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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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would see the day when gavin newsom kind of sounded like me. but the california governor is claiming he will veto a proposed bill that would ban youth tackle football in california saying that he will ensure parents have the freedom to decide witch sports their children play. i think i have been rubbing off on the governor. now to our big announcement. a programming announcement. fp donald trump will join us tomorrow since his historic win in iowa tomorrow night. set your dvr for 9:00 p.m. here on fox. set your dvr so you never ever miss an episode of "hannity". unfortunately that's all the time we have left. remember for news any time, all the time, any time fox thank you for joining us. greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face.
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well done, everybody. happy wednesday everybody. as you know trump's won big in iowa which means it's time for democrats to freak out. of course it's always time for dems to freak out unless you bring up the border, the economy, crime or biden getting lost in his yard. then there is nothing to see here, folks. trump really seems to bring out their inner kathy griffin. hell, even joy read bought a donald trump wig. it's true. but the closer he gets to the white house, the closer they get to committing harry kerry with a pair of dull knitting needles. they see trump and their brain seizes up like obama's appetite when he watches a dog show. he eats dogs.
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what's really going on? what are they planning next? it's the idea that trump will stage a totalitarian take over. nbc helped plant the seed with this headline, quote, "fears grow that trump will use the military and dictate to oriole ways if he returns to the white house end quote. sounds pretty scary, right? that's the set up. here is more. donald trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan u.s. military into the muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorships and devalues the checks and balances that underpin the nation's two century old democracy. by the way, sparking fears is code for let's scare you about things that haven't happened. and they only exist in our demented minds. who or these mysterious experts? like raymond arroyo trying to
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make a rap album, no one wants to be on the record. nbc refers to them as, quote, "a loose knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers who are quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power. that sounds a lot more like a well-financed network of lefty know it always who never recovered from hillary getting spanked in 2016. my apologies for that imagery. but you can see where this is going. it's another cobol, a soft co. the plan involves, quote, " branding to take action and send letters to trump appointees spelling out consequences they face if they undermine constitutional norms. this is crazy. it kind of sounds like that letter of 50 intel experts that spontaneously sprung up one hunter's laptop dropped. amazing how they had that ready? no clues between the media,
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government and democrats there. the nbc article is designed to make you think past the sale to assume trump will indeed ask the military to do something very bad when he is elected. this story is to prep you for their aggression and not trump's. the very same people putting this plan together, the same who will encourage militant resistance to trump. they want to make sure he can't respond if and when things turn violent. the problem, none of this is real. if trump's plan is to use the military for his own gain, why didn't he do it the first time? he had for years to do it and didn't even invade canada, which is a guinea. so easy. if trump wanted to become a dictator, why isn't he one? he had the chance. the dems keep sparking fears like he some new unknown threat out of somewhere. the man wasn't home alone 2 for
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pete's sake. he didn't even send troops to break up prince harry and meghan markle. we know he should have. if they are so worried about a president violating constitutional norms, why are they chairing while joe biden directs the affairs against his opponent in 24. liberals accuse them of doing it themselves. weaponize the irs. done. use the irs to set up citizens from parents and school board meetings to anybody within 5 miles of the capitol on january 6th? done and done. do think trump will lead us into world war iii? how do you ignore biden flirting with it weak to week? trump love the military yet rarely used it is the potential dictator. biden cannot wait to bog our forces down in ukraine, the middle east and china. he just ordered military strikes without congressional approval all while his defense secretary can only be reached using his doctor's index finger.
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i don't know. why aren't they saying a thing about biden interfering in the investigation of hunter? the presidential son that puts the penis into defying subpoenas. it works. it is in there. someone should tell joe his first job is to protect the american people, not just his brother and idiots under biden is ignoring the rule of law at the border. biden is unconstitutionally forgiving student loans, paying off young voters with our money. biden sees america as his kingdom. okay. let's see trump declare president for life in the military goes along. what without even look like? trump's first day as dictator might be this. open windows, replace biden old man smell with my own old man smelled. two, nuke enemies in tehran and harvard. three, lunch, trump stakes, extra catch up. four, charge hillary clinton with murder. not so bad. i am kidding.
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you are terrible people. what you are seeing from the left is pure projection. it is giving people a reason to vote for trump. once again he is missing off the right people. all these hack suddenly care about the president violating the constitution but never with a democrat in the oval office. biden has the 25th amendment written all over him along with do not resuscitate which was added by kamala harris. the only time the press ever challenges the president does when he's a republican. if you vote for biden you're giving them four more years off. i just don't think trump wants to be dictator. who waits until he is 80 to become hitler? not even hitler. let's welcome our guests. he calls himself a comedian which proves he has a sense of humor. actor, writer and comedian jamie lasala. little known fact. k kt stands for killer tonsils. former deputy national security
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adviser kt mcfarland. if you mess with her she will stab you with her elbows. new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and he is quick with a scowl but wise as an out will. new york times best-selling author and former wwe champ, tyrus. jamie, when i read that article i got the sense they were setting the table up for a preemptive strike. it's like when someone gets ready to put it in your world. somebody is preparing to divorce somebody else. they will create a prologue so it looks justified. are they doing that with trump, setting the premise to take him out? >> i think you are right. i like to watch this movie every night before i go to bed. i watch the same movie. i close my eyes and watch everything you've ever done wrong and your whole life. that's what they are doing.
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it's the worst case scenario. you made a good point. he was already president and didn't do any of these things. i heard when biden saw this he said i could have asked him to do that stuff? i trusted trump way more than i ever trust biden bin president. did you hear when biden first became president he almost pardoned some people by mistake. andrew snowden, pardon? i'm going to be honest. i can't stop thinking about hillary getting spanked. i just feel like she had been into that may be bill wouldn't have strayed outside the marriage. >> kt, do you think i am overstating this are understating this that they are preparing for something? >> you are understating it. it's actually a really serious constitutional thing. in 2016 working with the hillary
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campaign the fbi and the justice department decided they were going to make sure hillary won. that didn't work. the american people voted for president trump. then they weaponize the fbi. the muller investigation and all these various congressional investigations to try to sabotage trump's presidency. no one was ever held responsibility. the russian hoax went on and on. nobody was held accountable. fast-forward to 2020. the cia got in on the actor there was a sitting cia official that coordinated with 51 former intelligence officers to say the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation. they knew it was not russian disinformation. they lied. they kept the security clearances. were any of them held accountable? no. they've gotten away with it twice. they will try to get away with it the third time. i and a number of people who work for president trump have been trying to figure out where it will come next time. they just tipped their hat. where will it come from?
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>> there you go. very chilling stuff. you are a constitutional lawyer. jonathan turley was one of your students? >> he calls me for i my opinion on everything. >> he hasn't sought treason yet, but if they are pressuring the military to subvert the commander-in-chief and he wins, how is it not treason, kat timpf? >> you are weird. i read this whole thing. it makes a lot of assumptions. i feel like i would like to see some polling on some of these things. for example, january 6th. they seem to be concerned about a new and improved january 6th. january 6th didn't work. i have heard a lot of things said about january 6th. we talk about it all the time. one thing i have not heard a single person express is fomo. i have not heard a single person say i wish i would have been
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there. but i will definitely be at the next one. republicans say do you regret not being at january 6th? would you like to be at a future new and improved january 6th? before you start going and saying this is all a possibility and there will be a takeover, is this actually a possibility? is it in peoples hearts and minds. according to people familiar with. that's interesting. they are doing a version of sourcing. it's not that far off from doing what people are saying. >> you are right. there is nobody who said let's do january 6th again. >> i haven't heard anybody say i wish i would have gone. i definitely won't miss it next time. >> the funny thing is, trump is more popular since january 6th than before january 6th. how crazy is that? >> a lot of people think all day about how much they want to be at the next one. do the polling and let me see. >> more people want to go to the lilith fair.
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one woman got that reference. we know which side she is on. tyrus, is this trump derangement or an actual plot? >> this is a plot. the democratic party or the artist formally known as the democratic party, the socialist party, usually they don't tipped their hats. they spill it out on the table for us. they are like the kids that can only finish half the lego and need president trump to do the rest for them. the new movement is there not going to debate. the argument doesn't work. you can always look back in history. you and i will send each other movies to watch. i watch napoleon. it was a scene where he advocated and they didn't like when he was emperor. he was horrible and cared about the french people having food on their tables. a real jerk. he abdicates and he leaves. they put him on an island. he comes back and they meet him
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with the military. he says to the military, i miss you guys. how are you? i would like to be your king again. they said, all right. that was it. what the democrats are trying to do, they will not let napoleon come back and meet them. before he gets there they will have people in place in the military saying we are going to stop him before he gets to office. what they are trying to do is make voting irrelevant. they know better than us. they are laying out that storyline. there will be no debates. president biden is not going to debate with a convicted criminal. it's beneath the office of the presidency. there is that. kamala harris will not debate with whomever he is running with for those same reasons. anyone who supports trump is crazy. that's the new talk. it's the crazies. they are not just regular john and jane taxpayer. its anybody who works or is affiliated with him is part of the co-coup. no one wants january 6th the
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second. january 5th is under the jail. they all were arrested. if you asked the other side about looting in minnesota, that line is long. they always lay it out to play it out for us. they will do this. when he does win the election they will have the military in place to arrest him for treason. he didn't do anything with january 6th and wasn't convicted. yet they have courts taking him off the ballot based off of feelings. feelings versus facts feelings are fancy lies people tell themselves to feel better. >> we've got to move on unless you have something exclusive to say. i will go to break. >> okay. >> up next, did boxer shorts ruin a news report? ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. wetjet is so worth it. love it, or your money back.
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gutfeld investigates. gut felt investigates. >> tonight on gutfeld investigates a man marched into dick's room modeling fruit of the loom. discussing this week iowa caucus results dick morris seen unaware of something out of the ordinary happening behind him. watch. >> i think trump is going to score a huge victory. i think the media is going to try to downplay it because as you correctly said they are basically supporting nikki haley. >> we know what brian seltzer has been doing since he left cnn. what just happened there? what happened? all right, let's turn to our crack but felt investigators for a more in-depth investigation. >> tonight, the gutfeld investigative unit presents an enigma caught on camera with
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your host brad pitt. january, 2024, scantily clad figure emerges from the shadows on live television undetected. what is he looking for? his pants? a shirt? a misplaced hoagie perhaps? what of the location? could it be a kidnapper's layer? an abandon safe house? or a game of strip poker gone wrong? what sort of plans does dick morris have for it? a pillow fight? a game of parcheesi or something more sinister? could it be possible the man was never really there? >> excellent work, team. we reached out to dick morris on number of times. i called him personally. i have been calling him all day. which is weird since we were next to each other in bed.
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earlier he told one of our producers he wouldn't be commenting and ended the conversation with a strange chuckle which raises the question, what's he hiding? where was he exactly? who was that man? why was he and his underpants? could dick morris have been taken hostage by a retired plumber? why can't that plumber afford a sports bra? was he a friend, a coworker, a paid escort? when he calls the escort service does he say someone who looks like fred mertz? could there be a clue to all this and that oddly placed painting in the background? morris won't comment. when i texted him he said he cannot comment because he's on contract with newsmax. which led to another mystery. what the is newsmax? tyrus, we were just here. he picked up the phone and said i didn't pick up the phone five times for a reason.
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i can't comment. what is going on? i need to know what you think. >> okay. for many, many years i was a bodyguard. our job is to always find the best scenario to explain to the wife. i will try to do that right now. they are getting ready to work out. he's ready to go. it is leg day. he told them the interview was only going to be about 10 minutes. but once you start stretching, wants you get those hamstrings and bicuspid burning and you get ready to go to your legs, you cannot wait. the word has always been to the fellows in the jim. when it's time to go to work, it's time to go to work. he came out ready to go to work. pay no attention to the mascara over his eyes. he came to go to work. that kept the son from bouncing
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off his cheeks when he is squatting. >> he does have mascara on his eyes. >> get ready to work. either that or he's been punched in the eye a lot. we have not established a safe word. probably the best part of this whole thing is when you pause it like that, look at his i got caught face. he's got to explain this about why there is a bear in his hotel room. >> there is a bear. >> lions and tigers? no, just a bear with mascara on. just they work out. a little greco-roman wrestling with your favorite workout buddy. nothing to see here. nothing at all. >> give us your analysis. >> i don't want to be judgmental of the guy. if my chest looked at full without a bra i wouldn't wear one either. just because i'm jealous of his rack doesn't mean i will want to
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hate on him. i think we can all learn a lot from the confidence exhibited through his walk through the apartment. he has the best posture i have ever seen anyone have in my entire life. i don't think he has an eye just got caught face. i think he doesn't react at all. neither of them react at all. maybe if i don't say anything nobody will notice. >> that as a man double dashed. >> we will notice. he is wearing forever 21 close walking. that's not another room. is that the garage? >> i don't know what is going on. >> that he wander in from outside? >> you must have run into dick morris. >> for years. >> was he a big workout guy? >> i say dream on, sweetie. he has done this before.
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dick morris, you won't remember because you probably weren't even born yet. but in the clinton administration, dick morris was the campaign manager and the poster of bill clinton helped to engineer his victory to the white house. dick morris had to resign because he had a what do you want to call it, a fetish. he had a foot fetish but paid for the person who helped him with his foot fetish. what would you call that? >> contributing to the economy. >> from foot fetish to big dude fetish. >> but he had to resign. not because he had a girlfriend who he was paying that he played with his feet. but because while she was doing that he was on the phone with president clinton. >> there you go. all right, jamie has this ever happened to you wear a strange man in their underwear walks into your home unannounced? >> no, but this similar has
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happened to me when i was facetiming my ex-wife. in his defense after you have seen guys and boxers walking around you don't even notice them. can i see it one more time. he looks like the guy in the back just worked out, but for the first time ever. >> what if there is somebody tied up behind the door and he is walking out to get a sprite? >> you only put on this type of shirt when you are about to be arrested. >> it does match the speedo, the biker shorts. maybe they were going to ride bikes. staff if he put up push-up bra on he could have cleavage up to his chin. >> this is ridiculous. >> if dick morris suggests giving me a quote could have had
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>> i will quote a movie here. you can't handle the truth. >> last word, jamie? >> the last thing i wanted to say, she claimed the house was haunted by a ghost with an correction. it looked a lot like a guy she went to high school with. i don't blame dick for not commenting. that was amazing. up next, when a cable news hack trouble in the sack? choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours
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welcome to the land of love. join us, won't new, and greg's romance corner. >> i am the expert. is your relationship unstable if you are fighting over cable? is the marriage doomed if joy reed is in the room? could watching rachel maddow without compunction lead to permanent erectile dysfunction? a new study finds that news media often starts fights
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between romantic partners with opposing political views. that's amazing. who conducted this study? the institute of stuff that should be [ bleep ] obvious? apparently about 30% of americans are in relationships with people they don't agree with politically. that presents a problem when picking a news network to watch. that's why taylor swift and i always went to bed angry. glad she is happy, though. these couples ask themselves will it be fox or msnbc? do we watch it together or separately and in secret? many women rent hotels by the hour just to watch "gutfeld!" failed. i know. researchers found that polarized news often forces couples to confront their significant others opposing beliefs. some say it was nicole's love of c-span that pushed oj over the edge. >> come on! >> and if they are watching msnbc at it forces them to confront rachel maddow's uncanny
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resemblance to mattix. cable news is the ultimate [ bleep ] . it is proven by science. what does this mean? marry someone you agree with that way if she leaves you it's because you are a failed standup comedian. wow, that should really hurt. do you agree with this, jamie? >> yeah, i am reflecting a lot right now. i think these were some of the big issues when i was married. i always leaned to the right and she left. we had differences. she was pro-life without me. >> you are too good. >> the tv thing is a big deal. i like to watch fox news and she like to watch her and her
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boyfriend have sex in the mirror. >> it's okay. >> let it all out. >> you are in a wonderful relationship now. >> yes, thank you. >> how is rob? >> kt, what do you think? do you think this is bad that we are destroying relationships or helping them? >> here's the thing. it is funny, but not funny. how many of us have lost friends because of our political affiliation? i have people that won't talk to me because i work for donald trump. but i actually have a lot of new friends because i work for donald trump. i kept thinking about this. let's assume these people have honest differences. they will go to their marriage counselor. what will they say? watch cnn? that doesn't really work. then they get divorced.
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who are they going to cite in their divorce? greg gutfeld? >> i hope so. >> you've brought great happiness to a lot of people. >> i've united a lot of couples. isn't that true? they get together curl up and watch me at home and go we are so happy to see greg. then one says who is that blonde, the skinny blonde? shut up. he says i was just pointing it out. tonight you like the blonde? i will go with the big negro. >> and then they divorce. >> the thing that struck me about this story the most is are there really that many couples that sit around and watch the news? even if you do agree, that might be a problem. >> that is true. >> shut up and have sex.
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>> says dr. kat timpf. >> what will you do with the other 23 and a half hours. >> that is what i would say. shut up and bang each other. >> somebody has a new t-shirt. >> i'm going to start selling that merchandise on this show. i'm sure i will get a phone call for that. >> tyrus? >> this is stupid. >> of course it is. it is on this show. >> you waited until you've got married to find out no political affiliation? that only happens when you order them overseas. i did not. mine found me. i haven't won an argument in 11 years. i never get to pick what to watch on tv. when i am in control of the stuff, this used to happen or not. they come in the room and say what is happening in the news. tell me what happened. i always live. i always say china just set up shop outside of california. they are staring us down.
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russia is invading georgia. other than that, the celtics are up 3. we are good now. she will come back out and tell her friends on the phone. china is invading california. it's worth the our later. then i will say what kat said. just shut up and have sex. unlike jamie, i will be specific to preferably the guy i said i do to. >> be in the room with him. it's just confusing if you go out and have sex and then she does it. i have to blame myself for not bin more specific. >> we are getting in-depth advice. coming up joy beha r chuckles t gen z's struggles. [♪] [♪] [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it
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our view on the view. >> the host of the view tells gen z a few. alyssa farah griffin says young
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adults feel left behind by the economy. like a hemorrhoid on a road trip it did not sit well with joy behar. roll it. >> they are not hitting the milestones at the way every generation did before them. this is wild. 45% of people between 18 and 29 still live with their parents. they feel left behind by the economy and see everybody trying to not age out. >> please, get a job. >> they have to work multiple jobs. >> there is a million job openings in this country. get a job. >> they have lived through a pandemic and the worst of times. i am raising two gen z kids. >> she hasn't had that strong of a position since he came out again shaving her back. when joy has a stance that strong it is when she is standing up. behar continue to argue there are millions of jobs available there is always someone available to help trim her hooves.
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kat, shouldn't there be some empathy for gen z? a lot of people are just standing in their way including joy behar. >> i am a millennial. not gen z. it is irritating to see a boomer talk like that. all of us of the younger generation, we didn't have the opportunity to buy beachfront property for $14. we cannot buy houses because you have them all. >> exactly. >> you bought them all are ready. get a job? i know so many people that have jobs that are good paying jobs but they have roommates because they still can't afford it. why aren't younger people having kids? where would i put it? >> that's important. >> where what i put the kid? people in my generation, generation z the same thing. we can't afford to take on new roommates who can't pay rent. i'm all for working hard. i work very hard.
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i work really hard. i know that if a kohl miner heard me say that he would want to punch me in the face. being on tv is not that hard. it's actually you are lucky to get a job like this. she has had one for decades. shut up! >> thank you! >> tyrus, she doesn't care about young people because young people doesn't know who she is. >> everyone knows who she has. you don't understand when you throw water on her she is supposed to be gone forever. i don't understand how she keeps coming back. toto didn't come back. we know why. this is unattached. somebody rich is telling you to get a job. great. all right, i will do that. that's all i was missing. kids stay longer because their parents are bulldozer parents and let them stay home. i'm against all that. i think a child once they hit 11 they should be old enough to
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figure it out. in this day and age the kids stay longer because they spend more time on technology than going out and getting [ bleep ] done. mom and dad will say things like my artist can't work construction all summer. what would they paint? the parents have to look at that. for her to say get a job. sunny was pouring her heart out because she has two spoiled children that she is raising in there 40s. they can stay for as long as they want to. when somebody who is unaffected who has been fired more times but seems to know somebody in the business who makes decisions. she has more shows than steve harvey. that's saying a lot. the white audience got that. that's how many jobs steve harvey had. >> is she an uncaring hagg? >> yes. i think she's totally out of touch. it depends on the kid. there are some lazy generation z. but others have three jobs that
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can't buy houses. this is coming from someone. i was asked to move out of the house when i turned 18 and when i turned 40. >> she said get a job so he can pay my alimony. >> you want to know something weird? i never watch the view but i turned it on just to research this segment. now my dog thinks it's okay to [ bleep ] in that corner. greg, i just think her parents named her joy before they had met her. >> last word to kt. do you have empathy for gen z? >> i have a lot of empathy for gen z. joy behar is like a left-wing democrat. she sounds like archie bunker and a right wing. get a job. >> if anybody said that they would be called--
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>> she is speaking to something that is serious. which is something like 40% of gen z is looking at donald trump. that's an age group that should be loving the far left. biden is trying to forgive their student loans and do everything he can to appeal to them. that vote 21% for biden. by 21 points over trump. now look what is happening. they are voting for trump. she is onto something. she's got the wrong approach, of course. but she is onto something. gen z cannot have a house or pay loans or have children. they can't afford it. thank you, joe biden. up next a coach wasn't amused by a question that confused. customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me.
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doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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it was a reporter's ignorance exposed. this is from todd who fielded a question about detroit's cold weather. they will play the lions on sunday in a dome. listen. >> looking forward to detroit, the weather has been a factor in some of the playoff games. you are one of the most prepared teams.
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today it is 13 in detroit. any special plans to acclimate the team to not only endure, but perform in those frigid temperatures should you face them in detroit? >> we play indoors in a dome. no. nothing plans. we have to be outside for 20 seconds to get them off the bus. we will be okay. >> i think it's time to start testing nfl reporters for head injuries. kt? >> he was such a class act. he handled it so well. watching his face as she goes on and on about this question. the thought bubble was are you a total idiot? >> he could have ripped her apart. >> he was such a gentleman. >> he did, he just did it softly. journalism, unfortunately, is dead. this is another virtue higher
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who didn't even know there is only four teams left in the nfc. that is what you're covering. you don't even have to cover the afc. you are going to detroit. detroit is famous for a couple things. the name has changed 20 times but it's always been the pontiac silverdome. it's a great big plays in detroit. wrestlemania 3 broke all kinds of records there. it's a great place. it is indoors. i hate people who use um. you ask a question. but if you must ask a dumb question, make it short to where you can confuse the guy. you said indoors. i'm stupid. i'm sorry. i've wasted your time. i will be outside asking the question on why i wanted to become a journalist. you had no idea what you were doing. here's the part. this individual will be promoted to be editor. she was only a bad reporter
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because he made her feel bad by his sarcastic answer. notice the arrogant racist smirk in his mouth as he told her we will only be outside for 20 seconds. he is denying the claimant also, ladies and gentlemen. >> kat, i have a theory that an assistant provided her with that question to make her look stupid. i bet it was a guy who said i bet she doesn't even know it is a dome and she won't even check. >> i love detroit. i am biased, obviously. i've always wondered why people hate it so much. people say so many bad things about detroit. now it makes sense. people are running around thinking detroit doesn't have inside. wait until you hear about the other things we have that are inside. >> exactly. jamie, while. >> i didn't know there was a dome there.
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but i also don't have my job to ask question. that's the dumbest thing. in alaska it is negative 10 degrees right now. but my kids are 72 degrees. i just keep them inside. that's what i do. but then again, the only other thing i have to say is aren't all questions after sporting things kind of dumb? of course they also go like what do you think made you pull out the victory? we scored more of those touchdown things. >> yeah. all right. we will be right back. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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>> greg: we're out of time thanks to jamie lissow, dodgers, castillo, our studio audience. fox news at night with dreamy gone is next. i love you america. >> trace: good eek i'm gone it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast 8:00 here in los angeles and


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