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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox and friends" on the east coast. today is thursday.
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it is january 18th. >> steve: almost the weekend. almost. fox news alert. u.s. forces striking houthi strikes overnight. that action coming afterthe terrorist groups hits a second cargo ship in the red sea. the pentagon insists the conflict in the middle east is not expanding beyond gaza. that does not make sense. >> lawrence: vice president kamala harris says she is scared of heck of donald trump taking back the white house. i guess she did not hear this from the ceo of j.p. morgan chase. >> this negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden's election campaign. >> brian: and rob rob gronkowski is tackling issues, including california push to ban kids flag
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football. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. your mornings are better because you're with friends. get dressed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: what a pretty view of the atlantic off the jersey shore, that is seaside heights. it is 31 degrees. there are snow flurries. i see cloud cover. we see the sun in the distance warming things up. beautiful day to start if you like cold. >> ainsley: gorgeous, how far from where you live? >> steve: 50 miles. >> brian: is freezing.
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we used to go to play soccer, it is so windy and cold in the winter, that is why people don't go there. >> ainsley: you are indoors. >> brian: you have to walk in between. great to go outside. no. >> steve: here in new york city, 23 degrees and i said to lawrence, it feels colder here in new york than in iowa where it was 10 below. >> lawrence: we were so bundled up, snow boots on. >> steve: layers. >> ainsley: in new york, it can say 20 and it is so cold because of the wind, it is awful. >> steve: it whips around the tall buildings, the wind chill is about zero. >> brian: classic overpacking for new hampshire. steve comes with a small bag. i overpack. >> ainsley: you pick your outfits in advance.
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casual or -- >> steve: i was in iowa wearing flannel and vests and the boss thought lawrence and brian were wearing a necktie and i was wearing a flannel shirt. >> lawrence: i'll be out diners, i will dress down. >> steve: first diner started in new hampshire. >> brian: very emotional. >> steve: i wore a shirt and vest. >> ainsley: maybe those diners will come back to celebrate the anniversary. jamie diamond, ceo -- set up with this, michelle obama last weeky were talking about a podcast she was on and said she was terrified what could happen in the next election. yesterday kamala harris was on the vau "the view" and talked about being scared as heck. >> what will happen in this next
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election, i'm terrified about what could happen because our leaders matter. >> i'm scared as heck. which is why i'm traveling our country. there is an old saying there are only two ways to run for office, either without an opponent or scared. on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared. >> lawrence: has to be poll tested, they are saying i'm scared. democrats don't do anything in unity. question is what are they scared of? do maga supporters have a disease? >> brian: you already know, hitler, the president said you got hitler and -- >> ainsley: dictator. >> brian: if he wins, he will not leave office and he will be a dictator. they are saying this in january. not between joe biden and donald trump, it is between joe biden and losing democracy. >> lawrence: this is why it is
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dangerous. i went to the president after his victory in iowa, to his speech, very toned down. trump. unifying the country. >> ainsley: great speech, too. >> lawrence: all the networks stopped showing that. maybe they are unaware -- >> brian: you are being very nice. >> steve: we talked about this couple days ago. the current president has a lid 10:00 in the morning, no more news. he's been out of sight, that is the strategy. joe biden is going to run on donald trump as the world's worst person. the choice is joe biden or donald trump. kamala harris is talking about donald trump being the world's worst person, don't let that happen again. cindy adams in the "new york
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post" says don't be shocked if michelle obama sneaks in. look at what she said on that podcast a couple days ago. that was not a carelessad lib. cindy is suggesting that was planned and she sent a survey to top democrats and summer of 2020 she met hedge-fund ceos and she said, i am running and asking for your support. we are just finding out about it. the big question, say the obamas convince joe biden to step aside and michelle obama decides to run. what happens to kamala harris? does she keep kamala harris as the vice president? it would be hard to fire her. and that team, a lot of people like michelle obama. a lot. a lot of people do not
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like the current vice president. >> lawrence: you don't think she will run, right? >> lawrence: no, this is a method to scare voters. she has a lot of influence, on cover of magazines, has a netflix show. black, white, asian, the economy is hitting so hard, donald trump will scare us all, put back in chains to work this election cycle. >> brian: new poll out, first time since iowa victory, trump is up on haley. gaining momentum and changing his message. jamie diamond and his executives weren't to talk to people. a project for a guy that is rich as they come on wall street. he had this warning for democrats when it comes to
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president trump and his supporters. >> i wish democrats would think more carefully talking about maga. take a step back, be honest, he was right babout nato, china, tx reform worked. he was not wrong about critical issues and people are voting about him. be respectful of our fellow citizens. ask why the negative talk about maga is going to hurt biden election campaign. >> ainsley: interesting the last election, a lot of people voted as referendum on biden against trump. >> lawrence: think about it, jamie diamond is right, they wouldn't have money to give to nato, if he would have paid his fair share. talk about terrorism in the
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country. you have the former president made houthi rebels a terrorist organization, declared them that. and biden changed it and now want to change it back. they were adamant to undo everything donald trump did, they put us in trouble as a result. >> brian: do what i was doing and you could have taken credit for it, like you take credit for the vaccine and this. we will not be talking about the pandemic if china keeps their bats in the labs. >> steve: jamie diamond said that about trump supporters and policies, jamie diamond said i like nikki haley and that really angered the former president and he ripped into him on truth social. he does a lot. >> brian: interesting. shows where that statement came
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from. it wasn't to help donald trump, it was to help the country. that is what is dangerous about what the democrats are doing. if trump wins, half the country will be convinced he's a czar and he will be putin and people will lose their rights because of rhetoric that comes out. it is dangerous. >> ainsley: people are scared of losing this country with open border, crime, with fentanyl coming and killing children. >> steve: ainsley, brian was talking to jason chaffetz who laid out in foxnews.comop ed. >> brian: they have to attack that warning label, this is how you win, right now you are not. fox news alert, u.s. troops striking dozen houthi sites in yemen overnight. >> steve: military action coming after the terrorist group, not
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called terrorists yet, will be, hit a second cargo ship in the red sea. >> ainsley: pakistan claims they have struck terrorist hideouts inside iran. >> lawrence: lucas tomlinson has the latest. >> lucas: apparent tit for tat, one day after iranian forces launched inside pakistan. total matched by u.s. military. u.s. forces launches more strikes into yemen to destroy missile launchers, u.s. central commands we will strike again. >> don't all of these attacks suggest that the war has done exactly what the u.s. didn't want it to do early on and it has expanded? >> we continue to work closely with allies and partners to
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prevent the conflict going to a wider regional war. we currently assess fight between israel and hamas remain contained in gaza. lucas tomlinson hawkeye launches from the uss eisenhower yesterday fired by one war ship. f-18 super horn there. submarine. iran hiding support for houthi rebels and iran boasting about support declaring security of the red sea is tied to developments in gaza and everyone will suffer if israel's crimes do not stop. all resistance fronts will remain active. they are targeting u.s. troops 137 times over past three months. president biden said he delivered message to iran and
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they know not to do anything, guys. >> lawrence: any word on the two missing navy seals? >> lucas: no word and it has been a week, not looking good. >> steve: turns out theat min stragz declared the houthis are terrorists again. >> brian: not as bad as previous administration. we're all antihouthi and been antihouthi. >> ainsley: carley has headlines. >> carley: investigation underway after two miami dade officers were shot after responding to a call about squatting. officers shot back killing that suspect. a denver hospital system is
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warning the city it is about to collapse due to the migrant crisis. denver health spent $130 million on patients unable to pay for healthcare. 8000 migrants made twenty,000 visits to receive free care forcing facilities to turn down other patients and ziggy's dairy is offering yogurt if you can put your smartphone down for a month. gloria says she will have no problem, she's never had a phone. matt writes he would like to prove the challenge can be done. tracey says she's been using her phone just for call and she's gotten more done for herself and her family than ever before. i believe it. you spend a lot of time scrolling on your phone. >> lawrence: who likes yogurt
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that much? >> carley: it is brilliant, now we're talking about ziggy's. >> lawrence: not like cake or ice cream or alcohol. >> ainsley: it's good. >> lawrence: give me better incentive. >> steve: have you heard about the vodka float? >> carley: it is $10,000 and the yogurt. bike >> brian: innovation with yogurt, when i was growing up they could not mix it and now scientists mix it themselves. >> ainsley: and fruit was at the bottom. >> brian: it is exhausting. >> steve: it is not fresh fruit, throw fresh fruit in it. >> ainsley: you talk about your butler and your private plane. >> lawrence: when you host three shows you don't have that much time to do -- >> brian: still ahead on the
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show, fair game, rob gronkowski says he is open to banning tackle football for kids. i'll pause. >> i continuing is a fair proposal, i love kids want to play football. to play football at such a young age is dangerous. >> lawrence: what it could mean for the future of the sport. >> ainsley: i want your opinion on that. i know yours. president heads to tout bidenomics, business leaders heading to the hill. >> steve: mr. wonderful kevin o'leary will testify today, we'll hear from him straight ahead. hey, kevin, you are next on "fox and friends." i was ok ♪ arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help.
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>> steve: this morning growing concern over the feds spying on private citizens and bank accounts. republicans demanding answers, the treasury department at end of trump administration asked banks to flag customer transactions with tomorrows like maga, trump, cabela's, dick's sporting goods. what is that about?
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legendary investor kevin o'leary joins us from i believe the washington area. where are you? >> washington, d.c. just moments away from the hilt. >> steve: you will testify and talk to the commerce secretary. what do you make of in the wake of sounds like january 6 treasury department looking into people involved with january 6 and riot on the capitol and apparently got some banks to cooperate and turn over financial dealings. does that surprise you? >> you can get any bank to cooperate with you if you serve them a subpoena. i don't know if that was used. in concept is widely known as data scraping, used all the time to target consumers for digital advertising. this is a big business and we have become complacent.
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it has a big brother tone to it. it happens everyday. if you have 10 million names in your credit card file, be sure somebody is scraping that data to find people that live in miami, make over $250,000 that are involved in real estate. that happens everyday. >> steve: we need more answers because jim jordan has asked for answers from a federal treasury official. see if we get it. you are in washington to talk about small business, during the biden administration there is all this money coming from the federal government, they are leaving small business behind, which is crazy, 99% of total american businesses are involved in small businesses. small businesses, 99% of total business and 62% of jobs created, people work at small
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business. why isn't the government paying attention? >> excellent question and one i intend on raising today. i am an advocate for small business and work for them as a small investor. 62% of american jobs created by business between 5 and 500 employees. look at infrastructure act and chips and science acts, there is not a single dime for small business. >> steve: crazy. >> kevin: i'm asking lawmakers, be pragmatic spend $.60 of every $1 on small business, they create 60% of jobs. s&p has access to capital. that is a huge problem because when they create jobs, many are offshore and foreign subs.
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what about america is my question. what about the small guy, the guy in champagne manufacturing car parts? when is last time you invited dry cleaner or car dealer to the white house? these are questions i want to ask. >> steve: you are meeting with the secretary of commerce. doesn't it come down to big shots running big companies, they are big donors and joe biden needs a lot of cash to run for reelection. >> kevin: i get that. this hearing and my meeting with the secretary of commerce, these are bipartisan issues. the secretary earmarked $9 billion out of chips and signs act for small business. i'm going to meet her with my staff and say show me where this is and i will help get it to 80's,000 plus small businesses in my database and millions of
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others i can reach on social media. work together to get in money in the hands of people who need it more than the big guys. it is hard to raise money, where do small businesses bank and pay their payroll, regional banks and they are not lending anymore. >> steve: good luck today, be careful, d.c. is a shark tank. just saying. >> kevin: i'm ready for that. >> steve: coming up this thursday, five days until new hampshire primary, ron desantis defending pulling resources dpr that state. live report coming up. mission to build a healthy future in all 50 states. jake steinfeld is bringing good fitness habits to students and that is an exercise you could do
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>> ainsley: gop presidential candidate ron desantis expected back in new hampshire tomorrow. he will make a final push after sources confirm he is shifting resources and staff to south carolina. >> brian: we sat down with the governor of florida. alexis joins us live. >> alexis: we had a chance to sit down with florida governor ron desantis. i asked about polls in the granite state and asked if he is skipping new hampshire. he said that is not the case. there has been a shakeup in his
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super pac. they have laid off some members, wouldn't say how much, they are shifting focus to south carolina. this is what the governor had to say. >> you have not been home in a while, you will go home, focus on south carolina and come back. >> i'm going to be here on friday before south carolina. >> alexis: you go home and come back? >> yes, we went to south carolina and kicked out a couple events. that was not skipping south carolina. it was adding. >> alexis: desantis said the debates got cancelled. nikki haley was stomping to a crowd of 300 people and made no mention of saying she is skipping the debate. >> it is a two-person race.
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we are focused on trump, that is all we are focused on. i forgot about desantis when he left new hampshire. >> alexis: desantis warned voters her support is coming from democrats. >> people behind nikki haley are proamnesty and pro-open borders, she wants pro-open borders. pro-war and pro-biden. >> alexis: new hampshire voters are focused on looking at their pocketbooks and focused on the border issues because they have a lot of problem here at the northern border. we'll get into that when we talk to nikki haley. >> steve: we were just in iowa, now moving to new hampshire, new hampshire is sassy when it comes to iowa caucus, they have first
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primary. slogan in new hampshire, iowa picks corn and new hampshire picks presidents. >> alexis: that's right and i caught up with governor chris sununu, and he doubled down and he said he believes new hampshire has a different voter and cares about different issues. he said iowa was pro-trump and he doesn't think it will turn out that way here. >> lawrence: the governor is smart to ignore new hampshire. he is considered the strongest republican governor in the country right now as far as plsz. he probably never had a shot in a place like new hampshire. go to south carolina and get your typical conservative. >> steve: he had a shot in iowa. a year ago, he was number one, beating donald trump. a year later, donald trump
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trounced him. other than iowa, where does he have a chance? >> lawrence: that is the big question. nikki haley has to be careful. you have the president on attack saying she has democrat support right now. we saw that in iowa and co-founder of linked in giving quarter of million to her campaign, even though he is going to vote for joe biden. >> ainsley: and posting a picture on social media, it looks like her face on hillary clinton's face. >> steve: photoshop is a beautiful thing. >> ainsley: in 2015 new hampshire drug overdose rate was second in nation. in 2017, all-time high for that state, 490 people died for that reason. we interviewed a lady earlier in the show and she said she is actually taking a step back from
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her involvement nationally because she said this administration is not listening to her. she lost her son tyler, of fentanyl. >> brian: president trump was talking about that in 2016, he got that from the trail. >> ainsley: next hour, house homeland security will hold final impeachment hearing against secretary mayorkas. mark daniels is up next. >> brian: fair game, rob gronkowski says he is open to banning tackle football, let the kids play flag. that story is next. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning
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>> i think it is a fair proposal, i love kids want to play football. to play the game of football at such a young age is a little dangerous. what i propose and think should be marketed more is flag football. these kids should be playing flag football. i loved playing flag when i was growing up. flag football for kids under 12 is excellent idea. they should not be playing real dpam of football until seventh
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grade when their bodies and mind develop more. >> steve: talking about tackle football for kids, california was thinking of banning it. gavin newsom said i would veto it. there is discussion about whether kids under 12 should play tackle football. we'll discuss it a little bit. brian and i have talked about this, 15 years ago, i was a soccer coach in new jersey. you have to take a safety class administered by rutgers university. one rule, no child under 12 could head the ball, it could wind up with concussion or impact brain or memory. that was a rule which speaks to the tackle football issue, which is more dramatic than heading a ball. >> lawrence: it should be left up to parents. if parents feel it is okay, teach kids safety and mechanics
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and walk them through steps and tell them the proper way to tackle, what would cause injury. i don't think a sweeping regulation push from the government is something they should do. >> brian: teddy roosevelt tried to ban football, this is different. he is concerned about head injuries, that is why he got out early. he's a full contact player. great point. there is flag football until 18 years old. if parents want to do tackle. if you put coaches through -- put your head up when you tackle. if you use your head, penalty and you will be removed. put safety in. you learn so much from that game at a young age, i don't want to take that away from kids. for a lot of kids, flag is boring. >> ainsley: if there was a ban,
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you could say, you are not allowed to do it. >> steve: you're not the boss of me. >> ainsley: a lot of moms say i wish they would ban cell phones in our school. some parents don't care and they are on social media. >> steve: rob gronkowski, one of the greatest of all time is suggesting it. >> lawrence: he was playing tackle when he was younger. >> brian: and baseball and about everything else, too. interesting football coaches are taught right and kids tackle right, it should be option for kids, play tackle or flag. that is a support you can pick up later be good. >> lawrence: check in with senior meteorologist, janice dean. >> janice: my friends from colorado springs. doug and sue. spouses are getting coffee. double-double, cream and sugar.
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see what we can do for you. >> janice: take a look at maps, we have snow in the forecast. how much snow we going to get? it is 24 and cold across the country, arctic blast, we have freeze advisories in place. temperatures will moderate and arctic plunge on friday and saturday and that will accompany next storm system. forecast lows for saturday in the deep freeze going through sunday and monday. how much snow around new york city, three to five inches, which is something considering we have not had a big snow in the forecast and watch for ice. fox say hi. >> hito my family and grandkids. >> thank you, family. >> thank you, lawrence.
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>> thank you, family. get that on a t-shirt. >> lawrence: next projects. next hour on capitol hill, republicans hold final impeachment hearing for dhs secretary dhs over handling of border crisis. hear first-hand accounts from key witnesses, get an account how bad it is. arizona sheriff mark daniel joins us now. thank you for joining the program. what can we expect from you during this hearing today? >> well, i submitted written testimony which outlines my community. the reality of cochise county and what have sheriffs done to try to make it better. this is a humanitarian issue. all three categories have been a failure when it comes to what is
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going on in washington, d.c. and lack of policy that have worked. policies are not working anymore. look at death we are dealing with. quality of life every community expects, it is not happening in cochise county with pursuit everyday and assaults on law enforcement. >> lawrence: sheriff, there was a point in time, they would say it is conservatives. these are people, immigrants talking about it. now charlamagne the god saying people are so upset about this. watch. >> i honestly have never spoken to as many people who are concerned about the migrant issue as i have over the past year. they took 2000 migrants and put them in a school and made the students stay home and do school via zoom. that was a big issue. people were calling the radio
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station this week really complaining about that. i've never seen working class people who i interact with everyday really, really express frustration. >> lawrence: you have urban america and rural america saying the same thing now. >> yeah, we got to get back to where america is prioritized and first. our children, veterans, elderly and american citizens. he said something tell nothing that interview, the fact this administration loves to take credit for things they perceive or believe are good. they need to take credit for things that are not working to include this border and put america's communities on the map of being priority and take care of it. >> lawrence: top issue for iowa in the last caucus was immigration. see what happens new hampshire.
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building a healthy future in all 50 staithes, jake steinfeld will be here. first check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up. i saw you rocking that baby to sleep, you will have energy coming up top of the hour. >> bill: i appreciate that. when you need a babysitter, let me know. new hampshire six days away, we'll update that and biden team going after texas on immigration. today texas responds and what did dr. fauci know? talk with lawmakers who spent two days with him. he turned a year old in hamas captivity, his family believes he is still alive, we'll talk to his family today. good questions for the good doctor, we will explain when dana and i see you top of the
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gr brine the national foundation of governors fitness counseled partners with 46 u.s. governors to gift 140 fitness centers to
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schools. >> you do pick up the phone. >> this is a gift. >> this is the first class all the way. >> what it's all about. seeing the kids on this equipment. >> this isn't a partisan idea or bipartisan idea. a nonpartisan idea. >> get in and exercise. >> best day ever. >> let's see the new fitness center. >> don't quit. >> brian: this year they're aiming for all 50 states. the chairman and creator of body of jake. >> i'm changing it now. body of jake. >> brian: arnold schwarzenegger named you the fitness council of california. i saw an opportunity after. >> he is done. you're not. >> i'm not. i'm a big believer in giving the schools the tools and i wanted to put as many 100,000 don't quit fitness centers in schools as possible. i have great partners and
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sponsors. coca-cola, nike and we put brand-new $1 hundred thousand fitness centers in elementary and middle schools in this great country. >> brian: all governors had to do is call. >> we should do a show when i get a great governor on the phone. they say what's the catch. it's a gift just like your mom and dad, aunts or uncle give you. this year is going to be i commit i had to doing 50 states. thisier i'm saving new york for last. be here in october. hawaii, nevada, alaska. and we'll get all 50 done. it is fantastic. the thing about exercise. mental health issues, the most underutilized antidepressant today is exercise. if you are mad, sad, angry, if you are upset about something,
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move your body. just move your body. >> brian: the one thing you notice there are a lot of lonely people and aren't in shape. instead of saying kids are overweight, you took action and did it. >> that's what you have to do. everybody can do something. it's a matter of getting people together. >> brian: prove it to me that anybody can do it. i'm thinking i can't work out. >> what i want to show you whether a hotel room work-out or at home with your lovely wife or kids and you don't have exercise equipment, you can use a towel. i tell you what i was the first guy to do personal fitness training and made it an occupation. i trained harrison ford with a towel. this is what got him ripped up. let's do it. hands on knee and pull up and bring it back down. put your feet shoulder width apart. bend your knees slightly. squeeze your butt as tight as
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you can. >> this is better than dumbbells. >> at the end of the day psychologically you aren't using heavy weights. >> let's do a tricep exercise. push out your feet, dip down and dip up. the other thing music. good, positive thoughts. we have a great sound track. and it's all about motivation, inspiration, and the right tools. that's what it is at. >> brian: where do we go to get this information. >> official body by jake on instagram. body of lawrence. ainsley. steve, get over here for a second. get over here. it can't be over. it can't be over. this has been 24 years i've been doing it. great to see you. >> bill: there you go, get in shape and good morning. a busy morning ahead on the hill. hous


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