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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 17, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> dana: i don't like this. why -- i don't like this. first of all, i love the signs and think they are funny. why is the government getting involved to take away a little fun in life? mayor pete, show up for this press conference and say guys, let's just fix the roads and let these highway funny people have their moment. >> bill: shake it off. don't get bad blood, shake it off. they use this in ohio a lot. every time we go for the holidays, christmas, easter. they play off the holidays. turkeys basteed, don't drive wasted. >> dana: let's hope the highway administration changes that. we'll see if we can reverse this decision. great to be back in new york. harris faulkner is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news. the white house versus the state of texas. it is getting ugly.
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three dead illegal immigrants and a federal government timeline that kills the white house narrative. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the white house is standing by the controversial statement it released over the weekend that appears to support henry cuellar's allegation that texas is to blame for the drowning deaths of three illegals, a mom and two children last friday. the white house statement claims texas officials blocked border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance by shutting down part of a public park. the white house press secretary here. >> what governor abbott is doing is a political stunt and all it is doing is not making communities safer, for certain and also demonizing and dehumanizing people. i was asked about the three migrants that died that drowned
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recently. and so it is unfortunate that we're seeing that. >> harris: the texas attorney general hit back. >> they should definitely set the record straight. they clearly made an act situation without having facts why the biden administration chose to speak out without knowing. when you accuse somebody of being part of causing the deaths of migrants, you ought to have your facts straight. if you don't you need to correct the facts so the american people know you got it wrong. >> harris: matt finn is in eagle pass, texas for us. matt. >> harris, federal attorney has warned the state of texas that today is the deadline for texas to reopen this park to federal border patrol agents. the federal government is warning if texas doesn't comply today, all options are on the table. i spoke exclusively with the texas attorney general ken paxton and he says texas is not backing down today. texas has the right to protect
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its sovereign land and defending its borders. >> we have the obligation to control public lands in texas and we have the right to do that. the federal government doesn't have any right to come onto public lands and take them over. this is not a dictatorship. >> we want to give you a live look inside shelby park right now. last week texas installed razor wire and fencing along the 2.5 mile stretch of land here and banned federal border patrol agents arguing that texas can do a better job of deterring migrants. also this morning there is the growing controversy about the drowning deaths of a migrant mother and her two children friday night near this park. over the weekend democratic congressman cuellar tweeted texas is to blame for the drownings because texas blocked border patrol from entering the park to access the river rescue. however, the texas military department calls that claim wholly inaccurate saying mexico
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handled the drowning deaths and border patrol showed up after the incident. despite the unconfirmed allegation, the white house released a controversial statement over the weekend insinuating texas is to blame writing in the first line on friday night a woman and two children drowned near eagle pass and texas officials blocked u.s. border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. i asked the white house if it plans to issue a clarifier. we now know border patrol was not blocked from rescuing those three migrants. the white house says it is standing by that statement. the texas attorney general says the white house owes the public an explanation and this controversial white house statement is being compared to that now infamous debunked statement back in 2021 when the white house claimed that border patrol was whipping haitian migrants along the border. harris. >> harris: what we call a lie. we'll see how this one that doesn't jive with the timeline sent by dhs. we will see what they are
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floating from the white house jives now. more on this story later in the hour with texas congressman pat fallon from texas. donald trump and nikki haley ron desantis in new hampshire today. six days until primary tuesday. trump is in the lead but haley closing in after coming in fourth in iowa and suspending his campaign, vivek ramaswamy joined the former president on stage in new hampshire last night. >> we are in the middle of a war in this country. that's what this is. it's between the permanent state and the everyday citizen. between those of us who love the united states of america, and a fringe minority who hates this country and what we stand for. and right now we need a commander-in-chief who will lead us to victory in this war. >> harris: in "focus" yesterday former new hampshire governor judd gregg said he endorsed
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nikki haley. >> the path to the nomination is narrow. there is no question about that. desantis doesn't have a path. but haley does. it is very narrow. there are a large number of states on super tuesday that trump won't do well in. massachusetts, maine, vermont, california, colorado. she could come out of super tuesday with a significant delegate count and then a two-person race things change. >> harris: power panel now. shermichael singleton, former deputy chief of staff of housing and urban development. doug schoen democrat poling expert. let's start with nikki haley. i want to get your take, shermichael. >> new hampshire will be a bellwether for her. the question is, can she win enough to not be behind trump by
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20 or more points? if she can, then i think there is a palatable message to argue to her donors and potential voters she can go into south carolina, her home state and how she could succeed in super tuesday where the voters are more moderate leaning independent republicans. but if she loses to trump again the way she did in iowa i will find it very difficult for voters to say you know what? we'll stick with haley even if they like her they will go with a winner even if they have some issues with some of the articulation of certain positions by that said winner. >> harris: it's interesting you say if she loses like she did in iowa. she was in third place. if desantis comes in second in new hampshire that's a whole different ballgame. >> yeah, i would say, harris, frankly, that i am less optimistic about haley's chances than we've just heard.
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she has got to win new hampshire convincingly and she needs to go into south carolina where she trails by some 20 points now and win convincingly there. a tall order. even in super tuesday, my sense is that trump is well ahead in virtually every state. i'm not saying she can't win, but the odds on favorite is donald trump. even if the race is close in new hampshire, that to me is a big win for the former president and we democrats are starting to recognize that. >> harris: do you have anybody else you might want to run, you democrats? anybody on the right now if you put them up in a hypothetical is beating your guy. >> that's true. there is a lot of rumbling in my party, harris, some of which i think you have heard and others have heard. how do we replace joe biden? the problem is kamala harris is weaker. there is one candidate, she has been more assertive lately, and
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that's michelle obama. i say potential. >> harris: she is a candidate now? >> i said she is a potential candidate. i misspoke. i apologize. >> harris: even potential a first. let's move. donald trump's landslide victory in iowa setting off alarm bells for some democrats. former top obama aide david axelrod, vocal this election season had a warning for biden's campaign. >> let's all be aware and trump is a pretty form i hadable candidate and now he is on the ballot. i consider myself a realist. the president and his campaign need to get into gear and they need a message. and they need a message that is -- that takes in not just democracy but the day-to-day concerns that people have and they need to prosecute it every single day. >> harris: billionaire and long time dem owner ackman said if
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you haven't figured it out it is clear that donald trump is going to crush biden. shermichael. >> bill: look, jamie dimon was giving an cnbc this morning talking about how this idea of constantly attacking half of the country as maga extremists will not play well with independents and immigration is a threat to the country. he talked about how the state of the economy really isn't improving. democrats like to point to some of these metrics. you have to remember how many the monetary policies the fed had to implement in order to get to this idea of a somewhat decent economy. i was looking earlier today at one clip of a biden deputy campaign manager black unemployment or black wealth has increased by 60%. i did digging. that translated to household median income of $45,000. that is sadly not something to be excited about. there is very serious issues that democrats will have to deal
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with that does not excite the american people. >> harris: digging about the bidenomics would only take a toothpick. fortunately you didn't exhaust yourself. doug, you get last word. >> harris, right now donald trump is the favorite to be reelected as president. what david axelrod said is right. what bill ackman said is right. we need a message, we need a contrast with trump that goes beyond democracy. the border needs to be tightened. inflation needs to be addressed. so far neither has been done. trump is the favorite. >> harris: the biggest problem that i see for the left is there is so much hate. there is hate towards the 75 million people and they are all lumped together called mag yeah. hate toward the former president and go after him with everything they've got. pretty soon don't hate have to give way to love? you have to have some positivity. anyway, i have to run.
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that was my soapbox moment. >> i agree, harris. >> well said, harris. >> harris: why, i got the democrat to agree, too. thank you. good to see you. the gun case against hunter biden just got a lot more complicated for him. federal prosecutors say they found cocaine on the gun holder. plus major backlash after liberal media outlets pushed trump's iowa victory speech off the air. >> we need to listen to what the leading candidates say. they are doing a disservice to their audience. >> harris: one network says they're only interested in telling the truth even if it means ignoring the republican frontrunner. wow, okay. jason chaffetz in "focus" next.
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>> we put ourselves in a position where when the households hunter biden in contempt he will have to pay the price for that. now they've come back and they are basically pleading to give them one more chance and if they set a date within the next few weeks in good faith, then we'll entertain an opportunity for him to come in for the deposition. so we are negotiating.
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we'll see what happens. >> harris: house republicans have hit the pause button on the hunter biden contempt push as they restart talks for him to testify. however, democrats now are actually just trying to nix the whole thing. >> i'm wondering whether this whole hunter biden thing is a side show in an attempt to distract people. they actually don't have the votes to impeach. >> harris: well, this for hunter biden is really problematic. he is also asking a court to toss out felony gun charges against him. federal prosecutors have told the judge to reject those efforts and revealed investigators found cocaine on hunter biden's gun pouch. hunter had claimed that he is being targeted for political reasons. special counsel david weiss's team is pushing back on that saying the evidence against hunter biden is overwhelming. this quote, the defendant's theory of vindictiveness is not
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credible. it is a fiction designed for a hollywood script. jason chaffetz, former republican congressman for utah and fox news contributor. great to see you. first of all, let's talk about that gun charge because what he did was he lied on a form about drug abuse and got a gun anyway. the rest of us would have a problem with that like years in prison. >> yeah, it is an abnormal number of years, a simple gun case, supposedly happened, the allegation is in 2018. now we're coming around to getting to it? look, if not for a judge, if not for some whistleblowers, the whole hunter biden case, i think, would be off in the distance. then the obviously the sloppiness of hunter biden of leaving his laptop up there for everybody to look at. when you have david weiss going out there saying the evidence is overwhelming and to blame it on
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republicans is absurd. it wouldn't even fit a hollywood script. the prosecutor makes a really good point. to find cocaine residue is the allegation on the case of the gun, good luck defending that. we'll see how his attorneys do with that one. >> harris: the last time we talked about coke and the biden named happened at the white house when some mysteriously showed up near an entry way, you know. anyway, more than three years after the "new york post" reporting the d.o.j. finally acknowledging the contents of hunter biden's infamous laptop are legitimate as jason chaffetz just said. this is according to a new court filing. miranda devine posted don't hold your breath for a retraction from joe biden, the dirty 51 or dishonest media operatives. they blamed russia when the bidens knew it was hunter and so did the f.b.i. hunter also blamed russia when he was caught using adultery
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site ashley madison. that's russia. it is not. jason. >> look, i saw an interview with jill biden. no doubt the mother of somebody who is being prosecuted is going to see things a little differently than everybody else. don't blame republicans and say that republicans are being mean to him. the republicans haven't done anything to him. if he had shown up to go to court as he was supposed to under a duly issued subpoena we wouldn't have to have the discussion about the contempt and all that. if you didn't have a gun while doing cocaine you probably wouldn't be prosecuted by this. you could try to blame republicans all you want but you know what? it is hunter biden who has never had to live up to any responsibility his entire life. he is a 53-year-old male who lives at home with his parents at point. it is a failure to launch. >> harris: it is important we make this point, though. i don't care about hunter biden, i think most americans really don't give a rip about him. what they do care about is his
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actions can be used against his father, our commander-in-chief to put pressure on him. it makes him vulnerable to all sorts of things like extortion. all right. we'll move forward. critics hitting the liberal media over their decision not to air any or very little of former president donald trump's victory speech after his huge win in the iowa caucuses. they defended that move on monday night. >> here he is right now under my voice. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> there is a reason that we and other news organizations have stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things. that is a fundamental truth of our business and who we are. so his remarks tonight will not air here live. >> harris: senator marco rubio of florida posted this. u.s. media refusing to carry trump speech live last night
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after historic iowa victory is how undemocratic regimes abroad use state-run media to try to delegitimize and discredit their political opposition. >> i happen to agree with marco rubio. wouldn't it be nice to be rachel maddow and be clairvoyant like that? how does she know he will lie before he spoke? to put a filter on the leading candidate for the presidency of the united states is absurd. it is why their ratings are so low. they do a disservice to the country, a disservice to their viewers. they get to make that choice but for jake tapper to say his anti-immigrant policy. no, president trump is anti-illegal immigrant. there is a huge difference for people who are breaking the law and people who are coming here legally and lawfully. they are always the ones that get set off to the side. the million people that do come
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through the front do that do it legally and lawfully. they get lumped in with all the people who do it illegally. jake tapper knows better and should have reported that better. >> harris: thank you very much. right now the u.s. supreme court is hearing arguments on a case involving some who have enormous power in our lives, unelect edin bureaucrats. the fishermen are arguing the expensive regulations they are under are driving them out of business. rich edson at the high court. rich. >> good morning, harris. this could eventually end up being a major cushion bureaucratic power. these issues are getting at the heart of a precedent the supreme court set 40 years ago allowing federal agencies basically latitude when it came to setting
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regulations on the environment, healthcare and workplace. two cases two, two fishermen dealing with the same issue here opposed to a government agency's interpretation of a law that requires them to pay $7 hundred a day for observers to collect data on overfishing. conservatives argue thatth is the type of interpretation that went too far since congress never gave the okay to this monitoring. >> if the executive agency is not actually exercising a power that congress has delegated to it, the agency is overstepping its boundsment agencies don't have free floating authority to issue regulations and regulate whatever they see fit. >> 40 years ago the supreme court set the so-called chevron precedent saying when congress passes a law that's ambiguous or unclear the federal agency may use its expertise to decide the specifics how to enforce that law. the biden administration argues
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overturning that precedent would be a convulsive shock to the legal system. opponents of the efforts to reverse it say federal agencies need the latitude to enforce laws in a changing world at a time when congress can barely fulfill its basic functions. >> if the court would overrule chevron it would affect authorizing judges to substitute their judgments for the judgments of expert agencies who know the laws are being implemented and the policies congress is trying to effectuate with the laws it passes. >> bill: arguments are ongoing now. expect to get a decision by june. it could be a narrow one that deals with the fishermen or the broader case that conservatives are hoping for to strike down all of chevron going on for the last 40 years. >> harris: with the fishermen case you get precedent. sometimes you have to walk before you run. it sounds like there is dynamic
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need among those people about to lose their livelihoods. rich edson, thank you. hyper expensive electric vehicles the white house loves to push, well they die without the electricity part? so what do you do when the charging stations freeze? >> it was a complete disaster. a lot of people's cars were left overnight. a lot of people had to get towed. >> harris: then there is this testy exchange. >> what is the carbon footprint of these events every year that you come here? >> you think it's worth it? >> that's a stupid question. >> harris: hum. well, climate czar john kerry dodging tough questions about his jet setting and it's not the first time he has had to defend himself. radio host jason rantz in "focus" next. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm.
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>> off fossil fuels, manchin, off fossil fuels. >> harris: okay. got to beat to it. far left climate activists leaning in on west virginia senator joe manchin at a diner yesterday. they were demanding an end to fossil fuel use. the senator was forced to run through the kitchen to get out of that restaurant. oh oh. plus reporters on the trail of biden's climate czar, john kerry, over climate hypocrisy. this went down yesterday at the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. >> what is the carbon footprints of these events every year that you come here? think it's worth it? >> that's a stupid question. >> why do you think you are more important your carbon footprint doesn't matter but everybody else around the world? >> don't make up stupid questions. nobody ever suggested that. >> being here suggests that every single year and doing this suggests that.
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>> and i have done a huge amount. >> harris: wow, three stupids from john kerry. he is often defending himself hopping aboard the private jets. >> if you off set your carbon it's the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle. i've talked to them about it. they buy off sets. they off set and working harder than most people i know to be able to try to affect this transition. they are paying the green premium in order to accelerate the transition. >> harris: jason rantz, seattle radio host and author of "what's killing america." what is your take on john kerry's responses there? >> you can tell he knows everyone has a point when they bring the hypocrisy up. otherwise he would not respond that way. he would have a very reasonable response. but to dismiss something as stupid when it is very valid.
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you are telling us not to do something that you are currently doing and then you brag frankly about fact that you can pay to offset the carbon. it points out something they like to talk about all the time. inequities. not a lot of people can afford to trade for the carbon-off seethes. most of us have to continue to travel like he does not taking private jets. >> harris: i don't know how much has been looked into the pricing, as you say. that's important. maybe there are some people out there who want to help but they just can't do it. i would have to imagine price would be there. and then the science of it all. how much does the offseting really do? even taylor swift is not immune from the climate police facing backlash for flying her $40 million jet to see travis kelce and the kansas city chiefs.
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she has been buying-offset. the editorial board says it's a political creation that lets companies and countries and now celebrities virtue signal. if a manufacturer wants to claim it is reducing emissions, it can buy a credit rather than use less gas or coal power. instead of flying commercial ms. swift can buy credits to off set trips on her $40 millionaire craft. she is one of the most recognized people in the world. flying commercial might turn the airport upside down. your take? >> it depends on the person and what they believe and what they are espousing and shaming other people for doing. if you are saying you should never fly because it is very bad for the environment and then you are flying private, that sends a message. if you are out there saying do what you can for the environment. the position i take. i want the environment to be clean and be reasonable, don't
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go crazy and be understanding of other people and how they have to get around. if you hold that position take as many private jets as you want. you aren't lecturing me about something you're doing. >> harris: that's right. maybe john kerry should come clean spending the ketchup money, right? he married the -- speaking of carbon frigid temperatures that prevented people from charging their cars. people weren't happy with the freezing of the charging stations. >> we got a bunch of dead robots out here. >> no just, 0 percent. three hours this morning being out here. after being here eight hours yesterday. >> not charging. not working. >> harris: with the way the white house likes to push e.v.s, i wonder where they are on this? maybe a statement? >> probably not. they don't want to highlight the huge problem with their plan.
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look, this past weekend in washington state people in iowa will laugh at me. in seattle it was about 15, 16 degrees. for us it's very, very cold. what did we get immediately? we got alerts from all the utility companies telling us to turn our thermos stats down because the electricity grid won't handle it. everyone will be forced into this. we don't have the infrastructure in place. even if we did we wouldn't have the power to be able to fuel or battery power all of these cars. it is so completely like obvious. but no one wants to acknowledge that maybe we have to do a few different things and not just commit to one particular path. >> harris: that's so true. what you are talking about is what i hear you say all the time. it is killing america we don't learn how to transition. all right. jason, get the book, it's really good. a new survey shows a majority of americans support the u.s.
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supreme court decision to end affirmative action in higher education. 68% of all u.s. adults viewed the verdict as a good thing. 52% of black adult voters agree. your reaction. >> so it's great that we are starting to see this turn when you look at the asian-american community that understands the value of a merit-based system. you work hard, study, get into good schools and don't need to rely on some identity in order to get a leg up. we have a system that works. when you tell people every day they are a victim of racism they will believe it. the numbers there suggest fewer people are believing that. >> harris: jason rantz, great to have you in "focus" as always. thank you. the white house blames texas. it says state leaders there caused the drowning deaths of three illegal immigrants. it is our own administration, though, with the timeline that
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blows up the white house narrative. plus the biden administration with a major reversal after attack, finally designating iran-backed houthis as terrorists. we've always known that. the white house didn't want to call them that, though, this white house. we'll see if it makes a difference. tech as congressman pat fallon in "focus" next.
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>> harris: the biden administration just put iran-backed killers, the houthis, back on the terror list. we've been reporting their repeated attacks on international shipping off the coast of yemen where the houthis are from as well as targeting u.s. -- trump declared them a terror organization. biden dropped that designation. secretary of state under trump mike pompeo. >> this is a problem, a policy driven problem. the biden administration got it wrong from the outset. we designated the houthis a terrorist organization.
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>> harris: defense secretary lloyd austin is recovering at home after leaving the hospital where he spent two weeks with complications from prostate cancer surgery and new details on the night he was taken to the hospital. griff jenkins live at the pentagon now. >> it's worth noting that the biden administration lifted that foreign terrorist organization or fto designation early on in their administration, february of 2021. now with the barrage of missile attacks including five in as many days on the commercial vessels in the red sea including on a u.s.-owned ship they are redesignating the rebels but instead this time to a lesser one this global terrorist or sdgt list. it was used in the wake of 9/11 by the bush administration to be applied quickly. it can also be removed quickly.
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secretary of state blinken released a statement a few hours ago saying the designation seeks to promote accountability for the group's terrorist activities. if they cease attacks in the red sea the united states will re-evaluate this designation. harris, a houthi spokesman has already taken to the international wires speaking out saying the december ig nays will not affect their position and attacks on ships will continue. we learn more about defense secretary austin's hospitalization and the lengths he went to keep it a secret. the audio of that january one, 911 call requesting an ambulance for the secretary made by an unidentified aide requesting a low-key approach to be taken. >> 911, where is your emergency? >> yes, ma'am, my name is -- and i work for -- and i'm requesting
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an ambulance to be taken. can i ask that the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? we're trying to remain a little subtle. >> remain a little subtle. today's press conference here with general pat ryder will be the first time anyone has spoken out since secretary austin was released from the hospital on monday. >> harris: what the daily beast has been writing about. it makes the point. it suggests there might have been an effort to keep the secretary's ailment secret. was well-known among his close aides. people would have known to try to do that and it is problematic. more digging. you do a great job. thank you. let's talk more about the houthis and this new designation calling them terrorists. new for biden, not trump. the "wall street journal" editorial board with this. iran and houthis don't get biden's message.
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iran and the houthis are putting american lives at risk even as the leaders in iran hide their intent behind their proxy militias. they probably assume biden will not dare to attack their assets in an election year. the consequences of failed deterrents with american servicemen paying the price. texas congressman pat fallon from the house armed services committee. they didn't change. they are just as evil an awful but now we're in harm's way in the middle east because of these men. >> you got it right. president trump projected strength and our enemies feared him. our allies respected him. that's what you want out of a commander-in-chief. unfortunately with joe biden one of the first things his administration said was we'll play nice and play nice with
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iran and see what happens and i'm sure they will return the kind gestures. they didn't at all. now they won't designate them a foreign terrorist organization. the lesser designation allows them. the houthis bombing them they could migrate to this country, which is absurd. anybody that provides material support like the greatest state sponsor of terror iran would get automatically sanctioned. a half measure from a legacy of failure for the biden administration. >> harris: i want to dig deeper. the designation the white house just gave the houthi terrorists isn't enough to keep from actually facing them at the border? how does that work? >> yes, yeah. it is another half measure. they are kind of terrorists. the strongest designation are foreign terrorist organizations. president trump said the houthis are a foreign terrorist organization. they just stopped 50% of all the
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global shipping through the red sea which is a critical route for commerce, a very small world now. they are the worst of the worst. proxies of iran. so let's call a spade a spade. joe biden for some inexplicable reason doesn't want to do that. >> harris: thank you for breaking that down. let's talk a little bit about the vanishing -- recovering out of the hospital. we're told he is able to work from home for some unknown amount of time under doctor's orders. >> this is like one of those bad b movies with a lazy script. the secretary of defense tried to hide a serious illness and was -- disappeared for days, if not a week or so. wouldn't even let the president of the united states know? he is running the department of defense. this is supposed to be critical. we're on the armed services committee rogers looking into it
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and have hearings on it. i think he should resign. >> harris: i don't know if you can call president biden to the hill. the one question i want to ask with so much going on. israel, hamas war. houthis and iran-backed proxies why wouldn't you be talking to our secretary of defense on a daily basis? you won't have a situation where he vanishes. quick thought. >> joe biden is a shadow of who he used to be. he doesn't have the mental acuity he had when he was younger. it is sad and unfortunate. he is unfit to serve as the president of the united states for that reason and all these bad decisions moving forward. this was a serious graver orr on the secretary of defense's part and i honestly think and i will be continuing to call for his resignation. >> harris: you are a border state, congressman. the border feud between texas right now and the white house it's headlines today. it is getting ugly.
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three illegal immigrants died in the rio grande and the white house claims texas officials blocked border agents from attempting to rescue them by shutting down a part of a public park. a new statement from the department of homeland security contradicts the white house claims. the ghs timeline shows the illegal democrats were dead before they received a distress call. your take. >> bill: it's more lies from the biden administration on the border. it has never been worse than it is right now. those poor folks died and there are many others that die every year coming to this country because the mexican drug cartels are controlling the border, not the federal government. it is horrific. those folks died because of horrible policies of this administration and mayorkas the homeland security secretary not allowing the presence of border protections to do their job. we have never had a month in our
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history of 200,000. we've had 20 and 8 1/2 million encounters in the first year of his presidency. it is unprecedented. >> harris: there is more of a fight against texas than there is to actually help the people they say they want to help at the border. anybody trying to get here legally is pushed far behind what the drug cartels can do with the illegals and put them at the front of the line or skip the line all together and come illegally. >> here is the novel approach. why doesn't biden administration take on the mexican drug cartels instead of texas? joe biden has made every state a border state. we -- makes it a state crime to visit the country illegal. putting up barbed wires and containers. they have to. >> harris: congressman, thank you. please the state of texas and all the border states. "outnumbered" after the break. -! - food fight!!
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