden and his team have expressed confidence and co cockiness that they will whoop donald trump. is that misplaced confidence? >> patrice: it does. president trump is handling iowa and enthusiasm for supporting
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him among republicans in iowa signify that more republicans would absolutely vote for him even if he is not their top choice than would vote for nikki haley or ron desantis if they were the top of the ticket. there is absolutely a lot of enthusiasm behind president trump. when you look at clear policy average, number of polls including fox news poll, president trump edges out president biden. i don't see that changing and absolutely the biden campaign is trying to rev up anti-trump voters. there will be a lot of dissatisfied people who may sit out the election. >> todd: a lot of time between now and november and money matters. biden-harris campaign announced they have $117 million on hand,
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highest by any democrat in history at this point in the cycle. a spokesman for make america great says joe biden's team announced a massive war chest. every dollar spent by president trump's losers is dollar that could be fighting joe biden. one rinos finish crying, time for nikki haley, ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy to face reality and stop wasting resources. vivek ramaswamy dropped out and endorsed trump. this is what you heard elise stefanik say, we need to come together and pool our reurs sos to defeat biden and stop beating up each other. when do you think that happens >> patrice: i'm looking for mid-february. if president trump does good in new hampshire and gets to south
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carolina and beats nikki haley, it is safe to say it is done. republican campaign for nomination is done and he would be the nominee. that does give him plenty of time to fund raise and hopefully the candidates will show support, to the leading candidate. conservatives have to think about the issues and what was interesting, todd, immigration edging out jobs and economy as number one motivating factor for republican voters. that bodes well for conservatives who have a plan and passed legislation to deal with our border crisis. it bodes poorly for president biden who has not done anything but allow the border to become what it is. >> todd: immigration topping the issues and shows how frustrated american people are with joe
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biden and the border. joe biden thinks he has an ace up his sleeve with all the investigation into president trump. that said, if you look at results and listen to the populous that strategy is backfiring on democrats and marc thiessen got to that point last night explaining. >> marc: this was first time trump supporters had a chance to express solidarity and that is what they did in iowa. historic victory for donald trump. keep in mind, it is 100,000 people. over under was 50,000. they spent $124 million, talking about 2.3 million. >> todd: there was caveat this
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was not a huge sample size. trump won by 30 points. people could use democratic process and vote and tell party establishment, mostly democrats, you are going after donald trump and we don't like it. are democrats following last night's results regretting going after donald trump through the court? >> patrice: i don't think so, i think it is part of a strategy for them. we'll see if charges become anything. we have seen in georgia, the romantic side show that fani willis has become. so you will start to see those things unravel. political question is different from the legal question and president trump has a team on his back. there seems to be fighting so
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much position him as champion and when you look at exit polling and questions asked, voters want a champion who is going to be a fighter for them. it seems like president trump was one that was go be to be a fighter for him. we have a long way until november, anything can happen in 2020, we saw unexpected virus hit our nation and the economy andering changed overnight. anything can happen. i'm here along for the ride. >> todd: we are along for the ride, great analysis. defense secretary lloyd austin out of the hospital and working from home. tension with iran comes to a head in middle east. trey yingst live overseas with the latest. >> carley: happening today, hundreds of biden administration staffers expected to walk off the job, we'll tell you why
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>> carley: defense secretary lloyd austin is out of the hospital and will be working from home. >> todd: tensions rising in the middle east with iran taking. trey yingst has more. trey. >> trey: good morning. yesterday u.s. secretary of defense lloyd austin was released from the hospital after two weeks of care. america's top defense official put out a statement about treatment he received after ovmcasion following a prostate cancer diagnosis. i'm grateful for the excellent care i received at walter reed. i will perform duties from home
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and quickly return to the pentagon. this is a dangerous time in the middle east, 137 attacks by proxies in iraq and syria. iran guard corps launched missile into syria in what the united states called reckless strikes. it is unclear the target of theic stroos, large explosions reported near the u.s. consulate. >> carley: thank you. happening today, hundreds of biden employees planning to walk off the job to protest the president's support for israel. alexandria hoff. >> alexandria: most federal workers are home today because of snowy conditions, but shows clear divide over the
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president's stance on the war. according to speaker johnson walkoffs will be handled with discipline. anyone who walks off the job is ignoring responsibility and abusing taxpayers and deserve to be fired. johnson noted workers within 22 agencies plan to walk off today. drawing outrage from protesters, acting out against white house fencing this weekend. they said this is not a strike, but a day of mourning. >> todd: big news we are following this morning. it was a huge night for donald trump in iowa. republican caucus goers gave him 51% of the vote.
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former president 20 delegates closer to clinching the republican nomination. >> carley: ron desantis just edges past nikki haley by two points. vivek ramaswamy is backing out of the race and backing donald trump. nikki haley hoping to gain momentum in new hampshire next week. polls shore her chipping away at trump's lead. the co-owner of red aerodyner in new hampshire and young republican chair and a new hampshire voter join us. we have been talking to iowa voters and now new hampshire is up to bat. glad you joined us. want your thoughts on results of the iowa caucus last night, what do you think about it? >> we're happy governor desantis outperformed polls and
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expectations and really excited about him coming to new hampshire. two town halls i'll be at this afternoon and tonight and i think when people are starting to look at these candidates, desantis checks every box and can get the job done. >> carley: sounds like you are supporting desantis, why is that? >> i actually voted for trump twice, i was a delegate for him. when it came down to first in the nation primary, one thing i do, i start from scratch and i look at all boxes i need filled and we need someone who can come in and put a plan together, build a foundation for us to make our policies lasting and meaningful and governor desantis has been able to do that in florida and i think he can do
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that for the nation. >> carley: your diner plays an important role in new hampshire primary. tell us why. we've been doing it here for about 100 years. all walks of life come here. it has been a tradition happening for a long time. we're excited to get going here. >> carley: all the presidential candidates stop at your diner, is that right? >> they have all been here at least once. >> carley: trump, haley and ramaswamy have all been, have you met them? >> yes. >> carley: what did they order? who was nicest? >> president trump ordered the trump burger. vivek ordered i believe breakfast sandwich and we have a list of everything they ordered.
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they sign mugs. they are gracious, they order coffee and shake hands and answer questions. >> carley: so cool. it seems like a great tradition, an all-american tradition. "fox and friends" do diner segmentes. we should come to your diner. sounds like good opportunity for candidates to get to know people of new hampshire. what do the conversations sound like? >> customers are concerned with national security at this point and inflation. everyone is worried about their pocket book. heavy hitter questions that candidates are answering and it is a small area. they don't really have anywhere to go. they look them directly in the eye and able to have tough conversations and customers do a great job vetting them.
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>> carley: virginia, you are young republicans chair and you are politically active and a young voter. what issues matter most to you? >> as chair of young republicans, i have to be neutral and support all issues young people have for their concern for the candidates much issues range but we are no different from any voter in new hampshire. we still worry about social sec security, economy and border as much as anybody else. >> carley: let's talk about the other side of the aisle, joe biden's name will not appear on the new hampshire ballot, he did not want that to be the first primary. are people talking about that? >> absolutely, this conversation that -- >> carley: why don't you answer
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that and i'll go to amanda. >> okay. i think it is just pathetic that our president will not show up in new hampshire and more pathetic there is a campaign on the ground with democrats to write his name in if he doesn't want to be here. he did so badly last time he is taking it out tradition? >> young people are not looking for biden on the ballot and it shows his plsz is not working for america and young people are looking for any candidate on the republican ticket because policies work. we have so many choices who we pick for president that is not
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the current president. >> carley: with inflation, are primaries good for business? >> they are. we definitelies it is important to us, it is part of tradition and brings people from all over the country and world here. important part of our small business and economy for sure. >> carley: virginia, new hampshire is different in that an independent voter can walk into a primary and vote, how do you think that will play out? who will that benefit? >> it is exciting to see what happened lasts night in iowa. the question of for us is young people to see what the candidates are in new hampshire and see in the sense what we're looking for is candidate in new
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hampshire who have shown interest in us as voters. iowa is a different vote. we also have a different demographic in new hampshire here. we are an older population, but we still have the young vote. looking for republicans to give candidate that will listen to them whether or not they are registered as republicans. >> carley: thank you for joining us. next tuesday is the big day. appreciate it. republicans look ahead to new hampshire, vice president harris looking toward november. she made a bold prediction, watch this. no matter who the republican nominee is, we're winning. we beat donald trump before and will beat him again. >> todd: you sure, kamala? kaylee mcgee white on deck to respond. ♪ ♪
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>> carley: vice president kamala harris says she is confident she and president biden will spend four more years in the white house regardless who the opponent is. >> no matter who the republican candidate is? >> let me tell you this, we are winning. we are winning. >> you have seen the numbers. do you think donald trump is a foregone conclusion? >> i don't know, if it is donald trump, we've been him before and will beat him again. >> todd: kaylee mcgee white restoring america and steamboat institute fellow. is this bravado, or does kamala believe what she's saying despite poll after poll to the contrary. >> kaylee: she doesn't quite believe what she's saying. she is only democrats who could
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have lost to chris christie if he stayed in the race. most uniquely unpopular vice president in u.s. history. she is not beating anyone. credit to the republican party. we have allowed robust competition. on to democratic voters and depriving them of any choice in their primary. >> carley: former president obama, i am sure biden campaign is rolling their eyes, it is never good. new politico piece quoting former obama staffers who say biden's campaign is garbage. one quote is the vibe was t campaign did not have their bleep together. michelle obama is concerned and
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the former president signalled the same. wonder why the obama is speaking to the media? they don't have to. >> kaylee: this is first real sign there is a concerted effort by democratic party to find a replacement for joe biden in coming months. it is personal with obama. he recognizes joe biden is actually tarnishing obama's legacy. he is left over from the obama administration. many policies were started during the obama administration. to go out on a low note is not just a testament to joe biden's failure, but to obamas. >> todd: two things from last night's result. immigration outperformed every
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other issue. it beat economy by eight percentage points among people saying who they voted for and why they voted. keep this on the screen. add up 51, 21 and 7 that equals 80% that went to maga or maga adjacent. if i'm the white house, kamala, byted, that worries me. american people are ready to go back to what they experienced until 2020 and they will vote me out of office. what say you? >> kaylee: right and undercuts strategy of maga republicans as s semi-facist. 80% of voters in republican
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party of choosing that and more among independents and swing voters. how do you combat that? i think the poll you mentioned about immigration is important one and goes to show this is pivotal in the next election in november. iowa is not a border state and every voter feels strongly this issue is affecting them at home. imagine how the people in blue states experiencing the brunt of the migrant crisis will feel in november. >> carley: biden-harris election campaign announced it has $117 million on hand, largest war chest of any democrat in history. what do you think about that? >> kaylee: i mean, it is a war chest, they are going to put up a good fight.
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money does not change the numbers. now biden is running behind and it will take more than money to helpim had get ahead. >> todd: kaylee mcgee white, this is iowa, we have more of these to get to, we'll check back in new hampshire, south carolina and the like. >> carley: i hope you like waking up early, we like having you on. >> todd: early game yesterday, postponed n.f.l. game. bills and steelers. bills moving on in afc after beating the steelers. allen leads his team to a win. mike tomlin facing questions about his future and he was like, i'm out. >> you have a year left on your contract. >> can you do that? >> todd: basically, didn't
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finish the question. out. nfc, buccaneers dominating philadelphia eagles 32-9. notice how slowly and deliberately i read that. joy. baker mayfield leading the buccaneers to victory and dirty birds shut out. they lost. >> carley: stop saying dirty birds. >> todd: okay. focus on politics, message to n.f.l. and wardrobe department, get tampa bay to wear the cream sickle uniforms and lions to wear jersey from the '80s. people care. major topic is the iowa caucus now three-person race for republican nomination after
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donald trump absolutely runs away in the hawkeye state. ramaswamy is out and desantis and haley are not done yet. we have our ticket punched out of iowa. >> iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. >> very simple magill -- make america great again. and america first. >> carley: our coverage continues with ben carson, tudor dixon, larry elder and so much more. a brand new hour of "fox and friends first" is next, don't go anywhere.
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