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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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you can. >> this is better than dumbbells. >> at the end of the day psychologically you aren't using heavy weights. >> let's do a tricep exercise. push out your feet, dip down and dip up. the other thing music. good, positive thoughts. we have a great sound track. and it's all about motivation, inspiration, and the right tools. that's what it is at. >> brian: where do we go to get this information. >> official body by jake on instagram. body of lawrence. ainsley. steve, get over here for a second. get over here. it can't be over. it can't be over. this has been 24 years i've been doing it. great to see you. >> bill: there you go, get in shape and good morning. a busy morning ahead on the
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hill. house investigators set to interview a key hunter biden associate who you might recognize. good morning, everybody. that's the tease from last week if you were watching. bill hemmer live in new york. hello, nice to sigh. nice red, i see you. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." great to be with you as always. impeachment investigators sit down with hunter biden's close friend kevin morris as questions swirl about his financial relationship with the president's son. >> bill: who is kevin morris? an entertainment lawyer and author who first met hunter biden at a political fundraiser in 2019. morris took on the role of legal aide advising hunter on his paternity and child support lawsuits. most importantly morris was hunter's bankrolling paying off the president's son's debt with the i.r.s. and a business partner in a chinese controlled company and now funding a documentary titled redemption
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story. >> dana: let's go to david spunt live on capitol hill with this. what will we find out? >> good morning. no sign of kevin morris yet. we expect to get a transcript in the next few days. kevin morris is coming on his own, not under any formal subpoena, and as you mentioned, dana and bill, he is very close to hunter biden. so close that he accompanied the president's son to his own contempt hearing just last week on capitol hill when he surprised everyone and showed up inside that hearing room. remember the federal tax charges that hunter biden is facing in california? nine total, three of them are felonies. well, he is accused of not paying at least $1.4 million in taxes. hunter's taxes were eventually paid thanks to kevin morris. special counsel david weiss says even though the taxes were paid it doesn't stop the fact it too years for hunter biden to do so. the first son had plenty of
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money to pay his taxes but he spent his money on women, clothing, health and beauty products. with kevin morris what happens anyone's guess until we read the transcript. inside the room will ask him about financially helping hunter biden and if any of this is related to the president of the united states. this is considered part of the impeachment inquiry into joe biden, not hunter biden. so expect republicans to see if there are any direct connections between morris and the president that may be nefarious. hunter biden's attorney is said to be negotiating with republicans in the house to have hunter appear for not only a closed door deposition but perhaps some sort of public hearing that the president's son wanted to do, which would actually stop the contempt proceedings from going forward. as we wait right now for kevin morris to show up here for this we'll call it a transcribed conversation. it is not a subpoena or formal
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deposition. >> dana: we'll look to you to find out what else happens in there. thank you, david. texas and the white house are locked in a bitter stand-off on the border. administration demanding texas reopen a border park to federal agents after a drowning deaths of three migrants. the white house blames texas for those deaths saying the state blocked agents from rescuing the woman and her two children. but a new doj court filing has disproved that narrative revealing the migrants were already dead when the feds requested access. meanwhile texas is holding in refusing to let the feds back in. >> they don't tell us where people are coming across or criminal activity along the border or who they are letting in whether terrorists or people who have committed crimes. they don't tell us where people are from. we have the obligation to control public lands in texas, a sovereign state and defend our borders.
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>> dana: more on this with dan patrick. let's go to matt finn in eagle pass with the latest. hi, matt. >> good morning, dana. yesterday was the deadline the federal government gave to texas to reopen this park back to border patrol agents. as it stands this morning, we have not seen texas allow the federal government back into this park. texas dps tells me that's because texas feels it is just better at deterring migrants from crossing the river into this park because texas feels the biden administration wants an open border. >> we're trying to prevent illegal border crossings so we don't see this loss of life. it is not normal. it is not humane for anyone to cross a river including children. but it contradicts what we're trying to do and really shows how the federal government is attacking texas for trying to prevent that. what they want to do is keep the border open. >> governor abbott's emergency declaration and they're
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arresting migrants who illegally cross into this park and this state. we just want to tell you from our observation on the ground, that's a massive change in procedure in this park because for nearly three years, leading all the way to this past december migrants have not only been able to freely cross the river into this park, sometimes they were ushered across the river by the united states and processed by border patrol which is part of the reason texas says it kicked out biden's border agents. texas says border patrol was a magnet for illegal immigration because migrants were able to stand in mexico and actually see other migrants who crossed and were being processed here in the park. however, border patrol argues being kicked out of the park reduces the ability for texas and the federal government to respond to emergencies to save lives. we want to briefly remind you why this particular park is such a battleground. just last month, there was a historic surge of migrants that illegally crossed into this very property. overwhelming border patrol and the state of texas and actually
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forcing the closure of legal ports of entry. now this morning a much different scene as we are standing here. texas has heavily fortified this park and put up razor wire along the river and we're seeing texas national guard push back migrants saying do not enter here into the united states. >> dana: what a situation, matt finn, thank you. >> bill: texas lieutenant governor dan patrick. thank you for your time. jacque heinrich and karine jean-pierre went at it on this issue yesterday. a question about what the true facts are on friday evening. listen to this exchange. >> the white house statement implies that -- says that texas officials blocked u.s. border patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. >> there are other migrants in the water. >> why wasn't that included in the statement if that's what you were referring to? >> our statement is very much consistent with d.o.j. filing. >> bill: i know this has gone back and forth. i think the question for today is whether or not the feds take
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legal action again against the state of texas. nothing has held them back before. why are they holding back for now or do you expect that to change? >> so, bill, i think they know they're wrong. they were down here a month ago or so with a civil rights charge with the f.b.i. saying our boats were running illegal immigrants. they watched the tape and the f.b.i. was wrong and wrong about whipping people. a couple years ago. wrong about this. these poor -- this woman and her children drowned before the border patrol got there. we have the legal authority in the state of texas to protect our property and that's what we're doing. we want to work with the border patrol. most of them are good people. but i believe this is a political move by biden on down. look, since he has been elected president, he has had an open border. we have drug dealers, gang members, murders, kidnappers, terrorists, rapists. that's who is crossing the border.
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it doesn't mean that's the vast majority but that's a lot of the people crossing this border. we know. we've arrested almost 300 people on the terrorist watch list. we have dangerous, evil people coming into this country and texas has had it. we passed a senate bill four at the end of last year in the special session says we now can control who is crossing that border. it will end up at the supreme court. we believe we'll win. i wrote part of this bill. we believe it's stronger than the arizona bill that failed in 2012. we believe this conservative court will uphold it. look, bill, we've spent -- i've authorized as president of the senate over $10 billion in border security funds of texas taxpayer money in the last eight years. currently we passed a budget with $4 billion for border security we shouldn't be paying. that's more money than 13 states have total budgets. if you look at the people who have come into texas by the time he is out of office in november, which he will be when donald trump becomes president. it will be over 10 million people.
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that means, bill, the biggest states in texas -- states in america by population are california, texas, florida, new york, pennsylvania, illinois and the state of illegal immigrants. that many illegal immigrants have come into this country since biden has become president. more than any other state except those top six states that i've mentioned. this is a catastrophe for everybody and we've had it and we're pushing back. >> dana: two basic questions. one, because the white house has suggested that basically texas patrol officers were negligent in regards to watching people die, will you take any action on that? and my second question would it matter to you at all, do you think there would be a material difference if secretary mayorkas is impeached by the house? >> look, as far as kamala harris and joe biden and mayorkas and jean-pierre they're the four
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horsemen of the apocalypse. all the people who drowned in the river and raped, murdered, who die in car chases on this side all those deaths are at the hands of joe biden and his administration. let's be clear. we lost a national guardsman a couple of years ago trying to save. he drowned himself by trying to save other immigrants. we save people from the water. we try to save them. we protected this island. this border patrol story is a totally fabricated by these people drowned in the river before we got there. we'll save people in distress doing far more than the border patrol is doing. they're hotel clerks ushering people into this country and letting them go. the question is, i've been on your show many times talking about this. where does joe biden think the 10 million people will go? where are they living and
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working and whose jobs are they taking and what schools and hospitals are they overcrowding? he doesn't care. he doesn't care. everything i said about all these people who died crossing the border on this side and the fentanyl deaths he doesn't care. this is a move by the socialist left who want to take over this country. they believe the ten to 12 million however many people who come in. the people we apprehend. we don't know how many we don't catch they want to turn them into voters one day and take over the country. >> bill: i understand your point entirely. the city land you took over, 2 1/2 miles long i believe, right? >> about. >> bill: if you are effectively ill less crossing there don't they just cross somewhere else? >> they may. we want to make it difficult, bill. we're putting con sir tina wire up. we are building the wall. let them go to arizona, new mexico, california. let it be their problem. we're tired of it here. our border with mexico is longer than the distance between
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atlanta and portland, maine, 1200 plus miles. the burden is on us and pushing back and fighting back and we've had enough from the biden administration. >> bill: thank you for your time. we'll see whether or not a lawsuit comes your way or not. okay. thank you for being on with us today. investigators on the hill spent two days with anthony fauci behind closed doors. what they reveal on the details of the origins of covid, what he copped to and did not answer. there is a lot in this. congressman brad win strop. >> dana: how the feds use big banks to spy on conservatives. >> it was big banks looking and searching private transactions using key terms at the suggestion of the federal government to find out what you are buying and spending your money on. scary stuff. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response.
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>> dana: fulton county district attorney fani willis under pressure. steve harrigan has the latest. this story keeps getting a little more interesting. >> it is getting louder and louder, the criticism growing about willis especially from republicans here. the latest governor kemp saying he is deeply troubled by these allegations. as for willis, she has neither confirmed or denied any romantic relationship with wade who she referred to as a great friend and the criticism of the two of them is racially motivated as new questions are coming up about potential financial irregularities that may have benefited the two of them. media organizations are trying to open up wade's divorce
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proceedings if there is evidence in the relationship of those two in the documents. even if willis gets removed the damage has already been done. >> if you are prosecuting the former president, you need to be absolutely on the level and need to have public confidence in that. i think that given these allegations, if they are borne out. that public confidence will not probably exist. >> the judge overseeing the case will schedule a hearing as early as february to look into any potential improprieties between the two prosecutors. back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: question for our audience this morning, did a chinese lab map the coronavirus a full two weeks before it shared that news with the rest of the world? "wall street journal," new documents show a chinese researcher uploaded a complete sequence of the virus in december of 2019. beijing didn't share that information until january.
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the chair of the origin subcommittee is here. what did you learn by dr. fauci? when he asked about the idea where six feet distance came from, what did he say? >> he said it just sort of appeared and they went with it. you can see there is not a real good process. we asked the same question about masks. there was no scientific data, no study behind it. we just kind of put that out there. look, dr. fauci was the face of the pandemic for america. 1.2 million americans lost their lives. we're going through a process what decisions they made and why they made the decisions. but you look into the origins of covid, there were grants being distributed by nih with taxpayer dollars to a company called eco health alliance to do research in china. gain-of-function research and those people are familiar with that term. there is no oversight over that. dr. fauci said when they put in
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their request for a research grant, a board looked at it. once they look at it i just sign off on it and i'm done. when they weren't doing the reporting back to nih about what they were doing, there was no oversight coming in saying we want your reports per se. dr. fauci said well that's not my lane. that's over in compliance. so the process is terrible when you take a look at this. then we asked about oversight of foreign labs. does nih have oversight of the bio security of a foreign lab? he said i wouldn't know how to do that. everyone was saying what they are doing in china is a lab that wasn't safe and should have been at a higher level. all scientists have been saying that. talk about a lab leak theory, now dr. fauci is saying that he doesn't think that's a conspiracy theory. dr. collins also. >> bill: that's a lot in one answer. let me slow it down a little bit. when you asked him about wearing masks, what was his answer as to where that came from?
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>> well, where it came from is basically they thought it would be a good idea. remember, he said it won't make a difference and then he started mandating it. that's the problem. the mandates were a bad idea overall. he admitted that there was no scientific data behind it. americans want to be educated. that is not what was taking place. >> bill: what did he tell you about closing schools and the impact that would have on kids? >> i can tell you that over 100 times even on first day he said he didn't recall. he does recognize now that it was a terrible impact on kids. but he didn't address that. so he shouldn't have been the spokesperson on everything that was taking place. he seemed to say well that's in somebody else's lane. why was he the one out there talking about it? look, the teachers union wanted six feet. in that regard. that means they don't have to teach because there is no way you can keep your kids six feet
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apart. no science. >> bill: is it true he said i don't remember 100 times? >> just on the very first day he said it more times on the second day. so, you know, the messaging has been terrible. we need a process where america can trust our public health officials and understand that getting the true story. i said early on even under the trump administration america needed to hear from the doctors treating covid patients, not politicians and not the person in the lab, but the ones really have boots on the ground and are studying and all this. >> bill: two more questions for you. you heard us mention the "wall street journal" report about the lab leak has not been dismissed and i don't know if you addressed that or not. he told you there is no oversight on foreign facilities. >> right. >> bill: this is american taxpayer dollars that some people believe were going to the wuhan lab for this quote, unquote, gain-of-function research. did he cop to that or did he
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sidestep it? >> he side stepped that because he was saying when he had the interaction with senator paul saying we're not doing gain-of-function research in china, now he is saying that he has a different definition of gain-of-function research that means it definitely creates a pandemic. and no one else has that definition except now for he and dr. collins. and it wasn't until they were questioned on this and pushed on this that they changed the nih website to change the definition of gain-of-function research. it sounds like a cover there because it didn't happen until later. >> bill: you are a doctor, right? >> yes. >> bill: we made decisions based on his expertise. for the entire country and in some cases maybe for the entire world. when will we hear him in a public hearing be asked these same questions? >> well, we are having him
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coming in for a public hearing. the exact date is coming up later i think in early spring. >> bill: so it will happen? you guarantee it will happen? >> he has agreed to that and the two days in the transcribed interview. so that was all on board and locked down before we met with him the first time. >> bill: we shall be watching. thank you for your time, brad wenstrup from ohio. thank you. >> dana: any moment the second impeachment hearing for homeland security mayorkas gets underway. we're live on the hill next with that. plus a new hampshire poll shows ron desantis in a distant third and now shifting his focus and team south. >> we went to south carolina, knocked out a couple events and did what we planned to do in new hampshire. that was talked about as skipping new hampshire. it wasn't. it was adding south carolina in addition to that.
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>> bill: the u.s. launching another round of strikes, the fourth time in under a week against houthi targets in yemen. the latest hitting more than a dozen missiles of the group. u.s. central command saying those missiles were being loaded to be fired at commercial ships in the red sea and gulf of aden. this is far from over, it would appear. stand by for more. >> dana: house lawmakers are holding their second impeachment hearing against dhs secretary mayorkas. griff jenkins has more from capitol hill. slow to get going this morning, griff. >> good morning. it is the second and final impeachment hearing against secretary mayorkas and the star witness, if you will, will not be here. mayorkas's office saying there is a scheduling conflict now. the chairman of the homeland committee here, mark green, says it's delay tactics from mayorkas to not show up. however, we'll hear some gut wrenching testimony from two grieving mothers.
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one tammy will testify about the loss of her child, her daughter who was killed by an illegal immigrant in the country with connections to the ms-13 gang. the other grieving mother josephine lost her child to a fentanyl overdose, a stark and tragic reminder that more than 150 people die every day in this country because of the deadly fentanyl coming across that border. another witness, arizona sheriff, gave a preview this morning about what he will have to say. listen here. >> these policies aren't working no more. you look at the tragedies, the border crime and deaths we're dealing with. just the quality of life that every community expects is not happening. >> just finally a statement we got from the white house, a spokesman putting it out saying that this is simply a baseless impeachment stunt targeting secretary alejandro, mayorkas. see what happens and bring you
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more as we get it. >> dana: please do, griff. thank you. >> bill: back on the trail, ron desantis mostly by passing new hampshire setting his sights on south carolina. when nikki haley fails to win her home state she will be finished, a two-person race and doanors coming to the same conclusion. we're wasting no time in taking the fight directly to haley on her home turf. karl rove here today. nice to see you in iowa, my friend. good morning to you. so he did go to south carolina, two events, new hampshire. how do you see things six days out as of now? >> an odd thing because normally what you would think is the frontrunner is donald trump after a particularly winning iowa and you think that his two competitors haley and desantis would be focused on him. but instead we have donald trump
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and the two candidates haley and desantis focused on each other. not exactly a recipe for overtaking this guy who gets to run in the clear. so we'll see if that lasts for more than a day or two and if they are able both to refocus their attention on donald trump. in an unusual way to begin the new hampshire primary season. >> dana: nikki haley said it was two-person race and said i don't debate anybody if it is not donald trump. those debates are canceled. ron desantis is saying it's a two-person race. listen to him here. >> we went to south carolina, knocked out a couple events and did what we were planning to do in new hampshire. it was said to skip new hampshire. it wasn't it was adding south carolina in in addition to that. >> dana: they announced the travel and media thinks that's the entire story. what about the point he thinks it's a two-person race.
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>> the way -- both of those candidates are smart to say it's between me and the frontrunner but the way that you make it between you and the frontrunner is to make it about you and the frontrunner. instead they're making it about each other as tactics. we'll see if it lasts today. but they don't have a lot of time and they need to turn the focus to them nikki haley versus donald trump. ron desantis versus donald trump and make new hampshire you have an alternative. we're a better alternative than donald trump rather than i'm going to south carolina and it's a two-person race and me, not him. a two person race, it's me, not her. we'll see how the thing clarifies itself, if it does today. >> bill: so then here is new hampshire likes to be independent. a break down of registered voters. undeclared 343,000. there is that independent streak. there is a story that's escaped coverage here.
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it didn't come up a lot in iowa. the dnc said go pound sand at the folks in iowa and did the same thing in new hampshire and we're trying to calculate a little bit about how we cover the democratic side of this on tuesday night. is there a big write-in effort on behalf of joe biden, or is there not? i just -- how have you started to wrap your head around the fallout from that late in the evening on tuesday? >> awfully hard. so viewers are clear. the democratic national committee said we're not going to have or participate in the new hampshire primary. we'll basically take the historic first in the country primary and ignore it and have the first in the country primary be south carolina in another couple of weeks. now they can do that because they've got the incumbent president of the united states and a candidate against him, dean phillips, congressman from minnesota. not a serious contender.
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let me just tell you, if you have been having a primary for 80 years in new hampshire, maybe more, and you've been first in the nation primary, the people in new hampshire won't give that up easily. in a state that is close, could be as close as this could be in november, they may have alienated some independents and democrats saying you disrespected new hampshire i will give my vote to somebody else or not voting for president. so we'll see how it all plays out. but interesting shenanigans going on there with the democrats trying to rejiggle the entire calendar of -- it's not as easy to do as they thought when they began. >> dana: karl rove, thank you. always good to see you. >> great to see you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: buffalo bills not messing with severe weather. nearly two feet of snow is forecast for western new york forcing the team to weigh
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cancelling practice for the playoff against the chiefs. the coach says it is a matter of safety. lakefront storm dumped heavy snow last week. scenes like this where fans pitched in to help shovel and just try to barrel through on their own with no equipment. >> bill: what's interesting about that video. we've seen it 40 times. those guys are pittsburgh steeler fans, right? so their seats aren't shoveled. >> dana: okay. >> bill: knocking off the snow, leading family to the seats. >> dana: i thought it was open seating. >> bill: no, you have a ticket and seat assignment. pittsburgh steeler fans on the road. is it ten, seven, where is the seat? shoppers growing frustrated. stores locking up basic items. businesses say they need these security measures to stay in business. also poll dancing for kids.
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>> bill: we've been watching the story with a number of chains across america. target, wal-mart and more are locking up basics like socks and underwear to stop shoplifting. customers are voicing frustrations at the inconvenience. businesses point to the billions they lose every year to theft. hasn't stopped. fox business lydia lou has more now. >> we're seeing shoppers sharing photos of the underwear and socks that are now stored under lock and key at major retailers like you mentioned target and wal-mart. look at some photos taken from a
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san francisco store showing products, everyday products locked behind plastic barriers. wal-mart is doing the same thing forcing shoppers to ask for help to access socks and underwear. we talked to shoppers right here in new york city. they are used to seeing everyday items locked away on shelves and now add socks and underwear to the list. >> to face things like that, things to clean your ears. >> shape-up clippers, deodorant. >> electronics, stuff to grow your beard, healthcare and all that. >> i had to wait ten minutes for somebody to come and open it up just for lipstick. >> financial losses from theft are growing for the businesses, too. more than $72 billion worth of merchandise was lost in 2022 due to theft. that's according to the most recent data. also up from 61 billion just the
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year before. in a statement wal-mart acknowledges locking up the basic and some stores. wal-mart will continue to explore additional ways to protect its merchandise, keep prices low and keep product in stock. target did not respond to a request for comment. you may remember the retail giant closed nine store locations last year blaming violence and theft. at the time they said locking up merchandise in cases would be one of the several ways they combat organized retail crimes. here we are now locking up socks and underwear. >> bill: thank you, nice to have you here. >> dana: from that to this. american kids are more vulnerable at school with fewer resource officers and armed officers in the buildings. a new study finds those protections were scaled back at schools when they got back from the pandemic. joining us now is fox news contributor tyrus and taylor riggs, both parents themselves. taylor, the absentee rates for kids now is super high as well. so there is no resource
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officers. many kids aren't going to school anymore at all. the cost of this might be in safety. >> when you think about money is finite. if you have a limited amount of money. the last time i was on the program we were talking about shifting some of the budget for cities and public schools to house migrants as one example. that means money has to be reduced somewhere else because budgets and money are finite. so you are seeing priorities shift. i think it's hurting the kids and i think you are spot on with absenteeism. we learned in the pandemic if kids want to stay home and not go to school. when they are showing up if at all they aren't feeling as safe. some of the mental resources were down as well. i think there is a whole host of problems we haven't recovered from from the pandemic. >> shame on the teachers union. why do schools have to be soft targets? even wal-mart is making security moves for socks and underwear
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and no plans to properect the our children. our kids are homeschooled at this point. not worth the risk. not getting the education. the school's education is becoming political and gender ideology, all the reading, history, all that stuff is not being offered or taught with a grain of salt and no safety for our kids. one, if you are not defunding the police or putting criminals in jail. not in our neighborhoods and homes, it is the kids who live in these neighborhoods have to put up with this type of stuff. you see kids not go to school for a lot of reasons. one of the biggest ones is not safety and parents don't trust the education system. >> dana: caught our attention. atlanta has a pole dancing studio with a mommy and me class. that is getting some criticism you can imagine. here is the studio owner. she says everything is good. >> so we go with it because it is fitness. everybody is doing it but kids
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in the united states. everywhere else kids are involved in it and excelling and pole has also been recognized as a sport and will be a part of the olympics soon. >> dana: some reaction from x. it is saying something like this. it is just like gymnastics. weirdos also want child gymnastic videos online. kids don't need to be recorded and put online in general and irresponsible for them to feature kids in their workshops. >> i am a brand-new mom. call me old fashioned. my mommy and me classes are swim and little ball a. i am just super old school. i love fitness and getting kids out and dancing sort of like zumba classes, anything. i agree with some of the sentiments that parents were echoing in the article. kids are already so sexualized, why start them earlier than they already are from social media and what not?
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>> >> bill: the store owner says it is sports and some kids can -- >> dana: every husband who has been in dutch with the wife had the same argument when the credit card statement showed he was at a strip club. i'm there for the sport and dancing. this sounds good. she is making money off it. of course she will support it. it comes down to the moral fiber of this country. whether a sport in the olympics or not it is found in adult situations. still something that is done, there is not another place you go to see pole dancing besides a strip club. when there is country line night with pole dancing night and we've changed what it is, you've changed the meaning of what pole dancing is, you have to go to adult strip club to do it. it still goes with sex and being a stripper. why would you put your kids in that situation? and then, of course, with all online now is a pedophile's
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cornu copa, you now have kids dancing on poles and more reason to -- it's a moral thing. my daughters and son won't be anywhere near a pole unless it has something to do with santa claus and that's about it. >> bill: 0 for two, you and taylor. nice to sigh. here we go. >> michelle obama says she is terrified, as we are, about the potential outcome of the election. >> i'm scared as heck. >> bill: that wasn't the question. raising the alarm as polls show president biden trailing trump. she is pushing a trump dictator narrative. what she had to say and today marks the first birthday for the youngest hostage held by hamas. his uncle will join us live next hour. if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away.
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even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe
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asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort.
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>> dana: search for answers continues in the case of a secret underground bio lab in california has chinese ties. this is where investigators found dangerous pathogens, vials labeled e bola and hundreds of lab mice. what's going on? >> hepatitis and packets labeled e bola, what is that stuff. capable of killing you doing inside in warehouse in california where the epa spent several days packing it up and getting it ready for incineration from an underground lab operated by an international fugitive convicted of stealing millions in u.s. intellectual property to defeat the american aggressor. a picture of that man. he used an ail yays to cross the
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border and set up the lab from 2 million accounts and linked to the chinese communist party. >> i didn't think that the communist government in china would be that concerned about americans' well-being and health to be interested in selling covid tests and pregnancy tests. >> that inspector discovered the lab by chance when she saw a garden hose popping out of a wall. inside a staff of chinese nationals, hundreds of mice, blood, tissue, thousands of vials of deadly biological agents including those labeled ebola. you would think alarm bells are going off in d.c. chinese lab, u.s. soil, threat of bio attack. the man was only charged with selling fake covid tests. twh the city manager called the cdc they hung up on her repeatedly in mid sentence. >> i refuse to accept the idea that nothing else was happening in this facility.
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that there is nothing else that any federal or state agency can do. this is a national problem. this is a bio security issue for the entire country. we can't simply say because the building is clean the issue has been solved. >> so the problem is, dana, there is no national registry for private labs. no regulation there to violate. also no tracking of these infectious diseases for the feds or anyone else to know what was happening here. the man is in jail as a flight risk and being held. back to you. >> dana: the federal government wants to put inspectors on small ships that are fishing for herring. okay. figure it out. >> bill: bizarre. >> dana: impeachment investigators are set to interview hunter biden's friend kevin morris today behind closed doors. he arrived on the hill a short time ago. not under a subpoena but likely asked about his financial relationship with the
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president's son.


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