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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 18, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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use. hunter dismissed from navy in 2014 for coke and in his book, he admits to drug use. federal prosecutors say they found cocaine residue on leather pouch he used to store his gun. feds are asking a judge to deny biden's efforts to dismiss the gun charges owing to this evidence. >> raymond: he says he did not use drugs, the laptop showed he used drugs, the book, and he used drugs 48 hours after purchasing the gun and now they found residue, open and closed case. >> laura: is there cocaine in any of the paintings? maybe that is why they sell for >> carley: a fox news alert. we are learning just how far the federal government will go to
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spy on private citizens. house lawmakers say the feds asked banks to using terms like maga and trump. if you think that is bad, wait until you hear the rest. >> we have financial surveillance, big government working with big banks and corporations to surveill, spy on americans, surveillance of the american people. >> todd: democrats are launching a full-court press to keep trump out of the white house and attack his supporters. >> i am scared as heck. >> yeah. >> which is why i'm traveling our country. we don't run away from something when we're scared, we fight back toward it. >> it is a vengeance tour this time around. we talk about trump, we need to talk about his voters. it is not economic anxiety, it is racial anxiety. >> todd: you are watching "fox and friends first"s, i'm todd
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piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we'll unpack all of it throughout the hour. >> todd: u.s. forces striking dozen houthi sites overnight after a second carrier ship was hit in the red sea. >> carley: trey yingst has more. >> trey: the united states conducted a fourth round of strikes against iran-backed houthi rebels, more than a dozen positions were hit according to u.s. central command. eric carrila saying the actions of terrorists endanger mariners and disrupt shipping lanes in the red sea and we will take action to protect the lives of innocent mariners and our people. same sentiment echoed yesterday with pat ryder saying this. >> we are going to continue to work with our partners in the
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region to prevent attacks or deter attacks in the future and we're going to continue to work very hard to prevent israel-hamas conflict from escalating to a broader regional conflict. >> trey: iranians have responded in yemen saying the securities of the red sea is tied to developments in gaza and everyone will suffer if israel's crimes in gaza do not stop. all resistance fronts will remain active. the question is whether or not the islamic republic will get more involved in this escalating regional conflict. >> todd: trey, thank you. bring in colonel jonathan sweet. you just heard patrick ryder there. his words, whatever we are doing is not preventing or deterring a single thing. >> it hasn't until now.
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iranian proxies continue to target u.s. forces and disrupt shipping in the red sea. the message clearly is not getting to iran, who continues to pres buttons. >> todd: aren't we just kicking the can down the road until we have to confront iran in a meaningful way? >> we are, the u.s. is taking the path of least resistance. they don't want confrontation with iran, it will eventually go there. the president in a report fox had -- hamas problem. so it is just a matter of time before he reaches out and strikes irgc again. he's gone after officials in syria. >> todd: colonel, if you were in charge right now, what would you
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do tactically and strategically to stop all this? >> i think strategically, the messaging has to be direct. it has to be to ayatollah and irgc saying if you continue, we will strike irgc targets and cut off funding. restrict their ability to fund the organizations through sanctions and controlling their revenue. >> todd: this is part of larger foreign policy problem that president biden has, but president biden put us in. you say the president is struggling to keep his head above water on foreign policy and just this week, here are headlines around the world. u.s. claim seizure of weapons bound for houthis and north korea offering houthi weapons and military activity after the election. jonathan, doesn't this come back
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to joe biden's weakness on the foreign stage and appeasement strategy that has only emboldened our enemies? >> jonathan: certainly creative permissive environment allowing this to occur. by simply deferring action, he's allowed it to escalate on its own with other countries and it doesn't include domestic issues along the border. it is by ignoring it or by paying attention to it and kicking the can down the road, it has come to this point right now and it is overwhelming and the administration has to tackle this and they don't have national security strategy in place that addresses the issues. >> todd: i understand your last answer about the iran problem. taking these problems as a whole to me, looks like the train has left the station in a negative way and i don't think biden can
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do anything at this point globally to solve the problems. what about you? do you think it is too late for joe biden to do anything? >> jonathan: it is not too late. we have allies we can leverage. in ukraine, we have allies within nato, we can leverage and it doesn't matter getting the right weapons to continue their fight for independence. in the middle east, we have partners there, too, with israel. saudi arabia, too. numerous partners that can help us confront iran and partners in southeast asia, particularly australia, japan and south korea. it is matter of working with partners and congress to get funding through to allow us to take on this task. >> todd: jonathan, i look at this, if i'm an undecided voter at this point and none of the
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issues tip the balast for me, this is issue i want a new coach in there, we need a new strategy, someone who can get the job done and undo this damage. we appreciate your time. thank you. the white house is not just pushing lies about the border, they are actually doubling down on very lies. we have the tape to prove it. >> carley: republicans holding second impeachment hearing for mayorkas today. our next guest will be there testifying about her daughter who was murdered by ties to ms-13. she will be here sharing her story first. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms.
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>> todd: more than a dozen democrats joining republican colleagues in denouncing joe biden's border crisis, not stopping the white house from defending their open border policy. >> carley: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: biden administration can't write this off anymore, growing number of democrats are joining the voices demanding action from the president. they signed resolution that passed yesterday denouncing his policy along the border. emily shulton is one of the
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latest democrats breaking with the white house on the issue. >> i think democrats need to own the fact that immigration is at a crisis level in this country. it is an economic crisis, humanitarian crisis. it is a national security emergency and we need to address it as such. the only way to do that is bipartisan path forward. >> brooke: with all this, the white house still going before the american people and blaming republicans. here is jacqui heinrich pressing on that and the false story about texas dps agents they pushed last month, watch. >> why are you repeating false claim republicans voted to reduce number of border agents. >> it is not a false claim, house gop voted -- not only did they vote for it, they touted their limit, save, grow acts, it
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would have forced elimination of 2000 border patrol agents. >> will the administration amend the separate statement that implied texas officials other than responsible for deaths of three migrants? >> our statement is consistent with doj filing. as the filing said, there was an ongoing emergency situation that border patrol was blocked from accessing. >> brooke: biden administration is demanding authorities leave the park in eagle pass. paxton says the state will not surrender to open border policies. >> todd: the migrants had passed away an hour before texas was notified. anything that the white house says is an out and out lie on this and good for jackie on calling them out. house speaker mike johnson says he pushed president biden during
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a meeting at the white house yesterday. >> no one is strong-arming me, i told the president in the cabinet official room and said mr. president, you have the authority to end this catastrophe, your action did this. we documented 64 instances of your executive action, it is on you to unwind it. he said, we're ready to do big things on the border. hallelujah. do your job and fix the catastrophe you created. >> todd: new report finds 335,000 venezuela venezuelans came in last year, that is up from 2021. >> carley: house republicans holding second hearing today for impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. they will hear from victims, including a sheriff begging for
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help from the feds. >> folks, i've seen the good, the bad and the ugly of this border after four decades and right now it is the ugliest i have ever seen it. i did not drive 180 miles to share politics with you today, i came to you. >> carley: tammy nobels's daughter kayla, was strangled to death by an illegal immigrant with ties to ms-13 gang. tammy, thank you for joining us. this is not easy to talk about. you want to be the voice for your daughter. tell us what happened to her. >> on three days after her 20th birthday. she spent three days being 20.
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she was brutally murdered and raped in her room and he strangled her with it is phone cord and robbed her of $6 and left her on the floor like trash and went to lunch with his half-brother like nothing happened. >> carley: my gosh, this is something with ties to the ms-13 gang. did your daughter know this person? >> no. an illegal immigrant who owned trailers in the trailer park she was staying. she was renting out rooms in the trailers and she picked her trailer for that murderer to be there, to live there. he was only living there five days before he murdered my daughter. >> carley: my gosh. i'm sure you said to yourself a thousand times, if only this person was not allowed into this country, my daughter would be
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alive. you said dhs did fail several ways, including when he was crossing into the country checking his body for tattoos. can you tell us about that? >> one phone call to el salvador, he had a record, a criminal record in el salvador in 2020 and he also had gang tattoos and all they had to do was make one phone call to pull up his criminal record in el salvador to find out and also he was on the list and listed as known gang member of ms-13. those two things should have kept him from entering the country. >> carley: he had gang tattoos on his border, if border patrol could have seen those, they could have sent him back to el salvador.
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is he in prison now? >> he is in hartford county detention center awaiting trial which is expected to happen end of june of this year. >> carley: this hearing later today is about whether or not dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas is fit for the job. what do you think? do you think he is defending homeland security and protecting it? >> no, he's not. everyone down in homeland security, department of health and human services didn't do their job fchl they would have done their job and properly vetted and checked her murderer, my daughter would still be alive today, he wouldn't be allowed to go from texas to maryland. >> carley: great point. you say this is not a political issue, this is a safety issue and your strength and being able to speak about this is
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commendable. we'll mourn your daughter and remember her. thank you for joining us. best of luck later today. republican presidential race is battle for granite state. voters in new hampshire say candidates are ignoring an important topic. >> todd: talking to a mom who has battled the opioid epidemic. what residents want to hear when the candidates.
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>> carley: nikki haley is back in new hampshire today, she briefly left the campaign trail to visit her father who was hospitalized. she will meet with governor sununu today. the two took digs from donald trump yesterday. >> sununu ought to do that instead of walking around with nikki haley, her polls go down everyday. vote for president trump and do it quickly. >> i know trump through a temper tantrum about me last night, i've seen that. i've seen the commercials. do we want more of the same? or do we want to go forward? we don't want more of the same with the trump-biden thing. we don't want 80 year olds in
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d.c. >> carley: former president is stepping away this morning to attend his mother-in-law's funeral in florida. fox news can confirm he is shifting resources and staff to south carolina, here he is defending his campaign. >> donald trump is running for his issues, nikki for donor issues, i'm running for your is issues. you have four major candidates, biden, me, trump and haley. i'm only one not running a basement campaign, only one willing to debate. i will take your questions. >> carley: with less than a week to go, all three gop candidates have a big chunk of change invested. nikki haley 29 million, 14
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million for trump and 8 million for ron desantis. >> todd: one important issue is fentanyl crisis. in 2022, 463 overdoses in the state and 85% of them involved fentanyl. voters in the granite state want to know how candidates are going to deal with it. we're going to end normal trade relations with china until they stop murdering americans with fentanyl. if that means taking special operations and handle it ourselves or on mexican border, we will do that. treat mexican drug cartel like foreign terrorists they are. >> we are a nation where fentanyl and other forms of illegal drugs are easier to get than groceries to feed our beautiful, beautiful families. we have become a drug infested, crime-ridden nation. >> todd: kerry norton joins me now.
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thank you for being here. you started a recovery center in part because of your own son's heroin addiction. how are the candidates doing addressing the opioid crisis? >> i've only had a chance to hear from a couple candidates this year and i think there is a lot of -- not as much discussion about the crisis in new hampshire and it is important obviously to me and most people i talk to, it affects our community and state when we're losing over 400 people per year. it is an important issue. >> todd: a trend that is not getting better over time. the numbers again, 417 overdose deaths in 2020, 436 in 2021 and 463 in 2022. what needs to be done to keep
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that trend from continuing? what more do you want to hear from the candidates, their plans and ideas on how to keep the numbers from rising another year? >> i like to hear from candidates, they know it is an important healthcare issue. it is a healthcare and public policy issue, not a criminal issue for people struggling in substance use disorders. having affordable healthcare, housing and option to have treatment and recovery support is necessary. i have watched in my own personal life and with hundreds and hundreds of women that if they are offered treatment and then continued recovery support like other healthcare conditions, they thrive and make our community better. >> todd: you hosted governor sununu and nikki haley last night. were you satisfied with answers
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she gave? >> i didn't even ask any questions, we had quite a few people there that asked their own questions and it wasn't just focused on that. she was gracious. i showed her our program. we had a handful of former clients and clients and they liked she was positive and supportive of their journey and their children. >> todd: a lot of this comes down to the border, the fentanyl and opioid crisis is tied to lax borders. there have been 29,000 migrant encounters at the northern border, more than all of fiscal year 2021 since 2022. that number skyrocketed. do you see northern border security playing a role in how people vote in your state on
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tuesday? >> so i am not an expert in border, i'm an expert in people. what i know is that trauma and lack of connection and support services make it hard for folks to be well and i'm not an expert in the border issue. if that is something that needs to be addressed for sure, i don't know why in the last 25 years it has not been. >> todd: great point. i will answer for you, it is a major issue and getting worse and would make your life easier on the recovery aspect if so many people were not getting poisoned by the fentanyl. kerry norton, thank you for your time. >> carley: fox weather alert, powerful winter storm heading east after slamming with snow and freezing rain. winter weather will sweep the midwest and great lakes before dumping snow on the east coast
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tomorrow. northeast cities saw first snow in two years this week. folks are getting ready for round two. we could see five inches along the i-95 corridor as we close out the work week. janice dean, back-to-back snow storms. >> janice: five inches of snow! it feels like five feet, we have not had snow in so long. it is true. we got salt out for 700 days. it is like we're getting back to the way it was two years ago. current temperatures cold enough as far south as atlanta, georgia, louisville, kentucky, 25 in d.c. that is current air temperature and with wind chill colder than that. next storm system moving to the northern plains and ohio valley and northeast on friday. there is -- we're talking about
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this snow storm and potential for icing again over the midsouth and our next piece of energy moves to the northwest friday into the weekend. the next storm system watching through saturday, more snow for areas that have gotten waloped and potential of icing from oklahoma city to chicago. that is going to be dangerous travel. keep an eye on that, for details and future radar moving across the ohio valley toward the northeast and i-95 corridor. bulk of the snow coming tomorrow from the morning into the afternoon and evening temperature is not an overnight thing. there is snow forecast through saturday, want to point your attention to central new jersey. we could get more snow than the rest of us. one to three, upward of five
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inches of snow. >> todd: that is aiming for my bro. my bro get snow. >> janice: snow is hard to forecast in the coastal areas. >> todd: climate is not only thing getting hotter. just ask our climate czar john kerry who had a meltdown after being asked a tough question during the trip to switzerland. what is carbon footprint of events every year that you come here? >> think it is worth it? peasants pay for your crimes? >> that is a stupid question. nobody ever suggested that. don't make up stupid questions. >> carley: that reporter got under kerry's skin, joins us next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: we are learning just how far the federal government will go to spy on private citizens. house lawmakers say the feds
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asked banks to filter transactions using terms like maga and trump. >> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: this is wild. we are learning about a relationship between federal officials and financial institutions that allow the government to search private banking transactions looking for terms like maga and trump. the house judiciary chairman jim jordan is leading the charge here. watch. >> so it was big banks looking and searching private transactions using key terms at suggestion of the federal government to see what you were spending money on. without any legal warrant or process, this is way to over domestic violent extremist. >> cheryl: office of stake holder integration network or
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fensin for short recommended terms for search, trump, maga, dick's sporting goods, small arms and other supplies and books including religious text is subscription tied to extremist views. finsin used large financial institutions to comb through private transactions for suspicious charges based on religious expression. >> carley: purchase of religion text is sign of extremism. if you purchase a bible with money that says in god we trust on it, you are an extremist? i know a lot of good people that fall into that category. >> cheryl: they had a list thchl is part of how they went after people there on january 6.
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>> carley: good we know about it. unfortunate it happened. more news on boeing 737 front. >> cheryl: tough for boeing, inspections continue in the wake of that mid-air incident july 5th where the door plug blew off, causing chaos. faa reporting all 737 nine max aircraft will remain grounded penning faa approval that satisfyings all faa safety requirements. no stone unturned. troubling moments for the aircraft supposed to transport blinken from davos back to washington. a critical failure of the plane. a boeing 737 forcing staff members to fly back commercial and smaller plane found to bring him back stateside. this happened yesterday, another
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blow to boeing reputation. >> carley: more to come on that. thank you for joining us. have a great day. >> what is carbon footprint of these events every year you come here? is it worth it? peasant pay for your crime? >> stupid question. >> is it really? >> we are done. we are done now. >> you can't grab me. >> why do you think you are more important, your carbon footprint doesn't matters, but everybody -- >> nobody suggested that, don't make up stu fid questions. >> carley: climate czar john kerry getting defensive. the chief reporter for rebel news, you just saw questioning kerry joins me live from davos. good morning to you. we have seen the video of you asking the question and getting pushed aside. what was that moment like?
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>> thanks for having me. good morning. we've been here on the promenade, looking for anybody who needs to answer the question that the media invited here won't ask him. you have a few moments and john kerry had quite a security and it was ironic he called it a stupid question. i think it shows how out of touch he is and all of them are. that is probably the most basic question the average joe in america, i know certainly in australia, are asking, why are you such a hypocrite? buzz word is sustainability, these people use that word, you get into a conversation and the second sentence is about sustainability. this is fake, this wasn't here a few days ago. the whole promenade is like
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that. davos is huge. these people are -- it is either industry for them or they are here to tell us this is the way we have to live. back home in australia or america, they don't practice what they preach. >> carley: clearly not and sustainability and lavish lifestyle with a private jet doesn't go hand in hand. over first 18 months of biden administration, john kerry took 48 private plane rides and emitted 715,000 pounds of carbon, a lot of carbon for a climate envoy. >> absolutely, he is not the only hypocrite, just one of hundreds or thousands that dictate and preach climate alarms. they don't believe what they are
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saying, if they did believe it, 150 land here a day in the local tiny airport, if they believed it, they wouldn't do it. we caught up with big names from your friends at cnn to blackrock and facebook. if you want to see what is happening go to the website and we are putting videos up there. how the security jump in to protect him. we were not a danger to him. only danger he was was to himself. only two words he managed to get out exposed how out of touch he is. >> carley: it seems like an unplanned moment by you. you saw him, you had the camera and asked questions everybody wanted to know. were you surprised when he
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called it a stupid question? >> yes and no. i -- these people, davos is -- these people come here, this is my third, starting to feel like an elitist just being here. these people come here, there was no general -- pay for studio inside there and you can't rock the boat or you won't get a pass next year. it felt safe to walk down this promenade. at first they engage, they assume we're one of them. when they realize the question is prickly, they turn on you. there is more security because we've had a few cracks in the last couple years. >> carley: if a government official tells you that you are asking a stupid question, just
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know it is a really smart question, rule of thumb there. your video is making news in the u.s., we appreciate you joining us this morning. have a great day. >> thanks for having me. >> todd: i love that guy. he is great. >> carley: he has guts and asks questions people want to know answers to. president biden is home while kamala harris visits battleground and here is how she's feeling about the november election. >> i'm scared as heck, which is why i'm traveling our country. we should all be scared. >> carley: that is reassuring, david webb will react to that coming up. >> todd: she said heck. brian kilmeade with what is coming up on "fox and friends," what semi-curse word will you use? >> brian: i have to calm ainsley down, she has the issue. the j.p. morgan chase ceo
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defending maga voters, jamie diamond saying trump was not wrong on immigration, on border, on nato, and on tax reform. you should not dismiss trump voters because you don't like the guy, more on what that means for joe biden's pros pectses. speaking of 2024, kamala harris visit "the view" yesterday and she is scared as heck trump may win. more on that interview. i hate to make you watch "the view," it might be a moment to take in. speaker johnson says he confronted the president, what was said and will it result in any legislation? we'll discuss that. charles payne is here and he's tall. kevin o'leary is rich. jason chaffetz, no idea how much money he has and seinfeld is getting set to get you motivated for 2024. i ask you to gradually get
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this is a table of very powerful women, we don't run away from something when we are scared. we fight back against it. >> carley: fox news contributor david webb is just as scared as the vice president. david, how do you feel about that answer and, also, the question, the crazies? >> oh, yeah, i mean, this is what they need to do. by the way, todd, what did you say? almost. >> heck, almost cursed. basically when you don't have the guts you really mean you say something strong and slightly cursed. look, kamala harris is a fraud. the best thing about that whole interview which i have watched is inside the hen house, hat tip to emily compagno, i stole it. this is all how they witch americans against each other, the crazies. if you're not for them, you're crazy. god forbid trump should win god
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forbid the american people ublegd the constitution should choose our political leaders and our civilian leaders. can you imagine that? so, what's their other option? pick us because we told you so and we will tell you what you are going to do. border czar? she is not the border czar. she is traveling to the states. she forgot southern texas. she glanced it once. these people are frauds, but they are dangerous, because they have a strategy and if they are successful, americans who are now dealing with 17% inflation overall inflation, 23, all the other things hitting us, cost of living. energy prices where in the winter there is a cold spell over, what, 60 plus percent of the country. imagine what it's like if you have to live under another administration. that's what should be scared or can i just say -- scared as heck. >> todd: no other policies to run on the entire campaign scaring the voters through false fears. you mentioned they actually do have another strategy. and i think she alluded to that
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in that answer when she calls for people to fight back. she is obviously not talking about on policy. so what do you think she means? what is her call to action when she says fight back? >> summer of love over 2,000 police officers harmed, billions of dollars of damage, antifa, blm. now you have, by the way, the storming of the white house fences gates by the leftists combined with the pro-hamas, pro-palestinian, are we fighting back against them or fighting with them. last time i checked the jihad squad and kamala harris and joe biden, they are the ones standing there egging people on. are they fighting back against what? i'm fighting for the constitution, for our constitutional republic, for the promise that our declaration. that's what i'm fighting for. that's what the american people deserve. no matter what side you are on, you deserve, you earn it, you
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own it,. >> carley: kamala harris scared as heck trump may win in 2024. the article goes on how to detail trump is beating biden in all the key swing states. if you are running for office shouldn't you exude confidence? >> what are you going to be confident about? >> carley: we got. this we're going to win re-election. >> inflation. you have an economy in turmoil. off global turmoil. pakistan attacking in iran. you have israel vs. hamas. you have ukraine. look at all of this. what are they standing for? >> todd: ran out of time but joy reid talks about people voting for trump because of racial anxiety. david, i would like you to quickly walk us through your racial anxiety. >> the black woman with blonde hair culturally appropriated her hair is going to complain. >> todd: "fox & friends" begins right now, everybody. have a great day. ♪ ♪


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