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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 16, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PST

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ron desantis put major time and money and resources until winning iowa and defeated by more than four touchdowns. the governor who has a solid record to run on as far as the way he has run florida over the last four years has a real problem as far as winning this nomination because he is about to get smoked again in new hampshire. is he skipping new hampshire. after iowa is he going right to south carolina. that appears to be his last stand. nikki haley obviously has an advantage there. that's her home state. donald trump is winning by huge numbers in that state. he should drop out. save face, think about another run in 202 will. the campaign says the governor is going to continue to fight. this is likely not going to end well for ron desantis who had a will the of high hopes going into this primary, guys. >> carley: donald trump gets 20 delegates. ron desantis gets #. nikki haley gets 7. vivek gets 3. joe, thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, everybody. it is 6:00 on the east coast and
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it is 5:00 a.m. here on des moines, iowa on this cold, cold tuesday, january the 16th. our top story former president donald trump scored an historic win in last night's iowa caucus. >> i really think this is time now for everybody, our country to come together. this is the first because the big night is going to be in november when we take back our country and truly we do make our country great again. >> steve: meanwhile, ron desantis came in second followed very closely by nikki haley. we're going to unpack the first in the nation contest as all eyes now turn to new hampshire, ainsley. >> ainsley: that's right, steve. later today, federal employees set to walk off of their jobs in protest. they are protesting biden's support for israel. house speaker mike johnson says fire them all. >> brian: what about joe biden? is he going to weigh in.
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wild weather canceling a thousand flights so far today. a little snow didn't stop buffalo fans from digging their way into the stadium. lawrence, i will give it away. the bills won. >> lawrence: yeah. they did. the first hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> steve: live from des moines, iowa, on the banks of the des moines river right at the confluence of the raccoon river. we are at the river center here in des moines where currently it is, as you can see from your screen, 9 degrees below zero. the wind chill, when you factor it in is 27 degrees below zero. and do you know what? when you look at the weather and we have been talking about it the last couple of days, brian, ainsley and lawrence, it does look like the weather actually did impact the turnout. we were talking about yesterday,
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live from des moines, we were talking about how in 2016 the year that donald trump won the presidency, the turnout was 187,000 in iowa. that's a lot. you factor in the bitter cold, the snow. a lot of people still hadn't been dug out yet. only 110,000 republicans showed up to caucus last night. they were disappointed in the turnout. best of your recollection obviously, if you are a trump fan you are not disappointed in the win. >> ainsley: you know, that's true, steve. but, trump still won with the largest margin ever there in iowa. huge turnout for him. he wins by 30 points. the polls were right. he took the stage. we were expecting him to take the stage last night. i was watching martha and bret 10:15. he didn't come on l 20 minutes after that and i'ed to stay up to watch that he had very impassioned speech to his
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family. he thanked his sons. he thanked melania. he remembered his mother-in-law who passed away. he said it's been very hard on their family. he was looking up to heaven and said a prayer for her. he said barron is so tall because of her great cooking. he thanked the a.g. because you remember kim reynolds the governor supported ron desantis. he had a problem with that because he had supported her when she ran for governor. he thanked the a.g. who was up there on stage with him. brenda bird for supporting him and said you stood up against the pack and she hugged him and said thank you. i'm glad to do it because we need you. he also congrats a littled the republican rivals. he said they had a good time together adding they both did well. >> brian: i don't know what that means. >> ainsley: ramaswamy did a hell of a job. >> brian: tried to do something nice had a good time together. fantastic. 51. take a look at the final stats here. here it is trump had 51% of the vote followed by desantis. ron desantis said we live to
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play another day because they punched their ticket and he goes to south carolina and then new hampshire haley is all primed for new hampshire and ramaswamy very respectful 7.7 no one knew the 37-year-old prior to six months ago. looking at the analysis, lawrence, it goes pretty much the way we thought, right? >> lawrence: there was not a shock in the room as we were looking at the results come in. we had the opportunity, yesterday we figured out that the trump victory rally was actually connected to our hotel. so we went across the breezeway. there was a certain -- couldn't sleep. political junky that i am. went there and there was such a calmness with trump. it was shocking to me. he wasn't his boisterousself. very unified. he didn't say unify the party. he said unify the country as
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well. there is a different known now with the president. if you are ron desantis you are not feeling so well. not to produce proud to say you are dated a girl. taking her flowers. no matter what you do they still want the ex. crump is the ex. you thought the party was over him and you thought it was over and you were moving on as a country and have you done everything right. but they are still saying i have this romance for him and i think that's what the electorate is doing right now. i still like him. >> steve: lawrence, x. formerly twitter you mean. ron desantis has some terrible news. he is running low on cash. and if he's going to sustain the operation, he's going to have to
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have some major donors come and essentially say we have got faith in you that you can do better in iowa. keep in mind, he had the ground game. the desantis people knocked on every republicans' door five times in iowa. but ultimately, donald trump smarting from what happened to him in 2016, he actually developed a very good ground game. but it was not about door-knocking. instead what they did was they looked at the data who voted in 2016 and 2020, the campaign is -- has been very effective in maintaining records about who shows up at the event. they contacted those people via text, by phone calls, stayed contact with them. they deputized a lot of caucus captains who would get the hats. some were autographed. some were offered the opportunity to maybe meet donald trump. ultimately it was the trump team that got the people energid to show up last night when it
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was -- it actually was the warmest part of the day last night at 7:00 we went over to precinct 62 here in des moines. it was only zero degrees. but the interesting thing was, aside from -- and i was talking about the statewide turnout, at lincoln high school they were expecting 100 people to show up for des moines 62. do you know how many showed up? 50. and probably the weather combined with the fact that the polls were overwhelmingly trump-based going, in a lot of people thought, you know what? i don't think i need to vote. he is already going to win. >> ainsley: elise stefanik congratulated trump. she called on every other candidate to drop out so the party can unify behind donald trump. vivek ramaswamy did just that and endorsed trump last night. what is interesting new hampshire. we will be in new hampshire next tuesday for that primary. first primary in the country because this was a caucus. in this primary, you can have
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independents that vote. democrats that vote. that's why pollsters are saying that nikki haley is inching a little closer to donald trump there. i think 7 to 9 points difference there the reason they are so close because you have a lot of independents, a lot of moderates that really like nikki haley and even some democrats prefer her over joe biden. but, ron desantis is skipping new hampshire. he is is going to be in greenville south carolina on tuesday. he going to try to beat nikki haley in her own state. >> brian: i know you are jealous any time somebody goes to south carolina and it's not you. 40% of new hampshire residents do not belong to either party. they are going to try to participate. here is a reaction to the results in iowa. look. >> we're going to come together. it's going to happen soon, too. this is the third time we have won. >> we love you. >> this is the biggest one. i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together. we're all having a good time together.
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[laughter] i think they both actually did very well. i really do. i also want to congratulate vivek because he did a hell of a job. >> but i can tell you, because of your support, in spite of all of that that they threw at us, everyone against us, we have got our ticket punched out of iowa. >> i can safely say tonight iowa made this republican primary a two-person race. thank you, iowa, we're going to continue on. we're going to make you proud and we're off to new hampshire. >> we are going to suspend this presidential campaign. thi called donald trump to tell him that i congratulate him on his victory and now going forward he will have my full endorsement for the presidency. >> brian: solid surrogate for him, too. he said a lot of the same things and up until the last couple days they were getting along
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great. >> ainsley: vivek no longer a fake. >> brian: lost three points he said i think vivek got them. let's separate ourselves. i think they will end up together. obviously he impressed a lot of people. no one doubts his intellect and energy. he went to every county twice. it's going to be fascinating going forward what happens after new hampshire. the real clear average has trump up 14. now you got a week. governor sununu is very popular. nikki haley is established. got a lot of money. they are going to just try to win over independents and moderates in new hampshire. for the president, this is a very interesting challenge. if he wants to win the general and is he up in the general as is desantis and nikki haley. he has got to win those moderates and as well as independents. so, this is your chance. so, let's see if the message changes. >> lawrence: i think that the president, especially when you look at the number one issue, which i was a little bit surprised because i thought it was going to be consistently the economy. when it switched to immigration
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yesterday, that's his issue. and when you look at the southern border, when you look at what is happening in my home state of texas, you are outraged if you are republican, moderate, or even a democrat. it's not just the people coming across the border and getting welfare. what the latest study said 60% are getting benefits when you are struggling. >> brian: amazing. >> lawrence: also the fact of the fentanyl as well. the interesting thing, before we go that i also have found interesting in the candidates is, there was a lot of frustration last night about how quickly and it wasn't just us. it was everyone, how quickly we called the race. because it was so definitive and you had the other candidates. >> ainsley: half hour. >> lawrence: election interference and people were voting. but i think the other candidates should be reflective at this moment. look at the writing on the wall. look at the massive amount of support that the former president has and realize, start connecting with those people.
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because, right now, it doesn't look like. >> brian: i do wish the a.p. took their time. a lot of those people were on their way to caucus or they were getting text messages in the building. >> steve: brian, i was actually at the caucus. and we were in the midst -- the associated press called it 31 minutes after things started. things started promptly at 7:00 p.m. central time. 31 minutes in, we're listening to some of the speeches, and ari, the producer handed me his phone and it had been called for donald trump. people were still giving their speeches. and then people in the room were looking at their phones about hey, listen, it looks like donald trump actually won. and ron desantis obviously immediately said election interference there could be something to that keep in mind you are sitting in the room and you know that donald trump is going to win. the story was he is going to win substantially. you know what? i'm still going to vote for
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vivek ramaswamy, even though is he going to lose. nobody wants that. the average person wants to be on the bandwagon. i wonder. and i don't know. i just know that i was in the room when it was called and people had not started voting. and people were looking at the results. they knew donald trump was going to win and i don't know how many people said, you know what? i'm just going to go with trump because i want to back a winner. >> ainsley: it wasn't close it was inevitable and this underscores. resilience that he has shown despite it barrage of criminal prosecution, prosecutions against him. shows how popular he is. and i think that's actually helping him. >> brian: is he back in the courtroom today right in new york city. >> steve: it would have been better if they would have waited an hour until all the speeches were done. one of the things that probably tamped downturnout here was the weather. we got a fox weather alert. more than 1,000 flights already have been canceled on this tuesday as bitter cold blast
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several states and snow as well. >> brian: today, government employees protesting the government? hundreds of biden administration staffers set to walk out over biden's handling of the israeli-hamas war. is that legal? what's the president going to do about that? >> ainsley: first back to the landslide victory for former president donald trump. tomi lahren credits his appeal to the mid west values and she's next. ♪ ♪ my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre--
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i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. ♪ >> ainsley: this is a winter storm alert, nearly 80% of america facing below freezing temps today as a deadly artic blast is covering the south with snow and ice. officials are warning residents to stay off the roads in states like arkansas, and as a whiteout creates dangerous travel conditions in other parts of the country. and the east coast isn't in the clear, either. several cities seeing snow, too. the severe conditions have already led to more than 1,000 cancellations and nearly 700 delays today at airports across our country. so let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean
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for our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: hello, it's snowing. >> ainsley: it is. >> janice: we have not broken that snowless streak officially. i think it will happen. we have to wait from the national weather service to give us some snow totals but it's snowing in new york city. let's take a look at the maps right now. it's 27 degrees with some snow happening. miles -- 6 mile-per-hour winds. visibility is not great on the roadways and they're canceling some schools in and around the tri-state area. keep that in mind. i got word from a friend of mine in her area in connecticut they canceled some schools. let's move on and see if my maps are going to move for me. i guess my clicker is also frozen. we have many clickers in different studios. and i grabbed the wrong one. so that's why my maps are not advancing. but i will tell you we got over 6 inches of snow in parts of the southern states yesterday. we have freeze advisories that stretch from the gulf coast all the way up towards the northeast. we did break the snowless record
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for baltimore and philadelphia. we got 0.8 inches of snow at jfk. we are waiting for the snow totals for central park. if we get over an inch then we will have broken that snowless streak. 700 days without an inch or more of snow. and then, of course, the wind chill alerts are stretching from the border of canada all the way across the gulf coast states where it feels really cold. that first artic air mass has settled in. we have got a next blast coming later this week and another chance of snow for the northern tier of the country, including new york city. so, ainsley, i don't know if we can make snow angels today, but i am hopeful that maybe friday we might be able to make snow angels. i'm tossing over to brian and, brian, i know you don't like making snow angels. >> brian: right. ainsley was nodding. i know, i'm anti-snow angel. pro-angel overall. >> janice: i'm so disappointed about that. >> ainsley: he's not anti-angel.
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>> brian: not anti-angel overall. >> janice: we would be losing viewers. >> brian: can i have the segment now please? >> janice: yes. over to you. >> brian: former president donald trump notching a sweeping land slide victory last night in iowa. >> i really think this is time now for everybody, our country to come together. we want to come together. whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative, it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems. >> brian: wow, a reflective president critics in the left wing media didn't see it that way. either refusing to air or cutting him off completely. >> we're going to seal up the border. [cheers] >> we van v. an invasion of millions and millions of people coming into our country. i can't imagine why they think that's a good thing. >> donald trump declaring victory with historically strong showing in the iowa caucuses. here he is right now under my voice you hear him repeating his
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anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech. we will let you know if there is any news made in a speech. >> brian: if he wins the election, will they cut him off of the state of the union address? is that unbelievable? i'm louder than the winner. tomi lahren joins us now. she hosts a great show on outkick. tomi, your reaction to their reaction to trump winning again? >> i mean, i'm not surprise in the least. they will continue to do this through election day and probably beyond that it's so interesting when they say because of his anti-immigrant rhetoric. he has not a single word was anti-immigrant. we are talking about illegal immigration. of course they can't say that to their viewers. their viewers have formed a safe space over at msnbc and cnn and they don't want to upset those safe spaces. a lot of these journalists that are masquerading as journalists are actually activists and they hate donald trump. they hate the fact they were wrong in 2016.
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they hate the fact that donald trump is doing so well in the polls. not just within the republican party but within the general election that's upcoming. so they don't want to give him a chance to speak to the american people. they tried that with that cnn town hall several months back. and they were so disappointed that even cnn viewers seemed to take to donald trump. they couldn't possibly risk that. so they will stifle him at every turn. so we have to be ready to play hard ball because the media is not going to be doing trump any favors any time soon. >> brian: they did voter analysis. immigrants in the u.s., this question was asked do more to help or hurt the country? 22% say help. 75% say hurt. meanwhile, in terms of the issues that matter most. immigration is number one. 41%, 33 on the economy. then foreign policy. then healthcare. tomi, what i think they're miss something instead of the president coming down an an escalator and people say what does he mean there's a problem at the border? now everybody, including democratic mayors know there is a problem at the border. they are the ones living in
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2015, 2016, don't you think? >> i certainly do lawrence alluded to this earlier. if this general election becomes about the economy and immigration, donald trump is going to do very well. i hope he makes it about the current issues. we got to stop talking about 2020 and bed lump and restitution. we have to talk about the issues. if the american people are concerned about immigration donald trump is your guy. he is the only one that wants to seriously address the issue. that's very good for donald trump that people are starting to care for very bad for cnn and msnbc. unfortunately for them. >> you brought up tactics, real quick on new hampshire. a different way to win in new hampshire. a lot of moderates and independents and a lot will be taking place votingness primary. if you are president trump, do you change what you say? >> i don't think so donald trump is going to change himself at all i think he is unable to say that is he going to shift to a
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more general election message. he needs to. he did it the other night on the fox town hall when he was speaking about abortion. that was great answer he gave. you will see him pivot. he is not worried about ron desantis. is he not worried about nikki haley. now it's time to focus on the general election. he can be there actually the unifier that joe biden promised to be, it's going to be a matter of him making sure he drives those narratives home that are important to the american people. i think is he going to do it. >> ron desantis says i punch you had my ticket to live another day and it's true. nikki haley, this is her moment, because if she is going to win it all, new hampshire will be the place it starts. so it's going to be actually exciting to see over the next few days. tomi lahren, thank you. >> tomi: thanks, brian, appreciate it. >> brian: show on outkick. it's great. in london less than four hours it can soon be a reality. can we afford the ticket. steve got a front row look at the iowa caucuses. >> steve: is this your first caucus it? >> is my first caucus.
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>> steve: and? >> i was very pleased. i can't hide it. i'm a trump gible. >> steve: i think you are in the majority here. >> i agree. steve former president that led to his historic win. lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends in iowa where it is below 7 degrees. so lawrence says put me near the kitchen. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, brian. we are having breakfast with friends at the breakfast clubs in angi an afternoony. ankeny. that's coming up on "fox & friends." ♪
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jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. >> steve: well former president donald trump winning bigly in new york rather iowa last night.
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as former governor ron desantis and nikki haley come in second and third respectfully. bill melugin joins us with a recap of the iowa caucuses. and, as you can see, is he outside where it is 9 below zero. hey, bill. >> bill: it feels 9 below zero. yeah. trump had a dominant victory last night. he won # 8 out of 99 iowa counties. the one county he lost was by one single vote. he came in above the 50% threshold. now he is turning his attention to the state of new hampshire. take a listen. >> so i want to just finish by saying that this has been an incredible experience. the people have been -- this is the third time we have won. >> we love. >> you but this is the biggest win. we won it last time and we won it both times. and we lo it. >> and as for ron desantis and nikki haley, they were neck and neck for most of the night. it was desantis who ended out coming on top for second place coming in with 21% of the vote
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while nikki haley ended at 19%. she came in third. ron desantis did over perform some of the preelection polling which showed him in third place. desantis he says his ticket is now punched out of iowa while haley is saying this is now a two man race between her and donald trump. both of them will be campaigning in new hampshire today. and as of for vivek ramaswamy. he came in fourth place last night with 7% of the vote. he decided to suspend his campaign. he has officially dropped out. he has now endorsed donald trump for his presidency. and then take a look at this graphic here. voters were asked what issue was most important to them going into this caucus. surprisingly, number one was immigration coming in even before the economy. the economy was number two. foreign policy was number 3. and healthcare was number 4. and back out here live, just to show you how quickly the political winds can change, vivek ramaswamy says he is going to be campaigning with donald trump in new hampshire at one of
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his rallies this week. keep in mind just a couple days ago trump was posting on truth social that vivek was, quote, sly and, quote, not maga and you shouldn't vote for him. send it back to you, steve. >> steve: yeah. but that was yesterday. come on. what a difference a day makes, bill. thank you very much. okay. you know, the thing about being here in iowa is they don't just mail in a ballot, they don't go in person and just check a box. what they do is they gather in church basements and school auditoriums all across the state. 1600 precincts across the state. it's different because the people don't just go in and vote. they sit down and they listen to their neighbors give speeches for the people they back. we went last night to the caucus closest to us. it was des moines 62 at lincoln high school. and, ladies and gentlemen, this is democracy in action. watch. ♪ ♪ >> caucus will now come to
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order. steve the guy who runs precinct 62. everybody comes in pretty much with their mind made up, right? >> i would think so. >> jared, these are your neighbors. >> yep. >> why did you want to come and talk about ron desantis. >> i believe ron desantis is the man not just to lead the republican party with moral clarity but to win in november. that's why i'm supporting him. >> i was coming to vote anyways and just wanted to encourage people to consider an alternative to trump. >> steve: are you having fun, honey? can you say hi? >> yes. >> she said yes. she's got my vote. is this your first caucus? >> it is my first caucus. >> steve: and? >> i was very pleased with the experience. >> steve: do you want to tell us what you were think about for a candidate? >> i'm going -- i mean my pin, i can't hide it. i'm a trump girl. >> steve: i think you are in the majority here. >> i would agree. i would agree with you. >> so vote donald j. trump tonight. >> 100 percent behind gloneld number one can daughter in trump. only one who can make america great again. >> steve: sherri, why did you
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want to get up and talk about trump. >> i believe he will be back in the white house in 2025. >> i'm here to vote for trump tonight. >> steve: why did you decide you wanted to come out in person a lot of people don't. >> a lot of people don't. you know what? i had to. i had to drag my grand babies out here because this is their america. this is their future. >> steve: did she vote, too? >> she did. will. >> steve: julie is kidding. >> the baby didn't actually vote. >> write down the candidate of your choice on that piece of paper and then kind of get them passed forward and we will get those collected and counted. >> steve: courtney, this is really cool seeing democracy in action it? >> is. >> steve: but it takes a little longer than just pushing a button. >> yes, it does. >> steve: you are going to do the counting. >> yes. of the counting is going to be done back there. i will jump on the website and report our winner. we will announce it here tonight. >> steve: the sooner i stop talking the sooner you have the winner, right? >> we will, yes. >> desantis 8, haley 10, trump
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29. [cheers] trump takes des moines 62. >> steve: we have been talking about it so long. it was great to see what it looked like. ultimately, they spent $125 million on tv ads through the cycle. and it all comes down to those little pieces of paper in that ziploc bag. tell end they added them up and this is what it looked like. these are the official results from des moines 62 as you can see right there. donald trump had 29 but then somebody realized wait, i didn't put my vote into the bag. and he wound up with 30. there was one other hiccup. that was one of the best speakers last night, too late. because they had already started voting and the speaker was susan hutchinson. there she is right there. that is asa hutchenson's wife. she had been appearing in the
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auditorium in the high school and made impassioned pitch for asa. she actually showed up too late. they had already voted. but she told the story of her husband, asa. it was very compelling. and they gave her a very nice round of applause. but only one vote. and that is how t caucuses work. now to talk more about how the caucuses were across the state. [applause] >> steve: a little further from us in ankeny, iowa. lawrence is at the breakfast club where i saw them making -- it looked like a cappuccino a moment ago. >> lawrence: i was making expresso. my first expresso i have ever made. let's talk to some folks. you went to caucus last night. who did you caucus for? >> trump. >> lawrence: why? >> i think he is the only one that can do the job right now. we need to reverse everything biden has done. so i think trump is going to be
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the only one with experience to do that, and he's not afraid. >> lawrence: you told me that you were shocked when you got home to see the 50-plus percent win because at your caucus, he actually didn't win, right? >> yes. that's correct. desantis came in first and trump was second. and then a friend of mine, who lives in waukee, a suburb of des moines, trump didn't win at his either. >> lawrence: so let's talk to your friend. because you are from missouri. >> yep. >> lawrence: you said you are going to support who? >> i'm going to probably support trump. but i feel like -- the only thing i'm afraid about is that he is divisive, and, you know, i think even though he -- his speech last night, you know, has -- looks like he has changed a little bit. it just worries me a little bit. >> lawrence: do you think with the change of tone for him saying he wants to unify the
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country, do you think that's going to be able to work when he gets -- if he's the nominee and then goes into the general election, do you think people will come around? >> that's a tough question because i think no matter what, just being honest, no matter what, he's trump. and people just -- they either like him or they absolutely hate him. and it's just. >> lawrence: it's a valid question. >> yeah. it's a valid question and it's difficult because he -- you know, i fear that there's going to be -- it's going to be like it was in 2016, where people will just rebel, you know, and that's my worry. >> lawrence: yeah. it's a valid question, guys, as we just talked to two folks that want to support the former president but it's a legitimate
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concern, will people buy the message of unity? i was there last night as he was giving that victory speech. will they change the way that they vote based on the new donald trump? i will send it over to you, carley. >> carley: lawrence, thank you so much. we have got some news outside of iowa and other parts of the country as well starting in new york city where massive anti-israel protest broke out yesterday. thousands of protesters marched through the upper east side demanding a cease-fire in gaza. some protesters also making their way into a cancer treatment center yelling shame at the hospital with reports saying protesters claim it's complicit in the -- in israel's war against hamas. dr. anthony fauci's former boss is now saying the covid-19 lab leak theory is credible. dr. francis collins made the admission during a seven hour closed door interview on capitol hill on friday. the house subcommittee chairman saying, quote: this testimony directly contradicts dr. fauci's
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previous statements and raises further concerns about the u.s. government's role in suppressing and vilifying the lab leak hypothesis. this comes just a few days after fauci himself testified that the lab leak theory you was not a conspiracy. those are your headlines, carley, thank you very much. the iowa caucuses in the book but still a long road to the convention. brian and ainsley walk us through the contest of the big wall. plus, far from fair weather crowds, look at this. crowds trudging through the snow to make it to the bilts, steelers matchup. those are people walking through some of the stadium seats. wherever they wanted to sit, they had to bring a shovel and shovel it out. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family.
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>> ainsley: now that iowa's results are. in it is time to focus on what's ahead for the candidate. >> brian: finally iowa's results are in. turn to the wall. the difference between caucuses and primaries. first off, i thought the caucuses are really cool but they are very unique. >> ainsley: interesting to see steve walk us through that because i didn't grow up in a caucus state. fun to see behind the scenes how
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they meet together. the caucus is held by a political party. a primary is hosted by the government. and state -- every state is different. some like the caucus process, some like the primary, some do both. >> brian: family atmosphere as opposed to go in pull the curtain old fashioned style and leave. of course they also choke make sure you are registered. what is going to make it to intriguing about the new hampshire primary, 40% of the state is unregistered and decide if you are going to vote in the republican or democratic. not offering there. joe biden can't win in new hampshire he said i want to start this whole thing in south carolina. there is a huge pushback. bottom line is those voters are free to go into the republican caucus. i think it's going to be so intriguing, ainsley, because moderates and undecideds are what trump needs to win the general and what haley feels as though she has the favorite to take. >> ainsley: headline this morning is trump won in a landslide by 30 points in iowa. you need 1215 delegates.
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when we get to the convention over the summer. he just -- there are 40 up for grabs in iowa. he got 20 of them. desantis 8. haley 7ened and ramaswamy 2. that means three yet to be determined. that gives donald trump momentum. >> brian: right. real clear average has haley trailing by 14 points. we will see what happens. >> ainsley: real clear is the average, right? >> brian: that's the average. the last two polls are single digits between the two. haley is going to go there right away. ron desantis says i'm going to south carolina. then i'm going to bins back. >> you touched on this. let's go to champ because this is happening next tuesday, we all be there next monday tuesday and wednesday anchor "fox & friends" from new hampshire. biden has decided i'm not going to campaign there. there is some pushback. the national party doesn't like that the democrats are deciding not to go there. trump is winning in the polls there nikki haley is inching closer and closer. what is interesting about this. democrats and independents can vote in new hampshire. she is liked by a lot of the moderates.
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desantis skipping it completely, brian. >> brian: he will be going back later today, ainsley. i have not seen a poll where he is out of single digits. vivek will have single digits there. maybe take three or four and maybe help president trump. is he going to be active in that process. now it's time to canvas the area. there is also a debate this week. i'm wondering if nikki haley and governor desantis say is it really worth it to beat up on each other the guy we have got to lap is not participating? we will see what happens. >> ainsley: desantis will be there today. next tuesday he will not be there when actually they take the vote. he has decided to go on to greenville south carolina for a town hall. >> brian: let's move on to what will be next after that. first off the south carolina primary is going to be intriguing because the governor of south carolina is not going with the former governor of south carolina. mcmaster. henry mcmaster going for trump and it's helping him. >> ainsley: first final to endorse donald trump years ago. nikki haley very well liked in south carolina but trump is just adored and loved.
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she has plenty of time if she doesn't take south carolina to possibly win a presidential election later on. on the 3rd, that's the democrats. democrat shifting opening primary to this day on the 24th that's a big day. it's a saturday. that's interesting they are doing it on a weekend that's republicans. >> brian: saturday, probably going to be a huge turnout. what is so interesting is that you have the president of the united states -- current president of the united states who says on the 3rd that's going to be my first. really because you have no shot of winning south carolina. you had a moderate shot of winning new hampshire usually democrats compete in iowa. you blew them both off i'm sure they have a long memory. >> ainsley: desantis focusing on south carolina first in the south primary. people in the south love him. a lot of evangelicals down there. a lot of people anti-abortion and they like desantis for that reason. >> general feeling desantis and trump go after the same voter. haley is going after a different voter. even if desantis does drop out, more than likely those voters will go to trump.
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>> ainsley: nevada is interesting. the candidates can choose if they want the primary or the caucus. the primary is going to be on february 6th. run by the secretary of state. it functions like a general election. the caucus is february 8th. the republican candidates are participating in different ones. >> brian: haley is going to go for the primary, be by herself. looks like desantis, if he lasts that long and there are some questions about that if he lasts this long will be going at it with the president they chose to caucus. i'm not sure what the point of nevada. one thing is pretty clear that, is indispensable state. that is one that republicans feel they can win and that's the one that democrats feel they should win. so that is truly a battleground state like michigan, like pennsylvania. and like some other battleground states which is now georgia. >> ainsley: all right. super tuesday. lots of people voting all over the country on this day. this is in march. it's tuesday, the 5th. we might actually know who the candidates are it might be trump and biden at that point. 17 states with territories of u.s. territories as well. they are either primarying or caucusing on that day.
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>> brian: what is so interesting is in the theory, trump is supposed to be sitting in the courtroom the day after super tuesday. he's upset by that. that could be delay and kicked a little bit down the line. what is really important for president trump if he is going to get the nomination to consolidate quickly. allows money to flow. in when he goes for these court cases, it's the president against the presumptive opponent. that's how he wants to couch it when it comes to these judges and winning over political support. >> ainsley: if trump continues to do as well as he did in iowa. we will have a candidate. if we don't have a candidate after super tuesday then it goes to the convention a contested convention. >> brian: you say goes to. it's time for us to go upstairs to carley for other news. >> carley: great job, guys. i feel educated and ready to start my day. more news to get to starting with nsa debuting a knew super sonic plane capable of flying from london to new york in three and a half hours. the plane is nicknamed the son of concord. it's 100 feet long.
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cost a mere 250 million bucks. able to avoid sonic boom despite reaching sonic speeds of 900 miles per hour unlike predecessor called the concord. now to football we go. the tampa bay buccaneers dominating the philadelphia eagles last night with a 32-9 win. tampa will face detroit in next week's divisional round. and in buffalo, the bills putting the freeze on the steelers topping pittsburgh 31-17. after the game, steelers' coach mike tomlin made it clear did he not like the question the reporter asked about his future with the team. watch this. >> mike, you have a year left on your contract. >> carley: walked out of the room. check out these brave bills' fans though jumping through a flaming table. it's the most -- i love the bills' math i can't. good for them. hopefully nobody got hurt. back downstairs to you. >> ainsley: was there alcohol involved? why did the coach involved he
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doesn't know if he is coming back. >> brian: he doesn't want to answer the question. for example ask me if i want to read the tease? >> ainsley: do you want to read the tease? i will read it for you. protesting the government, today hundreds of biden administration staffers are set to walk out over his handling like biden did over their handling ever the israel-hamas war, andy mccarthy says this is illegal. that's next. ♪
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