tv Hannity FOX News January 18, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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all day like johnny. >> let's text james from michigan. >> so they been natura.l products like rice, but then s in ther,ade windmill ocean get it together. >> davos also get it together by buying my book lenny from bo are migrants alsoo brin able to bring over three ounces [l liquid on the planeof? >> james from rhode island. jesse just keep your reusablesal grocery bags in the trunke of the car, they are it's like stacked up to here. it's not every time i openhe the back hatch of the suv, all of the bags fall out. god, murphy, get it together. not a bookgether, but do it. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters. and this is my world.
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and welcome to hannity. and breaking tonight, hunter biden has finally agreedking ton to comply with a legally binding house subpoena and,ar bf in fact, will appear before congressor on february the 28th for his deposition to testify in his father's impeachment inquiry. house oversight committefather'e chairman james colmer has all the details. we have an exclusivee interviee coming up straight ahead. but first, the big winner of the iowa caucus, donald j. trump. he will join us for an exclusive interview in jusexclut moment. now, the 45th president iss looking to build on his historic win in iowa with another strong performance in new hampshire and of course, beyond. the ultimate goal, victorynovemr in november. america and the world, frankly, they're at a tippingameric poin even a breaking point. overseas, our cargo shipens ands troops are under constant attack, facing a barrage ttack, of missiles and suicide dronessd from iranian proxies. this american bulk carrier
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ship was hit by hoodie. rebels, terrorists just yesterday. teset ouriden, he refuse to our military respond in any real meaningful way. spinel our spineless commander in chief is scared of iran and soesis he cowers in fear. even pakistan launched retaliate to air strikes insidee of iran. but not joe bide on. he seems perfectly content letting the mullahs pretty much dotent whatever they want.? and back at home, guess what? the country's falling apar t. see it every day. a the border. it's a disaster. inflatioter.n through the roof.. homelessness. an all time record high. the econom ll-timy a nightmare. 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck. we desperately need to get our country back on track. so now here with more on hiss plan to make america great again, the 45th president of the united states, donaldt, trump. >> mr. president, great to have you back, sir. how ar grehave youe you?. >> well, thank you very much. that is some list you wrote ofti
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. and you can probably double and triple it. it's so bad. i don't think we've ever been in a positionkveever bn lin liko it's terrible what's happened to our countryr countr in three. >>ll, let's start in iowa, though. the the largest margin of victoryino prior to your 30 point winn on monday was bob dole in 1988 s with about just under 13%% vict victory margin. this is historic in soor many ways. how do you analyze this? what happened? why was this bigger than any any adher iowa caucus? >> because the biden administration is so bad and we now have a contrass sot. you didn't have a contrast so much before and now you have a contrast. whch befory what happened here?v we got the most voteots of any sitting president history. and then somebody else takes over and they take a look at whaover at we had versus whay have now. and difference is so stark. it's so massive, it's soo different. specte
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the country is a different place. we were respected all over the world. we got worl got the the largest tax cus ever, the largest regulation cuts ever. wethe largregulati, our militard everything even right to try. you know every, right to try as, you know, you're able to use some of these incrediblee incred new drugs that they're making, bio drugs and other drugys and people's lives are being said. you never could do it. you'd have to go to asia. you'd have t you woo go to europe,diff different places all over the world. now you get themeren here. and that was a hard thingo get that 58 years they tried to get that if you were terminally thatif youe thougwant to giv you a drug, even if they thought it might work because they sairk.d we don't wt to hurt the people. i said, no, no, they're terminally illminally . it done >> we're going to do something. and we got it done. it was not easy because was the drug companies , nobodyt it wanted it. the country didn't want it. they were worried about liability. ere worrd abpeople now sign a dr there's no liability and they can take these drugse's no. re and john was saving thousandsth and thousands of livesousand. it's been an amazing miracle. we did so much and you would have never had ukraine. >> you would have never had
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the attack on israelk, none of these things. and you wouldn't have had inflation because they had oil so lowno. av and now we have the exact opposite. we have a mess. we have the worst president in history. let mee th ask you this. and i love the state of new hampshire. i love the people in new hampshir i lople ofe. i don't like their primary system for one reason. for o reathey what's called ann primary. already. prary.w that nearly 4000 democratic voters have switched affiliatio nean, republican or undeclared, meaning independent ,ahead of the primary, according to the secretary of state's officthe the. and it is believed, for example, one woman who was a co-chair of nikki haley's campaignir, her own daughter, a democrat, changed her affiliation from democrat to republican to vote for haley in the primary. but evenor sununu, not a friend of yours, told our own neil cavuto that it's troublingoubli that many of these people that will switch as democrats and turn to independents and vote in thheh
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republican primary, that when push comes to shove, that they would choose biden the end overer a any republican. i'm not that fond of that system. does that concern you? the real clear politics advertisin clear pg up by 13. the suffolk poll just out today, i think had you up by 16. there was the cnn poll that had 16.n poll by seven. does that system bother you?, ah >> it bothers me.govern and the governor should have done somethinorg insteadsee of talk and waste this time with nikki because she's not going to make it. she ha'sto make s no chance. she's got no way. maggie is not going to be with her. and yo no wau when you saidher,a the democrats voting no, it doesn't say that. it said aboundt, nikki, that 50% of the republicans would be lost to nikki, only to nikki, not even to ronda sanctimonious. so, you know, it's a bad for her, but it's a bad thing forou. us who has a system where democrats.s are allowed to vote in the republican primary and new hampshire's anpl incredible place. i love the people. we we won new hampshir e lasttastic w time. it was fantastic what we did.
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and, you know, we have great wegreat , great everything. but you need a system. you need a governor that's going to get it changesystemt'gr just talking about it. he's been talking about it for years. neve yearsr got it done. democra so democrats are allowed to vote, which they're going to vot g to ve for her because they don't want to run against me. they want to run against they w her. you know, it's a very simple system. we are leading biden ingn poll.. michigan just came out. we're leading by 11. georgia just came out.. >> we're leading by 13 points. we're leading everywhere now ev and she's not you know, she has one obsolete poll that she likes. she's abou obsolete poll sht two months old where she was leading biden well, those days, she' are gone. she's not leading biden anymore. the probles nom is the democrats want her to run desperately. so they have a lot of democrats signing up in new hampshire. but i don't think it's goingha 0 to matter. >> i saw one where we're at 50 or 51 and she wa s at 34, i believe. >> and i think we're goingikelyh to be in very good shape like we were. and if you look at iowa, nobody knew we were goingf i to blow it
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out like that. you know, we were i think ite to finishes off close to 53. we've won by 30 some odd points and thought that was possible. we doubled the all time record more than double, i guess, the all time record. i think a similar thing's going to happed. inn here, but here independents and democrats are allowed to vote. sodependennd democ in order to d trump. they go out and they sign up and they can sign up very easily. and sununu should have stopped itris sunu. yeah. let me ask you, i mean, you got got r your your victo victory speech in iowary and people spe noticed that you were particularly gracious, i noticed, in thu are town hallu the last town hall we did together, the one you did with brad and martha, that youdt seem to have taken on a a more gracious tone if that's the way to say it. maybe the question i get asked most oftenestion i've asked yous question before, you know, why is donald always fight so hard? dennis miller brought this bit on the program last night.
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a little bit of humility with donald trump will go a wa. mp would yes, you've been persecuted. his family has suffered. he sufferemilyd yes, it's been i unfair, but he fights hard. he loves his countrybut he. and sometimes maybe you shouldn't be as personal. what wasyou shou your reaction t ? >> well, i know it and i know it very well. but we also have to win. and ifo ha i were a different typerson, i of person, i think i would have been out of offici woule lg time ago. >> you wouldn't have even gone through it. they hit me with russia, russia, russia hit me r before the election even. i mean, if you look at it, it was before the 2016 election. it was all set up and i fired comey. i did a big job. we got rid of a lot of the plot of stat te and will tell you,o an you know, we had to cope and come two and a half years later. >>t but nobody ever had a bettet economy with the greatest economy in the history of our the y. ur we're the strongest border in the history of our country. ry.i built over 500 miles of wa. we got mexico to give us 28,0000 free soldiers, free of charge. it's not charge. that easy to g by the way, i had to do a lot of maneuvering, including
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and other things to get it. but we you know, by the way,t speakingit. of chairs, we took r in hundreds of billions of dollars for from chinof bill and of that, we gave 28 billionn to our farmers because they were abused to oufa. to o china what china did to our farmers was horrible. and we didible and a great job r our country. you know, again, the largest tax cutsthe larg in history. the democrats want to double up and triple up on the on taxes. they want to double your taxes and triple your taxes. i got you the biggest biggerhe a than the reagan tax cuts. you and i were talking about that the othergaand i dah and you called up about the reagan cuts in arkansas. got to wear substantially bigger. we got rid of the death tax orh the estateta t for farmers and small manufacturers. you know, i mean, what we di d was raising those taxes and getting back and gettingt of back to your one part of the question now, we didth all of that and we had a fight of all of the witch hunts and the scandals, and that'stch hunt the horrible self. these people, what they did, russia- these , russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, 51 intelligence agency saying
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that the laptop from was created by russia, not by a hunter biden okay. it was hunter biden all the wa.t to lie. they lied to congress. they lied to everybody, to impeachmentlied that wentey nowhere. they went absolutely nowhere. absolutebut i mean, if i were ar individual and i'll tell you something, ron desantis or nikki or anybody else, i f they were in my position, if they were here, they would have been hit just as hardhave. people play tough, much tougher than the republicans play, . and the republicans have to get tougher. but nikki, i know nikki veryknow well. she worked for me for a long time. she would not be able to handle that positiome.t ben. she would not be able to handlea the onslaught with all of thatl being within the republican party, i want to bring unity. >> and withi party in nation. i want to bring unity. and, you know, unity is going to com. goinge from success, bee when we had this country prior to covid and then even after covid, but especially prior to covidt the china virus comini in, we had the most successfulis
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country ever in history. there's never been anything like it. what we dithere'd and, you know, the other side was calling me and they were coming to me. they wanted to talk. it was all coming together. it ws will bring everybody under the same tent, you know, . i covered all of that. i cannot disagree with you. and frankl disagrey, this show e personally, i've been vindicated. does as many networks peddleves an their lies and conspiracy aneories? we day in and day out, we werelg peeling every layer of the onion. we got the russia hoax right as vindicated by the horowitz report, the durham report. i do want to ask you this. the last time i interviewed you, i asked you if you thinkbee that joe biden is going to be dee democratic nominee and you said no. on do you still feel that way? and if you don't think it's hi'm ,who do you think is likely to replace him? >> look, look, he can't put two sentences together. he can't
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he can't find the stairs offstage, which there are a lot of them out there. >> believe me, they were all over the place. he can't finallace. an't find his way off a stage when he makes a very short speech. and it has to beand it has t she it can't be long. >> he can't negotiate. you look at what's happene negos the whole world is blind. you know, viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, a very tough guy. smart guy, brilliant guy, veryoh respected, but tough. they asked what's goin.g on with the world. he said one thing very simple bring back trump. when s trump here, everybody wa' afraid of trump. now, i don't want to say that because i don't likwant to e that word. but he said it is probably the toughest leader over probabh the toughest anywhere, but highly respected and knowses he gets it. he said, you bring back trump, it's all going to disappea you r they all respected trump and they were afraid of trump, but they all respectede af. but it's true. putin would have never attacked ukraind have ne. i got along with putin. you know, it's good to get along with people like putin lik and like others. you take a look at what's going on with chin. g
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a, just lickingrigh their chops right now to go into taiwan. h me they would never even they wouldn't have even thought about it with me. i had talk i had s. dent x president xi, i have a great relationship. if hillary clinton would have woni,at relationship.lintod a nuclear war with north korea. kim jong un. i got alonthg with, too. nobody ever got to talk to him except me. and i got not only talke too.d t to him, i got along with >> great. it's good to get along with people that have massiv's e nuclear weapons and they have massive they have a large nuclear stockpile. >> so. well, i know, but if you goamerc back, i did the job and we made america great again. and thesagain, ae people, what o doing to our country, they're allowing millionuntry a. and millions of people to pour through just it's an invasion intoasio our country. and they're coming from prisons and they're coming from mental institutions and mental institutions and insane asylums and prisond insas are being empd all over the world, not just in south america, all over the world. they're being emptied out into our country. we're liketry. a dumping ground. and you know what else is coming in? terrorists are comin is comig ie
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have to stop it. mr. president, 11 months or ten months is a very dangerous period. >>s we have been able to count the numbers of people coming from iran and syria, thousands from egypt, thousands from afghanistan, 12,000 from russia, 26,000 from china showing up, 26,000 at our southn border. nobody's ever going to convince me that they that all of them are coming here for a better life for them and their familyat . and amongst them are nothave people that have nefarious intentions. let me ask you this. usually after four years,n ask a president can ask and question, are you better arer offe years ago? i don't think joe biden can live on that. as a matter of fac as at, i have pretty much telegraphed what they're going to run on democracy in peril. evil, trump is evil. trump is evil. trump is evil and dangerouvil,rs and we've got to fear him. january 6, january 6, and thenmd the usual playbook. republicans are racist and sexistthe usua and. have every phobia known to man,
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whether it's real or not. ll and they want dirty air and water. that's all they've got. t se i don't see any one issue that joe can run on. what will your answer to their predictable be? >> well, that's all they have is right because their economy has been terrible. the inflatio has n has destroyed anybody that made even a little more money, even a lot n made. ey it more than got eaten alivealiv by inflation. when you look at the pricee by increases of of energy, incr. ther day i mean rental >> i looked the other day, it's up almost 51%. the cost of bacon quadrupled all of these things. i mean, food costs, clothing costs, it's so much that nooesn matter what you're making, it doesn't matter. >> you know, inflation't m is k over the years, over hundreds of years. it's known as a countris known . it breaks countries. it broke germany. it broke a lot of countrie, it 7 we've had the worst inflation we've had, i think, in 78 years. you know, they say8 years. 52,e it's probably more than 78.
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it's been a disaster8. and all in the wrong places. i had no inflation i and i hadwd the greatest economy ever. we had gasoline at a dollar 87. now it's four or $5. but by the way, they are working together with other countries, sadly, because it's artificia ws,l because they're going to give it up right after the election. you've seen that befor u seen te. prices but they're working to get gasoline prices down. it's an artificial reduction, nu but the gasoline was up to six, seven, $8 a gallon.d it and it still is very high. it's much too high, but had noe greatest economy in history and else did we have no i inflation. we had the safest bordernflatioe history of our country. and it was like a beautiful, beautiful thing was taking place. we had a borde.r. i got mexico to do a lot for us. now, w mexico saying we want $5 billion just to talk. mexico wouldn't have talked to me that way. i have a great relationship with the president. but mexico, they had to pa mexicoy a lot. you know, they they gave us 28,000 soldiers free
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of charge to guard our border. e and when they when i first presented that to them, they laughed. i though. ht i was kiddingm,lau. but through a series of negotiations, they gave remeverythinh a g we wanted. stay in mexico, remember, remain in mexico. that was we remain in mexico. nobody can come in. they remain. you think mexicomexico w is hap. about that? they gave it to me. catch and release in mexic d o. i caught catch and release in mexico. we had catch and release in thw united states, and mexico did that. they gave us things that noboddy can believe. the state department couldn't believe it. the border patrobelieve , thl p. they couldn't believe it. nobody could believe it. nobody could believe it. you knowld belie if you talk tom homan and if you talk to anybody from border patrolthh and they have great people, they have great people, they'll they you the greatest president in history for the border, for immigration it c was trump. not even a contest. not even a contest. the stat let me ask you about the states that are tryine tryingg to remoe you from the ballot. >> i mean, it's kind of ironic, arn't itsn't it?, a party that s
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making an argument that democracy is in perilguy is couldn't be more undemocratic as they try to removundemocre ye from even running and even having your name on the ticket. now, i don't think this is going to hold i. i have to believe the supremesum court will intervene if there's real justice. it should be a unanimous j nine zero opinion, in my view. but what is your reaction? becaus ie you're the personhe they're trying to kick off the ticket, but they're the ones claiming you're not democratic. pretty ironic. well, we putpretty i three great justices and you have some juste, the justices up ther and they're not going to take the vote away from the people. i mean, i'm right now, you saw in the history of the iowa primary, i mean, the historyg bk of it, it's a law goes back a long time. i wotime, ntn by the most nobods won, as you know, because you covered it very wellas. but everybody covered it, evener the bad reporters who covered it. thisybody . ev way, there's nobody evenm moe close. >> i doubled up and more than doubled up tha the second best w
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the second best. it stood for a long time, as you know, that record. but they want to make suresure t i'm sure the supreme court is going to say we're not going to tak ke thee the vote away from the o the people. now, biden is a threatple. to democracy's an absolute threat to democracy. he's very dangerou numbfor a couple of reasons. number one is grossly incompetent, which's gross is te number one reason. but he's also actually it hen his own way. it's not him. it's the people that surround him. you get some very bas d people,desk. him at that desk. you have people running the department of justicve peoea surrounding him. they're young and they're smart and they're communistsndts, fasc and they're marxists, they're fascists, and they're runnineyg this country.. they're running it right into the ground. but i don't thinn't thinthek the court would do it because you can't take the vote. you know, i'm leading in every poll. i'm leading biden, but i'm leadin g the way in the suffolkhem and polls, two of them, and they're barely hanging on. >> how can you possibly takee the vote away? i mean, justvote a in the last
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two days, two credible polls, suffolk and saint anselm, were lm right. suffolk nailed your number in. i think they were off by one.eyd they had you at 52, not at 51.n' they have up, i think by 16.yo now, saint anselm has you up by 14. these are the most recent polls is the post iowat . >> well, that's a show that's in new hampshire. but if you if you look at the national but if y polls in the great and and take a look at the national polls a lot by 65 points. i mean, 65 is asking about by 11, 12, 13 points that the democrats. i know you have to run to an event. and by the way, our our deepestl sympathy to the first lady on the loss of her momos whose thank you convey that to her for us. >> well, thank you. sh.e was a great woman. john, what is your closing message to the people in messe? eak r it's very simple. it's make america great again. simple,but i think very importt before we do this, because you were talking about the supreme court. they hav ng aboute two votes that are very important coming up. one is, as we discussed, we callon it colorado or whatever.
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but, you know, i really believe they're going to leave the people to vote. again, you're the leading candidatpeople te in both parti. you're leading the democrats by many, many points. i mean, it's har man d to imagine they would do. and most states have alreadyes approved, as you know, very few states have done that. this is colorado, a couple of others at this moment. but they have another important prd that's immunitthis my. the president, the president of the united states. and i'm not talking about myselfe presid the talkiny president has to have immunity because if you take immunity away from the president so important, you will have you have aportant, president that's. going to be able to do anything because when he leaves office, th party president,n if it's the opposing party, will indict the president for doing something that should have been good. like obama dropped missiles and they ended up hitting a kindergarden or a school or p apartment house. a lot of people were killed. welld.if, if that's the case, he's going to end up being indicted when he leaves officeg indileaves o. he meant well, the missile went
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in the wrong directiont bide and other things. look at biden. what would happen to biden he's killed our country with his policies. the border , a disaster. everything he does is a disaster. most embdid in afghanistan is the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, giving him $85 billion worth of equipment, killing our soldiersn $8 wounding horri, our soldiers, and leaving people behin d. ice, i well, when he leaves office, if he doesn't have immunity now, r i think it's horrible what he did. but he probably i know it's hard to believe, but he probably meant well, it's hard to believeit's h that he meant . but the man is incompetent. but you have to leave. you have to leave immunity with a president. if a president is afraid to actre because they're worried about being indicted wheedn they leave office of president of the united states has to immunity. and the supreme court's going to be ruling on that. if they don'o be rul that.t havo president is going to act. you're going to have guys that just siu will t office and are
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afraid to do anything. >> by the way, it is ironi c. took me a long time. you were once critical of me for pointing out joe's cognitivinting oe deficiencies.h >> i think it's very transparent now for the worlint. to i was more right than i thought i was. we're looking forward. we'll see you in new hampshire on tuesday. we really appreciate your timer . thank you, mr. president, for being with us. appreciate. was >> yeah. one thing i wasn't critical of you. i was critical of you, of. >> you joking about it? i was it good?fa that's true. that's true. joki. iirnessu should >> you should be joking about it. i did. i didn't know what you were writing, actually. >> that's okay. i. i actually. i took it to heart. i mean, that's all right . . thank you. i know that you don't know that. thank you very much. uch.k you. >> and coming up, a date has been set. hunter biden will finally appear before the house to testify in his father's impeachment inquir his fathy. and meanwhile, hunter biden, sugar brother kevin morris wasgr back capitol hill today. he gave his own testimony. house oversight committee
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chairman james comer will join us. he'll give us all thl join e exclusively right here tonight on "hannity". critics and audiences agree the beekeeper is some of the most fun you can have at the movies. it's the body cam fun to be right there. i did it for you. don't move. enjoy the ride. if you >> beekeeper. ths. i'm jonathan lawson. if you're 50 to 85, this is ano. important message. important message. so please write down the number on your screen. the lock. i want to talk to yoat once in. isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your lifena insurancsoe that guaranteeson that once you're in short, your rate can never go ue, at any time for any reason. be careful. many c policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock froth a ratm. >> call this number to learn more. this plan war budget for people on a fixed income who want life insurance
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and will include a bottle of new gen-x thermo x. our newest most powerful fat incinerator ever. absolutely free. >> this is a fox news update. i'm jackie ibanez in new york. the government will stay open after congress votes at the 11th hour to avert a partial shutdown. about half of all house republicans joined with democrats to push through a short term spending bill that will fund the government until march. it's the third such measure in recent months. the bill now heads to president biden for his signature with, which failures. >> that's how the department of justice is criticized. the police response to one of the deadliest school shootings in u.s. history. a doj report released thursday says policing evolved in texas ,had no sense of urgency and failed to treat it as an active shooter situation.
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a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers in the 2022 shooting at raabe elementary school. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to "hannity" for all of your headlines. >> log on to >> now we do have a fox newsale. alert. hunter biden has agreed to sit for a deposition in the biden impeachment inquiry. the date, february 28th. finallt y complying with the house subpoena. and meanwhile, it was a veryoenl day on capitol hill today. hunter biden's sugar brother, t the hollywood entertainment attorney, kevin morris, was interviewe kevin mord by housei investigators as part of biden's ongoing impeachment inquiry. well, maybe now we'll know more about why kevin morris hak been so financially generous to the biden family, especially hunterfi. d according to democrats, morris was just being friendly afteisrp all it's a couple of million dollars between friends. take a loolellion dok.
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>> and he befriended hunter biden. unter bihe felt an immediate afy with him as you know, a fellow irish-catholic from delaware,lva part of the country-de with several brotherparts. and they became really close friends. and now it seems to be about whether or not a friend,w kim cambone, a friend. it's aa lot of money, which is t of money for normal people like us. >> but for him, it was nothim, a lot of money imoney.. he testified it was less than 5% of his assets. he would say off the top of hish head. he makes those kinds of plans all the time. and he seems like a verylike generous and loving friend. >> and here with moore is the house oversighwitht committeews chairman, james colmer. >> all right. a lot of breaking news tonight . was a new subpoena issued or did they just agredie to comply with the old one? >> we issued a new one?
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subpoena because we wanted to make sure everything was done right. the old subpoena had an old datena had a. e sure a so we make sure every i's dotted and crossed. and because we've done thisss the right way, we're getting everything we wanted. we wanted hunter biden to comeso in and answer questions. we have a lot of questions. and now he's going to have to come in and sit down and specific questions about specific transactions, specific meetings. in's going to havequestion to ar to interviews that we've conducted with some of his former conduct associates. o and we're going to see what level of involvementin biden had in these biden family schemes. enwell, let's talk about what do you think the odds are that he's goingplea to want to plead the fifth and his attorney, abbe lowell, is not going to let him say a worhi, d? >> that's a possibility, correct? it is a possibility. but look, they've been sayingoia they've been doing all these publicity stunll tt sayinge trut they wanted to get the truth out. they wanted to speak publicly. well, all right. you're going to come in for this deposition. you're going to have an thy to answerill ha your questions. hunter biden is going to have an opportunity to defendve an
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his good name. and if he pleads the fifth and refuses to answeran peo the questions, i think the american people can assume that this familypl been on on the tape for a long time from our enemies around, the world.ue so we're going to give hunter biden due process. he's going to come in. but i think the end of the day, this is a huge victory fortory the house oversight committee.ti this is exactly what we wanted. and hunter biden learned w that when you do things the right way, that you don't get to thingway, you, make your. we're treating it like. g hi >> go ahead, you know, you're treating him y. e it, like everybod every i got it. all right. so it's going to be interesting . >> i don't know how you explain away a phone calaway al just five days before his father goes to ukraine when he's in dubai meeting with burisma executives, burisma executives on the phone with hunter and joe biden. and that's buris what joe bideno bragged about, leveraging a billion taxpayer dollarse n to get a prosecutor fired
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because that was their big problethatm and they needed d.c. help. >> the prosecutor is fired and hunter f, who admitted he hd no experience in energy, oil, in eners, ukraine, getting paid millions at a time when he's addicted to drugs . >> top of it. so t that answerhat an would lok forward to hearing. >> i'd like an answer on that, wouldn't you? yeah. and he's going to be asked that question and you'll be asked a lot of questions about china and romani abou a. what exactly did you do to receive the millions of millions of dollars that our enemies around the world sent you? what was the purpose the pse for that money? and if you're going to you know, if they're going playy the loan plaif card, are you going to pay the money back when you we heard from kevin morse today. hunter biden doesn't doesn't hae job. he doesn't have any assets. he owes kevin morris at leastst million dollars, if not more. we learned that today. and accordinweg to what he told the bank, he owes china over $5n billion. the loan total with hunter biden and gm by no totalw, as i calculate it, is $15 million.cac
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we don't believe they're going to pay any of this back. i meanul $15 mil., these are ses ethical issues and tax evasion issuesofe are se that the bidenh are going to have to answer to. well, i mean, i was listeningrae to jamie raskin, let's be honest. i mean, he's really justt's be hack a political hack. >> but the idea well, this is just a small of his netis worth $5 million.ion, b and but wasn't it given at aut very critical time leading intov the 2020 election? this could have been a big campaign issue if, in fact, hunter had not paid his taxes. wasn't that money the original money used to pay top back taxeoney uses? w >> yes, it was. and i think that's very important. we hadry important. email todayy of the irs whistleblowershistle that showed that that kevin morris in an email to the accounting-bnt firm saying, we'e got a huge political problem here. this is in 2020 during the presidential campaign. joe biden versus donald
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we've got a huge political problem here. and the political problem was that hunter biden hadn't paid his taxes and the irs was fixing the bee and that would have been very damaging to joe biden's presidencyn n's pres. we believe that was a campaign finance violation. we believe that thatmpaign the purpose of that of that money was to saye of tha, joe, political career. and look, kevin morris just met hunter biden and five weeks later, he's paying his irs tax bill. that's about the time of ofmorrs from the time kevin morris met m hunter biden to the time wheme he the first installment to the irs fofi r what hunter biden owed.m norm that doesn't seem normal. and foalr jamie raskin to tryy,t to explain that, that's okay. i think it's a bit of a stretch even for jamie raskin and i guess he was a fan of hunter's art. use di then he purchased some of the art. did you talkdnpurchase som abou. did you ever talk about the fact that hunter, as far as we know , doesn't have a job, anyof source of income is if you givet
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that much money. my understanding is you're only allowed to give somebody, i believe,allowed ive some $15,f after that, it's taxable. is taright. so if it's a loan, doesn't itto have to be on paper? is there a paper trail b? t payn is there interest payments that have to be made as well ? is the >> is there a payment schedule? repayment schedule? >> all that,e he wasul but because he was also hunter's attorney, he couldn't discloseo hunter that.e' so here's a guy saying he's hisn attorney and he's loaning g himr all this money. and in california, i don't believe you're allowed as ann attorney to loan your client money. lots of ethical questions here. lotslots of et of tax implicati. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. all right. big breaking news. welluary 28th, hunte whor goes . well done. james cormier, house oversight committee. you, up next, we are only five days away from the nevew primary.llsw new polls showing a very strong lead for donala d trump. we'll explain. we'll check in with tomi lahren, mark penn right after
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be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious, spicy, tilted yogurt when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. jus>> st five days awayan from the all important new hampshire primary. donald trump nowt has a 13 point lead over nikki haley in the real politics average. now, remember, new hampshire is an open primaryer, new stata in other words, independents demoremocrats that registe as independents. they can actually. well, i would use the word sabotageindepe- well, , as othe, participate in the aboublican primary. about 4000 have switched affiliations as of now. among ac but among actual republicans, donald trump is running away with it. s runninay one poll shows three outpshire
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of four republicans in new hampshire woul d be happy with trump as their nominee. here with reaction , alec host tomi lahren. democratic pollster mark penn. okayn , democr, you look at these latt polls. the real clear politics average trump plus 13 just out yesterday. in the last 24 hours, saint anselm poll,, e trump pls 14. yesterday, suffolk boston globe poll. . strump plus 14. whdh, emerson trump plus 16. fake doocy and trump pluss cn seven. tommy, your analysis. i don't liken, open primary par. of this. i don't like that. we know accordin g to the secretary of state, i believe,00 that 4000 democrats have switched to independent bicausts have. they would like to playin m a little bit of shenanigans in my humble opinion, and i'll ask marcy about it in a second,h with the with the primary there. but you know, it looks good for trump, but it is a little bitenu awkward when you have independents and democratss
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to independent to kind of sabotage the republican primarswitchnt toy. >> right.>> well, the nikki haley camp is going to say that you need to win independents to win the general election. and she'oindependo enact s not n but when it comes to new hampshire, you're exactly right. i think there's a lo new tn. of sabotage that's going on. i think it's time for us to look towards the general election and understand that donald trump, unless something catastrophic happens,ng donald trump is going to be our nominee. so it's time to shift focue our, and start winning the hearts and minds. and donald trump has to do this as well. to he to win the hearts and minds of the democrats and the independents. i like the way that been talking for the last couple of days. it feels like he's very mission thcuselast couple likd. so the haley campaign, the desantis campaign, good fori him for getting out there and having a lot of energy. but i think at least in the casengrgy, of ron desantis, it's time to start looking towards 2028kig and it's time to start looking towards donald trump as our nominee. onward , >> we cannot afford to lose in 2024. n: mar >> mark penn i knok w as a democrat, i know you would neve
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r, ever think that that some of these democrats that are switching t ar to independent are doing it. they're just doing it at a civic, or are they reallyivic d trying to influence the republicanut outcome in the primary? ng to oh, i think they're actually trying to influence the outcome. i justintcome. know if they ared trump or and so i don't knowt kw which way this is going to go. >> but look, it's a tradition. there's no contest on the democratic side that's been so those voterse to have nowhere to go. but -- but, sean go., there are3 states that have independent voters vote in the republican wy primary. that's why the most conservative candidate that win thes iowa hasn't always won the republican nomination. so let's see what happens. maybe this is overer., but i'm t so sure. >> sn. know, none of us ca sure. you don't know until the votes are counted. but if you ie countef start loog ahead, we'll go to nevada. we'll go to south carolina, we'll head intwill go super tue.
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just looking at the early polls' in those states. mark, wouldn't you agree? yo commandingretty lead at this point in almost all of them. almo your reaction? you're a pollster. would you anticipate numbers shift that dramatically? as look, trump has a very strong lead. he did very strongy in iowa. >> he is doing incredibly well'g in the national polls. >> mine included in terms of what republicans want as a nominee. but as you know, this this primary procesbu know, ts can bf new hampshire goes another way. there's a horss anothee race. if it goes as expected, and he wins by 15 or more points,er probably it's over. if he wins. by points and thenci can win south carolina, i think at that poinna t it's going to be very difficult to challenge him. tommy, i always love askin himg you, will joe biden be on the ticket? >> oh, as a republican, i hope so. i'm going d on tooing tl
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that. i think it's going to be gavin newsom. i'm not changing my mind on thao gavit changit, john. >> i would say whitmer probably over gavin i don't know why,avi. but i don't think it's going to be v.p.. harris will,think it joe biden n the ticket, mark, real quick? absolutely tic. ight, i' he's staying. all right. i'm holding you to that. i want him to stay right where he is. anyway, than k you both. all right. coming up, you're not going to believe why one democratic lawmaker is now proposing a bill to removew propos the st. of liberty. texas attorney general ken paxton ken reacts to that. country? straight ahead but i'm al. decii >>on thinking is my career and y calling, but i'm also a mother of four. of four. >> and as entrepreneur weigh the costs of every decision. decision. >> medical bills are no longer i can focus on my calling and our familywe an. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best ministries was one of the best decisions we eve doctor wr made. we're the blair family, and this is our story. >> choose your doctor without
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to blame in response to republican efforts to secur e the border. well, democratic congressman maxwell frost actually proposed the bill to actually remove the statue of libertl toy. >> really? you can't make that up. and earlier todakey, angel moms, they did appear on capitol hill and delivered a very. testimony at the impeachment inquiry hearing for dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas, who, by the wal y, wouldn't go and testify with the angel moms. pretty pathetic. ta a look, i flew from arizona to meet him and face him and ask him why. and he's not here today. i did nofacet know that until a i landed yesterday. >> he doesn't have the decency now to even show up. >> that is correct. sk >> i would ask him, how did you allow a known gang member to be allowed in this country? y how can anyone be okay with aa w
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known gang member to come into this country and to end up in maryland? >> and i also wanted to know what else dhs and hhs is hiding. >> is f i was told that her murderous file is so thick that jim jordan only had 2 hours to even look at the file, what else e are they hidig about this murderer? g i want to know. >> and again, while these brave! women stepped forward to tell their heartbreaking stories. yes, secretary murray, orcas nowhere to be found, didn't have the decency or, the courage to show up and meet them face to face. here with reaction, texas attorney general ken paxton is back with us. mr. attorney general, great to have you back. let me ask you, between the drugs, opioids, fentanyl, human trafficking, hearingg thes these moms, about 10 millionunve
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on vetted joe biden, illegal immigrants coming from syria, iran, egypt, afghanistan, china and russia. >> really and and he doesn'the he doesn't enforce the law. >> how does he get awayit with not upholding his oath to our constitution? >> look, we've got an election coming up. i think the american people arer getting this after three and a half years of complete dismaym of our immigration laws, from not building a wall to notan enforcing title 42, to not enforcing the remain in mexico, to catch and release. and as you know, drugs are being imported at thedrugs highest rate ever. >> we're losing our children. and crimare on the increase and it's tremendously costly to states like. the enti and to be honest, the entire i country is beginning to feel the effects of the biden immigration policies, which are basically whi nonexistent. >> these familiechs, one family is now suing for $100 million, putting the blame the biden for administration.
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now, it's very hard, as you know, you're the attorney general. it's very hard to sue the federal government blaming. does this have any chance of being successful? i hope it does does. >> it's pretty challenging. they basically typically government has to agree to be sued. so, i mean, it>> the governmen s the real problem here because he's costinghe american lives da and is costing this country dearly. and as we know, we also have more terroristsrle more cog into this country than we've probably ever had. had.t, we're going a to have some impact from that. and it's in the blood ofzens american citizens is going to be on the president. >> united states. joe biden is i would argue, blood on their hands already. we heard some of the testimony todabiden.>> sean:y, but i havet and i pray to god i'm wrong, or. zero doubt that there are terror cells that haved that crossed that border with other people that maybe just want a better life for themselves and their family. do you have any doubt? becaus t e i have zero doubt. and there's no doubt, sean, we already know just from w from just the people that they've been
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able to catch who were sneaking across the bordecatch r, that we have a higher percentage than we've ever had and the numbers are way up. oppercenta the num there's no de the border is so wide open that we're going to have more terroristl haves here thane likely ever had before. and this is a policy that has been encouraged by the biden administration. d byall ken paxton, as always, thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time. more "hannity" coming up straight ahead. >> well, tension warring families. in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option offering cash awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying medical conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune, with qualifying injuries. >> cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if
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