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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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kids are playing fortnite and video games, will they talk about gps or still a disparity between men and women. >> kayleigh: emily knows how to drive. >> emily: my fiance' is incredible at direction, i'm horrible at it. i can't find my way out of a wet paper bag with a map, but i'm good with directional sense. we came from the left. but driving all the way, it's him with the maps. >> i was born and grew up in los angeles, had to know how to drive and there was the big map book, the thomas guide, and you had to do it based on the grid, so that has made -- you had to learn. when it comes to today, you have waze, electronics. >> kayleigh: i could get lost in a one stop sign town, with the men on this friday afternoon. thanks to everyone. don't forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> john: thank you, breaking
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moments ago, sources tell fox news that south carolina senator and 2024 presidential candidate tim scott will be endorsing former president trump. he's expected to join trump at a rally in new hampshire tonight. >> sandra: what does this mean for the race, and what does it mean for the candidate from scott's own state, nikki haley? charlie hurt says it could be a huge development, he'll tell us why in just moments. >> john: as all of this is going on, a white house briefing set to begin minutes from now, the unrelenting border crisis converges on the nation's capital in more ways than one. john roberts in washington. it's pretty sandra, with all the snow coming down. >> sandra: enjoy the snow in d.c., coming down here in new york as well. this is "america reports". holding cabinet level immigration talks with mexican officials as pressure mounts on the president to do something
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about the historic surge of migrants flowing into the u.s. >> not only felt in border towns but major cities across the country, and likely a topic of discussion at the mayor's gathering this afternoon, city leaders will meet with the president. fox team coverage, tom homan will join us with reaction in a minute. >> sandra: jacqui heinrich is live from the snowy north lawn for us to top things off this hour. hi, jacqui. >> jacqui: hey, sandra. secretary of state antony blinken and dhs secretary mayorkas just began their meetings with the mexican delegation to discuss migration challenges. officials at the white house would not say whether mexico is consulted on the border policy reform deal that's being worked out in the senate as house republicans reiterate their demands that any deal that comes out of the negotiation would restore certain trump-era policies, including remain in
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mexico, building the wall and ending catch and release. president biden indicate yesterday there are not too many big issues to resolve before the deal is revealed. >> i don't think we have sticking points. >> jacqui: the deal is expected to raise the bar for asylum seekers, power to remove migrants and restrict parole for awaiting processing. republicans are also pressing forward with impeachment proceedings for dhs secretary mayorkas over his handling of the border. but the conference of mayors, the border did not specifically come up, although there was discussion about fentanyl. >> mexico is now playing increasingly leading role in this, engaged in the global coalition we put together, engaged with us every single day trying to take down the criminal exercises engaged in this, and with mexico, it's a matter of policing and we have been working very close with them.
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>> jacqui: we know at least one of the mayors heading into the meeting did want to talk about migrant. denver mayor mike johnston has been pleading with the administration to send more federal support as the cost of housing and caring for migrants is putting a strain on his city's budget, sandra. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: tom homan, former acting ice director and fox news contributor. talk first of all what seems to be a crack in the blue wall on immigration, democrats. 14 of them, including a number of prominent democrat, signed on to a gop measure to rebuke biden for border policies. henry cuellar of texas is saying this isn't working and things have to change. >> they are realizing the truth, sorry it took three years to do it. we know the crisis is going on since day one and affecting american cities. every city is a border city, every state is a border state. not only the illegal aliens all
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over the country, the fentanyl coming across the border is making it into every town, city and state in this nation. so it is a nationwide problem. >> john: so meeting between mexican official and biden cabinet officials, and a question, what took so long. i would think during a trump administration, the former president would have told mexican officials what needs to happen and say if you don't do that, you'll suffer the consequences. >> he would, he did. president trump, his negotiation with mexico went one way. you will put military on the border, you will put in the third country agreement and if you don't i'll tear up the hell out of you into billions of dollars. he drove the conversation. what's happening today, i guarantee you, end up giving mexico millions and millions of dollars and mexico is going to make demands. they have already made demands, open up the train stations, amnesty to 10,000 people. they are going to make demands
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for them to participate in securing not only our border, but their border. >> john: in terms of how much money might be given, millions may come far short of what the mexican government wants because obrador, the mexican president after meeting with antony blinken in december, said his list of demands are $20 billion to latin american and caribbean country, billion, with a b, not million, work visas, end the blockade of cuba and lift sanctions against venezuela. if amlo would have come to trump and said our demands -- >> he would have laughed at him. trump is america first. he would not take negotiations like that. its against the law in mexico to traffic in women and children but they allow it. against the mexican law to transit through mexico, but they allowed it.
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trump said you will enforce your own laws, put military on the southern border, remain in mexico, you will participate in that. south american countries, the same thing. participate in the third safe country agreement, i will take every penny of the national aid from you. they did what they wanted. >> john: you actually had personal experience at reagan airport, this new agreement, a pilot program between cbp and tsa to allow illegal immigrants to go through security at an american airport without identification. the cbp1 app would be used to verify their identity. what do you think of that? is this a problem? >> it's a big national security risk, we don't know who the people are. even some vetting procedures, it's only as good as the information we have access to. we don't have information on syrians and natives from turkey or many countries across the globe that are sponsors of
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terror. when the people come across the country, we take whatever identity they give to us, there's no record of them anywhere. a big national security and i went through tsa precheck this morning, he knows who i am, i have a to have secret sci security clearance and i said i don't want my picture taken, he said you have no choice, sir. you can't get in. so, apparently for a guy with top secret clearance, i have to have my picture taken. >> john: illegal immigrant. >> walk through, and no picture at all. >> john: it's optional to get your picture taken in the pilot program. great to see you, safe travels. i know you are headed to new hampshire. now this. >> what does a woman most need when she is facing an unexpected pregnancy? she doesn't need fear mongering, she doesn't need shame. she's got to hear is you've got this. >> passing bills and marching today, it takes a lot of would,
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to convince people that every unborn child has a value that is too profound and precious to ignore. >> sandra: 51st annual march for life underway in washington, second time since supreme court overturned roe v. wade. john noted how gorgeous it was and look at the snow coming down. mark, what a day, both sides point to abortion as a key campaign issue for the upcoming elections. >> sandra, good afternoon. we are hearing from the pro life activists who believe abortion will play a big role in the presidential election, and yes, the other headline at this hour, of course, is the weather. the people out here at this rally right now, braving some cold temperatures and not to mention a lot of snow. the group says they are determined to keep coming out as they try to limit abortion nationwide. >> we are always seeking to
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change hearts and minds. like culture is upstream of politics, it's a more lofty goll, abortion is unthinkable. but what we are doing, we have a wonderful state march initiative. >> the crowds do seem a bit smaller this year, winter weather likely a big factor in the turnout. no word on the final crowd size. we did hear from mike johnson who says he is determined to make sure people know how important this cause is as he makes their case. >> this is a critical time to help all moms who are facing unplanned pregnancies to work with foster children and to help families who are adopting, to volunteer and assist vital pregnancy resist center and maternity homes and reach out renewed hand of compassion and to speak the truth in love. >> democrats are also very eager to make abortion a topic issue
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this november. we heard from chuck schumer who insists the polls and the public stand behind him. >> the people who come down here on the 19th are a shrinking minority. they don't represent very much of america. >> what was interesting is just yesterday president biden was asked about the crowd that's gathering here in washington in his back yard. he said he wants them to march if they want to march but no other critical context after the remarks. the president, as well as top democrats will talk next week, the debate will happen after the march for life rally wraps up later today. >> sandra: mark meredith on a snowy day there. we have marjorie joining us, the president of the susan b. anthony list. we'll dig into this and the implications for obviously the upcoming primaries and the general election as well, john. >> john: and you've got to appreciate the fact that these folks are out there, it's not a
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blizzard, but it is a snowstorm today and they are just as supportive and celebratory about the march as they always are, even when, as in last year the weather was a lot better than it is today. it does make for quite a scene down there on the mall. >> sandra: absolutely. more of that coming up. >> john: maine weighing controversial legislation that would impact kids who don't even live there. "transgender trafficking bill." >> sandra: plus donald trump picking up a major endorsement from a former challenger in the 2024 primaries. it just happened. what does it mean for the other candidates still in the race? charlie hurt has some thoughts. he'll join us next. are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month.
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>> john: transgender trafficking, a controversial bill through maine statehouse. if passed into law, the government would be able to take temporary custody of out of state minors who come to maine for transgender treatments. molly line has been following this. >> passionality opposition from some legislatures, minors could get sex changing medical care without consent. working the way through committee, it faced bad weather as well as political pushback, but a now working session has been yet to be scheduled at this point in time. this bill is entitled an act to safeguard gender affirming healthcare. critics view it as a trafficking measure that would turn maine into a sanctuary state for minors seeking transgender care, from hormone therapy to surgery,
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even without parental consent. the sponsor says amendments are in the works but republican state representative has this warning about the bill as it stands. >> 1735 affects pretty much the whole country. not only talking about maine children, it's talking about any child in the country that wants to have gender affirming care, hormone replacement therapy, surgeries, anything that they choose. >> a portion of the bill notes that a state court can take temporary jurisdiction regarding a child if that child has been "unable to obtain gender affirming healthcare or gender affirming mental health care." there are some states that have passed laws restricting transgender medical care for minors, but more than a dozen states have laws or executive orders that seek to protect access to gender affirming care
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for transgender youth, shielding practitioners. this is similar to abortion sanctuary laws in some states, essentially preventing maine law enforcement from working with law enforcement in another state where procedures might be prohibited. >> john: another move to cut parents out of the picture. probably won't go over with a lot of people. sandra. >> sandra: fox news alert, donald trump picking up another big endorsement from a former challenger. tim scott is throwing his support behind the former president and spurning his fellow south carolinian nikki haley. charlie hurt is joining us now and we have received a new statement from the nikki haley camp, is this, interesting that trump is lining up with all the washington insiders when he claimed he wanted to drain the
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swamp. but the fellas are gonna do what the fellas are gonna do. >> charlie: she loves to talk about her fellas. >> sandra: does she have a point? >> charlie: no, normally endorsements are irrelevant, but startling the number of politicians she's worked with, she appointed tim scott in south carolina, who do not support her. as much as endorsements don't matter. >> sandra: file footage, 2013, nikki haley as governor appointed tim scott to the senate. interesting to point out, obviously, in the wake of his endorsement of donald trump. >> charlie: politicians always want access to power, they want to be around power. if they actually thought that their fellow south carolinian was going to have access to power, they would want to surround themselves. but governor henry mcmaster, now
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both senators, house members that have lined up behind donald trump, it's pretty devastating, especially considering donald trump has passed, according to polls, polls are total b.s. and whatever, they are irrelevant and they should be irrelevant. all that matters are the elections. but, it is kind of amazing how many of these -- all these polls show trump breaking 50% in south carolina. if nikki haley goes to south carolina and does a great showing and comes within ten points of donald trump, she is still losing and it's just -- all you do is you sort of like delay the inevitable, her losing to donald trump. >> sandra: for her part, she maintains she's still got a shot there and it's anybody's shot at this point. >> charlie: not a single ballot has been cast. >> sandra: media out for donald trump after the landslide victory in iowa. >> the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has just started giving his victory speech. we will keep an eye on that as
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it happens. we will let you know if there is any news made in the speech, noteworthy, substantive and important. his remarks will not air here live. >> here he is right now under my voice, you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> sandra: from monday night when they decided not to air donald trump's victory speech, this is former msnbc host tiffany cross how they pushed her to cover trump. listen. >> i want you all to know every single week from the start of my show to the very last show i did, it was a battle, every single week, it was a battle to cover things that i wanted to talk about. the networks philosophy was trump trump trump trump trump trump. they wanted me to be part of the echo chamber. >> sandra: can you say anything is different this time? >> charlie: no, the democrat party is the party of
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censorship, and all the networks, mainstream media, they follow lock step to that and the idea that you are going to sit here and run, claim to run a legitimate news outlet and refuse to cover and allow the nominee of a party to speak on your air is pure lunancy, and they have completely become partisan shows for the democrats and it's going to end badly. i think it puts a final nail in the coffin of the legitimacy. >> sandra: how far are they willing to go, the former president raised his hand, he had some, looked like blood on -- james carville said this, watch. >> i asked a number of m.d.s who medical condition manifests itself through hand sores and the answer is immediate and unanimous, secondary syphilis. i think there's a good chance this man has the clap.
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>> sandra: whoa, whoa. >> charlie: i leave all the expertise about syphilis to james carville. he worked for bill clinton. >> sandra: now, now. speculating on someone's health in that way, a former president. fair game? >> charlie: politic can be boring, you have to mix it up, entertaining. looked to me like red ink. when you are so popular every room you walk into, everybody wants you to give them a signature, and joe biden doesn't have this problem, other republicans don't, only donald trump. women want them to sign their chests when he walks into a bar. i think it's red ink. >> sandra: i was afraid to raise my hands a moment ago, the fishing, the tennis -- thank you for covering that, john. >> john: i cut my thumb on a box of dog food the other day. the white house briefing set to begin in minutes, against houthi
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rebel, wait until you hear how president biden says the strikes are going. and reaction from sabrina singh coming up next. plus this. >> estimate we have seen about 8,000 of the newly arrived migrants in the hospital system from emergency rooms to primary care. we really need a system in place to help pay for that medical care. >> sandra: denver hospital overwhelmed by the surge of migrants. how badly is the crisis hurting our healthcare system's bottom line.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, take a look at the markets, and the u.s. stock market continues to hit record high after record high. you are looking at a fresh 300 point gain on the dow, hitting the highs of the session. s & p 500, a snapshot of the broader u.s. stock market is hitting an all-time high, surpassing the previous record set two years ago.
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so, wow, there continues to be a lot of enthusiasm and optimism in the u.s. stock market. still anticipation the federal reserve will cut rates this year. we'll see how that plays out. john. >> john: see what happens when everybody is home for a snow day, they feel warm and fuzzy and good. the white house press briefing expected to start any moment now. waiting to see if the administration will address president biden's alarming comments yesterday on the effectiveness of u.s. strikes against houthi rebel targets in yemen. listen to this. >> are the airstrikes in yemen working? >> well, let me say working, are they stopping the houthis, no. are they gonna continue, yes. >> john: deputy pentagon press secretary sabrina singh joins us now. good to have you on, i believe this is the first time. in terms of what the president said, are the strikes working, no. the u.s. military has the capability of putting houthis out of business this afternoon, why don't we just do it. >> thanks, john, it's obviously
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great to be with you, first time on your program. thank you for having me. look, it's really up to the houthi for when they decide to stop their attacks. we know they have capabilities. by no means did we say we have elim eliminated everything we but we have disrupted some of their capabilities, we took action this morning. we know the houthis do maintain and retain some capabilities, of course. but it's really up to the houthis when they make the calculation to stop. and so that's why you are seeing the dynamic strikes we are launching over the past few days. >> sandra: sabrina, sandra here. jack keane joined us on the strategy and how we are handling iran. >> iran uses the proxies to avoid direct confrontation. they don't want a war with the united states. they know full well they would
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lose their regime as a result of a war with the united states. and as we continue to be reluctant and timid about this, they will continue to push the proxies forward. >> sandra: so you are saying it's up to the houthis when they stop this, but are we sending a strong enough message that we mean business, or are we -- are we as general keane said reluctant and timid? >> thanks, sandra, i certainly would push back on that. i think what you've seen from last thursday are precise strikes that have degrade and disrupted houthi capabilities. houthis that are, and i take no, completely agree with who you had on before, the houthis are armed and equipped and supported and financially backed by iran, and we know the irgc uses proxy groups to launch weapons, whether it's at united states ships or partners or allies in the region and innocent commercial mariners just
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transiting that red sea. i think we are sending an incredibly strong message and frankly, a message that has the support of the entire world. i mean, shipping from over 50 countries have been affected by the houthis attacks on commercial vessels and just a few weeks ago you saw multi-lateral statement over 40 countries signed on to condemning the houthis actions. so i think that does send an incredible message. >> john: so you say that the u.s. is sending a message to iran. clearly iran is not getting the message, and that's why you have former members of the military like general jack keane and others saying in order to stop all of this, and they say it's not up to the houthis, or shouldn't be, it should be up to us to stop the houthis, shouldn't be their choice, they shouldn't have a choice in this. but the military legends really of service are saying you've got to go after iran, and who used to be the spokesperson for
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centcom says there are ways to hit iran that will not escalate to a wider war. >> iranians have irgc bases ins the south largely empty most of the time, you could strike those. iranian vessels, iranian ships in the arabian gulf that you could strike. also arabian oil refineries, and u.s. central command has sent them to the white house and disapproved many times. there are a series of targets you could strike that will not ignite a war, but will send a message, and will really inflict pain. that's really what you have to do here. >> john: his suggestion that the pentagon, the military side of this, has got a plan to deal with iran. but the political side of the department of defense and the white house is saying no, no, no, we can't do that. why? >> i appreciate those comments. but again, i'm not going to get
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into intelligence assessments and every single day this building, this white house, this administration, is thinking through how can we protect our forces, and how can we continue to protect commercial shipping through the red sea. and i think something that's very important and the administration has taken steps to do is thinking through the calculation of not wanting regional war. we do not want to see this conflict spread out, do not want our forces engaged in a war. while i appreciate the colonel's comments on that, he's not here in the building, not receiving the assessments we are receiving in real time, intelligence assessments from the intelligence community, so i would take that a little bit with a grain of salt here. our commander, our central commander and our secretary are in regular contact with each other about specific targets and again, making sure that we are taking dynamic actions when we need to to protect our forces and that's what you are continuing to see over the past week and should we need to, we will continue to do it. >> sandra: sabrina, could we get
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your thoughts on how the pentagon is going to handle congress now reaching out to secretary austin over the secrecy of his health, the hospitalization for two weeks, the public did not know, white house was not told. rep rogers has issued a statement on the investigation into the secrecy around austin's health. it reads this, you promised full transparency into questions regarding the secrecy of your recent hospitalization, while you did respond to some of my questions i had for you, a concerning number of questions were not addressed. your unwillingness to provide candid and complete answers necessitates following a full committee hearing. how does the secretary plan to handle this? >> thanks for the question. we are working with congress, received the request, working through our team to figure out what makes the most sense. the secretary early on, a few weeks ago issued a statement taking full responsibility for his actions, full responsibility for not disclosing that he had prostate cancer earlier on, and
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again, it's important to remember that while he is taking responsibility, this department has as well. we have launched a 30-day review to look at where our processes did not meet the standard, not meet the notification to congress, to the white house, also independent inspector general investigation that's also going on that's completely independent of this department. so, we are -- we are taking full accountability, completely transparent and the secretary has apologized as well. >> john: sabrina singh, thanks for spending time with us. hope to see you back soon. >> sandra: thanks for joining us. >> sandra: the d.a. in the georgia election case facing problems, could it derail the prosecution of former president donald trump. plus this. >> john: moms for liberty confronted by angry protestors
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in new york. why are far left protestors threatened by a parent town hall? moms for liberty co-founder tiffany justice joins us live just ahead. feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at
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>> john: the judge overseeing former president trump's election interference case in georgia demanding answers from d.a. fani willis about an alleged affair with one of her prosecutors. she has until the 2nd to send in a written response ahead of a televised hearing set for february 15th. chris bedford, and juan williams. fani willis in a second, but let me get you to address the breaking news, on the republican side of things, tim scott now is
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shoeing nikki haley and falling foursquare behind donald trump. >> something embarrassing obviously for nikki haley, she appointed him to the senate seat when she was governor. but if you are tim scott, looking at this, which person is going to be the republican party candidate and the next president, it's not nikki haley. we can talk about the percentage change here or there, but donald trump has basically a lock on the primary. so if you are a politician that wants to have an impact for someone to remember who you endorsed, backing donald trump. >> john: it didn't surprise me tim scott went behind donald trump, front-runner for running mate. >> i don't know if he's front-runner, but considered as the old black republican in the u.s. senate and was on the stage and not very hostile toward donald trump while he was running against him. i must say that you know, despite the political realities
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that chris just described to you that trump clearly has the lead, looks like he will win, you have to stop and think about the fact that haley put tim scott in the u.s. senate and really owes her on that sense. so the sense of personal connection and loyalty comes into play. now, during the debates i do remember that tim scott went after her for buying some curtains while she was u.n. ambassador and she went after him for not lowering the u.s. debt despite 12 years in the u.s. senate. i never thought they were sort of giving pointed jabs at each other. i thought service very polite and expected he might honor the debt he owes to her. >> john: probably a real indication of who tim scott thinks as chris said is the ultimate nominee. fani willis now, she's got to submit in writing a response to allegations about her and nathan wade, special prosecutor, who she appointed and allegedly has a romantic relationship with and they are going to court with
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this. the tables have turned. >> and sucked into the divorce proceedings her boyfriend has, extremely embarrassing. a few months ago doesn't matter whether or not he's guilty or not, so many cases against him that he would be toxic to the republican nomination. and voters backed him and the run-up to the election these things are falling apart. supreme court, the supreme court is going to be considering cases which are going to probably, i think likely, take apart some of the january 6th prosecutions trump is going through in d.c. new york, that is beyond the statute of limits with no actual victims will fall apart and you see the small things that cause a mistrial to be declared in cases around the united states. allegations of corruption the judge seems to be taking seriously sets them up for a mistrial in georgia, another collapsing case. >> john: fani willis was at the big bether ame church on sunday,
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she talked about the case. listen to what she said about what she believed the motivations of the claims against her were. >> i appointed three special counsels, my right to do. paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attacked one. >> john: she suggested that racism is behind this. other people would say no, it's allegedly illicit affair you had with somebody who you hired that's at the root of this case. >> to me she's got to responds and she will respond. so far the motion that was filed has no proof of this, but i would say that her response has not been adequate, doesn't seem to indicate that there's a forceful no here. i will say this, that you know, for all the talk about well, this is going to lead to a delay, it's typical, you know, an attempt to distract from the fact that for all the gossip about the d.a. and the prosecutor, there's a taped
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conversation of trump trying to get votes to win the election. there is, you know, to me guilty pleas from three trump people. these guys pleaded guilty in this case and you know, don't forget trump earlier said fani willis was having an affair with a gang member. i mean -- it's, you know, it's all this kind of distraction and static, but the reality is there's a serious case here. >> john: maybe doesn't dismiss the case but moves it to another jurisdiction. juan, chris, great to spend time with you. now this. >> there's no question our plan of investing in america and the american people is working. >> sandra: that's the president's economic selling point, but millions of americans just are not buying it, including larry kudlow, who is here to tell us about the dirty little secret the president won't talk about. >> john: plus today is the anniversary of the original roe
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v. wade ruling and pro life activists are braving the d.c. snow for the annual march for life. marjorie's organization wants to end abortion nationwide. she is out there in the snow, she will tell us what this day means to her, coming up next. asg with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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>> john: along with all the weather, a situation in loudoun county, west of washington, d.c., a single engine aircraft just west of dulles international airport, we don't know where the plane took off from. this is at the corner of loudoun county parkway and the old ox road intersection there, where the plane has clearly suffered some sort of mechanical malfunction and rather than going to the airport has landed in the busy roadway, loudoun county parkway. so virginia authorities are on the scene there, trying to figure out what to do about this, but i would assume if this plane has a serious enough mechanical problem it had to land on the roadway, they'll have to come, take it apart, put it on a flatbed truck and haul it out of there, i don't think
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it will fly out of there. loudoun county parkway, old ox road, out there in the herndon sterling area west of dulles international airport. makes for an interesting afternoon. >> sandra: indeed. pro life demonstrators marching through washington in the annual march for life, after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade two years ago. marjorie, the president of susan b. anthony pro life america is braving the elements for the march. thank you for joining us. what is today about for you and this group? >> well, it's really great that it's snowing today because it really gives us a chance to look at the perseverance, the fortitude, ambition of the pro life movement marching for 50 years, it shows what the movement has got to take it into this next season where we
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finally have the law taken into the hands of the people, out of the hands of judges, and have begun in earnest, fight for the dignity of the human child and their mothers. >> sandra: you obviously had a lot to celebrate this year, this year is a little bit different as we head towards a presidential election. what do you anticipate and what is at stake here with this upcoming presidential election? >> it's the most important year in the pro life movement since 1973. this is it. we have the power to bring together consensus in this conversation about it, it's really vital that our pro life candidates look at what is doable so abortion after the third month when a child feels pain is a wildly popular limit in this nation, and it is definitely more popular than the democrats' position of unlimited abortion, it contrasts being shown in every federal race is vitally important, that's when the abortion advantage is used
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in these campaigns. that's critical. >> sandra: only a little time left, your quick response to kamala harris, the vice president said this just yesterday. >> the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. and if we could perhaps frame the discourse around that so that we understand that this is not about trying to convert someone in terms of their beliefs, it is simply saying that we respect autonomy. >> sandra: gives you a good idea how she and the president are framing this issue ahead of the 2024 election. your response to kamala harris. >> well, the american people see that there is two important lives in every abortion. the dignity of the woman and the dignity of the child. and the most important thing is to acknowledge that, and the actual debate, that there are two people in every
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consideration of the abortion question. so, if this were an appendectomy, we would never get the government involved. but this is about two people and consensus in the country, and the pro life candidates will embrace will be a very reasonable position contrasted with her position, which is unlimited up to the end. she won't come our way, he won't come our way. 38, 39 weeks, they say no to that, and that is simply out of step. >> sandra: marjorie, running out of time. what a crowd, what a showing you have there in the snowy weather in d.c. thanks for joining us. approach your time. >> john: a little cold but it is pretty. feds accused of turning banks into big brother, the new search terms we have learned that they were looking for and what house republicans are doing about it. >> sandra: plus former president trump targeting his closest challenger, nikki haley, out of the new hampshire primary and picking up a huge endorsement.
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shannon bream joining us from the granite state to preview the race.
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